Golden Rule #2: How to Find High Traffic Keywords VIDEO
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Video Transcript
In this lesson we’ll be taking a look at the second Golden Rule of Keyword Research, namely Traffic.
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We’ll be covering: (1) The difference between searches and traffic (2) We’ll also discuss the Organic Traffic settings in Market Samurai (3) And finally we’ll look at how to find keywords that have sufficient traffic to be worth targeting
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High and low traffic keywords
In every niche, there are many different keyword phrases and every phrase has a value based on how many people use it to access the niche. Some keywords generate high levels of traffic while other keywords generate low levels of traffic. For example in the dog training niche, on average 249 people per day explore the niche by entering the phrase ‘How to train a dog’ into Google. In contrast, only 1 person per day explores the niche using the phrase ‘Dog training facts’.
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Zero-in on best keywords
Many people are surprised to learn that in most niches over 90% of all keywords have insignificant levels of traffic and are not really worth spending a lot of time and effort on. Unfortunately, when a lot of people start their Internet business, they target keywords at random and are then disappointed to find that they receive little or no traffic to their website. Using Market Samurai however, you’ll be able to zero in on the minority of keywords in your niche that do have significant levels of traffic. So let’s cross over to Market Samurai and take a look at how this works in the real world.
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Dog training example
In this example, I’ve created a project based on the term ‘dog training’ . To analyze the keywords I’ve generated, I just come down here and click the ‘Analyze Keywords’ button.
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Organic Traffic data
In this video we’ll be focusing on the Organic Traffic data, which is why I’ve checked all of these checkboxes and unchecked all the other checkboxes. As you can see we now have four columns of data that describe the organic traffic associated with a selection of keywords in the dog training niche.
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Total Searches
The first column is Searches and this shows the average number of people who search for a particular keyword each day.
Sort data by clicking on column heading
I can sort my data from high to low by clicking on the column heading ‘Searches’. So this means that on average 364,932 people search for the term ‘puppy’ and its derivatives each day. Golden Rule #2: How to Find High Traffic Keywords - 8
SEO Traffic
The next column is ‘SEO Traffic’ which we abbreviate to SEOT. To understand SEO Traffic we first need to clarify the difference between Searches and Traffic.
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Difference between searches and traffic
Whenever Google displays a page of results relating to a particular keyword, a high percentage of people will choose to explore the #1 ranked website. A smaller percentage of people will choose to explore the #2 ranked website and so on. The average breakdown of these percentages is as follows: The number 1 ranked website receives 42% of clicks The number 2 ranked website receives 12% of clicks The number 3 ranked website receives 8% of clicks The number 4 ranked website receives 6% of clicks The number 5 ranked website receives 5% of clicks The number 6 ranked website receives 4% of clicks The number 7 ranked website receives 3% of clicks
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And the remaining clicks are shared between all the other sites listed in Google. What this means is that even if you are the number 1 ranked website in google for a particular keyword, there is a big difference between the number of people who search for a phrase and the number of people who will actually click through and visit your website.
Definition of SEO Traffic (SEOT)
So rather than basing your analysis on search numbers and then being disappointed by the actual traffic you receive, we developed the concept of SEO Traffic which gives you an indication of the maximum daily visitors that the #1 ranked website in Google could potentially receive from each keyword. In fact, because SEOT is a more accurate estimate of actual traffic, I’ll just go up here and hide the total searches column to make things a little easier.
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Phrase to Broad Match Ratio
The next column we’ll look at is the Phase to Broad Match Ratio which is a useful filter for eliminating misleading keyword phrases. The higher the PBR, the more likely it is that people are actually searching for a phrase in Google.
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Trends information
And the final column we’ll look at today is the Trends column which provides a visual representation of the monthly traffic trends for each keyword. The first bar relates to January and the last bar relates to December. Now because I’m analyzing keywords in November 2009, the first ten bars make use of data from January 2009 to October 2009. However, the last two bars make use of data from November 2008 and December 2008. In this way the graph always provides twelve months of trend information.
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Identifying seasonal keywords
The Trends graph is particularly useful for identifying keywords that are very seasonal. For example, here is organic traffic data for the keyword phrase 'halloween costumes'. You can see that this is a very seasonal term with a large spike in October as you’d expect. If you want even more trend related information, just click on the trend graph.
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Additional trend information
This will open a new window that provides more detailed information relating to the trends associated with your keyword phrase. OK, let me just close this window and we’ll get back to Market Samurai.
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Setting a SEO Traffic filter
Now that we’ve looked at what each of the organic traffic indicators mean, lets take a look at how to identify keywords that have significant levels of traffic and are worth targeting. The first step is to set a traffic filter. To do this I just click the plus sign next to SEO Traffic and enter a min traffic value.
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SEOT = 80
At Noble Samurai we like to use the value 80. This will filter out any keywords that do not have the potential to deliver at least 80 visitors per day, to the number 1 ranked website in Google.
PBR = 15%
The next step is to set a Phrase to Broad match filter of 15% to filter out any misleading terms from Google. Golden Rule #2: How to Find High Traffic Keywords - 17
Sort by SEOT
Finally if I click on the SEOT heading I can sort my keywords by the amount of traffic they can potentially deliver to my website.
So in this video we took a look at the second golden rule of keyword research - Traffic. We clarified the difference between searches and traffic. Golden Rule #2: How to Find High Traffic Keywords - 18
Then we examined each of the organic traffic analysis tools in Market Samurai, and finally we saw that by setting an SEO traffic filter of 80 and a PBR filter of 15 we can identify keywords that have the potential to deliver significant traffic to our website.
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