4 minute read
Looking Back When someone knocks on your door…
Kings Mountain has many citizens who have played a role in building the community. A. Hunter Patterson was one such individual. In 1938, the Herald wrote a tribute to Mr. Patterson for his service, giving us a glimpse into the life of this business leader.
Arthur Hunter Patterson, Secretary and Treasurer of Home Building & Loan Association, 56, is recognized in the financial circles as a man of action and ability.
For the past fifteen years he has held the responsible position as secretary and treasurer of the Home Building and Loan Association, a financial institution of which Dr. J. E. Anthony is president, and J. B. Thomasson, vice president. Directors of this institution are J. B. Thomasson, J. E. Anthony, G. A. Bridges, I. G. Patterson, Z. F. Cranford. J. B. Mauney, L. L. Alexander, T. N. Harmon, and A. H. Patterson. This institution was organized in 1923 and since that time it has become responsible to the stockholders for $317,503.71.
Mr. Patterson enjoys a widespread reputation as being a financier who has always exercised the best of good judgement in his business negotiations. He is tactful and courteous to the prospective small homeowner as well as to the speculator.
Mr. Patterson has the interest of the entire community at heart, and he experiences a spontaneous overflow of joy in seeing that so many people of Kings Mountain realize the happiness and contentment which only home ownership can give.
Mr. A. H. Patterson is the son of Mrs. I. H. Patterson and the late Mr. Patterson of the Patterson Grove community. In 1881 Mr. Patterson was born amidst the splendor and grandeur which life on a large country estate can realize. He is a member of a large family. This one fact has contributed much toward molding the cosmopolitan businessman who is always active in community life.
In his youth Mr. Patterson attended the small school at Patterson Grove. When he completed the scholastic work there, he continued his studies at Rutherford College.
In his early business life, Mr. Patterson was employed in the clerical force of Plonk, Kiser, and Company, and then with Kiser and Mauney.
During the administration of President Wilson, Mr. Patterson served as Postmaster of Kings Mountain. In this capacity he served the government to the best of his ability, and the receipts of the local office showed an increase.
Mr. Patterson was a member of the town board for two years, and for the past nine years he has been an efficient member of the Kings Mountain School Board. Mr. Patterson was one of the board members who strove with untiring zeal and determination to rebuild the Kings Mountain High School unit after it was destroyed by fire in the fall of 1932.
See LOOKING , Page 5A
Knocking on doors is as American as apple pie. Politicians, sales persons, clergy, Girl Scouts, federal census workers, and the list goes on of persons and professions who have depended on knocking on doors.
When I was a child, I sold GRIT newspapers. I needed to knock on a lot of doors to sell 20 papers which made me a cool $1. Serving churches for years, I have probably knocked on over a thousand-plus doors to invite people to church. I’m so glad no one shot me.
The recent shooting of a 16-year-old teenager in Kansas City, mistakenly knocking on the wrong door, is beyond insane. The teenage boy was at the wrong house to pick up his brothers who were a block away. Who shoots through a door without reason unless the individual is crazy or on drugs or perhaps both? The problem is, we do have a severe mental illness epidemic in America and a drug crisis. Throw in America’s growing gun violence issues and therefore knocking on strange doors becomes a scary scenario.
I admit hearing someone knock on the door at dinner time is a bit aggravating. Usually for me, it’s a high school band member selling mulch to raise money for the band. Or, it’s someone raising money for another school project. You can’t be irritated with a 15-year-old kid who is out trying to raise money for his school. Unless, you are crazy or on drugs. Then anything might tick you off. By all means, don’t be this person!
For the most part, more and more industrious people are relying on social media to try to gain new business. It’s true you can reach more people more efficiently via Internet advertising, social media, and other media sources than by taking all day to knock on a few doors. If people want it, they will respond to your advertising.
People have rightfully withdrawn from knocking on doors because they are paranoid of disturbing someone’s favorite television pro- gram, meal or nap. This is never a good environment for making a sale or making a friend.
Maybe the day of selling magazine subscriptions, brushes, vacuum cleaners, and stuff like that door-to-door is in the past. Do any ministers ever knock on your door and invite you to church?
If someone does knock on your door, don’t immediately invite them into your house. They should have a picture identification badge for you to see. They also should talk to you about a future appointment when you can make time for the pitch. In addition, they should present you with some information containing a phone number so you can call them if you have further interest. You can always say “no thank you,” and shut your door. If you have a chain lock on your door or a locked glass door you can talk through, then you are even better off.
Give careful consideration to the hard work some people put into knocking on doors.
Better still, give even more careful consideration to how you answer the door.
Farce of Nature cast. (Photo provided)