Ow handbook 14 15

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Student Handbook 2014-2015 www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/oakwood 17340 County Road 6 Plymouth, MN 55447


The Oakwood Way: Keys to a Caring Community

Office Dennis Grasmick, Principal Trish Hill, Secretary Jan Jones, Health Office HomeBase

763-745-5700 763-745-5710 763-745-5701 763-745-5715 763-745-5798

WELCOME TO OAKWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .............................................................................. 6 IMPORTANT NUMBERS ..................................................................................................................... 7 SPECIALIST STAFF .............................................................................................................................. 8 OAKWOOD SCHOOL HOURS .............................................................................................................. 9 LUNCH AND RECESS SCHEDULES ........................................................................................................ 9 IMPORTANT DATES ........................................................................................................................... 9 ARRIVAL AT SCHOOL ....................................................................................................................... 10 ATTENDANCE .................................................................................................................................. 10 BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR ALL WAYZATA PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ......................................... 11 BUS SAFETY..................................................................................................................................... 11

3 BUS TRANSPORTATION ................................................................................................................... 12 CELL PHONES .................................................................................................................................. 12 CONFERENCES................................................................................................................................. 12 CULINARY EXPRESS - LUNCH SERVICE .............................................................................................. 13 DELIVERING FORGOTTEN ITEMS TO SCHOOL?.................................................................................. 14 DISCIPLINE PLAN FOR OAKWOOD.................................................................................................... 14 Philosophy ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Expectations ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Discipline Interventions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15

DRESS CODE .................................................................................................................................... 15 DRILLS - FIRE, TORNADO, LOCK-DOWN ............................................................................................ 16 DROP-OFF/PICK-UP FOR STUDENTS ................................................................................................. 16 DROP-OFF/PICK-UP RULES: ............................................................................................................. 17 FIELD TRIPS ..................................................................................................................................... 19 HEALTH SCREENING ........................................................................................................................ 19 HEALTH SERVICES............................................................................................................................ 20 Medications .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Immunization and Health Condition Update ............................................................................................................................... 20 Emergency Procedure .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Guidelines for Exclusion of Ill Children.......................................................................................................................................... 21 Specific Disease Exclusion Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................ 21

HOME BASE .................................................................................................................................... 22 LOST AND FOUND ........................................................................................................................... 22

4 MEDIA CENTER ............................................................................................................................... 22 NEWS - THURSDAY FOLDER…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22 PHONE CALLS TO STAFF ................................................................................................................... 23 PHONE MESSAGES FOR STUDENTS .................................................................................................. 23 PICTURES ........................................................................................................................................ 23 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE .................................................................................................................. 23 PTA ................................................................................................................................................. 23 RECESS ............................................................................................................................................ 24 SCHOOL CLOSING ............................................................................................................................ 24 SITE COUNCIL .................................................................................................................................. 24 SOCIAL SERVICES AND SPECIAL EDUCATION .................................................................................... 24 TESTING OF STUDENTS .................................................................................................................... 25

TITLE 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 25

TREATS ........................................................................................................................................... 25 VISION 21 ....................................................................................................................................... 26 VISITORS ......................................................................................................................................... 26 WALKING/RIDING BIKE ................................................................................................................... 26 DISTRICT PERSONNEL AND POLICIES................................................................................................ 27 District Information Regarding Data Privacy Rights ................................................................................................................ 27 Information Which You Can Inspect and Review ....................................................................................................................... 27 Who may see student Educational Records? ................................................................................................................................ 27

5 Information Which Is Made Public .................................................................................................................................................. 27 What Are Your Rights Regarding Educational Records Information? ................................................................................ 28 District Anti-Bullying Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………28 District No-Smoking Policy ................................................................................................................................................................. 28 District Personnel Equal Opportunity ............................................................................................................................................ 28 District Policy on Emergency School Closings ............................................................................................................................. 29 District Policy on Food Served at School ....................................................................................................................................... 29 Age Requirements for School Attendance ..................................................................................................................................... 29


Welcome to Oakwood Elementary School Oakwood Elementary School, a diverse learning community responsive to change. Dear Families, On behalf of the teachers and staff at Oakwood Elementary School, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you and your family. We look forward to working together to produce a successful and stimulating school year. Our goal is to provide a quality educational program of excellence for each child by maintaining high expectations for their academic, social, and emotional growth and development. To accomplish this goal, we are committed to developing a nurturing and safe environment, and fostering a positive working relationship among our students, families, staff and community. At Oakwood, we value the consistently outstanding support and involvement of the Oakwood Parents. Your participation is the keystone of our success. Together we will continue to build a strong, academic program dedicated to individual growth and achievement. In an effort to provide a positive and more complete communication link between school and home, we have put together this handbook for use by parents and students. Our hope is that the information contained in this handbook will create a greater understanding of Oakwood Elementary and the relevant policies pertaining to our school. Included in this handbook is information that will both help your family get organized for the new year as well as guide you throughout the year. I am sure that I speak for the entire staff when I say that your on-going support is valued as we work together to help each child succeed. I hope you and your family will enjoy being a part of the Oakwood learning community. Sincerely, Dennis Grasmick, Principal The Mission and Vision of Oakwood Elementary School The mission of the Wayzata School District is to prepare all students for the future by providing a challenging education which builds academic competence, develops responsible citizenship, encourages creativity, promotes lifelong learning, advances critical thinking skills, instills a commitment to personal wellness, and fosters respect for self and others. This mission is supported at Oakwood by our vision for our school:  At Oakwood, we will empower global citizenship and responsibility.  At Oakwood, we will set high expectations for academic success.  At Oakwood, we will nurture positive self-image.  At Oakwood, we will encourage life-long learning.  At Oakwood, we will foster critical thinking and creativity.  At Oakwood, we will promote healthy lifestyles.  At Oakwood, we will instill appreciation for diversity.

7 Oakwood Elementary School 17340 County Road 6 Plymouth MN 55447 Phone: 763-745-5700 Fax 763-745-5791

Important Numbers Principal Secretary Health Paraprofessional Home Base Head Custodian Culinary Express Website Kindergarten

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Dennis Grasmick Trish Hill Jan Jones Kari Anderson Danny Sable Patti Stevens www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/oakwood

Sarah Johnson Annette Korolchuk Marshall Latterell Jessica Sellin Sara Kay Johnson Jodi Anderson Linda Dahl Ananda Lemon Kari Ingemann Jan Watland Andi Cohen Anna Magnuson Michelle Earhart Greg Welle Dave Christianson Rhonda Hullinger Jean Gentile Aaron Monson Carrie Carlson Becky Maas-Girard Bridget Iliff Ann Katzmarek Joan Campbell-Pyzdrowski Laura Folven
 Mark Sullwold Alissa King

745-5710 745-5701 745-5715 745-5798 745-5797 745-5704 745-5777 745-5782 745-5720 745-5765 745-5778 763-5774 763-5775 763-5776 745-5734 763-5773 745-5781 745-5779 745-5708 745-5751 745-5783 745-5768 745-5767 745-5769 745-5766 745-5747 745-5771 745-5763 745-5770 745-5772 745-5764 745-5740

Rm. 32 Rm. 30 Rm. 31 Rm. 25 Rm. 26 Rm. 14 Rm. 15 Rm. 16 Rm. 17 Rm. 13 Rm. 21 Rm. 19 Rm. 18 Rm. 20 Rm. 22 Rm. 3 Rm. 4 Rm. 9 Rm. 5 Rm. 8 Rm. 6 Rm. 7 Rm. 10 Rm. 24 Rm. 11 Rm. 23

8 Oakwood Elementary School 17340 County Road 6 Plymouth MN 55447 Phone: 763-745-5700 Fax 763-745-5791

Specialist Staff Art Computer ELL
 Literacy Literacy Math Media Music
 Physical Education Adapted PE Literacy
 Social Worker Spanish Special Ed Special Ed. Speech
 STEP Program STEP Program STEP Speech Vision 21 Peer Coach District Nurse Vision 21 Psychologist Computer Para Home Base Achievement Spec. WEA President

Emma Figgens Amanda Green Terrie Ziesel Kate Mitchell Bridget Erickson Risa Palony Alice Williams Penny Doherty Susie Hatch Sally Gerber Anne Naumann Amy Lien Katy Nelson Julie Abler Deb Wiitala Michelle Mader Karla Feland Patty Peniata Olga Campbell Angie Henry Annalise Munnich Angie Dubbs
 Angie Henry
 Beth Gildemeister Kathy Labowitch
 Kari Shannon-Anderson Ellen Duetscher Adam Tillotson

Art Room Computer Lab

Media Center Gym Gym Main Office

Room B Room A STEP Rooms Vision 21 Office Computer Lab

Rm 28

745-5761 745-5758 745-5754 745-5731 745-5780 745-5762 745-5786 745-5748 745-5760 745-5745 745-5759 745-5717 745-5713 745-5785 745-5743 745-5707 745-5709 745-5726 745-5725 745-6414 745-5794 745-5716 745-5746 745-5794 745-5718 745-5757 745-5798 745-5189 745-5730


Oakwood School Hours Kindergarten – Fifth Grades 7:45am – 2:25pm

Lunch and Recess Schedules Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Lunch 10:30 – 10:50 Lunch 10:50 – 11:10 Lunch 11:15 – 11:35 Lunch 11:40 – 12:00 Lunch 12:05 – 12:25 Lunch 12:30 – 12:50

Important Dates First Day of School, Grades K-5 – September 2 Curriculum Night – September 11 School Pictures – October 8 MEA Convention – October 16 & 17 (No School) Picture Retakes – November 12 Winter Break – December 20 - January 5 Spring Break – March 27 - April 5 Last Day of School – June 5 District Calendar: www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/calendar

Recess 10:50 – 11:10 Recess 11:10 – 11:30 Recess 11:35 – 11:55 Recess 12:00 – 12:20 Recess 12:25 – 12:45 Recess 12:50 – 1:10


Arrival at School Oakwood’s student day begins at 7:45 a.m. At that time all students should be in their classrooms. Buses arrive at 7:35 a.m.
 This helps the staff make maximum use of before-
 school meeting and planning time, and ensures that students are entering classrooms where staff and teachers are ready to welcome and supervise them. If a child arrives at school after 7:45 a.m., he/she is considered tardy and the parent must accompany the child to the School Office. In order to be admitted to class, sign the child in and have them obtain a pass from the Health paraprofessional. If your child does not take the bus to school, do not drop him/her off before 7:35 a.m. Our school doors do not open until 7:35 a.m.

Attendance If your student is going to be out of school, please call the Oakwood Health Office at 763-745-5715. All absences need to be reported to the Health Office. Students must be in attendance at least half of the school day to be able to participate in a school-sponsored activity on the same day. Please call the Attendance line (763-745-5715) before 8:30 a.m. each day your child is absent. If we do not hear from you, the absence is unexcused. Regular attendance is very important for your child. Carefully planning time away from school, so that regular school attendance occurs, is a part of developing good learning habits throughout life. Please try to schedule elective appointments and family activities at times that do
 not conflict with school hours. If your child is displaying clear symptoms of an illness, you must contact our attendance line to establish an excused absence. We thank you for working with your children to ensure their regular attendance and prompt arrival each day. Minnesota law recognizes the value of regular school attendance and requires school to intervene when unexcused absences or tardies interfere with a child’s education. Here are the attendance guidelines that we follow:  Five (5) unexcused tardies = One (1) unexcused absence.  Three (3) unexcused absences = parent/guardian notification 
 (letter or phone call) by Oakwood’s Social Worker or the 
 School Principal.  Four to Five (4 to 5) unexcused absences = The Principal and/or 
 Social Worker will set up a meeting with the parent/guardian(s) 
 to formulate a plan to improve attendance.  Six to Seven (6 to 7) unexcused absences = Referral to Wayzata 
 SARB (School Attendance Review Board) will be initiated. Parents will receive a formal written notice of this meeting. It is a requirement that the parent/guardian(s)attend this meeting.  Eight (8) unexcused absences or truancies = The Principal will
 initiate a truancy referral to the court system or attendance board within the district. Regular attendance and prompt arrival each day is a part of developing good learning habits throughout life.


Definitions: Tardies – A student is tardy if he/she is not at school at the official start time. If a student arrives by mid-day he/she will be considered tardy. Students are expected to be in their assigned area at the designated times. Failure to do so constitutes tardiness. Tardies may be excused or unexcused. An unexcused tardy is the failure to be in an assigned area at the designated time without a valid excuse. Unexcused Absences – An unexcused absence is an absence that is not acceptable to school authorities. These absences may occur with or without the knowledge of the student’s parent or guardian. All absences need to be reported to the Health Office. Voicemail will allow you to give your student’s name and other necessary information if you need to place the call before the school day starts. Parents will be contacted at work or home if an absence is not reported. Students should bring a note signed by a parent or guardian on their return to school. Parents will be contacted at work or home if an absence is not reported.

Background Checks for all Wayzata Public School Employees For the safety of all of our children, a thorough background check is done on each and every employee hired by the Wayzata Public School District. All volunteers who work directly with children are also subject to a thorough background check prior to being allowed to volunteer within the school. No individual will be allowed to work in the Wayzata Public School District if
 they fail the background check or it their background status report is in question.

Bus Safety The following items are not allowed on the school bus because of safety issues and they take up vital seating space:  hockey sticks roller blades (unless they are in a bag)  ice skates (unless they are in a bag)  baseball bats  fishing poles  scooters  skateboards  golf clubs  field hockey sticks


Bus Transportation New families need to contact the Wayzata District Transportation Department at 763-7455196/5197 to set up bus transportation for their students. Questions regarding lost items on the bus should be directed to the Bus Company. Bus Company Phone #s First Student 763-559-9326 Adams Services 952-544-7273 Please Note A student wishing to board a bus other than his/her regularly assigned
 bus route, or wanting to get off the bus at a different stop, must have
 a note explaining the reason for that change. This note needs to be signed by both the parent/guardian and school designee prior to the end of the school day.

Cell Phones If students bring a cell phone to school, it must remain in the school backpack during school hours. Cell phones are also not allowed on the school bus. If an emergency arises, and a student needs to contact their parent during the school day, they can get permission from the classroom teacher to use the classroom or office phone. Any and all other special requests will be handled through the school office. If a student is found using a cell phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated and placed in the school office. The student will be asked to pick the phone up at the end of the day. Parents will be contacted and special disciplinary action may be taken by the school principal in the event that this becomes an ongoing problem, or in the event that an inappropriate or unauthorized call is made from school.

Conferences Parents are welcome to call the principal at any time to express concerns, offer input regarding school programs and seek professional guidance. Your involvement in your child’s education is both essential and welcomed! Regularly scheduled parent/teacher conferences are held twice
 each year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Your child’s teacher will work with you to schedule your conference. If parents have questions or concerns regarding a child’s school progress, they are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher or principal at any time. Our teachers are always willing to discuss children’s needs with parents and guardians.


Culinary Express - Lunch Service The Wayzata School Lunch Program, Culinary Express, provides
 your child with both hot and cold lunches. Lunch menus are published monthly in our school newsletter, are announced to students each morning in their classroom and are posted on the District website: www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/culinaryexpress. Oakwood’s Culinary Express Phone is 763-745-5704. Please call if you have questions about your child’s lunch account. The cost of an elementary school lunch is $2.60. Each student has a lunch account into which payments are deposited. He/she spends the Money in the account by entering a personal identification number
 (PIN) into the computer in the lunch serving line. PIN numbers are provided to students at their first opportunity to purchase lunch
 (first grade, all day kindergarten, or Home Base kindergarten students). Student’s PIN numbers do not change from year to year, and any remaining account balance follows them into the next school year. If you have questions about your child’s lunch account, you may call Oakwood’s Culinary Express at 763-745-5704. Account balances are accessible by calling the automated Hot Line number, 763-745-5240, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Payment to you child’s account may be done via the hot line number using a credit card number or by check to the school office, made out to Culinary Express. Checks should include the student’s first and last name and grade. If one check is written for multiple students, please note on the memo section of the check how much of the total check amount you wish to have deposited into each child’s account. If no amount is specified, the total check amount will be divided by the number of student names on the check. In order to speed up the service, please note that no deposits or cash will be accepted during the actual meal service. This includes money for milk purchases. If you wish to apply for free or reduced price lunches, please call the Culinary Express Department at 763-745-5154. Payments made by 8:00 a.m. the same day will be reflected in the day’s lunch balance. The School District is required to provide an Application for Free Lunch to each new family. If you did not receive your copy, or if you wish to apply for free or reduced price lunches, please call the District 284 Culinary Express office at 763-745-5154.


Delivering Forgotten Items to School? Stop at the School Office Before Proceeding Further To avoid unnecessary commotion and confusion, always check in at the school office before venturing into the school hallways or classrooms. Schools have become very tuned in to security and safety issues. Please be advised that parents or other guests should not bypass the school office and go directly to the classroom. This action can disrupt the learning environment. On a more serious note, it may also be perceived as posing a security issue, and further action could be taken in these situations. If your child forgets something at home and you need to bring that item to school, please go directly to the school office. The receptionist will call the classroom and get advice on getting the forgotten item to the child. During the check in process in the school office, you will be given a nametag that must be worn in the school. Staff have been trained to look for these nametags on visitors. If you do not have a nametag on, you will be confronted and escorted back to the office to get a nametag.

Discipline Plan for Oakwood Philosophy Schools are where students feel understood, safe, valued, respected, and where they learn to value and respect others, experience increased student achievement. Research supports the idea that children attain the greatest cognitive and social growth when they learn to care for themselves and the environment. Clear expectations and consistent procedures help students know appropriate behaviors for school and give them a base for their decision-making. Teaching proactive discipline through modeling and practicing expected behaviors fosters the creation of a stimulating and caring intellectual community of learners. Parents play an important role in supporting this process and
 have a tremendous impact on the behavior of their children.
 At Oakwood, we believe that it is critical for us to work together to teach children behaviors that are expected at school. Through our partnership, we can build a positive learning environment for all students at Oakwood Elementary School. Parents have a tremendous impact on the behavior
 of their children.

Expectations The expectations for student behavior at Oakwood are consistent with the rules stated in the District Student Behavior Policy. Appropriate behavior is expected everywhere on school property as well as on the bus. Most Oakwood students are consistently responsible and behave appropriately. Students will be recognized for honoring the 5 keys to our caring community.


Discipline Interventions When children choose to behave inappropriately, it is
 the responsibility of the school to intervene. The types
 of interventions used are consistent with our District Student Behavior Policy. All disciplinary measures will be fair
 and consistent. Providing a safe and nurturing environment is a key goal
 of Oakwood Elementary School. We want students to feel safe and parents to feel assured that their children are being treated fairly and in under good supervision when at school. Please refer to the District Student Behavior Policy in this handbook for more details. Be Kind Friendship

Be Safe This means I will honor the “Keys to Our Caring Community”: Respect Responsibility Cooperation

Work Hard Perseverance

Dress Code It is important that our children dress appropriately for the school day. It has always been an expectation that parents are the first level of decision making when it comes to how their children look when they go out the door in the morning. There are a few items that we wish to address as a guide for parents when making these decisions:  Clothing should not be disruptive to the learning environment. It should not contain advertising or writing that supports or portrays alcohol or substance abuse in a positive way. It should not portray violence. Clothing should not constitute a health or safety hazard.  Wheelies (those shoes that have rollers imbedded in them) cannot be used during the school day. If students wear these shoes to school, they will need to take the rollers out of the shoes before wearing them in the school.  iPods or any electronic MP3 Players should not be brought to school. Oakwood is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students shall dress in such a manner that their wearing apparel is not disruptive to the learning environment and does not constitute a health or safety hazard. Additional items that we wish to address as a guide for parents when making these decisions:  Headwear such as baseball caps, doo rags, bandanas and sweatshirt hoods will not be allowed to be worn in the school building. There will be special days during the school year when students will be allowed to wear caps in school during the day. These special days will be communicated to students and families as they are scheduled.  Undergarments must remain covered. We ask your help in monitoring your child’s clothing choices in making appropriate choices. If you or your child wonders if an article of clothing is inappropriate, chances are it is and probably should not be worn to school.


Drills - Fire, Tornado, Lock-down Our District has a crisis management policy requiring five fire drills, five lock-down drills, and one tornado drill. During the school year, drills will be scheduled at Oakwood, and students and staff will be expected to participate in these exercises. In order to ensure efficiency and make every experience a positive learning experience, the drills will be conducted with little if any warning. The times will vary and may or may not interfere with instructional times. Student safety will be a top consideration when scheduling drills, and proper steps will be taken to make these events positive and constructive for everyone involved.

Drop-off/Pick-up for Students School officially begins at 7:45am and ends at 2:25 p.m. Qualified students are expected to ride the bus to and from school each school day. Please help your child make arrangements for after school play before they leave home in the morning. If they don’t have a note of a change in their plan, they will be sent
 home in the usual way. Your child needs written permission to go home with a friend. Students may not be picked up at their classrooms, in the hallways, or outside. This includes end-of-the-day pickup. Thank you for cooperating with this important safety procedure. Please help your child make arrangements for after School play before they leave home in the morning. If they don’t have a note of a change in their plan, they will be sent home in the usual way. Parents/guardians that do not routinely drive their children
 to or from school, but find it necessary to do so for doctor appointments or other family reasons, must park in the front
 of school in the designated visitor parking area and come into the front office to sign their child in or out. This measure is for the safety of your child. If your child is not riding the
 bus home, a note should come to school that day to notify the office. Please let your child know that they should meet you
 in the office at 2:25 p.m. if you will be picking them up at the end of the school day. Make these arrangements well in advance of the time you are picking them up so we know before dismissal. If you will be driving your child each day, you will be asked to fill in the form that will allow you to use the drop-off and pick-up area. If you will be driving your child to and from school each day, you will be asked to fill in the designated form that will allow you to use the drop-off and pick-up area on the east side of the school. This is a new drive up area and there are some rules that apply for those families using this area. Please drop-off and pick- up your student curbside.


Drop-off/Pick-up Rules: 1. You will need to file a signed “Drop-Off/Pick-up form with the school office before using this zone. Those forms are available in the school office. 2. Students will not be allowed to ride to or from school with other families. 3. Parents need to go over the rules and directions with their child(ren), and be sure that they understand them clearly. 4. If a person other than the designated driver comes
 to pick up your children, they will be required to park in the front and come into the office to sign them out. 5. Drop-off will begin at 7:35 am. This is the official time for students to enter the building. Doors will be locked until that time. 6. Follow all arrows and all signs when entering and exiting. Students can only be dropped off on the sidewalk. 7. Students must stay on the sidewalk. 8. Students will never be allowed to cut across the 
 drop-off zone. 9. Students must enter the building at the marked 
 entrance. 10. No parking will be permitted in this drop-zone. 11. Parents need to stay with their car. 12. Enter and exit with caution and watch out for 
 other children. 13. Failure to follow these rules may result in the loss of 
 privileges to use this area. 14. A new form needs to be filled in at the beginning of each 
 school year or whenever a change takes place. Students
 will not be allowed to ride to or from school with other families. Students should only exit the car on the curbside. Do not allow your child to get into or out of your car in the middle of the street. A new form needs to be filled in at the beginning of each school year.

18 Oakwood Elementary School If your child(ren) are scheduled to ride the bus, we recommend and encourage you to use that service. Using school district transportation reduces traffic congestion at busy times of the school day. 
 This form is only for those families that will be transporting their children to and from school on a regular basis. (Regular meaning almost every day.) All other families are required to sign children in and out of the office as we have done in the past. You cannot fill in a form for children from other families. Each family is required to complete a separate form. Parent/Guardian_____________________________________________ Date_______________ Street Address_____________________________________________ City______________________________ Phone______________________________ Secondary Phone______________________________ Name of person picking up child(ren): ______________________________ (Anyone else that is sent to pick up your children will need to park in the front and come into the office to sign out the child(ren).) Year and make of car: ______________________________ License Plate _______________ List your children who will be dropped off and picked up along with their grade levels: _____________________________________________________ Name Grade

_____________________________________________________ Name Grade

_____________________________________________________ Name Grade

_____________________________________________________ Name Grade

_____________________________________________________ Name Grade

_____________________________________________________ Name Grade

I give my permission for my children to use the east exit for pick-up and drop-off. I agree to follow the rules and regulations regarding the use of this zone, and review the attached rules and responsibilities with my children. In the event that my schedule or my plans change, I will immediately advise the office of this change, and make other arrangements for transportation of my children to and from school. ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date


Field Trips Students in all grades participate in field trips. Trips are selected by the instructional staff to enhance and enrich the students’ learning program. Part of the cost of field trips is provided by a special contribution from the Oakwood PTA. In some cases costs may exceed this allocation, and parents will be asked to contribute toward the cost of a trip. Teachers must have a signed permission slip for each child for each field trip. If you have a reason for your child not to participate in a trip, please talk with your child’s teacher about your plans.

Health Screening Vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings are provided for students
 at Wayzata Schools. Early identification and treatment can prevent
 or alleviate many of the problems that result from impaired hearing, vision, or an abnormal curvature of the spine. This screening is done
 by nurses employed by the school district who are assisted by dedicated parent coordinators and numerous parent volunteers. Scoliosis checks are done by the nurses only. The screening schedule is based on the Minnesota Department of Health recommendations. It is as follows: Kindergarten Hearing Grade 1 Hearing, vision, color vision (boys only) Grade 2 Hearing Grade 3 Hearing, vision Grade 5 Hearing, vision, scoliosis (girls only) At any time, if a parent, teacher, staff member or student has concerns,
 a child can be individually screened. If a parent has concerns regarding health screening or wishes to decline any part of this service for their child, they should contact the health paraprofessional or district nurse for the building. Parents will be contacted if additional follow-up is recommended following screening. Screenings are not intended to be a substitute for
 well checks with the student’s primary provider. Height and weight checks will be done on an as needed basis or when requested by parent.


Health Services The Oakwood Health Office is staffed during school hours by
 a health paraprofessional who is trained in first aid and CPR. The health para is responsible for providing first aid, administering medications, assisting with health screening, and processing immunization records. There is licensed school nurse assigned to each school who is responsible for promoting and maintaining the health and well-being of all students. The nurse assesses individual student health and developmental status, develops health plans for students with chronic or acute conditions, develops a system of first aid and emergency care, and coordinates the prevention and control of communicable disease. If you have questions regarding health services, please call Jan Jones, Health Para 745-5715

Medications All medications must be kept in the health office unless special arrangements are made with the school nurse. When a student requires any type of medication (prescription or over-the-counter), the student must bring:  medication in the original container with directions  written permission from the parent  a written order from the physician prescribing
 the medication If you need to administer a medication to your child, we must have an “Authorization to Administer Medication” form signed by a licensed health care provider on file.

Immunization and Health Condition Update By law, students must have a complete immunization record in order to begin kindergarten. It is important to update the Pupil Health Record periodically. Please notify Health Services of any special health conditions, changes status, or immunization updates during the school year. Students must have a complete immunization record on file in order to begin kindergarten.

Emergency Procedure In the event of an emergency or illness, the procedure will be: 1. Contact a parent or guardian at home or at work 2. Contact a relative, neighbor, or other responsible adult whose name appears on the emergency referral form 
 provided by the family. 3. Contact the family doctor or dentist, if appropriate. 4. Call 911 in instances where medical attention is needed 
 without delay. The parent/guardian will be notified after emergency personnel have been called. The child’s family will be financially responsible for medical and transportation fees, if deemed necessary by emergency personnel. In the event of an accidental ingestion, the procedure will be: 1. Consult with Hennepin County Poison Control Center. 2. Administer Syrup of Ipecac, if advised. 3. If you do not wish to have the above procedure followed, an alternative plan must be submitted to the Health para.


Guidelines for Exclusion of Ill Children The following recommendations are suggested to guide decision-making regarding exclusion of ill children. The intent of exclusion is to promote a healthy school environment by preventing exposure and spread of illness or conditions. Fever Temperature of 100° or higher. The student should not return to school until fever-free (without medication) for 24 hours. Vomiting Two or more episodes in the previous 24 hours. The student should not return to school until the vomiting or urge to vomit stops. Diarrhea Increased number of stools, compared with a person's normal pattern, along with watery stools and/or decreased stool form. The student should not return to school until the diarrhea stops. Rash Rashes may be caused by many different conditions including illness, allergies or specific skin conditions. The student should not return to school until a medical evaluation indicates the symptoms are not communicable. Eye Drainage Pink or red conjunctiva with purulent discharge that causes matting of the eyelids; pain or redness of eyelids. The student may return after medical evaluation indicates the symptoms are not communicable or 24 hours after treatment has started if diagnosed with conjunctivitis. Signs/Symptoms of Uncontrolled coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, unusual Possible Severe Illness color
 (e.g.; jaundice). The student may return after symptoms dissipate and/or medical evaluation determines the student is healthy and/or not communicable.

Specific Disease Exclusion Guidelines Chickenpox Conjunctivitis Impetigo Head Lice Scabies Strep Throat

The student may return when all the blisters have dried into scabs; usually about 6 days after the onset of rash. Bacterial (with pus): The student may return 24 hours after treatment was started. Viral (without pus): No exclusion necessary. The student may return 24 hours after treatment was started. The student may return after first treatment and no live lice are seen. The student may return 24 hours after treatment was started. The student may return 24 hours after treatment was started and they have been fever free for 24 hours.

Please report all illnesses or health conditions to the Health Service 763-745-5715. When parents are called about a child who has become ill during the school day, it is the expectation that the child will be picked up within one hour.
 Parent cooperation is appreciated.


Home Base District 284 schools provide a before and after school latchkey program for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. The program is called Home Base, and is staffed by professionals and assistants who provide care and direction for children during the hours when parents are not at home to do so. Program hours are 6:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. Monday through Friday, with full day programs offered when school is not in session. For Home Base information, contact Kari Shannon-Anderson at 763-745-5798.

Lost and Found Items found at school are put in a bin in the front foyer. Parents are encouraged to:  Label boots, sweaters, jackets, mittens, gloves, book bags, purses, and lunch boxes with the child’s name so they can be recognized and returned.  Check the Lost and Found bin periodically for your child’s items. Unclaimed items are donated to charity groups on the first of every month. Please be sure your child’s name is on his or her lunch bag, backpack, and outerwear.

Media Center Oakwood’s Media Center is open to students every day.
 Our media specialist, provides instruction in
 library skills. The media paraprofessional, also
 supports students in obtaining study and reference materials and in selecting and returning books. Parents, grandparents and others may purchase books for donation to the library to honor a child on a special occasion such as a birthday, holiday, or special achievement. If you are interested in contributing a book to the Media Center in your library in your child’s name, please contact our Media Center at 763-745-5748.

Thursday Folder Oakwood sends a Thursday Folder containing important information for parents to read.. It includes calendar information, short notes from the office, various community programs, PTA news, and district information. Private parties cannot use it to advertise services or promote sales. Read it to be better informed about your child’s school! Read your Thursday enews to be better informed about your child’s school!


Phone Calls to Staff Please feel welcome to contact our staff by telephone. If you have questions or concerns, we hope that you will call for clarification and assistance. If you are pleased with your child’s progress, we hope that you will let us know that too. The best times to contact your child’s teacher for a direct phone conversation are before and after school, and during the teacher’s prep time (while you child is at a specialist). If you call your child’s teacher during instructional times, you will be forwarded to their voice mail. Teachers check voice mail regularly and will follow up on your message.

Phone Messages for Students The school office receives many calls from parents asking for messages to be forwarded to students. We ask that you make every effort to finalize plans with your child before he/she leaves for school. We understand that emergency circumstances do occur where messages need to be forwarded, and are happy to do this for you. If you must get a message to a student, please call by 11:30 a.m. in order to be sure that the student receives the message. Please call by 11:30 a.m.
 in order to get a message to your child. Often things are very busy at dismissal time.

Pictures School pictures are taken each year and sold at a reasonable cost to families. Life Touch Studios provide this service. Retake pictures are taken if a student is absent or has
 an unacceptable first picture.

Pledge of Allegiance Each day, students at Oakwood Elementary School begin the day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Students that assist in the morning announcements are also asked to lead the pledge. In keeping with state law, Minnesota Statues 121A.11 mandates schools to include in their handbooks a provision that anyone who does not wish to participate in reciting the pledge of allegiance for any personal reason may elect not to do so. Students must respect another person’s right to make that choice.

PTA The Oakwood PTA is a partnership of parents and teachers working together to enhance the educational experiences for every student. We invite you to become an active member of the
 Oakwood PTA. Your child will benefit from your participation. The Volunteer Opportunities packet contains many ways you can share your time and talents to benefit the entire Oakwood community. You are encouraged to attend PTA general meetings. PTA members elect new officers at the May general meeting.


Recess Students will be going out to recess daily. On days when the temperature is extremely cold or the wind chill is a danger, we will keep the children inside. There will be adult monitors outside with the children at all times. They can also bring the children in if they deem it necessary. It is extremely important that students are dressed for the weather. We recommend hats, gloves, snow pants and boots for the winter. Visitors will not be allowed to attend recess due to safety concerns. Oakwood uses the National Weather Service’s wind-chill chart to aid us in making the decision to stay in on cold days.

School Closing If schools are to be closed because of stormy weather
 or other emergencies, Wayzata Public Schools will provide information regarding school closing on WCCO radio, 830 AM. During particularly bad weather, parents should listen for early dismissals. It is important to have a back up plan if you are at work and school closes early. This will ensure that students go to the right address if you are not home. Please have students dress for the weather. In case of inclement weather, stay tune to your radio - WCCO – AM (830 on the AM dial).

Site Council Shared decision making in District 284 is an organizational philosophy that strives to decentralize decisions by giving authority for much decision making to those most closely affected by the decisions. The primary goals of shared decision-making are to improve student academic performance and to increase school/community collaboration. Oakwood’s Site Council team consists of both school staff and parent members. The Site Council will be comprised of the principal, PTA designee, five staff members, and five parent/community members. Members serve a two-year commitment. Applications are taken in the spring for the following school year.

Social Services and Special Education District 284 provides a social service department to serve
 both elementary and secondary schools with trained professionals to assist parents in family situations and
 direct them to appropriate family service agencies.
 Oakwood’s social worker is available to facilitate smallgroup activities focused on the special needs of children such as social skills, loss, change, grief, and other school and family issues. Parents can reach the social worker at 763-745-5713. Oakwood also provides services for students who are having difficulty with academic growth. Special Education Services are available for students identified with specific learning difficulties or disabilities. To learn about these and other opportunities for special help, please talk with your child’s teacher. Ask how you can influence school progress by proving extra help and encouragement at home.

25 If your child needs help dealing with social or family issues, please call the Oakwood social worker, 763-745-5713.

Testing of Students Standardized testing provides an opportunity for teachers to assess achievement levels of individual students and evaluate the effectiveness of the District’s curriculum and instruction. Our students take MAP and MCA tests. Grades 3, 4, & 5 take the MCA tests and the MAP test in the spring each year. Measurable Academic Progress testing (MAP) is aligned with the Wayzata Public Schools curriculum. Students and staff are held accountable for the high expectations included
 in the Wayzata curriculum. The achievement reports show two kinds of scores: percentile scores and a RIT score that shows growth along a continuum and can be compared from year to year. These tests monitor progress of students toward meeting MN Academic Standards. They measure growth in students learning over time. MAP test scores assist teachers in planning curriculum and instructional programs. Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) are administered in the spring. Grades 3 & 4 will be tested on reading and math, grade 5 on reading, math, and science. MCA tests are required by the state for system accountability data on how students are progressing and meeting the MN Academic Standards. They also are used for public reporting and in calculating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). MCA tests are a graduation requirement. Make sure your child has plenty of rest and a good Breakfast prior to these tests. Test dates can be found on our website or ask your child’s teacher for them.

Title 1 Oakwood Elementary School qualifies for Title I services. As such, we offer Title I services to those students who qualify for additional academic enrichment and support. Eligibility is determined by previous academic progress and test results. Parents of students that qualify for Title I services will be informed and updated through Open House Events, Curriculum Night, Oakwood’s Web Site, and scheduled parent meetings. There will be a special opportunity for parents to learn more about Title I services through scheduled neighborhood meetings and a special meeting during the month of November.

Treats Due to the increase in children with severe and sometimes life threatening allergic reactions to many types of food ingredients, Oakwood will restrict all Birthday treats to non-edible treats.


Vision 21 The purpose of Wayzata’s elementary Vision 21 program is
 to provide complex and challenging learning opportunities for students exhibiting outstanding academic achievement in the areas of math and/or reading. These areas provide a foundation for productive inquiry and stimulate lifelong learning. Different levels of service are available to students, depending on the child’s demonstrated need for service. Oakwood’s Vision 21 teacher provides direct services to academically gifted students, acts as a consultant to help classroom teachers, differentiates curriculum to address the needs of students, and coordinates Vision 21 sponsored events that are open to all interested students. Explore the possibilities for your child with exceptional needs through Vision 21

Visitors We welcome and encourage visitors to our school. As a
 safety measure, everyone must enter through the main doors
 after 7:45 a.m. All other doors will remain locked to
 outside visitors throughout the school day. Visitors are
 required to report directly to the office where you will sign in
 and be asked to wear a visitor badge during your stay in our building. We welcome family members who wish to have lunch with their child when it is convenient However, due to district and school safety guidelines, the following standards need to be followed: 1.) If you are not a parent or legal guardian, you will need to present a permission statement from the parents as well as a form of I.D. 2.) Visitors are not allowed on the playground after the lunch hour. When lunch is finished, guests need to report back at the front office and sign out. For the safety and well being of all our students, please remember the following rules:  All visitors, including parents, must check in at the school office.  Do not go directly to classrooms or play areas outside to remove children.  Sign in and put a nametag on at the office first.  Adults other than a parent/guardian
 will not be permitted to pick up a child without a written note signed by the child’s parent or a phone call and approved by
 the principal or designee.

Walking/Riding Bike Parent permission to walk or ride a bike to school is required so that the school can monitor student safety at dismissal times. A permission form is available in the school office and must be on file before a child will be permitted to walk or ride a bike to or from school. A new permission form has to be filled out each year. Bike racks in prescribed areas have been installed and students will be informed of where they can park their bikes on school grounds. Students that do not park in designated areas, interfere with or cause damage to other student’s bikes, may lose the privilege of riding their bikes to school.


District Personnel and Policies Superintendent of Schools: Executive Director of Teaching and Learning: Executive Director of Finance and Business Services: Executive Director of Human Resource Services: Director of Community Ed Services: Director of Special Services: Coordinator of Communications:

Chase Anderson Jill Johnson Jim Westrum Annie Doughty Bob Wittman Lori Fildes Bob Noyed

District Information Regarding Data Privacy Rights Wayzata School District #284 obtains and uses certain information about each student to plan the best educational programs. Access to such information by third parties is limited and controlled in accordance with legal rights of Data Privacy.

Information Which You Can Inspect and Review Federal and state law allows parents or legal guardians to inspect and review official records, files and data relating to the child. This includes all material that is incorporated in the cumulative records; aptitude, psychological and interest test results; health data; family background information; and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns. You may not, however, view personal professional records such as psychologist or counselor’s private notes. A public document is on file at Wayzata Public Schools Administration Building that provides essential information regarding documentation and procedures related to Data Privacy.

Who may see student Educational Records? Access to Student Educational Records is limited to the following:  Parents or legal guardians of students or individuals acting as parents or guardians in their absence, 
 if the student is under 18 years of age or dependent.  Students  Authorized professional personnel such as the principal, teachers, counselors, and/or nurses in connection with their school function and responsibilities.  Other schools that provide service to the student or to which the student transfers.  State or federal agencies as required by law.  Scholarship and financial aid sponsors to whom the student is applying for aid.  Accrediting organizations  Researchers who do not identify students by name and who obtain special permission relating to the type and purpose of the research.  Individuals in compliance with a court order of subpoena; the school district will attempt to notify parent or student prior to release of information.  Other third parties who secure the written permission of the student, parent or legal guardian.

Information Which Is Made Public Public law requires each district to identify a “responsible authority” who is charged with determining what records are to be kept and who has access to them. The “responsible authority” for records in the Wayzata School District is Lois Robbins. If you have questions regarding Data Privacy, you may call her at 763-745-5065.


What Are Your Rights Regarding Educational Records Information?  

You have the right to ask to obtain information as to what records are kept on your child. You have the right (upon presenting proper identification) to see your child’s record and to have the 
 contents of that record explained to you within a reasonable time after you make the request.  You have the right to receive a copy of your child’s record if you pay the cost of making the copies.  You have a right to challenge the accuracy or completeness of the records. You may make a written 
 request that school officials change the records after explaining the basis of your challenge. If the change that you have requested is not made within 30 days, the school officials must notify you of that decision. If you disagree with their decision, you have the right to a hearing. In the meantime, a copy of your challenge as to the accuracy or completeness of the record will be included in your child’s records. District policies may be obtained from the District website: www.wayzata.k12.mn.us District Policy Bullying Policy The safety and well-being of all children is of primary importance. School Board Policy 528: BULLYING PROHIBITION POLICY supports the school district’s goal of preventing and responding to acts of bullying, intimidation, violence, and other disruptive behaviors. Click HERE to read the entire policy, or the general statement of policy is: An act of bullying, by either an individual student or a group of students, is expressly prohibited on school premises, on school district property, at school functions or activities, or on school transportation. This policy applies not only to students who directly engage in an act of bullying but also to students who, by their indirect behavior, condone or support another student’s act of bullying. This policy also applies to any student whose conduct at any time or in any place constitutes bullying or other prohibited conduct that interferes with or obstructs the mission or operations of the school district or the safety or welfare of the student or other students, or materially and substantially interferes with a student’s educational opportunities or performance or ability to participate in school functions or activities or receive school benefits, services, or privileges. This policy also applies to an act of cyberbullying regardless of whether such act is committed on or off school district property and/or with or without the use of school district resources.

District No-Smoking Policy The School Board of Wayzata District 284 is deeply concerned about the toxic effects of smoking and tobacco use by students, staff and community. Accordingly, all tobacco use shall be prohibited in school buildings and on school district property at all times.

District Personnel Equal Opportunity It is the policy of the Wayzata Public Schools to provide equal opportunity in the education program and the employment to all persons within its jurisdiction. In compliance with existing federal and state statutes and regulations, the district affirms that it will not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, economic status, marital status, age or disability.


District Policy on Emergency School Closings If schools are to be closed because of weather or other emergencies, the school district will provide information via WCCO Radio (830-AM). If bad weather develops while school is in session, parents should tune in to this station for information regarding early dismissal.

District Policy on Food Served at School When food is served in the classrooms for parties, birthday treats, etc., it must be commercially prepared and wrapped or prepared by a licensed caterer or by the school food services personnel.

Age Requirements for School Attendance Children must have reached their fifth birthday on or before September 1st to be eligible for kindergarten. Children younger than the specified age may be enrolled if certain qualifications are met. The parent(s) of any District child whose birthday falls between September 2 and October 15 may request consideration for early entrance to kindergarten or first grade. For more complete information, contact the principal. Wayzata Public Schools, ISD 284 School Board Policies are available online at www.wayzata.k1.2mn.us/schoolboard.

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