October 2015 Parent Connection

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Parent Connection Newsletter

October 2015

Character and Scholarship for Life

October 7 September 2011 Mid-term 1

October 8 & 13 Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. October 14 PSAT Testing

October 15 & 16 Teachers’ Convention (MEA) No School for Students October 21 NHS Blood Drive

October 24 ACT Testing 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. October 30 Senior Portraits Due November 7 SAT Testing 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. November 11 End of Term 1 November 12 & 13 No School for Students Late Start Wednesdays...Visit the

high school website to view all late starts. Click Calendar Link on front page of the website to view calendar. www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/ wayzatahs

WAYZATA PLAYERS DRAMA CLUB had a great time at this year’s H o m e c o m i n g P a r a d e i n d o w n t o w n Wayzata. Many thanks to Maria Hayden and her dad for letting us use their truck to house our wonderful Beauty and the Beast. Ku d o s a n d t h a n k s to a l l te c h i e s wh o wo r ke d h a rd m a king the beauty and beast sashes that were worn in the parade and the board committee for helping plan the whole event.


Military recruiters routinely request name, address and phone numbers of 11th and 12th graders. This information is used to provide students with details about military opportunities. The “No Child Left Behind” legislation of January 2002 allows a parent or student to request that student information not be released to the recruiters. This requirement is separate from the current process of excluding students from release of “Directory Information” and must be requested annually. Parents or eligible students may request that student information not be released to military recruiters. The form is available and can be submitted online. Visit www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/whs under the “For Parents” link. Forms are also available in the 2nd Floor Office if you prefer to complete the form manually. Forms must be returned to the Principal’s Office by October 30, 2015.

Counselors’ Corner 2015-2016

Important Dates to Remember: October 8 & 13 Parent/Teacher Conferences October 14 PSAT Testing at WHS October 21 & 22 COLLEGE FAIR, Minneapolis Convention Center October 24 ACT at WHS November 7


December 5


College & Career Center (CCC)


The Minnesota National College Fair will be held on October 21 and 22 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This college fair is one of the largest in the nation, and offers access to over 350 representatives from colleges and military organizations throughout the United States. We encourage students to go with their parents during the evening hours (4:30 – 8 p.m.) offered on October 21. For more information visit: www.nationalcollegefairs.org.


Teachers’ convention workshop, Thursday October 15, and Friday October 16, is an excellent time for juniors and seniors to visit college campuses. Although it is valuable to visit campuses on weekends and during the summer, many students find they get a better, more accurate picture of campus life on a weekday with college students going about their normal routines. Remember that a college can feel very different in person than it appears on paper or on a website, and feel very different during a school week than over the summer or on a weekend!

WHS Counselor Assignments: Jane Stapleton Amanda Randall Jennifer Landy Mark Elias Cynthia McGunnigle Sarah Clutter Brian Gildemeister Royce Kloehn Peggy Zimmer

A – Bri Brj – Dr Ds – Hal Ham – Kar Kas – Mal Mam – Or Os – Sa Sc – Te Tf – Z

Counseling Office: 763-745-6630 763-745-6631 763-745-6708 Fax: 763-745-6632 Nancy Vogt Registrar Terri Marr Secretary Deb Musser Secretary

Career Counseling Center (CCC): 763-745-6639 Heather McGinnis CCC Coordinator If you need to schedule an appointment with your student’s counselor, please contact the secretaries at the Counseling Office.


October is a busy month in the College and Career Center, with 75+ colleges and universities visiting to share admissions information and tips with WHS students. You can view a complete calendar of college visits on Naviance. The schedule is found by selecting the COLLEGES tab. In the MY COLLEGES section, you will see the UPCOMING COLLEGE VISITS in the right column.


Students can stop by the CCC and pick up practice tests for the PSAT, SAT and ACT tests. More detailed test preparation books from publishers like the Princeton Review and McGraw Hill are also available for students to check out and take home.

Counselors’ Corner PSAT/NMSQT:

The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) will be given at WHS on October 14 during blocks 1, 2, and 3. The PSAT is a practice SAT which can give students feedback on their strengths and weaknesses in preparation for the SAT. It is also the only way current juniors can qualify as National Merit Semifinalists. Registration closed on September 25, and late registration is not allowed. Students can pick up a free study guide in the CCC (no proof of registration required). Please remind your student(s) to bring a calculator and several number two pencils to the test.


Seniors need to watch their college application deadlines, especially those applying early decision or early action! Early decision/action deadlines are quickly approaching in November, and the counseling office needs AT LEAST TEN WORKING DAYS to process your applications. (Remember, applications are processed in the order they are received, not by application deadline.) Transcript requests for applications with November 1 deadlines need to be turned in to the counseling office NO LATER THAN October 19. Even if you are not applying early decision/action, the counselors encourage you to get your applications in early, instead of waiting until the December rush.


In order to be eligible to play Division I or II athletics in college, students must register on-line with the NCAA Cleari n g h o u s e a t h t t p : / / w w w. n c a a e l i g i bilitycenter.org. Students should start this process by the end of their junior year.


A grief support group will be held again this year for students who have experienced the death of a loved one. The group will meet every other week on a rotating time schedule for the duration of the school year. For further information, please contact Mark Elias or Cindy McGunnigle in counseling office.

An eating/body image concerns support group will also be held again this year for students who struggle with these issues. The group will meet weekly on a rotating time schedule throughout the year. Please contact Becky Halvorson, WHS social worker, for more information.


All grade levels have met with their counselors in group guidance sessions during the month of September. Please talk with your student about what was covered. You can also review the PowerPoint presentations used during these sessions on the WHS Counseling website. Please contact your student’s counselor if you have any questions about group guidance or what was covered.

Chemical health Parents in Pajamas Webinar

Online parent and family meetings from the comfort of your home

Research shows children whose parents and other caretakers communicate clear, consistent expectations to them about alcohol and other drugs are less likely to use substances. But when parents don’t know what to say, or can’t answer their child’s questions, these important conversations go unsaid. To help parents everywhere, the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has created Parents in Pajamas, a series of online parent and family meetings. Facilitated by a prevention specialist from FCD Prevention Works, one of our prevention branches, these live 60-minute web-based sessions give parents access to critical information about substance abuse prevention, intervention, and addiction treatment. Participants can join in from almost anywhere--home, the office, or a coffee shop! Wednesday, October 21 Presenter: Tim Ryan Wednesday, November 18 Presenter: Deirdre Flynn Participants will learn: • The essential role they play in keeping their kids drug free through adolescence • How to encourage an open dialogue with their kids • The importance of modeling healthy, appropriate attitudes and behaviors for kids • The latest facts about addiction and the mental and physical effects of alcohol and other drugs on young people • Risk factors for addiction • The truth behind the myths, misconceptions, and misinformation about adolescent drug use Facilitators will also answer individual questions, such as: • What do I say about my own experiences with alcohol and other drugs when my child asks me? • What are some ways to teach my child to resist the pressure to drink or use drugs? • What should I do about the drinking and driving issue?

To register: http://www.hazelden.org/web/public/event.view?eventId=5006293 Presenter: Deirdre Flynn

Deirdre, a mother of two adolescent sons, joined FCD Prevention Works as a Prevention Specialist in 2012, and is currently a Senior Prevention Specialist and Regional Officer. She holds a Teaching Certificate for the State of New Jersey and has worked as a substitute teacher in grades kindergarten through 12, as well as an exercise instructor for adults. She was an active member of the Parents’ Association at her sons’ international school in Zurich, Switzerland, where she has lived with her family for the past several years.. She recently relocated to Chicago. Deirdre holds a BA in History from Rutgers University and is fluent in German. Presenter: Tim Ryan An FCD Prevention Works Senior Prevention Specialist and Regional Officer, Tim joined FCD in 2004. He holds a BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MA in Education from Castleton State College. He has also been a middle school science teacher and coach to both youth and high school lacrosse. Since coming to FCD, Tim has worked in more than 30 countries on five continents. He skies and plays golf whenever and wherever he can.


The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers. ~Terri Guillemets Volunteer opportunities come up throughout the school year. To see what’s available, please click on the link below, or go to the “For Parents” tab on the WHS website. Click on PTO and then Volunteer Sign-Up. h t t p : / / w w w . w a y z a t a . k 1 2 . m n . u s / w h s / p t o / v o l u n t e e r

If you are interested in being included on a General Help/on-call list please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Catherine Christiansen, at whsparentvolunteer@wayzata.k12.mn.us

The General Help/on-call list is a low time commitment, as it fits your schedule/opportunity. You will be notified via email when needs arise. Thank you for your willingness to help, we are grateful!


The season is here, seniors are in the process of taking their senior pictures. Each senior gets to choose which portrait they would like featured with their name in this year’s yearbook. A digital image of the preferred picture needs to be submitted directly to Jostens ASAP. Students who do not submit a senior portrait will have their Lifetouch portrait used in the book. Keep in mind while taking your photos that it needs to be head and shoulder format and vertical. Instructions for submissions and portrait specifications can be found on our website whsyearbook.com.If you have any other questions please contact our portraits editor, Kendall Garvey, at wayako.portraits@gmail.com.

OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE TO GERMAN STUDENTS!! 1. German Club meets the 1 st Monday and t h e 3 rd W e d n e s d a y o f e a c h m o n t h i n room A416 from 2:30 p.m. - 3 :30 p.m. 2. Concordia Language Village German Weekend is January 29 – 31, 2016. Students choosing to attend, will be immersed in a cultural experience in the winterized cabin facilities near Bemidji Minnesota. It is a fun-filled weekend of activities, food, songs and events– all in German! Pick up your registration form and return to Frau Nickel in room A416 with your deposit before October 9, 2015. 3. The WHS – Humboldt German Exchange Program is celebrating its 40th year! This year 20 students will come from our exchange partner school in March. Tentative dates are March 8 – 29, 2016. We are looking for families who would like to host one of these students for the three weeks of the exchange. Also WHS students have the opportunity to go to Germany with the Exchange. Tentative dates for travel are June 11 – 30, 2016. An informational meeting for all families interested in being a part of the Exchange will be held at WHS in room A416 on October 12, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 4. The National German Exam will be administered to German 2, 3 and 4 students during German classes at the end of January 2016. Students in first or second semester German classes, who would like to take the exam, should go to E-Pay or pick up a form in A416 and bring it back with payment before November 1, 2015. The National German Exam for German 1 students will not be given until April and

2015-16 YEARBOOK – Your student could already be in the yearbook! Staffers and editors are work-

ing hard on producing another great book of memories. Don’t forget to order a yearbook today! For your convenience you will find a pay in full option or a partial payment plan. Visit whsyearbook.com for steps to order a copy from the Josten’s website...

Around WHS Congratulations to the 2015 Homecoming Court

These seniors were selected by their classmates to represent them during Homecoming Week. HOMECOMING KING & QUEEN: Foster Conzet & Amanda Bartemio QUEEN CANDIDATES: Sydnee Anderson, Kaylen Bach, Lauren Bassett, Caroline Davidson, Anna Kate Grosse, Eva Pettersen, Sarah Uttormark, Blake Woolf KING CANDIDATES: Brendan Broady, Tyler Didier, JJ Heflin, Zach Kennedy, Corrie King, Chin-Yen Liang, Jake Marsh, Greg Nebel, Reece Smith, Luke Westermeyer

Around WHS T h e Wa y z a t a L e a d e r s h i p A c a d e m y s u p p o r t s t h e W H S Mission Statement “Character and Scholarship for Life” Trojan Pride has been developed to intentionally and purposefully promote and develop character and leadership qualities in our students. Teachers look for students who demonstrate one of The Pillars of Trojan Pride during the school day and will send a Trojan Pride Character Card home. Each week we draw a student to showcase Trojan Pride. TROJAN



Anthony Howard (10) For being respectful and taking responsibility.




Brandon Pashina (10) For taking responsibility and building positive relationships.

Ms. Laden Biology Teacher

Bobby Isbell (11) Nominated by Ms. McIntyre for leaving a positive legacy, building positive relationships, and demonstrating respect.

Hailey Hanson (10) Nominated by Mrs. Ledman for building and sustaining positive relationships.

Gretchen Pickering (10) Nominated by Ms. Laden for taking responsibility.

Jenna Rathbun (11) Nominated by Ms. VanHorn for taking responsibility and building positive relationships.

Around WHS NEWS FROM THE CHINESE DEPARTMENT China 2016 (Spring & Summer Trips)

Everyone is welcome to join us if you are interested in exploring more about the Chinese culture and language in an authentic environment. Please attend EITHER ONE of our informational meetings: Monday, Oct. 12 @ 3:30 p.m. or Wednesday, Oct. 21 @ 5:30 p.m. Room A318

Please email Ms. Heng if you have any questions: sheen.heng.zhang@wayzata.k12.mn.us

Please join our Chinese Club activities. You will enjoy new friendships, the food and games every other Wednesday after school in Room A318. Please pay the fee on E-Pay in order to participate.

Around WHS The WHS Math Team will have it’s first informational/registration meeting on Monday, Oct. 12, @ 3:00 p.m. in the 2nd floor Forum Room (B204). Bring your iPad to the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please email or talk to Mr. Barnett, Mr. Cipra or Mr. Skerbitz.


Registration is underway for a variety of activities and competitions that may interest students looking for enrichment or a challenge. • North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad • Minnesota Brain Bee • Biology Olympiad • Physics Olympiad • Physics Bowl • Chemistry Olympiad • MN Music Listening • 3-2-1 (to replace KMO) A packet of information is available for students to pick up in the Vision 21 office (B207). Or you may download the information from the Vision 21 website: http:// www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/Page/7871. Please contact Sue Iverson at 763-745-6605 with any questions.


Washington D.C. Close Up is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for students (grades 9-12) to experience government in action. Students will experience Washington’s famous monuments, memorials, and institutions, as well as a meeting with their congressional delegation on Capitol Hill! Students can also look forward to policy debates with other students from all over the country while having a first-hand look at the American political system. For more information visit www.closeup.org. You can also send an email to tyler.trimberger@wayzata.k12.mn.us.

French, German and Spanish will be at-

tending Concordia Language Villages on the weekend of January 29 – 31, 2016. Cost is $235 for the weekend and registration is due by Friday, October 9. Please see a language teacher for more information or contact Monica. vlach@wayzata.k12.mn.us with questions.


took to the dirt again for weekend racing the Spamtown (Schindler) Classic in Austin, MN on Sunday, September 20. Alex Sipe, sophomore, finished SECOND on the JV podium, Ryan Slomkowski, junior, finishing 12th. Wayzata freshmen, Vlad Smirnov and Jillian Stokes both placed 15th in their freshman divisions. Also, top 20 were WHS Miranda Dahl, senior, Liza Pekurovsky, junior, and Max Seybolt, sophomore. WHS’s co-ed mountain bike team is currently ranked 9th in the Division One schools in Minnesota. The races are sponsored by the Minnesota High School Cycling League and offered through Wayzata Community Education. The team will have traveled to Rochester›s Gamehaven Preserve in early October for more mountain bike action. Also, racing in Austin were juniors – Jack Seybolt, Eric Reuss and Brandon Xu; sophomores – Matthew Gardner, Jackson Hay and Paul SchneiderKrumpus; freshmen – McKenzie Kindler, Olivia Fox, Daniel Pekurovsky, Eddie Seybolt, and Nathaniel Stay. More results to come from our bike race on 10/3!

Alex Sipe (10) in Austin, MN!

Around WHS PTO UPDATE...Hardly a month has gone by, and it’s conference time! If you haven’t already, please

take the time to sign up for conferences (October 8th & 13th). Your student’s grades and their perspective on how the term is going are only part of the picture; their teachers can add another critical piece, and give you a view into where your child is doing well and where they might need additional help. Each conference session is only 10 minutes, so a little preparation will help you make the most of that time: • • • •

Talk to your student to get their input, before conferences and get their take on what you’re likely to hear Log into Skyward to look at grades, teacher comments and performance on specific assignments or tests Draw up (on paper or mentally) a short list of questions for each teacher Consider bringing your student along to the sessions

While these two days have been set aside, there might be a case where a specific teacher’s timeslots don’t work with your schedule. That doesn’t mean you have to skip this important face-to-face opportunity! I’ve yet to meet a teacher at WHS who hasn’t been willing to set aside alternative time to meet with a parent; drop a note to that teacher while conferences are still front of mind, and schedule that meeting. Repeated studies have shown that engaged and informed parents make a big difference in a student’s academic success. Be that parent! Along with conferences on October 8, the PTO will be hosting the first Staff Appreciation Dinner of the year. Thank you to all who signed up to bring side dishes, desserts, or their own helping hands. Teachers tell us every year how much they appreciate these dinners. We appreciate your help in making them possible. Also, remember to check out the Senior Party Bake Sale at conferences. It’s a great way to support the Senior Party and get delicious take home treats made by fellow parents, in the bargain! On another note, we’ve continued to define the roles and responsibilities for parent & teacher liaisons within the PTO, with a kick-off planned for all liaisons during the month of October. As mentioned last month, watch for more details in the November Parent Connection.

The purpose of the PTO is “…to strengthen, enhance, and encourage a positive, inclusive, and engaged educational and social environment at Wayzata High School.” To that end, active and informed parents are critical to our collective success. If you have not already signed up for PTO news and information via the PTO donation form, please send a note to pto@wayzata.k12.mn.us to ensure you are included in the distribution for PTO updates and announcements. Finally, be sure to download and use the FREE WHS parent’s app, brought to you via the PTO’s partnership with Fun2Raise. From the iTunes Store or Google Play, just download “fun2raise live!”, and on first launch, key in the organization code for Wayzata High School – “wptolive” (omit quotes when entering information). Regards, - Julie

Julie Wexler WHS PTO President, 2015-16


High School is excited to offer senior students a safe and substance-free way to celebrate graduation with their entire class. Wayzata parent volunteers are organizing an all-night party to be held immediately following the commencement ceremony. Planning is underway but there is a lot to do. Thank you to those who have already stepped up to volunteer in one way or another. Many volunteers will be needed and there are many opportunities to help out. There will be several fundraisers throughout the year to raise money to support this awesome event. Check out our website at: http://wayzataseniorclassparty.weebly.com/. Two upcoming ers are right around

fundraist h e c o r n e r. . .

Senior Bake Sale on Thursday, October 8 (conference night). We need senior parents to contribute by making homemade goodies for our booth and we need senior parents to work the booth on the night of the sale. To volunteer your baked goods or volunteer your time, please contact our committee chairs: Karin Johnson, j o n k a r i n @ c o m c a s t . n e t o r K i r s t e n Fe r guson, km_ferguson@comcast.net.

After spending the whole week baking you deserve a night out! Join us for Chipotle Night on Tuesd ay, O c t o b e r 1 3 f ro m 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (2nd conference night) at the Plymouth Chipotle location on Hwy 55 & Vicksburg. 50% of sales will go to support our class party when you mention Wayzata Senior Class Party. What a great time to grab dinner for the whole family! SCHOOL SPIRIT TASTES GREAT!!

Has your senior purchased their senior apparel yet? The 2016 senior apparel is for sale in the Trojan Locker Room. Offered this year is a short sleeved t-shirt, long-sleeved t-shirt and hooded sweatshirt. Profits from the senior apparel goes to fund the allnight party following graduation in June. All items are available in the Trojan Locker Room. The order form is on page 12 of this newsletter. Your senior can bring the order form to the Trojan Locker Room in the cafeteria during lunch to buy their items. **The short-sleeved t-shirt is a must if you are planning to make a t-shirt blanket for graduation!**

Parents, do we have your email address? If you are a parent of a senior student and haven’t received any emails from the committee, please send us your email at wayzata.seniorparty@gmail.com

To keep up to date on all things related to the senior party, watch for e-blasts, Parent Connection newsletters and the following social media sites. Facebook: 2016 Wayzata High School Senior P a r t y ( h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / 2 0 1 6 - \ S e n i o r - Pa r t y- 7 3 0 1 9 8 0 8 7 0 6 6 2 9 6 / t i m e l i n e / ) Tw i t te r : @ Way z a t a Pa r t y 1 6 ( h t t p s : / / t w i t te r. c o m / Way z a t a Pa r t y 1 6 ) Instagram: WayzataSrParty2016

Around WHS

Around WHS Registration for Winter Trojan Tots Opens October 27!

We invite you to consider enrolling your child(ren) in the winter Trojan Tots preschool session. Trojan Tots preschool is run through the high school’s Child Psychology II course and is open to all community preschoolers who are 3-5 years old and pottytrained. The high school students plan and present daily learning activities in the areas of science, math, art, music, and language development. Movement activities and snack will also occur each day. Winter Trojan Tots December 3 - January 21 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The cost is only $45 for the entire session. Registration opens October 27 and fills up fast! To complete a registration please access the district’s E-Pay system to fill out a registration form and pay. E-Pay can be found at http://www.wayzataschoolspayonline.com/ Fo r q u e s t i o n s o r a d d i t i o n a l i n fo r mation please contact Stephanie Ebert at Stephanie.ebert@wayzata.k12.mn.us 763-745-7010. ​

Hello Wayzata Parents! We hope your students are having a great school year so far at Wayzata High! There is exciting news and more events to look forward to in October! First, we wanted to inform you about a fantastic new product we are selling. The Trojan Locker Room(Wayzata High School store) is selling a limited amount of $10 pink t-shirts in support of breast cancer! We will be donating a portion of our sales toward breast cancer research! These shirts are not only super cute, but also support an amazing cause. So stop by the store or order online! We also wanted to remind you that the Trojan Locker Room is open every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10:50 a.m. – 12:40 p.m. We want to encourage students, staff and parents to browse in our store during any of our open hours. Here are just a few of the products that we stock that you or your student may be interested in: • • • • • • •

Nike Wayzata Pullover Hoody Wayzata Crew Necks Wayzata T-shirts Wayzata Mittens Wayzata Game Day Tote/Poncho Wayzata Knit Hats Pink T-shirt in support of Breast Cancer Awareness

Just a reminder, we accept cash, check, or credit/debit cards. We encourage all parents to stop by the store, call or email us. We will do all we can to find that right product for you or your family! If you cannot make it to the store, you can also shop our online store and make purchases on E-Pay! Our goal is to help you to participate in

Wayzata school it and support your


Email: whstrojanlocker@wayzata.k12.mn.us Call: 763-745-6778 Visit us at our website: http://www.wayzataschoolspayonline.com/TrojanLocker-Room-C247.aspx Thank you!

Fine Arts Te c h i e s h a v e been busy working on the set of

Beauty and the Beast. Our

Come step into time to the Wayzata High School Marching Band...

costume crew has already starte d working on the many, many costumes for this show. If you are interested in joining, please stop by to check out the Drama board outside D207 (Mrs. Beherns office) for updates on more opportunities. Or join the Wayzata Players Tech group on Facebook to keep updated.

Always a great place to check on new developments is on the Wayzata Players new website; w w w. way z a t a p l aye r s . we e b ly. c o m fo r i n fo on cast lists, call board, drama club and more!

The “Marching Machine” will present their indoor Marching Band Concert on...

Our next drama club meeting is Thursday, Oct. 8 @ 2:30p.m. in the WHS auditorium. We will be working on the lobby and getting ready for the musical.

I f yo u h ave a ny q u e s t i o n s o r c o n c e r n s , please feel free to contact Cindy Beherns at 763-745-6907, cindy.beherns@wayzata.k12.mn.us.

WAYZATA ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS FALL SOCIAL & FUNDRAISER Sunday, October 25 from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church in Long Lake

This is a great opportunity for students and parents alike to visit, connect and celebrate our Wayzata School’s orchestra community while working together to raise needed funds through a silent auction. Geared towards our district’s string program families, this event is open to other members of the school community as well. This year’s fundraising goals include 1) purchasing one new instrument for each of the middle schools so that old and difficult to play instruments can be removed; 2) providing financial aid for this year’s high school String and Chamber Orchestra trip to Chicago; 3) funding our annual spring recognition/celebration programs at each of the schools. These funds will benefit your students directly! Music will be provided by the WHS Chamber, String, and Camerata Orchestras and students from the Middle School Chamber Strings ensembles. Delicious pies and beverages will be provided. Contact Mark Gitch (mark.gitch@wayzata.k12.mn.us) with any questions!

Saturday, October 24, 2015 WHS Auditorium Show times are 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. The early show is a concert shared by the 9 grade bands. The bands will be performing at their peak for this end of the term presentation. Tickets are sold at the door! th

$5 for students & seniors $7 for adults


are currently implementing a new ticketing system for our drama productions. It is sure to be user friendly and will be very easy to select seats for our re s e r ve d s e a t i n g s h o w s ! P l e a s e f o r g ive t h e d e l ay b u t l o o k f o r it to be up and running sometime in mid-October. If you have any questions or concerns please free to call Mrs. Cindy Beherns (Fine Arts Secretary & Box Office Manager) at 763-745-6907.

Athletics 2015-2016 Wayzata High School Athletic Registration Information

A l l p a r t i c i p a n t s i n a t h l e t i c p ro g ra m s a t Way z a t a H i gh S c h o o l m u s t be fully registered prior to the athlete’s first practice/tryout. Please note! Student-Athletes may participate in only one athletic program per season. This also includes Showstoppers (fall) and Clay Target (spring). A student-athlete who has transferred to WHS during their high school career, is moving into the school district, or is a foreign exchange student should register in person accompanied by a parent/guardian. You must complete the following steps to be cleared for participation:

Step 1: Submit a current Sports Qualifying Physical Examination dated after 6/15/2013. Form must be signed and dated by a physician. Well-child physicals will not be accepted. Form must clear student for Athletic participation. Sports Qualifying Physical Exam can be faxed to 763-745-6625 or dropped off in the WHS Activities Office. Step 2: Submit the 2015-2016 Minnesota State High School League/Wayzata High School Athletic and Activities Eligibility Form. This form must be turned in each school year. Submit form at www.wayzataschoolspayonline.com. Step 3: Fee Payment. Submit payment at www.wayzataschoolspayonline.com. If you are paying in person, you must pay with check or cash.

If all three steps are not completed, your student will not be allowed to participate, tryout, and/or receive any equipment. Please complete steps in order. Sport Dance Team - Competitive Girls’ Hockey Boys’ and Girls’ Alpine Skiing Boys’ Basketball Girls’ Gymnastics Boys’ Hockey Boys’ and Girls’ Nordic Skiing Boys’ & Girls’ Adapted Hockey Girls’ Basketball Wrestling Cheerleading Boys’ Swim & Dive

Grades 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 7-12 9-12 7-12 7-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 7-12

Girls’ Synchronized Swim Boys’ & Girls’ Adapted Bowling Boys’ & Girls’ Adapted Softball Girls’ Softball Boys’ Track & Field Girls’ Track & Field Baseball Boys’ Golf Girls’ Golf Boys’ Tennis Boys’ Lacrosse Girls’ Lacrosse

7-12 7-12 7-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12

Registration Dates Season Begins October 5 - 14 October 19 October 5 - 21 October 26 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 4 November 9 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 November 16 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 November 16 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 November 16 Oct. 5 – Nov. 11 TRYOUTS FALL 2015 Oct. 5 – Nov. 24 November 30

Intramural (Gr. 9-12) #of Weeks/Sessions Basketball 13/TBD Golf - Session 2 5/5 Table Tennis 5/5 Badminton – Session 2 5/5

Feb. 16 – March 2 Feb. 16 – March 2 Feb. 16 – March 2 Feb. 16 – Mar. 9 Feb. 16 – Mar. 9 Feb. 16 – Mar. 9 Feb. 16 – Mar. 16 Feb. 16 – Mar. 16 Feb. 16 – Mar. 16 Feb. 16 – Mar. 23 Feb. 16 – Mar. 30 Feb. 16 – Mar. 30 Day(s) of Week Varies Monday Tuesday Wednesday

March 7 March 7 March 7 March 14 March 14 March 14 March 21 March 21 March 21 March 28 April 4 April 4

Fees $210 $210 $485 $220 $185 $210 $165 $115 $220 $185 $155 $165 $165 $115 $110 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $135 $150 $150

Registration Dates Nov. 16 – Dec. 4 April 11 - 22 April 11 - 22 April 11 - 22

Coach & Phone Number Alyse Iorio, (763) 745-6621 Becky Wacker, (612) 839-7397 Mike Dzubay, (763) 475-1177 Bryan Schnettler, (763) 745-6842 Carly Holden, carly_jackson@live.com Pat O’Leary, (651) 334-5339 Larry Myers, (763) 553-1486 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Mike Schumacher, (763) 745-6830 Eric Swensen, (763) 745-6994 Michelle Chase, michellechase9@yahoo.com David Plummer, plumm006@gmail.com Signe Hensel, (763) 476-9649 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Nancy Icopini, (763) 745-6743 Amber Hegland, (763) 745-6741 Aaron Berndt, (763) 745-6959 Lori Cade, (763) 745-6978 Bobby DeWitt, (763) 745-6124 Allan Christopherson, (763) 745-6906 Mike Schumacher, (763) 745-6830 Jeff Prondzinski, (763) 745-6999 Chad Herr, (612) 578-0595 Lindsey Eichenlaub, lindseyeichenlaub@gmail.com Season Dec. 9 – Mar. 4 April 25 - May 23 April 26 - May 24 April 27 - May 25

Fee $35 $80 $25 $25

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