Inside this issue
Swine flu:
schools report impact
Anèl Oosthuizen is one step closer to realising her dream of competing in the Olympic Games after breaking her own SA record in race walking. See page 16
Learners at Bergsig Primary School unpack a numeracy kit supplied by the WCED.
R20 million boost
to improve literacy and numeracy
Learners from schools across the Western Cape took to the stage to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Artscape School Arts Festival. See page 13
A programme to assist vulnerable children has been rolled out to over 200 schools. See page 7
Matriculants are hard at work preparing for the 2009 National Senior Certificate Exams. See page 5
The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will invest about R20-million in teacher training and support to improve the literacy and numeracy performance of primary school learners.
he project forms part of the national Foundations for Learning campaign in the province. The campaign aims to ensure that schools achieve pass rates of no less than 50% in literacy and numeracy by 2011. Genevieve Koopman, Director: Curriculum Development for General Education and Training, said as part of the WCED’s strategy to improve literacy and numeracy, measures must be put in place to ensure effective teaching and learning. “Over the next 8 years we will train teachers in new methodology and strengthen existing methodology. The emphasis is on getting the basics right. The first phase, involving 250 schools across the board, has already been put into operation.” Foundation phase and intermediate phase teachers from 125 schools received literacy training while their colleagues from the other 125 schools did numeracy training. Next year teachers who received literacy training will get numeracy training and vice versa. Participating schools received either literacy or numeracy kits for
respectively the foundation phase and the intermediate phase. Teachers also received work schedules, a booklet on how to teach per learning outcome and an assessment booklet. CD’s were included in the resource packs. Jo-Anne Munnik, a Grade 3 teacher at Bergsig Primary School in Bonteheuwel, said she enjoyed the training. Munnik had been teaching for 35 years. Learners in her class were all smiles as they explored the contents of the numeracy kits. Munnik said working with the apparatus is a tried and tested method to get learners interested in mathematics Zaidey Hoffmeester, a Grade 6 teacher who started her teaching career in 1974, said the training was very informative. “Methods change over the years and these workshops serve as a refresher course. You sometimes ask yourself: ‘Am I doing the right thing?’ You also learn a lot from other teachers through group work.” Hoffmeester said she expects to see an improvement in results. “The visual aids help the learners to understand and remember the concepts much easier.”
The third term had been dominated by Novel Influenza A (H1N1), previously referred to as swine flu, with schools reporting higher than normal absenteeism. The situation was exacerbated by the prevalence of seasonal influenza, which normally results in an annual absenteeism rate of about 20% in schools. Many schools had to adapt their academic, cultural and sports programmes due to the absence of large numbers of learners and teachers. Medical experts indicated that the overwhelming majority of cases of pandemic H1N1 influenza were mild. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) distributed advice provided by the provincial Health Department on how to prevent infection, and schools kept parents informed via letters, SMS and email. The WCED set up a reporting structure to monitor absenteeism and suspected H1N1 cases. Levels of absenteeism appeared to be improving by late August. Actions taken by the Provincial Department of Health include the distribution of posters, pamphlets and fact sheets as well as a radio information campaign on regional radio stations.
Koopman said to ensure ongoing support Curriculum Advisors and Learner Support Advisors received training in literacy and numeracy methodologies while the Curriculum Development website makes provision for interaction between teachers and curriculum specialists. “We want to make sure that our teachers know what to teach and that they are supported through training and resources. Regular workshops and/or conferences will also ensure that teachers stay in the loop.” Koopman said the rollout to other schools will follow a similar pattern until all schools received training. Schools will also undergo visual changes. “When the teachers at a school received numeracy training, it must be immediately evident to a visitor to the school that this is a numeracy school. Schools can number their parking bays, trim hedges into numerals and make any other visual and physical changes so that the change becomes tangible. Similarly a school should be immediately recognizable as a literacy school and the change should be encouraged from the outside in,” Koopman explained.
Wash your hands or clean them with alcohol-based hand rubs frequently, especially after you cough or sneeze and before you eat. Cover your nose and mouth with a clean tissue when you cough or sneeze, and throw the tissue in a rubbish bin immediately after you have used it. Alternatively, cough and sneeze into your sleeve. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, as you could infect yourself that way. Limit close (1 to 2 meter) contact with people who are sick with flu. If you get sick, stay at home and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
News in brief MODERNISATION PROGRAMME The modernisation programme embarked on by the provincial administration to find the best and most efficient way possible to serve the people of the Western Cape, gathered momentum following a series of briefings. MEC Donald Grant recently met with education officials at the Cape Town City Hall. Similar meetings were held in the West Coast and Eden Karoo. Officials were reassured that the modernisation process in the WCED will be carried out in a fair manner, with extensive consultation, and with a clear focus on ensuring quality education in the classroom. Grant thanked officials for their contribution to making the Western Cape Education Department the best in the country, but said the overall standard of education is still not good enough. The programme is essentially asking employees, what does it mean to be a modern government? This is seen to include cost effectiveness and serving the best interests of the public, especially the learner. Staff members are encouraged to participate in the process. They can e-mail the project team at modern@ or use the suggestion boxes that are available.
SCHOOL SAFETY Selected schools will receive handheld metal detectors to prevent learners from bringing weapons to school. A total of 109 schools in high risk areas will each receive two metal detectors during September. The total cost of the rollout is R250 000. Nariman Khan of the Safe Schools initiative said Bambanani volunteers will manage the access points at each of the schools and a designated member of the staff will be trained to effectively use the metal detectors. If a weapon is found on a learner, the prescripts of the Education Law Amendment Act (2007) will be applied, and the disciplinary actions as per the school code of conduct followed. Meanwhile the police have intensified their unannounced search and seize operations at schools to help curb violence at schools. In terms of legislation schools can also carry out random searches and seizures and drug tests based on a fair and reasonable suspicion that dangerous objects and/or illegal drugs may be found on school premises or during a school activity. Learners found with dangerous objects or drugs will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
SGB TRAINING Training is well underway for newly elected members of School Governing Bodies The Western Cape Education Department’s initial training programme, targeting all newly elected members, will run until November, said Redewan Larney, provincial electoral team co-ordinator. Governing Body Associations identified financial management and the relationship between governance and management as some of the issues that need urgent attention. According to Denise Ontong of the Paarl Governing Body Association misconceptions about the role and responsibilities of the SGB could lead to friction between the governing body and the school management team, often to the detriment of the learners. Paul Colditz, CEO of the Federation of School Governing Bodies of South Africa (FEDSAS), invited governing bodies to attend the federation’s induction programme for newly elected members in September. Larney said the WCED is committed to ensuring high-quality training for all elected SGB members. “A three-year training framework was developed in collaboration with other directorates and districts to ensure a standardised approach across the eight districts.”
Mars technology lands in Athlone High School
earners at Athlone High School now have access to robotic technology used to explore the surface of Mars. Representatives of the Gigapan Exchange Programme presented two Gigapan robotic, high-definition cameras to the school at the end of July. Athlone High is only the second school in Africa to be given the cameras. The Gigapan Exchange Programme is donating the robotic cameras to schools in different parts of the world to make it easier for learners to share their learning experiences with peers in other countries via the internet. The robotic cameras are based on technology used to capture high-resolution panoramas by the Spirit and the Opportunity Rovers on Mars. Illah Nourbakhsh, Associate Professor of Robotics at the Carnegie Mellon University, United States, led a team responsible for developing robotic control and imaging systems for the Mars Rover missions while director of NASA’s Ames Research Centre. The team decided to develop the Gigapan to improve learning and understanding between people on earth. Professor Nourbakhsh described the Gigapan project to school staff and officials of the Western Cape Education Department, and gave teachers their first lesson on how to use the system. The cameras are capable of capturing high-resolution, 360
Mogamad Buffkins and camera.
degree panoramas of any environment or scene, vertically and horizontally. Learners can then explore the panoramas down to the finest detail, for example, to look at a beetle on a flower in a field of flowers. Learners and teachers can also annotate scenes, to build valuable teaching and learning materials. The programme gave the first cameras to Lavela High School in Soweto, where learners have captured scenes in Soweto, including sites of the 1976 student uprising. They have shared images with learners in Pittsburgh, United States, and have discussed the scenes via special applications on the Gigapan website. The Soweto learners have also displayed their panoramas at a Johannesburg art gallery. Vincent Hendricks, a teacher at Athlone High School, said their first project will be to capture the
history of Athlone. This will include heritage sites like the Trojan Horse memorial and the WaterwichWilliams memorial as well as landmarks such as the old Power station and Athlone High School naturally. Mogamad Buffkins, a technology teacher at Athlone High, said he is especially excited about the project because it will improve the cognitive skills of participating learners. “They will have to answer questions about the images they load onto the website and they will ultimately become a resource themselves and teach other children about their environment. The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) is implementing the programme, represented in South Africa by the South African National Commission for UNESCO, based in the national Department of Education (DoE).
TECHNO SAVVY TECHNO-SAVVY TEACHERS Two Western Cape teachers and three colleagues from the Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga will represent South Africa at the Pan African Innovative Teachers Forum in Mauritius in September. Fiona Beal of Fish Hoek Primary and Cheryl Douglas of Bishops were among the winners of the 2009 Microsoft Innovative Teachers Forum awards. Beal won the award in the Innovation in Community category for her Bonding through Blogging project. Grade four and five learners were taught how to blog. They connected with the local elderly community and collaborated in writing projects with learners around the globe. Douglas received the Innovation in Collaboration award for her project; Teaching for the future. The project looks at the use of ICT resources to increase awareness and involvement of learners in global issues both in the curriculum and as an extra mural society.
Tribute to slain principal Tributes continue to pour in for Nomzoxolo Dziba, acting principal of Sithembele Matiso High School in New Crossroads. Nomzoxolo Dziba.
ziba (52) was gunned down just outside her office at the school on Monday 24 August. She has been described as a dedicated educator who was like a mother to the learners at her school. Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana, who is a former teacher and an acquaintance of Dziba, said she was “irreplaceable.” Dziba had been teaching at Sithembele Matiso High School since 1985 and was appointed acting principal last year. “Mrs. Dziba lived for the school and died for this school and we are not going to ignore this sacrifice,” said Eugene Daniels, director of the education district Metropole South. Her murder was widely condemned and deputy police minister Fikile Mbalula, who visited the school shortly
after the incident, has vowed to ensure that the police use all their resources to track down Dziba’s killers. Mbalula was accompanied by Angie Motshekga, national minister of Basic Education and her deputy Enver Surty. MEC Donald Grant expressed his condolences with Dziba’s family and her husband, Mbusi, who is the deputy principal at Joe Slovo High School. “Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this very difficult time.” Grant said: “Our schools should be places of safety, not places of violence. The fact that this crime took place on the school premises, despite the security measures put in place by Safe Schools, is entirely unacceptable and deeply concerning. The Western Cape Education Department provided trauma support to members of staff and learners at the school.
Putting the fun back in fundraising Cash-strapped schools find innovative ways to supplement their income
up for MySchool and Makro cards and link it to the school.” Schools get a percentage of the purchases made at participating stores. The MySchool system currently raises funds for more than 10 000 schools throughout the country with 350 000 active supporters, the organisation’s website stated. The programme reportedly contributes more than R1.5 million to schools and charities every month. Makro’s website stated that in the most recent bi-annual payout the company paid a total of R2.9 million in rebates to participating schools. Sanderson said the school uses their Makro card when they purchase stock for the tuck shop. The money generated is used to subsidise school camps and outings. He credits the school’s active PTA for ensuring that fundraising is as painless as possible for parents. The school recently had a very
“THE MYSCHOOL SYSTEM CURRENTLY RAISES FUNDS FOR MORE THAN 10 000 SCHOOLS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY” successful “Lend a Hand for a Rand” fundraiser where learners had to collect R25 in coins by doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood. Suggested tasks included walking the neighbour’s dog, baby-sitting cousins, watering their grandparents’ garden, washing cars and taking out the bin. Muizenberg Junior Primary School has teamed up with Little Creek Spur in Tokai in a fundrais-
ing initiative that earns the school 5% of the turnover for all sales made between 18:00 and 21:00 at special family evenings. Blouberg Ridge has done the same with the San Miguel Spur in Sunningdale, earning them 10% of all turnover on sales between 17:30 and 21:30, which raises about R4 000 for the school each time! Dee Cawcutt, principal of MJS, said the annual Junk2Funk Fashion show hosted by the school also proved to be a fun way to raise funds. Cawcutt said learners and educators parade in recycled garments, showcase their talents and offer their artworks and creations for sale. Sanderson and Cawcutt also identified huge electricity saving sprees as environmentally responsible cost cutting measures that should be used by all schools and the community at large.
chools are encouraging parents to sign up for rebate programmes to generate income for the schools without causing a further dent in the parents’ already tight budgets. Bruce Sanderson, chairperson of the Governing Body of Blouberg Ridge Primary School, said parents at their school are feeling the pinch of the economic downturn. He said the school budgeted for about 8% of their parents applying for financial aid. “That figure now stands at about 13% while many more parents probably qualify.” The increase in the number of parents who qualify for fee exemptions forces fee-charging schools to find innovative ways of supplementing their dwindling income. “We attempt to do fundraising without affecting the parents too much,” Sanderson said. “Parents are encouraged to sign
Zacaria Lategan, Grade 6, struts her stuff at the Junk2Funk Fashion show.
s News in picture WCED at Public Service Week The Western Cape Education Department literally took its services to the people with an exhibition in the Golden Acre Centre in Cape Town and in the foyer of WCED head office to mark Public Service Week. Various directorates and sub-directorates displayed posters of their work and handed out pamphlets and brochures with information and contact details. ard The demonstration of an interactive whiteboard Th by Albie Smith of the Khanya Technology in Education Project was a highlight of the exhibition. Khanya has installed nearly 1 000 interactive whiteboards in schools across thee province. da Bushwana from the sub-directorate Yolan Y tion and Safety Management answered Educa E ions around school safety. quest q orate The exhibition was coordinated by the Direct Th Business Planning and Strategy. Moya Paterson Bu made m sure that the tables were well stocked with pamphlets.
2010 Countdown staff Western Cape Education Department head office mark to s ration took part in provincial government celeb the start of the World Cup 2010 Countdown in June. their Departments invited staff to dress up in the kit of . teams r socce rite favou s Sh ing their colours, from the left, are Charle Show Botm Bo an, Luyanda Tonono, Ronelle Hatting and En Enslin Smith.
news wcednews is the official newspaper of the Western Cape Education Department. Tel : 021 467 2707 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATION
Paddy Attwell EDITOR
Millicent Merton CONTRIBUTORS
Allan Liebenberg Bronagh Casey Charles Coetzee Franklin Lewis Hein Marais Hennie Mentz Susan Hanekom Zelia Siebritz DESIGN AND LAYOUT
Infestation: Julia Ayerst and Jacky Smith
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
Interactive Telematic Teaching
Technology harnessed to support Grade 12 learners
A virtual learning environment has been created to help Grade 12 learners prepare for the 2009 NSC examinations. BY ZAAHIDA HARTLEY AND WALTER MERCUUR
Donald Grant, MEC for Education.
Message from the MEC
The intervention, known as Interactive Telematic Teaching, is based on a combination of satellite technology, the internet, cell phones (SMS protocol) and smart card technology. It has been developed by the University of Stellenbosch and involves an on-campus studio from where subjects like Mathematics, Physical Science, Life Sciences, Accounting and English First Additional Language are broadcast live to ten schools in seven education districts. Learners at each of the schools will be able to interact with the presenter in the studio by means of a computer or cell phone. Participants at each of the other sites will be able to see the questions on the screen. The lessons will be held after school hours during the week and on Sundays. The WCED will reimburse schools for providing transport and meals to learners attending the sessions. The presenters are WCED lead teachers, curriculum advisers and curriculum planners who have been chosen for their expertise in their subject areas. Subject teachers at each school will be expected to manage and monitor the process at the time when the lessons are beamed. Teachers will be remunerated on an hourly basis for performing this duty. The schools that are taking part are Manyano High in Khayelitsha, Perseverance Secondary in Belhar, Sinethemba Secondary in Philippi,
We have the pleasure of introducing the first edition of the WCED newspaper for all our principals, teachers and WCED officials. opefully this letter will contribute to achieving our objective of opening up a communication channel between us creating a partnership that is committed to producing improved results and excellence in our schools, developing an ethos of respect, courtesy, integrity, pride and discipline in each classroom. Our administration has identified a number of key education priorities, and we sincerely hope that it will have both your approval, and your continued support. Our main priority is to improve the leadership and management of our schools. We are committed to systematically improving the quality of education in our classrooms, starting with the schools which are underperforming. Effective, pro-active leadership and management are of crucial importance to the quality of education and the standards of performance in our schools. Another priority is to improve the literacy and numeracy rates of our learners, concentrating on the foundation stages of teaching and learning. An additional focus will be on increasing the number of learners acquiring skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). We will seek to develop a STEM strategy and action a programme for new Centers of Excellence, and have already met with a number of private-sector role payers and NGO’s to discuss how to fund these centers in innovative ways. We will also focus on improving school infrastructure and resources. Finally, school safety is of major concern. Many of you work in environments that are not conducive to learning. We will therefore focus on initiatives and partnerships between schools, parents, neighbourhood watches, the police and the community to ensure that all our educators, officials and learners are kept safe within the school’s perimeters. However, in order to live out these values and priorities, we need to structure schools for performance. We will be implementing a dashboard system for roll-out in the WCED, districts and schools, to further enhance our ability to effectively manage our resources and strengthen accountability. In all we do, this administration will be guided by three main principles - honesty, responsibility and accountability. We will tell the truth to one another, no matter how un-palatable; we will take responsibility for our children’s education; and, we will be accountable to our stakeholders, which include our children, parents, the community and the taxpayer. I look forward to working with all of you as we together strive to continuously improve the quality of education of all our learners in the Western Cape.
Kindest regards
Donald Grant MEC for Education Western Cape
Aloe Secondary in Mitchells Plain, Desmond Tutu Secondary in Mbekweni, Paarl, Noorder Paarl Secondary, Ashton Secondary, Mandlenkosi Secondary in Beaufort-West, Albert Myburgh Secondary in Bredasdorp and Naphakade Secondary in Illingilethu in Malmesbury. This is what principals had to say at the launch of the project on 21 July 2009. Mr Base, Ashton Secondary: “Our learners will benefit greatly from this project. As representatives of Ashton Secondary we are very enthusiastic and undertake to support the project wholeheartedly.” Mr T.J Pandle, Mandlenkosi Secondary: “As principal I wish to embrace this pilot project. As a school we welcome the diversity of strategies to empower our learners and staff. We appreciate the effort by WCED to enhance our horizons in this process. With team effort, this may provide learners with
adequate preparation for their final examination.” Mr Dunsdon, Albert Myburgh Senior Secondary: “I am really excited about the project. The learners are also looking forward to engaging in the project. It will benefit our community, because if learners do well, they will further their studies and this will strengthen the community. “ Ms Ndzuzo, Naphakade Secondary: “I want to co-ordinate this project myself. The learners are all excited about it and the staff is totally committed to make this project work. We have a diverse group of learners and staff, for example, we have many learners from Zimbabwe, who show huge potential. We would like all our learners to have equal opportunities to do well in the final examination so that they can further their studies. Furthermore, all our learners are from very poor homes and have no access to extra-tuition.”
The driving forces behind the telematics initiative: SITTING, FROM LEFT, Debbie van Heerden, Raymond Smith and Glynis Schreuder. STANDING, FROM LEFT, Walter Mercuur, Dr Antoinette van der Merwe, Zaahida Hartley and Prof. Tom Parks.
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
LEFT: Sundays Blayi teaches a Life Skills Class at Bulumko Secondary School in Khayelitsha. The school was one of 23 schools that offered classes during the holidays. BELOW: Ntombozuko Mxenge, a Grade 12 learner at Bulumko Secondary School in Khayelitsha, attended the winter school programme during the holidays.
ment Self-empower
Winter schools help learners prepare for finals Noxolo Tupa na in Khayelitsh , a Grade 12 learner at a, asks a qu Bulumko Se es part of the winter scho tion during one of th condary School e classes off ol program me. ered as
Learners at 23 schools in the Western Cape opted to forgo a three w week winter holiday in favour of better results in their NSC exams. BY BRONAGH CASEY
dary ko Secon r at Bulum classes e rn a le de 12 the ana, a Gra entively in one of the school. tt ba Tyokw t Sinethem hayelitsha listens a ool programme a h K School in art of the winter sc sp offered a
Extra tuition gives Grade 12 learners an opportunity to excel The Western Cape Education Department is offering 100 Grade 12 learners the opportunity to excel in the final exams by making extra tuition available to them.
T Western Cape Education The D Department assisted the programme b by providing lunches for the learneers and learning materials. Nontsikelelo Mshuqwana, a Grade 12 learner at Bulumko Secondaary School in Khayelitsha, said the w winter school helped her prepare for tthe final examinations later this year. “We are learning things that have n not yet been covered during the year.” During a visit to the school, MEC D Donald Grant commended learners ffor voluntarily participating in the p programme and wished them all tthe best for the exams. “It is so important that you pass yyour examinations and that many o of you receive a matriculation
endorsement so that you can get into a tertiary institution. You must empower yourself through education and grab the opportunities presented to you.” Grant said the programme gave learners the opportunity to revise and strengthen their understanding and knowledge of subjects, and allowed more time for the schools to complete the curriculum. He also thanked the teachers for giving up their time and talents to help the learners. “These teachers are not getting paid for this. They are doing it because they want these learners to succeed.” Grade 12 economics teacher Beauty Magawu said that she believed each learner was getting
he learners were selected on the basis of their Grade 11 final exam results and would have otherwise not been able to afford extra tuition. They had to achieve at least at levels 5 or 6 (60-79%) in the Grade 11 final examination in 2008 and are from schools in the education districts South, East, Central and North. The tuition programme will run from 27 July to 6 October for three days a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 16h00 - 19h00) as well as Saturdays and Sundays from 8h00 to 17h00. During the September vacation it runs from Monday to Friday (8h00 17h00). Catering will be provided. The programme has been developed around Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Accounting, English First Additional Language and English Home Language. It will include content coverage, revision, psychological support (counseling), career guidance, study methods, and strategies for preparing for an examination, e.g. nutrition, exercise, rest etc. The tutors are experienced teachers and experts in their subject fields who are able to deliver quality tuition and advice to learners. The extra tuition is aimed at improving the learners’ performance in the NCS exams and thereby providing access to possible bursary opportunities for them to continue their studies at a higher education institution. It is hoped that the learners would pursue careers in the fields of Economics and Engineering.
value out of the winter school. “Although the winter classes have been well-attended, it is a pity that not all our Grade 12’s came to the classes. I wish everyone was here. We will have to re-teach those that have missed what we have covered in the holiday.” Grant said the winter school programme will be rolled out on a larger scale in 2010. “The July holidays have been extended to five weeks next year. This time can be used productively to help prepare our Grade 12’s for their examinations. We will specifically tackle our underperforming schools and assist those that are also at risk of becoming an NSLA school.”
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
Holiday programmes
Message from the Acting Head of Education I am delighted with the publication of the first edition of WCED news and I am sure the broad education community of the Western Cape will join me in welcoming the first edition of the newspaper of the Western Cape Education Department. Communication plays a crucial role in the life of any community, to provide information about what is happening of interest, to build a common understanding of the challenges we face, and to build relationships. I am very pleased that, through WCED news, we now offer a further channel for communication across our organisation. WCED news will contribute to our efforts at achieving these goals, while showcasing excellence in every sphere – by learners, teachers and leaders in our schools, and officials in our administration and support structures. Ultimately, we have to work together in the best interests of our learners, to ensure that they achieve learning outcomes and realise their potential. This requires professionalism on every level. Our professionalism must reflect a keen understanding of what we have to do and how, delivered with great integrity and courtesy, in good time, to all concerned – to teachers and principals, and to learners in the classroom. Equally important are partnerships with parents and communities. They have crucial roles to play by supporting our schools. We have to ensure that schooling is the primary activity of young people aged six to 18 – to be in school during school hours, and to dedicate time to study after school hours. Ultimately, every learner must have access to quality education in every classroom. Communication is essential to make all of this happen. We therefore commend this publication and look forward to working with the education community to ensure its success.
Brian Schreuder
Holidays used to put theory into practice Schools across the province have put the recent holidays to good use by arranging activities to give learners some hands-on training of concepts dealt with in the curriculum. PHOTOS: BRIAN INGPEN
t some schools the programmes were motivated by concerns about the safety of learners who are unsupervised during the holidays, as well as the need to prevent vandalism to school property. Brian Ingpen, Head of the Maritime Studies Department at Simon’s Town High School, said five matric maritime students embarked on a 13-day coastal training voyage aboard the container ship Safmarine Oranje. The learners were particularly excited because although they had visited ships in port as part of their school programme, none had been to sea before. Their adventure at sea was made possible by Safmarine, a long-time supporter of Simon’s Town’s maritime programme. “The coastal training programme created five young zealots, who, having enjoyed their time at sea and enthused by the positive vibe of those they met aboard, are excited about the prospect of a career at sea,” said Ingpen. Learners at Wesbank No. 1 Primary School and Mzamomtsha Primary in Mfuleni got a lesson in conservation when they took part in a clean-up campaign at the nearby Driftsands Nature Reserve. Natasja Davids, Cape Nature’s community conservation official, said some schools in the area are not aware of the reserve. “Through this programme we created awareness and ownership of this natural asset, located on our doorsteps.” The campaign was organised by Cape Nature and the City of Cape Town. Verity Smith, a teacher at Wesbank No 1 Primary, said Grade 4 to 7 learners at the school were approached to take part in the campaign. “They enjoyed the activities and are now more aware of their environment and the importance of the wetlands.”
Organisations join forces to keep kids off the streets
Grade 12 learners from the Maritime Studies Department at Simon’s Town School in their overalls aboard the containership Safmarine Oranje. From left: Shuneen van Niekerk, Abdul Hendricks, Ismail van Flemering, Tyron Campbell and Nathan Magerman.
Smith said she and her colleagues, Reynold Titus and Allyson Piedt, were only too happy to participate because the campaign dealt with concepts they teach learners as part of the natural science and life orientation curriculum.
Shuneen van Niekerk and Nathan Magerman plotting the ship's position during their four-hour bridge watch.
A holiday programme at Towerkop Primary School in Ladismith was so successful that 200 children – and not the expected 50 – turned up to take part in the fun-filled four day event. Jan Tities, a Grade 9 teacher at Towerkop, said many children expressed the wish that school could be like that all the time. “They had the opportunity to discuss social issues with the facilitators, something they are not always able
to do in the normal school set-up.” The programme was hosted by Safe Schools, the department of social development, Engedi Haven, Childcare, Social Transformation Programme and the Police Forum. Tities said the children received healthy snacks and a warm lunch. Activities were centred on youth development, self-esteem and drug awareness. “We plan to host another holiday
programme in September and the children said they can’t wait.” Similar programmes were also conducted at the farm of Fritz Bruce and at Excelsior Primary School in Calitzdorp. Meanwhile Tities said the partnership with the local police is stretching well beyond the holiday programme and officers now patrol the routes to school in the morning to curb truancy.
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
The National School Nutrition Programme aims to make sure that learners in poor communities have the basic nutrition they need to learn.
Making a difference
Schools as nodes of care for vulnerable children BY ALLAN LIEBENBERG*
he vast majority of schools in South Africa face very serious problems in achieving their fundamental mandate of teaching and learning. Exactly what are these problems which our schools encounter that hinder their ability to provide effective education to their learners? In most cases the serious challenges our schools face arrive through the school gates in the form of vulnerable children. These children live in homes and communities which contains a range of elements which constitute a very weak socio-economic context. SNOC (Schools as nodes of care for vulnerable children) aims at assisting schools to be resilient in dealing with the weak socioeconomic flow which enters the educational environment daily. The vulnerability children bring with them manifest itself in many different ways. It comes in the form of hunger, trauma, HIV/AIDS, the various forms of abuse, gangsterism, violence and many other debilitating consequences of poverty. Unless the school develops the capacity to assist each individual child to deal with the vulnerability which affects the child’s ability to learn, the school will not be able to achieve its mandate and the school will become dysfunctional. There is no quick fix.
SNOC, in a very practical way assists the school to become resilient by assisting the child to recover from its vulnerability and thereby remove the barrier to learning. This support has to follow the child to the home and community to deal (in many cases) with the origins of the child’s vulnerability. Teaching and helping the children to be resilient becomes as important as teaching the three R’s. The SNOC program was developed by a constellation of organizations. Included amongst others were the National Association of School Governing Bodies, SADTU, the Children’s Institute of UCT, ACESS and Soul City. The WCED effectively began to implement the program in 2006 and SNOC has already been rolled out to over two hundred schools. In addition to supporting vulnerable children, SNOC also has the worthy consequence of drawing parents and the community closer to the school. Parents are in the frontline of the SNOC program. The capacity of the school to assist vulnerable children is created by training a collective of parents to recognize any hardship the child may suffer which constitutes a barrier to learning. The parent is also trained to identify sources of support for the child (it could be a government department, NGO, CBO or an individual) and makes the linkages. The parent then monitors that the support does reach the child
and that the child makes a wholesome recovery from the misfortune. The trainers of the parents undergo a Masters Training Course. The candidates for this course are drawn from officials at Education District offices (IMG, SLES, CTM’s etc.), SGB members, officials of other government departments, retired teachers, parents and community members who have exposed themselves as caring for vulnerable children. As part of the SNOC program, a Jamboree (government service point) is arranged in the community which involves a collective of schools. At a Jamboree between ten to fifteen ed government departments are located tly in a community hall to conveniently provide very necessary services to the people. An example of how a school develops the ability to support learners with something that on the surface seems unrelated to teaching and learning is a story that unfolded in Delft in 2007. A large number of families who weree evicted from houses which they had illegally occupied resolved to live on the pavement of Symphony road. These people became known as the pavement dwellers. The whole community of Delft was aware of this social trauma which was unfolding. Schools in the area became aware that children were being caught up in this trauma.
They recorded a dramatic rise in absenteeism. They went to Symphony road and conducted an audit of the number of school going children amongst the pavement dwellers and which schools they attended. This occurred shortly after a second round of SNOC training of WCED staff, parents and community members. Leiden Avenue Primary, Leiden Primary, The Hague Primary, Kairos Primary and Sunray Primary formed geographical clusters in order to effectively support the children. They encouraged the children to
come to school and provided them with ablution facilities in the morning, replaced learning materials and uniforms they lost in the social unrest (teargas had been used during the evictions and many people had been arrested). Meals were provided for these children and an aftercare facility was arranged where children could be safe and also remain within an environment conducive to completing their homework. As a result over five hundred learners continued with their schooling. Providing this support was not easy. Businesses had to be approached to provide soap, toothpaste and wash rags. Adult supervision had to be available after school for the children to do their homework. Educators had to dig deep into their own pockets to sustain this support. What had happened to these children were in violation of their constitutional rights. However, while other agencies and authorities were working towards the solution of these problems, these steps were taken to deal with the barriers to the schooling of the children which this housing issue had churned up. Currently we are training more trainers throughout the province so that we can reach many more schools. This is not earth shattering stuff. The SNOC Program will never become headline news. It remains, however, a long term, substantive, painstaking process required to support our schools in achieving their objective of teaching and learning.
* Allan Liebenberg is the Coordinator of the Social Transformation Program and manager of the SNOC Program.
An army of voluntee rs prepare and serve meals to 334 287 lea in the Western Cape rners .
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
Multi-grade teaching BY HEIN MARAIS
Winelands leading the way on the road to excellence
orld-wide education trends have moved from mono-grade teaching towards multi-grade teaching as a strategy for all schools, whereby teachers are able to address the differences between and individuality of all learners within one classroom. This is according to the organisers of a recent multi-grade conference in Worcester, hosted by the Cape Winelands Education District where most of the multi-grade schools in the Western Cape are situated. The aim of the conference was to uplift and inspire multi-grade teachers and to clear misconceptions about multi-grade teaching. The conference organisers said the mistaken belief that multi-grade teachers are inferior to monograde teachers and also deliver a substandard curriculum, cannot be further from the truth. Prof. Brian O’Connell echoed this sentiment in his keynote address by saluting the
multi-grade teachers as a beacon of hope for education in South Africa. He stated clearly that they were the ones who were making the difference where it was needed most About 220 educators attended the conference. Annemarie Duvenhage, a multi-grade teacher and one of the presenters, demonstrated innovative and practical strategies to accommodate learners, who, whilst being in different grades in one classroom, also have to be catered for on different levels of compe-
WHAT IS MULTI-GRADE TEACHING? Multi-grade teaching involves the teaching of a number of grades in one classroom and by the same teacher. This situation normally involves grades adjacent to each other such as Grades 1, 2 and 3, or 4, 5 and 6. In one-teacher schools, this could involve all the grades offered at that school.
tencies. She also emphasised how important it is that teachers really know their learners. Based on their holistic knowledge of the learners, they will be able to accommodate every single learner in the classroom. Even more importantly, they will be able to report on the progress of each learner’s performance at his/her level. Clarence Swanepoel, a principal at a multi-grade school in the Cape Winelands, inspired teachers with his enthusiastic presentation on practical strategies and processes implemented at his school. He underlined the fact that the principal of the school had to take the initiative and lead from the front. The principal is responsible for the morale of teachers and ensures that teachers are able to effectively and optimally use contact-time to teach, learn and assess. All the presenters at this prestigious event made it abundantly clear that the one key aspect which determined their success was thorough and meticulous planning.
A teacher in a multi-grade classroom is responsible for teaching children of different grade levels in the same classroom at the same time.
A recent analysis of the 2004-2007 Department of Education data reveals that multi-grade teaching is prevalent in over a quarter (27%) of South African schools, but according to Tsakani Chaka, a researcher at the Centre for Education Policy Development, multi-grade teaching is still a very neglected area. Chaka is currently managing a project looking into the teaching of literacy and
numeracy in multi-grade classes. Chaka said while in developed countries such as England multi-grade teaching has been adopted for pedagogic experimental purposes, in the case of developing countries, including South Africa, multi-grade teaching arises from necessity. “Multigrade teaching comes about for many reasons including low population
density in the areas served by the school, declining learner and teacher numbers in the school and high teacher absenteeism where supplementary arrangements are noneffectual or non-existent. What this means is that multi-grade schools tend to be found in poor, remote areas where public transport system is less than regular or even non-existent; and they are
generally under-resourced.” She commended the Western Cape Education Department’s programme to train and support multigrade teachers in the province with the view to improve learner/learners’ performance in the areas of reading, writing and mental mathematics. “Work in the area of multi-grade is, however, still minimal and a great deal more needs to be done.”
Study probes teacher supply and demand in Western Cape The Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC) has completed a study of teacher supply and demand in the Western Cape commissioned by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). he consortium comprised researchers from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, the University of Cape Town, the University of the Western Cape and the University of Stellenbosch. The sample included 4 545 teachers at 151 schools in the WCED’s Metropole East and Eden Karoo education districts, to provide insights into teacher supply and demand in urban and rural districts. The researchers also sent out
questionnaires to all public and special schools in the province. A total of 641 schools, representing 42% of schools in the Western Cape, responded to the survey. The survey, conducted in late 2008, included questions on teacher retention, attrition, recruitments, replacements, shortages and relative difficulty in filling posts The consortium surveyed 656 final year students at the four universities in 2008, as well as 2 736 current and former students who trained as teachers in 2006, 2007 and 2008. The study drew on a report from the Department of Economics at the University of Stellenbosch which used Labour Force Surveys and census data to identify the number of people in the Western Cape who studied education or had previous jobs in education but who are not currently employed in the sector. The study found that 95% of Western Cape teachers are qualified
according to current requirements for a three-year, post-matric qualification. Education authorities and unions are now negotiating a minimum requirement for a four-year, postmatric qualification as part of the occupation specific dispensation (OSD). About 66% of teachers in the province currently meet this requirement. The study recommended special measures to enable teachers to meet this requirement, prioritizing the 30 to 49 age group. Other findings include that: about 84% of the sample teachers were teaching, at least partially, within their field of expertise or field of study. Some schools do not appear to be using their supply of teachers effectively or efficiently. For example, teachers with subjects in short supply are not always teaching these learning areas/subjects in the schools, and
“TEACHERS WITH SUBJECTS IN SHORT SUPPLY ARE NOT ALWAYS TEACHING THESE LEARNING AREAS/SUBJECTS IN THE SCHOOLS” some teachers are expected to teach too many learning areas. The study recommended that groups of good quality new entrants or experienced effective teachers of core subjects be strategically recruited or placed in carefully selected schools, focusing on poorer schools with the potential to improve learner performance and Quintile 5 schools that offer supportive environments. Some kind of induction and support programme could assist teachers in working in unfamiliar contexts.
The study recommended closer cooperation, collaboration and co-ordination between the WCED and universities. While teachers in the Western Cape are generally well qualified, the report has highlighted the complexities involved in making sure that the department deploy these resources as effectively and efficiently as possible. The reported has highlighted the key issues of increasing the number of isiXhosa-speaking teachers, especially in the Foundation Phase, and improving access to effective teaching in languages, maths and science on all levels. The report will inform the department’s ongoing strategic planning. Meanwhile, the WCED is currently conducting research into the specific qualifications of every teacher in the province and how schools are using this expertise to improve the department’s understanding of how they are using this critical resource.
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
Back to the drawing board Participants at the Teacher Development Summit have called for a new, strengthened, integrated national plan for teacher development which targets the needs of teachers more effectively and efficiently.
he four day summit in Gauteng was touted as the most important event on the Education calendar in recent years. The deliberation culminated on 2 July with a declaration which will form the basis for a new integrated national plan for teacher development. The summit was overseen by the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC). Dhaya Govender, General Secretary of the ELRC, said in a statement that the summit succeeded in its primary aim of clarifying and debating the current teacher development landscape in terms of existing policies and proposals. “This was a historic event that embraced a more holistic approach to teacher development and involves all partners in education, namely teachers; school manage-
Make the most of meetings One of the most important responsibilities of a leader is planning and executing effective meetings. Most leaders think it is a skill learnt through osmosis – observe and you will know how. Much has been written about this subject. Here are ten tips on how to avoid common pitfalls. MATTHI THERON
1 Adjust your attitude
towards meetings
Many people boast that they hate meetings. But to achieve meaningful results, solve problems, take decisions, to inform, to motivate, we have to work with people. It means that at one stage or the other we have to get these people together in a room. At some stage everybody will have to talk to each other. You can’t sit in your office behind a closed door and send out streams of emails. As a leader you have to view meetings as a manifestation of leadership – not as a visit to the dentist.
2 Do not delegate the
planning of the agenda
Very often it is the job of the scribe/ secretary. As a leader you know what you want to achieve with the meeting. You surely can’t just walk in and react to something that was planned by some-one else.
3 Plan your agenda The biggest mistake you can make is to walk into a meeting without an agenda. It is a recipe for inefficiency and wasting time. You have to think beforehand about what decisions need to be taken, what information has to be conveyed, who has to attend the meeting, the duration of the meeting, etc.
4 Team members must
contribute towards the agenda
As the leader you plan – it is your responsibility. Team members can however submit agenda points. It is good to ask team members to make contributions about certain items on the agenda.
5 Variation Vary the format otherwise it can become monotonous. Here are a few tips:
Invite a guest speaker. Celebrate something – one or other achievement. Let your team members take turns to prepare and present an informative talk. Watch a video. Change the meeting place. Conduct a meeting where only one item is discussed. Eat together at times. Do not allow people to always sit on the same spot, surrounded by the same people.
allow space for creativity and involvement.
7 Don’t just hand out
There are other more effective ways to distribute information than just at meetings. Solve a problem, take a decision or create something.
The Teacher Development Summit Steering Committee will oversee the development of the plan for teacher development. The committee must submit a progress report to the Minister of Basic Education within three months of the Summit with the intention of commencing rollout in 2010.
The declaration is available on the ELRC website on
Management training programme Thirty-three educators have completed a five-month, school management training programme at schools in the Plettenberg Bay area. The Bitou 10 Education and Development Foundation funded the programme, provided by Johan Ryk, the whole school management specialist of the Cape Teaching and Learning Institute (CTLI) in Kuils River. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) established the CTLI in 2002 to provide indepth, in-service training for teachers and principals in the province. The initiative in the Bitou municipal area forms part of
an extensive school support and development programme provided by the foundation over several years. Participants in the school management training programme included teachers, principals and deputy principals. The foundation decided to fund the programme to build a “critical mass” of senior teachers with a common frame of reference, said Hilary Matthews - Executive Director of the Bitou 10 Education and Development Foundation. Participants gave up Friday afternoons and entire Saturdays for five months to attend the course.
8 Get off your throne To preside at a meeting is not an opportunity to show who the boss is. It is not the place to emphasise your power by reprimanding someone in front of every-one at the meeting. Be humble and retain your sense of humour.
9 Ensure action Make sure that people execute the tasks assigned to them at the meeting. It is frustrating when people don’t do what they have been tasked to do while others have spent hours performing their tasks. Follow up before the meeting and hold individuals accountable.
Be a role model
6 Do not place too many items on the agenda
You must model the behaviour you expect of others. Meetings are not the place where you let your hair down and relax with the other team members. You must organize other opportunities for that. No sneering or sarcasm, no judgment of others.
There must be time for discussions and spontaneity. In your planning
Enjoy your meetings.
Avoid nonsensical team building exercises.
ment; provincial and national education departments; teacher unions and statutory organisations such as ELRC, SACE, the ETDP SETA and Universities.” Govender said the Summit Declaration is a firm commitment by all stakeholders in education to a coherent implementation plan for teacher development. “The plan will address issues such as the different purposes of appraisals and the evaluation of teachers. The plan must also address issues related to support provided by the education department and the resourcing of teacher development. The DoE, together with teacher unions, will ensure that the time allocated for teacher development is utilised to the benefit of teachers. All teacher development must result in the improved quality of teaching and learning in the classroom.”
Conference on Evolutionary Biology The Teaching Biology Project, part of the Africa Genome Education Institute, will be running three in-service teacher training workshops in evolutionary biology per year over the next four years. The Teaching Biology Project will be running its third conference on evolutionary biology from 28 September to 1 October. This conference is aimed at Life Science teachers from outside Cape Town and will be held at Bishops in Rondebosch, Cape Town. The course fee of R150 includes accommodation in a hotel in Bantry Bay. The workshops will include presentations and hands-on activities. Teachers will also have the opportunity to develop
suitable assessment tasks for Gr 10 & Gr 12 using computer technology. At the end of the conference all delegates are given a DVD of the presentations and work developed by the other delegates and will be able to remain in contact with conference delegates via the Teaching Biology Project discussions board. Visit www.teachingbiologyproject. for more details.
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
The Directorate Research Services in collaboration with the Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC) have since the beginning of 2009 been running a series of seminars within the WCED.
Promoting a research culture in the WCED The aim of the seminars is to link the research endeavour to policy development and practice within the education sector, and invoke a research culture amongst staff and interested persons, alike. This engagement allows for interactive participation on issues facing education in our country, and specifically for the Western Cape Education Department. Most seminars are held at the Grand Central Conference Room on the 2nd floor. When this venue is not available the neighbouring universities offer their lecture theatres. An open invitation is extended to all WCED employees to attend
the seminars presented by well known academics and researchers within the field. The seminars do not recoil from contentious issues and provide an opportunity for healthy debate said Andile Siyengo, Director: Research Services. In a seminar held on 7 July 2009, UWC academic Rashid Ahmed tackled the issue of no-fee schools by looking at the potential influence the policy has on the South African education system. Ahmed took a critical look at whether the amended policy promotes school access for the poor while creatively complementing state resources. WCED news will keep you
informed about the proceedings of these seminars and invite some feedback from you. The next seminar is scheduled for 18 September 2009. The presenter, Prof. Servaas van der Berg, will discuss the topic: Poor Educational Quality in South Africa: Issues of Equity and Efficiency.
Teaching values
Time to move from discipline to elements of successful living Discipline is one of the biggest challenges facing education today, as teachers face unruly classrooms and grapple with the social pathologies that many children bring to school daily. BY CHARLES COETZEE*
he good news is that there are schools that are dealing with discipline successfully, and we applaud their success. These schools understand what it means to teach values and attitudes, as well as knowledge and skills. This is more easily said than done. However, it is useful to study examples of best practice that can be followed in our schools, as well as our homes and communities. What principals and teachers often manage to do at these schools is not so much to impose discipline, but to enable young people to build positive relationships, and to master self-discipline and the essentials for successful living. They have done so by creating positive environments that encourage positive behaviour. Coercion is not effective in these environments. The strength of these schools lies in their ability to build strength and their thorough understanding of the developmental needs of children. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) employs a strategy for encouraging positive behaviour, a strategy that replaces a control and punishment approach with one designed to be developmental,
strength-based and restorative. The WCED has built the capacity of district-based support teams, special schools and youth centres to strengthen these institutions as resource centres for the support of public schools. The Department has introduced five levels of support for young people. Such support places emphasis on prevention, early identification, early intervention and positive youth development. For learners needing special support, the Department offers a range of alternative interventions that do not involve suspension, expulsion or detention in youth centres. The programmes include, among others, training on restorative communication strategies, group interventions and drug counselling. To succeed in the face of risk and challenge, children need adults, parents, teachers and communities who respond to their needs in an appropriate way, who do not react with coercion and who support young people on pathways toward responsibility. For this to happen, parents and teachers have to understand children’s developmental needs, and how children understand and view the subjective reality of their circumstances and relationships
with parents, peers, teachers and the community. There are various child-rearing philosophies to be found in the literature. One of these theories, the Circle of Courage philosophy (Brendtro, Brokenleg & Van Bockern, 2002) encapsulates research done all over the world. It draws on universal values for nurturing all children in a climate of respect and dignity that provides the foundation for developing resilience and self-worth. In the first instance, this model implies a need for BELONGING, a sense of significance that is nurtured in an environment recognising the need for attachment. If this need is met, a child will respond in a way that reflects the emotions and motivation of someone who knows that “I am important to someone, I am respected and valued.” When a child’s need for attachment is satisfied, powerful social bonds are forged that draw all into relationships of respect. These relationships are formed in the first two years of life, based on trust. Every child needs to feel critically important to another person. Children deprived of opportunities for attachment are desperate and distressed because families, schools,
and neighbourhoods are not fulfilling this need. Secondly, providing opportunities for MASTERY (achievement) strengthens a sense of competence. When a child’s need to be competent is satisfied, motivation for further achievement is enhanced. Children who experience a sense of competence will be motivated to participate and take responsibility, because they believe “I am able to solve problems and I am good at something.” Children deprived of opportunities for success, express their frustration through troubled or irresponsible behaviour, or by retreating into helplessness and inferiority. Thirdly, through encouraging the expression of INDEPENDENCE, a sense of inner control or autonomy instils a sense of power. It is important for young people to feel that they participate in decision-making affecting their lives and that they are able to say: “I am in charge of my life.” When a child’s need for autonomy or power is satisfied, motivation to attain a given goal and to accept responsibility for success or failure is enhanced. Ultimately, altruism is demonstrated by expressions of GENEROSITY. When a child’s need to have purpose in life is met, a
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
Lights literally come on for aspiring scientists Research about the feasibility of science clubs in Dinaledi Schools took a practical turn with learners trying their hand at science experiments. ayne Blauw, manager of the Western Cape Education Foundation (WCEF), said a key aspect of the teaching and learning methodology in the science clubs will involve the use of hands-on science kits to provide students with an opportunity to experience the excitement of scientific exploration, enquiry and discovery, and to empower students to take ownership of their own learning. The feasibility study in the 15 selected Dinaledi Schools was funded by the petroleum company BP. “BPSA supports a number of projects that seek to address
specific national development priorities. In 2007 BPSA became a private sector members of the WCEF, with a commitment to invest in the improvement of Science, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) education in the province’s schools,” said Blauw. During the final week of the study – coincidently National Science Week - Grade 9 Learners at Sophumelela Secondary School in Philippi trialed the Trembler kits “The fun element of the kit was high as the learners could compete and test each other on their steadiness, firmness and concentration. “They loved the hands-on expe-
The Dinaledi Project is a national initiative to improve Mathematics and Physical Science participation and performance in previously disadvantaged schools and communities.
Learners from Mondale High School experience the joy of science.
spirit of service to others, or caring for others, is enhanced. In this context the young person will say “I am considerate to others” or “I have something of value to share with others”. Children deprived of opportunities to give and receive kindness do not develop into caring persons and are lured into lifestyles of hedonism and narcissism. Without empathy, they do not experience life as purposeful. When the universal needs of belonging, mastery, independence and generosity are met,
rience of putting the kit together, the sense of satisfaction of seeing it work (when the red light came on!); and their ownership of it. All the learners were excited at using the kit at home with their families.” Blauw said learners at Mondale High School in Mitchells Plain had just as much fun experimenting with balloons, bottles and hot water. A final report on the study is being compiled.
SELF-WORTH is enhanced. When self-worth is strengthened, young people have the confidence to make effective choices, with positive and resilient results. When children are affected by various psycho-social factors, like destructive relationships, failure and futility, learned irresponsibility, loss of purpose and interrupted personal development, they manifest conflict and despair in various ways, or they disguise their real feelings with acts of pseudo-courage or bravado. When the Circle of Courage is broken it becomes
a Circle of Discouragement. Challenges overwhelm their strengths and resources and the child cannot cope. Their ensuing distress is reflected in low self-esteem and self-defeating behaviours associated with distorted or absent experiences of belonging, mastery, independence and generosity. Problem behaviour manifests as self-defeating coping strategies. Fortunately, resilience is a significant strength in human beings, enabling them to overcome trauma, discouragement and hardships. Without resilience young people
can be overwhelmed by the social hazards they face every day. Resilience research refers to a body of studies of children from seriously high-risk conditions, such as families where parents were mentally ill, alcoholic, abusive or criminal, or communities that were povertystricken or war-torn. Resilience studies indicate that more than 50% of young people exposed to high-risk conditions showed positive social adjustment and competence, despite their circumstances. An important factor is the way parents or teachers
respond to children in distress, because the way they respond can either destroy or promote resilience. The way these groups interact with the child will influence the way the child develops. If the environment and relationships are encouraging and caring, the child will respond positively. The Circle of Courage has been described as THE RESILIENCE CODE as it describes universal human growth needs. Research has indicated that resilient children form positive attachments to teachers, thus compensating for problem relationships in their families. In conclusion, by meeting the developmental needs of children for belonging, mastery, independence and generosity, and by providing appropriate skills to parents and teachers, we can go a long way towards supporting children on their journey towards self-reliance and responsibility.
* Dr Charles Coetzee is a registered counselling psychologist and Chief Education Specialist in the Specialised Education Support Service of the WCED. REFERENCE:
Brendto, L.K., Brokenleg, M., & Van Bockern, S. (2002). Reclaiming youth at risk: Our hope for the future. Bloomington. IN: National educational
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
a treasure waiting to be discovered
Teachers’ must-reads
Thank you, Mr Falker. (1998) Patricia Polacco
1 Teaching mathematics for the 21st century: methods and activities for grades 6 -12. (2008) Huetinck, L
Free library resources available to you at the EDULIS Library and District Resource Centres: Books, DVDs, Multimedia, CDs, CD-ROMs, Audiobooks, Videos, Journals, Electronic Journals
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Resources specially evaluated and reviewed to help teachers select materials for their school libraries
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Picture books and stories to foster a love of reading Stimulating resources in support of literacy and numeracy
An exceptional picture book. Patricia Polacco leans on her personal history to bring the reader a poignant story about a little girl who cannot read and who is clever enough to hide the fact even from her mother who is a teacher! - until she reaches Grade Five. Mr Falker is the perceptive Grade 5 teacher who discovers her secret and helps her to overcome her dyslexia. This little girl went on to make a living from writing and illustrating children’s books.
Helps teachers to open up to their students the wonderful discoveries and challenges of the pattern-making and problem-solving aspects of mathematics. Enables teachers to access tools and strategies for teaching mathematics effectively. Changing demographics, knowledge of how people learn, and technology all impact the way we educate our young people. It incorporates lessons and strategies from successful programmes used in many types of classrooms. Examples help students connect mathematics to real life situations and communicate their understanding of the underlying concepts.
Gee my ‘n drukkie! (2008) John A. Rowe
Elvis die krimpvarkie sien oral om hom hoe mense hul liefde en drukkies uitdeel. Maar hy voel hartseer en verstote, want sy versoek om ‘n drukkie val op dowe ore. Toe hy op sy hartseerste voel vra iemand ‘n soentjie en twee verstotelinge vind mekaar. Die kleurvolle illustrasies beeld die emosies treffend uit. Die verhaaltjie kan as vertrekpunt met ander leerareas skakel.
2 Reading don’t fix no Chevys: literacy in the lives of young men. (2002) Smith, M.W SNAPSHOT:
The problems of boys in schools, especially in reading and writing, have been the focus of statistical data, but rarely does research point out how literacy educators can combat those problems. In an evenhanded examination of boys’ opinions about and approaches to literacy the authors provide an easy-to-follow text which explores student approaches to literacy and provides ways to develop more effective methods of teaching.
Isothuso Sikahanda. (2004) Eileen Browne
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symptoms of degeneration in a school, two-part model for preventing educational collapse, and a recipe for turnaround.
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Provides an in-depth examination of the causes and
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wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
Music therapy
Music therapy instrumental in putting a spring in learners’ step
group of marimba players and drummers, who performed at the annual Artscape Schools Art Festival, are drumming to a new beat, thanks to the assistance they received from the Music Therapy Community Clinic (MTCC) in Claremont. The clinic’s Heideveld Trauma project offers music therapy services to seven primary and three high schools in and around the greater Athlone area. The clinic also provides music activity groups,
lead by music therapy assistants, to two educare centres in Heideveld. Alexanne Tingley, Operations Manager at the MTCC, said many principals and teachers comment on the changes they see in learners’ social and emotional state and therefore their behaviour in the classroom. “Music therapy can help children express difficult emotions and is a powerful empowerment tool.” Tingley says the boys, aged between 13 and 15, were very excited about their act at the
Schools Arts Festival. They performed some new songs, which they learnt very quickly. “The boys have been invited to play at many festivals and conferences. They are now mentoring the newly established junior marimba group. They are also teaching a group of teachers how to play the marimba. Through this they are learning skills such as patience and empathy, as well as becoming role models for the younger boys in the community.” The MTCC is also involved
with several other projects. These include the Music for Health project, providing music therapy to the children at Sarah Fox Children’s Convalescence Hospital and to children and adults at Brooklyn Chest TB Hospital. These children include those attending the hospitals’ school. Their Siyaphila project provides music therapy services to preschool groups and after-school music groups for HIV/AIDS affected children at two different centres in Nyanga and Khayelitsha.
What is music therapy? Responding to music is an instinctive human capacity, unimpaired by injury, handicap or trauma. Music Therapists are clinically trained to use a variety of techniques, including musical improvisation, singing, composition, listening, performance and movement, in order to achieve therapeutic goals. One of the main advantages of
Music Therapy is that it is a non-verbal means of communication. When it is difficult to use words to describe a traumatic experience, music can often express the inexpressible. This gives voice to the unheard and unhealed experience, and facilitates the healing process. Internationally, Music Therapy is used with a wide
range of client groups. These include people affected by HIV&AIDS, victims of violence, people with physical or mental disability, the elderly, palliative care and work in hospital settings. In South Africa, music is undeniably a vibrant part of all cultures. It is therefore a powerful tool when working in disadvantaged communities.
Music Therapy is not a luxury healthcare activity but rather a clinical service that is able to address therapeutic needs, thus effecting positive change in our target communities. All Music Therapists are required to be registered with the HPCSA (Health Professions Council of SA). Source:
Schools Arts Festival celebrates ten years Nearly 100 schools from across the Western Cape converged on the Artscape Theatre Centre last month to celebrate the first decade of the country’s biggest school arts festival.
Artcape’s Audience Development and Education Department. The majority of schools were from the Cape metropole. Other rural schools were from Bredasdorp, Ceres, Grabouw, Greyton, Laingsburg, Paarl, Malmesbury, Piketberg, Wellington and Worcester. This year five special needs schools also entered for the festival. They are the Vera School for children with autism in Rondebosch East, the Dorothea School in Stellenbosch and the Paarl School of Skills for children with mental and multiple disabilities, the De La Bat School for hearing impaired children in Worcester, and the Eden School for intellectually disabled children in Worcester. “This year Artscape welcomes a number of schools who will debut at the festival. This confirms the trend that more schools want to be part of the festival which offers educators and learners a golden opportunity to perform on a professional stage and to experience the discipline associated with the behind-the-scenes operations of a professional theatre,” said Le Roux.
Western Cape schools took top honours at the recent South African Schools Choral Eisteddfod in Gauteng and brought home three gold medals, three silver medals and three bronze awards. The South African Schools Choral Eisteddfod is an annual event organized by the national Department of Education and the nine provincial departments of education together with teacher unions and other interest groups. The eisteddfod affords the listener a glimpse of the talent of the singers in our classroom. Since the inception of this Eisteddfod in 2001, many young singers have forged a name for themselves in the music world, more especially in the realm of opera. The repertoire ranges from classical music to indigenous folklore as well as self composed songs based on the message about HIV/Aids. A core element of the programme is music written by our own local composers. The Western Cape was well represented at the National Championships that took place at The Coca-Cola Dome in Randburg, Gauteng, from 2 to 5 July.
The following schools excelled at the national championships: Panorama Primary School, Riversdale – African Songs (Second position), National Anthem (third position)
Learners from Belhar Secondary School taking part in the Artscape School Arts Festival 2008.
Kwafaku Primary School – Afrikaans Songs (Third Position) Simon Estes Secondary School –Operatic Duets (Second position); Operatic Ensembles (First position) Tygerberg High School – Open Own Choice Songs (First Position) Fezeka Secondary School – Mezzo Soprano Operatic Solo (First Position); National Anthem (Third Position)
ore than 2 800 learners, the youngest four years old, from 91 educational institutions throughout the Western Cape registered to participate in the Artscape School Arts Festival. The festival culminated in a grand finale with 15 of the most promising festival performances invited to perform at a gala concert on August 28. As the festival is the precursor for the prestigious Artscape High Schools Drama Festival, from 7 to 12 September at the Artscape Arena, the arts festival did not allow for drama items on the programme. “This year Artscape is celebrating the first ten years of its new identity. Over this period the School Arts Festival has grown by leaps and bounds,” said Artscape CEO Michael Maas. “We are especially delighted with the growing participation by rural schools. It confirms that Artscape is achieving its goal of introducing a broader audience to the performing arts. Five schools from George, Mossel Bay and Pacaltsdorp registered for this year’s festival,” said Marlene le Roux, Director of
Western Cape singers shine at national championships
Learners from Diazville Primary School near Saldanha performing during last year's Artscape School Arts Festival.
Harry Gwala Secondary School – Bass Operatic Solo (Second Position)
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
noticeboard A quick guide to
CIRCULARS The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) issued the following circulars and minutes for the year end of July
CIRCULARS: 0001/2009 Maintenance of a database of applications for exemption from payment of school fees at public schools Full text available on http://wced. e1_09.html
MINUTES: 0007/2009 WCED Circulars issued during the Year 2008 (01 January 2008-31 December 2008) circulars09/e7_09.html
0008/2009 Unavailability of the Persal System 0002/2009 Increase in Grade R subsidy and other related issues circulars09/e2-09.html
0003/2009 Procedure for the appointment of Public Service Staff for a closed period (contract/ substitute appointment) circulars09/e3_09.html
0004/2009 Policy and procedures regarding application for normal sick/temporary incapacity leave and introduction of the new Z1(a) form circulars09/e4_09.html circulars09/e8_09.html
0016/2009 Amendments to the Provincial Measures for the election of School Governing Bodies for All Public Schools (excluding Public Schools for Learners with Special Education Needs) circulars09/e16_09.html
0018/2009 Progression and Promotion Requirements for Grades 1 – 9 as from 2009 circulars09/e18_09.html circulars09/e10_09.html
0020/2009 Phase Specific National Curriculum Policy Books for Grades R to 6 circulars09/e11_09.html
0012/2009 Amended final timetable for May- June 2009 Senior Certificate Examinations circulars09/e12_09.html circulars09/e5_09.html
0006/2009 Policy and procedures regarding application for illhealth retirement circulars09/e6-09.html
0013/2009 School Calender for 2009: WCED 009 circulars09/e13_09.html minutes09/PSminutes/edbp1_09. html#a
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, INFORMATION AND RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND ICT: 0001/2009 Distribution of Material to Support Community Ploughback and Development Initiatives minutes09/PSminutes/edbp2_09.html circulars09/e20_09.html
0021/2009 Processes and Procedures for Exemptions and Concessions in Grade 9 circulars09/e21_09.html
0022/2009 Security Guidelines For School Safety Committees circulars09/e22_09.html
0005/2009 Granting and utilization of Sick Leave: All employees (Educators and Public Service Staff) and the implementation of the Policy on Incapacity Leave and Ill-health Retirement (PILIR)
0001/2009 Service Delivery Improvement Programme for WCED minutes09/PSminutes/edhp4_09.html
0005/2009 Profile of Mathematics, Science and Accounting Secondary Phase School Teachers minutes09/PSminutes/edhp5_09.html
0010/2009 Political Posters on Education Property
0011/2009 Timetable and arrangements for part-time candidates writing the senior certificate examinations in May – June 2009
0023/2009 Random Searches and Seizures and Drug Testing at Schools circulars09/e23_09.html
0014/2009 Final timetable for November 2009 National Senior Certificate Examinations
0024/2009 Code of Conduct for schools circulars09/e14_09.html circulars09/e24_09.html
0007/2009 Qualifications Database Goes Live for Teachers minutes09/PSminutes/edhp7_09.html
0001/2009 Knowledge Management, Information and Record Management Systems and ICT minutes09/PSminutes/edkm1_09.html
0002/2009 Service Delivery Improvement Programme for Africa Public Service Day and Public Service Week minutes09/PSminutes/edbp3_09. html#a
0002/2009 Dispatching of Post from Head Office minutes09/PSminutes/edkm2_09.html
QUALITY ASSURANCE: HUMAN CAPITAL PLANNING: 0001/2009 Transfer of Lawrencia Primary School from Cape Winelands Education District to Metro North Education District
0001/2009 Transfer of IQMS Documents When Educators Transfer to Another School minutes09/PSminutes/edqa1_09.html minutes09/PSminutes/edhp1_09.html
0002/2009 Priorities and Challenges Facing the WCED (summaries of 26 papers)
0002/2009 Development and Implementation of School Improvement Plans minutes09/PSminutes/edqa2_09.html minutes09/PSminutes/edhp2_09.html
RESEARCH SERVICES: 0015/2009 WCED Circulars issued during the first quarter of 2009 (01 Jan 2009 to 31 Mar 2009) circulars09/e15_09.html
0003/2009 Qualifications Database Project
0025/2009 Increases in boarding, private boarding and transport bursaries, and personnel subsidies payable to hostels and schools minutes09/PSminutes/edhp3_09.html circulars09/e25_09.html
0004/2009 Updating of Cemis Data for Post Provisioning / Allocation Purposes
0001/2009 Grade 3 2008: Results of Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Tests minutes09/PSminutes/edrs1_09.html
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
Breakout team
Fezeka soccer girls’ team looks set for the big time The superb performance of the under-18 soccer girls’ team from Fezeka High School in Gugulethu in the SA Schools’ Confederations Cup has caught the attention of talents scouts.
Youths taking part in Hoops 4 Hope.
Top athletes encourage youth to set goals Professional soccer and basketball players were on hand in Khayelitsha during the school holiday as part of an initiative to uplift youth in disadvantaged communities through sports based education, health, and skills for life programmes.
he initiative was dubbed “Ukusa” and forms part of the programmes of the non-profit organisations Hoops 4 Hope and Soccer 4 Hope, in partnership with the United Nations Office of Drugs & Crime (UNODC). Nearly 300 youth from the communities of Macassar, Nyanga, Crossroads, Gugulethu, Phillipi, Lavender Hills, and Mitchell’s Plain took part in the soccer and basketball programmes. “We use community soccer and basketball programmes that emphasize fun and sportsmanship, while delivering a research based curriculum that enables youth to make better decisions around relevant social issues such as HIV preven-
tion, conflict resolution, drug and alcohol abuse, and gender issues,” said the organisations’ Alexandra Gratereaux. “Ukusa, the Xhosa word for new dawn, was developed to address the challenges today’s youth are facing growing up in communities plagued with drugs, fuelling HIV/ AIDS and crime. It is basically a drug education programme, to raise awareness about the dangers of Substance Abuse through the use of soccer and basketball tournaments, life skill lessons, and youth activities. “One thing is to be told not to do something, and another thing is to be given the tools to help you stay away from things that can harm you. This is the beauty of Ukusa. It is set up as a platform to guide children
towards making wise decisions by focusing on their goals.” Successful athletes such as Tamara Dlayedwa of Cape Town Spurs (Ladies), Vincent Ntunja of the South African Basketball team and the AJAX Cape Town team encouraged the youngsters to set goals for themselves. The guest speakers included Bawu Tolla of the South African National Council on Alcoholism and drug dependence (SANCA ), Lutfia Abrahams, the Chairperson of SAFA’s Women’s Football Committee in Cape Town and Riyaad Khan of Ajax. They reinforced the message to the youth that setting and working towards their goals will help them succeed both in sports as well as in life.
2010 World Cup tournament could benefit schools
ernon Seymour, a legal advisor for 2010 World Cup projects in Cape Town, said Spain, Denmark, Brazil, Argentina, France and Japan have looked at Camps Bay high School’s facilities. “Several of the teams expressed strong interest, but Denmark in particular seemed keen on using Camps Bay as a training venue.” Technical staff of France, Spain and Scotland also looked at Knysna High School’s sports fields with Scotland indicating that they would like first option should they qualify, said Seymour. Scotland is currently
Two Western Cape schools could score improvements to their sports fields after it had been identified as potential training venues for international teams.
The team excelled throughout the tournament and ended with an impressive 5-0 victory in the final to take home the winners’ trophy. Apart from winning the trophy, the team also received tickets to the Fifa Confederations Cup, return flights and accommodation for the duration of their stay in Gauteng. Coach Harper Makhi Mapila said the way some of the girls are playing at the moment they are destined for the national team. “Our goalkeeper, Ntabiseng Masunte, caught the eye of a scout. We are waiting to hear what will come of that.” The school also produced the 2003 National loveLife Champions and successfully defended the title several times since. Team Manager Bheki Ndebele, commended the players for their hard work. “For us to win the Schools’ Confederation Cup was a big thing because most of our players are still very young. Only one or two of them are 17-years old.” Proper facilities and equipment are some of the team’s biggest challenges. “I wish Fifa could help us
with a sports ground. We also need sports equipment because we play barefooted,” Sinazo Sijila, one of the stars of the team, told The Star. The SA Schools’ Confederations Cup tournament forms part of the ‘My 2010 School Adventure Campaign’, an initiative between the departments of Education and Sport and the 2010 Local Organising Committee. It aims to promote both education and participation in football at school level. “This tournament provided an excellent opportunity for the young learners to learn about teamwork and create new friendships and skills. The Fezeka Girls team must be commended for their impressive victory, their determination and spirit. These are qualities that the rest of the nation could learn from in our efforts to build a prosperous South Africa.” said Education MEC, Donald Grant. Grant said their victory also proves that development can produce excellence. “By developing sports in our schools, we are creating opportunities for our learners to realise their own potential, to uplift and empower.”
Aspiring soccer stars got the opportunity to hone their ball skills as part of the Ukusa initiative.
busy with their qualifying matches while confirmation of who might be making use of the Camps Bay facility will only be known in December after the World Cup draft takes place. Camps Bay High was identified based on its location within a 20 kilometer radius of the Twelve Apostles Hotel where one the international teams are expected to be based. Knysna High School is situated close to Pezula, a luxury resort hotel earmarked as a base camp destination for an international team. Seymour said once confir-
mation is received, talks will get underway about upgrading the schools’ sports fields to ensure that it is as close as possible to the match field at Green Point stadium – one of the World Cup venues. The schools will not have to foot the bill. IJM Lourens, principal of Knysna High, said it is still too early to get excited, but the school will co-operate with the local organising committee to ensure that the tournament is a success. David de Korte, principal of Camps Bay High, said they are hopeful, but he is not counting on anything till it happens.
wcednews SEPTEMBER 2009
For the love of the game
One to watch
Anèl breaks her own SA record Grade 8 athlete, Anèl Oosthuizen
Anèl Oosthuizen, a Grade 8 learner at Outeniqua High School in George, walked away with a new SA record in the 5 000m event for girls under-15 at the national Walking Championships in Oudtshoorn. She bettered her previous record of 26:07 minutes by blitzing the course in a time of 25:45. Anèl said she enjoys walking and practices five days a week. “I dream of representing South Africa at the Olympics one day.” Her schoolwork is equally important to Anèl and she said during exams she eases a bit on her routine. Earlier this year the school awarded her with honorary colours for sport. Before she started race walking
Anèl took part in long distance events at Denneoord Primary School. During a clinic, Willemien van der Linde, a teacher and wellknown Springbok-mid-distance runner, discovered that Anèl had a natural flair for race walking. With the help of her coach, Jurgens Zwiegelaar, and his wife Mari, the 14-year old has rewritten the record books on numerous occasions and she is now well on her way on achieving Olympic glory. She however does not allow the fuss about her talent to go to her head. “It is a gift from God and I have the responsibility to develop it. I am also very grateful for the support of my parents and my coach.”
A mix of experience and youth makes the WCED Football Club firm favourites to successfully defend their title as Knock-out Champions and League winners for the third successive year.
The Western Cape Education Department Football Club team.
New sports facility
Dream come true for community of Khayelitsha The community of Harare in Khayelitsha has welcomed the recent opening of a new sports facility on the grounds of Kwamfundo Secondary School.
The Kwanfundo Sports Facility.
he Kwamfundo Sports Facility was funded by the City of Cape Town, the German Development Bank, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development. It forms part of the City of Cape Town’s R120 million five-year development programme, Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading (VPUU). The aim of VPUU is to reduce crime and violence and increase the safety of residents in Khayelitsha. Mongezeleli Bonani, the principal of Kwamfundo Secondary School, said the establishment of the sports facility is the realization of a long standing dream for the school and
for the community of Khayelitsha. The school, which served as the training grounds for Springbok winger, Jongikhaya “Jongi” Nokwe, offers soccer for boys and girls, cricket, netball, athletics, rugby and cycling. The new facility is well-equipped with adequate sports grounds, excellent sport lighting, changing rooms for males and females, a VIP lounge/club room, two flats, a caretaker’s cottage and an area reserved for a tuck-shop. The facility will also be used by neighbouring primary schools and local sports clubs from the surrounding community falling under the Khayelitsha Sports Council.
or the past six years soccer teams from the various provincial departments within the Western Cape have participated in soccer matches arranged by the Provincial Administration Union. The Western Cape Education Department entered a team for the first time in 2007. That year the newcomers were runnersup in the 1st Round League, 2nd Round League Winners and the Knock-Out Champions. In 2008 they continued their winning streak by ending the season as Runners-up for the 1st Round League, 2nd Round League winners (Grand Challenge), the Overall League winners and the Knock-out Champions. The club has 22 members representing the different directorates within the WCED. “It is a great way to build up contacts within the department and also meet members of other provincial departments,” says Graham Manuels, chairperson of the football club. Dion Seekoei, club captain and secretary, concurred. “One of the benefits of the club is that you build relationships. The weekly games are good conversation starters and a source of banter, guaranteed to liven up what would otherwise have been a dull day at the office.” Graham, Dion and Harry Wyngaard, the unofficial coach, have been involved with the sport for as long as they can remember. Their participation in a departmental soccer club stretches back to the 80’s when they represented the WCED in a provincial league. The trio, along with Maurice Adams, Brian Veale and Tauriq Domingo, who have since left the public sector, played for the Department of Local Government and Housing when the provincial league was revived in 2004. “Our involvement in the league made the decision to start the WCED Football Club a logic one.
Quite a number of soccer players responded to our email to test the interest. In 2007 we registered 25 players for the league, last year we had 20 players and this year 22 players are registered,” Graham said. The team is also getting “younger” with the average age of the players of about 40 years old dropping to below 35 years old. “This year we have four new members who recently joined the WCED,” Dion explained. The oldest member is 51 years old, proving that the club is open to any-one with a passion for soccer, Graham added. Marketing is mainly by word of mouth and a match report sent
“IT IS A GREAT WAY TO BUILD UP CONTACTS WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT AND ALSO MEET MEMBERS OF OTHER PROVINCIAL DEPARTMENTS” out promptly after each game to members and supporters. “We have a great support base and we are also very grateful for the financial support WCED management gives to the club, especially in these trying financial times. We nearly didn’t register for the league this year because transport, for example, is such a big problem.” The club management is however adamant that they will not allow a lack of money to stand in the way of the WCED Football club scoring a hat-trick this year.
WESTERN CAPE SCORES BIG AT WINTER GAMES Team Western Cape scooped six gold medals, seven silver and three bronze awards at the South African Schools Winter Games in Durban. The girls in the under-13 age group were in fine form and brought home gold medals for football, volleyball and netball while the boys u-13 and the boys u-13 football teams trounced their competition to get top honours. In Volleyball the boys u-17 team had the gold medal in the bag, while silver medals were awarded to the boys u-13, the boys and girls u-15 teams and the girls under-17 team. Several Western Cape players were also included in the SA Teams for Football, Volleyball, Tennis and Netball. The South African teams will be participating in the COSSASA Games in Swaziland in September. A coach and a manager from Team Western Cape have also been included in the national team.
SEVERAL CAPE RUGBY PLAYERS SECURE A PLACE IN THE SA SCHOOLS TEAM Five Western Province rugby players have been included in the SA Schools squad after brilliant performances at the Coca-Cola under-18 Craven Week. William van Wyk of Paarl Gymnasium and Frans Malherbe of Paarl Boys High were in the starting line-up of the squad that took on Italy and England. In friendlies in Kimberley. Nizaam Carr of Bishops and two rugby players from Paul Roos Gymnasium, Ricky Schroeder and JP du Plessis, were named as replacements.
JAN KRIEL SCHOOL DOMINATE SA LSEN SQUAD A total of eight learners at the Jan Kriel School in Kuilsriver have been included in the SA squad for learners with special education needs. Stephanus Wessels, Gerrit Malan, Ewald Smith, Gerhardus Wendt, Christiaan Kotzé, Pieter de Wet, Morné Southey and Regardt Burger were in the select group after their exceptional performance at a rugby tournament in Welkom. Three learners from Westcliff Special School in Bellville, Albert Taylor, Jashwill Fredericks, Tershwin Thantsie, were also included in the national team.