Ways to Amaze Kindness Stories - April

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April 2014

Our Collection of Kindness Stories

We thank you for sharing your kindness stories.

We thank our partner RedBalloon for their support.

Editors Intro

Contents Pages

Kindness Stories Family

It is with the greatest of pleasure that I was able to support Megan Donnell with her Sanfilippo Children’s Founda;on. I was so touched by Megan and Allan’s story as I’m sure we are all, and I truly hope that they receive all the funding they need to save their beau;ful children Isla and Jude. A big thank you to you all for sharing your kindness stories on the website. We received 124 stories which is a record month. I was able to donate $314 and RedBalloon our amazing partner donated $1,000 worth of experiences. Thank you again for inspiring kindness in others. If we all perform kindness every day, imagine what a beQer world we would live in.

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With kind wishes

Friends Rebecca Richardson Kindness Advocate

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Colleagues and Clients All stories published in this magazine were submiQed by visitors to Ways to Amaze. The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their rights in regards to copyright of their work. No part of this work covered by the copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the wriQen consent of the publisher.

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Family Kindness Stories

Amazing Aunty

Catherine from Australia

My story has to do with a par;cular person involved in the Sanfilippo Founda;on, Ingrid Maack. Ingrid is the amazing Aunt to Isla & Jude who have the rare disease. She has recently given up her job to help focus more on raising funds for her sister's beau;ful family and to raise awareness of the fatal disease. Some may say that this is an easy doing... but puWng someone else's family before your own (family or not) is a huge act of kindness and I think you are an amazing sister to Megan, an amazing Aunt to your niece and nephew and most of all an amazing mother to your gorgeous boys! They will be so proud of their mumma! GO INGRID!


Katherine from Philippines

Once there was a girl who was lost in her world. She was always angry because of the disappointment she is to herself and the people around her. One day when she had no one, not even her friends nor her family, she was thrown out of her house. She was only eleven by the way. Unfortunately, she couldn't get away. The gate was locked and she was also locked out of her home. She cried and cried for hours but nobody heard her. Un;l someone saved her. Another liQle girl who had always teased her, always fought against her, somebody who had always hurt her. Somebody, she thought who didn't love her or didn't care for her. This was not only a story or an act of kindness but one of hope.

The Woman Who Never Stops Giving

Danielle from Belgium

My mom has the biggest heart. She helps so many people but she never talks about it. She helps because she wants to, not because she expects anything back. She has been a shoulder to cry on (for many people), helps even random strangers financially, and has sent other children to school. Oh, and she rarely splurges or does anything nice for herself. When I was trying to get pregnant, she was a pillar of support and source of encouragement for me. Through horrendous traffic she would drive with me to specialist a_er specialist, be there while I was geWng treatment, and make sure that I'd never give up. I was supposed to give birth on 9 September but the girl was too anxious to come out. My husband wasn't with me at the ;me so at 3 AM, my mom drove me to the hospital (very nervously at 15km/hr) and stayed with me un;l my Layla was born. I am so grateful that she was there with me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Mandy Makes Sure i’m Okay

Nichole from Australia

Mandy is amazing. She's my sister and she's always looked out for me. She inspires me to try new things and supports me! I love her heaps!

Family Kindness Stories My First Wig

Jane from Australia

Family Kindness Stories

I have alopecia. I have no eyebrows, eyelashes and have lost most of the hair on my head. I made a decision to get a wig made. It was a really tough ;me for me when I had to shave my head the first ;me to have a mould made (now I shave it every few days) and I went several weeks without hair before my first wig (the first of many) was ready. Many people avoided me on the street, assuming I had cancer and was undergoing chemo. During this ;me my lovely son wrote me a leQer telling me how proud he was of me and how well I was handling this challenge and the night before I shaved my head, my best friend came over for a surprise visit with a boQle of wine!!

The Greatest Dad of all

Neima from Belgium

My Dad is the most charitable person and the most pa;ent person I have ever met in my en;re life. When I visit him in Africa (Djibou;), I always see strangers in front of his house. They come and ask my father for support, money, scholarships, work, etc and he gives. I always thought that a_er work he is so ;red he should not be talking to people, they should not bother him with problems. Then one day they all arrived when I was there and I explained that father has long days at work and that perhaps they could come back, so that today he can rest. He called me inside and told me not to talk to them like that. He then went out himself and talked to each and every one of them. When he came back in he told me that some of these people walked all the way from another village. He taught me how to put myself in their shoes, he then explained how wealth comes and goes but those who have it, should help others who don't. He is my Hero, the bravest, and i'm so glad I have him to learn from.

My Wonderful Mum

Michelle from New Zealand

My mum is awesome! She's always doing lovely things for me and my family. Last week she called into my house and got the washing in when it was raining. Today she just listened -­‐ she is an amazing support. You rock Mum!

Hanging Out my Dirty Laundry

Ingrid from Australia

When I was footloose and fancy-­‐free and backpacking around Europe. I arrived at some distant rela;ves home in Madrid in Spain (my late fathers' cousin Eddy and his wife Mary-­‐Lou). Mary-­‐Lou had recently undergone Chemo for Kindness? breast cancer. I asked if I could use her washing machine, as I had an enormous backpack full of dirty clothes. Mary-­‐ Lou said she would do a load for me so I could go out for the day to the Prado Museum, quite possibly my favourite gallery ever with Eddy. When we got back a_er a fantas;c day, I discovered Mary-­‐Lou had done all of my dirty laundry: nine loads!! I'll never forget this act of kindness. What a beau;ful and brave woman. Mary-­‐Lou has since lost her fight to breast cancer :(

It’s the liRle bits of Kindness

Elizabeth from Australia

My youngest son was trying to race his older brother, when he realised he couldn't win the race he sat down in the middle of the path and cried. My older son got to the end and saw his brother and immediately ran back and gave him a cuddle, said something I couldn't hear and they both stood up holding hands and ran to the finish together!


Family Kindness Stories

My Mum’s Beloved Cassie Dog

Sarah from Australia

My mum has never been a real pet lover un;l she reluctantly took home an American cocker spaniel from a friend. Cassie, the dog, then became an important fixture in the house especially as my brother and I grew up and moved out. When Cassie became old and finally passed, my mum was distraught. She had lost the liQle dog that was so deathly quiet but everywhere mum was. I secretly took some photos from mums house of Cassie and got a portrait painted of her liQle dog. When mum opened the gi_, she just cried and cried. It was a great moment and the best gi_ I have ever given. The pain;ng takes pride of place in her house now, even a_er the house was repainted and she always says 'it is just like Cassie is watching over us'.

Cousin Kindness

Sonia from Spain

A year a_er moving to Australia from Europe, with no family here, we had a full-­‐term s;llborn baby girl, our angel Maria. Very sad and heartbreaking. Shortly a_erwards, my cousin (who is also one of my best friends) was geWng married in Spain. Since we would have been with a newborn at the ;me of the wedding, we had not booked to aQend the ceremony and last minute plane ;ckets were really expensive. Also my parents had just come to be with us when the baby was born, so we thought it best to wait a while before going to Europe. Instead, I asked my cousin to come to Australia with her husband for their honeymoon and visit us in Sydney. She kindly replied: “if we have the money to go to Australia, I would rather pay for you to come to Spain, since I’d love to have you with us on our special day; and most importantly the trip will do you so much good, as it will be a change for you. Being surrounded by all your family and good friends will be so good for you”….. and so we did and had a wonderful ;me which helped us a lot in our grieving. Thanks a lot again lovely Jimena.

Sisters -­‐ Who Can Live Without Them?

Kimbalee from Australia

For the past six years, it's just been my daughter and me, a_er my husband passed away. I can honestly say I would never have been able to survive without my sisters! My younger sister upli_ed her life and moved back from the UK soon a_er. My older sister was my constant. I'm a working mum and the hardest thing to juggle can some;mes be the simplest, such as a_er school pick up and care during school holidays. I would be lost without the help of both of my sisters who share the responsibility with me of picking up my liQle girl and helping out with having her in the holidays whenever I have to work. My liQle girl is happy, seQled and loves life -­‐ all as a result of how my sisters help me to give her the stability that is needed to create this in a child's life. Whoever said it takes a village to raise a child never spoke truer words. Thank God for my sisters -­‐ I love them dearly.

The Things you do for Love

I have lived next door to my mother-­‐in-­‐law for 9 years. Nothing else needs to be said :-­‐)

Louise from Australia

Family Kindness Stories Going Underground

BreR from Australia

I've recently been talking about home (England) and so my gorgeous wife bought me a canvas with a map of the London Underground. Those that love London and the Tube will get why this is a great gi_, and no occasion -­‐ just kindness :) I be like -­‐ sorted.

AYer Surgery Care

Your Danielle from Belgium

In 2006, I had some major surgery. I couldn't take care of myself for days. My husband and I were married for a liQle over a year and I was just amazed at how much love, care and concern he showed me. Pa;ently, he would help me stand and walk (everywhere -­‐-­‐ the bathroom, to bed, kitchen...). He would make sure I'd eat right, change my bandages, even bathe me. I am grateful for all that up to this day.

An I[nerary With A Difference

Ingrid from Australia

When my beau;ful sister was living and working in the UK (long before we'd ever heard the words Sanfilippo or Muchopolysaccharidosis). My then boyfriend and I decided to visit. Megan wanted to help with my travel arrangements and because she is super-­‐organised ended up booking/planning most of our i;nerary. She even shouted us a ski trip to Switzerland (but what transpired there is another story) and booked us a train ;cket to Paris. While we were in Paris, BreQ finally popped the ques;on!!

How My Grandma Made Me Eat

Noe from Philippines

For some reason, I was a very picky eater when I was a child. My parents had a rather rigid approach to dealing with it -­‐-­‐ if I didn't finish everything that was put on my plate, I wasn't allowed to leave the table or to eat anything else for the rest of the day. Needless to say, it didn't really work. I'd be stuck at the dining table for hours, hungry but not ea;ng. I was miserable and dreaded meal ;mes and so, probably, did they. Then my grandparents came to visit. Imagine their surprise to see me s;ll "ea;ng" breakfast when everyone else was already geWng ready to have lunch. My grandmother, who is the cleverest, kindest person, didn't make a big Kindness? fuss over my stubbornness and uneaten food as every other grown-­‐up in the family had been doing. Instead, she directed aQen;on away from what I think must have been my six-­‐year-­‐old self by telling a funny story about her childhood. It was the first ;me in what felt like forever that I actually enjoyed being at the dining table with family. A_er that, she would make it a point not to leave me alone at the table even a_er everyone had le_. She never told me to eat my food or lecture me about how I should be thankful that I actually had food to eat. Instead, she would tell stories. Wonderful, interes;ng, o_en funny tales that she would spin and spin, distrac;ng me from obsessing over every bite and swallow un;l I'd be surprised to see that I'd actually finished my meal. I started looking forward to meal ;mes again and the dining table ceased being a dreaded baQlefield and became a place of welcome. To this day, food tastes infinitely beQer when accompanied by a good dose of my grandma's storytelling.


Family Kindness Stories

A Cup of Tea Makes Everything BeRer

Sirlina from Australia

Whilst 'taking 5' to find some tolerance and composure from the madness of the newborn, 4 year old and 5 year old life we currently lead, I hear a bit of noise in the kitchen followed by a liQle rat a tat tat on the door. My 5 year old appears with a mug and biscuit -­‐ 'Here mumma I made you a cup of tea to make you feel beQer'. I was delighted by the thought but some what unenthusias;c (on the inside) about drinking a mug of cold water with a tea bag dipped in a couple of ;mes! She then con;nued to let me know that she had made it in the microwave! A liQle panicked about the burn risk I take the mug eagerly. My o_en strong spirited and needy but gorgeous baby girl had pulled off a completely drinkable, sweetened, not too hot to scold young skin, cup of tea. Thoughtul, thought out and preQy impressive seeing this is not something that she has helped or even observed anyone do before. Made my day anyway xxx

Renovated my House for Nothing but a Smile

Helen from Belgium

Nearly 2 years ago now, a father and son helped me renovate my house for FREE. During 5 months, from freezing temperatures to summer days, they worked whenever the could, during their free ;me. Today I have a beau;ful house, thanks to them. :-­‐)

Super Sister in Law

Michelle from New Zealand

Last night a_er netball I came home to find my house sparkling clean. Most mums know what a great relief this is. My husband is in grape harvest so working 12 hour shi_s, so I knew it wasn't him. My wonderful sister-­‐in-­‐law had done it! She has been giving up her ;me to spend ;me with my kids a_er school while I work. She never expects anything in return. The best part came when I walked down the hall. She completely transformed the 2 dumping grounds back into 2 beau;fully clean & ;dy bedrooms! Our kids just love being with her (and not because she ;dies their rooms -­‐ that's why I love her!) She is a legend!

Mum to the Rescue

Sarah from Australia

Those first few months of a newborn baby are a real shock to the system. Once a week I would travel an hour to spend the day with my mum so my new baby got to spend ;me with the grandparents. As soon as I would walk in the door, I would fall in a heap but....mum to the rescue. The keQle would be straight on, baby taken care of, I would catch up on sleep or just sit in silence and mum wouldn't care. Before I le_ each ;me, my basket or ironing would be done, that nights dinners would be in a cooler bag, another bag of groceries would be put in my car and as hopped in the car, a sneaky couple of chocolate bars would slip into my handbag. At ;mes when you are a walking zombie with a newborn, those small things really count.

Making Laundry Fun -­‐ Sock Bingo!

Ingrid from Australia

Some;mes when my mum visits, she takes a basket of dirty washing home with her. She knows how busy I am juggling children and work and how hard I find it stay on top of the seemingly endless stream of dirty clothes. When she can she brings it back washed, cleaned and neatly folded. She even sorts our family's growing pile of odd socks and has turned it into a game that she plays with my boys called 'Sock Bingo'. To me, this is true kindness!!

Family Kindness Stories Brotherly Love

Kimbalee from Australia

My first husband tragically died almost seven years ago. I have remained close with his brothers who have been very good to me and my liQle girl since my husband died. I have been lucky enough to meet a wonderful man and we were recently married. Two of my first husbands brothers came to the wedding and it was lovely to have their support. What I didn't expect was for them both to get up and speak at the wedding. Neither of them are overly confident in speaking in public, so it was a big deal for them to get and talk in front of all our guests. But what was so special to me is that they both did it with out being asked, in what would have been a situa;on of mixed feelings for them given how much they love their brother. They Your spoke of how all they ever wanted for me was happiness. They welcomed my new husband into the family and they wished us the very best the future holds. I can't express how much it meant to me that my brothers did this for me.

How do you Replace a Wedding Ring

Sara from Australia

We married young and had liQle money... and a so when a year into the marriage I lost both my wedding and engagement ring, we knew that it would not be possible to 'replace' them. So we accepted the loss with sadness, and con;nued with out lives. Months later, my sister-­‐in-­‐law surprised my husband with a diamond from one of her own rings so that he could have another 'engagement/wedding ring' made for me -­‐ which he gave me on our 2nd wedding anniversary. Her kindness and generosity s;ll touches me to this day, 10 years later and whenever I look at my le_ ring finger. :)

No more Loose Ends

Danielle from Belgium

I am never comfortable talking about how I help others. It is something that I prefer to keep to myself because I feel that it is something that I do from my heart, not because I want to be recognised. But there is one thing that I would like to share. My father was sick and dying of cancer. And one thing that he wanted to accomplish before he died was exhuming his father and sister so that they could be cremated and their ashes be together with his mother's. He couldn't do it himself and no one else seemed to know where to begin (with all the bureaucracy and red tape in the Philippines). So I went to the province (my first ;me as an adult), to try and find where they were buried and see how to bring them "home." And I did just that. I feel blessed to have had a part in making sure that there were no loose ends for my father.

Luckiest Mum in the World

Kimbalee from Australia

Being a busy working mum, a_er picking up my 9 year old daughter -­‐ Cleo, from school, we some;mes have to Kindness? come back to the office so I can finish of the tasks for the day. Cleo likes coming to office and saying hi to everyone, with many of my co-­‐workers knowing her from when she was a baby. Recently, we had to quickly come into the office so I could make an important phone call to the CEO and discuss an issue that I was nervous about. A_er the call, I packed up and le_ without no;cing the liQle note Cleo had le_ behind. On my return to work the next morning, I got to my office door to find a few friends reading the post-­‐it note on my door, oohing and arrhing. Unbeknown to me, Cleo had le_ the note on my door that read: "My mummy is the best mummy in the whole wide world. Please be nice to her. I love her to the stars and back." Well a prouder mum you could not find!!! Not only for the beau;ful message she wrote but also because she could see I was stressed and she was making sure I was OK for the next day. I so love her kind liQle soul.


Community Kindness Stories

Celebra[ng Life and Happiness

Nadine from Australia

When I was 18 years old, living in Asia and in Uni, my roommate who was studying to be an Occupa;onal Therapist came home from her shi_ as an intern in the mental rehab ins;tu;on and told me how terrible she felt for those poor people whose families abandoned them a_er they were checked-­‐in the facility. They were all good to go home but no one came to pick them up and so they ended up staying at the facility for years as they were so scared to live in the real world again. This really made me think of what I can do to make these people feel like they have someone that cares for them. So I decided to have my 18th birthday party with them in the facility. My best friend and I brought food and cake and made everyone feel like they were family. I listened to all their stories and gave them the ;me and aQen;on I would any friend or family. They all sang Happy Birthday to me and it was the most amazing birthday celebra;on I've ever had.

Rescued by a Nurse

Carlos from Spain

I was 17 years old by this ;me. I was coming back home riding in my bicycle and I had to cross over a low illuminated and narrow road inside the forest. Suddenly, a car appeared very fast with the high beam that blinded me. I fell into the ditch and my the glasses scratched over my face. My T-­‐shirt was full of blood. I tried to stop some of the cars that passed over, but it was dark and late and the situa;on must have seemed weird for the cars that were passing by, because nobody wanted to stop there. Suddenly, one did stop. It was a couple with two young kids. The man was a doctor and the woman, a nurse. They took me to their home and a_er cleaning me up, they then drove me to the hospital.

Everybody Goes

Patricia from USA

I was on a mission trip in Cuba. We were trea;ng the congrega;on of a small church to an a_ernoon at the beach. It made sense to me that the wheelchair-­‐bound gentleman was helped into the bus. The surprising act of kindness came when 4 friends picked up his chair with him in it and carried it across the sand to the water's edge so that he might experience the ocean.

Great People ARract Great People

Nicholas from Belgium

My son Hugo has some motor disability. Since he could not walk the world and discover it by himself, he developed some extraordinary skills to connect with people and see the world through them or thanks to them. What amazes me is the vast response he gets everywhere he goes. At school, in public transports, our friends, our family, everywhere he gets kindness and acts of kindness back. Most of the ;mes, it starts with his smile and most of the ;mes he receives a smile or an act of kindness back. A hands, an offer to do something, care, support, funding, charity and smiles smiles smiles. Hugo is a demonstra;on that kindness is everywhere, at hand...most of the ;mes, it comes as a reac;on from a smile. Keep smiling.

Community Kindness Stories No to Degrading

Andrea from Philippines

When I was a young girl, people would always point out to me those who live in the streets or those who work with such low pay and these people would tell me that I had a future unlike those who they pointed out. They would tell me to work hard and do my best in everything I do so I would end up as successful, unlike those who they think are failures to why they end up in the streets. Their inten;ons I believe, would have been great because they wanted me to be mo;vated to think high and be mo;vated but the kind of example they have made me understand is no doubt terrible. They somehow have Your I, then realised that implanted on my mind that these people did not work as hard so as to why they suffer. some;mes people were just unfortunate so as to why they are having a hard ;me to where they are now. I also realised that these people aren't the kind of people who we should judge. Each of them may have different stories on their way of life but we should not just degrade them and see them lowly. So because of it, I started geWng closer to the maids who live in the same house as to where I was. From then, I learned that they felt more blessed to have been in such a situa;on as long as their families would have the basic needs. I then became more observant and understanding with the things happening around me. I, again learned something new that some;mes it isn't us who affect our own development but the external factors as well. These external factors have had a great contribu;on to how people are living and how they work to provide food in the table for their families and so on. For those living in the streets, I find it so sad when people would simply ignore or look down upon people because they think they're just adding problems to society but I think not. So with it, I started to help. I may not have done it daily but I try as hard to do it at least a couple of ;mes a week. When I go to school, I walk past these people who need help not in terms of money but just help. I bring at least one piece of bread with me to give to them and I then con;nue my journey to school. It may have been just a random act of kindness but who knows? Maybe someday that piece of bread might be their symbol of mo;va;on because there is always hope in everyone no maQer how small or big.

Hope To Find A Cure


I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33 years (7 years ago). I have since raised $100,000 for the NSW Cancer Council, with the help of family, friends and the Bathurst Community. I believe that 'DREAMS DO COME TRUE EVEN WHEN HOPE IS SOMETIMES LOST". Kindness?

Helping Hand

Sonia from Australia

We have been struggling with money so, I have been busy selling items. When a gentleman asked if I was s;ll selling a 'hand held massager' and when he said he needed it for his sick father who has just woken from being in a 4 month coma... I sent it to him for free... I don't need money that much. I just know that cheered him up a bit... he was so grateful!!


Community Kindness Stories

A Seat on the Bus

Danielle from Belgium

Some;mes it's the simple things that make a difference. The acts of kindness from random strangers on the bus is something I'm grateful for. When you are carrying a 15-­‐kilo child and a bag of groceries, and someone offers you a seat on the bus, that makes a difference!

Neighbourly Kindness

Suzanne from Australia

My husband is out of town for the week and we just moved in a week ago, so amongst unpacking I haven't even looked at the grass. Well my 71 year old neighbor just mowed it yesterday. I guess it was geWng long! I think we have found the right neighborhood!

Kindness in a Foreign Land

Suzanne from Australia

My husband, son and I moved to Australia in January. Many people offered all kinds of advice and informa;on, but a friend of a friend, who was a stranger except for shared info on Facebook, met us at the airport. Because she met us with her husband, we could get all our luggage in our rental and their car and get safely to our hotel in one trip.

Holiday Photos

MC from France

I was recently on holiday in Turin, Italy with my husband. Neither of us can speak barely a word of Italian. We had climbed up to a church on a hill for a view over the city and the Alps, and we tried to take a photo of ourselves with our camera, with the view in the background. A local Italian man intervened right away and indicated that he could take it for us, and then spent ages making sure the views were perfect and even scolded a man looking at the view next to us to get out of the way in a very Italian manner so he wouldn't ruin the photo of us! We were so grateful but frustrated we didn't know how to show our apprecia;on!

Fairview Jr. High Staff Organise Garage Sale

Shiloh from USA

The staff of Fairview Jr. High organized a huge Garage sale this weekend to raise money for Team Sanfilippo to specifically fund gene therapy clinical trials in honor of one of their employee's granddaughters. They worked ;relessly for the past week and made over $5,000 for Team Sanfilippo!

A Simple Introduc[on

Sirlina from Australia

Very nearly 10 years ago to this day my partner and I met a very special friend completely out of the blue! He went out of his way to make himself known to us -­‐ he was a complete stranger to us, as we were to him. A simple introduc;on at an English local where our faces were clearly new to the scene, led to 5 years of crazy fun, laughter and friendship across the UK and Europe. He is a true and loyal friend that I miss dearly and think about all the ;me.

Community Kindness Stories Late Night Ride

Karmen from Belgium

I was 18 and was returning from the gradua;on holiday with my classmates with the last train. My dad was supposed to pick me up at the sta;on, but he was very running late, so I thought he forgot about it. I started walking from Celje, which is about 10km away from where I lived at the ;me. It was dark, there was no pedestrian path for half of the way and I was carrying a big rucksack and a guitar. Parts of the road were had almost no light, I was exhausted and too scared to hitchhike back. Your It was Friday night and most of the people out were drunk. As I was walking slowly, s;ll 8 km to go, a car pulled by and my first reac;on was fear -­‐ having all this load on me I was an easy target. It was a guy, few years older than me who offered me a ride. Ini;ally I would have declined, thinking there are other mo;ves to his kindness, but there was something honest about him so I accepted his offer. He explained he hitchhiked many ;mes without catching a ride and he said to himself he would always pick up people who need a ride. He drove me all the way to my parents place, even though he lived a few towns before. I never saw him again, but will always remember his kindness.

A Three Year Old’s Empathy

Danielle from Belgium

It's amazing how children can teach us so much about life and the world. A_er a devasta;ng typhoon in the Philippines, I was surprised by my three-­‐year-­‐old daughter. She wanted to give what she had to those affected by typhoon Haiyan. I had talked to her about it and to my husband. And bless her heart, instead of geWng Christmas presents she said "Mama, I want to help make the world a beQer place in the Philippines. We have to help the children build there homes and find their Mamas and Papas." It broke my heart. That Christmas we gave to charity


BreR from Australia

When I took my son to the football recently, there were two liQle boys siWng in front of us who joined us at the Canteen at half ;me. They didn't have enough money and I watched them count out their coins diligently and nego;ate who should get what. In the end, I paid the last two dollars which put a smile on their liQle faces! Kindness?

Neighbour Keeps Giving

Suzanne from Australia

I don't know the whole back story, but one neighbour has cancer and is in good health, but at some point in treatment, the other neighbour started mowing his lawn and several months later, s;ll mows the lawn. It is the liQle things in life.


Community Kindness Stories

Simple Act of Kindness

Esther from Australia

One of the richest acts of kindness some;mes can be just to talk to someone…I was at a ;me in my life where I had hit a big low about 10 yrs ago..I was in a room all alone and didn't know anyone..I just sat at the back, not wan;ng to engage in conversa;on with anyone when this beau;ful lady called Claire walked over to me and took my hand and just simply told me who she was and said "come sit with me"..I almost cried on the spot but in that moment she made me feel so loved and welcomed, in such a simple way. Half the ;me we are so caught up in what we have going on we don't just look around a room to see if there is a need. Some;mes it's just a simple word, smile, hello, how are you..that can make all the difference.

Would you like Cream and Jam with that?

Ingrid from Australia

My friend's sister has organised a scone-­‐a-­‐thon morning tea this week to raise money for the Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on. This friend and her sister have been so suppor;ve since we got Isla and Jude's diagnosis. They have gone above and beyond and shown kindness in so many ways. You two know who you are!! THANK YOU!!

Happy Easter Bunnies and Eggs

Bec from Australia

I was walking towards a restaurant with my family when there were two teenage girls and their parents who had stopped in the middle of the shopping plaza. They had two pet bunnies with them and were asking whether children would like to stop and pat them. My son was so excited to join in. Whilst we stood there the girls had baskets of chocolate easter eggs and were offering them to us and everyone who walked past. Talk about kindness. We stopped for a couple of minutes, went into the restaurant for a quick dinner and astonishingly when we came out the family were s;ll there with a bunch of kids surrounding them paWng their pet bunnies. Unbelievable -­‐ what a kind and special family. Thank you -­‐ whoever you are.

Damsel in Distress

Kirsty from Australia

Several years ago, I found myself stranded on the side of the road with a flat tyre. My roadside membership had expired, I soon discovered and as cars whizzed past me I realised I would have to change the tyre myself. Luckily, I was born and bred in the country and knew what to do but I s;ll didn't look forward to the task! As I go out the jack, I no;ce a bloke riding up the hill on a bike. He stopped and asked if he could help. I no;ced as he got off his bike that he only had one arm. Of all the people who drove past me that day this kind soul (a one-­‐armed cyclist) was the only person to offer any assistance. Sadly, he chaQed to me while I changed my tyre and sent me on my way with a smile ;) What a legend!!

Community Kindness Stories Hearbelt Story

Nina from Australia

My daughter was born with congenital heart disease and had open heart surgery at just 16 weeks old. My neighbour, who didn't know me very well, brought me groceries, food and clothes numerous ;mes to comfort me. What a lovely lady she is!


Sleeping Rough

Ingrid from Australia

When I was backpacking in Europe as a young woman, my friend and I found ourselves in Dublin, Ireland with no accommoda;on. There was not even a bunk bed in a hostel available to us, as there was a Robbie Williams concert on that night, and literally everything was booked out!! We hung out in a pub (as you do) and then sat on our sorry selves on the steps of the Dublin police sta;on (we figured this was the safest place to be). We were not alone. Several other sorry souls had the same idea. And a very interes;ng night and much hilarity ensued as we watched a parade of people leave and enter the premises. In an act of kindness, one nice Irish lad (himself without accommoda;on, leant us his jacket as a pillow!

Helping Translate Web Texts

Alba from Belgium

From ;me to ;me, I volunteer to do some transla;on work for a non-­‐profit Founda;on, which mission is to help needy children have a healthy life, away from infected diseases caused by polluted water in countries where the lack of drinkable water is a reality. My act of kindness is offering this liQle help in doing transla;ons from Spanish into English so that more people can read what the Founda;on is doing. By doing kind gestures, society gives you so much in return. Giving is taking.

Baked with Kindness

Ingrid from Australia

When Mary Miles, the school captain at Mackellar Girls Highs heard about Isla and Jude's tragic diagnosis, she knew Kindness? help. So together with her fellow students she set about baking, arranging a cake stall which raised she had to almost $900 for the Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on. What an amazing young woman. She also recently took a break from her Year 12 study schedule to volunteer at our Bunning BBQ. She says she loves to bake as a break from her studies and calls it 'procrasta-­‐baking'. We think Mary has many a recipe in kindness! THANK YOU MARY!


Community Kindness Stories

A Small Contribu[on

Mitchell from Australia

When my employer, Become Recruitment, found out about Sanfilippo and how a family friend had been devastated to have both their children diagnosed, they didn't hesitate in seWng up a fund raising drive. We donated $1 for every hour our contractors worked to raise $5,000. It's not a huge amount but we hope to do more for the founda;on in the future, hopefully every liQle bit counts.

A Pint Sized Philanthopist

Ingrid from Australia

Shannae Ku is a pint-­‐sized philanthropist! 7-­‐year-­‐old Shannae Ku, together with her big sister, Talia, recently completed a 10km bike ride to raise $2,645 for Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on. Shannae has (MPSI) Hurler Scheie Syndrome, which is a form or MPS. Such an important lesson in kindness and great to see charity and compassion in someone so young and facing their own set of challenges! Shannae wrote the following prior to her bike ride: My name is Shannae. I am 7 years old and I have Hurler Scheie Syndrome, or MPS I. It is a big, complicated disease, but basically it means that my organs and body don't work and grow the way they should. But I am doing OK, because I am able to get an enzyme infusion in hospital each week. It doesn't make all my problems go away, but it does make life a liQle easier! I know lots of kids with another type of MPS, called Sanfilippo. Unlike me, these kids don't have a treatment to help them. Their bodies just get sicker and sicker and they forget how to walk and talk and eat. Talia and I want to do what we can to help. We want to raise some money to help the kids with Sanfilippo find a treatment too. Exercise isn't easy for me. I can't run much, but I can ride a bike. We are going to ride our bikes for 10km on April 5th. It's going to be tough, and it might take us all day, but I am quite sure we can do it!

An Eye Opening Experience

Anh from Australia

As we diligently pack up, puWng away boxes and boxes of donated medical equipment and supplies into the truck, I wipe my dirty hands across my brow and pull at my sweat-­‐ soaked tshirt, the one of two shirts I've been interchanging for the last 2 weeks. The electricity had cut out again and the dusty fan in the corner was the only electrical equipment le_ in this make-­‐shi_ consul;ng clinic we called an office for 12 hours a day, for the last week. I should have been exhausted and ravenous, having only had ;me to inhale a piece of bread and ham, but at that moment, I couldn't have been more ecsta;c. Because the grinning, mostly toothless and blackened teeth from a life;me of chewing beQel nut, grandmother who had never in her life;me received any medical treatment, had finally come out of theatre and was awake. The anesthe;c had not worn off yet so she was in no pain, grinning from ear to ear. A sight she was. Her sterile eye pad covering her le_ eye a stark contrast to her deeply bronzed, wrinkled skin. She held my hand and wept tears of happiness when we removed the pad and she could see her granddaughter for the very first ;me. The tears and sweat rolled down my cheeks as I soaked in the moment, cherishing the ela;on of charity work, a charity to my soul, thanking this lady for the eye opening experience she had given me, knowing that I would never ever see her again.

Community Kindness Stories Happy Mother’s Day

Sally from Australia

My son has cerebral palsy and is severely disabled. Several years ago when he was perhaps 10 years old, Paddy and I went out for brekky on Mother's Day (he was my only child back then!). While I was enjoying my cooked brekky I did no;ce a gentleman look at us and smile -­‐ not unusual we're a cute and dis;nc;ve pair! As he was leaving the man came over to me and wished me a happy day. The real surprise came when I went to pay the bill -­‐ he'd paid for my breakfast and le_ a note saying simply "Thanks Mum!" Your

Black Saturday

Clare from Australia

On Black Saturday our property was unfortunately in the path of one of the fires that day in Victoria and though we managed, just, to save our house, everything else on the property burned. But the response of the community was quite extraordinary. We were given so many things that we had to put up a couple of tents to house the dona;ons (as we no longer had any sheds). One tent was devoted to horse things and the other to tools. Opening the flaps of the shabby old tents was like entering an Aladdin's cave of gliQering wrapped goods and sharp clean new tools! A huge tribute to the generosity of people, some of whom did not even know us personally.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Mariam from Australia

This is really my husband's story. He won't mind it being shared. My husband, Trevor, frequently gives offerings to homeless folks -­‐ a sandwich or an apple, a smoke or a few dollars. He likes to stop and have a chat if it is offered in return. Trev o_en remarks that everyone has a story if you take the ;me to listen. On this par;cular occasion, many years ago now, Trev saw an old bloke siWng on the street looking preQy worse for wear. He'd just bought his smoko and, although Trev was an appren;ce at the ;me and didn't have much money, he went over to the bloke and asked how he was going and offered him the sandwich he'd just bought. The man smiled and said no thank you, he was fine. "Would you like a smoke then?", he asked. "Sure," the man replied, so Trev passed him his pouch and sat down next to the old man to eat as he rolled and smoked. They chaQed for a while about this and that. As he got up to go, Trev reiterated his offer to buy the man some food, which he once again declined. Instead, the man pulled a wallet out of his pocket and withdrew $50. He handed it to Trevor and said, "I'm doing ok, mate. This is a lifestyle choice -­‐ I've got money. Thanks, though. Here -­‐ take your girlfriend out to dinner!" Trevor was dumbfounded and tried to refuse the money but the man insisted. Eventually, feeling sa;sfied that the Law of the Universe that says "what goes around, comes around" had just been enacted Kindness? more quickly than usual, he accepted the gi_, thanked the man, and departed.

My Generous Husband

Donna from Australia

I have known my husband for 9 years, we have been married for 5. For as long as I can remember he has always given money to those in need on the street. We've lived around the world and travelled quite extensively, no maQer where we are if someone asks Simeon gives. I've asked him why and he gives two reasons, firstly he likes to think that one day if he needed it someone will help him similarly in return. He also believes that it is good to give since no maQer what their story maybe they are likely to need it more than him. 17

Community Kindness Stories

Another Cyclone

Emily from Australia

My husband was ill, we were new to town and North Queensland turned on one of its cyclones. It wasn't one of the big ones that live in the memories of many Australians, but enough to knock down some small trees, damage a veranda roof and wreck the fence that kept small kids off the main road. Neighbours arrived very quickly and rigged up a temporary fence to keep the kids safe while I got into caring for the pa;ent and we were ready for serious work when the emergency teams arrived to assess our needs. It was the first ;me I had met those neighbours.

So Much More Than Sausages

Ingrid from Australia

My husband is an absolute trooper, cooking sausages at last weekend's Bunnings BBQ and standing all day with a fractured foot. BreQ charmed customers, cooked up a storm and served sausages at our fundraiser all with a smile. Two weeks earlier he fell down the stairs badly bruising his foot and sustaining a hairline fracture. THANKS 'Uncle Bert'. The Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on thanks you!

The Joys of Lawn Mowers

Simone from Australia

As a single mum in a small town, people tend to know who you are preQy fast. I was in desperate need of a lawn mower as paying the local guys to do is was so expensive. A girlfriend of mine recommended a older man who did up old mowers and it was cheap too. I went round there with my son and he hooked me up with a great mower. He li_ed it into the car and said " You are Simone from my daughter's mothers group aren't you?" "Ah yep that's me!" he offered to follow me in his car to help unload the mower at my house! A_er I have had a few problems, each ;me he is around that day or the next and once he came round when I was at work, fixed the mower and even mowed the front lawn for me. All at no charge. What a lovely kind hearted person :)

Damsel in Distress

Melanie from Australia

On Friday I went for a bike ride from Freshwater down to Manly with my 2 year old in the back in the bike seat. Something I have been meaning to do all year! We had a lovely ride (pumping up the tyres first may have helped)...but added to the workout. On the way back, my bike chain slipped off (OK, trying to change gears half way up a big hill didn't help). I tried to put the chain back on but only made it jam up more, so decided I was going to have to walk home. Whilst I was walking pushing my bike, I walked past a young man, who I asked if he was able to fix a bike chain? He happily fixed the chain in a couple of minutes. His French accent and my fixed bike chain...meant a happy ending to my bike ride!

Community Kindness Stories A LiRle Pick Me Up

Sirlina from Australia

My partner and my first trip to Holland coincided with New Years Eve. Coordina;on and I are not the best of friends so cycling being the main form of transport was some what of a challenge for me at any point, let alone combined with New Years Eve celebra;ons! We started the evening with a gorgeous dinner party hosted by friends rela;ves, fireworks on the street (quite scary really) and then off to a warehouse dance party, as you do. A_er a fantas;c night and everything was winding down we all made our way to collect our bikes. Seeing I had already fallen off 3 ;mes earlier on NYE I decided to get a head start Your up the steep, windy hill out of the parking lot. At the top of the hill I fell off into a ditch of shrubs and who knows what! Through the blur of darkness, shrubbery and people milling out everywhere a hand helped me out and got me back on my bike. A_er I thanked her over and over this kind hearted senior drag queen got back to work, returning to her corner of the lot.

Zumba for a Good Cause

Ingrid from Australia

For months and months while ordering coffee and later lunch as she came around to our office with a trolley of lunch;me goodies, I slowly got to know Taylor. Taylor is a nanny to the café owners children and waitress and Jill-­‐of-­‐all-­‐ trades and she is and always up for a chat. When I told her about my niece and nephew Isla and Jude, she told me she was also a part-­‐;me zumba instructor and a seasoned fundraiser having raised funds for all sorts of other causes. Last week on Easter Monday she hosted a Zumba class and donated all proceeds to the Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on. She helped raise $220 ... it all adds up. And all this a_er a chance chat while buying a coffee and toasted focaccia while standing by the office li_s. THANKS TAYLOR for your KINDNESS and interest in our cause!

Country Kindness

Ka[ from Australia

It's some;mes the things that can make your day. The taxi drivers in Taree that bring your shopping to your front door and have a nice chat, this can brighten your day or and the lovely lady that works at Coles Taree that loves my daughter and went out of her way to find a lost elephant. People do some amazing things in the world but some;mes you just need a liQle country kindness to make your day a liQle beQer. :-­‐) Kindness?

Small Gesture Saved Me

Hayley from Australia

My toddler was having a meltdown at the park and wouldn't leave. But I was carrying my newborn, so couldn't just pick him up. I was stuck ... And close to tears, un;l a lovely lady came over and asked if she could help . She offered to carry my toddler, but he was kicking and screaming so badly that I asked if she could carry my newborn with me to my car on the other side of the park. She made small talk which calmed my boy and me down. A liQle gesture of help saved me mel;ng down along with my toddler.


✍ My Street

Community Kindness Stories

Sharon from Australia

When we moved to my street, Niki was 8 years old and very ac;ve and mischievous, mostly due to her Sanfilippo Syndrome, partly because she was just a ratbag. A_er a day of unpacking I rested my head and closed my eyes for just a minute and she escaped, opening the big driveway gate and off to explore her new surroundings -­‐ no doubt looking for the nearest playground. When I realised she was missing, I ran down the street calling and immediately a new neighbour appeared with his dog and said he would search the creek (aarggh) and I should go in the opposite direc;on. A few blocks away she was found, happily walking in circles, and we returned home very relieved. Soon my neighbour knocked on the door with a map of the street -­‐ names, phone numbers and in which house the doctor, the policeman etc lived. I s;ll have that list 17 years later. Niki was included in all our street func;ons -­‐ birthday par;es, Christmas carols, cricket matches. In the years that followed strong neighbours were always around to li_ her in her wheelchair up to the deck where she sang and laughed with her extended family.

Elderly Error

Kimberlee from Australia

I was on my way to swap kids shoes I had bought in the wrong size at a Big W store about a year ago, there was a line up at the customer service counter so I was people watching while I waited. There was an elderly man who had just come through the checkouts who was looking distressed, turns out he had accidentally bought an $50 iTunes voucher instead of a $50 Big W voucher. He was begging the assistant to help him get the right one and she explained to him that vouchers could not be returned or exchanged. He looked guQed and my heart broke for him as he tried again to understand why he couldn't swap it, he s;ll didn't understand what he had bought. As he was leaving I abandoned my place in the line and approached the man (who would have been in his 70's) and offered to buy it off of him so he could get the voucher he intended to buy. He had a twinkle in his eye (I'm sure it was a tear forming) as I gave him the $50 for an iTunes voucher I didn't really need. Safe to say we both felt preQy good about our encounter that day. I o_en think of the man, and to remind me to do random acts of kindness as o_en as possible I keep the iTunes card on my pin up board. It's not hard to improve someone's day, and it gives to you just as much as it gives to the receiver!

Say it with a Card

Ingrid from Australia

When my father died of a heart aQack, I was 10. A lot of that ;me is blurry but I s;ll vividly remember a knock at the door one day soon a_er his death. Standing on the doorstep was my friend Leah. I caught sight of her mum Sheila in the car out front. Leah was in my class at school and was there to deliver a special package. All of my classmates had each made me a sympathy card full of pictures and 10-­‐year-­‐old sen;ment. My mother s;ll has that package of 30 cards packed away somewhere. I'm saving it for a rainy day, when I will dig them out and sit and have a read and a cry. My mother recently reminded me that there were two further parent deaths in that class that year. (These things happen in threes, it seems) and I am s;ll in touch with that friend many years later whose family, now in the prin;ng game, recently extended the hand of kindness once again in our of need. They have done several batches of prin;ng free-­‐of-­‐charge for the Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on.

Community Kindness Stories Kindness

Evvie from Australia

I have been reading other peoples’ delightul and heartwarming stories. And thinking. Of course I know plenty of kindness stories. But as usual I am thinking too much and here I am wri;ng a mini-­‐essay when I should just be wri;ng a simple recount. What is kindness? It seems to be close to generosity which is one of seven cardinal virtues that can be listed to mirror the beQer-­‐known (and probably more exci;ng) Seven Deadly Sins. Bet you can list most of the sins. Your then get to examine The virtues? Theologians start with faith, hope and love (charity). They and other ethicists prudence, jus;ce, for;tude and temperance (modera;on). And then there are gra;tude, humility, truth, affec;on, competence, wisdom, generosity. That is rather a lot and “kindness” ain’t there. Generosity is the closest although I always considered it “bigger” than kindness and perhaps a bit more to do with money and material goods. Never mind. There is the old “golden rule ‘ -­‐ “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” which can easily get its language updated. Then there is “what goes around comes around”. In the last decade or so there has been talk of “random acts of kindness” and I get the impression that that is the sort of kindness most of the writers are meaning in their stories here. So I have seen a lot of kindness over my nearly seventy years. I have certainly received lots, but I am confused about what I may have given. Oh dear.

Helping the Puppies

Ka[ from Australia

Taree Coles has one of those Labradors to collect dona;ons and every ;me I get to the checkout Josefine asks "can I have coins to help the puppies" she doesn’t know they are trained for the blind she just knows she is helping. Josefine has a good heart and is caring and sensi;ve beyond her years, she makes strangers smile with her happy hellos. I couldn’t be more proud as a mother.

When you need to, just let go

Catherine from Australia

This seems the smallest of.kindness acts, but, I have been holding onto my first child's clothes for the last 5 years, telling myself that my next child will use them. 5 years down the track we have another beau;ful boy and of course born in opposite seasons to his older brother! Saying to myself, that's ok, I'll keep them for the next child! I Kindness? was going through these beau;ful, small, cute clothes remembering certain things about certain outits. First Christmas outit, first flanneleQe pjs and thought to myself, why hold onto them when someone else in more need will get so much more use out of them! So I donated all of his clothes and toys to charity. I am so blessed to be in the posi;on I am, and hope that these clothes can give a child comfortably and a mother some wonderful 'first' memories!


Partner & Friends Kindness Stories

Real Friends Warm my Heart

Jaxxon from Australia

Partner & Friends Kindness Stories I've recently hurt my back which has le_ me unable to move. I'm a student and don't get enough money from Centrelink to even cover rent, with my back injury I can't even do the one day a week work I do to help out an old guy around his home. I'm owed money, and put up a Facebook post sta;ng it would be nice if I was paid back the money I was owed as Doctors and specialists are cos;ng me. I had many people from my community come forward and offer me money or food packages. I was overwhelmed my everyone's kindness but declined, as I'm sure there are far more needy people Your out there, plus I always get by some how. But one friend didn't listen and turned up at my door with a care package of bread and ham, tomatoes etc. To make sandwiches, fruit, a boQle of wine, and a beau;ful leQer with $50 included. I feel blessed to know such beau;ful people.

Helping a Friend in the Playground

Sarah from Australia

My son started kindergarten this year in a school where he did not know anyone. In class he was seated next to a korean boy who has liQle English, very shy and also did not know anyone. My son has quite a social personality and a_er a few weeks, I observed my son no;ce his new friend standing alone in the playground. Straight away my son went over to his friend and made sure he was included in the playground. My son was also the first to reassure his friend that he looked 'really cool' when he came to school in tradi;onal korean dress for harmony day recently and was very upset by being the only child dressed up in a school with minimal mul;-­‐ culturalism. I am very proud of my son showing such kindness to his new friend and showed no boundaries between cultures.

Kindness all Around

Annie from Philippines

It just came to a realisa;on that in all my 30 years of life, I've been surrounded with such amazing, selfless people. My family and friends have the kindest, most generous hearts. Take my father, who every year on his birthday, gives away burgers or lunch packs to street kids. Or two of my closest friends, who for countless years, have helped raised the daughter of a teen mom, devo;ng hours and personal funds for her educa;on and welfare. Or another friend who chose to celebrate her birthday in animal shelter to share her ;me and love with abandoned animals. Stories like these make me realise that my life has been so blessed with such amazing people. To be in their company is inspiring and moving, to say the least.


A Ride to the Airport

Ingrid from Australia

When I was at university I did a six week language school and an internship at the Jakarta Post newspaper. A family friend who was working in Indonesia at the ;me organised for me to stay in a share house of Indonesian students and young professionals. These people were lovely and went out of their way to make me feel welcome and show me around. On my last day/night there I misread my airline ;cket. I had planned to catch a local becak or taxi to the airport and thought I had hours un;l my departure, when I realised my mistake my flatmates of only a few weeks borrowed a friend's car and in a mad dash drove me to the airport. I only just made my flight. I tried to pay them petrol money, as very few people in Indonesia own cars and the average wage is so low. As is the Indonesian way, they would not let me. What an amazing group of young people they were. I wonder where they are now and how life has treated them. They certainly taught me a lesson or two in kindness! 3

Partner & Friends Kindness Stories A LiRle Help from my Friends

Djong from Philippines

I gave birth to my son last October, and what was supposed to be a happy event almost turned into a nightmare for me and my family. I wouldn't stop bleeding a_er I gave birth, and they had to perform an emergency hysterectomy to save me. While I was going through the procedure, my husband and family used social media to ask for blood donors. Since the platelets had to be extracted from the blood, they had to ask for live donors, as we could not simply use bags of blood from the blood bank. My family and I were overwhelmed from the response we received. One of my best friends, Sarah, got there quickly and I am alive today because of her. I was also amazed to find that so many people, even people I didn't know, were so willing to lend a hand to a stranger in need. My friend Owee, who's in New Zealand, asked her friends to help, and they reached out to my husband as well. It was a trying, difficult ;me in my life that became one of the most heartwarming experiences I've had. I hope to one day pay all of that kindness forward, and hopefully, sharing this story will be one way to do that.

Awesome Friend who listens

Nichole from Australia

My friend Nikki is always there to listen to me and my many issues! She always offers great advice and no judgement. It's great to have someone to talk to stuff! Thanks heaps Nikki!

Sonia’s Awesome Sonia always thinks of others. If you say you like something -­‐ she'll think of a way to get it for you! Even if it means she can't have something herself. Sonia is awesome!

Wedding Helper

Helen from Australia

When my partner asked me to marry him, we had been together for a while and had two children together, so the marriage was simply a confirma;on of our rela;onship. We didn't want a big wedding but we wanted it to be special. As we were having a party for my husband's 50th birthday, we decided to do a surprise wedding at the party. The only people who knew were our two witnesses, my friend Cathy, and Colin's best mate. I arranged the party and planned all the food, and I expected to be busy and exhausted and slightly stressed the day before the party as I put all my plans into ac;on. The week before the party, Cathy rang me and said 'I'm coming to your place on Friday. The kids are being looked a_er, I'm yours for the day and I'll stay overnight so I can carry on in the morning before everyone gets there.' I would never have asked her to give up this ;me for me, and if she'd said, 'Would you like me to help?', I'd have felt I was imposing too much. But she told me what she was doing, and it was exactly what I needed. Not only was all the cooking, cleaning and decora;ng done with ;me to spare, but we had fun doing it. It was fantas;c to have a friend share our special ;me and give us so much of her ;me. Cathy's husband and kids joined us for the party and ended up staying over and helping with the cleaning up as well Fantas;c friends. Thank you Cathy and Wolfie!

What a Legend!

Simon from Australia

My friends and family donated to a charity ride a couple of weeks ago. Their generosity helped the Children's Sanfilippo Founda;on raise much needed funds in their quest to find a cure for Sanfilippo syndrome. One friend in par;cular is baQling her own rare disease and despite having to manage with very liQle income due to her illness and severe ongoing pain, she donated extremely generously to the cause. A real legend!!! 23

Partner & Friends Kindness Stories

All the Way from Roma

Sarah from Australia

One of my very best friends for almost 20 years is my inspira;on as a parent. She works full ;me, has 4 beau;ful children who all do a_er school ac;vi;es and she s;ll manages to see the posi;ve in everything. She is the ul;mate mother and has been my life line to paren;ng advice for a few years now. This is why we chose her to be the godmother to our boys. Yet at the ;me, we were separated by 1060km. Obviously I did not expect her to make the trip but most definitely wanted her part of our boys lives. Yet, comes to christening day and my best friend has packed up the 4 children, driven over 1000km and stood beside us in the church to become a life mentor for my boys. A great example of a very good person and the type of person I love having in my life.

Blood Sisters

Danielle from Belgium

GeWng pregnant was no easy feat. Sure, for most people it is but not for me and Luke. I was ready to give up, a_er 5 years of trying, miscarriages... We were always open to adop;on from the very beginning. But we decided to give it another shot, one last aQempt. I need white blood cells. I have an immune problem you see, one where my body thinks that every ;me I get pregnant the baby is an infec;on. So it decides to aQack it and terminates the pregnancy. I needed donors for white blood cells to up my "acceptance" of foreign bodies. My friends happily donated their blood. Nikki, who I've known since we were three years old donated twice (even if she was so afraid of needles and nearly fainted) and so did Annie. If it weren't for their kindness, my Layla wouldn't be here with me today.

Baked with Love not Anchovies

Ingrid from Australia

Many moons ago, I shared a flat with an English Backpacker, named Linda. Now, I am not known for my finesse in the kitchen. In fact quite the opposite. I have had many a baking disaster. Whilst she was living with me Linda celebrated her 30th birthday so I baked her a chocolate cake. That was my act of kindness. We ate several slices and then put the remainder back in the fridge. We didn't no;ce the small jar of salty anchovies that had fallen over and proceeded to drip anchovy oil into the chocolate cake, un;l of course poor Linda helped herself to another slice the following day.... Oh dear!

The Best Friend Ever

Diana from Philippines

A week a_er giving birth, I was physically and emo;onally ;red. On top of that, I was sleep deprived and was not ea;ng well nor on ;me. It was always friend canned food or fast food delivery. Not good for a breasteeding new mom. I was stressed with in laws visi;ng in and out for that week with no considera;on of how sleepy and ;red I was. I was weak, ;red and depressed. Then, one day, I received a text message from one of my college friends who wanted to visit me because she was on vaca;on and about to leave soon. Excited to see her, I said ok but I would have nothing to offer. When she came to visit, she brought along 14 boxes of ready to heat frozen viands. She told me that she understood my situa;on and wanted to help. My heart filled with joy. In addi;on to the food, she also gave me words of encouragement and posi;vity. Although we are now an ocean apart, her kindness shines across. :)


Debbie from Australia

Friends are a gi_ of love to enjoy fun ;mes and support us in ;mes of need. Thank you to them all for their love and support xx

Partner & Friends Kindness Stories Amazing Act of Kindness

Belinda from Australia

In May of last year, I was diagnosed with Breast cancer. 37 yrs old with 2 kiddies, it wasn’t going to be an easy journey. When my news broke, I was inundated with beau;ful messages, flowers, gi_s, phone calls, i had a surprise visit from a close girlfriend from London when I just i got out of hospital, I couldn’t believe how many beau;ful people there are in the world. I was overwhelmed by great acts of kindness and was amazed at what some people do, even people i didn't know... The support I got from family and friends were amazing, my mum came to live with us for 6 months to help take care of me and my kids, as well as run the household, my hubby was amazing and really stepped up to what was Your needed. A wonderful friend organised a meal roster to support my 5 months of chemo, I felt so grateful and loved with all the amazing support. How lucky am I. Another huge act of kindness was when my parents had surprised me to put my horse in foal.. its was a dream i’ve always wanted.. it was meant so that I have something to focus on other then cancer and to enjoy in the many years to come for a happy life.

A Text Message Can Say a Lot

Sarah from Australia

I have a good friend who lives around 1000km away. We also work together on some work related projects. She would have to be one of the most kind-­‐hearted people I know. One day I covered for her at an event for work. It meant I had to travel away for a couple for days and actually ended up being a terrible job. When I got home though, here was a bunch of flowers on my doorstep and a liQle card thanking me for doing the job. Made things so much beQer. I o_en get small notes in the mail or text messages with some 'pep up' words or leWng me know I am doing a good job or just thanking me for what I do. And whilst it might only be a text message or a note in the mail, it means a lot.

New Friends

Megan from Australia

Today we met a lovely lady and her gorgeous blond son for the first ;me, we had spoken online and on the phone previously but this was the first ;me face-­‐to-­‐face. This lovely lady knew my kids recently had birthdays and she very thoughtul brought them each a gi_. It was the highlight of their day and kept them quiet the whole car trip home. :-­‐) xxx

Welcome Cheese Kindness?

Clare from Australia

We lived in Port Moresby when my daughter, our second child, was born. Unfortunately she was not a happy camper and cried around the clock almost whatever I did for her. I used to place her high up on my shoulder and walk up and down vigorously. That used to help, but it was exhaus;ng for me as she would start crying again as soon as she slipped down off the edge of my shoulder or if my walk became less than an ac;ve march. And I had an older child to care for and the weather was horribly hot and s;cky. There was nothing much anyone could do to help because Eve hated going to other people. One day my friend Evelyn came to visit and said, “I know I can’t help you with the baby, but I have brought you this” and gave me a camembert cheese. Now, as you may imagine, back in the 70’s in Port Moresby, a camembert was nothing like the cheese one would get in a French village, but it meant an enormous amount to me -­‐ so much so that my daughter is now 37 (and doesn’t cry all the ;me any more!) I s;ll remember the kindness. 25

Partner & Friends Kindness Stories

Infinity Love

Kara from Australia

I see acts of kindness here and there which are all very special, but the biggest act of kindness I've ever witnessed is from my partner, Jarrod. When we started da;ng I was collapsing frequently with no known reason. Not long a_er I was diagnosed with Intractable Epilepsy. I went from working almost everyday to not having a licence and struggling. Jarrod took it in his stride; when I moved in with him, he didn't hassle me when I couldn't afford rent, didn't bother me when I had no energy to ;dy up, and maintained his cool when I'd get fearful or try to run during my seizures. These seizures happen everyday and I'm constantly amazed and inspired that he s;cks around and loves me for it. I asked him why he does it, when it could be so easy to live with someone else and date someone else, and he just says "I just do. That's what you do for the people you love."

An Old Friend Opens Her Heart

Ingrid from Australia

I recently was reacquainted with an old childhood friend. She was touched by Jude and Isla's diagnosis and has shown lots of support these last few months, sponsoring my family in fun run, wri;ng a kindness story and even crea;ng a beau;ful logo using dri_wood while holidaying with her beau;ful liQle family in Tasmania. Some;mes we find support in unexpected places and people. This experience has brought out the best in (some) people around us. I have seen so much with the compassion, kindness and care. This person's kindness has been par;cularly touching. THANK YOU!

GiY for a Friend

Ka[ from Australia

I found a great playgroup when I moved to Taree run by an amazing woman Lyn. She lives with her family up in the mountains and they are very self sufficient. A couple of weeks ago we were talking about perfumes and she said she had a favourite called Spellbound she was given it a long ;me ago and hadn’t had it since. Knowing Lyn she would never go and buy it so I searched for it and found it in one store. The other mums at playgroup were happy to chip in and I gave it to Lyn at playgroup from everyone. She almost fell over she was so happy, she said it brought back so many memories. I was happy because Lyn was so happy :0).

Awesome Friends

Jo from New Zealand

My son Cody has Sanfilippo Syndrome and we are now unable to go places like we used to. At new year our friends were having a get together at their place by the river with lots of other friends and people in the community. My husband Ben and my other son Jake 10 years were going to go and camp out there to, and I would stay at home with Cody (and this was all fine with me). But our friends rang and said because Cody and I couldn't go they would bring the party to our place so we were all together. How lucky are we to have fantas;c friends!!! That one act of kindness started my new year happy!!

Support from a Genuine Friend

Michelle from Australia

My liQle boy Toby is very bright, but unfortunately is no sportsman. He recently ran his Cross Country, and struggled through the 2 km race but didn't give up. One of his classmates Noah, who came first in the race, waited for over 5 minutes at the finish line for my liQle boy to return. He stood there screaming, "Go Toby Go Toby," jumping up and down, clapping. Toby's face lit up when he heard Noah cheering him on. He made it home and they had a huge hug. I thought it was beau;ful sportsmanship and the sign of a genuine friend.

Partner & Friends Kindness Stories A Postponed Party

Ingrid from Australia

When I had my first child, I didn't want a large baby shower. Instead two of my closest girlfriends at the ;me, Kristy and Jo, were to come to my house for an informal lunch. Two days before, my friend Jo came to my house to help me clean and cook and indulge my 'nes;ng' ins;ncts. This woman is an efficient and fast cleaner and had me cooking up a storm and cleaning in a frenzied manner I was not accustomed to. I was 9 months pregnant and she had my standing on top of the kitchen bench (my choice) cleaning the tops of the cupboards. Not surprisingly, on the morning of the planned party, for which my girlfriend Kristy lovingly baked a lasagna and cheesecake, I went into labour. Apparently, Kristy's flatmate helped polish off the baked goods while I gave birth to a beau;ful Your baby boy. I haven't forgoQen the baked lasagna and hope to one day return the favour!! :)

Bridge Time

Simone from Australia

I had a good friend living with me for awhile and she decided to go on an adventure started with a plane ride. She was fine with the plane, but not the huge bridge we had to cross to get there, the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne. She was terrified something would happen and I assured her we would go a different way. When it came to the day of taking her we hopped in the car with her saying please don't go over the bridge. Of course not I replied! Driving along we chaQed as friends so and I had saved up some great ques;ons for when crunch ;me came. We got on the bridge without her realising we were on it despite on the huge green signs saying we were! She kept chaWng and I was focussing on keeping her distracted. We made it over the other side and she kept talking. When she finished, I told her we just went over the bridge. She whacked me on the arm and couldn't believe it and I said to her well now you know you can, so you have conquered your fear! She agreed and said a huge thanks.

New Baby

Emily from Australia

My good friend had a new baby, a very difficult baby who hardly slept and wailed all day and most of the night. She phoned to beg me to visit and give her some adult company. I knew she would not be game to eat chocolate which seemed to be a no-­‐no for breasteeding mums. I bought three fancy liQle cheeses and some crackers. We opened one cheese for morning tea together. She seemed very grateful and kept saying things like "you knew just what I wanted!" She STILL talks about that choice for morning tea and tells everyone how kind and percep;ve I was. I didn't think so -­‐ it was just a normal thing to do. But she keeps telling people nearly forty years later.

Movie Delight Karen from Australia Kindness? I am a New Entrant teacher and recent shoulder surgery has meant I have unexpectedly been on sick leave for 6 weeks. I am missing my wee 5 year olds and have to rely on my husband and friends to drive me anywhere and basically do everything for me. A_er a par;cularly painful day and struggling with a touch of cabin fever I was delighted when I opened a leQer with a lovely note and 2 movie ;ckets. It was such a wonderful gi_ and brings a smile to my face when I think of a special friend doing such a thoughtul thing....thank you...whoever you are.


Partner & Friends Kindness Stories

Escaping Dog

Simone from Australia

I had recently separated from my husband and moved into a liQle rental with my son. I got a dog, nice big happy dog who we love to bits. For the first while, it was all good, then she realised how to jump out. She would prance the streets and I would sit at home worrying and wondering where she was. I have a great friend who has helped me now 3 ;mes with my escaping dog, who no longer gets out!! The first ;me was when we had fireworks in town as she was a new dog I had no idea how she would go. I came home to find an empty backyard and started searching for her everywhere, torches out, calling her name, driving round, no luck. My friend found out what had happened and being a person who can't go to sleep early, she said she would drive around to look for me. I said no it's ok, she will come back I am sure. 20 mins later she calls up saying she found my dog and at midnight my Cinderella Dog came home! The next ;me she got out, my friend and her hubby came and helped fix my fence, including coming with me to get the right materials. The third and hopefully last ;me!!! Her hubby came over and fixed another part of the fence that she managed to jump over. Each ;me all they wanted was a safe dog and a big thanks. I say that's a preQy awesome friend I have!

The Present Box

Louise from Australia

When my son Ollie was diagnosed with Leukemia our world was turned upside down. My best friend felt helpless as she lives too far away to be of any help day to day. I was on the phone one day sobbing to her how hard it was to take him to hospital for treatment, literally forcing him into the car each ;me. A few days a_er the call a present box arrived with instruc;ons that he was allowed to take and open a present each ;me we went to hospital. What a god send that was -­‐ thank you Weez!

True Friends

Michelle from Australia

About 6 years ago we went through a difficult ;me, struggling to keep our family business opera;ng during the Global Financial Crisis. With 2 young boys we worked 7 days a week with them in tow working hard days without extra staff as we just couldn't afford it. Times were tough, and then out of the blue, a friend whom we didn't even see frequently turned up on our doorstep one day with groceries, including some special treats. Not long a_er we lost our business, our home, our car, jobs and savings were all gone. We had to start again with nothing, but to this day as we s;ll some;mes go through some difficult ;mes, we will always remember Karen's thoughtul act of kindness that brought humble tears to my eyes.

Enjoying Friends

Fiona from Australia

We love to recycle pre loved, (and some;mes brand new!) clothes & treasures to Nicholas' "twin" Archie, from our mums group. Even though they are exactly the same age, one is as pe;te as the other is tall, and both are slim, And as Archie has a liQle brother! It's excellent for handing down treasures. We love he fact all the goodies can be loved again, and all the boys look gorgeous!!

Hand-­‐me-­‐downs from my Friend Clothes Three Families

Michelle from New Zealand

My friend Jackie along with her mother and sister regularly drop bags of hand me downs to my house. This is kind but not amazing. What's amazing is that they NEVER expect anything in return. I in turn pass these clothes onto 3 families with kids smaller than mine.

Partner & Friends Kindness Stories Birthday Surprise

Michelle from New Zealand

My son aged 9 was laid up a_er surgery on his foot. It was his birthday so we had planned a great surprise party which he was oblivious to. But... we got the surprise when our friends turned up with cakes and presents for him as a surprise to us! A great night was had by all.

Friends to the Rescue

Stoddard from Australia

Your Two weeks ago a very close friend, Danielle was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has been amazing and has been in and out of hospital already for a mastectomy and ini;al treatments. Fingers crossed they will be able to nip this in the bud, and she can carry on being a mother to two beau;ful liQle boys and wife to her husband Mick. The act or acts of kindness that have amazed me have been that of my wife Noleen and her merry band of friends including Megan Donnell (Founder of the Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on, and Mother of Isla and Jude, who are affected by Sanfilippo) who have rallied to provide support for Danielle. The girls have been car;ng kids around, baby siWng, cooking meals, assis;ng with odd jobs and generally being the best friends one could ask for. Their hearts are so big and their generosity endless. I am proud to be married to Nols and her very special friends, and hopeful that this goodwill and posi;ve spirit will keep Danielle's spirits high over the coming months as Danielle goes through treatment. These Angels are: Noleen Lance, Nina Dunn, Megan Donnell, Tracey Lenden, Louise Blair, Martha Hill, Nicki Woods, Jo Bilous, Kris;e Taylor, Sophie Croan, Lisa Whealy.

The Magic Pudding

Megan from Australia

We have 2 kids with a rare disease, Sanfilippo Syndrome. My friend Maurice, who happens to be a fantas;c cook, knows that some days are especially challenging for so many reasons related to their condi;on. On days like these, we get to the end of the day and feeding ourselves (don't worry kids are always cared for!) is just a step too far. So we have a "magic pudding" meal arrangement, he stocks our freezer with delicious dishes every few months and we just let him know when it is geWng low so it can be magically replenished! The Sanfilippo Children's Founda;on is featured this month on "Ways to Amaze" and we are touched by the kindness of all our incredible supporters, I could write 60 stories myself simply from the last 6 months.


A Night at the Opera

Ingrid from Australia

Several years ago at an Opera in the Park (Opera Australia) event in Sydney with a new baby and a recently-­‐made-­‐ redundant husband, I won a trip to Melbourne with accommoda;on at a plush hotel and a night at the opera in a raffle. I'd actually already le_ when my prize was announced but my mother (who was the original ;cket buyer) went up on stage to collect my prize. We took the trip to Melbourne but with a small baby in tow decided to donate our opera ;ckets to some family friends Clare and Winn. This amazing couple had just bravely saved their house the 2008 Bush Fires. Their home s;ll stood but their amazing orchard, garden, fences, sheds and spirit were destroyed. They were able to enjoy a night at the opera on our behalf.


Colleagues & Clients Kindness Stories

Cooked with Kindness

Jane from Australia

We regularly have morning teas at my workplace and have a rota;ng roster. Last week I was sick with the flu so my colleague, Debbie, rang me and said, "I know your sick and I feel like baking". She not only baked a cake and took it into work on her day off, she also whipped up a batch of brownies and delivered them to me as a 'Get Well' gi_. What a swee;e!

Gruffalo’s Birthday Present

Simon from Australia

Like so many children, my youngest child Max has always loved the 'Gruffalo' books. Recently, for his 3rd birthday, his Granny made a big effort to buy him a special Gruffalo's Child book with sounds. What made it even more special was that she tracked down the author, Julia Donaldson, who is Bri;sh, and was in the US, and sent it to her to sign. Not only did Julia sign the book, and wishing him a happy 3rd birthday, she took ;me out of her day to find a suitable birthday card for him and wrote a very special message inside. Not only did Max love the book and card, but his older brother and sister were ecsta;c, that the actual author of their favourite books had wriQen a message inside. It was a great act of kindness on their Granny's part for being so thoughtul and going to the effort of tracking her down, and also Julia Donaldson who apart from being one of the biggest children's writers, she also inspired Max's big sister who now wants to 'be Julia' and has wriQen her first children's book, aged 6.

A Tax Invoice with a Difference

Sharon from Australia

When mother of 2 called and needed help, I could tell she was very anxious about the fee. I asked, this new customer, to trust me and allow me to be her saving grace and not worry about my listed fee. My business is truly about relieving stress and providing peace of mind for families. This is the first tax invoice of this kind -­‐ but it felt so right. I've not been paid yet, but the client's tears of gra;tude was priceless.

All it took was Tim Tams

Ingrid from Australia

People talk about the kindness of strangers...In Scotland, strangers quickly become friends. However this 'honorary Australian' is one bloke who showed me considerable kindness: giving me a job, a temporary home, a 25th birthday party and even a ;cket to see Kevin Bloody Wilson!! Ian offered me a job overseas at a ScoWsh travel agency a_er a quick telephone interview in Sydney on the proviso that I bring him Tim-­‐Tams. He had sampled this Australian delicacy many a ;me before. I took 10 packets. However that was problem not enough to thank this great guy for his many acts of kindness. I worked with Ian and his team for 10 months but quickly got to know them all well and was shown such hospitality! At that age, you tend to take this stuff for granted. A month a_er arriving, I turned 25. In a foreign country and feeling somewhat homesick, my new boss and Travelmood buddies took me to an Australian-­‐themed restaurant to celebrate my birthday. Ian went on to send my on a 'educa;onal' a trip to Malaysia, and shout me many a beer and a curry 'at Audreys'. And he expected nothing in return. I was able to shout Ian a meal and a trip to an art gallery years later on one of his trips to Sydney but s;ll feel there is some karmic debt... I owe Ian so much. And hope he will stop in again, so I can meet his wife and have a laugh about old ;mes.

Colleagues, Students & Animal Kindness Stories Car Wash

Natalie from Australia

I run a kindness club at school each Wednesday. There are 20 students in my club from year 1 to 6. Several weeks ago we took our buckets and sponges to the staff car park and washed everyone's car. Then staff were encouraged to thank our club by dona;ng to UNICEF.

The Car Seat That Keeps on Giving

Shirley from Australia

I announced at a work morning tea that I was looking to borrow a car seat for my visi;ng grandson, but no-­‐one had one. The very next day there was knock at my office door and there stood one of the office ladies carrying a car seat. She said the children in her extended family had all outgrown it and I could have it free of charge. Five years and three grandchildren later, it is s;ll safely transpor;ng my grandchildren.

Horrible Hit and Run

Neima from Belgium

I was in Djibou; during a summer three years ago. I was driving behind a truck and had loud music on with couple of my friends yelling out loud in the back. Few minutes and turns later, I see the truck in front of me hiWng a cat, and keep on driving. The poor thing got dragged all the way to the side, it's en;re stomach was out, all my friends kept saying that it was going to die in the next few minutes and that I should leave it there, not get all that blood into the car etc... All I saw was the pain in it's eyes. A_er a few minutes I was in front of a veterinary, he took us in straight away and told me to leave him for a few hours because the cat needed surgery. I went back home and he called 3 hours a_er to let me know that the cat survived. I am from Djibou; originally, but it was hard to witness such indifference towards animals. I have no;ced that people in Africa have no respect towards animals, they beat them then leave them dying. This is Sick!!! Thank god that not everyone is the same.

Teenage Boys go out of their Way to Help Injured Animal

Donna from Australia

The other night as my 19 year old son and his mate were on their way out they saw a injured possum on the road. They came back round the block got a box and blankets and carefully picked it up. Although the vets is 20 mins in the opposite direc;on they didn't think twice. Taking the animal to the vet and saving it further pain and suffering. Proud that we have raised a kind boy who hangs out with like minded people.


When you show kindness or witness kindness on your life journey, please remember to share the stories so we can conInue supporIng more deserving chari[es.

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