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Invited Radnor Township Artists


Valerie Craig

A representational painter, Valerie believes painting is a witness of intimate moments, an opportunity to discern the beautiful in the ordinary or every day. Known for her expressive brushwork, she looks to both the figure and nature for inspiration regarding light, color, and design. Selected honors include Silver Award, 2022 Ireland's Art in the Open, Best Maritime 2022, Cape Ann Plein Air, Best of Show, 2021 American Impressionist Society's Small Works; Judge's Award, 2020 Olmsted Plein Air; Best in Show, 2021 LandArtEvents; Best of Show

2019 Olmsted Plein Air Invitational's Petit Painting; Artists' Choice Award, 2019 Gloucester

Plein Air Invitational; Marjorie Bradley Memorial Award, 2018 American Impressionist Society

2018 National Exhibition; Artists' Choice Award, 2017 Ireland's Art in the Open; Juror's Award, 2019 Wayne Plein Air Festival; Second Place, 2016 Plein Air Magazine National Annual Salon; Award of Distinction, American Impressionist's 2014 National Exhibition; Grand Prize, 2013 American Women Artists OnLine Juried Competition; Gold Award, Ireland’s 2013 International Art in the Open Festival.

“ Whetherpaintingvastopenareasorintimatespaces,Iwantmypaintingto resonatewithanideaofaplace,amemory, orasensation.Whileabstract shapesorlightpatternsinitiallydrawmetoasubject,myimaginationcreatesa storyduringthepaintingprocess,deeplyconnectingmetothesubject.

Paintingfromlife,onlocation,withartistsoralone,ismyjoy.Iamconstantly searching,learning,andrevelinginthepaintingprocess.”

Deb Craley

Debbie’s love of art has always been a large part of her life as evidenced by the time she spent during her youth sketching everything from landscapes to portraits of family and friends. While raising her children in Wayne, she started classes at the Wayne Art Center and continues to explore a variety of techniques and styles of painting.

Everyday moments are her biggest inspirations. Observing animals at a local farm or pulling together fruits from the farmer’s market, all make the perfect subject to paint.

Debbie continues to focus on value, edges, color, and design of varied subjects. Her work is primarily impressionistic; however, she enjoys trying on new styles and techniques while attending her classes at WAC, currently with Anne Graham. She is active in volunteering for the Plein Air event annually and promoting the art center wherever she goes.

The added benefits for Debbie are the lifelong friendships she has made with fellow students and teachers. Her art has marked her journey through life and is a constant neverending joy.

Her work is exhibited in local juried and non-juried shows, and she paints custom pieces and pet portraits as well.

Lindsay DuBarry

Lindsay DuBarry was born in Charlottesville, VA in 1948. She has lived on the Main Line of Philadelphia since she was a young child and currently resides with her husband in Villanova. She began her art career later in life after her children had married. She has studied almost exclusively at the Wayne Art Center (WAC). She has studied extensively with Karen Fogarty and Carol Kardon. She paints in oil and enjoys painting landscapes, still lifes and the occasional portrait.

She has participated in workshops with Valerie Craig, Roger Dale Brown, David Lussier, Sara Linda Poly, and John Poon among others. She was the recipient of a Juror’s Award in 2005 in the WAC student show. In 2012, she won the Quita Broadhead Memorial Award in the WAC member’s juried show and in 2013, she won the Wayne Art Center Award in the Expressions of Radnor Show. In 2019, she had a solo show at the St. David’s Episcopal Church. In February of 2020 she participated in a three woman show at the Wayne Art Center with Debbie Craley and Nancy McGivney. She is a member of and has participated in many juried shows of the Delaware Valley Art League. Her art is held in many private collections.

“ Inmypaintings,Iseektocapture asenseofplace.Ifindrealdelight ingettingthearchitecturaldetails intherightplaceandinimposing myownsenseoforder.Barnsand cowshavespecialimportandare oftenchosenassubjects.The locallandscapes,oursummer houseinthePoconos,my daughter’sNHpropertyand variousgolfadventuresplaya largepartinmyartaswell.Itry andhavetheseconnections impartdepthtomyworkand informthespacesIpaint.”

Patti Auguste Hallowell

Patti Auguste Hallowell is originally from the D.C. metro area but has spent her adult life outside of Philadelphia. In her early years as a painter, she studied at the Corcoran Art Museum in Washington, with Ralph Deburgess in Georgetown and as a studio major at Gettysburg College. For many years, she worked out of a studio in Philadelphia and was represented by Rosenfeld Gallery on Arch St. in Old City. Currently she works on abstract paintings, still life studies and the landscapes of Provence, Philadelphia, the Chesapeake Bay, and the American Southwest. The plein air approach to capturing the landscape provides a direct and visceral experience while providing lots of time outdoors. Abstract painting is also important and very gratifying as it lends itself to direct problem solving without the need to replicate.

Nancy McGivney

Nancy McGivney is a native of the Philadelphia suburbs and currently shows her work at Wayne Art Center and on Nantucket.

"Iamadaydreamer,constantlyobservingthevisualworld.Thereisan immediateattractiontosomething everydayobjectsorscenes.Theactof paintingisajourney.Notasimpletaskbutanoften-puzzlingexplorationto figureoutwhatexactlyitisthatsparkedmyinterestandwhatIwanttosayabout it.Gettingitdownoncanvasisthechallenge,connectingwithaviewerisan addedrewardanddelight."

Daria Nawrocki

Originally from Moscow, Russia, Daria has lived in the Philadelphia area for almost 30 years. She studied art predominantly at the Wayne Art Center. Over the last decade, her art has been displayed at art centers, medical facilities, and several art galleries, including the Square Pear and the Philadelphia Sketch club. Daria’s solo show at Buunni Coffee in Riverdale, NY, received local press coverage, and she is planning a small group show at the Old City Jewish Art Center in May 2023. Daria is an active member and former board member of the Delaware Valley Art League.

“ Nature’sbeautyislimitlessandawe-inspiring.Itseverydetailisfilledwith purpose.Incredibledepthscanbegleanedfromlookingatthingsaroundus moreclosely.Myartcapturestheintricatedetailsofoureverydayenvironments andbringsthosemomentsintofocus.Iachievethatthroughrefiningeach elementuntilitsnapsintoplace,creatingadeepervisionintoitsessence.”

Heather Block Reilly

I live in Radnor and have been a regular visitor of Chanticleer Gardens since 1997 which inspired in me a love of gardening. The enthusiasm of gardeners at Chanticleer is unparalleled. Their love of plants, materials, beauty, and experimentation is contagious, and they always generously share their wealth of knowledge. I was completely consumed by gardening while raising my children, until I discovered oil paints. Looking back, I think the gardeners at Chanticleer are all artists and were my first art teachers.

I began to study oil painting at the Wayne Art Center under Michael Doyle almost 10 years ago. With absolutely no drawing skills, he taught me how to see and use a palette knife and I haven’t looked back. I continue to study under Michael Doyle, and under Anne Graham who are both such dedicated and talented artists and teachers. I have also studied under a long list of teachers at the Wayne Art Center every moment well spent. I have entered a handful of paintings in the art center’s shows. Mostly, I have kept my paintings to myself to help me learn.

I will be showing a collection of my work for the first time, along with Ona Hamilton at Beaumont at Bryn Mawr from March 12 – April 26, 2023.

“ Idonotseemyselfasalandscape painterbutcouldnotresistthe opportunitytopayrespecttothe artisansatChanticleer.Iloveto observeshape,color,andform throughstilllifes.Ithinkthat Chanticleergivesusonebreathtaking stilllifeafter another thewaythegardenersput plantsandfurnitureandarchitecture togetherlookssoeffortlessand natural.Iknow thatthisisnotthecase.Itis onlythroughcarefulobservation, study,planning,imagination,and cooperationfromMotherNaturethat theycreatetheirmagicalgardens.”

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