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Partners are stakeholders at Irving
WATERLOO —Irving Elementary School joins with nine Partners in Education to support their students.
They are Church Row Historical Neighborhood, CUNA Mutual, First Baptist Church, First United Methodist Church, Ravenwood Nursing and Rehab Center, ISG (formerly StruXture Architects), Heartland Vineyard Church, Dupaco Community Credit Union and the Waterloo Exchange Club.
“Our Irving students, families and staff are blessed to have thoughtful, committed and enthusiastic
Partners in Education,” said Principal Zach Zimmerman.
“Our Partners are important stakeholders in the function of our schools,” said Media Specialist Tiffiany Evans. “Our Partners not only support Irving with financial support, but also with human interactions with our students such as being volunteer readers and mentors with our students.”
Second-grade teacher Hayley Bakula agreed. “Irving is able to provide so many opportunities to our students and families because of our PIE members.
We value and appreciate the commitment they show to our staff, students, and families. Our Partners have longevity with Irving, and they are a crucial part of our Irving team,” she said.
Partners support the school’s “Baskets of Love” Christmas donations, as well as supporting Teacher Appreciation Week and distributing Thanksgiving meals to 50 families.
“Life is not a solo act and we need to work together for our students, school, families and community. Our Partners in Education focus on students, staff and families and their efforts are appreciated,” said Cory Arensdorf, physical education teacher. “Their contributions, time and dedication are essential because it allows Irving Elementary to be successful. We can’t thank them enough for all they do.”
Partners provide snacks for students for ISASP testing, donations for school supplies and support school events. They are Reading Buddies and Pen Pals and help students enjoy Christmas Luncheon. Students