For all t he right r eas on s

T h at l ed to a lot of ideas about how to transform the pr o cess of building on your own land. Making it simpler Offering more choices Prov iding the high est l evel of craftsmanship. Taking t he concept of customization to n ew height s. And treating our customers how we wo uld want to be treated by a h o m e builde r. So take a few minutes to read about some of our best ideas.
In 1973 we laid the found ation for our business by asking a sin g l e qu estion: if we we re a f amily l o okin g t o build a new home, what is one good reason we should choose Wayne H ome s ?
AMERICA’S BEST BUILDER. Not to brag or anything but Professional Builder Magazine named us Best Builder in America. It ’s an honor to be recognized by our industry peers ( Talk about a tough crowd )
How one good reason became 25
TWICE THE WARRANTY. Our two-year fit and finish warranty (a.k.a “bumper to bumper”) doubles the industry standard. Want further p e a c e of min d ? It ’s accompanied by a 10-year structural warrant y And a dedicated full-time customer care department
SAVING ENERGY SAVES YOU MONE Y. We’re talking t wo-st a ge 96- perc ent eff icienc y fur nace, 14+ SEER c ent ral AC, we at her- resist ant house wrap, 2 x6 exterior wall construction, R 49 ceiling and R 19 wall insulation Which means a litt le more p adding in your wal et, to o
AN OUTSTANDING EXPERIENCE. From c hoosing and customizing yo ur fl o orplan to a construction p has e that f ows smo othly through c o mp e tion, even int o t he warranty p erio d and b eyond yo u’ll find the Wayne H o m e s experience exceptional in every wa y
9 OUT OF 10 RECOMMEND WAYNE. In in d e p en d e nt surveys about 90% of our home owners would tell their friends, unconditionall y, to c ho ose Wayne. That ’s five times the national average. ( And we’re still working hard for that 10 out of 10 )
WE MAKE IT EASY. Our customers tell us they like working with us because we take the stress out of building a home. We like to hear that because we know it can seem daunting. In fact, some of our customers even say it ’s fun.

GOING ON FIVE DECADES OF EXPERIENCE. We started in 1973 so we’ve had plenty of time to perfect our system. In fact, we’ve got it down to a science. And because our roots run deep in our community, we’re connected to our customers as onl y a local builder can be.

YOUR FIELD MANAGER. This is the person who’s going to make sure all your needs are taken care of throughout construction. Together you’ll review plans, walk your homesite, set your completion date, resolve issues and build your dream home.
BRAND NAME PRODUCTS TH AT COUNT. B e c a us e we buy high-quality p roducts and materials in large quantities through regional contracts – you enjoy the savings. Combined with our efficient construction process, your money simply buys more home with Wa y n e.
MORE CHOICES. We build exactly what you want, right where you want. Go ahead, ask us to move a wall, add a window or expand a covered porch we’ll do it. We’ll make your home completely yours.

DESIGN STUDIO. Here’s the fun part: choosing your floors, cabinets, countertops, hardware, lighting, finishes and colors. Best of all, everything that will make your home unmistakably yours – including your very own professional design consultant – is under one roof

THE PERSONAL VALUE LIST. One of the first things we do is help you complete a prioritized list of everything you might like in your home and everything you can’t live without. So when all is said and done, you get a home that makes you happy right down to your toes.

CRAFTSMANSHIP AND CHOICES FOR ALL. We offer a full range of homes, but even with our most affordable f l oo r p lans you get a ong list of standard features, as well as opportunities to customize. Along with the very same industr y-leading warranty and customer service.
CHOOSING A HOMESITE. If you need land for your new home we can connect you with someone who knows the area well and can guide you to the best available properties. They might even know a property that isn’t on the market yet.
EXPERT HELP EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. From helping you evaluate and prepare your homesite, to helping you select and customize your floorplan, to guiding you through the financing, permitting, design and construction phases, nobody has more know how on staf f
A REAL PARTNERSHIP. Your level of involvement in the construction process is entirely up to you. Take a more active role and save money. Or take a more “arm’s-length” approach and save some time and effort. We’ll tailor the process to fit your needs.
HELPING EMPLOYEES HELPING COMMUNITIES. Wayne Homes is dedicated to giving back to local communities. We’re proud to sponsor the charities and organizations that our employees are passionate about. And proud to lift up local businesses through our Random Acts of Kindness program. So you can feel prouder of your new home.
QUALITY CONSTRUCTION. One of the benefits of being in this business for so long is the relationships we’ve developed with the nation’s leading manufacturers and suppliers, as well as the region’s best local craftspeople. These partnerships let us build a great home with great efficienc y
BUILDING ON YOUR HOMESITE MADE EASY. Building a home on the land of your choice comes with benefits and challenges. From siting your home to maximize views and privac y, to coordinating the installation of power, water and septic systems, we’ll help you through the whole process.
SEE BEFORE YOU BUY. We have Model Home Centers located all over Ohio, one in Pittsburgh, one in Michigan, and within driving distance of West Virginia. So you can take a tour and really feel what your home could live like when it’s finished.

VALUE. This is what you get when you add up all the other reasons – the expertise and passion of our people, the efficiency of our system, and the amazing list of choices we offer. It’s the result of nearly five decades of constant improvement.
TWO-TIME NHQ AWARD WINNER. The National Housing Quality Award ® is the homebuilding industry’s toughest award to win. It’s based on construction quality, customer service and even how we treat our partners. We were Ohio’s first winner, then the first to win it again.
LET YOUR FINGERS DO THE TOURING. Interactive floorplans, virtual exteriors, 3 D tours and helpful design tools on our website let you experience our homes and even see what your kitchen or exterior might look like. And there’s always a live person you can talk to if you have questions.
FINANCING THAT’S CLOSE TO HOME. We’ve created a list of preferred lenders – mortgage companies with experience in construction loans – who share our commitment to customer service. Giving you access to competitive rates while ensuring a stress-free process.
CUSTOMER-IZATION. When words can’t quite describe what Wayne Homes does, we have to coin our own. Our process of creating a custom home – for you, the way your family lives and your budget – is second to none.

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