Festive Spring Salads Mosaic Bird Bath Straw Bale Gardens Fitness Boot Camp Qigong for Health and much more!
March - July 2015 Register: www.ceregistration.wayzata.k12.mn.us
ÊÄã ÄãÝ Create ............................................... 1-3 Dance .................................................. 4 Fitness .............................................. 5-7 Food & Drink .................................... 8-9 High School................................... 10-12 Home Care.................................... 13-14 DoneLJ DaƩers ............................. 15-18 Special Interests ........................... 19-22 Technology ........................................ 23 Wellness ....................................... 24-26 YMCA Classes .................................... 27 Ed2Go ................................................ 28 UGotClass .......................................... 29
Project SOAR ..................................... 30 AdƵlt asic EdƵcaƟon ........................ 31 Family Learning Center ...................... 32 WISHES .............................................. 32 Community Resources....................... 33 Community EducaƟon Directory ....... 34 School District Map ........................... 35 RegistraƟon InĨormaƟon ................... 36
Welcome to Adult Enrichment We are pleased to present a wide variety of classes and learning opportunities in this catalog. These classes are intended for adults age 18 and older and most classes are not available to youth except where noted.
Catalog Credits Deb Slomkowski, Editor and Design • Jamie Smith, Inside Layout
Ù ã Fused Glass Garden Art Spring is around the corner! Come make a colorful project to brighten up the garden or potted plants. This class will teach the basics of fused glass (cutting, arranging, and melting colorful glass) to make items such as a set of 4 garden markers, 5” plant coaster, or a couple of dangling sun catchers to accessorize a potted plant. $10 supply fee will be required the night of the class. Due to the fusing cycle, participants will have to return 1-2 weeks after class to pick up their projects, depending on the project selected. Note location: Orono Discovery Center, 5050 Independence St., Maple Plain. #FGGARD-W1-15 Wednesday, Mar. 11 $35 for 1 class Orono Discovery Center
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Mosaic Bird Bath This birdbath is made with a terracotta drip tray. It is decorated with pieces of stained glass then grouted the next class. This is beautiful when completed. It can be placed on the ground or on a wrought iron stand or other fun ideas. If weather permits, we will grout outside. An additional $20/person materials fee is payable to instructor first night of the class. #MOSAIC-SP-15 Mon & Thu, May 11 & 14 $59 for 2 classes Orono Discovery Center
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Stained Glass Stepping Stones Ages 8+ A beautiful addition to your garden or home! You will create your own 8” round stained glass stepping stone. Learn easy glass cutting techniques and freestyle assembly. Great class for beginners! Children age 8 and older are welcome to register when attending with a registered adult. Instructions are provided for larger stones. $14 supply fee is payable to instructor at class. Note location: Orono Discovery Center, 5050 Independence St., Maple Plain.
Stained Glass Sculpture Garden Art Create garden art that will enhance your space in any season! Learn how to make an easy, contemporary design with stained glass nuggets and lead on two posts. Finished art can be displayed inside or outside. All tools will be provided. $20 material fee is payable to the instructor at class. Note location: Orono Discovery Center, 5050 Independence St., Maple Plain. Room 201. #GRDNART-SP-15 Mondays, Apr. 13 - Apr. 27 $59 for 3 classes Orono Discovery Center Cindy Bergstrom
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Beginner Stained Glass Window In this class, we will create a stained glass window, approximately 8” x10” in size. The copper foil technique will be taught, from cutting to assembly. The first night focuses on choosing a pattern and discussing colors of glass, equipment and layout. Tool kits will be available during the class. Glass & tools are available to purchase from the instructor. Continue your journey at Stained Glass Open Studio! This class includes one free Saturday morning Open Studio visit. Instructor Cindy Bergstrom. Note location: Orono Discovery Center, 5050 Independence St., Maple Plain, MN 55359. Rm 202 #WINDOW-SP-15 Tuesdays, Apr. 28 - May 19 $75 for 4 classes Orono Discovery Center Cindy Bergstrom
6:30 - 9:00 pm
#STPSTN-SP1-15 Thursday, Apr. 23 $29 for 1 class Orono Discovery Center Cindy Bergstrom #STPSTN-SP2-15 Thursday, May 21 $29 for 1 class Orono Discovery Center Cindy Bergstrom
6:30 - 9:00 pm
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Spider Web & Glass Spiders Ages 12+ Don’t be afraid of this spider! Create a fancy web and then attach a colorful spider or two. All tools are supplied, including soldering iron. Children ages 12 and older may register with a registered adult. Note location: Orono Discovery Center, 5050 Independence St., Maple Plain. Rm 202 #SPIDER-SP-15 Thursday, May 7 $29 for 1 class Orono Discovery Center Cindy Bergstrom
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Additional fees/materials Additional fees and/or materials are required for some classes. Check the course description. Payment is made directly to the instructor at the first class.
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Silk Scarf Painting Ages 16+ Learn the French Serti technique of silk painting while creating a beautiful scarf. Share an unforgettable afternoon of art with friends, family and new acquaintances. No art experience necessary, create your own design as simple or complex as you would like. It’s easy, it’s clean, it’s fun, and you get startlingly beautiful results. Youth 16 and up may sign up with a registered adult. Visit our Pinterest site to get ideas and inspiration prior to class at http://www.pinterest.com/kidzartmn/silk-scarf-painting-ideas/ #SCARF-SP-15 Saturday, Apr. 11 12:00 - 3:00 pm $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - E119 Art Art Innovators
Pottery Wheel Throwing Beginners
Boat on the Beach
Learn how to throw bowls, cups and plates as you master the basics of wheel throwing. Come prepared to have fun and get dirty! The instruction and demonstrations will focus on the fundamentals of the pottery wheel, glazing, and firing. Once you’ve got the basics down you can master more advanced skills in the intermediate class or join open studio! Instructor: Diane Schwieters. Note location: Orono Discovery Center, 5050 Independence St., Maple Plain. Room 201.
Ages 16+ Socialize, relax, and recharge with an Art Soiree. No art experience necessary to have fun and enjoy. Grab a friend and join us for an evening of unrestrained imagination with step-by-step instruction. Share an unforgettable evening of art with friends, family and new acquaintances. You will complete a painting of a boat along the beach. Everyone will take home an original art piece they will want to hang on their wall. Youth age 16 and up may register when accompanied by a registered adult.
#POTTERY-SP-15 Thursdays, Apr. 9 - May 7 $159 for 5 classes Orono Discovery Center Diane Schwieters
6:30 - 9:00 pm
#BOAT-W-15 Wednesday, Mar. 18 7:00 - 9:00 pm $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - E119 Art Art Innovators - Lisa Vitkus
Ä Latin Dance - Let’s Begin Ages 15+ This Latin class is just plain fun and will get you out onto the dance floor! Learn the Rumba, Salsa, Cha-Cha, Tango and Samba dance steps! Jay is one of the best dance instructors in the metro area and is recruited by cruise lines around the world because of his dance knowledge. Reviewing the previous week’s dance steps helps students achieve success and feel more comfortable on the dance floor. You’ll receive individual attention in a group setting, something you won’t find in every dance class. Singles welcome. Youth age 15 - 17 may register when accompanied by a registered adult. Make-up classes are available at another location during the same week, if you cannot attend one of the scheduled weekly classes. Note location: Gym, Minnetonka Community Education Center, 4584 Vine Hill Rd., Deephaven, 55331. #LATIN1-SP1-15 Tuesdays, Apr. 7 - Apr. 28 7:45 - 9:00 pm $39 for 4 classes Minnetonka Community EducaƟon Center Jay Dudding
Latin Style Nightclub Dancing This Latin dance class is just plain fun and will get you out onto the dance floor! Learn the Night Club Two-Step and other dance steps! Jay is one of the best dance instructors in the metro area and is recruited by cruise lines around the world because of his dance knowledge. We’re excited to have him teach in Wayzata! Reviewing the previous week’s dance steps helps students achieve success and feel more comfortable on the dance floor. “Patient, fun, helpful, and best instructor ever!” are just a few of the comments describing Jay’s teaching style from students. You’ll receive individual attention in a group setting, something you won’t find in every dance class. Singles welcome.
Swing and Ballroom Dance: Let’s Continue Ages 15+ Prerequisite: you must have taken Swing and Ballroom Dance – Let’s Begin. Continue to perfect and review your East Coast Swing, Hustle, and Waltz dance steps as it is a key element in helping students relax, learn and experience success. You’ll receive individual attention in a group setting, something you won’t find in every dance class. Singles welcome. If you cannot make a class on the scheduled night, see Jay about other options for that week. Youth age 15 - 17 may register when accompanied by a registered adult. #SWING2-SP1-15 Tuesdays, May 5 - May 19 6:30 - 7:45 pm $29 for 3 classes Minnetonka Community EducaƟon Center Jay Dudding
Wedding Dance Workshop: It’s Not Too Late to Look Great! You thought about it! You wanted to! But where did the time go? Not to worry. In this 2-hour workshop, learn fun moves and simple tips to have you feeling comfortable and looking great on that special day! With the expert guidance of three-time Ballroom Dance champion, Monica Mohn, you’ll be dancing before you know it! Feel free to bring your special song! Couples only please. NOTE: When registering, only register one person; you’ll be asked for your partner’s name. #WEDDING-SP-15 Saturday, May 2 10:30 am – 12:30 pm $39 per couple for 1 class Central Middle School – Cafeteria Monica Mohn
#NGTCLB-SP-15 Mondays, Apr. 13 - Apr. 27 6:30 - 8:00 pm $35 for 3 classes Central Middle School – Cafeteria Jay Dudding
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¥®ãÄ ÝÝ Fitness Boot Camp Achieve your fitness goals! Designed for all levels, this intense but easy to follow class will give you results! Each workout is different to keep your body and mind guessing! Cardiovascular and strength work will be incorporated into each workout. Bring a mat to class. #FITTTH-SP-15 Tues/Thu, Apr. 7 - May 7 5:50 - 6:40 am $99 for 10 classes Wayzata High School - Gym 5 & 6 Gretchen Novak #FITTTH-SU-15 Tue/Thu, Jun. 16 - Aug. 6 6:00 - 6:50 am $159 for 16 classes Central Middle School - Stadium Field Gretchen Novak
Pilates Classes Pilates Challenge
Pilates Summer
Ages 15+
What students say: “Joan is always changing it up to keep it interesting.” “Joan is knowledgeable and adapts to students.” “Just an excellent class and instructor”.
You’ve mastered the basics; now take it to the next level. Improve balance, core strength, coordination and posture. Pilates exercises are integrated with small equipment. We will use large balls, 2 pound weights, bands and standing functional training. Learn exercises adapted with balls and tubing. Great for golfers, gardeners and all activities. Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic Pilates principles. Class taught by a Stott Certified instructor. Youth age 15 to 17 may register when accompanied by an adult who is also registered. Bring a mat and towel with you to class.
Strengthen your core with Pilates. Improve balance, strength and learn modifications for all levels. Youth age 15 to 17 may register when accompanied by a guardian who is also registered. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a Pilates or yoga mat and towel with you to class. The instructor is Stott certified, received her training through Moria Stott and is a personal trainer.
#PILCHL-SP1-15 Wednesdays, Apr. 8 - May 27 6:00 - 7:00 pm $99 for 8 classes Central Middle School - Wrestling Room Joan Mielke Nimerfroh
#PILASUM-SU-15 Wednesdays, Jun. 3 - Jul. 15 No class Jul. 1 $65 for 6 classes Central Middle School - A413 Joan Mielke Nimerfroh
6:00 - 7:00 pm
ZUMBA! Ages 15+ Who would have thought an exercise class could be this much fun! Zumba is a Latin inspired, dance fitness class incorporating international music and Latin dance movements for a dynamic workout. We will combine fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body and achieve a unique blended balance of cardio and muscle benefits. Dancers and non-dancers can master this class and have a great time. Achieve amazing results in a party-like atmosphere. Class length increased to a full 60 minutes for maximum calorie burn! The last 8 minutes of class are devoted to a core strengthening workout. Please bring a mat or thick towel to class. Youth ages 15 - 17 may enroll if accompanied by a registered adult. Come, join the party! Michele is a certified ZUMBA instructor. #ZUMBA-SP1-15 Wednesdays, Apr. 8 - Jun 3 6:30 - 7:30 pm No class May 27 $89 for 8 classes Central Middle School – Cafeteria Michele Engesser
yogastudio Fitness Classes These yoga classes are held at yogastudio Plymouth, 3400 Vinewood Lane, Plymouth
Hot Yoga Ages 16+ Hot Fitness Yoga takes place in a heated studio (about body temperature) for deeper stretching, detoxification, stress relief and injury prevention. All levels of participants are welcome to attend. Please arrive 15 minutes early for your first class. Dress lightly. Bring a yoga mat, large towel and water (mat is available for rental at the studio for $2 per class). Youth ages 16 to 17 may register when accompanied by a registered adult. #HOTYOGA-SP-15 Tuesdays, Apr. 7 - May 5 $59 for 5 classes #HOTYOGA-SP2-15 Tuesdays, May 12 - Jun 9 $59 for 5 classes
6:30 - 7:30 pm 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Pigs Fly Yoga Ages 16+ Are you curious, but a little scared about trying yoga? Maybe you would benefit from the enhanced flexibility, strength and breathing benefits of yoga. Cute outfits are not required. Dress lightly as studio is warm. Bring a yoga mat and water. Mat rental is available for $2 per week. #PGSFLY-SP1-15 Thursdays, Apr. 9 - May 7 $49 for 5 classes #PGSFLY-SP2-15 Thursdays, May 14 - Jun 11 $49 for 5 classes
5:35 - 6:15 pm 5:35 - 6:15 pm
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Kung Fu Classes Great Parent-Child Fitness!
Kung Fu Wu Shu Ages 5+ Not just a punching, kicking, self-defense class. Kung Fu teaches awareness of self and surroundings and improves self-esteem and confidence. Join a fun, full participation class that focuses on helping students develop leadership, discipline, concentration and coordination skills for a healthy mind and body. Improve your coordination, strength, flexibility and endurance. Learn the lifelong benefits of Kung Fu, the Chinese art of self-defense and fitness, from a Hong Kong champion. Class is designed for youth beginners ages 5 and older and adults. Parents don’t just sit on the sidelines. Register and participate with your child in class. Wear loose comfortable clothing to class. Optional uniforms and certification for white to black belt are available at class for an additional fee. Instruction is supervised, but may not be delivered directly by Al Lam. $79 for 7 classes
Kung Fu Wu Shu Yellow to 2nd Blue Belt This class is a continuation of the Kung Fu Wu Shu Beginner and White Belt class. Optional certification is available for an additional fee. #KFYB-SP1-15 Tuesdays, Apr. 7 - May 19 7:00 - 7:45 pm Central Middle School - Wrestling Room #KFYB-SU1-15 Tuesdays, Jun 9 - Jul 21 7:00 - 7:45 pm Central Middle School - Wrestling Room
Kung Fu Wu Shu Purple to Black Belt This class is a continuation of the Kung Fu Wu Shu Yellow to Blue Belt class. Optional certification is available for an additional fee.
Kung Fu Wu Shu Beginner and White Belt Join this fun non-competitive, fullparticipation class. This class is designed for youth beginners ages 5 and older and adults. #KFBEG-SP1-15 Tuesdays, Apr. 7- May 19 6:15 - 7:00 pm Central Middle School - Wrestling Room #KFBEG-SU1-15 Tuesdays, Jun 9 - Jul 21 6:15 - 7:00 pm Central Middle School - Wrestling Room
#KFBB-SP1-15 Tuesdays, Apr. 7 - May 19 7:45 - 8:30 pm Central Middle School - Wrestling Room #KFBB-SU1-15 Tuesdays, Jun 9 - Jul 21 7:45 - 8:30 pm Central Middle School - Wrestling Room
Scan with your smartphone to visit our registration website.
&ÊÊ Ι Ù®Ä» Yogurt and Mozzarella Cheese for Beginners Easy, inexpensive, nutritious and gluten free – learn to make mozzarella cheese and yogurt at home. They taste better and are healthier for you because they don’t contain the unnecessary additives of commercial products. Learn how to make Greek yogurt. Discuss how to make multiple types of cheese -- your kitchen already has most of the equipment needed to create these delicious products. You will make mozzarella in class and get a detailed demonstration of yogurt making. Handout includes recipes for several different types of cheeses, recipes that utilize cheese and/or yogurt, and resource information for supplies. Bring two 1 cup containers with secure lids to take home mozzarella cheese and yogurt starter. Carol Schaub, avid instructor, teaches in numerous school districts, skilled, organized and enjoys teaching others. $8 supply fee is payable to instructor at class. #CHZYGT-SP-15 Monday, Apr. 27 6:30 - 8:15 pm $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - A306 FCS Carol Schaub
March Madness Confused Tastebuds... What Do We Eat in March? Are your taste buds seasonally confused? Let’s try a spinach salad with warm bacon vinaigrette and top it off with a poached egg or curried chicken with saffron rice and caramelized onions. Sound delicious? How about a jalapeno-cheddar corn muffin alongside a poblano and white chicken chili? Let’s get our heads on straight and enjoy a wonderful meal.
I Wish I Could Bake Like My Grandmother! You can! Nancy has lots of practical and old-school ideas to have you in the kitchen and baking in no time at all -sharing what she has learned in over 45 years of teaching and baking for family and friends. We will work together to tackle the mysterious chiffon cake and make wonderful blueberry muffins. You’ll go crazy over her quick bread recipes too! If you have a recipe you have questions about, please bring it to class. You’ll be taking home some samples to share with family. $12 supply fee payable to instructor in class. #BAKE-W-15 Wednesday, Mar. 25 6:00 - 9:00 pm $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - A306 FCS Nancy Burgeson
Festive Spring Salads Head into spring with a Wild Rice and Breast of Chicken Salad or Wild Rice with Fresh Mushrooms and Cashews. We will also feature a vegetarian main dish salad using multi-colored peppers and the unique grain, Quinoa. What could be more refreshing than fruit -- a salad combination of cantaloupe and strawberries with an orange sauce. Equally as pretty is Raspberry-Spinach Salad with Glazed Pecans. Then round out the evening with 3 easy dressings for your favorite combination of assorted garden greens -- Feta Cheese, Creamy Blue Cheese and Orange Dressing. You will be ready for family and friends and spring! $13 supply fee payable to instructor in class. #SALAD-SP-15 Monday, Apr. 13 6:00 - 9:00 pm $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - A306 FCS Laurel Severson
#MARCHM-W1-15 Tuesday, Mar. 24 6:00 - 8:00 pm $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - A306 FCS Jessica Tijerina
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Artisan Breads in 5 Minutes a Day Want to make bread with great flavor and texture? Surprise family and friends with fabulous, delicious home-made artisan breads! Learn to make savory, healthy loaves in less than 5 minutes using dough that you mix in minutes (no kneading required) and store in your refrigerator for up to two weeks. Sample several breads in class, mix up a batch of dough to take home and receive recipes for several artisan bread options. Bring a 4 quart mixing bowl with cover, a set of measuring cups and spoons, and a large wooden spoon to class. Demonstration, hands-on and tasting - You will leave class with a batch of bread dough and a warm loaf of bread that you make and bake in class. Carol Schaub, an avid bread maker and skilled instructor, teaches in 15 districts. $8 supply fee payable to instructor at class. #ARTBRD-SP-15 Thursday, Apr. 16 6:30 - 8:15 pm $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - A306 FCS Carol Schaub
Breakfast and Brunch
Jams, Jellies, Marmalades, and Butters Students say: “I enjoyed being able to taste the jams and ask lots of questions.” “Carol is so knowledgeable!” NOW is the time to prepare for the bounteous fruits of summer. Be ready to ‘jam’ when the berries, peaches, rhubarb, herbs and more are at their peak of taste and availability. Learn the difference between the various preserves and have the opportunity to taste several different kinds. You will prepare a batch of jam/jelly from start to finish, learn basic ‘hot water bath’ techniques that are applicable to other canning projects and take home 1-2 jars to enjoy. Tasting of and handout for multiple recipes included. $8 supply fee is payable to instructor at class.
For special mornings, or evening entertaining, try a spectacular brunch! Learn the tips for a perfect cheese souffle, strata, quiche, Italian frittata, Japanese-style puffy pancake, and Greek Spanakopeta (Spinach Pie). Try accompaniments too, such as biscotti-like Anise Toast, Cream Scones, fresh fruit filled Pineapple Boat, and beverages. Lovely in appearance, better in taste! $11 supply fee payable to instructor in class. #BRUNCH-SP-15 Tuesday, May 5 6:00 - 9:00 pm $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - A306 FCS Laurel Severson
Refund Policy — Cooking Classes Refunds are given when a registration is withdrawn at least 7 business days before the start date of the class. Call 763-7455213.
#JAM-SP-15 Thursday, May 7 6:30 - 8:15 pm $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - A306 FCS Carol Schaub
,®¦« ^ «Êʽ ACT Preparation Workshop What Wayzata students say about these ZAPS courses: “Now I know what to expect on the test!” “I really liked all of the tips and tricks.” “I feel less anxious and more prepared for the test.” Attention Juniors and Seniors: With a top score of 36 and the national average now at 21, a score increase of even one or two points on the ACT gives you a real advantage. ZAPS test-preparation seminars are designed to help each student do his or her personal best on the ACT. In the five-hour seminar, students will learn: • Strategies for using partial knowledge to eliminate wrong choices • Tips for improving in all four sub tests (English, Math, Reading and Science) • Tactics for using limited testing time
• Reduce test anxiety and gain confidence • Receive a comprehensive Study Guide and 24 practice test workouts with detailed answer explanations • Get suggestions for individualized study in the days leading up to the test • Motivational instruction and hands-on practice will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Bring 2, #2 pencils, paper and calculator with you to the workshop. Register directly online at: www.zaps.com, or call ZAPS to register at 1-877-927-8378 (toll free). #ACTPRE-SP1-15 Monday, Apr. 6 & Tue Apr. 7 3:30 - 6:00 pm $89.99 for 2 classes Wayzata High School - B403 Forum Room ZAPS Learning Company #ACTPRE-SP2-15 Monday, Apr. 6 & Tue Apr. 7 6:30 - 9:00 pm $89.99 for 2 classes Wayzata High School - B403 Forum Room ZAPS Learning Company
• Take shortened practice tests that mirror the actual testing experience
How to Get Into College and Pay for It Without Going Broke! College is one of the largest investments your family will make. College costs are escalating rapidly. Understand the mistakes resulting in poor academic and financial decisions that cost thousands of dollars. Learn what college actually costs and how to reduce your costs. Class will cover: common mistakes families make in selecting college, how to prevent these mistakes, myths about college aid, how the FAFSA works and how to get grants from colleges. Planning ahead and developing a strategy is a must for parents and college-bound students. Offered in partnership with Robbinsdale Community Education. Jay Benanav and AlIan Weinblatt have years of experience counseling students and parents on how to conduct a successful college search. Note location: Sandburg Learning Center, 2400 Sandburg Lane, Golden Valley, 55427. #COLL-SP-15 Monday, Apr. 27 $19 for 1 class Sandburg Learning Center Allan WeinblaƩ
6:30 - 8:30 pm
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Driver Education Students learn from licensed District teachers using Districtowned vehicles. We are committed to helping students become safe and responsible drivers with full knowledge of driving rules and strong driving skills by providing an exceptional classroom and behind the wheel learning experience. Register for each separately.
Classroom: Classroom instruction consists of 30 hours of training taught by a teacher with both a teaching license and a driver education certification and is offered in the evenings, after school, and during summer break. Classroom fee is $174
Behind the Wheel: Upon completion of the classroom instruction, students may register for Behind the Wheel. Behind the Wheel fee is $325
To Register: Web: www.ceregistraƟon.wayzata.k12.mn.us • Phone: 763-745-5213
College & Career Center For many parents, surviving the terrible twos, potty training and driving lessons were a cake-walk compared to navigating the postsecondary college process. Let the counseling staff at WHS and the resources of the CCC help you. The CCC, open daily from 7:00 – 3:00 and during conferences, is for parents as much or more than for students. Bring your questions about college, financial aid, scholarships, the FAFSA, ACT/SAT tests and more. Questions: Heather McGinis, CCC Coordinator, 763-745-6639, heather.mcginnis@wayzata.k12.mn.us
Minnesota Education Fair at Wayzata High School Learn about post graduate choices! Admission is FREE March 17, 2015 6:00-8:00 pm Wayzata High School 4955 Peony Lane, Plymouth 55446 Pre-register at www.gotocollegefairs.com and create a personal barcode to be scanned at the fair.
Wayzata Mountain Bike Team Grades 7-12 Like adrenaline? Like adventure? Join the Wayzata Mountain Bike Team. The team is open to students entering 7-12th grade. Beginners through advanced mountain bikers are welcome. Pre-season fun rides held in June and July. Regular season weeknight practices start the week of August 3rd. Saturday training rides at local trailhead. Team racers compete in 5 races in Minnesota in Sept. and Oct. Participants provide own bike, helmet and transportation. Registration fee is $195. New participants need to purchase a team jersey for competitions (Approx. $50). Minnesota High School Cycling League membership and insurance are required, for an additional fee of approximately $50. Race series fees are also additional (5 races at approx. $45 each). Coaches will contact families after registration with schedules and information. Questions call 763-745-5205 #MTBTEAM-F-15
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Learn to Grow a Straw Bale Garden Would you like to grow a bountiful garden without using herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides, and without weeding? Try a straw bale garden! Learn how to plant a wide variety of vegetables, root crops, vine crops, fruit crops, and even beautiful flower gardens, directly into your “conditioned” straw bales. An optional spiralbound workbook will be available for purchase in class for $5. #STRAW-SP-15 Wednesday, Apr. 29 $35 for 1 class Central Middle School - A413 Kate Clarity
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Sustainable Landscape Hennepin County Master Gardener, Graduate of the Arboretum Gardening School, garden magazine writer and life-long learner, Theresa Rooney, will explain ideas for yards and gardens that will require less work for the gardener. She will share viewpoints concerning gardening, different gardening methods to consider and plants that are easy to care for. #LNDSCAPE-W1-15 Thursday, Mar. 19 $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - A411 Theresa Rooney
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Container Garden Design Using Proven Performing Plants Do you desire lush, healthy, long-lasting and colorful container gardens that add pizzazz to your property? Ideally, container gardens should be vibrant for five months. Whether you are a novice or experienced gardener, it is hard to know where to begin. Learn how to get started on finding fast-growing, vigorous nursery quality plants with season-long colors. View images of striking combinations of readily available plants that are easily created in containers. A detailed handout is supplied.
#CNTNR-SP-15 Tuesday, Apr. 7 $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - C102 Michelle Mero Riedel
7:00 - 8:45 pm
Basic Home Repair - Electrical Learn to make simple repairs in your home such as replacing wall switches, wall outlets, checking circuit breakers and rewiring a lamp. You will work with electrical boards and install wire in conduit, wire single pole and 3-way switches, outlet and lamp receptacle. Please bring a wire stripper, long-nose pliers, straight slot & Phillips screwdrivers to class if you have them. Supply fee of $5 for the Step-by-Step Home Wiring Guidebook will be collected by the instructor at the class. Tod grew up on a family dairy farm and learned to do many different repairs. He attended college and earned a degree in Industrial Technology and has over 20 years of experience in his present job selling automation equipment. #ELECTRIC-SP1-15 Monday, Apr. 13 6:00 - 8:30 pm $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - E119 Art Tod Novinska
Basic Home Repair - Plumbing Do you have a leaky faucet but don’t want to have to pay to have the entire fixture replaced? Repair the faucet or replace the entire fixture yourself. We will take apart different types of faucets, replace a pop-up drain assembly, and discuss the internal working parts of a toilet. There will be a demonstration on how to cut and glue plastic pipe and fittings as well as soldering copper pipe and fittings. Cost of the Step-by-Step Guidebook to Home Plumbing ($5.00) will be collected at the class. Tod grew up on a family dairy farm and learned to do many different repairs. He attended college and earned a degree in Industrial Technology and has over 20 years of experience in his present job selling automation equipment. #PLUMB-SP1-15 Monday, Apr. 20 6:00 - 8:30 pm $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - E119 Art Tod Novinska
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MÊÄ ù M ãã ÙÝ Keeping the “Sweet” in “Home Sweet Home” Our home tends to be among our most valuable possessions, so what are the options for protecting it? Should you gift your home to your kids? What is meant by “jointly held”, “tenants in common”, “abstract” and “torrens” property, and why does it matter? Learn about the rights your spouse has even to property titled in your name alone. Capital gains taxes? Who inherits the mortgage at your death? What is a life estate, and what are the pros and cons? Bonnie Wittenburg, an area lawyer, will lead this presentation. #SWEET-SP1-15 Thursday, May 14 $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - A413 Bonnie WiƩenburg
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Cash Flow, the Life of your Household Take control of your finances! Learn how cash flow planning is different from budgeting and why it is easier to do. What is a healthy cash flow plan? How do I create a healthy cash flow plan? Learn how to tell your money where to go, instead of wondering where it went. Attend this session and you will be able to create your own cash flow plan, improve the life of your household and your future. #CASH-SP-15 Thursday, Apr. 30 $19 for 1 class Central Middle School - A201 Mike Miller
Savvy Cybersecurity: 10 Threats Every Person & Business Face & How to Fight Them Now Cybersecurity is a growing issue as data breaches, scams, and identity theft are on the rise. But there are steps you can take to improve your security and keep your identity safe. To help better understand the threats to your cybersecurity, this interactive class will cover: How one wrong click can put your entire financial life at risk; How to protect your child’s credit before it is too late; How an ATM can put your identity at risk; 3 tips to making your smartphone/tablet more secure; How your home Wi-Fi is putting you and your family’s security at risk; 2 methods fraudsters use to impersonate your business; Why you should review your social media privacy settings now. This class will also allow students to create an action plan to improve their cybersecurity and will also provide a cybersecurity checklist to follow. #CYBER-SP1-15 Wednesday, May 6 $19 for 1 class Central Middle School - A202 Bob Davis
6:30 - 7:45 pm
Are you in? If you register online, you will know immediately if you are in the class; provide your email address when setting up your account and we will email confirmation and a receipt. If you register by mail, assume you are enrolled unless we notify you. Although most classes run, we reserve the right to cancel classes due to enrollment.
6:30 - 8:30 pm
8 Financial Pitfalls to Avoid in Divorce People who find themselves single due to divorce deal with several emotions, which can include grief, confusion and loss of identity. Worry and uncertainty about how things will work out can cause additional stress during an already emotional and exhausting time. One way to move forward with your life in a constructive way is to take control of your finances. As you begin this process, there are several financial pitfalls that you can fall into and should try to avoid. #FINANCIAL-SP-15 Thursday, Apr. 23 5:30 - 7:00 pm $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - A201 Tyler Cook and Michelle Monson
Keeping the Cabin in the Family Many cabin owners have come to realize how important the cabin is to their children and grandchildren and wonder what approach is best for passing the family cabin on to the next generation. Learn how to keep your cabin in the family without a family conflict. The presenter, John Olmon, is an attorney with 25 years of experience in estate planning and is a second-generation cabin owner. #CABIN-SP1-15 Thursday, Apr. 23 7:00 - 9:00 pm $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - Media Center John Olmon
Secrets and Tips for Buying a Home or Investment Property Whether you’re a first-time buyer, a seasoned home buyer or an investor, you will learn how to be more successful. You’ll learn what to include in a purchase agreement, strategies for getting your offer accepted, how to obtain a free credit report, why home inspections are important, and much more. #PROP-W-15 Monday, Mar. 16 $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - A201 Nene Matey-Keke
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Retirement My Way – Finding My Personal and Financial Sweet Spot In this interactive two-session workshop, learn to make the most of your time, talent and money as you transition to your retirement years, with the help of Donna Bennett, Psychologist & Career Transition coach and Mike Miller, a Certified Financial PlannerTM professional. You will learn how to identify and maximize your options for a life that is unique to you and your resources. Whether you decide to keep working, work part-time, or a combination of many things, Donna and Mike will help you set goals and align strategies designed to help you get the best possible return on life. Join this interesting and unique workshop to learn more! A $10 material fee is included in the registration fee.
10 Mistakes Pre-retirees Make and How to Avoid Them Are you planning for retirement? Make the most of your retirement years by identifying the 10 most common mistakes, misconceptions and concerns in transitioning from full-time employment to financial independence. Learn different strategies to avoid these mistakes and maximize your retirement. #RETIRE-SP-15 Wednesday, Apr. 15 5:30 - 7:00 pm $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - A201 Tyler Cook and Michelle Monson
Savvy Social Security Planning For Boomers: What Everyone Should Know “A helpful, well-organized presentation given by an instructor with good presentation skills and very strong command of the subject. I would recommend this course and instructor to a friend - and I couldn’t offer much higher praise.” Boomers are asking: Will Social Security be there for me? How much can I expect to receive and when should I apply for it? How can I maximize my benefits? Will Social Security be enough to live on in retirement? The decisions you make today will influence the total Social Security benefits you will receive in your lifetime. Learn the 5 factors to consider when deciding when to apply for benefits. Why you should always check your end-of-the-year earnings for accuracy; How to estimate your benefits; How to coordinate benefits with your spouse; How to minimize taxes on your Social Security; and How to coordinate Social Security with your other sources of retirement income. The class is for everyone who thinks they might want to retire someday. Bob Davis is a Certified Financial Planner, CFP®, who began his financial planning career in 1998. #SOCSEC-SP1-15 Tuesday, May 12 $19 for 1 class Central Middle School - A411 Bob Davis
6:30 - 8:30 pm
#SWEET-SP-15 Tuesdays, Apr 28 & May 5 6:30 - 8:30 pm $40 for 1 class Central Middle School: A201 Donna BenneƩ and Mike Miller
Register Online
Navigating Medicare: What You Need to Know from an Impartial Source Thinking about retirement or getting ready to retire? Are you a family member or caregiver to someone who has Medicare coverage? Already have Medicare and just want to know what is going on with Medicare? This class is a chance for anyone to learn about Medicare. Spend the evening learning about the Medicare Adventure. We will discuss Medicare Parts A, B, C and D coverage, supplements and part D plans. The class is an educational opportunity and not a sales pitch. It is offered in cooperation with SCS (Senior Community Services), a non-profit agency. Each person will go home with a better understanding of how Medicare works, the supplement, Part D choices available and reference materials for personal review. #MEDCRE-SP1-15 Wednesday, Apr. 22 $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - A202 Senior Community Services
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Elder Law Classes with Elizabeth Michaelis Let Elder Law Attorney Elizabeth Michaelis help you understand and navigate some of life’s most difficult financial issues. Elizabeth Michaelis, J.D., M.B.A, practices in Trusts, Wills and Estates, and Elder Law.
Probate: Understand It; Avoid It! Many people die without preparing important estate planning documents. By not planning, you risk the need to probate your estate, with its costs, delays, public filings and possible loss of control of the disposition of the assets you spent a lifetime acquiring. Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney, Elizabeth Michaelis, will discuss the importance of planning to avoid probate, the different ways property is transferred when someone dies, and the reason having a Will does not avoid probate. #PROBATE-SP1-15 Thursday, Apr. 16 $15 for 1 class YMCA Ridgedale Elizabeth Michaelis
What to Do When Someone Dies Do you know the important tasks that must be taken care of if someone dies? Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney Elizabeth Michaelis will discuss the practical considerations in handling someone’s affairs, as well as the main tasks when you are responsible for settling the estate. This presentation explains the role of the Personal Representative (executor), family members, and others in an orderly estate administration. #WHATDO-SP1-15 Tuesday, Apr. 28 $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - A412 Elizabeth Michaelis
6:30 - 8:00 pm
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Revocable Trusts A Revocable Living Trust may not be for everyone, but for many people, taking the time to secure a Trust now can save time, money, and frustration for their loved ones in the future. In this class we will discuss what a Revocable Living Trust is, how a Revocable Trust can help you avoid probate and secure your estate, and how to determine if a Revocable Trust makes sense for you.
#REVOKE-SP1-15 Tuesday, May 12 $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - A202 Elizabeth Michaelis
6:30 - 8:00 pm
How to Make Money Doing Voiceovers in TV and Radio Ages 12+ There’s an exploding voice-over market in the Twin Cities. Find out how to get into this fun, creative and potentially lucrative business! Learn how to get work, who’s hiring, get talent agency representation, create a professional demo and resume, and build on your strengths and skills. Be professionally directed in a nonstressful environment…personal growth and fun, too!! Don Cosgrove teaches the classes recommended by talent agencies and professional TV / radio / video and film talent. Youth ages 12 and older may register when accompanied by a registered adult. #VOICE1-SP1-15 Thursday, Apr. 9പപപപപ7:00 - 9:30 pm $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - A411 Don Cosgrove
Make Money Reading Audio Books … Including the Internet! Ages 12+ Do you read books? Enjoy reading out loud? Use a computer? Join Don and learn how you can combine these three interests and be paid to do it. There are 195,000 new books published in the U.S. every year, with forty-one publishers in the Twin Cities. Learn what you need to take advantage of this rapidly growing, exciting and creative market which now includes the Internet. Learn how to get Audio Book reading jobs, develop the specialized interpretation skills needed, explore the expanding markets, and discover how to find and market yourself to publishers, producers and directors. Perhaps even record in your own home. Youth ages 12 and older may register when accompanied by a registered guardian. Don Cosgrove of The Talent Center has taught at The Guthrie Theater, and has recorded/directed Audio Books for years, many from his own in-home studio. #VOICE2-SP1-15 Thursday, Apr. 16 $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - A411 Don Cosgrove
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Combine Voiceover Classes for a Discount Ages 12+ Register for “How to Make Money Doing Voiceovers in TV and Radio” and “How to Make $$ Reading Audio Books!” for the discounted price of $65. Use this course section to register. #VOICE12-SP1-15 Thursdays, Apr. 9 & Apr. 16 $65 for 2 classes Central Middle School - A411 Don Cosgrove
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Register Online
SÖ ® ½ /Äã Ù ÝãÝ Selling on Etsy Successfully Do you make handmade items? Or maybe you have a love for vintage pieces? Possibly overloaded with craft supplies? Etsy is crafty cross between Amazon and Ebay, an E-commerce site focused on handmade and vintage items as well as supplies. If you have just opened an Etsy store or have been thinking about it, this is the class for you. This class will cover all the basics and then go above and beyond to teach you the skills and knowledge needed to be successful as an Etsy Seller. Topics will include Search Engine Optimization, Product Photography, Social Media Promotion and much more. Over five weeks, the class will take you through setting up your shop, adding your policies and about page, creating item listings, and what to do when you receive orders. You will leave the class with your Etsy shop up and running and ready to sell!
What Can I Say to Get Them to Quit? (When a Loved One is Abusing Alcohol or Drugs) Why is it so difficult to get a friend or loved one to stop abusing drugs and alcohol? What can a friend or family member do to prevent a serious problem? This workshop is offered for family members and others who are concerned about a friend or loved one’s substance misuse and want answers to these and other questions. This is a FREE event and NO REGISTRATION is required. Learn new ways of interacting with a friend or loved one regarding their use of substances; learn what to avoid when talking to someone who abuses drugs or alcohol and connect with helpful resources to support yourself or others #QUIT-SP-15 Tuesday, Apr. 28 6:30 - 8:00 pm FREE Central Middle School - A205 Ellie HyaƩ - The Retreat Wayzata
#ETSY-SP-15 Thursdays, Apr. 9 - May 7 7:00 - 9:00 pm $69 for 5 classes Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Jackie Coulter
Baseball and Random Walks Join us as we explore the science of chance with fascinating examples drawn from the stock market, biology, physics, as well as sports. We will use sabermetrics to predict the Twins 2015 record; explore the potential impact of the latest sports technology such as the use of advanced cameras. Class includes a presentation from the Twins Coordinator of Baseball Research on how they use technology. Steve Pine holds a Ph.D. in Psychometrics from the University of Maryland, All Star Baseball and Electric Football Neighborhood Commissioner circa childhood, and is a suffering Twins fan. #BASEBALL-SP-15 Tuesdays, Mar. 24 - Apr. 7 $15 for 3 classes YMCA Ridgedale
Dr. Debra Lindh Photo courtesy of BD Portraits
Mindful Parenting The Mindful Parenting program strengthens the inner capacities of parents with learning different ways of thinking, perceiving and knowing while developing new skills to use everyday and anytime. This approach invites parents to build their parenting skills based on awareness and within the context of the long-term relationship with their child.
1:00 - 2:30 pm
#MINDPAR-SP1-15 Wednesdays, Apr. 15 - May 27 No class May 6 $189 for 6 classes Central Middle School - A411 Dr. Debra Lindh
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Severe Weather Awareness and Sky Recognition
Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People
Ages 12+
Some music teachers may not want you to know this, but you don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn piano. In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regular piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords. And you can learn all the chords you’ll need to play any song in this one session. Any song. Any style. Any key. If you can find middle C and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you already know enough to enroll in this workshop. Total beginners can print out a free pamphlet on the treble clef by going online to this link- http://justonceclasses.com/info/ images/fastpresence/class_notes_for_piano. pdf Topics include: How chords work in a song; How to get more out of sheet music by reading less of it; How to form the three main types of chords; How to handle different keys and time signatures; How to avoid counting; How to simplify over 12,000 complex chords. $29 supply fee will be collected in class by the instructor for the workbook and practice CD.
Have you ever seen a scary looking cloud, and wondered how dangerous it really was? This class gives you easy tips on how to recognize dangerous clouds versus those that are just scary looking, along with severe weather safety tips. Come out and join this fun interactive class where you can learn how to keep your family and friends safe during the upcoming severe weather season! Youth ages 12 and up may register when accompanied by a registered adult. #AWARE-SP-15 Thursday, Mar. 12 6:30 - 9:00 pm $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - Media Center Sarah L Stalker
Comedy Improv “Whose Line Is It?” Come laugh until your sides hurt in this very fun and unique class that teaches comedy and acting without a script. Learn to deliver on-the-spot sketches using a variety of improv techniques. #IMPROV-SP-15 Thursdays, Apr. 16 - Apr. 30 6:30 - 8:30 pm $69 for 3 classes Central Middle School - A413 Homeward Bound Theatre Company
#PIANO-SP-15 Monday, Apr. 6 $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - E102 Craig Coīman
6:30 - 9:30 pm
Quick Easy Dos for Hot Spring Days!
The Last Keeper at Split Rock
Ages 4+ with an adult
Mike Roberts was the last keeper at the Split Rock Lighthouse on Minnesota’s north shore of Lake Superior. He shares stories of his 27-month tenure as a keeper at the lighthouse. Mike will enthrall you with the stories from his U.S. Coast Guard experience, personal search and rescue stories, and the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald in November of 1975. Mike has now authored his own book. Youth age 10 and older may register when accompanied by a registered adult. Price is per person.
Add a twist to your everyday hairdo, or help your daughter get ready for a beautiful, busy summer day by mastering easy-to-do dos! With the help of expert Great Clips staff, learn and practice easy up-dos, pony tails, French braids and regular braids. This is a great class for moms and dads who help their daughters with their daily dos! This class requires a buddy and you will register as an “adult/child pair.” One of you must have shoulder length hair or longer. Bring with you to class: comb, water bottle, pick, hand-held mirror and pony tail holders. Youth must be age 4 or older and accompanied by an adult. Call us at 763-745-5213 if you would like to register an additional child for $5. #ESYDOS-SP1-15 Wednesday, Apr. 15 5:30 - 7:30 pm $15 for 1 class (adult/child pair) Central Middle School - A202 Great Clips staī
Ages 10+
#SPLRCK-SP1-15 Thursday, Apr. 16 6:30 - 8:00 pm $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - Media Center Mike Roberts
Register Online
Defensive Driving 55+ (8 hour) Ages 55+ Save money on your car insurance premiums and become a better driver! Minnesota law requires insurance companies to offer you a 10% reduction for three years if you complete this National Safety Council’s Defensive Driving course. The course is two sessions of classroom instruction - no driving or test is required. You will receive a certificate of completion to provide to your insurance company. Attendance at both sessions is required to receive your certificate. Bring your driver’s license with you to class. The instructor is certified through the MN Safety Council. #DEFDRV8-W1-15 Mondays, Mar. 16 & Mar. 23 5:30 - 9:30 pm $29 for 2 classes Central Middle School - Media Center Minnesota Safety Council
Defensive Driving for 55+ Refresher (4 hour) Ages 55+ Save money on your car insurance! If you have taken the state-approved, 8-hour Defensive Driving Course for 55+, now you can renew your 10%, three year car insurance discount by taking this new, state-approved 4-hour refresher course. You will receive a certificate of completion to provide to your insurance company. Bring your driver’s license with you to class. #DEFDRV4-SP1-15 Thursday, May 14 5:30 - 9:30 pm $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - Media Center Minnesota Safety Council
Travel Opportunities Wayzata Community Education is delighted to partner with Premier World Discovery, group travel specialists, to sponsor unique and exciting travel opportunities. Join us for a travelogue to learn about the destinations and trips. Call us at 763-745-5265 and we will gladly send you detailed information. What past travelers say about Premier World Discovery: “ … I wanted to take a moment to let you know how impressed I was with all the increments of the tour. The accommodations were wonderful, the included meals far surpassed my greatest expectations and the Tour Director - Janet Robbins was excellent--one of the finest we have ever experienced. In addition, we feel so fortunate to have a local representative.” - Don Adams, Vice President, Geo Don Tours, New Hampshire “We have selected Premier World Discovery as a preferred supplier to On the Road Again Travel because of its unfailing attention to detail, quick response and quality products. We hardily recommend the services of your company to anyone.”- Elaine Moulton, Owner, On The Road Again Travel, California
FREE TRAVEL SHOW Travelogue: Cape Cod & the Islands; Charleston & Savannah Holiday Visit us for an informational meeting about the two unique travel opportunities sponsored by Wayzata Community Education. Get the inside scoop about the destinations (Cape Cod & the Islands and Charleston & Savannah Holiday) and trip details. Travelogues are free but registration is required at least four days in advance. Attending a travelogue does not commit you to the trip. Join us even if you are just curious. All are welcome! To reserve your place: Call Diane at 763-745-5265, or email diane.robinson@wayzata.k12. mn.us Date: Time: LocaƟon:
March 11, 2015 6 – 7 pm Central Middle School
March 17, 2015 11 am – Noon Ridgedale YMCA
Cape Cod & the Islands – September 6, 2015 This trip includes: roundtrip airfare from Minneapolis, 6 nights in a first class hotel, 9 meals, daily sightseeing and admissions per itinerary, professional tour director, deluxe motor coach, baggage handling, and hotel transfers. Highlights are: Nantucket Island Tour, Boston City Tour, Pilmoth Plantation, Plymouth Rock, Mayflower II, Hyannis, Martha’s Vineyard Tour, Newport Ocean Drive, Breaker’s Mansion Tour, Heritage Plantation, Sandwich, and a New England Lobster Dinner. Final payment is due June 23, 2015.
Charleston & Savannah Holiday – December 1, 2015 This trip includes: roundtrip airfare from Minneapolis, 6 nights hotel accommodations (2 in Historic District, Charleston, SC, 2 in Historic District, Savannah, GA and 2 in St. Augustine, Florida); 10 meals, professional tour director, daily sightseeing per itinerary, deluxe motor coach, baggage handling, and hotel transfers. Highlights are: Charleston City Tour, Boone Hall Plantation, Fort Sumter Boat Tour, Charleston Holiday Lights, Beaufort, Beaufort Horse Drawn Carriage Tour, Savannah City Tour, Mrs. Wilkes Boarding House Dinner, Jekyll Island Trolley Tour, Lunch at Jekyll Island Club, St. Augustine Trolley Tour. Final payment date September 17, 2015.
Register Online
d «Äʽʦù Selling on Etsy Successfully
Introduction to Microsoft® Word 2010
Do you make handmade items? Or maybe you have a love for vintage pieces? Possibly overloaded with craft supplies? Etsy is crafty cross between Amazon and Ebay, an E-commerce site focused on handmade and vintage items as well as supplies. If you have just opened an Etsy store or have been thinking about it, this is the class for you. This class will cover all the basics and then go above and beyond to teach you the skills and knowledge needed to be successful as an Etsy Seller. Topics will include Search Engine Optimization, Product Photography, Social Media Promotion and much more. Over five weeks, the class will take you through setting up your shop, adding your policies and about page, creating item listings, and what to do when you receive orders. You will leave the class with your Etsy shop up and running and ready to sell!
Learn how to create and edit documents, move and copy text, format characters and paragraphs, create and manage tables, control page layout, use bullets and numbering, use proofreading tools and insert images into documents.
#ETSY-SP-15 Thursdays, Apr. 9 - May 7 7:00 - 9:00 pm $69 for 5 classes Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Jackie Coulter
#WRDINTRO-SP1-15 Wednesday, Apr. 15 6:00 - 9:00 pm $55 for 1 class Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Sharon Walbran #WRDINTRO-SP2-15 Friday, Apr. 17 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $55 for 1 class Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Sharon Walbran
Introduction to Microsoft® Excel 2010 Learn Excel basics, spreadsheet terminology, entering and editing data, modifying and formatting a worksheet, using absolute references, copying and moving data, using functions and formulas, copying formulas, and creating and printing charts. #EXCINTRO-SP1-15 Wednesday, May 6 6:00 - 9:00 pm $55 for 1 class Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Sharon Walbran #EXCINTRO-SP2-15 Friday, May 8 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $55 for 1 class Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Sharon Walbran
Adobe Photoshop Elements Learn to use this popular photo editing program to crop and rotate photos, add text to photos, set the best resolution, resize the photo, correct the colors, correct flaws and cover up eyesores, create a collage of photos, create a panoramic image and organize your photos. #PSELI-SP1-15 Wednesday, Apr. 29 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $55 for 1 class Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Sharon Walbran
Introduction to Microsoft® PowerPoint 2010 Learn PowerPoint basics. Build, create and save new presentations, format slides, use autoshapes, work with graphics, use tables and charts, use templates, work with the slide master, and add transitions and timings. #PPPTINTRO-SP1-15 Wednesday, May 20 6:00 - 9:00 pm $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Sharon Walbran #PPPTINTRO-SP2-15 Friday, May 22 9:00 am - 12:00 pm $39 for 1 class Central Middle School - B110 COMP LAB Sharon Walbran
W ½½Ä ÝÝ Qigong for Health
Just Breathe!
Explore the history and meaning of “Qigong”. Loosely translated it means “energy practice”. We will explore Qigong’s relationship to “Traditional Chinese Medicine” and put that relationship into practice using the Ba Duan Jin (8 pieces of brocade). The Ba Duan Jin is an ancient Qigong practice used for health maintenance. This gentle exercise regimen stretches muscles and tendons, improving health and increasing flexibility. It is adaptable to any ability level and can be done in just a few minutes each day. We will also explore relaxation techniques (meditation and breathing).
Ages 16+
#QIGONG-SP-15 Saturday, Apr. 11 1:30 - 3:30 pm $25 for 1 class Central Middle School – Cafeteria Jay Soderberg
Caregiving: Changing Roles and Tough Decisions You and your family member who needs care may face the difficult task of letting go of old roles and accepting new ones. New roles can challenge everyone involved and often causes distress. We will discuss how caregiving changes and decisions are difficult because they usually lead to some type of loss for all those involved and create an array of powerful emotions. #CHANGE-W1-15 Tuesday, Mar. 17 6:30 - 8:00 pm $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - A413 Jodi L Friesen Grande – HopeAllianz Inc.
AcuTuning Forks - Vibrational Healing Using Sound Waves AcuTuning forks create sound vibration that can be used on the body to relieve pain and stress. Learn and experiment with how to use them to relieve body pain, headaches and stress, while increasing focus. Amy Zilka has a master’s degree in psychotherapy with certifications in hypnotherapy and various healing therapies including AcuTuning forks. Tuning forks may be purchased in class for $24-$28.
Scientists are beginning to understand what ancient civilizations knew long ago – that breathing in specific ways can have amazing and powerful healing benefits on mind and body. Breath work is the single most powerful thing you can practice for improving energy levels, health and wellbeing. In this workshop, you will learn a complete course of 8 ancient breathing exercises that will: neutralize stress by reprogramming your nervous system; increase energy and vitality; increase brain function; improve immune response; decrease depression and anxiety; strengthen connection between body, mind and spirit; awaken creativity and intuition and actually help strengthen your back and abs from the inside out. The simplest and most powerful technique for optimum health of mind and body is absolutely free and literally right under your nose. Youth 16 and 17 may register when accompanied by a registered adult. #BREATHE-W1-2015 Thursday, Mar. 12 $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - A202 Janice Novak
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Scan with your smartphone to visit our registration website.
#TUNING-W-15 Wednesday, Mar. 11 7:00 - 8:00 pm $25 for 1 class Central Middle School - Media Center Amy Zilka, M.A., C.H.
Register Online
Joint Health Workshop: Have Stronger, Younger, Healthier Joints The human body contains 143 joints. Strong, flexible joints are needed for almost every activity we do – walking, lifting, bending, etc. Studies show that at any given time, 1/3 of all adults worldwide are experiencing some sort of joint pain. When your joints hurt, even simple movements become painful and that greatly lowers quality of life. The good news is, your joints were meant to last a lifetime and studies are showing that you CAN reduce pain and restore your joints to a stronger, healthier condition. In this workshop, we’ll talk about: various causes of joint pain; treatments currently available; pros and cons of taking prescription drugs to mask pain; latest research information on nutrients that can help repair joints; results of a breakthrough study on gelatin; simple joint lubrication movements for hips, knees and shoulders to sooth those achy joints; a few important stretches to help relieve joint compaction and increase range of motion and a simple technique that’ll align joints and cut down on wear and tear. Location: Ridgedale YMCA 12301 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka #JOINT-SP-15 Wednesday, May 6 $29 for 1 class YMCA Ridgedale Janice Novak
10:00 - 11:30 am
Yang Style Short Form Tai Chi Chuan offers health benefits including relaxation, improved flexibility and better balance. In this class, an easily learned variation of Chen Man Ching’s 37 move Yang style form will be taught. Yang style Tai Chi Chuan is the most popular style of Tai Chi and is known for its graceful movements and moderate frame.
Let’s Hike! Fun, Friends & Fitness We are the Outdoor Health Club. We meet Monday and Thursday evenings at a variety of parks, parkways and wildlife sanctuaries to help you do your fitness walking on one of more than 100 local trails around the Twin Cities. Then join us for a healthy picnic or potluck. The best part? Membership is FREE! On weekends, we venture farther away to places like Red Wing’s Barn Bluff, White Water State Park and Jay Cooke State Park. We have nearly 170 events per year. We will walk at the first meeting so dress accordingly. Learn easy tips to stay healthier longer and have fun in the process. Club members receive the schedule of events upon request. #HIKE-SP-15 Wednesday, Apr. 22 $15 for 1 class Central Middle School - A201 Kent Barker
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Make Up Boot Camp for Women 40 and Better When is the last time you updated your make-up and beauty regime? Has your skin changed over time? What about your hair color? Join this “boot camp” to update your look with tips and techniques for ageless beauty. Learn about a variety of products, some may be completely new to you, application, and the latest trends in makeup and skin care. Julie Sherman is a makeup artist with 20 years of experience. No products or services will be sold! This class is essential for busy, beautiful women who could use a little updating!
#YANG-W-15 Wednesdays, Mar. 18 - May 27 7:30 - 8:30 pm No class Apr. 1 $85 for 10 classes East Middle School - Locker Bank Lower South Jay Soderberg
#MAKEUP-SP-15 Tuesday, Apr. 28 $29 for 1 class Central Middle School - A202 Julie Sherman
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Refund Policy Refunds are given when an enrollment is withdrawn at least 3 business days (M-F) before the start of class. Call 763-745-5213.
Tai Chi for Arthritis Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition involving a series of movements performed in a slow, focused manner and accompanied by deep breathing. It is noncompetitive, gentle and flowing. Since Tai Chi is a life-long exercise, anyone can do it, regardless of their physical condition or age. Tai Chi for Arthritis was developed by Dr. Lam in 1997 specifically to address arthritis by providing a safe and enjoyable and easy-to-learn program. Tai Chi can deliver relief from pain and depression, improve relaxation, increase one’s ability to move, and benefit health in general. Other benefits include flexibility, balance and stability. Instructor Jay Soderberg is certified to teach Tai Chi for Arthritis and Tai Chi for Health. #TAICHI- FREE Open House Wednesday, Mar. 11 6:30 - 7:30 pm FREE East Middle School - Locker Bank Lower South Jay Soderberg
#TAICHI-W-15 Wednesdays, Mar. 18 - May 27 6:30 - 7:30 pm No class Apr. 1 $85 for 10 classes East Middle School - Locker Bank Lower South Jay Soderberg
Lose Weight or Stop Smoking with Group Hypnosis Hypnosis is effective, relaxing, and you will be in control at all times. Fee includes a CD and lifetime membership card for reinforcement, allowing you to attend future seminars free. Students interested in both classes must register for both classes. Visit www.hypnosisclinic.net for more details. Instructor holds a Doctorate of Clinical Hypnotherapy. • Fee is $65/person for 1class, lifetime membership and practice tape • Location is Central Middle School, Media Center • Bring a pillow, blanket or bean bag chair for added comfort • Taught by Mary Fischer, Ph.D. Schedule: • 6:00-6:30: Check-in • 6:30-7:15: Introduction (required for both weight loss and smoking cessation) • 7:15-8:00: Weight loss hypnosis (smokers will take a 45 minute break, off school grounds, to have a last cigarette) • 8:00-9:00: Stop smoking hypnosis
Group Hypnosis for Weight Loss Control your eating habits and stop cravings. Learn to desire the right foods. Get motivated to exercise and drink more water. #HYPWT-SP1-15 Monday, Apr. 20 6:00 - 9:00 pm $65 for 1 class Central Middle School - Media Center
Stop Smoking or Chewing Tobacco with Hypnosis If you are ready to quit smoking and chewing, hypnosis can help you stop immediately with little, if any withdrawal, or weight gain. #HYPSMK-SP1-15 Monday, Apr. 20 6:00 - 9:00 pm $65 for 1 class Central Middle School - Media Center
Register Online
ùã®Ã ½ ÝÝ Ý ã zM Z® ¦ ½ Wayzata Community Education is pleased to offer daytime classes in partnership with the Ridgedale YMCA – 12301 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka
Joint Health Workshop: Have Stronger, Younger, Healthier Joints The human body contains 143 joints. Strong, flexible joints are needed for almost every activity we do – walking, lifting, bending, etc. Unfortunately, studies show that at any given time, 1/3 of all adults worldwide are experiencing some sort of joint pain. When your joints hurt, even simple movements become painful and that greatly lowers quality of life. The good news is, your joints were meant to last a lifetime and studies are showing that you CAN reduce pain and restore your joints to a stronger, healthier condition. In this workshop, we’ll talk about: various causes of joint pain; treatments currently available; pros and cons of taking prescription drugs to mask pain; latest research information on nutrients that can help repair joints; results of a breakthrough study on gelatin; simple joint lubrication movements for hips, knees and shoulders to sooth those achy joints; a few important stretches to help relieve joint compaction and increase range of motion and a simple technique that’ll align joints and cut down on wear and tear. #JOINT-SP-15 Wednesday, May 6 $29 for 1 class Janice Novak
10:00 - 11:30 am
Travelogue: Cape Cod & the Islands; Charleston & Savannah Holiday Visit us for an informational meeting about the two unique travel opportunities sponsored by Wayzata Community Education. Get the inside scoop about the destinations (Cape Cod & the Islands and Charleston & Savannah Holiday) and trip details. Travelogues are free but registration is required at least four days in advance. Attending a travelogue does not commit you to the trip. Join us even if you are just curious. All are welcome! To reserve your place: Call Diane at 763-7455265, or email diane.robinson@wayzata.k12. mn.us March 17, 2015 Ridgedale YMCA
11 am – Noon
Trip details are on page 22
Classes in Elder Law Let Elder Law Attorney Elizabeth Michaelis help you understand and navigate some of life’s most difficult financial issues. Elizabeth Michaelis , J.D., M.B.A, practices in Trusts, Wills and Estates, and Elder Law.
Probate: Understand It; Avoid It!
Baseball and Random Walks Join us as we explore the science of chance with fascinating examples drawn from the stock market, biology, physics, as well as sports. We will use sabermetrics to predict the Twins 2015 record; explore the potential impact of the latest sports technology such as the use of advanced cameras. Class includes a presentation from the Twins Coordinator of Baseball Research on how they use technology. Steve Pine holds a Ph.D. in Psychometrics from the University of Maryland, All Star Baseball and Electric Football Neighborhood Commissioner circa childhood, and is a suffering Twins fan. #BASEBALL-SP-15 Tuesdays, Mar. 24 - Apr. 7 $15 for 3 classes YMCA Ridgedale
Free Travel Show
Many people die without preparing important estate planning documents. By not planning, you risk the need to probate your estate, with its costs, delays, public filings and possible loss of control of the disposition of the assets you spent a lifetime acquiring. Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorney, Elizabeth Michaelis, will discuss the importance of planning to avoid probate, the different ways property is transferred when someone dies, and the reason having a Will does not avoid probate. #PROBATE-SP1-15 Thursday, Apr. 16 $15 for 1 class
1:00 - 2:30 pm
1:00 - 2:30 pm
2'Ê Pursue a Passion… Or an Interest Many Ed2Go classes are 6 weeks long with 12 lessons. Lessons are released on Wednesdays but you can learn anytime, anywhere. Most classes are just $99. At $8.25 per class, that’s a bargain! Classes start monthly. Achieving Success with Difficult People Do you know people whose behavior makes completing even the simplest tasks difficult? Would you like to learn how to have more successful relationships with difficult bosses, co-workers, students, neighbors or family members? Join this class and get helpful information for understanding yourself, solving people problems, and improving your relationships and personal and professional productivity.
Building Teams that Work Teams are becoming a staple in today’s workplace. In this course, you’ll learn the components of a successful team and the stages of its development. You’ll master the skills you’ll need to effectively manage projects, make decisions, and solve problems in a team setting. Plus, you’ll have a chance to learn the pitfalls of unhealthy group interaction and minimize any of its effects on your team.
Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners If you’re thinking of starting a blog or just beginning one, this course is for you. Perhaps you’d like to try out podcasting too. You can and it’s easy. In this course, you’ll learn how to create, manage, and promote your own blog and audio and video podcast using tools that you already have on your computer—no paid software or equipment is needed.
Effective Business Writing Do you have a nagging suspicion that a small improvement in your writing skills might also improve your career prospects? Don’t let small gaps in your business writing skills prevent you from reaching your full potential! It doesn’t matter whether you’re a clerical worker, an engineer, or an executive. If you communicate with others in writing, you need this course to help you identify and eliminate problem areas.
Assisting Aging Parents Are your parents in their golden years? Learning how to help parents or other loved ones through their transition can prepare us for our own. This compassionate and comprehensive class will give you the tools, techniques, and insights for this passage. Growing older is a part of life. Some aspects are joyful, some bittersweet, some frustrating, some frightening. You will learn what to expect, what to watch for, how to deal with physical and emotional challenges, and where to find resources to help. You’ll understand the impact of retirement, learn how to choose a nursing home, and be prepared to deal with death. You’ll learn about financial and legal considerations, health issues, and family interpersonal relationships.
See all courses & register: www.ed2go.com/wayzata 28
Register Online
h'Êã ½ ÝÝ
Advance in Your Career With a Course or Certificate UGotClass is a new addition to Wayzata Community Education’s Online Learning options. Focused on skills and information you need for success in the 21st century, UGotClass features online certificates and courses provided by expert instructors. Demonstrate your knowledge. Boost your productivity and your organization’s bottom line. Certificate in Teaching Adults
Certificate in Customer Service
Entrepreneurship Finance Certificate
Introduction to Project Management
Management Certificate
Executive Leadership Certificate
Google Apps for Business
Certificate in Data Analysis There are many courses and certificates available within these categories!
See all courses & register: www.yougotclass.org/catalog.cfm/wayzata Community Use of Facilities Does your group need a place to meet weekly, monthly, or intermittently? Consider Wayzata School District facilities. District facilities are just around the corner or down the road, professionally staffed, and reasonably priced. Classroom and meeting rooms are available. For more information, call 763-745-5263.
PÙʹ ã SÊ Ù Project SOAR provides specially designed classes & activities that enable adults with disabilities to participate in Community Education programs. This is just a sampling of some of the Project SOAR classes. For more information and details about classes and activities, call 952-401-6898 to get your own copy of the catalog, or go to our website at www.projectsoarmn.org and check out our Project SOAR catalog online.
Project SOAR is supported by the Community Education Departments of the Hopkins, Minnetonka, St. Louis Park and Wayzata School Districts
Service Projects Each season you can make a difference and participate in a service project to help others and give back to your community. Think of all the services you have used over the years, and pay it forward to another group or organization that could use your help.
Lifeskills Develop your Life Skills as you learn how to cook and sew and do all kinds of different things that help you with your everyday life. Here are some examples of our Life Skills classes:
All activities and classes are listed in the Project SOAR catalog. Call for a copy or find it online at www.projectsoarmn.org
Recreational Activities If you want to socialize, play a game or just hang out and meet new people, then check out the recreation & leisure activities we provide. BINGO Food & a Flick Game Nights
Outings Join us as we get out and about and explore the great things to do in the community. Here are some examples of our outings: AcƟvity Centers Theater Performances SporƟng Events
Cooking Classes Sewing Classes
Arts & Crafts Each month our instructors create projects where you can make beautiful things with your own hands. Bring your creativity to make something of your very own or something to give away as a gift. Seasonal CraŌ Projects PainƟng & Drawing Clay & Ceramics
Questions?? Contact… Myra Wicklacz, Program Manager 4584 Vine Hill Road Deephaven, MN 55331 952-401-6898 info@projectsoarmn.org
Register Online
ç½ã Ý® ç ã®ÊÄ Academic Reading for Success
Academic Skills Improvement
Do you want to improve your test scores, pass the GED, be successful in college or simply want to read better? This class is designed for individuals at intermediate reading levels to increase their reading outcomes. Areas targeted include alphabetics, academic vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Class registration and assessment required. Call Anne at 763-745-5213 for information and to register.
Boost your confidence, increase your employment opportunities or be better prepared for post-secondary education by improving your reading, math, or writing skills. Find out how increasing your basic skills can have an effect on your life by starting today.
English Language Skills Expand your English speaking, listening, vocabulary, reading, and writing skills in five available English levels to help you meet your personal and work goals. Classes offered range from Basic English skills through high intermediate level classes to meet your needs. An English skills assessment is required for class placement. Call 763-745-5213 to register.
GED Preparation What is the 2014 version of the GED test? Come and learn about the new features, testing requirements and skills necessary to pass the updated tests. Students who prepare with us have the opportunity to take the official online practice test for free at our learning center. Classes are open to individuals 17 years or older who are not enrolled in high school.
& î½ù L ÙĮĦ Äã Ù Baby Steps What does your baby need from you? What do YOU need for yourself? Discover new ways to support and enjoy your baby, connect with other moms and dads, and build on your strengths. Playtime with your infant will be followed by parent discussion and the best available information and support from our experienced, licensed parent educators. Your baby will stay with you. Whether this is your first or fifth child, your baby is unique and special, and so is this time in your life. Call 763-7455290 to find out what six-week and ongoing classes are available for you and your child!
BLOCK Time: Exactly What You Need BLOCK Time is our extremely popular program for children 16 months to 5 years. By prepaying for an 8-11 week session, you’re guaranteed a 2 1/2 hour slot every week, same day and time. Enjoy time for yourself, knowing your child is safe, learning, and having fun. Fees are prorated if you start after the first week. Full year block time is also available at a reduced rate! For more details or to register go to www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/flc Session
Knline ZegistraƟon ďegins
Session 3
3/2 - 6/5/2015
Peppermint Fence and ECFE Registration begins! Summer 2015 and 2015-16 School Year Don’t miss out! Many classes fill on the first day of registration, especially Peppermint Fence Preschool and Early Childhood Family Education parent/child classes (ECFE). Check our website for programming details. Register for classes at www.wayzata.k12.mn.us/flc Questions, call 763-745-5290.
W®Ý« Ý zÊçã« ÄÙ® «Ã Äã The WISHES Youth Enrichment program offers a wide variety of after-school, evening and weekend enrichment classes for elementary and middle school students. Classes include arts and crafts, science, engineering, math, chess, fencing, dance, theater and many more. Enrichment classes are designed to enhance your child’s educational experience, as well as stimulate new interests in hobbies and recreational activities. Catalogs are mailed three times per year in September, January and March. To request a catalog, call 763-745-5213. To view course offerings online, visit www. ceregistration.wayzata.k12.mn.us/ces.
Register Online
ÊÃÃçÄ®ãù Z ÝÊçÙ Ý IOCP Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners (IOCP) serves families and individuals of eight west suburban communities—Hamel, Long Lake, Medicine Lake, Medina, Minnetonka Beach, Orono, Plymouth, and Wayzata. Located at 1605 Hwy 101 North in Plymouth, IOCP provides both short- and long-term help with food, clothing, housing, employment, child care, transportation, and connections to other resources. IOCP also engages the entire community in learning and service opportunities. www.iocp.org 763489-7500.
Plymouth Parks & Recreation Aquatics Program 763-509-5200 www.plymouthmn.gov Plymouth Parks and Recreation is an American Red Cross authorized provider and sponsors the aquatics program. Contact Plymouth Parks and Recreation for additional information. • Swim Lessons: Red Cross Learn to Swim program is offered year round including parent child classes, youth, teen, adult and specialty classes. • Friday Night Open Swim: Come and enjoy the benefits of swimming, fitness, and family fun. Lap lane available. LocaƟon: Wayzata East Middle School Fri. 6:30 – 8:30 pm; dates vary.
Pool Rental: Enjoy the pool with your group or organization. Wayzata East and West pools are available for limited rental. Fee is $85 per hour and includes two lifeguards; larger groups are charged for additional guards. Call 763–509–5222 at least two weeks in advance. No Sunday rentals.
Looking to make a difference? Work in a fun and supportive environment. Lifeguard, Water Safety Aide, and Water Safety Instructor part-time positions are available during the school year and summer. Applications on-line at www.plymouthmn. gov.
Community Services for Older Adults Senior Community Services sponsors a variety of activities for seniors in the communities of Wayzata and Plymouth. For more information on services and activities, call 952-541-1019.
Plymouth Creek Center Located at 14800 – 34th Avenue in Plymouth. The senior program operates from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm every weekday and some evenings. Many programs, classes and trips are offered, including exercise, painting, history classes, legal and health seminars and many special focus groups. A bi-monthly newsletter will be mailed to seniors upon request. Call Sara Mittelstaedt at 763-5095280.
Wayzata Transportation for some activities is available through Senior Community Services. Wayzata Area Senior Gathering is a social group for all area seniors. Call Linda Mackin at 952-541-1019 for more information.
Minnetonka Senior Center The Minnetonka Senior Center and Community Center is located at 14600 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka 55345. The Center provides education and activities for adults of all ages. For information or questions, call 952-939-8393, or visit the website at: www.eminnetonka.com. Minnetonka residents can receive the monthly newsletter, Minnetonka Script, at no charge.
Athletic Associations For information about youth athletic associations and contacts, go to the District website at: www.wayzata.k12.mn.us Community Education>Facilities>Youth Athletic Associations
ÊÃÃçÄ®ãù ç ã®ÊÄ D®Ù ãÊÙù Bob WiƩman, Director ................................................................................ 763-745-5202 Lynn Zemlin, Coordinator ............................................................................ 763-745-5204 Adult Enrichment Anne Bipes, Registrar ................................................................................. 763-745-5213 Diane Robinson, Secretary .......................................................................... 763-745-5265 Deb Slomkowski, Manager .......................................................................... 763-745-5205 Adult Basic EducaƟon /ESL Cheryl Lubinski, Manager ............................................................................ 763-745-6034 Anne Bipes, Secretary ................................................................................. 763-745-5213 Driver EducaƟon Anne Bipes, Registrar .................................................................................. 763-745-5213 Kim Hilt, Manager ....................................................................................... 763-745-5216 FaciliƟes Linda Vicary, Secretary ................................................................................ 763-745-5263 Sally Wheeler, FaciliƟes Manager ................................................................ 763-745-5224 Family Learning Center Sandi Arndt, Coordinator ............................................................................ 763-745-5292 RacƋuel Williamson, FLC Oĸce Secretary ................................................... 763-745-5290 Renée Lach, Lead Children’s Teacher .......................................................... 763-745-5230 Joyce Heyer, Peppermint Fence Preschool Manager .................................. 763-745-5294 Home Base Carol Solheid, Home Base Manager ............................................................ 763-745-5212 Karen Neiss, Home Base Billing Secretary ................................................... 763-745-5201 Marla Kautzky, Home Base Billing Secretary ............................................... 763-745-5203 Project SOAR Myra Wicklacz, Coordinator ........................................................................ 952-401-6898 Y.E.S. (Youth Extending Service) Brenda Badger, Coordinator Club Y.E.S. (Youth Extending Service) ............. 763-745-6807 WISHES Anne Bipes, Registrar .................................................................................. 763-745-5213 Diane Robinson, Secretary .......................................................................... 763-745-5265 Deb Slomkowski, Manager .......................................................................... 763-745-5205 School District AdministraƟon .................................................................... 763-745-5000 City of Plymouth, AƋuaƟcs Program ........................................................... 763-509-5200 City of Plymouth, GymnasƟcs Program ....................................................... 763-509-5200
Volunteer! Be an Elementary School Literacy Volunteer Help a child read! Become a Literacy Volunteer at any of the Wayzata Elementary Schools. Read with a 3rd, 4th or 5th grade child once or twice a week. Training and books are provided. Program runs from October through April. Interested? Questions? Contact Charlene Barghini, Volunteer Coordinator, Wayzata Public Schools, 763-745-5045, or Charlene.Barghini@wayzata.k12.mn.us.
Register Online
Note the location of your class. Some classes are hosted by neighboring school districts and businesses.
Wayzata Public Schools Independent School District 284 1.
W z d SZ. H/'H 4955 Peony Lane
<IMBERLz LANE ELEM. 17405 Old Rockford Road
OA<WOOD ELEM. 17340 County Road 6
EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL 12000 Ridgemount Ave.
10. PLzMOhTH CREE< ELEM. 16005 41st Ave. N.
WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL Wayzata Blvd. & Barry Ave.
11. SUNSET HILL ELEM. 13005 Sunset Trail
BIRCHVIEW ELEM. 425 Ranchview Lane
12. ADMINSTRATION BUILDIN' 210 County Road 101 N.
'LEASON LA<E ELEM. 310 County Road 101 N.
13. IOCP CENTER 1605 County Road 101 N.
'REENWOOD ELEM. 18005 Medina Road
14. zMCA RID'EDALE 12301 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka
4 Easy Ways to Register
ONLINE RE'ISTRATION Go to: www.ceregistraƟon.wayzata.k12.mn.us Set up an account and register using your MasterCard, VISA or Discover. Need Help? Call the Registrar at 763-745-5213
BY MAIL Wayzata Community EducaƟon, Adult RegistraƟon, PO Box 47334, Plymouth, MN 55447 (Checks payable to ISD 284)
BY PHONE 8 am to 4 pm, 763-745-5213
IN PERSON 8 am to 4 pm, EducaƟon Services Center, 12925 16th Ave, Plymouth
UCare – UCare members may be eligible for a $15 discount on most classes in this catalog. UCare for Senior members are limited to one discount per calendar year. Members must be enrolled in UCare at the time of registration, and through the duration of the class. Have your UCare ID number ready when registering. You must call to register with UCare, 763745-5213. Additional fees/materials – Additional fees and/or materials are required for some classes. Check the course description. Payment is made directly to the instructor at the first class. Are you in? If you register online, you will know immediately if you are in the class; provide your email address when setting up your account and we will email confirmation and a receipt. If you register by mail, assume you are enrolled unless we notify you. Although most classes run, we reserve the right to cancel classes due to enrollment. Refund Policy Full refunds are given when Adult Enrichment cancels a class. Unless noted, refunds will be given when an enrollment is withdrawn at least 3 business days (M-F) before the start of the class; 7 days for cooking classes. Note that other Community Education programs have separate refund policies. Facility changes: For reasons beyond our control, it is sometimes necessary to change facility, location, time and date. Inclement weather information: If school closes during the day due to weather, Community Education will cancel all activities. If school is not closed, assume classes are “on” — no refunds if classes commence. Announcements are broadcast over WCCO-AM radio. You may also check the district’s main webpage at www.wayzata.k12.mn.us. Fee discounts: Fee discounts may be available to qualifying low income District 284 residents. Call 763-745-5265. Photo/Video Use Policy for Adult Enrichment Classes: By registering for a Community Education, Adult Enrichment class, you are giving permission to use your photograph/video in future District #284 publications such as this catalog, print publications/brochures, and web pages. If you do not wish your photograph/video to be used, please inform the instructor at the first class.
AĚult Enrichment RegistraƟon &orm Name ______________________________________________ Birthdate __________________ Email address ___________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ Phone (Home, Work and Cell) ______________________________________________________ Class η ഩClass Title ഩClass &ee പ ____________ പ ________________________________________________ പ ____________ ____________ പ ________________________________________________ പ ____________ (Make checks payable to I.S.D. #284) Total $ ____________
Register Online
Register online or call for information 763-745-5213
Add pizzazz to your property with lush, healthy, long-lasting and colorful container gardens. Learn how to create striking combinations of readily available plants that will bring long-lasting color to your deck or patio. pg 13
Container Gardens!
Master Gardener, Theresa Rooney will share ideas for yards and gardens that require less work for the gardener. Learn about different gardening methods and plants that are easy to care for. pg 13
Sustainable Landscape!
Learn how to grow a bountiful garden without using herbicides, insecticides, or fungicides, and without weeding! pg 13
Straw Bale Garden!
Spring is Here!
Adult Enrichment
Education Services Center 12925 16th Avenue North Plymouth MN 55441
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