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The favor of God is on us. The favor of God goes before us. This is the day the Lord has made, And we will rejoice and be glad in it. We are blessed going in, We are blessed going out, We are blessed in the city, We are blessed in the country, Whatever we touch prospers, We cover ourselves in the blood of Jesus Christ, Amen.



I pray this word given is planted into great soil amen. I believe every person reading this article is great soil! Please say with me, “I am great soil. I will receive the Word of God, The Word of God grows in me, The Word of God changes circumstances, God’s Word causes me to increase, God’s Word gives me favor and God’s Word is full of Grace, Amen". You may think you know all there is to grace through faith, however I believe the Word of God can be compared to an onion. There are layers upon layers of revelation of knowledge in the word of God , just like an onion we can remove a layers and still there is more, as God's word is never ending. That’s what I love about the word of God,when think you have God and his word worked out, think again! I believe God says," Watch this, or look at that, see what I can do, and I can still show you deeper revelations in my word!" That’s God and His nature as He is always full of sudden surprises. I say it only takes one word from the Lord to change your life There has been many times in my life that one word from God has changed the direction of my life. Who knows that one word from God can change your destiny? I say God and His word is full of surprises

amen. Who likes God’s surprises? I certainly do, for example, who has had the experience of reading a particular passage of scripture , it could be for decades and then God reveals a deeper revelation of that scripture to you, that you never saw before? Have you experienced this? You may have read a particular passage of scripture for years but never viewed it in a particular way. I personally have found this a lot in my Christian walk, I have read passages of scripture for years and then the lord says, look at that scripture again. So in terms of faith and grace, you may known all the scriptures off by heart about faith and grace, and heard all the messages there is on this subject , but today I ask you to allow the Holy Spirit to peel off new layers, to give you a fresh revelation of what His word says and of course how to apply it in your life amen. It's one thing to hear the word but then we must apply it, remember the Holy Spirit is the guider of truth, He is the instructor, He is full of wisdom. He is with us today wherever we may be, so ask Him now,

“Holy Spirit please teach me more, give me deeper revelation of your word,” So you ask, "Brother Wayne what is faith?" According to the Hayford's Bible Handbook (1995) "Faith is, a belief in or confident attitude toward God involving commitment to his will for ones life". Hayford also says, “Saving faith involves personally depending on the finished work of Christ's sacrifice as the only basis for forgiveness of sins " (This is vitally important to remember as we progress in this lesson) Christ's sacrifice for the forgivensss of sins. I want us to look at Romans 5:1, Please notice the word justified. "Therefore having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ". (Romans 5:1) We can say it this way, being justified with our confidence in God for the forgivenss of sins through the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ. You must have a confidence of what Jesus did for you on the cross, you must know who you are in Him and what He did for you. The message Bible says Romans 5:1 this way, "By entering through faith (catch the word faith) into what god has always wanted to do for us – set us right

"when you think you have God and his word worked out, think again."
"I believe every person reading this article is great soil."

with him, make us fit him, we have all together with God because of our master Jesus". I like that translation when it says, “Set us right with Him.” Who knows its a wonderful thing being set right in God? We have been justified through the faith, or you can say through the confidence in Jesus sacrifice for us. The Amplified Bible says Romans 5:1 this way, "Therefore, since we have been justified [that is, acquitted of sin, declared blameless before God] by faith, [let us grasp the fact that] we have peace with God [and the joy of reconciliation with Him] through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed)". Did you notice the word peace? I believe when we know we are justified and reconciled unto God through faith by the Lord Jesus Christ, we have peace only God can bring into our lives, amen. I want you to see that, through the diverse scriptures we are justified with God through faith. Remember justified meaning made right in Gods eyes, we are reconciled to God, reconciliation means we

are brought back, as once we were away and because of Jesus (the anointed one) and what He did for us, He brought us back. Jesus paid the price and through His sacrifice, He became the bridge back to God for humanity. We need to have confidence in God that He has reconciled us because of Jesus's death. Let me say this, salvation is not for free, salvation should never be seen as something cheap, it cost Jesus His life for you and me. I like what the message translation said "we are a right fit with God, because of faith" , so faith to me is very important. Let's now look at Hebrews 11:6, I want you to catch something, that one day bounced out at me. God was pulling off the layers of His word as He showed me the following, Hebrews 11:6 nkjv "But without faith it is impossible to please him for he comes to od must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him." I want you to see this, if we reverse the first portion of Hebrews 11:6 Which says, with faith its impossible to please God, if we reverse it would say, "With faith we please

God." As we further read it states, “and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Is grace a reward to those who seek God? I would say, "Yes!"

I believe grace is a by product of salvation. Once again we see Jesus in the picture, if He did not die for us and our sins there was no way of reconciliation of man back to God, and I believe grace would not be available. We owe Jesus so much amen My friends Faith is so important that the just shall live by it.(Rom 1:17) Remember justification is being in right standing with God, you could say because of what Jesus did for us, we get God's grace, we get his favour , and we are in right standing with Him. Please repeat this after me, "Because of Jesus, i am justified, I thank God for His grace and mercy every day amen " His grace is sufficient for us in every situation we find our self in (or in the future) Please have faith in God's grace to see you through the hard time, when all others abandon you, remember God will never leave you nor forsake you.(Deut 31:6) What a friend we have in God, I am so thankful for the grace of God in my life, Amen.

~Wayne A. Clarris~


If you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life then I would like to give this opportunity to you. Friends when we die, we live forever as spirit being. The decision to spend eternity with God is completely up to you. Romans 10:9 says, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead then you will be saved. (Romans 10:9 paraphrased NKJV)

To make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savoir, please pray this with me:

"Lord Jesus come into my life, please forgive me of all my sins, I acknowledge you are the Christ the Son of the living God and I need to be saved, I believe you died on the cross for my sins and I am now yours. Please wash me clean in your precious blood. Take my life and do something with it. I ask all these things in your name Jesus Amen."

If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life we would love to hear about it, please contact us at clarrisministries@gmail.com


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