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Watch Your Mouth

Who remembers the late 90’s comedy TV show, “Kids Say the Darndest Things?”

The host would pose a question or life topic to a child, who would respond with their own unfiltered answer. The often comedic and frank response made the audience laugh and made for good television. The show, however, reminds me of today’s society’s unfiltered speech. Sadly today, so many

Dr. Jonathan M. Bundon Worship Pastor First Baptist Church

people use words to hurt and destroy people, not for comedy. Words matter, yet people hide behind social media spewing hate and unfiltered thoughts without care for how they impact others. More remarkable still, it is not uncommon for gossip, crass or cruel words to be found in our workplace, our home, and even in our church. What are we to do then? King David recognized the human condition, specifically his proneness toward destructive speech. David prays to God, “Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the doors to my lips.” Psalm 141:3. Guarding our mouth/ tongue goes far beyond refraining from spouting off a curse word. As Christians, we must not fill our minds with filth and avoid toxic speech and people. Indeed, we are called to speak words of life, hope, and peace. You will be amazed at people’s reactions when you refuse to engage in negative speech and instead encourage, compliment, and affirm people. Indeed, Proverbs reminds us, “the tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love to talk will reap the consequences. ” Proverbs 18:21

Most people have heard of The Nobel Prize, named for Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel. In his will, he requested his assets be used to

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