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e know that students have interests that expand outside of the tradi�onal classroom and they’re ready to take charge of their futures today. That’s why, at the Waterloo Career Center (WCC), we offer more than 20 career pathways for our students to discover where their passion meets profession!
The WCC is the only high school program in Eastern Iowa that prepares students for nearly limitless post-secondary possibili�es And students from throughout the Cedar Valley can access this academic opportunity.
At the WCC, students from more than 10 area high schools and districts experience real-world training in mul�ple career fields for part of their school day. Instructors with industry experience give students hands-on opportuni�es to learn in labs that look and feel like state of the art workplace environments.
With us, students experience increased access to college Some are first genera�on college students who, through our programs, get to see college as a realis�c op�on. Others are following in the footsteps of parents and guardians who a ended college. All our WCC graduates are ge ng a head start on their college courses in a way that wasn’t available to earlier genera�ons.
Our students graduate with college credit, scholarships, cer�fica�ons, internships, and appren�ceships. Contact us to learn more about how students can save thousands of dollars in college tui�on and receive college credit right here with us, while they’re s�ll in high school Our students are college-ready and workforce-ready.
At the Waterloo Career Center, the future is now!
(319) 433–2240 wcc.waterlooschools.org
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Business & Marke�ng Management
• Culinary
• Digital Mass Media
• Early Childhood Educa�on
• Electrical
• Emergency Medical Services
• Graphic Design
• K-12 Teacher Prepara�on
• Networking, Web Development, & Cybersecurity
• Plumbing Technician
• Pre-Nursing
• Sustainable Construc�on & Design
• And much, much more!
LizaHeroldknewHawkeye’sCiviland ConstructionEngineeringTechnology programhadagreatreputation,and aftertwoyearsshecanseewhy.
Shegraduatedwithajobofferinhand,and thankstotheLast-DollarScholarship,zero studentdebt.
“I’vehadzerotuitioncostsmyentiretimehere,” Heroldsaid.“TheonlythingIhaveeverhadto payforwasbooks,whichisusuallynotthatbig ofadeal.”
TheLast-DollarScholarshiphelpsIowaresidents completetrainingforhigh-demand,high-wage jobs.Thescholarshipcombineswithotherstate andfederalfundstofillthegapandcoverup to100percentoftuition costs.HawkeyeCommunity Collegehas29degree programsinhealthcare, business,manufacturing, appliedarts,andpublic serviceeligibleforthe Last-DollarScholarship. Toapply,students mustcompletetheFree ApplicationforFederalStudentAid(FAFSA).
“Thecostofgoingintoitisnothingsowhynot doit?”Heroldsaid.”Youcangetagreatjob,very stable,goodbenefitsmostlyanywhereyougo.”
Thosewhowanttopursueafour-yeardegreecan alsofindagreatstartatHawkeye.TheLiberal
Artstransfermajorshelpstudentscomplete generaleducationclasseswhileexploring differentcareerpaths.Hawkeye’spartnerships withcollegesliketheUniversityofNorthern Iowa,IowaStateUniversity,andtheUniversity ofIowamaketransferringcreditsseamless.On average,studentswhocompletethefirsttwo yearsoftheirbachelor’sdegreeatHawkeyesave closeto$6,000intuitioncomparedtoIowa’s publicuniversities.
Learn more about Hawkeye’s academic programs, as well as student activities, athletics, and more at www.hawkeyecollege.edu.
TheLast-DollarScholarshipcancoverupto100%of tuitionandmandatoryfeesforIowaresidentspursuing adegreeinahigh-demandjobfield.
Ifyourtuitioncostsarecoveredbyotherstateorfederalprograms, theLast-DollarScholarshipwillstillpayyou$250(or$125forpart-time students).HawkeyeCommunityCollegeoffersthelowesttuitioninthe CedarValley,andpartnershipstomaketransfersimple.Savetimeand moneybybeginningyourcollegejourneyatHawkeye.
Waldorf University is going back to their roots as a private, faithbased, tax-exempt organization after finalizing the transfer of ownership to the Waldorf Lutheran College Foundation on Dec. 1, 2022.
Founded in 1903 after The Waldorf Hotel became vacant because of “The Great Hotel War of Forest City,”
Reverend C.S. Salveson gathered the recourses to fund a Christian College that is now known as Waldorf University In Waldorf’s earliest days, it viewed education sponsored by the church as vital for people who served our communities, on the belief that human life is a gift from God and the educational enterprise offers the opportunity for the cultivation of your full potential. Waldorf was a Junior College until 2001, when Waldorf became a fully accredited bachelor’s degree-granting college
While the college was doing everything to thrive and keep its head above water during the