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Viggo and Samra meet Malala …

Samra and Viggo sit nervously looking at their tablet. They have a huge responsibility. In a short while they will be revealing to their guest, who will soon be signing in for their meeting via tablet, that almost two million children have now voted and made their choice ...

Hi Malala, I’m Viggo.”

“And I’m Samra.”

“Hi Viggo and Samra,” says Malala. It feels surreal to Viggo and Samra to hear Malala say their names.

“Today we represent close to two million children who have participated in the latest World’s Children’s Prize Program. We have learnt about our rights and studied the work of the Child Rights Heroes before taking part in the Global Vote, the democratic vote that only children can take part in,” Viggo explains.

“And we have all learnt about your life and your work for girls’ rights,” says Samra.

The big reveal Viggo prepares himself and leans towards the tablet ...

“We 2 million children have, in our Global Vote, decided that you, Malala, are our Decade Child Rights Hero!”

“Wow, thank you so much!” Malala exclaims and continues:

“I was honoured to receive the World’s Children’s Prize in 2014, and then today to have this title as Decade Child Rights Hero added is a huge honour. It will give me more motivation to continue my activism for girls’ education. I have this mission to see all girls receiving twelve years of safe, quality and free education.”

“Dear Malala, please tell us more about your advice regarding girls’ equal rights,” asks Samra.

“All over the world there are 127 million girls who don’t have access to school. These girls have dreams, just like us! They want to be doctors, teachers, computer scientists and leaders, but lack of education deprives them of these opportunities.

“I have started Malala Fund to see a world where all girls can lead without fear. Sometimes girls are denied the right to education just because they are girls so this is a big mission, but we can make it happen.

“We know that when girls are educated we reduce poverty and the likelihood of conflicts, we also help in mitigating climate change. So education has social and economic advantages for whole countries, and for girls. It is important for you children to keep dreaming big and to help bring the change that you want to see, and make this world a better place for all,” concludes Malala.

“Meeting you Malala has been like a dream come true for us. You really are a Child Rights Hero,” says Viggo.

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