What is Document Management? In this age of information document managing, process of input, delivery, storage, receipt, and categorization of data, is critical but important. Any type of organization, government, private or individuals, has to rely on reliable solutions to keep their data safe and readily accessible. “Document Management” means the controlling of the life cycle of data or documents in any organization. It implies that how they are created, reviewed, published, and consumed, and how they are ultimately disposed of or retained, in short the top‐down control of information. Document Management System promotes finding and sharing information easily, also promotes knowledge management and information mining. It helps an organization meet its legal responsibilities and reflects the culture of the organization. Document management tools should be flexible, allowing the users control documents' life cycles tightly and also fits enterprise's culture and goals.
Areas that a Document Management System or Software Should Address: Location of the stored documents Filling system of the documents Retrieval or the way of finding documents Security of the documents Disaster recovery process Retention period Perceiving of documents for future readability Availability of the document to the people that need them Work flow Document creation process Authentication and Traceability
Why Should You Use Document Management Software? Document management is considered as the most important task in any organization. But the question is, “Which is the best process of document management, Manual or automatic?” Many organizations think that manual process is best because in this process human brains are directly involved. Though it’s true but it’s a time and money consuming process. Instead, if you use a Document Management Software that makes the task much easier. It will save your tremendous amounts of time with accurate, fast and easy handling of your documentations. It handles the documents fast and accurately, indexing them accordingly. It is needless to spend hours and hours processing and indexing you documents manually, when you can change to an automated document management system.
Which One Is Best For You? Lots of Document Management Software is available in the market. From this huge collection you have to choose the best one for your organization. They come in three editions Standard, Professional and Enterprise to suits the needs of all types of organization respectively. Choose the one that goes with the goals and needs of your company. Though it is your freedom to choose the right software for your business but there are some common features that you have to consider. 9 Security: They have to be accessible by only authorized personnel requiring passwords to log in. 9 Online Searching: Must allow users to search online for documents in real time. 9 Cost Effective: Choose a pay‐per‐use model, as it may be cost effective.
9 Editing & Updating: Use the one that has easy editing and updating options. 9 Selective Access: Should allow selective access to selective areas, depending upon the level of authority. 9 Keep Track of Changes: Should keep track of changes made with time stamps and also maintain a copy of the original file too for convenience. 9 Eliminate the Risk of Losing Data: The greatest tool is the one that eliminates the risk of losing data. 9 Types of Documents: It should be able to capture, store, index, process, retrieve, distribute, and dispose any types of data. 9 Work‐flow Management: Should maintain an orderly and well‐organized flow of documents. 9 Easy to Use: It should be friendly to the users from any geographical location which makes it possible to access data from a far off location with such as an office in another country easily. 9 Risk Recovery: It should have an easy option to recover data in case of accidental data loose. Some Useful Recourse For Document Management: ¾ Document Management Avenue ¾ Document Management Software ¾ Document Management Magazine ¾ Document Manager Magazine