Parent Connection Newsletter
April 2016 April 11 September Term 4 Starts 2011 April 15 International Festival April 18 – April 22 Survivor Week April 23 Coffee House Performance 7:00 p.m., Auditorium April 25 NHS Senior Recognition 7:00 p.m., Auditorium April 28 – 30 Spring Musical May 2 – May 13 AP Testing May 5 – 7 Spring Musical May 9 Senior Awards 7:00 p.m., Auditorium May 11 Mid-Term 4 May 19 Empty Bowls
Late Start Wednesdays...Visit the
high school website to view all late starts. Click Calendar Link on front page of the website to view calendar.
Character and Scholarship for Life Dear Wayzata Parents/Students, Whether you’re a motorist or pedestrian, this is a friendly reminder to slow down and obey traffic laws as you are coming or leaving the high school. It’s always a tricky situation getting everyone in and out during school start and end times, but rushing the process can cause greater delays and creates safety risks for everyone. Please take your time and be very cautious in and around the school as you navigate your way.
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL! W A Y Z A T A H I G H SCHOOL will host the International Festival o n FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on the 2nd floor by the Trojan Head area.
The International Festival event is an opportunity to learn about world cultures, enjoy ethnic food, participate in different cultural activities, shop at a bazaar and enjoy music and dancing from different countries. We are currently looking for parent volunteers to help out with this event. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Kathryn Bennett:
Thank you!
T h e
CREW will have a sales booth at the Wayzata International Festival on Friday, April 15 from 5:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
The CREW booth will be located in the 2nd Floor Forum room (same place we had our Fall Craft sale). The CREW students have been working hard this year creating many different products. Stop by and see our wonderful items we are offering for sale!
Counselors’ Corner 2015-2016
Important Dates to Remember: April 27
April 28
May 7
June 4
June 11
WHS Counselor Assignments: Jane Stapleton Amanda Randall Jennifer Landy Mark Elias Cynthia McGunnigle Sarah Clutter Brian Gildemeister Royce Kloehn Peggy Zimmer
A – Bri Brj – Dr Ds – Hal Ham – Kar Kas – Mal Mam – Or Os – Sa Sc – Te Tf – Z
Nancy Vogt Terri Marr Kristyn Nelson
Registrar Secretary Secretary
Counseling Office: 763-745-6630 763-745-6631 763-745-6708 Fax: 763-745-6632
College & Career Center (CCC): 763-745-6639 Deb Musser CCC Coordinator If you need to schedule an appointment with your student’s counselor, please contact the secretaries at the Counseling Office.
Counselors’ Corner Summer School Notice:
Group Guidance:
Two sessions of summer school are: June 20 – July 8 (off July 4 – 5) July 11 – July 27
Juniors will review the post high school planning process in more detail and will receive transcripts and summer school information.
Students who need to make up credits are encouraged to sign up for summer school.
Classes will run from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., and will be held at CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL. Students may take up to two classes in each session. Bus transportation is available. Further information and registration forms will be available in the counseling office and the floor offices. THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS MAY 4.
Counselors will soon be m eeting w ith grades 11 and 12 for group guidance sessions (see Important Dates on page 2).
Seniors will meet with counselors for evaluations, final transcript information, and a discussion about transitioning to the next stage in their lives.
Important Senior Information:
It is important that seniors keep track of credits and maintain passing grades to ensure on-time graduation. Seniors must have 60 credits to graduate and participate in the commencement ceremony on Friday, June 3. Keep up the hard work during term 4 – those credits are needed for graduation, too! Students who need to make up credits should check with the counseling office. Counselors have distributed transcripts at every group guidance session and have sent letters home to parents of students who are short credits. It is ultimately the responsibility of students and parents to make sure all graduation requirements are met on time.
Tuition reciprocity forms and information for North Dakota, South Dakot a , a n d W i s c o n s i n p u b l i c s c h o o l s a re ava i l a b l e o n l i n e a t w w w. o h e . s t a te . m n . u s . Lastly, seniors need to complete the final transcript information/senior survey sheet, which will be given to them during Group Guidance on April 28. This form is very important as it tells the counseling office where to send your final transcript, which is a requirement for all colleges!
College & Career Center College Visits:
Reps from the following colleges will be visiting the CCC this month. As juniors and sophomores begin their college search, they are encouraged to attend these visits. Quite often, each rep who visits WHS is also the one who will be reading your student’s college application. By attending these visits, students and reps can get acquainted with each other. Each visit lasts for about 30 minutes and students are excused from class. Students should stop by the CCC to get a pass for each visit! The Art Institutes – Tuesday, April 12 @ 9:15 a.m. Marist College – Wednesday, April 13 @ 10:00 a.m. Montana State University – Monday, April 18 @ 12:15 p.m. Nova Southeastern University – Tuesday, April 19 @ 9:15 a.m. Marian University – Tuesday, April 19 @ 10:00 a.m. St. Ambrose University – Tuesday, April 19 @ 11:00 a.m. Saint Louis University – Tuesday, April 19 @ 12:00 p.m. University of Arizona – Tuesday, April 19 @ 1:00 p.m. Carleton College – Wednesday, April 20 a@t 11:00 a.m. Kansas State University – Wednesday, April 20 @ 1:30 p.m. Northland College – Thursday, April 21 @ 8:45 a.m. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities – Thursday, April 21 @ 9:45 a.m. Arizona State University – Thursday, April 21 @ 11:30 a.m.
Minnesota Education Fair:
Thank you to all of the students and parents who recently attended the Minnesota Education Fairs at Minnetonka High School and Eden Prairie High School. Reps from 120+ colleges, universities, specialty schools and the military were there and they shared a lot of great information. This fair will be held in March 2017 at Wayzata High School…so plan on attending this event next year!
My Next Move?
Does your student often wonder what he/she wants to be when they grow up? Maybe you’re doing more wondering than they are! Here’s a great website for your student to explore various careers and industries, Students can find interesting details about careers that interest them, including job outlook and the various colleges/universities that offer that major or field.
Senior Declaration Day:
Monday, May 2, the CCC will host the annual Senior Declaration Day. All seniors are invited to the CCC over their lunch hour to announce their plans for next year. Some students are off to the military, some to learn a trade at a technical school, others will be going to a 2 or 4 year college/university, a few may be taking a gap year, while others are heading right to work. Everyone has a place on the map, and we want to celebrate everyone’s choice! The results will be displayed on the bulletin board outside the CCC for all students, parents and staff to see…hopefully by Friday, May 6.
Just a Reminder…
D i d yo u r s t u d e n t c h e c k o u t AC T s t u dy g u i d e m a te r i a l s f ro m t h e CCC fo r t h e re cent ACT exam? Please remind them to return these items. Thank you!
Books, Books and More Books:
Are you doing some spring cleaning? Do you have any college search books or ACT study books collecting dust? How about AP books? If your kids are no longer using these materials, please consider donating them to the CCC for others to use for years to come. The books can be brought in by students or dropped off at the front greeter’s desk. Your donations are much appreciated!
CCC Hours and Info:
The CCC is open daily from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Encourage your student to stop by and ask about college visits, job postings and to check out ACT and AP testing material and other items from our resource library. We look forward to helping your student! If you have any questions, please email Deb Musser at or call 763.745.6639.
Chemical Health Dear Parents/Guardians: Once we get past Spring Break, I start thinking ahead to the things that we can be proactive towards and use our best prevention strategies to promote good decision making of our teens.
The Mexico bound spring breakers will be talking about their experiences and then prom is the topic of conversation. Planning and prepping for prom is half the fun then the big day comes and is your teen actually prepared for all the choices they must make? Here is where you come in as parents. Making the arrangements for dress/tux styles, hair, flowers, dinner and pictures is a big deal and so is transportation. How will your child get to and from and where are they going afterwards? Have you coordinated with other parents to host a supervised event at your house or volunteered to supervise at another house? Are you supervising youth going to cabins? Is there access to alcohol? Oh yeah, what about the party bus? Did you check out the company and their restrictions for underage use of alcohol…or if they have any restrictions? I’ll stop with the questions and let you think about the answers. I know there are many creative ways to support legal activities while giving your teen some space. Being a part of the planning from the beginning can help give you a hand in the post prom events to be assured your child is safe. Since I attend prom, I see the students looking amazing and having a wonderful time with great food, music, decorations and enjoying the company of their dates and friends. As staff, we can take care of them while at prom but I also get concerned about the students who say they are going to prom but never actually show up. Where are they? As parents, did you know they had other plans? You are probably not going to follow them to dinner and then IMS but asking the question is okay and what their alternative plans are. Prom is ultimately about several things; having a wonderful evening and then a safe return home. Prom is not a rite of passage and clear expectations still need to be discussed. Happy prom planning!
~Judy Hanson Chemical Health Coordinator 763-745-6988
Around WHS Prom 2016 “The Great Gatsby” Saturday, May 14, 2016 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Medina Entertainment Center 500 MN 55 Medina, MN 55340 (please note location change!) Tickets: $38/person The Wayzata High School Math Team
finished the regular season in first place statewide and subsequently took first place in the state tournament held on M a r ch 1 4 . This is the team’s 10th state championship in the last 14 years!! Va r s i t y t e a m m e m b e r s i n c l u d e d : Stephen Chen (9), Matthew Qu (9), Ayush Ram (9), William Drew (11), Rithvik Pasumarty (11), Seri Choi (12), Jeffrey Lee (12), and Daniel Qu (12). Six other math team members were invited to the state tournament because of their regular season scores: Matthew Jeon (10), Joe Kammann (10), Akash Kaul (10), Andrew Tang (10), Kaustubh Verma (11), and Caroline Zeng (9). Coaches, Bill Skerbitz, Lee Barnett and Mick Cipra, have enjoyed working with the students this season and look forward to another great season next year. We would like to thank the students for their hard work, the students’ parents for all their support, and the students’ current and former teachers for their wonderful preparation! CONGRATULATIONS TEAM!
The ticket price covers site rental, chaperones, DJ, police officers and a full hot hors d’œuvre buffet catered by D’Amico, a chocolate fountain, a dessert bar and a coffee bar. Kemmetmueller Photography will be on site to take pictures. A pricing sheet/order form is available on the WHS website. Picture packets must be paid for on the night of Prom.
Tickets may be purchased through E-pay. There is an option to pay with credit card or cash/check. The E-Pay window will close Friday, May 6. Tickets will also be sold before/after school in B207, only cash/check. Tickets will not be available for purchase after May 6. See Mrs. Iverson in B207 with ticket questions.
P ro m i s f o r j u n i o r a n d s e n i o r s t u d e n t s o n ly. J u n i o r s a n d s e n i o r s a r e a l l owe d to bring 9 th and 10 th grade students as guests. Juniors and seniors may also bring non-WHS students but a Guest Registration form must be completed and submitted when tickets are purchased. The form is available on the WHS website at .
Around WHS 2016-17 Fall Trojan Tots Registration to open Monday, May 2 Via E-Pay!
TROJAN POWER Registration begins Tuesday, April 19, 2016. The last day to register online is Thursday, June 9 at 12:00 p.m. Please register by the deadline. In person registrations will require a cash payment. • Monday, June 20, 2016 – Wed., August 3, 2016 • Monday – Thursday at Central Middle School (CMS) & West Middle School (WMS) • No training on Monday, July 4 Please check the Trojan Power website (below) for session times and dates!
A Message From Our STRESS BUSTERS Team... “Sweeping away student stress one surprise at a time!’ We h a d a s u c c e s s f u l S T R E S S B U ST E RS m o r n i n g s e s s i o n o n T u e s d a y, M a r c h 2 9 . Our Wayzata students (plus teachers and staff) all received warm greetings and individually wrapped mints on their way into school. Research has shown mint can enhance cognitive functions and was a favorite amongst students last year. A BIG thank you to Costco and Walmart, Maple Grove and Costco, St. Louis Park for their donations!! Please support these stores when you are able. We could not do this without the generosity of donors. If you would like to contribute please visit http://www. There you can also find out how to volunteer for our 2016-2017 school year! We would also like to thank Dr. Donald Krubsack, band teacher, and the members of the Wayzata high school band, who generously gave their time and talents to enliven the morning arrival with their talented music. What a great way to start the day! Lastly, our work would not be complete without clean up so we would like to thank the newest addition to the STRESS BUSTERS team of volunteers, the custodial assistants in the TRACK Work Program, who clean all the painted windows after each event. THANK
The Trojan Power program is an enrichment opportunity. It is not a requirement of the Athletic Department or any of the Wa y z a t a H i g h S c h o o l s p o r t s t e a m s . Why train at Wayzata? Training at Wayzata provides students with an excellent opportunity to train with teammates in a sport/activity specific program. The Trojan Power staff ensures proper technique and instruction in all phases of training. How hard you work will be determined by how hard you and your teammates wish to go!
Payment Information: Cost is $145 and includes a Trojan Power t-shirt. Checks will not be accepted. Please email ryan.johnson@wayzata.k12. with questions regarding the high school sessions. Questions regarding the middle school sessions should be directed to: Click here for E-Pay registration BEGINNING April 19. For more information including session information, please visit our Trojan Power website:
Congratulations to Joseph Chen (12) & Ashmita Sarma (11) for qualifying for the USA Biology Olympiad Semifinal Exam! After competing in the open exam, the two were asked to move on in the competition to the semifinal round. The top twenty semifinalists will be invited to attend the USABO National Finals in June, where four finalists will be designated as Team USA, and will compete in the International Biology Olympiad in July.
Student Production Awards Emmys Gala
Sunday, April 10, 2016 is the date to celebrate student media and broadcast accomplishments at the Student Production Awards Emmys Gala. The event will be held from 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Radisson Blu Hotel at the Mall of America, with socializing and networking with the professionals at 10:30 a.m. and lunch at 11:30 a.m.
The event attire is business-casual (no shorts, jeans, flip-flops, please!) as the event will be recorded and streamed. More information about the event is at: w w w. m i d w e s t e m m y s . o r g
Wayzata High School’s own, A.J. Yablonsky and Chase Devens, have been nominated for an award in the PSA category this year. Support student media by attending this prestigious event. Admission is $25, which includes lunch.
Wayzata Mountain Bike Team Information Meetings
Did you know Mountain Biking is a fall sport available through Wayzata Community Education? Come to an informational meeting to learn more about this competitive yet fun, no-cut co-ed sport. Open to all boys and girls from 7 – 12th grade in the Wayzata district. Information meetings for interested students and parents will be held Tuesday, May 3 and Monday, May 16, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Wayzata High School in Forum Room B204. You only need to attend one of these meetings to learn how to register and get riding with this growing team. Questions? Visit
or call, 763-745-5205. See you there!
Around WHS Wa y z a t a ’ s
B PA Te a m h a d a n o u t s t a n d i n g B PA S t a t e L e a d e r s h i p Conference March 10-12 at the Minneapolis Hyatt Regency!! A special recognition goes out to M s . C a n d y L e e , re c e iv i n g MN BPA Advisor of the Year! Of our 64 students who competed, 36 will advance to the National Leadership Conference in Boston, May 5 - 9: Abhi Kamboj: Computer Network Technology 3rd Place, Computer Programming Concepts 5th Place, Visual Basic/C# Programming 1st Place Abhinav Bhaskar: Computer Security 4th Place AllanGrudsky:PCServicing&Troubleshooting1stPlace A r h a n S a l u n k : I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h nology Concepts 2nd Place Ashmita Sarma: Computer Programming Concepts 1st Place Brandon Lai: Network Administration using Microsoft 4th Place Brandon Xu: C++ Programming 3rd Place, Computer Programming Concepts 2nd Place, JAVA Programming 5th Place Eric Zeng: System Administration using CISCO 2nd Place Eric Zhang: Visual Basic/C# Programming 2nd Place Evan Rasmussen: Informat i o n Te c h n o l o g y C o n c e p t s 3 r d P l a c e Jack Barbella, Amrit Bhatia, Sameer Khan: Small Business Management Team 1st Place Jacob Wilson: Fundamentals of Web Design 4th Place Julien Jean-Pierre: C++ Programming 5th Place Kushal Sehgal: System Administration using CISCO 1st Place Luke Houge: Computer Network Technology 2nd Place Mariel Naylor, Tikvah Omole, Isabel Pooley, Cathy Wang: Computer Animation Team 2nd Place Matthew Prondzinski: Personal Financial Management 2nd Place Mina Yuan: Medical Office Procedures 4th Place Nathan Ringo: C++ Programming 2nd P l a c e , J AVA P r o g r a m m i n g 2 n d P l a c e Phillip Ableidinger, Hari Balakrishnan, Kenneth Kim, Saketh Kollipara: Web Site Design Team 1st Place Ruhi Doshi: Digital Publishing 3rd Place Ruhi Doshi, Tiffany Ku, Shivani Mahajan, Zofsha Merchant: Presentation Management Team 1st Place Sasidhar Vankina: Entrepreneurship 1st Place S h iva n i M a h a j a n : V i s u al Basic/C# Programming 4th Place Trevo r N g uye n : N e t wo rk Ad m i n i s t ra tion using Microsoft 3rd Place, System Administration using CISCO 3rd Place T y l e r Yo u n g : A d m i n i s t r a t i v e S u p port Research Project 1st Place
Around WHS It’s just over two months until our Seniors graduate! The Senior Party Committee has been busy planning a memorable night to celebrate our 2016 graduates!! Tickets are on sale now!!
A one page flyer/invite for the Senior All Night Party was included with your student’s cap and gown that was distributed on March 15. This flyer has information about purchasing tickets (online registration), party details as well as scholarship information. In addition to the flyer, all details and registration information can be found on the senior class party website: Note: Early-bird registration is $65 if received by May 2. Ticket prices for registration received after May 2 is $75. Last day to register for the party is May 20. (May 20 is also the last day scholarship requests will be accepted). Registration (link) is attached below.
Thanks to all parents, students, families and friends who have supported our fundraising efforts this year. These fundraising efforts help offset the cost of the senior class party allowing us to offer all seniors a night of unforgettable entertainment, food, fun, and prizes. We want all seniors to attend this fun filled event! We a p p r e c i a t e a l l w h o s u p p o r t e d o u r E v e r e v e f u n d r a i s e r. Thanks to Evereve for donating 15% of their sales on March 6, to the Senior Party!!
We still have a few more fundraisers going on these last few months of school... Graduation Banners, Yard Signs and Thank You Cards: Order deadline for thank you cards is April 22! These are great for invitations, money holders and of course, thank you cards! Order deadline for banner and yard signs is April 30! To see pictures of these great products and to download the order forms, please go to our website
Order forms for thank you cards, banners and yard signs are included at the bottom of this article. Banners, yard signs and thank you cards that have been pre-ordered can be picked up on Friday, May 13 from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the WHS Main Entrance along with pre-ordered plants and flowers.
Culinary Express: We earn $50 each day we have two volunteers in the HS cafeteria washing tables and returning trays. Let’s not miss out on any opportunities to earn money for the senior party! There are still dates open from now until the end of the school year. To sign up, please visit . New Fundraiser!!!! Mosquito Joe is offering a great deal on mosquito repellent treatments for your yard or outdoor event location. Treatments cost $129 and with each treatment purchased and pre-paid, $50 will be donated to the senior class party!! What a great way to make sure your graduation party or any other outdoor event you are hosting this summer is mosquito free! See flyer with contact info on the next page!
Mid-April, an eight page, color brochure will be mailed to all senior students home addresses. This brochure will provide you with all the information and details you need to know for the Se Senior News continued on page 11
Around WHS Senior News from page 10
nior class party on June 3 (including registration, schedule for the evening, official party rules, FAQ’s and other general information). If you have questions or are interested in volunteering the night of the party go to the senior class party website at Yes, you can count on me to support the 2016 Graduating Class!
□ I will donate an item(s): (gift cards, gift certificates, gift item, etc) List the item(s): Valued at: $
□ I will make a monetary donation (All donations are welcome) $
(Sponsorship levels: $500+ Trojan Sponsor, $250+ Gold Sponsor, $100+ Blue Sponsor)
Checks should be made payable to the “Wayzata Senior Party”. The Wayzata Senior Class Party is affiliated with the Wayzata Booster Foundation, a recognized charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your contact information is necessary for us to recognize you properly to our families. (Feel free to attach a business card or indicate if you would prefer not to be recognized)
Company Name: Contact Name: Address: State:
Please contact us directly if you have any questions. Donations may be sent with this form to the addresses below. Call if you would like a volunteer to pick up your donation.
Wayzata Senior Class Party c/o Wayzata High School, attn: Senior Party 4955 Peony Lane N Plymouth, MN 55446
S t a y
Kim Mertens WHS Senior Party 1820 Garland Lane N Plymouth, MN 55447 (612) 396-5753
C o n n e c t e d !
Facebook: 2016 Wayzata High School Senior Party (\ Senior-Party-730198087066296/timeline/) T w i t t e r : @ Wa y z a t a P a r t y 1 6 ( h t t p s : / / t w i t t e r. c o m / Wa y z a t a P a r t y 1 6 ) Instagram: WayzataSrParty2016 If you have other questions, please email u s a t way z a t a . s e n i o r p a r t y @ g m a i l . c o m .
Yo u
h t t p : / / w a y z a t a s e n i o r c l a s s p a r t y. w e e b l y. c o m / u p l o a d s / 1 / 4 / 3 / 4 / 1 4 3 4 0 2 4 8 / thank_you_note_order_form.pdf
For Banners and Yard Signs: order_form.pdf
C l u b Y. E . S . w i l l b e h o s t i n g i t s a n n u a l
“Celebration of Service” awards event on Tuesday, April 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the Wayzata High School auditorium. Students receiving the President›s Volunteer Service Award will be recognized that evening. If your student applied for the President’s Volunteer Service Award watch for an awards announcement and invitation to arrive in the mail the second week of April. Q u e s t i o n s , c o n t a c t B re n d a B a d g e r, C l u b Y. E . S . C o o r d i n a t o r a t ( 7 6 3 ) 7 4 5 - 6 8 0 7 o r T h e C l u b Y. E . S . - S u m m e r Vo l u n t e e r Opportunities brochure will be available for students beginning in May and available in the CCC, or may be downloaded from the Club Y.E.S. forms page on the Wayzata High School website.
“I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.” –William Shakespeare International Festival - HELP NEEDED: Volunteers are needed for the International Festival, held on Friday, April 15, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Three Shifts are needed. To sign up: go/30e0b44aba72ba13-international Or contact Kathryn Bennett for more information, Stress Busters Committee: T h e S t r e s s B u s t e r s C o m m i t t e e i s l o o king for volunteers. Contact Stephanie Weitz: w e i t z 0 1 @ c o m c a s t . n e t
General Help: Opportunities to volunteer come up throughout the year, click on the link below to preview: Information can also be found on the WHS website: G o to t h e “ Fo r Pa re n t s ” t a b , c l i c k o n P T O t h e n Vo l u n t e e r S i g n - U p .
If you are interested in being included on a General Help list, contact Catherine Christiansen @ The General Help list is a low time commitment, as it fits your schedule, opportunity. You will be notified via e-mail when needs arise! Thank you!
Around WHS The Wayzata Leadership Academy supports the WHS Mission Statement “Character and Scholarship for Life” Trojan Pride has been developed to intentionally and purposefully promote and develop character and leadership qualities in our students. Teachers look for students who demonstrate one of The Pillars of Trojan Pride during the school day and will send a Trojan Pride Character Card home. Each week we draw a student to showcase Trojan Pride. TROJAN
Ingrid Christopherson (10) - Nominated by fellow students who filled out the Student Character Cards for being inclusive!
- Nominated by
Judy Hamman for exhibiting all five of the Pillars of Success!
Amelia Walker (10)
- Nominated by
by fellow students who filled out the Student Character Cards for demonstrating respect!
Mrs. Lephart for following through with commitments and demonstrating respect!
Noelle Polis (12) - [Not pictured] Nominated by Mrs. Jasper for leaving a positive legacy!
Federico Diaz Blanco (10) - Nominated by Mrs. Johnson for building positive relationships!
Samantha Rudin (9)
Tyler Young (11) - Nominated
Eli Johnson (9) - [Not pictured]
WERE. . .
Nominated by fellow students who filled out Student Character Cards for being inclusive!
Melody Liu (10) - Nominated by fellow students who filled out the Student Character Cards for being honest and having integrity!
Luke Dockter (12) - [Not pictured] Nominated by fellow students who filled out Student Character Cards for being inclusive!
Dan Nispel (12) - [Not pictured]
Nominated by Mrs. Jasper for leaving a positive legacy!
Around WHS Insider Tips to Save Thousands on College
College is one of the largest investments your family will make. College costs are escalating rapidly. Understand the mistakes resulting in poor academic and financial decisions that cost thousands of dollars. Learn what college actually costs and how to reduce your costs. Class will cover: common mistakes families make in selecting college, how to prevent these mistakes, myths about college aid, how the FAFSA works and how to get grants from colleges. Planning ahead and developing a strategy is a must for parents and college-bound students. Offered in partnership with Robbinsdale Community Education. Jay Benanav has years of experience counseling students and parents on how to conduct a successful college search. Sandburg Learning Center, 2400 Sandburg Lane, Golden Valley, 55427. #COLL-SP-16 Thursday, April 21, 2016 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $19 for 1 class Sandburg Learning Center Jay Benanav
For Senior Girls & Moms (or Other Female Guardians): “NOT ME” Training Senior Girls! Are you getting ready to leave home for college or other adventures? Consider taking a selfdefense course for your safety away from the safety net of your home environment. This training will arm you with self-defense techniques to keep yourself safe and able to get out of potentially harmful situations. It is instructed by self-defense professionals and has been very well received all over Minnesota! This will fill up quickly! Registration thru E-Pay will open on April 13. Walk-ins are not guaranteed a spot. When: Tuesday, May 10 or Wednesday, May 11 Where: WHS Culinary Express Time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Cost: $18 per person or $28 per two Wear comfortable clothing to move around in.
Questions can go to: Judy.Hanson@wayzata.k12. or
Congratulations to the 2016 Survivor Contestants! Sophomores: Makenzy Crandall, Madieu Jallon, Davin Miguel Juniors: Emily Aarons, Sinclair Jankowski, Dawson Low, Jacob Wilson Seniors: Sydnee Anderson, Tanner Colpitts, Patricia Gibson, Olivia Kettleson, Gabby Lambert, Nathan Ringo, Nick Swanson Staff: Jack Fariss and Casey Nightingale Survivor Week will take place from April 18 to April 22, and is a fundraiser for the WHS Fund-A-Need program. The 16 contestants live at the school for the week and slowly get “voted off the island” as they compete in different challenges around the community. The week also involves “Spirit Days” and activities for the entire student body! The Student Council website will be updated with more specific information as it becomes available.
Around WHS Trip to Colombia Summer 2017 What: Mr. Parra Staves is organizing an educational trip for students of Spanish (all levels) to:
• Improve Spanish communication skills by interacting with people from Colombia. • Gain a deeper acceptance of diverse cultural perspectives through learning about the products and practices of Colombians. • Obtain a better understanding of your own culture through being exposed to a different culture.
Students will stay with a host family for 5-10 days, spending 3-5 days touring as a group in and around the capital city, Bogota, Villa de Leyva and the coffee region. You are invited to participate in an exciting, adventurous and unforgettable trip! When: Summer 2017 (two weeks mid-June) Cost: $2,300 – $2,600 includes everything (airline, r/b & transp.) except personal shopping Contact: or call 763-745-6683
COLLECTION DATES: Seniors — May 27 Juniors — June 2 Sophomores — June 3 Freshmen — June 6
COLLECTION EXPECTATIONS: 1. iPad 2. Power Brick 3. USB Cable 4. iPads are expected to be returned unbroken and in working order. Families will be charged a fee for missing or broken iPads & accessories. Students are responsible for backup of files/pictures/videos and iPad data. Backup instructions are posted on the Trojan Tech Helpdesk Website: o
Fine Arts DRAMA CLUB & THEATRE NEWS The 30th Coffee House production will take place on Saturday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE HAS CHANGED. We will have a delightful variety of acts with singing, dancing, comedy and instrumental. New this year is our In-House Band who will be accompanying many of our singers. There will be a dance production number to open the 2 nd act featuring, Wayzata Players Board Members and more! ALL PROCEEDS WILL BENEFIT THE HIGH SCHOOL’S FUND-A-NEED PROGRAM. Go to E-Pay today and get your tickets! ********************************************* Drama Club had its Spring Fling points meeting recently. Members were able to check their points sheets to see how close they are to lettering in Drama for the 2015-2016 school year. If your student could not attend, please have them check their sheet in D207 with Mrs. Beherns right away. ************************************************** Director Packets are available to be picked up on the Drama Board outside the Orchestra room. This is open for all 12th graders interested in directing for the Senior spotlight that takes place the end of May. Deadline for these to be submitted is April 11. ************************************************** As always check the drama board for information on any and all upcoming events. April 11
Deadline for buying Cabaret T-shirt (E-Pay) April 23 30th Coffee House Performance 7:00 p.m., WHS Auditorium April 28 - 29 Cabaret @ 7:00 p.m. April 30 Cabaret @ 2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. May 5 - 6 Cabaret @ 7:00 p.m. May 7 Cabaret @ 2:00 p.m. SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Wayzata Players Awards Banquet
May 27 Sr. Spotlight 7:00 p.m. Black Box Theatre May 28 Sr. Spotlight 7:00 p.m. Black Box Theatre
The cast has been chosen and rehearsals have begun for this year’s spring musical, Cabaret.
Performances: April 28 – 30 and May 5 – 7, 2016.
Tickets go on sale April 11; look for more information on the WHS website-main page! What is Cabaret all about?
It’s Berlin 1931; the seedy Kit Kat Klub is a place of celebration, where you can pretend the party will go on forever, even as the world falls apart around you. At the Kit Kat Klub, there is a 19 year old English cabaret performer named Sally, who has a relationship with a young American writer named Clifford Bradshaw.
While this is going on another plot develops between a German boarding house lady, Fraulein Schneider and her older suitor, Herr Schultz (Jewish fruit vendor), which is doomed from the start. Overseeing the action is the Master of Ceremonies at the Kit Kat Klub. The club celebrates life as the ominous political developments. It is funny, moving, fast paced and totally entertaining. P l e a s e d o n ’ t miss this show!
Around WHS
Athletics 2015-2016 Wayzata High School Athletic Registration Information All participants in athletic programs at Wayzata High School must be fully registered prior to the athlete’s first practice/tryout. Note: Student-Athletes may participate in only one athletic program per season. This also includes Showstoppers (fall) and Clay Target (spring).
A student-athlete who has transferred to WHS during their high school career, is moving into the school district, or is a foreign exchange student should register in person accompanied by a parent/guardian. You must complete the following steps to be cleared for participation:
Step 1: Submit a current Sports Qualifying Physical Examination dated after 6/15/2013. Form must be signed and dated by a physician. Well-child physicals will not be accepted. Form must clear student for Athletic participation. Sports Qualifying Physical Exam can be faxed to 763-745-6625 or dropped off at the Wayzata High School Activities Office.
Step 2: Submit the 2015-2016 Minnesota State High School League/Wayzata High School Athletic and Activities Eligibility Form. This form must be turned in each school year. Submit form at Step 3: Fee Payment. Submit payment at If you are paying in person, you must pay with check or cash. If all three steps are not completed, your student will not be allowed to participate, tryout, and/or receive any equipment. Please complete steps in order.
Registration Dates
Season Begins
Intramural (Gr. 9-12) #of Weeks/Sessions Golf - Session 2 5/5 Table Tennis 5/5 Badminton – Session 2 5/5
Day(s) of Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Coach & Phone Number Registration Dates April 11 - 22 April 11 - 22 April 11 - 22
Season April 25 - May 23 April 26 - May 24 April 27 - May 25
Fee $80 $25 $25
Athletic Dept. Phone Number: 763-745-6620 • Athletic Dept. Fax Number: 763-745-6625