Information on Surrogacy – How to Find a Surrogate Mother
When you're talking about information on surrogacy, one of the biggest questions a couple has after determining that surrogacy is right for them is just where to go to find a surrogate mother. The truth of the matter is that like most things in surrogacy, there is no one right answer.
Information on Surrogacy – Using a Matching Agency There are hundreds of surrogacy agencies throughout the world ready to assist intended parents with matching with a surrogate mother. In addition to matching services, most of these agencies also provide services such as escrow, liaison, and even legal services. Surrogacy agencies vary in price, but easily add on thousands, to tens of thousands of dollars to the cost of the surrogacy. Often, however, this is a small price to pay for the benefit of finding the right surrogate mother.
Information on Surrogacy - Independent Matching Many intended parents choose to cut out the cost of an agency from the already expensive process of surrogacy and match on their own. Often, intended parents will place ads on surrogacy classified boards online, or even take out advertisement in local publications. Often, intended parents will start looking for a surrogate in this manner, but end up using an agency for the convenience and experience.
Information on Surrogacy – Matching Through a Lawyer or Clinic Other intended parents are already utilizing the services of a surrogacy lawyer, or infertility clinic that has access to surrogate mothers. Sometimes these services are provided as an extra fee to the current services the intended parents are taking part in, while other times this is included in their cost. Many surrogacy arrangements are matched via lawyers or infertility clinics.
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ďƒ˜ Information on Surrogacy- Matching Through Word of Mouth Believe it or not, but some of the best matches for surrogacy happen through word of mouth. An intended mother might tell a co-worker that she is looking into surrogacy, for example, and the co-worker mentions it to her sister. The sister was looking to become a surrogate, and the match is made! This might seem overly simplistic, but the fact of the matter is, surrogate mothers are found this way on a regular basis. It might not be a co-worker; it could be a neighbor, a friend's mother, or even an online friend.
ďƒ˜ Information on Surrogacy- Matching with a Family Member Which brings us to our final, and honestly, best, way of matching a set of intended parents with a surrogate mother. Some intended parents are lucky enough to match with a member of their own family. A sister, cousin, or mother makes an excellent surrogate, bringing the family closer together and saving the intended parents a lot of money which they will be needing as they begin to raise their children. Whichever way that a surrogate mother and she intended parents much; it is just the beginning of a deeply committed process of one family helping another become parents.
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