Education Update || 13

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Newspaper of the WCED JULY 2012 Issue 13

Left: Western Cape Education Minister Donald Grant talks to a primary school learner who was found roaming the streets long after the school day started.

Joint operation reaches out to vulnerable children The provincial departments of education, health and social development, the City of Cape Town, the police and other law enforcement agencies, and community organisations have joined forces to encourage children not to stay absent from school without a valid reason.


uthorities conducted an anti-truancy operation in Athlone in May. Learners who were still roaming the streets after 08h30 were transported to the Bridgetown community hall by police officers and education officials where representatives from the education department were waiting to process and record their names and details. Counselors, social workers and health practitioners were also stationed at the community hall to assist with learners needing support or counseling. In total, 55 learners ranging from Grade R to Grade 12 were picked up on the streets and brought to the community hall. Schools in the area also took part in the operation by providing the names and addresses of learners that were

“Truancy is not just about bunking school. There are many reasons why a child will be repeatedly absent from school”

repeatedly truant and were absent. With this information the police and education officials were able to conduct home visits to either address the learners or the parents themselves. “Truancy is not just about bunking school. There are many reasons why a child will be repeatedly absent from school. “Socio-economic circumstances certainly play a role, as well as gangsterism and drugs. But we too must consider the self-confidence of learners struggling to perform in school, and their battle to keep up with their classmates, said Western Cape Education Minister, Donald Grant. He reassured learners gathered at the hall that the officials were not there to judge them, but to determine the reasons for their absence from school

INSIDE | news

and to make sure that they get the necessary help. “Our focus in education is time on tasks and ensuring that we work to create opportunities for our learners. If our children are not in school and learning then their future is being compromised. If they are not in school, they are more likely to be in harm’s way.”

“If they are not in school, they are more likely to be in harm’s way” Grant said learners should also take personal responsibility and act in a disciplined way to ensure that they develop to their full potential. Gwynne Philander, the principal of Ned Doman High School, said the


school phoned the parents of absent learners to enquire about their whereabouts. He said it was regrettable that parents often allowed their children to stay at home without a valid reason. Major-General Robbie Roberts, the Commander for the Nyanga policing cluster, said the operation came about after some learners were picked up at shebeens and drug dens during school hours or got involved with crime because they sat around idle at home. Roberts said he planned to expand the operations to other areas under his command. Discussions were also underway about the possibility of similar operations in the other 25 clusters within the province. The WCED will monitor the learners’ school attendance, as well as inform their parents and ask for their support. In 2011, 907 cases of truancy were brought to the department’s attention, either via the district offices or through the call centre. The department employed 23 Safety Fieldworkers. Part of their responsibility was dealing with truancy at schools.



World Book Day: Celebrations at Klapmuts

SA school ranked amongst the world’s best

Eugene Daniels talks about how every child matters

Learner to represent SA as an Olympic torchbearer

See page 3

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See page 10

See page 16




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recenT developmenTs working force

bird’s eye view improves planning

First public high school opens in Melkbosstrand Learners from Melkbosstrand on the West Coast can now go to a public high school in their area following the opening of the new Melkbos High School.


he school had enrolled Grade 8 and 9 learners for the first time at the beginning of the 2012 school year. The learners were temporarily located at Bloubergrant High School while their new school was being completed. Some of the 103 learners moved into their new school premises at the end of the first term and the remaining learners moved in at the start of the second term. The school can accommodate 1 200 learners and has 27 classrooms, two computer rooms, a library, five laboratories, two specialist rooms, a school hall and sports facilities. The cost of the new school building was approximately R26 million. Enrolment is set to progress next year to Grade 10. In 2014, it will further progress to Grade 11. “I am delighted that we now have a public ordinary high school in the Melkbosstrand area which

The Western Cape Education Department is using a new geographic information system to improve infrastructure planning.

caters for both Afrikaans and English learners. This area has dramatically grown in the past decade and continues to grow even further. Parents of learners in Melkbosstrand now have the opportunity to enrol their children in a school in their area, rather than travelling to Bloubergstrand, as most of them have done in the past,” said Western Cape Education Minister Donald Grant.

“parenTs of learners in melkbossTrand now have The opporTuniTy To enrol Their children in a school in Their area, raTher Than Travelling To bloubergsTrand”

Children from Melkbosstrand can now walk or cycle to their local high school and do not have to travel to the nearest high school in Bloubergstrand, like they had to do in the past.

From left: Donald Grant, Provincial Education Minister, Penny Vinjevold, Head of Education, Gerrit Coetzee of the Directorate Infrastructure Planning, who helped develop the system, and Archie Lewis, Chief Director for Physical Resources.


he Geographic Information System (GIS) has been integrated into the Province’s Centralised Educational Management System (CEMIS)

database and provides a visual, global snapshot of, for instance, overcrowding and underutilisation of schools. At the launch, Western Cape Education Minister, Donald Grant,


Saldanha Langebaan


Melkbosstrand Cape Town key

New schools enrolling for the first time New schools moving from existing premises at the beginning of the year

Fisantekraal Blue Downs Delft

said the department expected to exceed its original target set in 2010 to build 45 new permanent schools over a three year period, including replacing schools that were built with inappropriate materials. To date, the department completed the building of 23 new schools and have replaced 8 schools built with inappropriate material. In the current financial year, the department expected to complete the building of 3 new schools and 13 replacement schools. “While we are pleased and proud that we are on track in delivering on the commitment that we made in 2010, we must look at how it would address future infrastructure developments and needs,” said Grant. Head of Education, Penny Vinjevold, said in the past the department had to rely on requests from the public to determine where new schools had to be built. “The system will help us get an overview and take decisions based on facts.” The GIS uses as base information

the utilisation levels of schools depicted geographically. It will also be populated with school specific data such as the actual and required size of school facilities, learner enrolment levels and trends, classroom rations and whether schools are built with inappropriate materials. The information will help the department make informed decisions with regard to the consolidation and expansion of school infrastructure. “We need to be planning better as we respond to the changing demands on our education system and take steps to consolidate school infrastructure in the

province. With the new GIS we are confident that we will be able to do just that,” Grant concluded.

“we are pleased and proud ThaT we are on Track in delivering on The commiTmenT ThaT we made in 2010”



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World Book Day:

celebrations at klapmuts Dreams can become reality with the power of words and books, learners were told at the Western Cape Education Department’s World Book Day celebrations at Klapmuts Primary School. Author Wendy Maartens, a former teacher and the guest speaker, told the audience how a learner in her class inspired her to pen her first book. Maartens resigned from teaching, after 22 years at schools in the Karoo, Cloetesville, Jamestown and Kayamandi, to start writing full time. She encouraged learners to write about the things around them. Former Springbok rugby coach Pieter De Villiers, who was also a former deputy principal at the school, motivated learners to find books that interested them. “Success is to become the best you that you can be,” said De Villiers. Western Cape Education Minister Donald Grant spoke about the importance of reading and the value of books while representa-

tives from the Centre for the Book, publishers and booksellers delivered messages of support. Vuyelwa Madasi, the event organiser and QIDS UP project manager, said Klapmuts Primary School was selected to host the World Book Day celebrations because the department wanted to acknowledge the school’s good performance despite the fact that it was in the category of poorest schools in the country. The school first opened in July 1976 in a prefabricated building which has now been replaced with a brick and mortar structure. The joint project by the WCED and the Independent Development Trust was an example of the integrated community development approach

and in the afternoons the library and computer centre and internet facility opened its doors to the 9 000 strong community. The opening of the library last year was a historic occasion since it was the first public library located in a school. Madasi hailed the development as the optimal use of minimum resources. Community members, who in the past, either had to buy books or rely on family members to take out books from public libraries in other towns on their behalf, welcomed the resource centre at the school. Councilor John Anthony said reading always played an important role in the community and they were

“The opening of The library lasT year was a hisToric occasion since iT was The firsT public library locaTed in a school” proud that the long anticipated library was worth the wait. Fourteen primary and high schools participated in the celebrations and Madasi said they each received books to encourage teachers, learners and communities to share in the joy of books and the pleasure and value of reading.

Above: Author Wendy Maartens (seated) with Edulis and library staff. Right: Learners entertained the audience with music and recitals.


S PA Z A S H O P S A S S I S T W I T H E A R LY E N R O L M E N T C A M PA I G N The Western Cape Education Department has launched a major enrolment campaign to encourage parents to register their children for the 2013 school year by 7 September 2012.

A group of preschoolers and the owner of Tshatshu Game Shop in Asanda Village in Nomzamo, Strand, with the packets of rice the department is using to spread the early enrolment message.


he department is rolling out the campaign in two phases over three months, from 1 June to 31 August 2012. The first phase has started with outdoor displays in selected communities. These include billboards and posters in shopping malls, taxi ranks, bus shelters, petrol station forecourts and outside schools. Areas targeted include various parts of Khayelitsha, Mitchells Plain, Langa, Nyanga, Delft, Nomzamo and Strand. The department has placed posters in trains serving Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain, and “visor” displays in long-haul taxis travelling on the N1, N2 and N7. The second phase in August will include radio advertisements on five radio stations serving urban and rural districts and mobile displays on trailers that will tour selected areas. This year, the department is also promoting its message via spaza shops in selected townships for the first time. The WCED has acquired space

on 100 000 small bags of rice that spaza shop owners are using to promote sales of electricity via their shops. On each of the bags of rice is a printed message that reads: “Enrol your child for school today. Let’s make education better together!”

“enrol your child for school Today. leT’s make educaTion beTTer TogeTher!” Not only is the promotion getting the WCED’s message across on early enrolment, it is also helping to build small business. Most electricity consumers buy the electricity for pre-paid meters at petrol stations and larger shops. Research has shown that spaza shops can double or treble their income if they sell electricity vouchers. The spaza shop owners are attracting electricity customers by handing out small bags of rice with every sale of electricity.

update is the official

newspaper of the Western Cape Education Department.

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Millicent Merton conTribuTors

Wayne Blauw Bronagh Casey Boebie Cassiem Eugene Daniels Berniece Friedmann Waheeb Gasant Neville Goliath Susan Hanekom Zaahida Hartley Carolyn Hodgskiss Mario Johns Hennie Mentz Gairoenesa Sentso Ismail Teladia Desiree Timmet Jennifer van Papendorp Dalena White South African Institute of Civil Engineering Western Cape Branch design

Infestation, Tel: 021 461 8601



special feature

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wced launches new

Maths and Science strategy A plan to encourage more learners to take Mathematics and Physical Sciences and improve learners’ performance in these subjects was already paying off with learners at a Mitchells Plain High School begging their teacher to stay in during break to do Mathematics.


haldie Tregonning, deputy principal and Mathematics teacher at Rocklands High School, said the learners were especially enthusiastic about using the notebook computers provided by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). The investment in ICT was part of the WCED’s Mathematics and Science Strategy to increase Grade 12 Mathematics passes from 15 000 to 22 000 in 2019 and increase Physical Sciences passes from 11 500 to 16 000 in the same period. The department announced that it was investing approximately R113 million in the next five years in the strategy. The department budgeted R12.4 million for the current financial year.

“we are working hard to encourage more learners to take Mathematics”

Each of the 48 Dinaledi Mathematics and Science schools would receive notebooks onto which digital resources should be loaded to support the Mathematics curriculum, and a laptop trolley. Once the roll-out was complete at the Dinaledi Main Schools, the new technology would also be made available to the 24 Dinaledi Incentive Schools in the province. The WCED allocated three staff members to provide schools with technical ICT support. The schools also received textbook top-ups and maths and science kits and would benefit from the refurbishing of ICT and science laboratories. “Proficiency in Mathematics forms the basis of many of our further education and training fields in science, technology, engineering and

business - all key sectors for a growing economy such as ours. Therefore, as a government, we are working hard to encourage more learners to take Mathematics and science so that we can grow our future economic workforce and broaden the life chances of our learners,” said Western Cape Education Minister Donald Grant. He visited Rocklands Secondary School where Tregonning demonstrated the use of ICT in enhancing Mathematics tuition in the classroom. Tregonning used the graphing programmes extensively as part of his teaching to illustrate functions and graphs. He said in the past learners simply did not answer questions on graphs in the exams. Brian Schreuder, Deputy DirectorGeneral: Curriculum and Assessment Management, said the Mathematics and Science strategy was relevant to all high schools and was linked to the department’s Literacy and Numeracy Strategy which focused on foundational learning. “The approach to schools is a staggered one. Once we create centres of excellence in Mathematics and Science in these (Dinaledi Main and Dinaledi Incentive) schools, other schools will be targeted over a five year period.” He said from January 2013, the department wished to see more learners taking Mathematics in Grade 10. There were many learners doing Mathematical Literacy who could cope well with Mathematics and schools were asked to identify those learners and advise them accordingly. The department expected an improvement in the quality of Grade 12 passes in terms of the average mark in Mathematics and Physical Sciences and the number of learners who get distinctions and B and C symbols. Schools that meet their targets would receive incentives such as funding to buy additional resources for the school. The strategy also focused on teacher development and support and monitoring and evaluation. Educators will be participating

Above: Phaldie Tregonning explains graphs to Grade 12 learners at Rocklands High School. in various training programmes in specific content areas in Mathematics and Physical sciences. The content areas were determined through an analysis of learners’ performance in the 2011 examinations. Schreuder said every year the WCED gives all schools an exquisite set of data on their matric results. “We are the only province that captures the matric exam results for every learner per question. And every school gets the results per question, graphed out and in table form, to show them how learners performed in each question. So every teacher in that school is able to see in which areas of the curriculum the learners did not perform well in. Curriculum advisors target those areas for support for teachers and the training of teachers and that enables targeted support for teachers at matric level. It can also be used by the school to show shortcomings lower down.” Teachers who were experts in

“Educators will be participating in various training programmes in specific content areas in Mathematics and Physical sciences” their subjects were asked to assist with training. Schreuder said the department found that there were parts of the curriculum that teach-

ers find to be more challenging for learners. It was advocated that teacher cluster groups meet to engage with these matters so that teachers learn from teachers and they share ideas and best practice and teaching methodologies. Brian Isaacs, the principal of South Peninsula High School in Diep River, said at his school inexperienced teachers were mentored by skilful teachers to help grow the pool of proficient educators and improve results. Like in most Mathematics and Science Focus Schools, all Grade 10 learners at South Peninsula had to do Mathematics in Grade 10. Isaacs advocated that Mathematics should also be compulsory in Grade 11 and that learners who struggled with the subject could elect to do Mathematical Literacy in Grade 12. This would ensure that even those learners who matriculated with Mathematical Literacy had a good basis in Mathematics. He said all children had the ability to do Mathematics and teachers continuously needed to affirm this in their classes. Grades 8 and 9 have been identified as important stages to capture learners’ interest in Mathematics and Physical Sciences and ensure that more learners choose the subjects in Grade 10. Schools have been asked to ensure that they have good teachers teaching Mathematics and Science in Grades 8 and 9. For the first time this year, the department will also offer an in-service training course for Grade 8 and 9 science teachers

at the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute in Kuils River. Teachers interested to attend the course in the third term, were welcome to contact their district offices to be considered for nomination. Career guidance and advocacy were also part of all districts’ school improvement targets. The WCED formed a partnership with the Cape Town Science Centre (CTSC) and Schreuder said it would support the two main aims of the Mathematics and Science Strategy which was to enhance the interest Mathematics and Science and improve results. “The strong benefit of the Cape Town Science Centre is that they have a mandate to make maths and science exciting and to illustrate the wonder of science to learners and teachers.” The department funds the mobile science centre at the Cape Town Science Centre. The mobile science centre will, as it has done for some years, go to schools and demonstrate the curriculum experiments to teachers and learners. “They have interactive exhibits and experiments. They will target the Dinaledi Schools initially, do teacher training and support and help teachers in the use of science equipment for experiments. But they will also hold exhibitions, careers in science expos focusing on Grade 8 and 9, and workshops to which learners and schools could go. They have been very popular in the past. We are now aligning it more closely to our strategy.


special feature

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How to improve learner performance in sTay informed

mathematics and physical sciences

W H AT I S A DINALEDI MAIN S C H O O L? The Dinaledi Schools Initiative is a programme co-ordinated by the Department of Basic Education. Selected schools are supported by a three-year conditional grant. The conditions of the grant are that targets are set for improvement in the numbers and quality of passes in mathematics and physical science. Schools receive financial and other assistance in the form of: Infrastructure especially science laboratories and mathematics classrooms but also security and general maintenance, if this is required Equipment especially information technology, mathematics and science equipment Teacher training and incentives School management support Learner support including participation in science fairs and mathematics olympiads Texts especially textbooks and IT software The reQuiremenTs To be selecTed as a dinaledi school are:

a pass rate in grade 12 of at least 80%; and participation of at least 60% of the school’s Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12 learners in mathematics and participation of at least 20% of the school’s Grade 10, 11 and 12 learners in physical science. whaT is a dinaledi incenTive school?

These schools do not necessarily currently meet the criteria for Dinaledi Schools but aspire to achieve these criteria. The WCED will consider submissions from these schools for funds and other support to improve mathematics and physical science at the school. From left: Waheeb Gasant, who heads up special projects for maths and science focus schools, South Peninsula learners and Adnaan Ederies, the head of the Mathematics Department at South Peninsula High School, with the school’s newly acquired laptop trolley.

The Cape Academy of Mathematics, Science and Technology in Tokai, Paul Roos Gymnasium in Stellenbosch and Westerford High School in Rondebosch shared some tips on helping learners to perform better in Mathematics and Science.




8 9

Encourage learners to participate in Olympiads, competitions and expos.

Stream learners according to their ability so that teaching is at the standard and tempo of the whole class. Start working on the first day of the year and make use of every minute of contact time.

Try to finish the syllabus by the middle of the third term to allow for revision.


Encourage learners to use teachers as a first resource. Learners can consult teachers by arrangement at breaks or after school, extra murals permitting.

Offer enrichment activities for learners who perform well.



Offer support classes for learners struggling with Mathematics and Physical Sciences.


Monitor learners’ progress and contact parents individually if there are signs that a learner is not coping for whatever reason.


Try to have the same teachers for Grade 8 to Grade 12. In this way, the teachers will know what learners did the previous year and will be able to identify areas where learners need extra support.

Encourage learners to work through past papers. Make revision material available to learners to work through on their own.





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western cape school ranked amongst the world’s top schools DF Malan High School in Bellville has been named one of the top schools in the world.


maThemaTical eXcellence

he University of Cambridge included the school in a publication, The Guide to Excellence. “By outlining inspiring stories, forward-thinking initiatives and models of good practice, this book aims to reflect on global strengths and challenges,” wrote the compilers in the preface. DF Malan is the only Western Cape school and one of only a handful South African schools to be selected by a research team from the university. The other schools are Brescia House School for Girls in Johannesburg, Kloof High School in Durban, Ladysmith High School, Sparrows Private School and St. Mary’s Private School, both in Johannesburg, and Westville Boys’ High School in Durban.

Joh Dorfling, the principal of DF Malan, described the school as a community school that played an active role in various projects around Cape Town. “DF Malan is blessed with highly trained and motivated staff as well as a very talented group of learners who take particular pride in their school. We’re a school where students have a strong sense of belonging and are valued as individuals. It is also a place where staff encourage one another to act from a sense of pride and responsibility.” Dr Heinie Brand, Director of the Metro North Education District, said the department was proud to share in the recognition for the school’s academic, extra-curricular and social achievements.

Joh Dorfling, principal of DF Malan High School

“df malan is blessed wiTh highly Trained and moTivaTed sTaff as well as a very TalenTed group of learners”

Competition promotes a career in engineering Teams from Brackenfell High School and Glendale High School qualified for the national finals of a model bridge building competition organised by the SA Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE). SAICE initiated the competition 21 years ago to further high school learners’ use of maths and science in an engineering context to grow the profession. All interested schools in the Western Cape Region were invited to participate in the SAICE/ ASLA MAGWEBU regional competition on 20 May at Canal Walk. Teams of three learners were required to build model bridges from 4mmx4mm pine sticks, glue and string, according to a technical briefing. The event culminated in a bridge testing ceremony to determine the winners. Brackenfell High School achieved first place for building a bridge withstanding a total weight of 195 kilograms. Glendale High School scored 27 out of 30 points for best aesthetics. Their bridge broke after a load of 130 kilograms had been placed on it. They scored 79% relative to Brackenfell High School. Hermanus High School came third. The two winning teams will compete in the national finals to be held in Gauteng in August.

“The evenT culminaTed in a bridge TesTing ceremony To deTermine The winners”

Top: Brackenfell High School’s bridge building team Above: Contestants working on their model.

2 0 1 2 U C T M AT H S CO M P E T I T I O N B R E A K S R E CO R D A record entry of 8312 participants from a record number of 153 Western Cape schools took part in the University of Cape Town’s Mathematics Competition in April. Over 200 maths teachers from local schools assisted in the running of the competition. “The UCT Maths Competition has proved to be an excellent way of uncovering mathematical potential among our high schools,” said Professor John Webb, of the UCT Mathematics Department. Separate papers for each of grades 8 to 12 were set by a committee of maths teachers and UCT lecturers. The problems were designed to test insight and creative thinking. Learners could compete individually or in pairs. Pairs and individuals wrote

the same paper, but were ranked separately. Congratulations to Bishops on winning the Mona Leeuwenburg Trophy for the best school in the 2012 UCT Mathematics Competition. Bishops has now won the trophy for five consecutive years. Rondebosch Boys’ came second overall and Parel Vallei third. Manyano High School received the Moola Trophy, introduced for the first time this year and awarded to a disadvantaged school with a particularly noteworthy performance. Claremont High School won the

UCT Trophy for the best results from a school that has taken part in the competition at most three times.

“The ucT maThs compeTiTion has proved To be an eXcellenT way of uncovering maThemaTical poTenTial among our high schools”



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Tygersig Primary School

tackles bullying

The Positive Behaviour Programme at Tygersig Primary School in Uitsig was gaining momentum as the learners were being educated in upholding good relationships. The value of good relationships was once again emphasised at their Anti-bullying Day on Friday 4 May 2012.


he program focused on the negative consequences of bullying at school. This initiative was co-ordinated by Cordelia Matthee, the Positive Behaviour Ambassador, together with a team of Educators. The programme was necessary as it dealt with the social problems that occurred daily in the Uitsig Community and had a negative impact on the functioning of the school. The day started off by integrating the bullying topic into the school’s Literacy Program. Each learner received a text to read and they had to answer questions relating to the text. A survey was conducted where all learners from Grades 4 to 7 were involved. All participating learners did not have to disclose their personal particulars. This was done to allow all the participants to provide their honest and frank views on the subject. The data collected will provide guidelines for programmes to be developed that will deal with the negative aspects of bullying. An Anti-bullying Exhibition was held in the hall and a story regarding bullying was read. Matthee did a presentation dealing with the

negative aspects of bullying. The positive response by learners and their interaction with the presenters during the presentation of the program was a good indicator that the Positive Behaviour Programme was definitely reaping rewards and will not only bring positive change in their behaviour, but also filter into the homes and the communities around the school.

“the Positive Behaviour Programme was definitely reaping rewards”

DESERVED recognition

The Moot Court Competition fires up aspiring lawyers Learners from around the country gave credibility to the significance of Freedom Day and South Africa’s constitutional democracy when they participated in the national rounds of the Moot Court Competition at the Constitutional Court in Johannesburg.

Cordelia Matthee and a group of Grade 7 learners.


Spine Road victorious in inter-schools quiz Many hours of poring over newspapers paid off for Spine Road High School learners when they were named the winners of an inter-schools quiz on world events.

Nuhaa Sentso, Jasmin Solomons, Nabeelah Kader and Tumelo Makofane, were committed to their goal to win the annual South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)/ Caltex interschools quiz. The event was initiated 20 years ago as a way of promoting international awareness amongst high school learners. Representatives from participating schools were provided with the Cape Times for two weeks and then, on the night, were quizzed on certain articles of interest. After the first round Spine Road ranked third, but from there the team took the lead. In the final round there was a six point difference between them and the runners-up, La Rochelle Girls High. A total of 48 schools participated this year. The other schools in the top ten were Rylands HS, Jan van Riebeeck HS, Rhenish Girls HS, Makupula HS, Westerford HS, Cape Town HS, Good Hope Seminary HS and Immaculate HS.

Spine Road received a trophy, R5 000 for the school, a trip to Johannesburg in December 2012 to attend a young leaders conference where the team will have the opportunity to tour government departments, ministries, embassies and consulates. An article written by the winning team was also published in the Cape Times. Gairoenesa Sentso, one of the teachers who prepared the learners, said the school was extremely proud of their achievements in this competition and looked forward to more interesting challenges in future.

“The event was initiated 20 years ago as a way of promoting international awareness amongst high school learners”

Nuhaa Sentso, Jasmin Solomons, Nabeelah Kader and Tumelo Makofone.

A Moot is a role-play exercise, where the participants play the role of the lawyers in a fictional court case. The competition aims to create greater awareness in schools and communities in South Africa about the rights and values enshrined in the Constitution through active participation in a hypothetical case. It also provides a unique opportunity for learners to develop their research, writing and oral advocacy skills. The competition also hopes that this experience will encourage more young people to pursue a career in law. The Western Cape was represented by teams from Springfield Convent, the Cape Academy for Mathematics Science and Technology, Fairmount High School and Reddam House Atlantic Seaboard. A team from Limpopo emerged as 2012 winners while Fezeka Mehlomakhulu and Nicole Dunn from Springfield Convent School were placed second. Both teams received financial assistance to study first year law at any University in South Africa.

Nicole Dunn and Fezeka Mehlomakhulu of Springfield Convent School with Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development Andries Nel.




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sTrengThening The curriculum

Teachers take the lead in training support The Western Cape Education Department is preparing for the next phase in the rollout of the national curriculum and assessment policy statement (CAPS). About 1 200 lead teachers in the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6) attended training at venues across the province in June.


he training was held over four days and teachers were oriented to the content, assessment, teaching methodology, resources and management of classrooms in CAPS. The lead teachers are the top teachers in their fields and joined teams that trained about 8 500 Intermediate Phase teachers during the July school holidays, from 9 to 11 July 2012. Education authorities are introducing the CAPS over three years. They started with the Foundation Phase (Grades R to 3) and Grade 10 this year (2012) and will continue in 2013 with the Intermediate Phase and Grade 11.

The CAPS have strengthened and streamlined the existing curriculum. They prescribe the sequence and pace at which subjects should be taught and have introduced new content in some subjects. The CAPS will contribute to building literacy and numeracy skills with a strong emphasis on reading, writing and mathematics. The policy complements the literacy and numeracy strategy of the Western Cape Education Department. The department is investing heavily in textbooks, workbooks and reading books as part of this strategy and to support CAPS.

The lead teachers are based in each of the 49 education circuits of the province. They will provide ongoing, on-the-ground support as CAPS is implemented in 2013. One of the lead Mathematics teachers is Marionette Maart, of Northway Primary School in Ravensmead, who has been teaching for 23 years. For the last six years she has been involved with the training of teachers and is a presenter at Mathematics Conferences provincially as well as nationally. “I believe that whatever is working in my class will work in somebody else’s class as well because I do my research in

the class,” explained Maart. She has been working through the CAPS documents since September last year. Genevieve Koopman, Director: Curriculum Development: General Education and Training (GET), said the department was trying to build capacity in the system at circuit team level to strengthen all subjects. “We are training specialists in their subject area and we will basically have one subject specialist for every two schools.” She said in July teachers would receive generic training but they would have the opportunity to get specialist training at a later stage.

“caps have sTrengThened and sTreamlined The eXisTing curriculum”


Online textbook ordering system put to the test when ordering books for Grade 11 and the Intermediate Phase respectively. Grades 4,5 and 6 learners (Intermediate Phase) will receive five textbooks per learner – a textbook for all their subjects, excluding Life Skills. Learners in Grade 11 will receive six textbooks per learner – a textbook for six of the seven subjects taken by Grade 11 learners. Once the national catalogue for the Intermediate Phase is made available in July 2012, primary schools are expected to use their 2012 Norms and Standards funding or school funds to purchase a Life Skills textbook for every Grade 4 to 6 learner.

A teacher tries out the upgraded online ordering system. Similarly, high schools are expected to purchase a Life Orientation textbook for every Grade 11 learner. Teachers are encouraged to attend exhibitions where approved textbooks will be on display. The WCED will provide all schools with

the national catalogues as well as dates and venues of the exhibitions. Schools may access all Circulars and information pertaining to CAPS textbooks on the WCED website under the “LTSM (CAPS Textbooks)” tab as from July 2012.

CEMIS/ISAMS Administrator at School

CAPS Textbook Ordering Process Model 9. Captures order online

8. Receives hard copy

CAPS Textbook Online Ordering System

Education authorities are introducing the amended curriculum over three years. The Directorate: Institutional Resource Support said the second year of the three year CAPS textbook provisioning plan is on track in the province. The department plans to invest R144 million this year on textbooks for schools. This does not include the additional R100 million that schools can spend on textbooks from funding allocated to them in terms of national norms and standards. The massive investment in textbooks forms part of the WCED’s drive to ensure text-rich schools. To support the implementation of CAPS in Grade 10 this year, each Grade 10 learner received a textbook for each of the seven subjects taken. The books were delivered to schools following an online ordering process on the Centralised Education Management Information System (CEMIS). Schools ordered more than 500 000 textbooks and teacher guides from the national catalogue of CAPS approved textbooks. The process will be repeated for Grades 4 to 6 (Intermediate Phase) and Grade 11. To improve on 2011, the online system was tested by staff of randomly selected high schools. Teachers had a trial run of the upgraded system which they will be exposed to in July and August

Exhibition Principal / Staff Service Provider

The Western Cape Education Department is fine-tuning a new online textbook ordering system to support the implementation of the national Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in the Intermediate Phase and Grade 11 in 2013.

Phase 13. Update/ delete

11. Print order

10. Save captured order

14. Save captured order

4. Exhibits CAPS approved textbooks on National Catalogue only

Yes 1. View and print catalogue

2. Distribute catalogue amongst educators

3. Attend exhibition

5. Discuss textbook selection & quantities per subject


WCED Triggers: Release of National Catalogues

Agreement No

School Triggers: Receives National Catalogues via Circular Selection of CAPS Textbooks per Subject

6. Complete hardcopy order form which is included in circular

7. Send hardcopy to the school Administrator

12. Verify order

Update/ Delete

15. Sign-off End



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How does the state work out your pension?

It is a comforting thought that the government puts away a portion of your money every month towards your retirement. But how much of this money will you receive when you leave before retirement? How safe is my money at the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF)? The GEPF is a defined pension fund where the benefits are defined in terms of the rules. Benefits are generally guaranteed and are not dependent on investment returns of the fund or on the level of employer contributions. How does the fund know how much to pay me out? The fund is a defined benefit fund. This means that the benefits are defined in the rules of the fund, and are usually based on: your final salary; years of pensionable service; and a formula/factor. What is my final salary? This is the average salary earned over the last 24 months of pensionable service. If you are employed for less than 24 months, the final salary will be the average salary for the whole period. How much money do I get when I resign? When you resign from the govern-

ment, or are discharged (due to misconduct, or an illness or injury caused by your own doing), you have two options. Option 1 – transfer into an approved retirement fund When you transfer your benefit to an approved retirement fund, you will receive no payment in the process. This transfer is not tax deductible and you will be taxed when you exit the approved fund. In this case, the fund will transfer your cash resignation benefit (as calculated in Option 1) plus any difference between this benefit and the actuarial interest (described below). If the fund allows you to withdraw cash, note that it will be limited to one-third of the transfer value (interest included) will be used to purchase an annuity for your retirement, so that you receive a monthly pension. Option 2 – lump sum cash payout into your account The fund will pay out a lump sum benefit into a member’s

own account, equal to: 7,5% x final salary x years of pensionable service. This benefit will be increased according to the following table and is taxable. Completed years of pensionable service with percentage increase: 5 or less ……………………………0% 6 ………………………………………..10% 7…………………………………………20% 8…………………………………………30% 9……………………………………….. 40% 10……………………………………….50% 11……………………………………......60% 12………………………………………..70% 13………………………………………..80% 14……………………………………….90% 15 or more ……………………….100%

You can only transfer to preservation pension fund and not a provident fund Note the difference in the payout between a lump sum cashing in and transferring your money into an approved retirement fund.

What happens when you retire? As a GEPF member, you receive retirement benefits when you: Go on normal retirement at the age of 60; Take early retirement with the permission of your employer; or Choose to retire, with penalties.


Taking normal retirement - what to do: When going on normal retirement, you need to supply your Human Resources (HR) department with the following documents: A correct and completed Withdrawal from Fund Application form (Z102); A correct and completed Banking Details form (Z894); The Z583 form if you have more than 10 years’ service and are a member of a medical aid scheme; A certified copy (not older than six months) of your green bar-coded identity document or passport; A correct and completed Retirement Choice form. Your HR department will then complete the

remaining paperwork and submit this, together with the forms you have completed, to the GEPF. Taking early retirement - what to do: You can retire any time after your 55th birthday and before you turn 60 if you have the written permission of your employer and understand the penalties, in terms of funds, of this choice. To claim early retirement benefits, you need to supply your Human Resources (HR) department with the following documents: A correct and completed Z102 form; A correct and completed Z894 form; A correct and completed Z583 form if you have more than 10 years’ service and are a member of a medical aid scheme; A letter of approval for your early retirement, signed by your Head of Department; A certified copy (not older than six months) of your green bar-coded identity document; and A correct and completed Retirement Choice form. Next, HR will complete the remaining paperwork and submit it, with your completed forms, to the GEPF.


Max resigned from the government after 12 years of pensionable service at the age of 47. He decided on a lump sum payout. At the time his final salary was R48 000. His resignation benefit was calculated as follows: 7,5% x final salary x years of pensionable service: 0.075 (7.5%) x R48 000 x 12 = R43 200 Since Max has accumulated 12 years of pensionable service, the above benefit was increased by 70% ie: R43 200 x 0.7 (70%) = R30 240 If Max wanted a lump sum payout into his account, his total gratuity will be: R43 200 + R30 240 = R73 440

However, if Max had transferred his pension money to an approved retirement fund, he would have received a further increase, which will be the difference between Max’s actuarial interests and the benefit above (illustrated in the example below): EXAMPLE: OPTION 2: TRANSFER INTO AN APPROVED RETIREMENT FUND

Max’s actuarial total gratuity can be calculated as follows: Years of pensionable service (12) x final salary (48 000) F(Z) 0,205 factor formula provided by fund 12 x R48 000 x0,205 = R118 080 Max will receive R118 080 GEPF money plus the benefits of his contributions.

WCED @ Work

Three new directors have joined the ranks of senior management at the Western Cape Education Department, bringing with them a wealth of talent and experience in their fields. Here follows a brief introduction...

Ryana de Bruyn

Ryana de Bruyn, Director: Procurement Management, has a LLB degree and completed her articles at the State Attorney’s office. She has been working with the Western Cape Education Department for the past four years as State Legal Advisor. She is not fazed by the fact that procurement has the potential to be contentious and that certain decisions could be challenged in court. “It is regulated in terms of the Constitution, the Public Finance Management Act, the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act and Regulations, so there are set processes that you need to follow and we take guidance from Treasury.” De Bruyn said she is familiar with most of the internal policies and protocol at the department. She took office on 1 April 2012 and said she valued the years of experience of staff in her directorate. She described herself as a family person and her interests include reading and cooking.

the impending move to a new building in Ottery. As the district expanded over the years, staff had to be accommodated in satellite offices. As of September 2013 the entire district will be housed under one roof. Van Harte said the district remained focused on their core function to ensure that good teaching and learning happens. They aimed to improve on last year’s 82% Grade 12 pass rate by achieving at least 88%. “Actually, we want 100%, but we know that there are some challenges. We have lost 119 matriculants between January and May of this year. So that will be one of my big challenges: to make sure that we curb the drop-out rate.” He undertook to build on the good work produced by outgoing director, Eugene Daniels. “I want to pay tribute to him and the legacy that he has left to the point that our schools are willing to listen to the district and are willing to attempt new things. That is something which we cannot underplay.”

Lesline Mc Glenatendolf

Lesline Mc Glenatendolf, Director: Infrastructure Planning and Management, has worked in the construction industry since 1979.

Glen van Harte

Glen van Harte has been appointed as Director of the Metropole South Education District with effect from 1 July 2012. Van Harte is currently based at the District as Head of Curriculum. He taught Mathematics and Physical Science at Groenvlei Secondary School in Hanover Park for 14 years. In 1996 he was appointed as a senior advisor for Physical Science. Since 2001, Van Harte coordinated the work of the 43 curriculum advisors in the district, making sure that the teachers were prepared to implement the curriculum. One of his first assignments would be to make staff in the district excited about

She has vast and varied experience of the industry and has been in senior management for the past eleven years. “This journey has equipped me with the confidence to tackle my new position with huge amounts of enthusiasm and energy. “My vision for the directorate is to increase the intelligence underpinning how the infrastructure budget is spent. On this front we have new GIS technology which is being developed continuously and will play a major role in future planning. Previous lack of technical capacity in the directorate meant that the WCED played a more passive role in the delivery of infrastructure, this has now been addressed and I would like to improve the involvement of Education in infrastructure implementation and delivery to ensure that all our goals are met.” Mc Glenatendolf is an avid road runner and has completed seven Two Oceans Ultra Marathons.



insight & opinion

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Every child matters Millicent Merton spoke to Eugene Daniels, who recently resigned as director of the Metro South Education District to join Dr Mamphele Ramphela’s Citizens Movement for Social Change.



espite his busy schedule as he prepares to vacate the office he occupied for eleven years, Eugene Daniels looked relaxed as he sat opposite me during our interview. Daniels’ decision to resign was prompted by a presentation he gave at an Education Conference in Durban in which he advocated an integrated framework to better prepare children for school, deepen the education experience of schoolgoing children and prepare learners for the world of work. He said for the past five years he had been mooting the idea of a seamless, integrated government approach, similar to a UK government initiative, Every Child Matters, which involved multi-agency partnerships to ensure that children are healthy, safe and achieve economic well-being. After the presentation in April, the internationally acclaimed humanitarian, activist and academic, Dr Mamphele Ramphela, challenged Daniels to commit himself on a fulltime basis to act on this ideal of getting government and organisations to work together to improve the life chances of each child. “We need clarity of direction, greater synergy and alignment. This can be achieved by creating an integrated framework spelling out the roles and responsibilities of parents, guardians, teachers, government departments, parastatals, business and funders, each of whom have a particular role to play in developing a learning pathway for each learner so that they become healthy, creative, responsible and productive citizens.” Last year, the anger displayed by learners over the possible closure of the Simon Estes Music School made him aware of the growing dissent of young people who feel disenfranchised. Daniels and three colleagues were held hostage for six hours. “I realised that these learners felt that I was a monster because I was closing their school and the way I processed it was that they didn’t understand what I was doing; they thought I was just being

Activist for Education

unfair. And, we were closing Simon Estes because their pass rate was under 30% for about three years. What I then did was to transfer that anger to how I’d felt in 1976. I also felt anger towards the government, and then we changed the country from ’76 onwards. ” Daniels said he rediscovered the spirit of activism he felt in 1976. “That same activism and urgency has permeated throughout my life. I wanted to make a difference and I have experience of being part of organisations and shaping organisations to change this country. I believe 2012 will be a historic year for South Africa, where we decide, 18 years after (the dawn of) our democracy, to reshape and actually give credibility to a new South Africa where we create a future that is very different from our past. It is interesting that from ‘76 to 1994 is 18 years; from ‘94 to 2012 is 18 years, and we thought in ‘94 that we were creating a future very different from our past. It hasn’t happened. I’m arguing that we must create something very different from 2012 onwards. The next 18 years can’t be the same as the past 18 years.” He said his three key focus areas in his new role would be to refine

“As soon as a child is born we need to surround that child with all the support we can muster”

his framework for a personalised pathway from the cradle to a career to citizenship; improve support to schools through circuit teams and to rally millions of people to roll up their sleeves and make the country work, but also hold government accountable. He strongly believed that his framework would reduce the dropout rate, increase the pass rate and improve the quality of passes.

D aniels was a learner at Spes Bona High School in Athlone in June 1976 when the Soweto riots broke out. He and four other learners led an uprising at the school. “I reached what I call political consciousness and that activism has been with me ever since. We weren’t influenced. I think it was just something that permeated across the country.”He started teaching in 1982. By 1985 he was supporting

Eugene Daniels

From cradle to career to citizenship “As soon as a child is born we need to surround that child with all the support we can muster.” Daniels referred to international and local examples of best practice. In Masiphumelele, a township near Fish Hoek, the Department of Social Development funds fieldworkers to offer parental guidance to families. One fieldworker works with 26 families and spends an hour a week coaching the mothers, many of whom are single parents. Coaching would be offered in terms of how to use the (social) grant, how to nurture (the child), address abuse, but more importantly, stimulate that child before the child reaches Grade R, using common household implements, so immediately that child has a much better chance from the cradle till Grade R. “Instead of them coming with a three year backlog, they might have no backlog or only a year’s backlog.” When a child is enrolled in school, his or her learning style must be identified and the child’s multiple intelligence must be factored in to create a personalised learning experience for that child, Daniels suggested. “Learning depends on the needs of the child. If 50% of our learners are coming with barriers – poverty, special needs, dysfunctional families, abuse – then you must adapt your curriculum to the specific needs of each child. That is why we lose more than 50% of our children in this country before they reach Grade 12.” He planned to look at the use of

and training the youth in Mitchells Plain who formed the Mitchells Plain Students’ Congress (MIPSCO). The students’ congress put enormous civil pressure on government to change during the 80s. Daniels played a key role in founding the Western Cape Teachers’ Union and eventually SADTU. He was appointed as a circuit manager in 1997.

technology and come up with creative learning strategies, especially in rural areas where there was limited access to teachers and resources. “There are hundreds and thousands of kids who do not have good teachers, so technology will play a central role. But there is still a place for teachers. The technology can fill in a lot of the content and the personalised approach we need.” He said the responsibility to provide the necessary support to children cannot be shouldered by individual departments. “My argument is that we are all doing our utmost, especially our teachers. They are really working very hard and I take my hat off to our principals and our teachers. They are giving their very best, but the sad reality is that they are working hard and we need to make sure that their efforts are better utilised, if we are to go from first to fifth gear. In other words, in first gear, everyone is working hard but you are working at high revolutions. When everyone works together, (all the NGO’s and all the government departments) and, knows their responsibilities and carries these out, then we are in fifth gear and working at low revolutions.” His call that high schools must link up with economic growth areas was based on the successful Go for Gold model and was backed by research indicating that countries with vocational pathways have low unemployment rates of 8% and less . The Go for Gold programme started in 1999 as a partnership between a construction company and schools in the Metropole South Education

aniels played a key role in launching D Safe Schools, together with Zunade Dharsey. In 1999, he was appointed provincial manager for Safe Schools and because of the success of the Safe Schools Programme, he was promoted in 2001 to the post of Director of the Metropole South Education District.

District. Today it has spread to 25 companies and schools in four education districts are involved. Daniels commended the Western Cape Education Department for being proactive in establishing focus schools for commerce, engineering, art, music, dance and drama and sport and would like to see it expanded to other growth areas. “One of my tasks is to talk to business and get business to work with schools so that when a learner sees that they have a place to go, they don’t then pass with 30% or 40%. Seventy per cent of our (Go for Gold) learners pass with access to BA degree studies. This is largely because they believe in themselves, are given the right support and more especially, because they are given a pathway to a job.” Daniels said while the Metro South Education District had an 82% matric pass rate last year, he had many sleepless nights because one in ten matriculants would study further and one in ten would get a job while the other eight were at home. The fact that South Africa had about 647 000 unemployed graduates was also cause for concern. “I am arguing that education must link up with business and with other government departments and we must deepen and strengthen education. Because, if we don’t do it soon, Mamphele Ramphela says we are not going to have an Arab spring, but rather an African summer. We are going to have an unbelievably difficult time with the youth rising up because not enough is being done to look after their needs.” Daniels planned to support provinces and education districts across the country to implement circuit teams. Metropole South played a key role in initiating circuit teams in 2003 and by 2008 the provincial department implemented it formally. “Circuit teams are an effective mechanism for supporting schools because they get better service, it is coordinated, it is more focused, more target driven and the results are clear: literacy and numeracy levels increase and the Grade 12 results improve.” He expressed his gratitude to the WCED and said the department’s focus on providing quality education by setting clear objectives should be emulated across the country. He called on colleagues to reflect on what is currently working and to urgently tackle those practices that produce and perpetuate mediocrity. “I’m asking my colleagues to actually recognise that the system needs to be revolutionised, not reformed. I’m asking that they do things differently and do it better to create a future very different from our past.”


insight & opinion

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WCED contributes to youth

skills development

Matriculants of 2011 have been given the opportunity to gain practical workplace skills and experience with the Western Cape Government. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) employed the biggest group of interns – 220 out of a total of 850 young people participating in the Premier’s Advancement of Youth (PAY) Project.


t the launch at the College of Cape Town, Premier Helen Zille said young people must be given an opportunity to get a first job and get lots of training and skills development. The Learning Cape Initiative, on behalf of the Western Cape Government, secured R16 million of funding from the national treasury’s Jobs Fund for this project and other sustainable skills development initiatives to run over the next three years. From September 2012, the new intake for the programme will be recruited from the class of 2012 matrics who will start their internships from 01 April 2013 with the support of the district offices of the WCED.

“70% of the unemployed in the Western Cape are young people under the age of 35”

The programme is driven by the Department of the Premier and managed by the Learning Cape Initiative. The Premier highlighted that 70% of the unemployed in the Western Cape are young people under the age of 35 and that there were many thousands of other youth who could appreciate and benefit from the PAY Project. “Now you all have a fabulous opportunity to own your future, by achieving happiness through what you do, by starting at the bottom rung of the ladder and by climbing up through your efforts and through meeting opportunity,” she said. Premier Zille shared her own experiences and perspective that would assist the interns in their careers. She said her parents always told her to do her best and be proud of her job, however humble it is. Most of the interns were placed at primary schools while 20 worked in the department’s head office. Wayne Blauw, Departmental Project Manager, said their core activities included general clerical and administrative work, assisting teachers in the classroom and supporting extra-curricular activities after school hours. Iptishaam Abrahams started her

internship at Rocklands Primary School and assisted with admin and coaching the u9 Mini Netball team. She said a highlight was when the girls played their first match against Caravalle Primary School on 24 May. “They won 13-1. I was busy working in the office and they came running to me, thanked me and hugged me.” Lewellyn Jonkers, an intern at a school in Delft, said he couldn’t work on a computer before, but with the school secretary’s help he can now draft letters and do general admin work. Everybody needs a mentor A mentor has been assigned to each intern to facilitate workplace experience, skills development and help the intern with career guidance. Blauw said the person assigned to mentor the interns should be a teacher, a senior member of staff, or a secretary with a passion to assist other people to develop. He said since mentors play an important developmental role with interns, careful consideration should be given to ensuring that the eligible person has the time available to take on the responsibility. The mentor must take into account the specific nature of support required by the PAY interns, given their lack

of qualifications and skills, and the fact that their circumstances and needs are different from other types of interns, such as graduates, apprentices and contract workers. He recommended that the mentor increase the interns’ responsibilities progressively during the period of internship, allowing them to experience different aspects of the school and gain a broader understanding of education. Rashaad Martin, a senior admin clerk in the Directorate: Examinations and one of the mentors, said his experience in the field of mentoring made the programme a very enjoyable challenge for him thus far. “In my view, the programme is the most practical solution to address the high unemployment rate amongst the inexperienced matriculated youth who did not embark on tertiary studies.” District directors and principals responded positively to the project, said Blauw. More information and updates on the project is available at the following links: twitter: @PAYProject2012

“The Western Cape Government secured R16 million of funding from the national treasury’s Jobs Fund for this project and other sustainable skills development initiatives to run over the next three years” Top: Interns working in the Directorate: Examinations Administration, help with the preparation of scripts for the marking process. Seated in front is Tarren-Lee Thyssen. Standing, from left: Luxolo Mpisane, Janice Rosen, Rashaad Martin(mentor) & Kayla Kannemeyer. Above: Premier Helen Zille and a group of PAY interns during the launch of the workplace skills programme.




J U LY 2 0 1 2 musT reads


maths - square up

You can borrow these and similar titles from your Education District Resource Centre or EDULIS Library



Make Maths fun Now your learners can master Maths the play way Math Trek R-3 is a dynamic, interactive instructional software programme which covers the standard curriculum generally taught in kindergarten to grade 3, throughout South Africa and incorporates the philosophy and standards of NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics). This WCED recommended software is freely available in Afrikaans and English to members of EDULIS Library and District Resource Centres. You can take the modules home and download them for yourself and your school to use in the classroom and in the computer lab. Fibonacci Bear guides learners through a toy store with a variety of exciting exploratory mathematics activities. SOME FEATURES INCLUDE: 138 entertaining interactive activities divided by grade A Learn component for each activity providing a guided tutorial of the activity A Go component that guides the child to solve the problem Problem solving, thinking skills and open-ended explorations Tracking and assessment

component to allow the teacher to observe the learner’s progress Records all marks Records all time on tasks Provides best marks and averages Student Journal Varying degrees of difficulty Journal writing tasks KEY CONCEPTS COVERED ARE: Patterning and Algebra Number Sense and Numeration Data Management and Probability Geometry Measurement




Last but not least the teacher’s resource manual accompanies the software programme and tells the teacher how to use Math Trek successfully, outlines teaching strategies and supplies teaching aids such as overhead transparencies. Contact EDULIS (0219579618) to start using this programme and see how your learners’ understanding and marks improve while they are having fun.




problem-solving in maThemaTics bond, d (2008) Ages 5-6; 6-7; 7-8; 8-9; 9-10; 10-11; 11+ The series of problems, discussions of ways to understand what is being asked and strategies of obtaining solutions improve the problem-solving performance and persistence of all students. solving maTh problems kids care abouT. souviney, r.j (2006) Students not only have fun tackling interesting word problems, they also learn a problem-solving process they can apply to any situation they encounter in real life that requires critical and creative thinking. Accompanying teacher pages provide completely worked-out solutions. In addition, the book’s first two chapters provide teachers with a crash course in problem solving. uncovering sTudenT Thinking in maThemaTics: 25 formaTive assessmenT probes for The elemenTary classroom. Tobey, c. r (2011) Grades K-5; 6-12 Provides strategies to monitor classroom learning in real time. The authors provide 25 field-tested probes – brief, easily administered assessments – that can pinpoint students’ areas of struggle in mathematics.

making maTh accessible To english language learners: pracTical Tips and suggesTions* (2010) * English language learners are learners whose home language is not English Grades K-2; 3-5; 6-8; 9-12 It provides a tool for teachers to meet the challenge of accelerating English language learners’ acquisition of academic English and proficiency in meaningful mathematics. The tips and suggestions are based on research in practices and strategies that address the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of these learners.

Metropole East Cheryl Joseph Tel: 021 900 5111 Old Nooiensfontein Road KUILS RIVER

maThemania. vea . dvd on: Plane and simple areas of polygons and circles; Decimals: the accuracy of numbers; Algebraic notation maths as a foreign language; Rational numbers: we are proportional; Exponents: we are the power; Introducing problem solving; Similarity, ratio and proportion; Integers: the whole thing; Roots: the radical idea; Triangles and quadrilaterals; Naming and measuring angles; Introducing ratio and proportion; Introducing probability; Geometric constructions; Geometric transformations; Introducing statistics; Coordinate geometry; Trigonometry. books for learners


maThs curse. scieszka, j. & smiTh, l (1998) Colourful picture book about a child’s typical day with every action related to a mathematical problem, throwing up mathematical concepts or puzzles with the answers planted for the young reader to find with the aid of jokes and illustrations. (Grades 4-6)


Think of a number. ball, j (2005) Maths isn’t just about sums and calculations. Learn about magic tricks, discover mindreading techniques and find out about the simple puzzles that stumped the world’s brainiest mathematicians for centuries. So if your learners think maths is boring - help them think again with Johnny Ball.


Tien babadierTjies: opwipboek. buile, g & davies, g (2007) Pret vir kleuters, 4 jaar en ouer om te leer tel. Kartonblaaie met pragtige kleurvolle opwipprente en eenvoudige teks.

maThemaTical liTeracy: helping sTudenTs make meaning in The middle grades. Thompson, d.r (2008) A powerful resource that introduces you to a wide spectrum of strategies and approaches for building students’ facility in mathematical communication.

making maTh accessible To sTudenTs wiTh special needs: pracTical Tips and suggesTions (2010) Grades 3-5; 6-8; 9-12 This resource actively engages readers through reflections and tasks and can be used as a self-study professional development tool or as a group book study. Sample answers to tasks and reflections are found in the appendix, along with additional supports. maTh for children. schlessinger media . dvd on: Geometry; Fractions; Additions; Division; Multiplication; Subtraction; Measurement; Money; Decimals & percents; Number sense; Telling time, Gathering & graphing data. Teaching sysTems. cerebellum corporaTion dvd on: Understanding decimals; Understanding fractions.

your nearesT resource cenTre EDULIS Library Tel: 021 957 9618 Fax: 021 948 0748 1st Floor Middestad Mall Charl Malan Street BELLVILLE


Metropole South Ntombi Mngxuma Brian O’Connell Resource Centre Tel: 021 370 2084 Fax: 021 372 1856 AZ Berman Drive Lengtegeur MITCHELLS PLAIN

Overberg Sara Clegg MT Ndzuzo Resource Centre Tel: 028 214 7386 Fax: 028 214 7400 15 College Street CALEDON

Metropole North Jenny Caroto Tel: 021 938 3197 Fax: 021 938 3183 Timmerman Street PAROW

HOW DO I BORROW THESE RESOURCES? Become a member by contacting your Education District Resource Centre / EDULIS Library or you can register electronically. Membership is FREE. Electronic registration GO TO (Please read terms and conditions). OR go to our website: Click on “Libraries” Click on “Register as member” (Please read terms and conditions). Click on “Library membership registration form” Complete the form and submit



J U LY 2 0 1 2


Technology processing

Statistics South Africa has piloted a project in Western Cape schools to assist in teaching GIS (geographic information systems) in the Geography curriculum.

competition winners A technology processing competition has stimulated a wide interest in wool production amongst Grades 4 and 5 learners in the Western Cape.


he competition, which required learners to make posters showing the story of wool, was the culmination of a Merino project launched by Cape Wools SA, in conjunction with the Western Cape Education Department. Schools received a DVD and a full colour book on the story of wool, sponsored by Cape Wools. The department developed worksheets, according to the Technology Curriculum for Grades 4 and 5. Learners worked through the material

during the first school term in 2012 and were asked to make posters in class. They were invited to enter their posters into the competition. Entries were received from across the province. Dalena White of Cape Wools said the feedback from the teachers was very positive.

“The projecT greaTly benefiTTed all learners in undersTanding The processing of wool”

“The project greatly benefitted all learners in understanding the processing of wool, its origin, benefits of a natural and sustainable fibre and explaining the properties that make wool special. “Our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the role players at the Western Cape Education Department that supported us during the process of developing the program and rolling it out to schools so successfully.” The top three entries won a computer for their school and a R500 cash prize. Entries to the Technology Processing competition


Grade 9 learners at Excelsior Secondary School in Belhar had to complete a technology project with a carnival theme. Teacher Rodney Levendall said he was very impressed with the designs.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Grade 8 learners at Excelsior Secondary School in Belhar designed tables and chairs with waste material. From left is Ralph Bailey, Technology teacher Rodney Levendall, Kyle Martin and Charcia Lester.

MANENBERG SCHOOL G E T S A FA C E - L I F T British rugby and soccer players and local school children joined forces in April to undertake a clean-up project at Red River Primary School in Manenberg.


tudents from South Nottingham College have visited South Africa for the last eight years to coach and play football and rugby with children from underprivileged communities. The visits were part of the UK based non-profit organisation Balls to Poverty’s outreach activities and included manual projects. Boebie Cassiem of Sport Stepping Stones has been the main partner of The Balls to Poverty Programme in Cape Town since 2007.

Ursula Jacobs, the principal of Red River Primary School, said it was a pleasant sight to see the visiting students, as well as members of Islamia College’s sports outreach programme and the local community, all pitch in to help paint the school. She said the day’s activities were an eye-opener for many of the students who only heard negative stories about Manenberg and were pleasantly surprised to see that there are members of the community who cared about their children and their school.

“The day’s acTiviTies were an eye-opener for many of The sTudenTs who only heard negaTive sTories abouT manenberg”

Right: Everybody chipped in to help paint the school.

Desiree Timmet, the provincial coordinator, said the project involved demonstrations to Curriculum Advisors and more than 200 Geography teachers on the use of Census 2001 data to produce maps on the South African population and household characteristics. A Stats SA team visited 137 schools that offered Geography as a subject and installed supporting software on more than 300 computers. “This initiative was welcomed by the educators who applauded the convenience with which they could access Census 2001 information and create their own tables and maps. They were also excited at the potential practical use of tables and maps to illustrate GIS exercises and set exam papers. “The ultimate beneficiaries are the learners who receive practical and locally relevant data to complement the current GIS theory based subject,” said Timmet. The Census 2011 data will be made available to schools early in 2013. Stats SA planned to expand the GIS@Schools project to all provinces and also reach and serve the needs of schools that do not have computers. In such circumstances, Stats SA will produce tables and maps on request and dispatch them to the relevant educators.


western cape schools chart the way for a gis@ schools project




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circulars The Western Cape Education Department issued the following circulars and circular minutes during the period February 2012 and June 2012 0004/2012


Particulars of the financial allocation to NON SECTION 21 schools for the 2012/13 financial year and guidelines for the procurement of goods and services

New regulations on disciplinary measures and procedures relating to serious misconduct of learners at public schools in the Western Cape e4_12.html e18_12.html



Submission of leave forms by public servants and educators

Learning and teaching support material (LTSM) priorities for 2012 e5_12.html e19_12.html


New assessment policies for implementation from 2012 onwards e6_12.html 0007/2012

Final timetable and arrangements for the June 2012 Adult Basic Education and Training Level 4 examinations e7_12.html 0008/2012

Circulars issued by the WCED in 2011 e8_12.html 0009/2012

Final timetable and arrangements for the May – June 2012 Senior certificate Examination e9_12.html 0010/2012

Timetable for the Annual National Assessments: September 2012 e10_12.html 0011/2012

Revised guidelines on the issuing of official WCED circulars, minutes and notices e11_12.html 0012/2012

National Curriculum Statement Grades R to 12 – Rollout programme for the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 to 6) e12_12.html 0013/2012

Programme and promotion requirements for Grades R – 12 in 2012 e13_12.html 0014/2012

Procurement of CAPS textbooks from the National Catalogue e14_12.html 0015/2012

Administering a common assessment task for Life Orientation in Grade 12 e15_12.html 0017/2012

Final timetable and arrangements for the October – November 2012 National Senior Certificate Examination e17_12.html



Dissemination of Annual National Assessment exemplars (Grades 4 to 6) CMminutes/edam5_12.html


General Education and Training band (GET) - Reading and Writing conference CMminutes/ectli1_12.html 0002/2012

Approval to offer the music programmes of external music examination bodies as an eight subject of the National Senior Certificate Programme

Principals’ seminar on quality management – Saturday, 4 August 2012 e20_12.html



Registration for the 2012 Natural Sciences Olympiad for learners in Grades 4 to 9 CMminutes/ectli2_12.html



Delivery of Volume 2 of the national workbooks PSminutes/edir1_12.html 0002/2012

The introduction of an automated system to verify the number of learners transported by the WCED’s learner transport schemes PSminutes/edir2_12.html


2012 Annual survey for ordinary schools and registration for tests PSminutes/edkm2_12.html


Annual National Assessments (ANA) to be written in 2012 CMminutes/edam1_12.html 0002/2012

Grade 9 promotion in 2012 CMminutes/edam2_12.html 0003/2012

Amendment to conditions for candidates repeating the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations CMminutes/edam3_12.html 0004/2012

Verification of learner registration on CEMIS and ISAMS for the Annual National Assessments (ANA) for Grades 1 – 6 and 9 CMminutes/edam4_12.html CMminutes/edcg1_12.html 0002/2012

Notice of WCED Literacy and Numeracy Intervention training during June-July 2012 for Grades 1 to 6 teachers (Phase 2 – Cycle 2) CMminutes/edcg2_12.html 0003/2012

National Schools’ Oral History Competition for the Nkosi Albert Luthuli Young Historians’ Award CMminutes/edcg3_12.html


Teacher enrichment programme for Accounting teachers CMminutes/edcf1_12.html 0002/2012


Application for positions as internal moderators, chief markers, deputy chief markers and markers for the National Senior Certificate Examinations of November 2012 – March 2014 CMminutes/edea2_12.html 0003/2012

Change of date for submission of application for positions as internal moderators, chief markers, deputy chief markers and markers for the National Senior Certificate Examinations of November 2012 – March 2014 CMminutes/edea3_12.html


Early enrolment for 2013 IDCminutes/eidc1_12.html 0002/2012

Ending of school day for Grades 1 to 12 learners during the 2012 examination and assessment periods IDCminutes/eidc2_12.html


Training of teacher liaison officers and representative councils of learners IDCminutes/eimg1_12.html 0002/2012

School enrichment programme guidelines

Telematics teaching – A support strategy for Grade 11 and 12 learners at selected schools IDCminutes/eimg2_12.html CMminutes/edcf2_12.html

Interpretation of Relative Education Qualification Values (REQVs) for educators at community learning centres


Distribution of a DVD containing Grade 10 exemplar SBA tasks CMminutes/edcf3_12.html


Application for appointment as internal moderators, chief markers, deputy chief markers and markers for the National Senior Certificate Examinations of November 2012 – March 2014 in Accounting, Business Studies, Geography, History, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Consumer Studies, Economics and Mathematical Literacy CMminutes/edea1_12.html

0003/2012 IDCminutes/eimg3_12.html 0004/2012

Measures relating to governing bodies of ordinary public schools and public schools for learners with special educational needs IDCminutes/eimg4_12.html 0005/2012

Invitation to comment on (i) Minimum Requirements for a Constitution of a Governing Body of a Public Centre and (ii) Matters Relating to the Election of Members to a Governing Body of a Public Centre and Guidelines for the Establishment, Election and Functions of a Representative Council of Learners of a Public Centre IDCminutes/eimg5_12.html


2012 School Governing Body elections – Election of office bearers and official handing over IDCminutes/eimg6_12.html 0007/2012

School terms and Public Holidays for 2013 IDCminutes/eimg7_12.html 0008/2012

Minutes of Provincial Principals’ Forum meeting on 10 February 2012 IDCminutes/eimg8_12.html 0009/2012

2012 School Governing Body elections – Capturing of member profiles IDCminutes/eimg9_12.html 0010/2012

WCED framework and protocol for representative provincial centre managers’ forums IDCminutes/eimg10_12.html 0011/2012

Minutes of Provincial Principals’ Forum meeting on 05 May 2012


Basic Accounting System – Closing procedures for the 2011/12 financial year CSminutes/edfa1_12.html 0002/2012

Inputs for the compilation of financial statements for the 2011-2012 financial year CSminutes/edfa2_12.html


Pension redress Project – Extension of cut-off date to submit applications CSminutes/edha1_12.html


Request to resubmit applications for permission to perform remunerative work as psychologists and therapists outside the public service CSminutes/ehrm2_12.html 0004/2012



arts & culture

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arTs and culTure

Young artists invade

green point park The Western Cape Education Department’s ten Arts and Culture Focus Schools have teamed up with the City to help present Cape Town as the centre of all things cool.


Despite overcast conditions, the performances attracted a large audience.

n April, the schools presented an Arts in the Park event in the Green Point Park. The park, which was designed and laid out during the development of the Cape Town Stadium, offers a variety of attractive areas for arts and culture events and the focus schools made the most of their potential as a cool cultural venue. The performances were site specific, taking place around the normal park visitors. Various performances happened at the same time in a number of venues and the audience could stroll around freely moving from one to another. The performances consisted of short dance, drama and music items. Young visual artists and designers also exhibited their art works. Professional directors and choreographers have been assigned to each school as career

role models and to inspire the learners. Well known directors/ choreographers such as Alfred Hinkel, Ananda Fuchs, Heinrich Reisenhofer and Lara Bye, have been working intensively with the youngsters during the school holidays as well as Louise Coetzer, Gordon Andries and Jazzart dancers Douglas Griffiths, Elvis Sibeko and Vusi Makanya. Focus school music ensembles that performed at the Cape Town International Jazz festival rendered items. The ten WCED arts focus schools were established in 2005 in all eight districts of the Western Cape to make arts education accessible to learners in previously disadvantaged communities. Annually public performances and exhibitions are organised to showcase the talent that is being developed in these schools.

“Ten wced arTs focus schools were esTablished in 2005”

Drama and Music learners from South Peninsula High School performing Waiting for Godot.

M O N D A L E ’ S J A Z Z S TA R Whitney Olivier, a Grade 11 learner at Mondale Secondary School in Mitchells Plain, delivered a star performance at the 2012 Youth Jazz Festival at the Artscape Theatre. Artscape’s Youth Jazz Festival celebrated its first decade with seven young soloists performing on Saturday 2 June. Whitney was the youngest soloist participating in the festival. She was also the only soloist still at school. The festival took a different format this year and soloists had to audition to perform with the band. Directed and conducted by the legendary jazz trumpeter, educator and

performing artist Ian Smith, Kevin Gibson on drums, Andrew Ford on piano and Wesley Rustin on double bass formed a jazz ensemble to accompany the soloists. Each vocalist sang two numbers. Whitney impressed the audience with her rendition of Feeling Good. “Whitney was phenomenal! She is pure raw talent with no previous voice training,” remarked Sharon Lewin, an IMG Manager for Circuit 1 in the Metro South Education District.

Right: Whitney Olivier, a Grade 11 learner at Mondale Secondary School

“whiTney was The youngesT soloisT parTicipaTing in The fesTival. she was also The only soloisT sTill aT school”




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royal visiT

mountview learner to represent south africa as an olympic torchbearer Shahiem Rodgers


hahiem was chosen out of hundreds of South African young people by International Inspiration, the official international sports legacy programme of London 2012. One young person from each of the 20 countries that were part of International Inspiration carried the flame in Nottinghamshire on 28 June. Each International Inspiration torchbearer was nominated and selected either for their dedication and commitment to inspiring children and young people in their communities through sport, or for the personal challenges they have overcome in their lives. Shahiem, a prefect and one of the sports leaders at his school, was nominated by his principal, Archie Benjamin. “When the invitation came to nominate potential candi-

Shahiem Rodgers, a matriculant at Mountview High School in Hanover Park, has been given the opportunity of a lifetime to carry the Olympic Flame. dates to be a torchbearer, I had no hesitation to nominate Shahiem. We were absolutely delighted when he was chosen as the only learner in South Africa to be the torchbearer. The school and the Hanover Park community are very proud of him”, said Benjamin. He was the school’s top achiever in Grade 12 in March and Shahiem was awarded Western Province colours in 110m hurdles and swimming. In 2011 he also completed an eight month entrepreneurial course sponsored by FNB. Shahiem said while he was very excited about going overseas for the first time, his top priority was to focus on the mid-year exams and his sporting commitments. His goal was to study sports science and management next year and

he aimed for distinctions in all his subjects. “I set the bar very high for myself and believe that I can achieve it through hard work and commitment.” His message to other youngsters was that it doesn’t matter what background or area you come from. “You must be positive and positive things will come your way.” The torchbearers from International Inspiration were picked to run during National School Sports week and a few days after World Sport Day, when schools all over the UK will be celebrating the athletes and cultures of the world. Shahiem said they were scheduled to visit schools in London and he looked forward to representing the country and interacting with torchbearers from around the world.

Princess Anne visits Kwamfundo Secondary School Britain’s Princess Anne marked the 100days to go to the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games with a visit to Kwamfundo Secondary School in Khayelitsha in April. The school forms part of International Inspiration, a legacy project of the 2012 Olympics, which aims to enrich the lives of disadvantaged children through sport. After listening to the school choir perform the South African National Anthem and briefly chatting to some of the learners in the school hall, the Princess Royal moved to the sports field where she gave the start signal for the 100 meter/100 days countdown race. Surrounding schools also took part in the event which saw groups of

learners display their ball skills. Mongezeleli Bonani, the principal of Kwamfundo Secondary School, said it was huge honour for the school to host the royal delegation.

“surrounding schools also Took parT in The evenT which saw groups of learners display Their ball skills”

Princess Anne at Kwamfundo Secondary School

displaying eXcellence Photo: Arlene Scarles

SA schools team runners-up in international cricket challenge South Africa ended as runners-up in the International Under-15 Cricket Challenge in Malaysia in April. This was the third year that an invitation team from SA participated in the annual Tuanku Ja’Affar trophy tournament.


he SA team showed lots of promise from the

start of the tournament by beating both Sri Lanka and Malaysia in the round-robin phase of the competition. They lost to Sri Lanka in the final. This was a

fully-fledged Sri Lankan national u15 schools team. The SA team consisted of players from schools in the Cape Metropole and Boland. The star performer was Dayyaan Galiem (Rondebosch Boys HS) who took 11 wickets in the tournament and also scored 242 runs in the five matches the team played. This included a century (125) against Malaysia in the round-robin phase of the tournament. Other bowlers who gave Dayyaan good support were Michael Cohen (Herzlia), Mika Ekstrom (Wynberg Boys HS) and Ciaran Dayaram (SACS). The other players who made significant contributions throughout the tournament were Wian Van Zyl (Paarl Gym), Tyla Scarles (SACS), Aaqil Ebrahiem (WBHS) and Siphamandla Mavanda (Western Cape Sports School). Dayyaan was announced as the Player of the Tournament for his outstanding performances with both bat and ball. Overall the SA players

were found wanting against the well drilled Sri Lankan spin bowlers. They would face up to 5 spin-bowlers in one match, something they do not experience at school level. Ismail Teladia, the Head of Delegation and also assistant coach, said some of the players in the SA invitation team had great potential and were destined for higher honours. He also indicated the importance of this event for the development of young players. “Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Bangladesh send their national schools teams to this event. Tilan Perera (Sri Lanka) who played in the 2010 World Cup final against India also played in the International Cricket Challenge in 2005. Malaysia fired their coach after their last match as the team failed to win one game in 2011. This is how highly the other countries view this event. We will definitely try to wrest the trophy away from Sri Lanka in next year’s edition of this very prestigious tournament.”

“sa inviTaTion Team had greaT poTenTial and were desTined for higher honours”

Back row: from left to right: Haroun Teladia, manager: Western Province Cricket Club (WPCC); Nazeem White, coach: WPCC; Ciaran Dayaram (SACS); Jesse Christiansen (WBHS); Wian Van Zyl (Paarl Gym); Ben Henderson (Somerset College); Siphamandla Mavanda and Justin Stevens (both WC Sport School); Mika Ekstrom (WBHS); Aaqil Ebrahiem (SACS) and Ismail Teladia, Head of Delegation and Coach: Spine Road HS. Front row: Ben Koen (SACS); Michael Cohen (Herzlia Middle School – captain); Tyla Scarles (Bishops); Dayyaan Galiem (RBHS – vice captain) and Suhail White (RBHS).

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