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Other Artist we represent


Afro-Soul from Cameroon new album ‘Hongo Calling’ 2011


Soul & Jazz from Cameroon/ NL new album ‘Elle’ 2011


Magreb-Jazz from Morocco & NY new album ‘Berber Taxi’ 2011

COlOmbiAn speCiAl FOCus 2013


Afro-Psychedelica new album to be released summer 2012

LA MAKINA DEL KARIBE Urban Champeta-Punk & Cumbia Funk new album november 2011


Urban Afro-Colombian Grooves

W W W . W O R L D C O N N E C T I O N A G E N C Y. N L

lA ChiVA GAntiVA COlOmbiAn punk-rOCkers FrOm brussels new album ‘Pelao’ September 2011 on Crammed Discs

AleJAnDrO tOleDO & the mAGiC tOmbOlinOs bAlkAn brAss, Gypsy CrAzyness & lAtin rhythms FrOm lOnDOn new album ‘Full Attack With Sudden Defenses’ 2011

W W W . W O R L D C O N N E C T I O N A G E N C Y. N L

GAbby yOunG & Other AnimAls CirCus swinG FrOm lOnDOn uk new album expected march 2012 on world Connection

lOCOs pOr JuAnA COlOmbiAn reGGAe, skA & CumbiA inFuseD mestizO new album ‘Evolucion’

W W W . W O R L D C O N N E C T I O N A G E N C Y. N L

blitz the AmbAssADOr

hip hOp, Funk- sOul & AFrO beAt

Konserthus Copenhagen 28 october - 21:00 hrs Foyer Stage 2

new Album ‘Native Sun’ out May 2011

W W W . W O R L D C O N N E C T I O N A G E N C Y. N L

khAirA Arby Desert blues FrOm timbuktu mAli album ‘Timbuktu Tarab’ 2010

Tour 2010 2011 included: GlObAlQuerQue, wOmAD, sFinks, FestiVAl 3 CulturAs, sXsw, Atp FestiVAls, AFriCA Oye, OyA FestiVAl, mOntreAl JAzz and many more

tour 2012: July & August + November

GAby mOrenO sinGer-sOnGwriter, FOlk-pOp, blues & retrO sOul FrOm lOs AnGeles new album ‘Illustrated Songs’ out on world Connection February 2012 W W W . W O R L D C O N N E C T I O N A G E N C Y. N L

mArtA GOmez lAtin AmeriCAn sinGer-sOnGwriter AnD sOnG pOetry FrOm COlOmbiA

new album ‘El Corazon y El Sombrero’ out in 2011

eVA AyllOn

Canta A Chabuca Granda prObAbly the strOnGest VOiCe OF lAtin AmeriCA tODAy! Acoustic project around the repetoire of Chabuca Granda

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beneluX representAtiOn CARMINHO

Fado’s new promise!

showcase-Friday 28th of October Konserthus Studio 1 - 23:15 hrs

FATOUMATA DIAWARA Africa’s new rising star

debut album out september 2011 on world Circuit


Afro- Missisipi blues by Cameroons greatest blues guitar hero new album ‘Blues Menesses’ out september 2011 on world Connection

RICARDITO & QUINTETO TIPICO ORIENTAL From the legacy of La Vieja Trova Santiaguera. Original Cuban Son at its best

netherlAnDs representAtiOn MULATU ASTATKE

The Grandmaster of Ethio Jazz new album on strutt records in 2012


Where current urban cultures meet African traditions new album ‘Kinshasa Succursale’ out in november 2011 on Crammed Discs


Desert Blues by the Spriritual sons of Tinariwen new album ‘Toumastin’ out in 2011

W W W . W O R L D C O N N E C T I O N A G E N C Y. N L

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