OPS CORE September 2022

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Optimum Performance Studio The Ultimate Training Facility CONTENTHIGHLIGHTSOPS 16 Editor’s Note From the editors desk 03 NASM Free Articles Start Reading 32 AFAA GFI Group Fitness Certificate Online Courses4834 Trainer Insurance Get yourself covered Featured Article Derek Ng: Animal Flow 210 NASM Virtual Coaching Online Courses Now Available12 Magazine September 2022 YBELL Article 7 Most Effective Chest Exercises 06

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M y c a r e e r i n f i t n e s s b e g a n i n t h e l a t e 1 9 7 0 s , w h i c h u n i n t e n t i o n a l l y g a v e m e t h e c h a n c e t o w i t n e s s n u m e r o u s s h i f t s a n d c h a n g e s i n s i d e t h i s c o n s t a n t l y c h a n g i n g b u s i n e s s . T h e m o s t s a t i s f y i n g e x p e r i e n c e o f a l l h a s b e e n t h e w o n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n i t y i t h a s g i v e n m e t o t r a v e l , e d u c a t e , a n d t r a n s f o r m t h e l i v e s o f c o u n t l e s s o t h e r s A c a r e e r i n t h e f i t n e s s b u s i n e s s i s t h e p e r f e c t c h o i c e f o r y o u i f y o u ' r e t h e k i n d o f p e r s o n w h o w a n t s t o d i r e c t l y a f f e c t p e o p l e ' s w e l l b e i n g Y o u ' l l c e r t a i n l y f i n d t h e i d e a l f i t w i t h s o m a n y o p t i o n s a n d f i t n e s s p a t h s a v a i l a b l e . O P S C o r e M a g a z i n e

3 I t n e v e r c e a s e s t o a m a z e m e h o w r a p i d l y t i m e p a s s e s a s w e a p p r o a c h t h e f i n a l q u a r t e r o f t h e y e a r A t t h i s t i m e , i t i s r e a s o n a b l e t o s t a t e t h a t t h i n g s a p p e a r t o h a v e s o m e w h a t t u r n e d a r o u n d , a n d w e c a n d e c l a r e w i t h s o m e d e g r e e o f c e r t a i n t y t h a t o u r e d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m s a r e f i n a l l y g e t t i n g b a c k o n t r a c k . T h i s i s f a n t a s t i c n e w s f o r y o u , t h e c o n s u m e r , a s w e h a v e b e e n w o r k i n g h a r d t o f i n d f r e s h a n d i n t r i g u i n g p r o g r a m m i n g t o p r o v i d e a l i t t l e m o r e v a r i e t y t o o u r s c h e d u l e . P r o g r a m s l i k e S p o r t s M a s s a g e a n d n u m e r o u s o t h e r c o u r s e s r e l a t i n g t o r e h a b i l i t a t i o n a r e b e i n g s o u r c e d Y o u w i l l b e a b l e t o f i n d t h e m o n o u r w e b s i t e a f t e r t h e y h a v e a l l b e e n f i n a l i s e d . w w w o p s t u d i o h k c o m






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Joint JDynamics oint Dynamics Mentorship Mentorship Phases 1& P2 hases 1& 2 NASM NASM CPT CPT Squash Squash Coach Coach Animal Animal Flow Flow Certified Certified Bachelor of Arts Bin achelor of Arts in Creative CWriting reative Writing @ D e r e k . n k t


Animal Flow plays in such a different spectrum of strength compared to traditional strength training, it can humble even very strong lifters. It requires not just strength, but also an excellent understanding of tensioning and weight transfer/distribution in addition to coordination and mobility.

Animal Flow L2 Workshop Watching videos online, Animal Flow may look cool and dare I say it, easy.

The Level 2 workshop introduced progressions to hand balancing, with the end goal being a full tuck balance, as well as eight new transitions and three new traveling forms. Moreover, it further examines how Animal Flow trains the fascial slings of the body and experiments around energy transfer and momentum in flows, with three main concepts - redirects, rolls, and breaks.


In my own practice, while I had begun to get a basic inkling of these concepts, especially during “free flows” (basically unscripted flows), where one movement almost naturally leads you into another if you allow the momentum to carry you, the L2 workshop breaks it down into much more concise concepts. I particularly value these because it is something that is hard to attain in traditional strength training, and while yes, there are plyometrics in every plane, AF takes it to another level in terms of full body integration and energy transfer, and if working with athletes it is an invaluable resource to have at your disposal.

“It’s just crawling, how hard could it be?” But make no mistake, that is only because those instructors make it look effortless, because it is anything but. The Level 1 workshop left me sore for a good few days afterwards, and despite having practiced diligently in the time since, the Level 2 workshop proved to be no diffBecauseerent.

Oftentimes the focus is on getting as strong as possible, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. At the end of the day, the different disciplines of training all have their time and place. However for me, Animal Flow provides a very unique bridge between traditional strength training and sport. The deeper understanding of your own body, the conscious recognition of where I’m producing my power, how I’m producing said power, and where I’m transferring my weight to and from are by far the most valuable takeaways I’ve gained from practicing Animal Flow. Especially for athletes who’s sport might not prioritise absolute strength, Animal Flow is an excellent addition to any trainer’s toolkit.




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The NASM-CPT program does more than introduce you to the fundamentals of training. It sets you on the path to becoming a leader in the industry.AtNASM, we want you to succeed. That’s why our courses are offered on a variety of formats, including hands-on learning, self directed and self-paced study. The NASM-CPT is one of the most sought after certifications in the personal training industry.


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The OPT™ model sets NASM apart from the rest of the industry. From the beginning, NASM has focused on developing fitness programs based on the latest scientific research, not anecdotal evidence. That focus on science – facts, not fads – led to the creation of the most rigorously tested system available to fitness professionals today: the proprietary Optimum Performance Training™ (OPT™) model. The OPT™ model is a systematic training reconditioning and rehabilitation program that covers the entire body through three distinct levels that build one into the next : Stabilisation, Strength and Power.


Pectoralis Major The pectoralis major is a thick, fan-shaped muscle under the breast tissue. It originates at your clavicle, ribs, and sternum and is divided into the clavicular, sternocostal, and abdominal parts. All three insert onto the humerus.

7 Most Effective Dumbbell Chest Exercises To Do At Home Posted by Aaron Laurence 7 Most Effective Dumbbell Chest Exercises To Do At Home The Muscles of the Chest 5 Benefits of an At-Home Chest Workout 7 Dumbbell Chest Exercises FAQs About Dumbbell Chest Exercises Many athletes and strength trainers struggle to build muscle mass in their chest. Strength training enthusiasts and bodybuilders are constantly searching for the best at-home dumbbell chest exercises to build their pecs. The good news is that you don't need expensive machines or a gym membership to put together a solid chest workout. A set of dumbbells is an excellent complement to barbells for a chest workout. But, you can also easily create an at-home chest workout with just dumbbells. This blog will delve into the anatomy of your chest, the benefits of working out your chest with dumbbells, and some exceptional dumbbell chest exercises you can start doing today. The Muscles of the Chest Your upper body's "pushing" muscles are your chest muscles, AKA pectorals or pecs, along with the deltoid and triceps. Your pecs allow you to perform pushing movements like presses.

The pectoralis major has three main functions, depending on which part is Flexion,involved: adduction, and medial (internal) rotation of your arm at the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint)



The clavicular part causes flexion of your arm when extended The sternoclavicular part causes extension of your arm when flexed It’s the majority of the muscle mass in your chest, so you want to focus on the pec major in your dumbbell chest workout for building size. Exercises that develop your pectoralis major: is a flat, triangular muscle that's located under the pectoralis major and forms the front wall of your armpit. It originates from the third, fourth, and fifth ribs. The pec minor travels upward and laterally then inserts at the coracoid process of the scapula (shoulder blade). The pectoralis minor stabilises the shoulder blade by pulling it downward and forward against your thoracic wall (rib cage). This is called the protraction of the shoulder blade. It also helps with your body's breathing process. When you inhale, the pectoralis minor contracts and elevates your ribs, allowing air to fill your Exerciseslungs. that develop your pectoralis minor: Gross StandingChestDoorwaystretchstretchdipsfly

1. You’ll Improve Your Posture Since your pectorals are one of the largest muscles of your upper body, they are vital to your posture. Spending most of your day bent over a computer will tighten your pecs. When this happens, your shoulders will round and your shoulder blades will pull forward, creating a hunched posture. Tight pecs can also decrease your range of motion for overhead pressing movements.However, when you work out your chest regularly with dumbbells, your pectorals will be able to move properly through their full range of motion.

Deltoid Muscle The deltoid is the primary muscle in your shoulder. It consists of three parts — the anterior deltoid, lateral deltoid, and posterior deltoid. The anterior deltoid works with the pectoralis major to allow for shoulder flexion and transverse adduction.

Other Upper-body Muscles The triceps, deltoid muscles, and serratus anterior are not part of the chest muscles. However, they do work in conjunction with your pectorals. Many strength training programs will work the pecs and triceps together. You’ll find that your shoulders and triceps will benefit from your dumbbell chest workouts. Triceps Brachii The triceps are in the back of your upper arms. Your triceps are vital for shoulder extension and stabilisation during pressing movements like the dumbbell bench press.

5 Benefits of an At-Home Chest Workout There are many benefits to doing chest exercises with dumbbells at home, but here are just a few:

Serratus Anterior The serratus anterior covers the side of your ribcage. It is responsible for protraction (upward and forward movement) of the scapula and thoracic wall, allowing for overhead lifting. It also pulls your shoulder blade around the ribs, which gives you shoulder stability during pushing movements.

4. You’ll Burn More Calories According to the Mayo Clinic, strength training and weightlifting at least twice per week to build muscle is one of the best ways to increase your calorie expenditure. That’s because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does. So as you strengthen your pecs and build more muscle, you’ll burn more calories.

21 This will help keep your body upright without pulling forward, creating a better posture. This is why it’s vital to strengthen and stretch your pecs as part of your regular workout regimen.

2. You’ll Breathe Better Poor posture and tight (or shortened) pectoral muscles compromise your rib cage's ability to expand. When the pectoralis minor compresses, the blood vessels in your arms also compress, which can cause poor circulation, numbness, or tingling. The pecs are sometimes referred to as "breathing muscles." That's because one of the functions of the pectoralis minor is to elevate and expand your rib cage when inhaling. This movement of your rib cage allows for full and deep diaphragmatic breathing. You are promoting deeper breathing and proper circulation by strengthening your chest muscles with dumbbell exercises.

You use your pecs during most daily movements — anything that involves pushing, pulling, or carrying. These also happen to be three of the essential functional movements for daily activity. As you strengthen your pecs, you’re supporting your entire upper body. Once you’ve established a solid chest workout, everyday tasks like picking up boxes, pushing a stroller, or carrying groceries up and down a flight of stairs will become easier on your body. Whether you're an athlete, a workout enthusiast, or simply looking to get healthier, creating a dumbbell workout for your chest is vital to your overall mobility and functional fitness.

3. You’ll Increase Your Functional Fitness


5. You’ll Have More Breast Support Many women avoid chest strengthening exercises because of a widespread belief that they’ll make breasts smaller. In truth, working your pectorals, which are beneath your breasts, can lift your bust-line, providing additional lift and support for your breasts. A training regimen that combines body weight exercises with resistance exercises can tone your pecs, giving your breasts a more prominent appearance. Dumbbell Chest Exercises How do you increase your chest muscles? Add some of these exercises to your dumbbell only home chest workout.

A proper chest workout will involve strengthening your shoulders and arms at the same time. Consider a bodyweight push-up: this compound movement works your pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, triceps, deltoids, abdominals, and erector spinae. You're increasing your overall caloric burn by building all these muscles in conjunction.

1. Flat Bench Dumbbell Chest Press The chest press is a classic upper-body strength training exercise for building and toning your pecs. It’s a great mobility movement for improving daily activities like pushing shopping carts or picking up boxes. It’s also beneficial for softball, tennis, and golf athletes. worked: Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor



This chest press variation uses an incline bench, which targets the pectoralis major and shoulders. To avoid straining your shoulders or rotator cuff, you should consider using a lighter weight for incline dumbbell chest Musclespresses. worked: Upper pectoralis major Lower pectoralis minor Anterior deltoids TricepsBiceps Equipment needed: Incline bench Pair of medium dumbbells or YBell Neos

23 Equipment needed: Weight bench Pair of heavy dumbbells or YBell Pros

How to do a dumbbell chest press: Lie on a flat weight bench with your feet on each side of the bench, flat on the Pressfloor.your shoulders into the bench by drawing them down and back. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forward. This is your starting position. Exhale, then press your arms up in one fluid motion. Be sure to keep your elbows slightly bent. Inhale, then slowly lower the dumbbells to your chest. This is one rep. Repeat for 8 to 12 reps. 2. Incline Bench Reverse-Grip Dumbbell Chest Press

How to do an incline dumbbell chest press: From an upright position, set your bench backward 30-to 45-degrees, depending on your comfort level. Sit back on the bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand and letting them rest on your knees. Position your feet on both sides of the bench and flat on the floor. Lift the dumbbells to the sides of your chest, with your palms facing up. Your elbows should be at about a 45-degree angle. This is your starting position. Exhale, then push the dumbbells straight up and in, above your pecs, using a supinated grip (palms facing up). Inhale, then control the dumbbells back down to the starting position. This is one Repeatrep.for 8 to 12 reps. 3. Dumbbell Floor Press The dumbbell floor press has a shorter range of motion than the flat bench dumbbell chest press. At first glance, this may make it seem like an easier movement, but don’t be fooled. A heavy floor press can generate as much full-body tension as a flat bench press while reducing shoulder joint extension. Add in the fact that the only equipment you need is a pair of dumbbells, and that makes this one of the best exercises for a chest workout at home with dumbbells. Muscles worked: Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor TricepsBicepsDeltoids Equipment needed: Pair of heavy dumbbells or YBell Pros Not needed, but recommended: An exercise mat for back comfort

25 4. Flat Dumbbell Chest Flyes Chest flyes are a great chest day movement because they work your entire upper body. It's also a great chest opener movement, which can reduce upper back pain and tightness in your upper body. The chest flye has many variations, like incline, decline, or reverse flye. Muscles worked: Pectoralis major Anterior deltoids RhomboidBicepsTriceps muscles Serratus PairWeightEquipmentanteriorneeded:benchoflightdumbbells or YBell Arcs How to do a flat dumbbell chest fly: Lie on a flat weight bench with your feet on each side of the bench, flat on the Keepfloor.your head and back pressed to the bench throughout this movement. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, lift your arms above your head with your palms facing each other. Extend your arms out, but keep a slight bend at your elbows. This is your starting position. Inhale, then squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower the dumbbells in an arc motion with control until they’re level with your chest. Your arms should be laterally extended but not locked out. Exhale, then slowly push the dumbbells up to your starting position in the same arc motion. This is one rep. Repeat for 12 to 15 reps.

5. Standing Chest Flyes This variation of the chest flye targets your chest and shoulders to build muscle strength and power. For women, standing chest flyes can also give your breasts a slight lift, giving them a larger appearance. Muscles worked: Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Anterior deltoids RhomboidBicepsTriceps muscles Serratus anterior Equipment needed: Pair of medium dumbbells or YBell Neos Not needed, but recommended: An exercise mat for foot comfort How to do standing chest flyes: Stand on your exercise mat with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. Keeping a neutral spine, hinge forward at your hips at a 45-degree angle. Place your arms at your sides, holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other. This is your starting position.

27 Exhale, then with a slight bend in your elbows, lift the dumbbells up laterally until they reach shoulder height. Pause at the top of the motion, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Inhale, then lower the dumbbells with control back to your starting position. This is one rep. Repeat for 12 to 15 reps. 6. Dumbbell Flye to Press The dumbbell flye to press is an excellent compound mobility movement that works your pectorals from multiple angles. It has all the benefits of a traditional dumbbell chest press while also giving your pecs a great stretch. Muscles worked: Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior Anterior deltoids RhomboidBicepsTriceps muscles Trapezius Equipment needed: Weight bench Pair of medium dumbbells or YBell Neos

7. Dumbbell Pullovers Dumbbell pullovers, also known as chest pullovers, are another great strength exercise for you to add to chest day. Not only is it an excellent dumbbell pec workout, but it’s also fabulous for strengthening your abs, triceps, and lats. Muscles worked: Lower pectoralis major BicepsTricepsLatissimusPosteriorAbdominalsdeltoidsdorsi Equipment needed: Weight bench A medium dumbbell or YBell Neo How to do dumbbell pullovers: Start by placing a dumbbell standing up on a flat bench. Lie perpendicularly on a flat weight bench with only your upper back and shoulders on the bench. Your head should be off the bench. Plant your feet flat on the floor with your hips slightly below the height of the bench.

29 Grab the top of the dumbbell with both hands and lift it over your chest. you should press your palms against the underside of the dumbbell. Extend your arms, but keep a slight bend in your shoulders. This is your starting position. Inhale, engage your core, and slowly lower the weight in an arc behind your head until your wrists are level with your head. Exhale, then lift the dumbbell to your starting position, keeping your arms extended. This is one rep. Repeat for 10 to 12 reps. Buy the Best Free Weights for Home Training at YBell Fitness! As you can see, dumbbell exercises are an excellent option for building chest strength and toning your pecs. No wonder they're commonly used in hypertrophy, cardiovascular conditioning, and functional fitness training. And dumbbells can be especially helpful compared to barbells or cable machines if you have limited space for organizing a home gym. However, if you’re looking for home workout equipment that’s multifunctional, cost-effective, and saves space, you should consider YBells. The YBell is a compact, portable functional fitness tool that you can use for all your dumbbell, kettlebell, double-grip medicine ball, and push-up bar exercises. Its award-winning multiple-handle design offers unique grips that allow you to easily transition between movements and equipment, making it ideal for full-body and chest workouts.

How to Use YBells to Perform Dumbbell Exercises When you hold the YBell from the centre handle, called a center grip, the weight is evenly distributed around your hand. With a top lock grip on the YBell, you can shift your focus to the upper part of your arms and stabilise your wrists when performing curls. You can also use a loose grip, letting the YBell form an upside-down triangle, which allows you to position the YBell on your shoulder for dumbbell presses.

Easily Switch Between One or Two Hands — The dumbbell's handle was designed for one-handed exercises, making it ideal for isolation work. With the YBell's multiple-handle design, you can easily switch between onehanded and two-handed exercises by simply changing your grip, allowing you to use it for isolation and compound movements.

Better Push-up Stand Exercises — Dumbbells are often recommended for push-up exercises because they can act as basic push-up bars. However, the weight, shape, and neoprene coating of YBells make them incredibly stable as push-up stands. The top grip also offers a broader range of motion, which increases the time your muscles are under tension and your muscle development.

Weight Distribution — With dumbbells, the weight is distributed to the sides of the handle. But with a YBell, the weight is spread all around your hand, which offers more comfort during resistance training. This is especially helpful as you increase the weight or size of the YBell in your strength training.

Four Tools in One — A grip change is an equipment change with YBell. This means that when you change your grip, you change the weight distribution, allowing it to act as a different piece of equipment. This makes the YBell great for compound exercises and functional fitness training.

Benefits of YBells vs. Dumbbells for your Chest Workout

Wondering how you can build your pecs with YBells? For strength and resistance training, hypertrophy, coordination/stabilisation of musculature, and functional fitness, YBells offer the same benefits as dumbbells and Comfortablemore.

Aaron "Az" Laurence, Co-Founder, YBell Fitness

As a certified personal trainer and the inventor of the YBell, Aaron "Az" Laurence loves motivating people to become better versions of themselves. He enjoys designing challenging workouts for himself that he can use with his Azclients.developed the YBell to replace the multiple pieces of equipment he was using in his group training sessions. He enjoys seeing his clients' reactions when they realise they only have to change grips on their YBells to change equipment. And he loves being able to dial up the intensity of their workouts with just one training tool. Seeing clients progress both physically and mentally as a result of training fuels his passion for the fitness industry.

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