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Our Future Direction

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Our Future Direction

The Health and Disability System Review signalled a potential end to primary health organisations as we know them, but that does not mean we are going away.

The review proposes working towards a much more networked primary healthcare environment where the full range of primary and community services are planned with the community, not planned for them. It also proposes enhanced services designed to work for the population they are serving, for example, Māori communities having access to a wider range of kaupapa Māori services.

We have started a journey to move away from direct provision of services and grow our role as facilitator to support strengthening of the partnership between Iwi and General Practice teams.

An example of this is our new Long Term Conditions Programme – Te Ahunga Whānau – an outreach programme led by Iwi, centred in General Practice, with kaiāwhina (health navigators) working in equal partnership with nurses, individuals and whānau to address health and social needs.

The programme is in keeping with our new Health Strategy – Te Toi Huarewa – and our priorities of:


Achieving equity in health outcomes for Māori through investment in

Iwi-led and locally delivered kaupapa Māori programmes in partnership with General Practice teams

Not being afraid to try new and innovative models of care, acknowledging that one size doesn’t fit all. Models such as Health

Care Home and primary care services that reach out to people will be forefront in our thinking

Enabling people and whānau through a focus on self-management and shared care programmes to achieve independence and live healthy lives.


Working with our General Practice and Iwi partners, DHB and community providers to ensure a positive care experience for individuals and whānau throughout their health journey

Ensuring we have a strong and fit-for-purpose workforce. We will invest in and support the development of existing and new roles to promote a holistic approach to improving health and social wellbeing

Customer focus – maximising opportunities for engaging local communities in service design and evaluation.


Building our capacity and capability and that of our Iwi partner organisations to proactively support people to achieve and maintain wellness

Improving access to quality health services for our rural communities

Promoting the value and contribution of our General Practice teams to the health and wellbeing of whānau.

While not something we would have wished for, the COVID-19 pandemic has given us an opportunity to explicitly demonstrate the value of General Practice as central to the community’s health and wellbeing. The family doctor has never been so important.


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