Westminster Christian Academy Academics Overview

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the heart EDUCATING the mind

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The integration of the Christian faith with the study of the academic disciplines is the distinguishing characteristic of a Westminster education. OUR V I SI ON Prepare and equip more young men and women to engage the world and change it for Jesus Christ. OUR M I SSI ON Westminster honors Jesus Christ by providing an excellent education, rooted in biblical truth as interpreted by the Westminster Confession of Faith, for the children of Christian parents. Faculty and staff enable students to discover and embrace a biblical view of the world and integrate that view into every area of life.

B I B LE The purpose of the Bible Department is to reveal God, His sovereignty, and His deep love for mankind. Students are challenged to accept, believe, and apply the Gospel for salvation and live in daily obedience, growing in grace and giving all glory to God.

7th Grade: Essentials of the Christian Faith:

Old Testament

8th Grade: Essentials of the Christian Faith:

Life of Christ

9th Grade: Essentials of the Christian Faith:

Early Church and Epistles

10th or 11th Grade: Biblical Ethics

12th Grade: Worldviews

BUSINESS & CO M M U N I C ATI O N S The vision for this department is to offer students the opportunity to pursue areas of interest in the fields of business, communications, and applied technology. Courses are designed to expose students to topics and content that allow them to integrate core learning with areas of personal interest while also providing areas of discovery not found in other academic departments. In the Middle School, foundational digital and technology skills are developed through the Integrated Technology Literacies program and the use of the iPad. This program integrates various technological skill sets within the core classes. Introduction to Business Finance and Accounting Entrepreneurship Newspaper Journalism I Newspaper Journalism II Magazine Journalism I Magazine Journalism II Multimedia/Video Storytelling Marketing I Marketing II Principles of Economics

E N G LI S H Students learn the philosophical basis of literary works and analyze those works in light of biblical truth. The program also provides students with the tools to communicate the written and spoken language clearly and concisely.

7th Grade: Foundations of Writing &

Literature I (Honors)

8th Grade: Foundations of Writing &

Literature II (Honors)

9th Grade: Expository Writing,

Expository Writing (Honors)

10th Grade: Literature of Western Civilization,

Literature of Western Civilization (Honors)

11th Grade: American Literature,

American Literature (Honors), Language (AP)

12th Grade: Advanced Expository Writing,

Language (AP), Literature (AP)

TH E A RT S The purpose of the Arts Department is to teach students to express devotion and praise to their Creator through artistic endeavors. Students develop the discipline to take a piece of work from beginning to a point of display or performance. M IDD LE SC HOOL 7th Grade: Art, Band, Choir, Drama, Orchestra, Performing Arts Expo 8th Grade: Art, Band, Choir, Drama, Orchestra, Performing Arts Expo U PPER SCH OOL Art: 3-D Design, Art History (AP), Advanced Studio Art, Ceramics I, Ceramics II, Drawing, Graphic Design, Intro to Visual Art, Oil Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Studio Art (AP), Watercolor Painting Music: Band, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, Composition, Jazz Band, Mixed Chorus, Music Appreciation, Music Survey, Music Theory (AP), Orchestra Drama: Advanced Improvisation, Drama I, Drama II, Drama III, Speech Communication, Theatre Tech

H I STO RY Students are enabled to develop a conceptual understanding of humanity’s patterns of interaction and to view history as a continuing parable that reveals God’s purposes. Graduates will be better prepared to function in and redeem the culture.

7th Grade: Global Studies

8th Grade: Global Studies

9th Grade: The History of Global Conflict

10th Grade: Western Civilization,

Western Civilization (Honors), European History

11th Grade: U.S. History, U.S. History (AP)

12th Grade: American Government,

U.S. Government & Politics (AP)

M ATH Westminster math courses are designed to meet the needs of students of all abilities, interests, and college and career objectives; to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to model quantitative and spatial situations in all disciplines; and to enable students to develop skills in logical reasoning, problem solving, and technology.

7th Grade: Pre-Algebra, Pre-Algebra Concepts, Pre-Algebra (Honors)

8th Grade: Algebra I, Algebra I Concepts, Algebra I (Honors)

10th Grade: Algebra II Concepts, Algebra II, Algebra II (Honors)

9th Grade: Geometry Concepts, Geometry, Geometry (Honors)

11th Grade: Advanced Math Concepts, Calculus AB (AP), College Algebra (Excel), Precalculus (Honors), Precalculus with Derivatives (Honors), Statistics (Excel/AP) 12th Grade: Calculus BC (AP), Introduction to Computer Programing, Computer Programing with C++

PH YS IC A L E DUC ATIO N The goal of P.E. is for students to learn how to monitor and maintain their own health, fitness, and athletic development – skills that will serve them for life. MID D LE S C H O O L 7th Grade: Physical Education & Health 8th Grade: Physical Education & Health UPPER SCHOOL Female Fitness, Male Fitness Strength & Conditioning I, Strength & Conditioning II Health & Fitness

SC I E N C E At Westminster, students learn to embrace God's role as Creator and Sustainer of His universe from both a biblical and scientific perspective. The curriculum is designed for students to explore the fundamental concepts and principles of the science course and dig deeper into understanding the methods and technology used to discover them. This process teaches students to become problem solvers through observation, data collection, and experimentation.

7th Grade: Life Science, STEM 8th Grade: Physical Science, STEM 9th Grade: Physics, Physical Science Concepts, Physics (Honors) 10th Grade: Chemistry, Chemistry Concepts, Chemistry (Honors) 11th Grade: Biology, Biology Concepts, Biology (Honors), Biology (AP), Chemistry (AP) 12th Grade: Biology (AP), Chemistry (AP), Physics 1 & 2 (AP), Human Anatomy & Physiology Upper School STEM Courses: Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) Principles of Engineering (POE) Engineering Design (CAD) Applied Scientific Research (ASR) Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA)

WO RLD L A N G UAG E S Students learn to appreciate the cultures that God has created, to master the language skills, to understand the literature of these cultures, and to integrate their personal faith with these language and cultural studies. M IDD LE SC HOOL

8th Grade: Chinese, French, Spanish


Chinese: Chinese I, Chinese II, Chinese III

(Honors), Chinese IV (Honors)

French: French I, French II, French III (Honors),

French IV (AP): French Language and Culture,

French V (AP): Issues in Francophone Literature

Spanish: Spanish I, Spanish II

Spanish II Concepts, Spanish II (Honors),

Spanish III (Excel), Spanish III (Honors),

Spanish IV, Spanish IV (AP): Spanish Language

and Culture, Spanish V (AP): Issues in Hispanic


Experiential Learning: Summer Cultural

and Language Immersion Experience

TH E G I F TE D PROG R A M The Gifted Program provides services that meet the diverse social and academic needs of gifted students at Westminster. The Westminster Gifted Program has been specially designed to assist those students who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude or competence in one or more domains with accelerated and enriched learning.

S PEC IA L S E RV IC E S The Special Services program supports the educational needs of students with diagnosed learning differences. The goal of Special Services is to enhance academic success by providing tools and strategies to utilize in the classroom, with homework, and during testing.


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