Parent Connection Newsletter
November 2015 November 7 September 2011 SAT Testing
8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
November 11 End of Term 1 November 12 & 13 No School for Students November 13 & 14 Fall Musical Performances November 16 Start of Term 2 November 19 – 21 Fall Musical Performances November 20 C.R.E.W. Craft Sale November 24 Wayzata Idol, Auditorium 7:00 p.m. November 25 – 27 No School for Students December 3 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. December 5 SAT Testing 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. December 12 ACT Testing 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Late Start Wednesdays...Visit the
high school website to view all late starts. Click Calendar Link on front page of the website to view calendar. wayzatahs
Character and Scholarship for Life
School Start Time Decision Delayed as Further Options are Examined
At a special work session held on Monday, October 5, Wayzata School Board members discussed input and feedback they have been receiving about school start times. As a result of this discussion, the Board agreed that it was not ready to take formal action on school start times at the October 12 regular school board meeting. Board members asked Superintendent Chace Anderson to consider refinements to the existing scenarios and/or explore any other possible options based on 1) the community feedback received and 2) school board discussion, prior to bringing a formal recommendation to the Board. Although a specific timeline is still being determined, the Board stressed the importance of making a decision no later than early December to provide families and district staff with ample planning time. Any approved changes in start times would likely take effect at the beginning of the 2016-17 school year. The school board will continue its discussions about school start times in the coming weeks. “It has been very helpful to hear what our community is thinking regarding the possibility of changing start times. Board members and district administration will continue to work diligently to come forward with the best possible plan to balance the needs of students and families,” shared Board Chair Linda Cohen. Additional information will be shared as the process proceeds. Online feedback continues to be gathered at
Wayzata High School is excited about an upcoming event for all 9th graders! The “Respect Retreat” is for all Wayzata freshmen and is scheduled for Tuesday, March 1, 2016. Youth Frontiers, Inc., of Minneapolis, will present the day-long retreat. The focus of the day will be on creating a more positive school climate by discussing the value of respect—respecting ourselves, respecting others and standing up for the value of respect. Our freshmen class will be broken up into four large groups and taken off-site for the day. The cost of the retreat is $20; if this charge is a hardship for your family, please contact your student’s counselor. If you have not yet paid the fee for the retreat, please do so online by visiting E-Pay, no later than February 5th! If you are unsure of whether you have paid or not, please check your order history or recent orders on E-Pay. We encourage parents/guardians to discuss the retreat experience as a family once the student returns home. If you have further questions about this event, please contact Ann Brattain, or call 763-745-6707.
Counselors’ Corner 2015-2016
Important Dates to Remember: November 7 November 11 November 12 & 13
SAT at WHS End of Term 1 No School for Students
December 5 SAT at WHS December 12 ACT at WHS January 6 Financial AidMeeting, 7 p.m., WHS auditorium January 19 College Planning Night January 23 SAT at WHS February 18 FAFSA Completion Workshop
College & Career Center (CCC)
COLLEGES! It’s been a busy fall for juniors & seniors
as they are heavily into college visits and applications. WHS is fortunate to have so many college reps visit us every year! Encourage your student to take advantage of these reps when they visit. Each presentation takes about 30 minutes – it’s time well spent to see if a certain college sparks their interest and is a good fit for them. There’s also travel savings by visiting with the rep on our campus. Did you know that most of the college reps will actually be the ones who will be reading your student’s college application? All college visits are listed on Naviance, our scrolling TV’s and listed in the CCC. Students need to stop by the CCC to get a pass for each visit. Here’s something to think about— with the end of Term 1 on November 11, our students are off from school November 12 & 13. It’s a great idea to plan some college visits during that long weekend!
SCHOLARSHIPS! As seniors are busy doing their
college applications, they should also consider applying for scholarships to help fund their education. Students should check Naviance throughout the month of November as scholarship information will be posted. There will also be a Local Scholarship packet that will be available before the winter break in December.
JOB POSTINGS! There are several local businesses that have part-time and seasonal job openings for students. Here’s some local businesses
WHS Counselor Assignments: Jane Stapleton Amanda Randall Jennifer Landy Mark Elias Cynthia McGunnigle Sarah Clutter Brian Gildemeister Royce Kloehn Peggy Zimmer
A – Bri Brj – Dr Ds – Hal Ham – Kar Kas – Mal Mam – Or Os – Sa Sc – Te Tf – Z
Counseling Office: 763-745-6630 763-745-6631 763-745-6708 Fax: 763-745-6632 Nancy Vogt Registrar Terri Marr Secretary
Career Counseling Center (CCC): 763-745-6639 Deb Musser CCC Coordinator If you need to schedule an appointment with your student’s counselor, please contact the secretaries at the Counseling Office. that are hiring: American Girl, Jimmy’s Pizza, City of Plymouth, Farmer’s Insurance (2 locations), Don Pablos, Macy’s, Trails of Orono, Pet Supplies Plus, D’Amico & Sons, Kumon Tutoring, Sommerwood, Minnesota Computers. Many business owners are flexible and will work around student school schedules.
Wayzata’s Home Base is looking for 18 year old students who love to work with kids. Positions are open before and after school and they are also looking for people willing to sub. Please apply online at Please contact Deb Musser, or 763.745.6639, if you have any questions!
Counselors’ Corner Financial Aid Information: The Counseling
Department will host an informational meeting on Financial Aid on Wed., January 6, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the WHS auditorium. Please note: this is a change from the date listed on the WPS calendar! We strongly encourage parents of juniors and seniors to attend. Families can complete the form used in applying for financial aid (FAFSA) for 20162017 online at These forms cannot be filled out until January, as the information included in them is based on the current year’s information (income, etc). Also, new this year, WHS is hosting an evening for families to receive help in completing the FAFSA. Four financial aid professionals from local colleges will be in our first floor computer labs (B106 and B107) from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 18, 2016 to answer questions and assist families with the FAFSA. Items to bring to the FAFSA Completion Workshop are: 1. Social Security Number 2. Driver’s License Number (if you have one) 3. 2015 Tax Returns for Student and Parent (if filed) 4. Information on Savings, Investments, and Business & Farm Assets for Student and Parent 5. Records of Untaxed Income
Reservations are not needed; please stop in at your convenience between 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. A drawing to win a $500 scholarship will be held. We h o p e y o u c a n j o i n u s !
ACT/SAT Timeline for Juniors
Counselors recommend that students wait until spring of the junior year to begin taking the ACT/SAT college entrance exams. This timeline allows students to get most, if not all, of the junior year coursework completed before taking the tests, while still leaving time for a retest in September or October of the senior year, if necessary. The ACT will be administered to all juniors during the school day on March 15, 2016. The test will be free, and scores from this test administration can be used for college entrance applications. Students do not need to (pre)register with ACT for this test date. Wayzata High School takes care of all the pre-testing registration/requirements.
November College Planning Reminders: Don’t let your grades slide. It’s easy to be distracted from school work when working on applications. • Put the final touches on your application essays and get feedback on your essays from teachers and/or counselors. • Continue to research scholarships by checking Naviance regularly. You can find scholarship information under the COLLEGES tab. Select Scholarship List under the Scholarship & Money section. Click deadline date to sort by date for easy viewing. •
Senior Reminders!
Watch those rapidly approaching college application deadlines, seniors! The University of Minnesota – Twin Cities’ priority deadline is December 15. Remember, the counseling office needs two weeks (10 working days, which does not include weekends or breaks) to process your applications and to write personalized recommendations (if needed). Keep in mind that counselors are not in over Thanksgiving or winter breaks. Applications are processed in the order received, not by application deadline. Applications with deadlines of December 1 should be turned in by the end of the day on November 9. Applications with deadlines of December 15 should be turned in by the end of the day on December 1. Applications with deadlines over winter break (January 1) should be turned in by the end of the day on December 8!!!
Watch Those Credits!!!
First term ends November 11 and report cards will be available online. Students, especially seniors, who are short credits should see their counselor ASAP! We are happy to work with students to put together a plan to make up credits, but the responsibility for monitoring students’ credit situations lies with the students!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences are coming up on December 3. If you would like to speak with your student’s counselor, please call the counseling office to schedule an appointment ahead of time – we would hate to be unavailable if you drop in!
Chemical health Positive Community Norms During the month of November, a new Positive Community Norms campaign will be launched at the high school around the use of alcohol and marijuana from recently collected data from juniors. This model examines the perceptions of our youth and how that can shape behavior based upon what youth believe their peers are doing. If youth misperceive high-risk activities as the norm, they may be more likely to accept that behavior as something “everyone” is doing. Oh, oh…here I go using the “everyone” word which no doubt you have heard numerous times. Rest assured not everyone is drinking alcohol or smoking weed and our data backs that up quite nicely. We have been consistently seeing a decline in underage drinking and we do expect to see some increase in marijuana use, but not as much as our youth believe. The campaign will be launched through a series of posters that have been pilot-tested in classrooms by our own students. They vote on graphics and the message that they believe has the largest appeal. The posters will cause a stir as students struggle to believe the data. They think everyone lies on surveys, and some do, but not the amount that is perceived…again another misperception! I am sharing this information with you as I believe you can help support this campaign with conversations you can have at home. If you think back, you may have believed the same thing or didn’t know anybody who drank or used any substances. I remember the old saying “If everyone jumped off a bridge would you too?” I am quite sure that resonates with some of you as I can still hear my own parents saying that to me! So, we give our youth credit for making solid decisions and support our youth that are on the fence.
This campaign will roll out a new poster about every six weeks once our initial launch begins. If you are in the building, you will be sure to see them and the logo of Partners in Prevention will be on each poster. If you have any questions or comments related to this article or anything else, please call me at 763-745-6988. -Judy Hanson Chemical Health Coordinator
Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Sawadee, Davs, Namaste, Oi, Nagadef, Akam, An-nyung, Asalaamalikum, Nihao, Privet… Plans are underway for the 2016 International Festival at Wayzata High School to be held on Friday, April 15. This event has been a wonderful way to showcase the many cultures that make our school such a special place. This year we are hoping to include even more of our community and are looking for parents and community members to help expand the cultures that are represented. Would you like to help others learn about your family’s culture? We are looking for: Cultural Booths– Represent your culture at an informational booth. Share information, pictures, objects and artifacts, and help our Festival attendees learn more about your country and culture. Cultural Vendors– Do you make food or merchandise that represents your culture? If so, we’d like to invite you to participate in our Festival. Cultural Performances– Entertain our Festival attendees with music, dance or other performances that are a part of your culture. Mark April 15 on your calendar and plan to attend the 2016 Wayzata International Festival. If you would like to be a Festival participant or have questions about participating, please contact Alison Gillespie at .
Around WHS All WHS students are invited to participate in the German Exchange Program , by hosting in March and/or going to Germany in June 2016. Applications for travel are due now!
All German 2, 3, 4 and AP students should sign up for the National German Exam , to be a d m i n i s t e r e d i n J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 . V i s i t E - P ay w w w. w a y z a t a s c h o o l s p a y o n l i n e . c o m to sign up now. The deadline was October 30, but you can still get in if you sign up right away.
Expanding Learning From the Classroom Out Into the Field of Scientific Research
Costa Rica Research for Wayzata High School students with a letter of recommendation for college from a University Professor and Seeds of Change is being offered June 2016. An informational meeting will be held in Room A403 on Tuesday, November 17 at 7:00 p.m. There are only sixteen spots for Wayzata High School students each summer. Please visit the Wayzata High School Costa Rica Research information webpage at
The focus of this Research Experience is to get students involved in real world research in a location full of biodiversity. Student research is centered on the leaf cutter ant. Students experience the successes and failures normally associated with scientific research beyond the high school classroom. They go through the entire processes of problem formation, background research (including reviewing research done by previous students), procedural revisions, lab tests, field tests, statistical analysis, peer review and presentation. They work under the guidance of top university professors. Students also learn about the expanding field of bioinformatics. Students who complete their first year of this program have two other enrichment opportunities available to them. Students can return to Costa Rica to work with researchers and tag nesting sea turtles. Second year students can also return to Costa Rica where they learn how to use the tools and process the information of bioinformatics. They will work with university professors, and design and perform a bioinformatics experiment. Bioinformatics is a new expanding field in biology and computer sciences. The trip is organized through an educational non-profit, “Seeds for Change”. “Seeds of Change” was started by John Doleman, a former NASA space station project manager invested in getting high school students interested in science. The trip is facilitated by two Wayzata High School teachers, Mrs. Toni Leland and another WHS biology teacher to be determined at a later date. The dates are June 18 - 28, 2016 (there might be a slight adjustment to the date depending on airfare); the cost is $3500 which is all inclusive (includes airfare, room and board, supplies, all activities, and transportation). Students only need to bring money for souvenirs and purchase a passport. Fundraising options and some scholarship money are available. The website for “Seeds for Change” at
S t u d e n t s n e e d t o h a v e f i n i s h e d a t l e a s t 1 0 th g r a d e b y t h e e n d o f t h e s c h o o l year. If interested and for additional information please contact Toni Leland, Biology Teacher at WHS, room A404, or call 763-745-6970, or email
Around WHS Wayzata High School’s CREW will be hosting their annual Fall Craft Show! Friday, November 20, 2015 7:20 a.m. – 2:20 p.m. 2nd Floor Forum Room (B204) Proceeds to support the WHS CREW, student-run business (WHS work program)!
The CREW will be selling their handmade products including: Lanyards, Necklaces, Earrings, Embroidered Blankets, Greeting Cards, Cup-of-Fun Gifts for Special Birthdays, Thank You’s, Congratulations and much, much more! The CREW will be hosting many talented local vendors also selling their unique and beautiful products. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; please check-in at the Front Greeter window (WHS main entrance) the day of the sale for admission.
Please contact: Michelle Howe ( or Lisa.Bowdish ( for more information.
Hope to see you there!
Wayzata Pottery 2 and AP classes were proud to host professional ceramic artist, JD Jorgenson, on October
20th. JD’s visit was a precursor to the Wood/Salt Firing workshop the AP Pottery students will be attending in early November. This is a traditional and rare form of firing that requires much dedication and intense labor. Wood must be prepared, chopped and split, to be used as fuel in the hand-built kiln. Participants of JD’s workshop will help fire and tend to the kiln around the clock during the four-day firing process. JD shared with the students his journey to clay, philosophy of using all locally mined minerals, making a healthy living in the arts and his passion for creating pottery. Students were thrilled to handle professionally made wares, interact with a master and learn new technical processes. Advanced Placement Pottery students are looking forward to participating in this specialized workshop. Look for a follow-up story of their experience in next month’s Parent Connection newsletter.
This visit was made possible in part by generous funding by Northern Clay Center, in Minneapolis. You can find more information about artist, JD Jorgenson at .
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am especially mindful of many things to be thankful. From a PTO perspective, I’m very grateful for - OUR AMAZING GROUP OF PARENT VOLUNTEERS – generous with their time and energy, serving with me on the Executive Board, within our sponsorship ranks, and in our newly formed Parent Liaison group. A high school and district committed to supporting the very real needs all around us, through programs like Club Y.E.S. (for students to give back), Empty Bowls, Fund-A-Need, and partnerships with the IOCP - an energized and engaged teaching and Administrative staff, working every day to understand and respond to the needs of our students. The list could easily extend the length of this entire publication!
With one set of conferences behind us, we can all look forward to the 2nd term conferences, along with the next Staff Appreciation Dinner on Thursday, De c e m b e r 3. For this to be a success, we again ask for your help: Our goal is to feed over 225 staff members a delicious dinner from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the WHS Media Center.
Ways you can help— 1. Food Donations: We need 42 salads/side dishes and 20 desserts to complement the Cub Foods chicken dinner purchased by the PTO. We are looking for a variety of salads: Caesar salad kits, fruit, veggie plates, pasta, Greek & other ethnic salads. For desserts, homemade bars are the most on popular with the staff ! 2. Parent Volunteers: We are looking for parents interested in serving a 1.5 hour shift at the dinner, assisting Y.E.S. students with set-up, food prep & clean-up. To sign up—
Use the Sign-Up Genius link go/20f0848aaae2aab9-december Contact Lynda Stelter, PTO Staff Appreciation Chair Cell 612-619-5456
Please note that our stellar Staff Appreciation Chair, Lynda Stelter, will be wrapping up her time at the high school at the end of this year. To that end, we are looking for leadership for this event for next school year! By helping out at the next and/or future events, you can see what’s involved, and determine if such a role in the PTO is right for you. Please contact Linda if you’d like to explore this opportunity for next year.
Also this past month, we held our Liaison kick-off event, meeting with the generous volunteers who have agreed to serve as liaisons between the PTO and our parent, teaching and student communities. We are in the process of setting up their contact information and links on the PTO website, which will be completed in November. We will send out a “blitz” on the PTO Parents’ App, as soon as this information is posted. These liaisons will serve as contact points for their respective communities, should you have a question, concern or input for the PTO. Finally, our next PTO Parent Forum will be held just after the new year. SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday, January 19, 2016 from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Forum (B204).
Expect to hear updates from Superintendent, Chace Anderson; WHS Principal, Scott Gengler; Chemical Health Coordinator, Judy Hanson; and our PTO Student Council Liaisons!!!!
The purpose of the PTO is “…to strengthen, enhance, and encourage a positive, inclusive, and engaged educational and social environment at Wayzata High School”. Active and informed parents are critical to our collective success. If you have not already signed up for PTO news and information via the PTO donation form, please send a note to to ensure you are included in the distribution for PTO updates and announcements. Be sure to download and use the FREE WHS parent’s app, brought to you via the PTO’s partnership with Fun2Raise. From the iTunes Store or Google Play, just download “fun2raise live!”, and on first launch, key in the organization code for Wayzata High School – “wptolive” (omit quotes when entering information). Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
- Julie
Julie Wexler WHS PTO President, 2015-16
The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers. ~Terri Guillemets Volunteer opportunities come up throughout the school year. To see what’s available, please click on the link below, or go to the “For Parents” tab on the WHS website. Click on PTO and then Volunteer Sign-Up. h t t p : / / w w w . w a y z a t a . k 1 2 . m n . u s / w h s / p t o / v o l u n t e e r
If you are interested in being included on a General Help/on-call list please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Catherine Christiansen, at
The General Help/on-call list is a low time commitment, as it fits your schedule/opportunity. You will be notified via email when needs arise. Thank you for your willingness to help. We are truly grateful!
STRESS BUSTERS will be spreading good cheer on Wednesday, November 11. Please have your student(s) look for us as they enter the building in the morning to collect their surprise! As always, we are grateful for your personal donations and business connections that enable us to continue busting stress for each of our students. Please visit our web page for further details
Vision 21 News
Registration is underway for a variety of activities and competitions that may interest students looking for enrichment or a challenge. • North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad • Minnesota Brain Bee • Astronomy Olympiad – NEW Opportunity for 2015-2016 • Biology Olympiad • Physics Olympiad • Physics Bowl • Chemistry Olympiad • Continental Math League • MN Music Listening • 3-2-1: A Replacement for KMO All of the information on each activity can be found on the WHS Vision 21 website. In addition, this site also contains a participation worksheet which students should complete and return to Sue Iverson either through email or by dropping it off in B207. WHS Vision 21 website: http:// w w w. w a y z a t a . k 1 2 . m n . u s / P a g e / 7 8 7 1 Contact Sue Iverson @ 763-745-6605, with questions. The Wayzata High School Student Council is pleased to announce the 2015 Distinguished Alumni recipient
Judy Olausen Class of 1962
Ms. Olausen will be honored at a ceremony on Tuesday, December 8 at 9:30 a.m. in the 2 nd Floor Forum (B204). Interested parents/ community members are invited to attend. Judy Olausen is known worldwide as a portrait photographer. You can learn more about Judy and her work through her NY Times Best Seller, Mother, or in Saved: Rescued Animals and the Lives They Transform.
Around WHS T h e Wa y z a t a L e a d e r s h i p A c a d e m y s u p p o r t s t h e W H S Mission Statement “Character and Scholarship for Life” Trojan Pride has been developed to intentionally and purposefully promote and develop character and leadership qualities in our students. Teachers look for students who demonstrate one of The Pillars of Trojan Pride during the school day and will send a Trojan Pride Character Card home. Each week we draw a student to showcase Trojan Pride. TROJAN
Isaiah Strauser (12 )
Marschal Hipsang (9)
Nominated by Ms. Landy for building and sustaining positive relationships!
Nominated by Ms. Warne for showing respect and helping others!
Jacob Smith (12) Nominated by Ms. Pratt for strengthening cultural awareness and showing respect!
Liam Benson (9) Mae Peterson (10) Nominated by Ms. Leland for building and sustaining positive relationships!
Brandon Fernandez (9)
Nominated by Ms. Turner for taking responsibility and building and sustaining positive relationships!
Nominated by Ms. Hansen for taking responsibility and following through with commitments and leaving a positive legacy, as well strengthening cultural awareness!
Megan Feller (9) Nominated by Ms. Gecker for building and sustaining positive relationships!
Sarah Isdahl (12) Nominated by Ms. Blum for taking responsibility and working hard!
Around WHS
Please e article! njoy this stu dent Compl i m e n ts Tordeu r’s Gra of Mr. phic Design Class...
Around WHS
Compl ime Tordeu nts of Mr. r’s G Design raphic Class...
Around WHS Long-Sleeved t-shirts NOW $18 Small (6) Medium (2) Large (1)
Sweatshirts NOW $33 XL (1 left)
If you are making a t-shirt blanket, you can buy the short-sleeved t-shirt in any size! Thanks for supporting the Senior Party by purchasing your senior apparel. The 2016 Senior Party needs you!! We still
have a few spots open for committee chairs for the following areas — transportation, entertainment and donations. Don’t miss this opportunity to help out and have fun! Please contact chairs, Kim Mertens or Sarah Heidelberger, at if you can help out! Our initial fundraisers at Yogurt Lab and Chipotle were a success, thanks to you!
Parents, if you haven’t received an email from us then we don’t have your email!! We do respect your privacy and will not share your email address with other organizations or businesses. Please send us your email at so we can be in touch with you!! Stay informed and up to date on all things related to the senior party. Watch for e-blasts, Parent Connection newsletters and the following social media sites: Facebook: 2016 Wayzata High School Senior Party\Senior-Party-730198087066296/timeline/ Twitter: @WayzataParty16 (
BAKE SALE Thanks to the families who provided baked goods and those who purchased baked goods at our bake sale during fall conferences. Due to popular demand, we will be having another bake sale on our next conference date of Thursday, December 3 from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Get in the holiday spirit by providing some baked goods! Please contact Kirsten Ferguson, or Karin Johnson, jonkarin@comcast. net for more information or to sign up. BIG PROMO!! SALE ON REMAINING INVENTORY OF SENIOR APPAREL The price of remaining inventory of senior apparel has been reduced by $5.00! No more orders will be placed so now is the time to purchase your items. The following items are available for purchase in the Trojan Locker Room. An order form is attached. Short-sleeved t-shirts NOW $15 Small (4) Medium (9) Large (7)
Instagram: WayzataSrParty2016
Fine Arts D R A M A N E W S . . . O c t o b e r wa s a n e xc i t -
ing month for the Wayzata Players Drama Club! Rehearsal got underway for our fall musical, Beauty and the Beast and Drama Techies got started on building the set for this amazing show. Crew positions have been posted and with less than two weeks to go, the excitement is mounting for this production.
WHEN: November 13 @ 7:00 p.m. November 14 @ 2:00 p.m. November 14 @ 7:00 p.m November 19 @ 7:00 p.m. November 20 @ 7:00 p.m November 21 @ 2:00 p.m COST $15 Adults $12 Senior Citizens 62 & Above $10 Sudents through High School How do I get tickets? 1. Go to Wayzata High School Website 2. Click on E-Pay (Quick Links Gold Banner) 3. Click on Tickets 4. Find a date 5. You will be available to select the seat(s) you wish and see what is available to purchase. 6. Please bring ticket receipt with you as it will have the BAR CODE which will be scanned at the auditorium entrance Call Cindy Beherns @ 763-745-6907 if you have any questions!!
We are excited to be hosting a fund drive during the run of the musical to support Interfaith Outreach. We will be accepting food donations and cash or check donations during the run of the show. Our Tea for Tots event on November 14 @ 11:15 a.m. will give its proceeds to Interfaith as well. Consider bringing... Canned nuts, crackers or nonperishable appetizers Bag/Box Stuffing Mix 15oz Canned Green Beans 17oz Canned Sweet Potatoes Gravy or Gravy packets (no glass jars) Baking Ingredients (flour, sugar, Oil) Boxed Potatoes 16oz Canned Cranberries or Fruit Cake Mix and Frosting
We will have boxes in the auditorium foyer for you to put your items in. Anyone bringing an item is eligible to sign up for a raffle for tickets for future shows at WHS. We will draw three names per night!! Drama Club is meeting on Thursday, November 5 to work on last minute house details for the display cases, ticketing, senior citizen performance and more. Anyone interested in helping out from 2:30 p.m. -3:30 p.m. on that day are welcome. Ushers are needed for ALL shows!! Please encourage your student to stop by D207 to fill out an usher form. Its a great way for them to get involved and see this wonderful show for free.
And as always...if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact Cindy Beherns! Email Mrs. Beherns or call her office, 763-745-6907.
Be our guest Be our guest Be our guest
Athletics 2015-2016 Wayzata High School Athletic Registration Information
A l l p a r t i c i p a n t s i n a t h l e t i c p ro g ra m s a t Way z a t a H i gh S c h o o l m u s t be fully registered prior to the athlete’s first practice/tryout. Please note! Student-Athletes may participate in only one athletic program per season. This also includes Showstoppers (fall) and Clay Target (spring). A student-athlete who has transferred to WHS during their high school career, is moving into the school district, or is a foreign exchange student should register in person accompanied by a parent/guardian. You must complete the following steps to be cleared for participation:
Step 1: Submit a current Sports Qualifying Physical Examination dated after 6/15/2013. Form must be signed and dated by a physician. Well-child physicals will not be accepted. Form must clear student for Athletic participation. Sports Qualifying Physical Exam can be faxed to 763-745-6625 or dropped off in the WHS Activities Office. Step 2: Submit the 2015-2016 Minnesota State High School League/Wayzata High School Athletic and Activities Eligibility Form. This form must be turned in each school year. Submit form at Step 3: Fee Payment. Submit payment at If you are paying in person, you must pay with check or cash.
If all three steps are not completed, your student will not be allowed to participate, tryout, and/or receive any equipment. Please complete steps in order. Sport Dance Team - Competitive Girls’ Hockey Boys’ and Girls’ Alpine Skiing Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Gymnastics Boys’ Hockey Boys’ and Girls’ Nordic Skiing Boys’ & Girls’ Adapted Hockey Girls’ Basketball Wrestling Cheerleading Boys’ Swim & Dive
Grades 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 7-12 9-12 7-12 7-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 7-12
Girls’ Synchronized Swim Boys’ & Girls’ Adapted Bowling Boys’ & Girls’ Adapted Softball Girls’ Softball Boys’ Track & Field Girls’ Track & Field Baseball Boys’ Golf Girls’ Golf Boys’ Tennis Boys’ Lacrosse Girls’ Lacrosse
7-12 7-12 7-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12
Registration Dates Season Begins October 5 - 14 October 19 October 5 - 21 October 26 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 November 16 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 November 16 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 November 16 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 TRYOUTS FALL 2015 Oct. 5 – Nov. 24 November 30
Intramural (Gr. 9-12) #of Weeks/Sessions Basketball 13/TBD Golf - Session 2 5/5 Table Tennis 5/5 Badminton – Session 2 5/5
Feb. 16 – March 2 Feb. 16 – March 2 Feb. 16 – March 2 Feb. 16 – Mar. 9 Feb. 16 – Mar. 9 Feb. 16 – Mar. 9 Feb. 16 – Mar. 16 Feb. 16 – Mar. 16 Feb. 16 – Mar. 16 Feb. 16 – Mar. 23 Feb. 16 – Mar. 30 Feb. 16 – Mar. 30 Day(s) of Week Varies Monday Tuesday Wednesday
March 7 March 7 March 7 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 28 April 4 April 4
Fees $210 $210 $485 $220 $185 $210 $165 $115 $220 $185 $155 $165 $165 $115 $110 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $135 $150 $150
Registration Dates Nov. 16 – Dec. 4 April 11 - 22 April 11 - 22 April 11 - 22
Coach & Phone Number Alyse Iorio, (763) 745-6621 Becky Wacker, (612) 839-7397 Mike Dzubay, (763) 475-1177 Bryan Schnettler, (763) 745-6842 Carly Holden, Pat O’Leary, (651) 334-5339 Larry Myers, (763) 553-1486 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Mike Schumacher, (763) 745-6830 Eric Swensen, (763) 745-6994 Michelle Chase, David Plummer, Signe Hensel, (763) 476-9649 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Amber Hegland, (763) 745-6741 Aaron Berndt, (763) 745-6959 Lori Cade, (763) 745-6978 Bobby DeWitt, (763) 745-6124 Allan Christopherson, (763) 745-6906 Mike Schumacher, (763) 745-6830 Jeff Prondzinski, (763) 745-6999 Chad Herr, (612) 578-0595 Lindsey Eichenlaub, Season Dec. 9 – Mar. 4 April 25 - May 23 April 26 - May 24 April 27 - May 25
Fee $35 $80 $25 $25