Radionomy live

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Live Broadcasting User Guide October 2013

Live Broadcasting - October 2013


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1. Which software can I use to perform "Live Shows" on my radio? ............................................................ 3 2. Do i have to plan my live broadcast in Radio Manager? .......................................................................... 4 3. Where Can IFind my login for connecting live. ......................................................................................... 4 4. Can I modify my "Live Password" ?.......................................................................................................... 4 5. I am not able to connect, my software shows the message "Invalid Password", What must I do ? ........ 6 6. I cannot connect, i got his message "Couldn't connect to the server", what must I do ? ......................... 6 7. When i select Legacy MP3 (ACM Codec) in SAM Broadcaster, i cannot choose any quality options (max 56 kbps, for exemple). What may I do ?.............................................................................................. 7 8. Performing my live show, my radio, sometimes goes back to the RM planning, and then return to live. What must I do ? ................................................................................................................................... 7 9. While on "live", my radio does not display the tracks/Artists played, is that normal? .............................. 7 10. When I finish my "live show", when I disconnect, my radio plays ads in a loop. What May I do? ......... 8 11. At the end of the "live-show", when I disconnect, my radio doesn't reconnect to the RM, and plays silence. What Must I do? .............................................................................................................................. 8 12. Delay between broadcasting and listening. ............................................................................................ 8 13. " request me a login/password. ............................................................. 9 14. Deactivate the Sound Treatment while going Live. ................................................................................ 9 15. I Have just created my radio, can i go "live" immedialty ? ...................................................................... 9 16. How to perform adverts while broadcasting Live? ................................................................................. 9 18. Do I have to trigger Advert file before quitting a Live session? ............................................................ 10 18. How to proceed a Traceroute of its "live" when the I.T's ask for it ? .................................................... 11 19. SAM-BROADCASTER: Can we use the statistic relay ? ..................................................................... 12 Appendix 1 : Live with Winamp .................................................................................................................. 13 Appendix 2 : Live with SAM Broadcaster 4.7 + .......................................................................................... 19

Live Broadcasting - October 2013

:: Required :: If want to use the live function ont the Radionomy plateform, you must know that there are a few rules to respect absolutly in order to make live functionny,, and to keep this access : 1 - A generated and active planning for the actual day (when you broadcast live) must have been preparated under the RMO, 2 - You must have at least ONE auditorconnected to your radio, 3 - Meta Tags must be correctley sended (Artist - Title) 4 - you must broadcast the adverts. Important : A radio station owner is responsible for all the content broadcasted. (The non respect of the following rules can lead to Live function or Station deactivation)

1. Which software can I use to perform "Live Shows" on my radio? The Radionomy platform is optimized for the use of these two softwares : ⇨ SAM Broadcaster (non-free), version 4.7.1 and later versions, with Legacy MP3 (ACM Codec) encoder Download SAM Broadcaster : ⇨ Winamp (free), version 5.57 and later versions, with the Shoutcast DSP 1.9.0 plug-in > Download Winamp : > Download Shoutcast DSP : If you meet problems in direct relation with the use of theses softwares, you can contact their support directly. ----------------------------------------------------------------Other softwares, as VirtualDJ; RadioDJ, MyRadiomatisme, may also be used to perform "live shows", but they are not optimized for the Radionomy platform. So we do not provide any support on these others softwares.

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2. Do i have to plan my live broadcast in Radio Manager?

No, you have nothing to plan. Just generate and send your usual planning via the Radio Manager. When you'll begin your "live show" directly from your computer, the generated planning will be automatically suspended, switching to the live show, and will be restored automatically when you finish your live session on line.

3. Where Can IFind my login for connecting live.

You can find theses informations concerning "Live" in theRMO in the tab "Settings" , then in the "live" infos part you will find - your URL for live - your Port.

4. Can I modify my "Live Password" ?

By default "Live" password of a radio is the same as the one used to access the RMO (the one you can connect on the RMO and For security reasons, and to avoid you to communicate this general password to your partners, D.J's (that give accces to the RMO and so to all your radio management, even the deletion), you may define a specific password for "live" only. Of course, this is this one that you'll have to communicate. How to create/modify your "Live Password" ? - Clic on "Setting" tab at top of the "RadioManager Online" (item 1 on the above picture) then on "Management", - On this page, now clic on "Live" (3) at the left - Now clic on the green buton "(4) Change Live Password"

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- A new windows open now, and invit you to enter your password and to confirm it by a second typing - To activate this "Live Password" you must REBOOT your radio , so click on the REBOOT button at the bottom of this page. (reminder: of course when you reboot , all auditors are briefly disconnected from your station). - Reboot function is only available once every 4 hours !

Live Broadcasting - October 2013

Important: It is impossible in any way to recover the "Live Password" you have created. If you loose it, you will have to modify it following the process above. Automatic password generator exist. Just choose a password with at least 10 caracter s and with numbers and letters. We however recommend you to avoid the use of special characters such as: à, é, è, ù, , - _ ! ( ) . ).

5. I am not able to connect, my software shows the message "Invalid Password", What must I do ? That can be due to several things. ⇨ passwords are case-sensitive, so double check when you type it ⇨ check that you type the password "manually" (copy–paste function may not be supported) ⇨ check that your password does not contain accents. If such case, you must modify your password. ⇨ you have just modified your password but you did not restart your radio yet. So , if after password modification and restart of your radio, it still doesn't work, an system update may be necessary, because the delay between the modification and your first connection is too short. For that simply go to: Start Menu / "Run..." / cmd Then type this command: ipconfig/ flushdns If after all these checks, and only if you have the requires softwares (SAM Broadcaster or Winamp), post a new topic on the "Live" forum concerning your radio.

6. I cannot connect, i got his message "Couldn't connect to the server", what must I do ?

That can come from several things. ⇨ does your radio get at least one listener at the time when you try to connect? ⇨ You do not broadcast at the right format: mp3 128 kbps or lower is only accepted ⇨ Your stream is inadequate or you use wi-fi Internet connection ⇨ you haven't updated your DNS, to update it, go to: Start Menu / "Run..." / cmd Then type this command: ipconfig /flushdns If after all these checks, and only if you have the required softwares (SAM Broadcaster or Winamp), post a new topic on the "Live" forum concerning your radio.

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7. When i select Legacy MP3 (ACM Codec) in SAM Broadcaster, i cannot choose any quality options (max 56 kbps, for exemple). What may I do ?

Here is a tutorial that shows how to succeed it :: ... oadcaster/

8. Performing my live show, my radio, sometimes goes back to the RM planning, and then return to live. What must I do ?

So, your internet connection is not stable enough, or you steam is inadequate ! That's what causes packet losses which result in temporary returns to your RM planning. ⇨ If you have an high-speed internet connection but use it wi-fi, please try an Ethernet cable connection . ⇨ If it is about an inadequate stream, you can try to broadcast with a less one. For example: mp3 - 96 kbps.

If the problem still occurs, unfortunately, there is no solution. You must get a stable Internet connection and adequate stream in order to be able to broadcast on line.

9. While on "live", my radio does not display the tracks/Artists played, is that normal? That means that you don't correctly send the metadatas of your songs from your software, and more preciselly in the “Artist” and “Title” areas. With Winamp default settings are normally alright. It should be noted that, if you use an external metadatas generator attached to your software, "Streamtitre" software doesn't work properly. You'd rather use" Update Title". Warning , if you do not send this information correctly, your direct access to the "live" function may be desactivated. Indeed, this information is essential for us to respect royalties copyrights rules.

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10. When I finish my "live show", when I disconnect, my radio plays ads in a loop. What May I do?

That means that our system “did not see you in live” and thus that your streaming software does not correctly send the metadatas (see the point just before). As soon as these information will be correctely sended, you won't have this problem any more.

11. At the end of the "live-show", when I disconnect, my radio doesn't reconnect to the RM, and plays silence. What Must I do?

At this point, we did not succeed in reproducing this bug in an optimal configuration with theses softwares: ⇨ SAM Broadcaster (non-free), above version 4.7.1, with Legacy MP3 (ACM Codec) encoder ⇨ Winamp (free), above version 5.57, with this Shoutcast DSP 1.9.0 plug-in On the other hand we could locate the problematic configurations to avoid: - Missing or un correct metadata sendings - Installation of a second streaming software in parallel of Winamp or SAM (in particular MyRadiomatisme) - MyRadiomatisme use - Use of a malfunctionning external titles generator (in particular StreamTitre) - packet losses (unstable or too low Internet connection)

12. Delay between broadcasting and listening. You observe a delay between what is broadcasted by your automat, and what you ear on your radio, is it normal ? Yes, futher "buffer" exists between the lap time when you send your music via your automat, and when the auditor listen to it. Let's take an example with l Sam Broadcaster : SAM (buffer out of de 1 second) - Commutation Matrix (10 to 20 seconds of buffer) - Icecast 1 (around1 or 2 seconds) - Icecast Relay (around1 or 2 seconds) - Client Buffer (Also may depend of its Internet connection). All theses buffers add themselves and give you the timing delay you can observe (approx. an average of 20 seconds) In order to assure the stability, it is not possible to reduce them.

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13. " request me a login/password. When i type the URL in a browser, a login and password is required, what must i do ? You musn't use this direct URL ! To broadcast "live" you must absolutely use a Streaming software (Winamp ou Sam Broadcaster). In these software you will have a spreadsheet to fill up with the information available on the

14. Deactivate the Sound Treatment while going Live.

It is suggested to producers whom broadcast "live" and that use their own sound treatment, to desactivate Radionomy sound treatment. Adding the both ones will occurs non-wanted results. To do that, go to the "Setting" tab on, then "information" and clear the check box "Live Compression".

15. I Have just created my radio, can i go "live" immedialty ? No! Activiation to "live function" can be available after 24 hours following the creation.

16. How to perform adverts while broadcasting Live?

You get a radio on Radionomy, you must know how to air advertising during your "live" broadcasts on your radio..., in order to comply with the Radio Producer's Pact (and then avoid the deactivation of your radio). You just have to simply broadcast a trigger file * on your radio.

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There are two release sequences: sequences The first distribution must be between xx:10 and xx:30 (every hour) The second must be between xx:40 and xx:59 (every hour) * A trigger file is an audio file that can contain multiple elements (music, self promotion, PSAs, but NO PAID ADVERTISING). This trigger, however, must have specific spe characteristics: - have a specific duration of two minutes (+ or - 250 milliseconds), - have in the artist name and title "Advert:" (using software to tag your file) - this file mustn't be a "Blank MP3", whereas non-targeted non targeted auditors will hear the 2 minutes adverts. So you create a filler of 120 seconds ARTIST = "advert:" TITLE = "advert:" (without ") and you add it in your live playlist twice an hour (between xx:10 and xx:30 and between xx:40 and xx:59) For countries with no ad, your filler will be broadcasted and for countries with ads, it will be automatically replaced by ads. example: I live broadcast my playlist and it is 14:15, I find myself in the right window (xx:10(xx:10-xx:30) to broadcast advertising, so I put my trigger file in my playlist (in my software), and distribute this file with specific tags (Advert: - Advert:). This will trigger the dissemination of advertising on your radio.

We repeat this during the second broadcast window: (xx:40 and xx:59) It is important to note that if you miss more than 3 advertising screens in the same week, your access will be suspended to live.

18. Do I have to trigger Advert file before quitting a Live session? Yes, before the end of a live session end thus coming back to the RMO, trigger the Advert file in Live

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18. How to proceed a Traceroute of its "live" when the I.T's ask for it ? When you get troubles with live function, technical support frequently ask to proceed a tracroute of your Live adress, in order to derterminate if the link between your broadcating computer and the Radionomy plateform is correct. What is a traceroute ? Traceroute (or tracert under Windows) is a program that allow us to follow the path that will take a data packet to go from a local machine to other machine connected to the Internet, Intranet... How to proceed (under Windows) : - Click on "Start", - Select "Execute" - Type "cmd", then "Enter" - In the DOS windows, after the invit "_" type this (without the quotes) : "tracert" (modifiy livexxxx by your own live adress), Result will appear like this Code: C:\>tracert Détermination de l'itinéraire vers [] avec un maximum de 30 sauts : _ _ 1_ _ _ _ <1 ms_ _ _ _ _ <1 ms_ _ _<1 ms_ _ _ _ 2_ _ _ _ 33 ms_ _ _ _ _ 34 ms_ _ _33 ms_ _ _ _ 3_ _ _ _ 54 ms_ _ _ _ _ 61 ms_ _ _33 ms_ _ _ _ 4_ _ _ _ 312 ms_ _ _ _ 320 ms_ _ 330 ms_ _ [] _ _ 5_ _ _ _ 342 ms_ _ _ _ 352 ms_ _ 333 ms_ _ [] _ _ 6_ _ _ _ 247 ms_ _ _ _ 266 ms_ _ 227 ms_ _ _ _ 7_ _ _ _ 244 ms_ _ _ _ 226 ms_ _ 247 ms_ _ [] _ _ 8_ _ _ _ 306 ms_ _ _ _ 336 ms_ _ 338 ms_ _ [] _ _ 9_ _ _ _ 335 ms_ _ _ _ 358 ms_ _ 333 ms_ _ _ _ 10_ _ _ _262 ms_ _ _ _ 229 ms_ _ 238 ms_ _ _ _ 11_ _ _ _250 ms_ _ _ _ 223 ms_ _ 226 ms_ _ [] _ _ 12_ _ _ _216 ms_ _ _ _ 226 ms_ _ 244 ms_ _ [] Itinéraire déterminé.

If it is successfull, the the two computer are correctly exchanging the datas. Your live function is fully potential technically.

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19. SAM-BROADCASTER: Can we use the statistic relay ?

Page | 12 NO. This feature , "statistic relay" in Sam broadcaster 4.9+ cannot be configure due to the Radionomy technical structure.

Live Broadcasting - October 2013

Appendix 1 : Live with Winamp Prior : • Keep on your side your access codes available on, tab "Live".

Check you are connected to internet with an Ethernet cable. DO NOT USE a WiFi Connection or oa public HopSpot Wifi Connection. Step1 – Installation • Download and install Winamp : • Download and install the Radio DSP Shoutcast Plug-In : You are now ready to go with all necessary tools. Start Winamp.

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Step 2 – Presets You are going to broadcast live. It is therefore strongly advised to make some adjustments on Winamp to be able to program in good conditions. Here is a non exhaustive checklist. - Make sure you have artist name and title filled in the metadata of your songs. You can check this by right-clicking on "File Info". If necessary you can also use "Update Title" : - If you want to know how much time is left before the end of a song, simply click on the clock of the player.

- Remember to turn off shuffle and loop options to avoid unpleasant surprises. - To apply a treatment's customized to your files and apply a fade between the different elements in play (mixing), display the equalizer by typing "alt G" on your keyboard. Once done, you can adjust the equalization and duration of fades to your taste.

Many presets are available in the "Presets" according to the kind of music that you post for example, but you can save your own settings and save them. - If you want to speak in a microphone during the show, remember to check your settings microphone depending on your configuration (sound card, table ...) For balance, we will see a little further how to configure plug-in Shoutcast.

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Step 3 – Configuration You will now need to configure Winamp and the Shoutcast plug-in in order to broadcast live on your radio. To do this, go to the menu "Options" of Winamp, then click "Preferences". • First, you must configure the metadata so we can report correctly the statements of copyright and the players display during the broadcast. Go to "Titles" and verify that the settings match those shown in the image below.

• That done, you must now enter the information needed to send your live stream on your radio. Go to the menu "Options" then "Preferences".

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In the opened window, go to "Effects / DSP" and click once on ShoutCast DSP as in the picture below.

• In the window that opens, you have more information to give.

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Page | 17 First tab "Output" As in the picture below, you must enter all the information provided by Radionomy connections: server address or IP (IP is more sure), port and password of your user account (available in, live tab).

• Then in the tab "Encoder", select compression "MP3 128 kbps". • Finally, in the tab "Input", set your sound preferences.

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If you want to broadcast a playlist without speaking, select "Winamp" in the Input Device. If you want to animate, select "Soundcard Input" (remember to configure your sound card on Stereo Mix to broadcast both sound with Winamp (music) and with your voice (microphone). Adjust the levels to taste. You simply have to click the "Push To Talk" button for Winamp automatically lowers the volume of music to make room for your voice. Step 4 – Connection and broadcasting Now you're ready to go ! In "Output", click "Connect". You are on air. Tip: Save your configuration Go to your hard drive "c" Go to "Program Files" and "winamp", find the file "plugins" And now, you have to change (with notepad) the file "dsp_sc.ini" (1) There, you will see you can change everything, as in winamp. It is less pretty, but it's permanently ! Locate [output 1] for basic settings !

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Page | 19 Appendix 2 : Live with SAM Broadcaster 4.7 + You can downlaod a limited version of Sam Broadcaster here: 1: SAM settings and connect ids. - Open Sam Broascaster - Click on Desktop B, you will see a window named Encoders. - Clic on + in this "encoders" windows , then a new window open and choose this option "MP3 LAME_ENC". Since SAM 4.9.0 the LEGACY MP3 codec don't appears in the list. To start SAM and to show this codec you have to modify the SAM shortcut on your desktop. Normally you should initially have: c:\Program Files\SpacialAudio\SAMBC\SAMBC.exe /FBSS Just add at the end this parameter: "/LEGACYENC" So you will have : c:\Program Files\SpacialAudio\SAMBC\SAMBC.exe /FBSS /LEGACYENC Confirm by OK btn and the start SAM-B, you will the Legacy MP3 (ACM Codec in the list) - Then you get a Converter tab. Choose this Bitrate: 128 kbps and Stereo mode. - Now we go to the Server details tab. Server type: * choose Shoutcast V1. * Server IP: Type the IP server adress (info in the RMO) * Port: Type the port number (info in the RMO) * Password:type the Live-password (When you create your radio yhis one is the same as the RMO password)

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Page | 20 – Always in this same tab, to the right in the Station details, area, you fill these: * your radio name, * gender (choose in the list), * your web site. Don't touch anything more. - Last tab Sream Archive: this tab is usefull if you want to save by recording your programs. In thus case, check the case and record will automatically begins when you lauch the encoder (so when you take "Live") Now you are ready to go "Live!" 2 - S.B Windows presentation: We go back to desktop A * DESK A et DESK B: These are the two players of Sam Broadcaster. You find in an eject button to immedialty stop the title actually playing. Another button allow you to swith the next title by a fade-out. An equalizer helps you to finalize this switch. * Voice FX: So, it's this area that allow you to talk while "Live". Be sure to swith the Mic ON. At everytime you want to talk you have to press to the button Press to talk or if you want to talk longer without staying pushing…then click on Lock talk Beware: don't forget to push again on the Lock talk when stop speaking !!!. When you push to Press or Lock Talk, you'll talk on the music playing on desk A (or Desk B). To manage the volume , always in the window Voice FX there is a cursor "Music", use it to set the micro volume of your "live" talks. Then, your configuration is in relation with your computer sound card. * Playlist: You can create here your musical directories (dance,rap,rnb...) and after you have created them , chose one directory, then goe to the window: * Track in selected category: click on the arrow close to the +, et choose titles. First time you do it, choose "Add Files", then select a title and validate. Once a first title is in the window, you only have to click on the +. When you have successfully finished to add your titles (MP3 128), we go now to create a playlist, that will be performed in "Live". To do, that, just double-click on the titles you want to add to the playlist, the titles will be displayed in the window. * Queue: So you must see in this window your added titles in the proper order of broadcast with an approximative hour of airing. To start the playlist, simply double-click on the FIRST title, it's gone…. You can save your playlist by a click on "save queue as playlist". * Sound FX: You will find sound. Effects!!! Asuch as (screams, shots…) * History: You will find an historic of the last 200 played songs on par Sam Broadcaster.

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Page | 21 BEWARE !!!! It is necessary to play a title with S.B, if you do not want the RM to go back and end the "Live", EVEN if the encoder plays. TIP: create a "White" MP3 (without any music and talks) to play it as background during your live talk.

3 - SAM-BROADCASTER Error Codes: Follow this link if you encounter an error code from SAM-B to solve it :

Live Broadcasting - October 2013

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