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5.5.3 Operational phase

• adequate space for vaccine storage and preparation (e.g. clean and hygienic environment, adequate ventilation and equipment to adhere to specific COVID-19 vaccine cold chain requirements); • vaccination stations a least 1 metre apart (ideally with installation of physical barriers between vaccination stations);

• adequate ‘cleanability’ of screening areas, vaccination stations, waiting areas (e.g. removal of items that cannot be readily decontaminated and minimizing clutter to aid effective cleaning); • appropriate waste management system including safe disposal of waste (such as vials and masks) and sharps at each vaccination station (see also ‘Disposable of consumables, vaccine and vaccine packaging’ section below). IPC supplies

Ensure that there is a continuous and sufficient supply of the following: • Personal protective equipment (PPE) including eye protection, long-sleeve fluid resistant gowns and gloves, in case it is required for vaccination team’s protection when dealing with a vaccine adverse event, to prevent exposure to non-intact skin to blood and body fluids or if a suspected case of COVID19 is identified during the screening process. • Other supplies include; alcohol-based hand sanitisers, thermo-scans for temperature screening, tissues; waste bins and bin liners, sharp disposal bins, cleaning and disinfection products, visual reminders and signage and physical barriers to aid spatial separation. Identify a suitable area for storage of supplies.

5.5.3 Operational phase

Use a daily checklist to monitor and ensure that the IPC and other safety measures are adhered to. Consider a daily ‘huddle’ to enhance teamwork and to highlight any IPC issues.

Screen all staff for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 at the start of each shift. Screen all people arriving for vaccination for COVID signs and symptoms, especially those people who meet the New Zealand Government ‘higher index of suspicion’ (HIS) criteria.

Ensure that the scheduling of vaccination appointments avoids over-crowding and allows for physical distancing and other IPC measures. Also, limit the number of accompanying people to only those who need assistance, whether physical or psychosocial. Key IPC measures to be implemented

Hand hygiene: • Vaccination team members to wash their hands with soap and water and dry thoroughly or use hand sanitiser at the start of the shift.

• Facilitate hand hygiene by people attending for vaccination • Vaccinators should perform hand hygiene before putting on and removing PPE, before preparing the vaccine and between each vaccine administration, preferably using alcohol-based hand sanitisers. • Gloves are not required and, if used, do not replace the need for hand hygiene between each vaccine administration and for other indications. The use of alcohol hand sanitisers on gloves is strongly discouraged.


• Select PPE based on risk assessment as part of Standard Precautions • In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinators should wear PPE appropriate to the public health risk and current COVID-19 Alert Level settings Injection safety:

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