WBIA WisconsinBioIndustry
A l l i a n c e
Our Mission
Our mission as a non-profit corporation is to support current production and innovation as well as education and outreach to support increased comsumption of bio-based renewable fuels and their coproducts in Wisconsin.
Government Relations Education
• Promoting and advocating on behalf of biobased renewable fuel and power with a focus on Wisconsin-based industry.
• Breaking down walls between and creating alignment among organizations that share a similar vision for the bio industry in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Bio Industry Alliance is a nonprofit corporation that supports the development of bio-based renewable energy and power in Wisconsin. By bringing the appropriate players to the table, the organization will grow the bioeconomy in Wisconsin, concentrating on a specific series of campaigns targeted at the most fertile opportunities in Wisconsin.
Bio Fuel • Bio Energy • Bio Power
Major Accomplishments
• Created the first-ever, bio industry-wide expert database for the media and policy makers.
• Helped pass corn checkoff, which raised $1 million, much of it for ethanol promotion. • Influenced the makeup of the Special Committee on Domestic Biofuels and the Task Force on Global Warming.