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Mr Alf Morris Retires
Mr Alf Morris
Alfred John Adriaan Morris would havebeenasuperlative asset to any leadingschool. But to Wynberg he is more than that combining as hedoes.intense loyalty. dedication anda comprehensiveaffection. not only for the boys he taught and coached. but also for the abstract imageof the institution he servedso well for forty-one consecutiveyears.
Integrity. intelligent tolerance andthe facility of getting on with people earned the support respect and affection of the boys.staff and parents. In addition he was popular with the coachesand representatives of the many other schools with whom he came in daily contact. . Alf jOined the Wynberg staff as physical education Instructor in April 1947. the concluding year of Mr Clegg's regime: a perspicaciouschoice by the retiring headmaster. On the arrival of the new principal. Mr Bowden.he wasappointed assistantsupervisor of The Glade (an annexe of the Hostel). and in 1949 he was transferred to the Hostel itself (later rebuilt and
named LittlewOOd House). a post he ably held until he marrIed In. 1957. He later had two shOrt spells in
charge of LlttJewOOd House. The fact that he was twice askedto step into the breachandmanageLittlewood is ample testimony to his outstanding efficiency in this branch of school administration.
On the academicside. he first taught Biology. then Geography from 1949 to 1988. and was Headof the Geography Department. He also taught English from 1947 to 1988. and in duecoursetook on the arduous but invaluabletask of becominganoutside examiner in Matriculation English Languagefrom 1964 to 1985.
Shortly before a SchoolMatric Danceheaccepteda "blind-date" partner. Helena van Heerden. who was then teaching music at the Wynberg Junior School. This fortuitous plan was perpetrated by Jan Oosthuizen.andsoondevelopedinto aclosefriendship. culminating in marriage in 1957. In a world where marriage is often by no meansa binding institution. this union has been conspicuously successful. Alan and Catherine being a tribute to a happy.close-knit family setting.
Helena was soon to become one of South Africa's most celebrated pianists. regularly playing concerts throughout this country and also giving many recitals in Zimbabwe. She has performed with the National Symphony Orchestra. the Cape Town Symphony
Orchestra. the Natal Philharmonic and SABC Orchestra. For many years she has lectured at the UCT School of
Music. ultimately gaining the coveted position of Senior Lecturer. She has been an Examiner for the