BayofPlenty-eCALDModule1+4+2on12March2025-forhealth professionalsworkingwithculturalandlinguisticallydiversecommunities

Module 1 - Culture & Cultural Competency
12 March 2025
Time 0900-1100
Duration 2 hours
Kawakawa Room, Clinical School Education Centre, 889 Cameron Road, entry is via Gate 9, opposite Gate Pa School.

Module 4 - Working with Interpreters
12 March 2025
Time 1130-1330
Duration 2 hours
Where Kawakawa Room, Clinical School Education Centre, 889 Cameron Road, entry is via Gate 9, opposite Gate Pa School.
Who can enrol
Health professionals working in secondary care, primary care and NGO health sectors
Prerequisites No prerequisites
Who can enrol
Health professionals working in secondary care, primary care and NGO health sectors
Prerequisites No prerequisites
Module 2 - Working with Migrant Patients
12 March 2025
Time 1430-1630
Duration 2 hours
What you need to know
Kawakawa Room, Clinical School Education Centre, 889 Cameron Road, entry is via Gate 9, opposite Gate Pa School.
Prerequisites Module 1 or Module 1CS or Module 301-1 or Module 801-1.
How to enrol
To register, please go to this link https:// wkf.ms/3UQqaaJ or send an email to Workforce@wboppho.org.nz by 12th February 2025 with the following details for each course you would like to register for:
Course name, date and time: e.g. Module 3, 10th May, 9:00am Your name, occupation, organisation name and email address

Module 1 - Culture & Cultural Competency
Course information: This course is for staff working in clinical roles. The aim of the course is to help learners understand ways to interact in a culturally competent manner with CALD patients and families. This course will increase awareness of your own cultural values, gain skills to recognise cultural differences and develop skills to apply the principles of cultural competence in practice.
Audience: This course is intended for anyone working in primary care, secondary care or mental health services.
The aim: The aim of the course is to increase your awareness of your cultural background and those of others cultures; and to improve your understanding of how cross cultural differences can affect communication, consultation and diagnosis.
Learning outcomes:
Understand the need for cultural competency
Understand the impact of culture on knowledge of the health system
Be more aware of one s own cultural values
Understand and learn how to apply the four elements of cultural competency (cultural awareness, sensitivity, knowledge and skills) in practice
Understand cultural sensitivity in practice
Gain knowledge and skills to develop cultural competency in practice
On completing this course: You will have developed new skills in cultural competency; and become aware of how assumptions, interpretations and judgements can impact on how we communicate with and understand our CALD patients during interactions / consultations