Parent Connection Newsletter
May 2016
Character and Scholarship for Life
May 2 – May 13
September 2011 AP Testing May 5 – 7 Spring Musical
May 9 Senior Awards 7:00 p.m., Auditorium May 11 Mid-Term 4 May 19 Empty Bowls May 30 No School for Students June 1 Senior Yearbook Signing Party 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. June 2 Yearbook Distribution Seniors Last Day June 3 Commencement 6:30 p.m., Mariucci Arena June 4 SAT Testing 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. June 9 Last Day of School
June 11 ACT Testing 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Late Start Wednesdays...Visit the
high school website to view all late starts. Click Calendar Link on front page of the website to view calendar.
Wayzata High School’s professional studies program, Compass, is launching in the 2016-2017 school year! This innovative program encompasses cross-curricular and real world learning. Students will benefit from a partnership between WHS teachers, and local business and community professionals. Course content will be made relevant by providing students with access to high demand career fields via guest instructors, project management work, and mentorships. Compass will offer two co-taught courses next year: First semester: Graphic Communications Scott Tordeur – ETD teacher Dawn Johnson – English teacher Second semester: Business Management and Economics Paul Kimbler – Business teacher Peter McKown – Social Studies teacher Compass students earn high school and college credit while exploring career paths and working side-by-side with professionals in the workplace. We believe this will enhance our students’ ability to make important decisions about their post-high school education and careers, and ultimately help them to be more prepared to enter the workforce. Compass business partners have an opportunity to help reinvent the learning experience for students and inspire them with authentic and real-world challenges. We are seeking partnerships with business individuals and teams interested in: • mentoring students; • providing ideas and strategies for student projects paired alongside Minnesota content standards; and • sharing your expertise in a Compass classroom. If you are interested in becoming a Compass business partner, or would like additional information, please contact us! Scott Tordeur Compass Coordinator 763-745-6920 Compass Website
Miriam Lejonvarn Mentor Coordinator 763-745-6884
Around WHS WAYZATA DECA PLACES 1st & 3rd in WORLD! Last week, 20 DECA members from Wayzata High School participated in the annual DECA International Career Development Conference in Nashville Tennessee.
During the school year, approximately 210,000 DECA student members take part in the organization’s competitive events program, allowing them to compete in over 50 events focused in the areas of entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality, marketing and other related fields. The competitions are designed to simulate real-life business scenarios and test students’ academic understanding and skills development. After qualifying earlier this year at district and state competitions winners put their talents to the test during this year’s International Career Development Conference. As a chapter, Wayzata DECA performed extremely well placing eight students in the finals : Mitchell P r i s b y, Joe L a u e r, Brady Galbraith, Laur e n S w e n s o n , S a r a h E y e r, A J Y a b l o n s k y, E m i l y S h e r m a n , Emily Bradach. We are also pleased to announce that the teams of P r i s by, L a u e r, a n d G a l b ra i t h p l a c e d 1 ST i n t h e wo r l d i n t h e i r I n dependent Business Plan Event and Lauren Swenson and Sarah Eyer placed 3rd in the world in their International Business Plan Event also. A H U G E C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S t o all your hard work and
all Wayzata DECA members for another successful year!
Around WHS Prom 2016 “The Great Gatsby” Saturday, May 14, 2016 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. —Target Field— 1 Twins Way Minneapolis, MN 55403 (please note location change!)
Tickets: $45/person The ticket price covers site rental, chaperones, DJ, police officers and a hors d’œuvre buffet, and a dessert bar.
Tickets may be purchased through E-pay. There is an option to pay with credit card or cash/check. The E-Pay window will close Friday, May 6. Tickets will also be sold before/after school in B207, only cash/check. Tickets will not be available for purchase after May 6. See Mrs. Iverson in B207 with ticket questions.
Prom is for junior and senior students only. Juniors and seniors are allowed to bring 9 th and 10 th grade students as guests. Juniors and seniors may also bring non-WHS students but a
Guest Registration form must be completed and submitted when tickets are purchased.
The form is available on the
Counselors’ Corner 2015-2016
Important Dates to Remember: May 7
June 4
June 11
WHS Counselor Assignments: Jane Stapleton Amanda Randall Jennifer Landy Mark Elias Cynthia McGunnigle Sarah Clutter Brian Gildemeister Royce Kloehn Peggy Zimmer
A – Bri Brj – Dr Ds – Hal Ham – Kar Kas – Mal Mam – Or Os – Sa Sc – Te Tf – Z
Counseling Office: 763-745-6630 763-745-6631 763-745-6708 Fax: 763-745-6632 Nancy Vogt Registrar Terri Marr Secretary Kristyn Nelson Secretary
College & Career Center (CCC): 763-745-6639 Deb Musser CCC Coordinator If you need to schedule an appointment with your student’s counselor, please contact the secretaries at the Counseling Office.
Counselors’ Corner SUMMER SCHOOL NOTICE!
Students who need to make up credits are strongly encouraged to sign up for summer school. Two sessions are scheduled for June 20 – July 8, and July 11 – 27, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at Central Middle School. Students have the opportunity to take two classes (and earn two credits) during each session (therefore possibly earning four credits total in summer school). Busing is provided before the first class and after the second class, and attendance is crucial. Independent study (for ages 16 and up) will run during the summer as well. Copies of the registration brochure are available in the Counseling Office. Please call 763-745-6732 with any summer school questions. Most importantly, if your student is behind on credits, please contact your counselor to formulate a plan to get caught up!
It is important that seniors keep track of credits and maintain passing grades to ensure on-time graduation. Seniors must have 60 credits to graduate and participate in the commencement ceremony on June 3. Keep up the hard work during Term 4 – those credits are needed for graduation, too! Students who need to make up credits should check with the Counseling Office. Counselors have distributed transcripts at every group guidance session and have sent letters home to parents of students who are short credits. It is ultimately the responsibility of students and parents to make sure all graduation requirements are met on time.
Also, seniors need to complete the final transcript information/senior survey sheet , which was given to them during Group Guidance on April 28. This form is very important as it tells the Counseling Office where to send your final transcript, a requirement for all colleges.
With thousands of colleges, dozens of military options, employment options and gap year opportunities, many parents don’t know where to start or how to help their students decide on post-high school plans. The CCC, Naviance (, and the Wayzata High School website are full of information and links to guide you. Another great place for your student to start is to schedule a planning meeting with his/her counselor. Parents are welcome to join in those meetings, too! The high school will be closed, and counselors will not be available, from mid-June through early August this summer, so we encourage students and families to schedule their planning meeting for a time before the end of this school year, if possible.
Buyer Beware!
Students and parents may get numerous mailings regarding scholarship searches, college application assistance, etc., especially junior and senior year. These mailings are from companies not affiliated with Wayzata High School and usually charge a fee for their services. The Counseling Office receives calls from parents every spring regarding such mailings. Our advice is: buyer beware! The services that these companies offer are often services we provide or have access to at the high school. They are usually not worth the money they cost, if they are even legitimate to begin with. We do not endorse them and recommend caution when considering such mailings and offers.
College & Career Center COLLEGE VISITS: Summer is a great time to check out colleges! By scheduling visits with college admis-
sions offices, you can tour campuses, talk to professors, meet with financial aid representatives, experience the cafeteria, see dorms, and get a feel for a variety of colleges. It’s never too early to start visiting college campuses! Doing these visits now can help your student make decisions about their future college choices.
PRIVATE COLLEGE WEEK: There are great way
Do you want to tour colleges, but don’t know where to start? several states that offer private college weeks, which is a for students and their families to start exploring colleges.
• Minnesota Private College Week: June 20 – 24, 2016 All 17 private colleges in Minnesota have open houses that are offered twice a day – 9:00 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. These introductory campus tours and informational meetings can help you discover what you’re looking for in a college! For more information about each college and to pre-register, go to: • Wisconsin Private College Week: July 11 – 16, 2016 There are 22 private, nonprofit colleges and universities in Wisconsin that will be sponsoring open houses. For more information, go to:
• Iowa Private College Week: August 1 – 5, 2016 Iowa has 25 private colleges that will be hosting open houses. For information and to register, go to:
Looking for something educational for your student to do over the summer? The Minnesota Career Information System (MCIS) is a computer based system that combines a wealth of career and educational information into one comprehensive, easy-to-use career exploration tool. Students can investigate the following: occupations, employment outlook, programs of study, Minnesota colleges and other colleges across the United States. There are a variety of interest inventories and assessments that students can do. Practice tests are also available for the ACT, SAT, AP exams and more! For more information go to:
Several local businesses are hiring students for seasonal employment. Have your student stop by to check out the new job postings!
Did your student check out ACT or AP study guide materials from the CCC for the recent ACT/upcoming AP exams? Please remind them to return these items when they are done using them. Thank you!
Are you doing some spring cleaning? Do you have any college search books or ACT study books collecting dust? How about AP books? If your kids are no longer using these materials, please consider donating them to the CCC for others to use for years to come. The books can be brought in by students or dropped off at the front greeter’s desk. Your donations are much appreciated!
The CCC is open daily from 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. for students to access college and career information. Please contact Deb Musser , or 763.745.6639 if you have questions. Have a great summer!
Chemical Health Dear Wayzata Parents/Guardians: National Prevention Week – “Strong As One. Stronger Together.” National Prevention Week is May 15 – 21, 2016 and is an annual observance to boost public awareness of mental and/or substance use disorders. As the theme suggests, the more voices we have together, the stronger the message. So, what is the message?
The message is about making positive and healthy choices and just in time for the summer months ahead. Some of the topics that will be addressed at school during this week are: • Prevention of Tobacco Use to include E-cigarettes
• Prevention of Underage Drinking and Alcohol Abuse • Prevention of Opioid and Prescription Drug Abuse • Prevention of Illicit Drug Use and Marijuana Use • Promotion of Mental Health and Wellness
As a parent or guardian, you can add to the learning by talking to your teen even if you think they have heard it all before. Prevention is an on-going dialogue and hearing from you is more powerful than you realize. With all the social media chatter going on around our youths today, your voice is one they should hear. If you have a junior or senior at WHS and they are attending prom this year, include prevention messages in your pre and post prom checklist. Talk to other parents, supervise an event or provide transportation to keep students safe on this special night.
In speaking about safety, moms of senior and junior girls; don’t forget to sign up for “Not Me” Self-Defense Training for safety and self-defense. Make sure she is equipped with the skills she needs to venture out of her safety net. Former Navy Seal Al Horner and his co-instructor Karla Rapp will train on how to avoid potential threats and harmful situations. Sign up and register on E-Pay for either Tuesday, May 10 or Wednesday, May 11, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., Culinary Express @ WHS. Cost is $18 per person or $28 per mom/daughter. A significant donation has been gifted to this event to generously offset costs by Parr McKnight, Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo. Sign up today! For any questions, please email Judy Hanson at Sincerely,
~Judy Hanson Chemical Health Coordinator 763-745-6988
Around WHS E n s u r e Wa y z a t a P u b l i c S c h o o l s Has Your Current Information On File for School Information & Busing!
To ensure that your child is assigned to the correct bus and stop, your correct address must be on file with the Wayzata School Welcome Center. If your family has moved over the summer or is new to the district, please contact the Welcome Center at 763-745-5240 or Families with current information on file by August 7 can expect to receive a postcard in the mail with busing information. Change or additions made after August 7 may result in being assigned the nearest stop until the route can be adjusted in mid-September. If your child is transported to or from a different address for child care before/after school you must complete a Day Care Transportation form. The form is available on the district web site under Transportation at The Welcome Center has a new location at the Wayzata Early Learning School, 1461 County Road 101 N (the southwest corner of County Roads 101 & 6). Please contact the Welcome Center with any questions at or 763-745-5240.
Health Services 2015-16
T h e c u r re n t s c h o o l ye a r m ay b e w ra p ping up, but the Health Services staff has already begun planning for 2016-17. Students with special health conditions needing health plans and/or medication authorization need to submit updated forms PRIOR to the beginning of the 16-17 school year. You can get a head start on the process as the forms are available on Wayzata website under Departments/Health Services.
The Wayzata School District subscribes to “No Shots No School”. If immunizations are needed, you will be contacted by the Health Office staff. Now that we are quickly coming to the close of another school year, it’s time to think about medication pick up from the Health Office. If your student has medications in the Health Office, these medications will need to be picked up at the end of the school year. Medications cannot be stored in the Health Office during summer months. Please call the Health Office to make arrangements for medication pick up. For medication pick up or if you have any questions for our Health Services staff, please call Jean Parsons, District Nurse @ 763-745-6616.
Our last STRESS BUSTERS event of the year will be Tuesday, May 10. It has been another wonderful year of busting stress for all of our 3,300 students. We thank our generous donors, volunteers, and administration for their support. We plan to continue animal visits, surprises, and morning greetings next year. Please consider a donation to help fund this important mission, and become a volunteer. It is very rewarding and we need both time and money in order to make this happen! F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t , Thank you and have a stress free summer! Your STRESS BUSTERS Committee
“Sweeping away student stress one surprise at a time!”
Trip to Colombia Summer 2017
Any W HS st udent of Spanish is e l ig ib l e . R e g i s t r a t i o n f o r m s n o w a v a i l a b l e . Informational meeting to be held this September. For more information, please contact Jose Parra Staves at
Attend Inauguration Week in Washington D.C. Close Up
Want to be part of history? Join us in Washington D.C. to see the swearing in of our next President of the United States! This historic opportunity will only happen once in your high school career, so don’t miss out! Space is limited, so don’t wait. In addition to seeing the inauguration ceremony, participants in the Washington D.C. Close Up trip will spend the week exploring Washington’s famous monuments, memorials, and institutions all while getting to know students from across the country. This weeklong trip is open to any student in grades 9–12. For more information visit E m a i l t y l e r. t r i m b e r g e r @ w a y z a t a . k 1 2 . to reserve your spot today!
Around WHS 2016-17 Fall Trojan Tots Registration to open Monday, May 2 Via E-Pay!
Summer is a great time for Wayzata High School students to volunteer in the community. Club Y.E.S. (Youth Extending Service) is a school year program; however students are encouraged to volunteer on their own over the summer months. In May a Summer Youth Volunteer Opportunities brochure will be available for students to pick up in the CCC, or may be downloaded from the Club Y.E.S. forms page on the WHS website. This brochure will provide various local summer volunteer opportunities along with the contact information. Beginning in August, any WHS student wanting to join Club Y.E.S. for the 2016-2017 school year must register for Club Y.E.S. on E-Pay under WHS Activities and A t h l e t i c s . Students are also encouraged to keep a log of their summer volunteer hours and to get a signature by a supervisor verifying the hours. These hours may be used towards Club Y.E.S. for Semester I of 2016-2017, as well as towards awards. For more information contact Brenda Badger at b r e n d a . b a d g e r @ w a y z a or 763-745-6807.
Wayzata Mountain Bike Team Information Meetings
Did you know Mountain Biking is a fall sport available through Wayzata Community Education? Come to an informational meeting to learn more about this competitive yet fun, no-cut and co-ed sport. Open to all boys and girls from 7 – 1 2 t h g ra d e i n t h e Way z a t a D i s t r i c t . Information meetings for interested students and parents will be held May 3 and May 16, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at WHS in room B204. You only need to attend one of these meetings to learn how to register and get riding with this growing team. Questions? or call 763-745-5205. Hope to see you there!
Congratulations to Survivor Fan Favorite Nick Swanson and the 2016 Survivor Winner Patricia Gibson!!
Around WHS Three WHS Art Students Win To p P r i z e s a t P r i m a v e r a !
The City of Plymouth held the 20 th annual P r i m ave r a C e l e b r a t i o n o f t h e A r t s the weekend of April 15, 2016 at the Plymouth Creek Center. The art show featured area adult and high school (Wayzata, Robbinsdale & Providence Academy) artwork in an array of art mediums including acrylic and water color paintings, graphite drawings, metal sculptures, photography, digital art, pottery, and mixed media. Graphic Art & Design student, Jessie Meng (12), won an Award of Excellence ($50 prize) for her work titled “Midnight Sun.” Painting student, Mariah Schmidt (12), won an Award of Excellence ($50 prize) as well as the Myrna Kaner Award ($100 prize) for her acrylic painting titled “What Sisters Do Best.”
P a i n t i n g s t u d e n t , Ta y l o r I i d a (11), won the People’s Choice Award for her a c r y l i c p a i n t i n g t i t l e d “ F i r e F l o w e r .”
Wayzata High School Empty Bowls W a y z a t a High School’s 2 4 th A n n u a l Empty Bowls event, which raises money for Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners (IOCP), will be held Thursday, May 19 from 5:00 – 7:00p.m.
Empty Bowls is an international grassroots fundraising effort to unite arts education and the p re ve n t i o n o f h u n g e r. A dva n c e d p o t t e r y students, WHS alumni, and teachers design and craft beautiful ceramic bowls. These bowls are used to bring the community together for a simple soup meal to help fight local hunger. Wayzata pottery students, alumni, and staff work with donated clay to craft over 500 b o w l s t h r o u g h o u t t h e s c h o o l y e a r. When Wayzata High School held its first Empty Bowls event in 1992, it was the first in Minnesota. Since that first event, the annual event has raised over $100,000 for IOCP and increased awareness of hunger in the community.
Stop by the Wayzata High School cafeteria for delicious soups and tasty bread generously donated by local businesses. The suggested donation is $10/person and includes dinner and a handcrafted bowl. 100% of proceeds will benefit the IOCP Food Shelf. There will also be a silent auction and students selling additional handmade wares. Tickets can be purchased at IOCP or at the door the night of the event. S u g g e s t e d donation is $10/person.
Around WHS Band Department News
The Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Bands and Jazz Ensemble Blue are joyously preparing for their light and spirited concert, “Magic Theatre,” which will take place on Friday, May 13. The subtitle for the concert is “Fantasia.” The music featured will remind you of a Walt Disney experience, and will engage the audience in the fantastical. Between the performances band students have prepared delightful entertainment for added humor and delight. This program is a community favorite. Get your reserved seating on E-Pay or at the door. The Wind Ensemble is also preparing for their end of the year concert, which is Tuesday, May 31. This year’s theme is “A Storybook Ending.” The featured work on the program is A Symphony of Fables, by Julie Giroux. Each of the five movements tells the story of a fable by the ancient Greek storyteller, Aesop. Come, listen to The Lion and the Mouse, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and others. A free will donation will be taken at the door for the Budnick/Williams scholarship fund. No advanced tickets available. The 9 th grade concert bands present their final concert on Thursday, June 2. The terrific and exciting work they have done and skills they have developed will be showcased that evening. A free will donation will be taken at the door for the Budnick/Williams scholarship fund. No advanced tickets available. The Band’s schedule includes the following concerts to close the school year. May 13, 7:30 p.m. Magic Theatre Concert May 31, 7:30 p.m. Wind Ensemble Concert “A Storybook Ending” June 2, 7:30 p.m. 9th Grade Concert Bands Concert All are welcome to attend!
Please join the WHS Spanish Department in congratulating the 2016 National Spanish Exam winners , click link for winners Please keep an eye on your email. More information will follow when it is available. Thanks for participating in the National Spanish Exam!
Spanish Club will be electing new officers at the start
of the next school year. Please contact Monica Vlach or Allison Jakucki for more information on this process. VOLUNTEER CORNER “Volunteers aren’t paid because they are priceless.” –Anonymous As we begin to wrap up the school year, and I put words to paper in this last newsletter, I want to take a moment to thank you. Although there aren’t as many opportunities as in the early years, it’s important to stay involved and stay connected. We thank you for your time! EMPTY BOWLS HELP NEEDED: 16 volunteers are needed on May 19, 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. Duties include selling tickets, taking tickets, dish/bowl room supervision and clean up. Meet in WHS Culinary. To sign up:
STRESS BUSTERS COMMITTEE: Stress Busters Committee is looking for volunteers. Interested in being involved next year? Committee members are being recruited for the 2016–2017 school y e a r. Contact Stephanie Weitz: GENERAL HELP: Opportunities to volunteer come up throughout the year, click on the link below to preview, Information can also be found on the WHS website; go to the “For Parents” tab, click on PTO then Volunteer Sign Up.
If you are interested in being included on a General Help list please contact Catherine Christiansen, The General Help list is a low time commitment, as it fits your schedule, opportunity. You will be notified via e-mail when needs arise. Thank you!
PTO Dear Wayzata Community, Though an annual “event,” the end of the school always seems to arrive sooner than I expect. At time of publication, it will be a mere six weeks away! For this, the final Parent Connection newsletter of the year, I wanted to provide a recap of 2015-16 activities, plus a “sneak peek” on what’s in store for the PTO next year.
Thanks to our continued partnership w/ Fun2Raise (coupon books and the free WHS parents’ mobile app) along with generous donations ($, time and food) from parent sponsors this year, I am proud to relay what the PTO accomplished in 2015-16:
•• $2000 (4 x $500) in scholarships to deserving seniors seeking post-secondary education Three teacher appreciation dinners during conferences & “treats” for Teacher/ Staff Appreciation Week (coming in May) •• $1000 donation to Fund-A-Need (WHS program supporting students in need) •• Introduction of parent and teacher liaison roles within the PTO
•• Three parent events: - Fall: Academics & Activities Showcase - Winter: Parent Forum with Superintendent Dr. Chace Anderson, District Health Coordinator Judy Hanson, Principal Scott Gengler, and Student Council Liaisons - Spring: Speaker events for WHS seniors & parents with Harlan Cohen, best-selling author of The Naked Roommate & The Naked Roommate – For Parents Only • Miscellaneous support for and participation in, various school activities, such as 9th grade orientation, Back to Business Days, parent/teacher conferences, and the International Festival
To those of you who have supported the PTO’s efforts in the above activities this year—you have our heartfelt gratitude. We hope you’ve been pleased with the above programming and feel that your support, whether financial or physical, has been well-placed.
Next year, WHS PTO will continue to sharpen its focus on parent engagement, student support, and communications. The PTO team working hard on these objectives will be as follows: •• President: Chithra Binoy ( •• Vice President: Suzanne Hoagland ( •• Treasurer: Jill Grooms ( •• Secretary: OPEN •• Hospitality/Teacher Appreciation Chair: Jennifer Harrah As you can see, the PTO has an opening in the role of Secretary. If you have an interest in serving with the PTO for that position (see description below) or another role, please contact Chithra Binoy at
PTO Secretary Role Description: To provide administrative support to the Executive Board and PTO activities, capture and report out meeting minutes, and track Executive Board and Admin meeting action items. See PTO Page 11
PTO PTO from Page 10
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Chithra, Suzanne and Jill during my tenure with the PTO, and know that this Executive Board is a truly committed, engaged, enthusiastic and truly remarkable team of individuals, that will serve you well next year.
The PTO welcomes Jennifer in her new role as Teacher Appreciation Chair. She joins with a long history of service in the school district, experience with the WHS Teacher Appreciation program, and a genuine enthusiasm for keeping this program going. Outgoing in this role is Lynda Stelter (senior parent). Lynda has run the program with an incredible level of organization and a commitment to servant leadership—two of her many attributes that have amazed all of us who have been privileged to work with her. Thank you, so much, Lynda, for your time, energy and commitment to making our Teacher Appreciation program a successful one! I promised a “sneak peek” into next year. The new PTO Exec Board has already been looking ahead to 2016–17, with some exciting plans, among which are:
• Academics & Activities Showcase (August 30)
• Academic Panel (AP/ALP Offerings Discussion) as part of Curriculum Night
• Coffee with the Principal (estimated to be fove of these events during the year, dates/times TBA)
Stay tuned for details on these and more activities during the school year!
The PTO also plans to continue its successful relationship with Fun2Raise. If you haven’t yet, please remember to download and use the free WHS parents’ app, brought to you via this partnership. The PTO benefits financially from your support of the application and quarterly coupon books; through this we’ve been able to increase scholarship dollars over the past two years, as well as continue and grow other programs at WHS. To Download: From the Apple Store or Google Play, download “fun2raise live!” and on first launch, key in the organization code for Wayzata High School “wptolive” (omit quotes when entering information). Want to advertise through the parents’ app? Contact Fun2Raise President, Jodi Rankin at
The end of this school year marks the end of my term as PTO President, and with my youngest graduating this year, the end of my time serving the district as an “active” Wayzata parent. I’ve been privileged to serve the WHS PTO over the last 3+ years as Secretary and more recently, President. Through this, I’ve met and worked with so many wonderful parents, staff and students, and will continue to keep tabs on happenings within this great school district of ours. The purpose of the PTO is “…to strengthen, enhance and encourage a positive, inclusive, and engaged educational and social environment at Wayzata High School”. To that end, active and informed parents are critical to our collective success. Many thanks for support of the WHS PTO! Best of luck through the end of the year and have a safe and enjoyable summer!
~Julie Wexler
President WHS PTO 2015-16
Around WHS The Wayzata Leadership Academy supports the WHS Mission Statement “Character and Scholarship for Life” Trojan Pride has been developed to intentionally and purposefully promote and develop character and leadership qualities in our students. Teachers look for students who demonstrate one of The Pillars of Trojan Pride during the school day and will send a Trojan Pride Character Card home. Each week we draw a student to showcase Trojan Pride. TROJAN
Mrs. Toni Leland – Teacher of the Month!
Luke Halverson (11) - Nominated by Mrs. Jasper for his hard work and engagement!
Max Klingler (11) - Nominated by Jill Lynch for being honest and having integrity!
Adage Walker (11) - Nominat-
ed by Mrs. Leland and Ms. Nightingale for problem solving and showing respect!
Claire Bohlig (10) - Nominated by Mrs. Leland for building and sustaining positive relationships!
WERE. . .
Courtney Kern (10) -
Nominated by Mrs. Jasper for her work ethic, particpation and being a positive role model!
Scotti Martin (10) - Nominated
by Ms. Boyd for standing up against bullying and racial harassment!
The 30th Coffee House production was a great success and over 250 people attended! Our production number, “Shut up and Dance!” was so much fun. The house band added so much to the show and our Committee Drama Club members did an amazing job as our Masters of Ceremonies.
Drama Club will conduct their FINAL points meeting on Thursday, May 12. Memebers should check their point sheets to see if they lettered for this school year. If your student can’t attend, please send them to room D107 to check with Mrs. Beherns ASAP! As I write this article, our spring Musical, Cabaret, is getting set to open. Hope you are able to see this show!
SAVE THE DATE!! Wayzata Players Awards Banquet
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 5:15 – 8:30 P.M. CULINARY EXPRESS/AUDITORIUM $17 or $19 FOR GLUTEN FREE SEMI-FORMAL Register Now! E-Pay Click WHS (left side) Click Fine Arts Click Drama Click Drama Banquet Select your Meal and enter your name; Add to Basket Choose on how many are attending; Checkout and complete Payment! Your registration is due by May 15.
It’s hard to believe that my time at WHS is almost done! After 25 years in the district, I’m retiring and it’s bittersweet. When I look back at the years I have spent in this school district, I realize how very blessed I have been. I found the perfect job…being around your students. Thank you for letting them be apart of my life, they have brought me so much joy. I am reminded of a quote I found at the start of the year, which has followed me these past months.
“Our life is made up of time. Our days are measured in hours, our pay measured by those hours, our knowledge is measured by years. And yet time eventually runs out and you wonder in your heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could.” –Cecelia Ahern
I feel that these years working in Wayzata Schools have been spent in the very BEST way. Thank you all for blessing my life with your presence, students, staff and parents. It’s been a wonderful ride! ~Cindy Beherns
May 23 Open House Retirement Party for Cindy Beherns Culinary Express 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. May 25 Drama Club Awards Banquet @ 5:00 p.m. May 27 Senior Spotlight/Black Box @ 7:00 p.m. May 27 Senior Spotlight/Black Box @ 2:00 p.m.
Around WHS One month and counting until our students graduate and until our Senior All Night Party!! We hope you have received the emails and the Senior Class Party flyer mailed out last month. These communications have been filled with details about the Senior Class party being held on Friday, June 3 following the commencement ceremony. Tickets are on sale now! Early bird discount is $65 but ends on May 2. Please be sure to tell your students/classmates to get in on this great deal! Ticket price goes up to $75 after this date. Students can register/pay for their ticket online on the senior party website, A registration form with the senior party class flyer was mailed out in April. May 20 is the last day to register/purchase tickets (and to register for scholarships). Friday, June 3 Agenda— 6:30 p.m. Graduation ceremony at Mariucci Arena Approximately 20 minutes after commencement ends, party check in/wrist band distribution. Buses will begin departing to the Senior Party venue site as they are filled. 10 p.m.–4:30 a.m. ALL NIGHT PARTY!!! ENTERTAINMENT, FOOD AND FUN! 4:30 a.m. Graduates begin boarding buses for their return to WHS 5:00 a.m. Graduates arrive back at WHS. Arrangements must be made for student transportation home FUNDRAISING EFFORTS Thanks to the many of you who have supported our fundraisers thus far! As we enter our final full month of school we ask for your continued support with the following: Culinary Express – This is an ongoing fundraiser and the biggest fundraiser for the Senior Class. We earn $50 for each day that we have two volunteers in the high school cafeteria washing tables and returning trays to the dish area. Please help us out these last weeks of school by signing up to volunteer. We need all slots filled until the end of the school year. Use link Sign Up Mosquito Joe – This fundraiser will help make your student’s graduation open house a success. Mosquito Joe provides mosquito control treatments to residential and commercial customers. Their technicians are trained mosquito control experts dedicated to getting rid of mosquitos so you can enjoy your outdoor events. Mosquito Joe is offering a party treatment fundraiser where they will donate $50 to the Senior Party for every $129 party treatment purchase. Visit select Wayzata Senior Party fundraiser. Prize Donations – Please consider donating to the party. There will be prize drawings held for seniors throughout the night. Some ideas for prize donations include gift cards (in any denomination), tickets to events, electronics and cash donations will graciously be accepted as well. Please drop off your donation at the WHS main office. Please identify them by labeling them “Senior Party” when dropping off. All donations are tax deductible!! Senior Party Parent Volunteers Needed! The all night Senior Party still needs volunteers! Volunteers are especially needed for the second shift from 1:00 a.m.–4:30 a.m. Please consider volunteering, we need MANY parent volunteers to make the party a success. Please see the link for additional information and to sign up, . REMINDER: Plant Sale, Notecard, Banner and Yard Sign Sale Pick Up: All orders for plants, notecards, banners and yard signs must be picked up on Friday, May 13 from 3–7 p.m. at the WHS main entrance. This is the only date/time available so if you are unable to make this date/time , please find alternate arrangements!
Around WHS WHS
Vo l u n t e e r s
There are two volunteer opportunities for junior parents to help with the Senior Party that occurs immediately following graduation.
• Parents are needed at Mariucci Arena to check in graduates prior to them leaving for the party; and • Parents are needed at the party venue before the graduates and senior parent volunteers arrive. Please check the Signup Genius link for more information and to sign up. S i g n u p G e n i u s l i n k : h t t p : / / w w w. s i g n u p g e n i u s . c o m / g o / 3 0 e 0 c 4 9 a 4 a 6 2 b a 5 f 9 4 - j u n i o r To get the latest information about the Senior Class Party go to: Facebook: 2016 Wayzata High School Senior Party\Senior-Party-730198087066296/timeline/ Twitter: @WayzataParty16 ( Instagram: WayzataSrParty2016 Senior Class Party Website: Email Us:
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!! Dream Big, Seniors!!
Athletics 2016 – 2017 Wayzata High School Athletic Registration Information All participants in athletic programs at Wayzata High School must be fully registered prior to the athlete’s first practice/ tryout. The Activities/Athletic Department will temporarily be located to Central Middle School June 13-29. Athletic Registration hours will be Monday - Wednesday 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Due to construction, we strongly recommend registering online. Note: Student-Athletes may son. This also includes
participate in Showstoppers
only one athletic (fall) and Clay
program per seaTa r g e t ( s p r i n g ) .
A student-athlete who has transferred to WHS during their high school career, is moving into the school district, or is a foreign exchange student should register in person accompanied by a parent/guardian. You must complete the following steps to be cleared for participation:
Step 1: Submit a current Sports Qualifying Physical Examination dated after 6/15/2014. Form must be signed and dated by a physician. Well-child physicals will not be accepted. Form must clear student for Athletic participation. Sports Qualifying Physical Exam can be faxed to 763-745-6625 or dropped off at Central Middle School (for summer 2016 only). Step 2: Submit the 2016 – 2017 Minnesota State High School League/Wayzata High School Athletic and Activities Eligibility Form. This form must be turned in each school year. Submit form at www.wayzataschoolspayonline. com. Paper copies will be available mid-June at Central Middle School or online. Step 3: Fee Payment. Submit payment at If you are paying in person, you must pay with check or cash. If all three steps are not completed, your student will not be allowed to participate, tryout, and/or receive any equipment. Please complete steps in order.
(See next page for Schedule list)
Athletics Sport Grades Registration Dates Season Begins Football 9-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Boys’ Cross Country 7-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Girls’ Cross Country 7-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Boys’ Soccer 9-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Girls’ Soccer 9-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Girls’ Swim & Dive 7-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Girls’ Tennis 9-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Girls’ Volleyball 9-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 August 15 Cheerleading 9-12 July 6 - Aug. 10 Tryouts spring ‘16 Boys’/Girls’ Adap. Soccer 7-12 July 6 - Aug. 29 August 29 Dance Team/Competitive 9-12 October 4 - 19 October 24 Girls’ Hockey 9-12 October 4 - 26 October 31 Boys/Girls Alpine Skiing 9-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 9 November 14 Girls’ Basketball 9-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 9 November 14 Girls’ Gymnastics 7-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 9 November 14 Hockey 9-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 9 November 14 Boys’/Girls’ Nordic Skiing 7-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 9 November 14 Boys’ Basketball 9-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 16 November 21 Boys’/Girls’ Adap. Hockey 7-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 16 November 21 Wrestling 9-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 16 November 21 Cheerleading 9-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 16 Tryouts Fall ‘16 Boys’ Swim & Dive 7-12 Oct. 4 – Nov. 22 November 28 Girls’ Synchronized Swim 7-12 Feb. 21 – March 1 March 6 Boys’ & Girls’ Adap. Bowling 7-12 Feb. 21 – March 1 March 6 Boys’ & Girls’ Adap. Softball 7-12 Feb. 21 – March 1 March 6 Girls’ Softball 9-12 Feb. 21 – Mar. 8 March 13 Boys’ Track & Field 9-12 Feb. 21 – Mar. 8 March 13 Girls’ Track & Field 9-12 Feb. 21 – Mar. 8 March 13 Baseball 9-12 Feb. 21 – Mar. 13 March 20 Boys’ Golf 9-12 Feb. 21 – Mar. 13 March 20 Girls’ Golf 9-12 Feb. 21 – Mar. 13 March 20 Boys’ Tennis 9-12 Feb. 21 – Mar. 27 March 27 Boys’ Lacrosse 9-12 Feb. 21 – April 3 April 3 Girls’ Lacrosse 9-12 Feb. 21 – April 3 April 3 Intramural (Gr. 9-12) Weeks/Sessions Day(s) of Week
Golf - Session 1 5/5 Badminton – Session 1 8/5 Table Tennis 8/5
Basketball 13/TBD Golf - Session 2 5/5 Table Tennis 5/5 Badminton – Session 2 5/5
Mondays (5) Varies Varies Varies Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Fees $185 $150 $150 $150 $150 $165 $135 $160 $155 $100 $210 $210 $485 $220 $185 $210 $165 $220 $115 $185 $155 $165 $165 $115 $110 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $135 $150 $150
Registration Dates
Aug. 22 – Sept. 16 Aug. 22 – Sept. 16 Aug. 22 – Sept. 16 Nov. 14 – Dec. 2 April 10 - 21 April 10 - 21 April 10 - 21
Coach & Contact Information Brad Anderson, (763) 745-6125 Mark Popp, (763) 745-6889 Dave Emmans, (952) 934-0558 Dominic Duenas, (612) 964-4767 Tony Peszneker, (612) 720-5748 Elizabeth Hansen, (612) 250-2178 Marci Weiner (612) 961-3842 Scott Jackson (763) 639-0322 Michelle Chase: michellechase9@yahoo.comNancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Leslie Swiggum, (952) 937-9608 To be determined, (763) 745-6621 Mike Dzubay, (763) 475-1177 Mike Schumacher, (763) 745-6830 Carly Holden, carly_jackson@live.comBoys’ Pat O’Leary, (651) 334-5339 Larry Myers, (763) 553-1486 Bryan Schnettler, (763) 745-6842 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Eric Swensen, (763) 745-6994 Michelle Chase, David Plummer, Signe Hensel, (763) 476-9649 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Amber Hegland, (763) 745-6741 Aaron Berndt, (763) 745-6995 Lori Cade, (763) 745-6978 Bobby DeWitt, (763) 745-6124 Allan Christopherson, (763) 745-6906 Mike Schumacher, (763) 745-6830 Jeff Prondzinski, (763) 745-6999 Chad Herr, (612) 578-0595
Lindsey Eichenlaub, Season
Dec. 12 – Mar. 3 April 24 - May 22 April 25 - May 23 April 26 - May 24
$35 $80 $25 $25
Sept. 19 - Oct. 17 Sept. 19 – Nov. 9 Sept. 19 – Nov. 9
$80 $25 $25