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CONNECTION W i ch i ta C ol l e gi at e S chool W i c h i ta C o l l e g i at e S c h o o l

A Publication for Parents, Alumni & Friends

Summer 2013

Let the Celebration Begin!

WHAT’S INSIDE . . . From the Headmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Early Childhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Lower School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Middle School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Upper School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 50th Anniversary Campaign . . . . . . . . . 36 The Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Faculty & Staff Recognition . . . . . . . . 40 WCS Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Alumni Association News . . . . . . . . . 66

CONNECTION EDITORIAL STAFF Director of Admission & Communication Susie Steed • ssteed@wcsks.com • 771-2203 Admission Assistants Kelli Copeland • kcopeland@wcsks.com • 771-2224 Director of Development & Alumni Relations Joan Moore • jmoore@wcsks.com • 771-2252 Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Lisa Schooler • lschooler@wcsks.com • 771-2222 Assistant Director of Development Ashley Barnett • abarnett@wcsks.com Development & Alumni Relations Administrative Assistant Susan Klingenberg • sklingenberg@wcsks.com • 771-2314 Graphic Design Kathy Rukes, Paper Panache Designs

On the back cover: Assistant Headmaster Bunny Hill shows the 50th Anniversary book to several young Spartans. Thank you to John Pair of Lifetouch, and all of the parents, students, and teachers who provided photographs for this issue!

from the

HEADMASTER “The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.� This phrase is posted in a very prominent location in the hallway of the Beren Middle School. All of our Middle School students pass by it several times every day. It is there as a word of encouragement and a word of warning. The lesson we all know is that it takes work to be successful. It takes work to make attaining something special to feel valuable. It takes work to achieve something worthwhile. This is a lesson that we all know and understand and that is why we are intentional about celebrating the work and the success that our students achieve every year. As I look through the pages of this issue and read about what our students have accomplished during this past year, I am amazed. I am not amazed that they achieved so much, but that they achieved so much and with such consistent excellence. Whether it is earning a recognition on the honor roll, or an outside award, or an academic competition, or an athletic title, or participating in a performance, all of these endeavors took effort. All of these successes were the result of hard work by the students, and admittedly, they had some fun along the way. And they pursued these deeds with the support of their teachers, their parents, and their classmates. It is only through that combination that all of this was possible. So, enjoy this issue of celebration and recognition. It was a wonderful year.

Tom Davis Headmaster



Why early childhood?

Thoughts from an Administrator and Parent




any people ask me why preschool is important. They wonder if it is worthy of their time and resources. After all, “Isn’t preschool just play?” Research has identified the first three years of life as the most significant part of human development. During these years the foundation for all future relationships and learning is formed. This foundation is built when the relationship between the parent or primary caregiver and the child is rooted in nurturing love and trust. This formation of secure attachment is critical, and when it is not established in a child, it is very difficult to reproduce at a later time. This time of life is precious and fragile. In my opinion there is not a more important stage of life to which our society should focus resources and care. The brain is more receptive to learning language in the first six years than any other time in life. This is the time in human development when language brings clarity to thinking…where curiosity and exploration find meaning in words…where children not only ask, “Why?” but are able to articulate thoughts and ideas of their own understanding. Language is the foundation for learning, and it develops most substantially before a child enters kindergarten. At Wichita Collegiate School, we believe that helping children become readers is one of the most important things teachers do. We love showing children how to unlock the code of our language. In preschool we focus on expressive and receptive oral language, phonemic awareness, letter and sound relationships, listening comprehension, and vocabulary. When children are ready to segment words and write, they are supported to work at their own pace. Most children do not learn to read automatically; they need our direct instruction and support. The National Association for the Education of Young Children’s position statement is a helpful resource to learn more. http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/WWSSLearningToReadAndWriteEnglish.pdf. Watching children learn to read is truly a special experience—one of which our teachers never tire. In addition to enhancing language and literacy, Wichita Collegiate School nurtures the whole child. The curriculum is designed to encourage children to grow socially, emotionally, physically, and cognitively. Through thoughtful classroom design, meaningful curriculum, and a wide array of learning experiences, each child’s growth and development is carefully guided by loving, nurturing teachers. Fifty years ago a group of parents had a vision for a quality early learning environment that would provide rich learning experiences for their children. They held the early childhood years in high regard and set the standard for excellence from the very first year. A partnership was formed between the home and school with a shared vision to give children the best possible start in life; the home providing the “roots” and the school providing the “wings.” To this end we remain dedicated now and in the future. ~ Becky O'Hearn, Head of Early Childhood

A parent's persepective


efore we had children, my husband Wade and I discussed how important education had been to each of us and our desire to provide the best possible education for our children. We believe a strong preschool experience provides a base for all future learning. When our oldest daughter, Claire, was a year old we began searching locally for classrooms for two-year-olds. After observing at Collegiate, we knew it was an environment where our daughter would be comfortable, well cared for, and taught age-appropriate skills. We now have two daughters enrolled at Collegiate. Our youngest daughter, Keira, has just completed the Great Beginnings class and Claire will be completing her last year in Early Childhood this year as a kindergartner. Our decision to enroll our children in Collegiate preschool is reinforced each time our daughters return home practicing new skills or demonstrating new knowledge they have acquired. We appreciate their budding skills in counting, math, letter recognition, rhyming, and writing. Keira loves to play calendar and create rhyming words as we drive in the car. Claire is highly motivated to write down important messages throughout the day and diligently works to sound out each word. Each of the girls' teachers have approached teaching with a reflection of his/her own personal style/interests. In addition to the basic elements of education, we continue to be pleased when Claire and Keira demonstrate an unexpected bit of knowledge. Keira started counting in Spanish from one to ten at the beginning of last year. We assumed she learned this from her sister until her teacher mentioned they included this in their daily classroom routine. Claire frequently uses higher level vocabulary (e.g. predator, motion sensor, etc.) that she has learned during the weekly themes. We have also appreciated when their teachers point out specific areas of interest the girls have noticed in the classroom. Claire was drawn to a poster about Native Americans in her classroom. After her teacher told us about this, we were able to supplement her learning at home in this area. Both of our girls have benefited from music and library as well. They enjoy listening to music and identifying musical instruments and styles of music. Both of our girls enjoy reading books at home and have enjoyed hearing new stories in their classrooms. Keira's teacher told us she would excitedly jump up and down and clap her hands when she saw the librarian come into her classroom. Keira has not yet participated in P.E., however, Claire has learned many new skills in this class. She is very proud to be able to throw a Frisbee, skip, tie her own shoes, and catch a ball without using her body. These were challenging but

rewarding tasks for her to practice and master. Claire has also learned a great deal about other countries in P.E. She has a greater understanding of the world beyond herself and an appreciation for other cultures. The schedule at Collegiate also allows for free play during recess, which we firmly believe is an essential part of the preschool experience. Finally, teachers and administrators have been helpful in supporting our job as parents. When Claire transitioned from half-day to full-day, she struggled with eating lunch in the lunchroom. Collegiate staff provided supportive suggestions to make the transition as smooth as possible. What stands out most to us as parents? At Collegiate, social and personal relationships are fostered between all children and adults, a variety of opportunities are available for parents to volunteer and to be as involved as they choose, teachers and administrators listen and respond promptly to assist in problem-solving when concerns arise, and Collegiate teachers are well trained and demonstrate a love of teaching. In our opinion, the Collegiate Early Childhood staff consistently goes above and beyond what is expected for a preschool education. We continue to choose Collegiate each year as our daughters have not only developed a love for their friends and teachers, but also a curiosity and love of learning—all of which we hope will last them a lifetime. ~ Michele Marquardt, WCS Parent





LOWER School Looking Back at 2012-2013 • Lo ok in g back 2012 -2 013 •


nother year has flown by and the Lower School staff and students are proud of the accomplishments made over the past nine months. From new ideas to revisiting old ones, we believe the year to be a huge success!

In August, the Lower School staff was retrained in the use of Kagan Cooperative Learning strategies during a two-day training. During the training the staff learned about the most recent brain research on how students acquire knowledge and how to help them take it to a deeper level of understanding. They also learned about cooperative learning structures that engage all learners in a topic and hold all students accountable in a safe and supportive environment. Finally, the staff learned about how to create and encourage a class climate that is both welcoming and non-judgmental. In order to help the teachers increase their success with these concepts, a Structure-a-Month Club was created to offer teachers the chance to review cooperative learning structures and get tips and tricks towards better implementation. In addition, each teacher was coached once a month on the use of these structures during a lesson being taught to students. The coaching occurred in the moment so teachers could apply the new learning immediately. Over the course of the year, it was amazing to see how much the teachers grew in their understanding of the use of structures and in their confidence to use the structures within our challenging curriculum. We will participate in more training this fall and will continue coaching teachers as well. The 4th grade teachers embarked on a completely new unit last fall called “The Heritage Project.” During this project, 4th grade students spent several weeks investigating their family tree, their family culture, and what experiences made their family unique. Students were expected to interview many different members of their family and conduct research to help them better understand where their families came from and how this history has impacted the person the student is today. This project culminated with a Heritage Fair being held in the Multi-Purpose Room. Each student

filled a suitcase with mementos and special items that reflected their new learning about their families. They also created a notebook of artifacts to be used as primary and secondary sources. Finally, with the help of Mrs. Swearingen, students created a windowpane that contained a self-portrait, family crest, poem, and a weaving representing the colors of their family’s country of origin. The final project was a great success thanks to the hard work of everyone involved! The Lower School staff works very hard to make sure that the curriculum we are delivering every day is at the level our students and parents expect. In order to do this, we must continue to learn about new research in education and consider how that research applies to us here at Collegiate. This year we focused on literacy and each grade level team participated in a professional book study. During their team time each week, the grade level teams met to discuss the book they were studying and how its principles applied to their classrooms. The three books that were part of the study were: The Daily Five: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades, Reading Essentials: The Specifics You Need to Teach Reading Well, and Strategic Reading Groups: Guiding Readers in the Middle Grades. All three books helped us build our background knowledge in the best practices of reading instruction. Many of the ideas presented in the books were implemented in our classrooms this year and more will begin to take shape next year as we continue to consider the needs of our students and how to help each student reach their highest potential in the area of reading. This fall, the staff will continue working on curriculum mapping, but will move into the area of mathematics. We began some mathematics training this spring and will continue with that professional development theme next year as we learn more about the latest research in mathematics instruction. We have every confidence that next year will be the best one yet! ~ Dr. Heather Eubank, Head of Lower School



• middle scho W

hen I reflect on this year in Middle School, I think about our amazing students and teachers and all they have accomplished. The school year began with everyone excited but a little nervous about what the one-to-one laptop initiative would mean for both students and teachers. Would 5th graders be able to manage their own computers? Would the teachers use the technology regularly to enhance learning? How would our deep, rich hands-on curriculum provided by caring teachers be impacted?



The transition to a one-to-one program has been smoother than we could have imagined. Students had little difficulty learning how to use their new technology. Our fifth graders probably had the fewest issues of any grade in getting accustomed to their computers. The ability for students to create, communicate, and collaborate has been dramatically increased due to the availability of this new tool. Students blogged about the books they read from the perspective of one of the characters, they created phenomenal multi-media presentations on a regular basis, they learned how to organize themselves electronically using Google Apps and OneNote, they produced and directed movies, and they learned how to interact online through digital citizenship lessons. As with anything new, this initiative was not without glitches, but all of us—teachers, students and administrators—learned much about troubleshooting, problem-solving, and persistence. From day one of the school year, teachers were using technology in their classrooms to enhance what they have always taught. And although they were using technology regularly, students were still engaged in rich, active learning: debating, creating, putting on plays and musicals, interacting with their classmates and teachers, designing, writing, giving speeches, and getting their hands messy during art and science labs. One of the primary differences is that now students and teachers have the world at their fingertips and are able to explore the questions that arise during the process of inspired teaching. As you peruse this issue of the Connection, you will see where our Middle School students shined in academics, athletics, and the arts. Middle School students and faculty strive every day towards excellence, and we are so pleased by what they have been able to accomplish this year. It will be fun to watch the extrapolation of learning that occurs as students and teachers continue to grow in their creative use of technology. Dr. Ann Rai, Head of Middle School

ol highlights 2012-2013 •





• 5 th G R ADE • • 6 t h G RADE • • 7 t h GR ADE • • 8 t h GRADE •



Julia Ashbrook Jordan Bayles Ben Brake Maddie Coleman Grant Crane Christopher D'Acosta Russell D'Empaire Isabella Do Kennedy Drake Caroline Duarte Ryan Edwards Nate Egan Dolly Farha Jack Fox Victoria George Eli Graham Sydney Gwyn Eric Haberman Cerah Handsaker Justin Highbarger Joseph Kelly Lucy Krumsick Sallie Lair Lucy Leopold Victoria Lyczak Saif Malik Ian Moore Lolly Newman Jonathan O'Hearn Hannah Rai Max Salemi Liberty Sementelli Nick Siemens Sophie Solomon Nate Trout Soumi Vesali Mallory Wells Alexa White Brooks White

Ashley Bajaj Sydney Beyer Nicole Bledsoe Lauren Caughlin Vasuma Chaparala Lauren Conrad Zoe Corrigan Julia Cox Rose Cunningham Mia Estivo Joshua Fernandes Gabe Fisher Hannah Geoffroy Jenna Gregg Mackenzie Kemnitz Sophie Kemp Katie King Sydney Lair Claire Lieb Joseph Lindwall Vincent Lopez Sam Majors Elizabeth Meister Christina Naftzger Kim Nguyen Sydney O'Donnell Zach Reddy Maddie Reed Conor Reid-Tedesco Addie Squires Rachel Varenhorst Abigail Wagle Houston Weimar Brianna Willis Elissa Zakharia

Maeve Ashbrook Celia Babst Paymon Behzadpour Jack Bendell Esther Beren Kathryn Bunting Anna Caughlin Lakelin Conrad Lauren Cusick-Wetta Christopher Dailey Alex Davis Riley Dick Jackson Drake Ashlyn Driskell Natalie Freed Ender Graham Grant Henry Holly Herndon Laura Kingrey Thompson Knuth Joey Le Christelle Nassif Emma Parkhurst Myles Parkhurst Austin Schwartz Brenden Schwartz Lauren Truxal Sabrina White

Matthew Bajaj Conner Caughlin Niko Chapas Taylor Cusick-Wetta Kevin Edwards Austin Gartner Trent Gierhart Jana Heady Jad Hourani Lauren Johnson Mahirul Khan Ellen Mines Gracie Moore Connor Oehmke Cooper Root Cole Schwartz Mitch Squires Sarah Vacek


Students involved in MATHCOUNTS meet with Mrs. Schwarz before school to practice solving challenging math problems. Participated in Regional Meet: Myles Parkhurst, Austin Gartner, Mahirul Khan MATHCOUNTS Team Members: Kevin Edwards, Conner Gartner, Ellen Mines, Mitch Squires 3rd Place Regionals: Kevin Edwards, Conner Gartner, Mitch Squires Regional Countdown: Kevin Edwards (2nd), Rafa Ali (3rd), Ellen Mines (3rd), Mitch Squires (4th), Connor Oehmke (5th) Qualified for State: Rafa Ali, Kevin Edwards, Conner Gartner, Ellen Mines, Connor Oehmke, Mitch Squires

MS Science Olympiad Earns 20 Medals at State

Congratulations to the following students who won medals in the Small School Division at the State Science Olympiad Competition! 1st Place, Shock Value: Ellen Mines and Matthew Bajaj 1st Place, Keep the Heat: Rafay Ali and Mahirul Khan 2nd Place, Sounds of Music: Ellen Mines and Conner Caughlin 2nd Place, Food Science: Thompson Knuth and Sarah Vacek 2nd Place, Crimebusters: Matthew Bajaj and Ellen Mines 2nd Place, Meteorology: Conner Caughlin and Mitch Squires 2nd Place, Rocks and Minerals: Ashlynn Driskell and Mitch Squires 2nd Place, Dynamic Planet: Ashlynn Driskell and Savannah Keezer 3rd Place, Write It, Do It: Jana Heady and Ellen Mines 3rd Place, Forestry: Savannah Keezer and Sarah Vacek



• 5 th G R ADE • • 6 t h G RADE • • 7 t h GR ADE • • 8 t h GRADE •

Communication: Victoria Lyczak Creativity: Jonathan O’Hearn Critical Thinking: Justin Highbarger Collaboration: Dolly Farha

7 th Grade Golden Cs

Alex Bayless Jewell Bolden Sutton Carder Adam Davies Nicholas DuBois John Egan Sam Estivo Conner Gartner Dayen Gierhart Hunter Glass Peter Larsen Anthony Oyama Matt Regehr Ben Saph Elizabeth Schlatter Grant Smith Colton Sorlie Tessa Sutherland Kathryn Swan Christina Walker

Communication: Lauren Cusick-Wetta Creativity: Tiffany Ruan Critical Thinking: Ender Graham Collaboration: Jack Bendell

Communication: Ashley Bajaj Creativity: Emily Odenwald Critical Thinking: Zach Reddy Collaboration: Katie King

8 th Grade Golden Cs

Victor Arana Kennedy Brandenburg Grant Deiter William DeVore Gabby Dobbs Nick DuPont Colin Egan Olivia Eubank Zane Issa Will Lammers Charles Lee Lucy Lee Laura May Cody McNerney Christian Nassif Sydni Phu Lucie Ramser Ian Reddy Tiffany Ruan Will Sahatjian Avasar Sheth Adam Winter Nicole Withrow

5 th Grade Golden Cs

Sterling Anderson Crey Clark Elizabeth Crosby Matthew Forrest Isabella Henshall Kristin Leiker Paxton Meares Nicholas Murati Emily Odenwald Dominic Pavetto Brayden Phipps Londyn Phu Riley Ruffin Carson Smith Hope Smith Caleb St. Germain Max Wheeler

6 th Grade Golden Cs

Max Anderson Natalie Behzadpour Michael Camp Haylee Goolsby Erika Kaczynski Andrew Majors Melissa Mellion Shelby Melton Grace Mindt Sam Schlatter Vanessa Sickmon Carter Smith Elizabeth Spradlin Malachi Watson Colton Weaver Kristina Young

Communication: Adam Davies Creativity: Sarah Vacek Critical Thinking: Niko Chapas Collaboration: Matthew Bajaj



Golden C AwardS


The Golden C Awards recognize students for their abilities and talents in Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Communication: This student demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. This student is a good listener and is able speak clearly both in small group settings, in classroom discussions, and in formal presentations. The student is able to express ideas in writing across the curriculum on essays, on written assignments and as part of presentations. This student is skillful at using multi-media to communicate his or her ideas.



Creativity: This student creates original work on both individual and group projects. He or she is able to develop innovative products and see the connections between ideas from different subjects. He or she is able to apply current knowledge to generate new ideas or products. This student is skilled at using artistic, dramatic, musical skills, or technology to present his or her ideas. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: This student is masterful at asking good questions. He or she is able to consider diverse perspectives and to make inferences. He or she is able to break down a complex problem into smaller problems that are easier to work on. He or she is able to evaluate whether a source of information is a credible source. This student uses data and outside information to help guide his or her decisions. Collaboration: This student has the ability to work well in a group. He or she is a leader in getting groups to complete group tasks. He or she is able to delegate group tasks, handle conflict in the group process, take on appropriate levels of responsibility for the task at hand, and listen to feedback from other group members.


celebration of learning

ll eyes were on the Middle School on May 23 as faculty, students, and parents devoted the day to celebrate learning! The Celebration was designed to applaud accomplishments while adding a sense of the real growth and development of each child; to give parents and students a sense of all that the students have learned, how exciting it has been, and how much we honor the process of learning by taking time to note it and celebrate it. Congratulations to each and every Middle School student for all that was learned, and the awards that they earned this year!

The Headmaster’s Awards are presented to the 8th grade boys and girls who best exemplify the overall objectives of Collegiate’s Middle School. These students participate in many areas of student life such as academics, fine arts, athletics, and social activities, with a sense of joy and commitment. This year’s awards were presented to Kevin Edwards, Lauren Johnson, Conner Caughlin, and Ellen Mines, pictured here with Headmaster Tom Davis.

The Alice Virginia Knorr Scholarship Award is given in memory of Alice to a Middle School girl who represents a balance between academics, family, and social life. She should be someone who is warm, thoughtful, and considerate to her classmates. Gracie Moore was this year’s honoree, pictured with Alice’s mother Kathy Knorr.

The Shafer Dart Memorial Award is given in memory of Shafer Dart to an 8th grader who exemplifies Shafer’s qualities and outgoing, gregarious spirit. Sutton Carder was this year’s winner, and is pictured here with Mr. Dave Hawley, who presented the award.

highest scholastic standing 5th Grade (GPA of 97 or higher)

Top Student: Victoria Lyczak Ben Brake, Madeline Coleman, Christopher D’Acosta, Dolly Farha, Eli Graham, Justin Highbarger, Lucy Leopold, Victoria Lyczak, Hannah Rai, Max Salemi, Liberty Simentelli, and Mallory Wells

6th Grade (GPA of 97 or higher)

Top Student: Zoe Corrigan Ashley Bajaj, Lauren Caughlin, Vasuma Chaparala, Lauren Conrad, Zoe Corrigan, Rose Cunningham, Joshus Fernandes, Hannah Geoffroy, Jenna Gregg, Mackenzie Kemnitz, Katie King, Claire Lieb, Elizabeth Meister, Zach Reddy, Connor ReidTedesco, Addison Squires, Abigail Wagle, and Brianna Willis

7th Grade (GPA of 96 or higher)

Top Student: Emma Parkhurst Maeve Ashbrook, Jack Bendell, Esther Beren, Kat Bunting, Anna Caughlin, Lakeland Conrad, Lauren Cusick-Wetta, Christopher Dailey, Ashlyn Driskell, Natalie Freed, Ender Graham, Grant Henry, Thompson Knuth, Christelle Nassif, Emma Parkhurst, Myles Parkhurst, and Brendon Schwartz

8th Grade (GPA of 96 or higher)

Top Student: Lauren Johnson Matthew Bajaj, Conner Caughlin, Kevin Edwards, Trent Gierhart, Jana Heady, Lauren Johnson, Mahirul Khan, Ellen Mines, Connor Oehmke, Cole Schwartz, Mitch Squires, and Sarah Vacek

The Headmaster’s Scholarship Cup was presented to the 5th Grade, the Class of 2020, with a combined average of 93.2.



National Latin Exam Results

The National Mythology Exam, sponsored by Excellence Through Classics, tests students' knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology and offers subtests covering The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid, Native American mythology, Norse mythology, and African mythology.

Congratulations to the following 7th and 8th graders and to their teachers, John Leddy and Virginia Kehoe, for their impressive performance on the National Latin Exam.

All participating WCS students took the Greek and Roman mythology section, along with at least one literary subtest. Fifth graders took the Native American subtest as well as the Norse subtest, sixth graders took the African subtest, seventh graders took The Aeneid subtest, and eighth graders took The Odyssey subtest.

LATIN I Cum Laude: Alex Bayless, Juston Flowers, Dayen Gierhart, Peter Larsen Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude: Rafay Ali, Jewell Bolden, Taylor Cusick-Wetta, Conner Gartner, Matthew Regehr, Evan Voegeli Magna Cum Laude: John Egan, Mac Foley, Jad Hourani, Savannah Keezer, Anthony Oyama, Ben Saph, Elizabeth Schlatter, Colton Sorlie, Jules White Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude: Matthew Bajaj, Sutton Carder, Conner Caughlin, Adam Davies, Nicholas DuBois, Kevin Edwards, Austin Gartner, Trent Gierhart, Hunter Glass, Jana Heady, Lauren Johnson, Ellen Mines, Connor Oehmke, Cole Schwartz, Mitch Squires, Sarah Vacek Perfect Score, Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude: Mahirul Khan

Middle school academic achievements

National Mythology Exam Results 2013

Award levels for the exam include: 100% - The Athena God Award of Excellence - Gold Medallion; 95% to 99% - Silver Medallion; and 90% to 94% - Bronze Medallion.

5th Grade Gold Medallion: Max Anderson, Julia Ashbrook, Ben Brake, Ryan Edwards, Dolly Farha, Victoria George, Eric Haberman, Justin Highbarger, Erika Kaczynski, Saif Malik, Max Salemi, Sophie Solomon, Mallory Wells Silver Medallion: Jordan Bayles, Madeleine Coleman, Grant Crane, Christopher D’Acosta, Russell D’Empaire, Isabella Do, Kennedy Drake, Nathaniel Egan, Jack Fox, Eli Graham, Cerah Handsaker, Joseph Kelly, Lucy Krumsick, Sallie Lair, Lucy Leopold, Victoria Lyczak, Shelby Melton, Grace Mindt, Ian Moore, Lolly Newman, Jonathan O’Hearn, Hannah Rai, Liberty Sementelli, Vanessa Sickmon, Nick Siemens, Soumi Vesali, Alexa White, Kristina Young Bronze Medallion: Quincy Bachrodt, Natalie Behzadpour, Michael Camp, Caroline Duarte, Haylee Goolsby, Sydney Gwyn, Melissa Mellion, Samuel Schlatter, Libby Spradlin, Malachi Watson, Brooks White



6th Grade Gold Medallion: Zoe Corrigan, Rose Cunningham, Joshua Fernandes, Gabe Fisher, Hannah Geoffroy, Katie King, Elizabeth Meister, Conor Reid-Tedesco, Addie Squires, Abigail Wagle, Brianna Willis Silver Medallion: Sterling Anderson, Lauren Caughlin, Vasuma Chaparala, Lauren Conrad, Michael Feng, Jenna Gregg, Mackenzie Kemnitz, Kristen Leiker, Claire Lieb, Joseph Lindwall, Nick Murati, Kim Nguyen, Zach Reddy, Riley Ruffin Bronze Medallion: Ashley Bajaj, Sydney Beyer, Jackson Calvert, Julia Cox, Matthew Forrest, Sophie Kemp, Sydney Lair, Vincent Lopez, Samuel Majors, Paxton Meares, Christina Naftzger, Emily Odenwald, Hope Smith, Caleb St. Germain, Max Wheeler, Elissa Zakharia 7th Grade Gold Medallion: Myles Parkhurst Silver Medallion: Maeve Ashbrook, Kat Bunting, Christopher Dailey, Alexandra Davis, Colin Egan, Emma Parkhurst, Brenden Schwartz, Austin Schwartz, Avasar Sheth, Sabrina White Bronze Medallion: Celia Babst, Kennedy Brandenburg, Lauren CusickWetta, William DeVore, Natalie Freed, William Graham, Zane Issa, Thompson Knuth, Joey Le, Charles Lee, Cody McNerney, Christelle Nassif, Sydni Phu, Calli Pirner, Ian Reddy, Maclain Resnick, Will Sahatjian, Nicole Withrow

8th Grade Gold Medallion: Matthew Bajaj, Jewell Bolden, Sutton Carder, Conner Caughlin, Nikolas Chapas, Adam Davies, Nick Dubois, Kevin Edwards, John Egan, Kevin Eyster, Juston Flowers, Conner Gartner, Trent Gierhart, Jana Heady, Jad Hourani, Lauren Johnson, Winona McGregor, Gracie Moore, Max Murati, Connor Oehmke, Anthony Oyama, John Powell, Cooper Root, Bryce Runyan, Cole Schwartz, Jack Squires, Cody St. Germain Silver Medallion: Rafay Ali, Grace Ball, Loren Baskin Almazan, Alex Bayless, Samantha Estivo, Austin Gartner, Dayen Gierhart, Hunter Glass, Bailey Horsch, Savannah Keezer, Morgan Keltner, Mahirul Khan, Kirby Krumsick, Peter Larsen, Gabriel Louis, Ellen Mines, Ben Murphy, Katie O’Hara, Kayley Pitman, Matthew Regehr, Ben Saph, Elizabeth Schlatter, Evan Voegeli, Christina Walker, Jules White Bronze Medallion: Kenneth Bradburn, Taylor Cusick-Wetta, Alex Fanning, Mac Foley, Logan Mitchell, Riley Sherwood, Colton Sorlie, Sarah Vacek, Emma Whitaker

INTRODUCTION TO LATIN Certificate of Achievement: Victor Arana, Paymon Behzadpour, Jack Bendell, Esther Beren, Kat Bunting, Niko Chapas, Lauren Cusick-Wetta, Riley Dick, Natalie Freed, Ender Graham, Holly Herndon, Thompson Knuth, Joey Le, Christelle Nassif, Emma Parkhurt, Myles Parkhurst, Austin Schwartz, Sabrina White Ribbon and Certificate of Achievement: Maeve Ashbrook, Lakelin Conrad, Christopher Dailey, Grant Henry, Grace Moore, Cooper Root, Grant Smith

Math Competitions Math Olympiad and Math Fax Math Challenge is for 5th and 6th graders, and consists of two competitions: Math Olympiad and Math Fax. Math Olympiad, Grade 5 1st Place: Isabella Do Math Olympiad, Grade 6 2nd Place: Kim Nguyen, Emily Odenwald Math Fax, Grade 5 1st Place: Isabella Do Math Fax, Grade 6 1st Place: Kim Nguyen 3rd Place: Emily Odenwald AMC 8 The AMC 8 is a national exam designed to offer students challenging math content focusing on problem solving skills. Grade 6 4th Place: Joshua Fernandes (Top 25%) Grade 7 2nd Place: Emma Parkhurst (Top 5%) 3rd Place: Celia Babst (Top 5%) 4th Place: Tiffany Ruan (Top 25%) Grade 8 1st Place: Connor Oehmke (Top 1%) 3rd Place: Kevin Edwards (Top 5%), Ellen Mines (Top 5%) 4th Place: Niko Chapas (Top 25%)

upper school • 2012-2013 •


he 2012-2013 school year has come and gone, and I am reminded once again how special our Wichita Collegiate Community is. The Upper School enjoyed a school year full of academic successes, athletic accomplishments, beautiful artistic presentations, and throughout, a sense of pride and respect for our fellow classmates. It was a year that had too many sad and difficult tragedies, but our love and compassion for one another allowed us to heal and move forward. It is with great pride that I write this end of the year review, knowing how our entire community gave of themselves so selflessly to make 2012-2013 a great year. As much as I hate saying goodbye to seniors, the Class of 2013 leaves well prepared to handle the challenges of the future. The 75 seniors this year were tremendous leaders who have left an indelible mark on Wichita Collegiate. Our seniors will matriculate to 31 schools in 15 states and take with them nearly six million dollars in scholarship offers. I will take this one last opportunity to thank the Class of 2013 for all that they have meant to our school; they will be missed. As soon as one school year ends the preparations for the following year begin. I am looking forward to another exceptional school year and know that the Class of 2014 will lead us with their unique gifts and talents. Thank you to everyone who makes Wichita Collegiate the wonderful place that it is. It is an honor and pleasure to serve as Head of the Upper School. ~ Chris Ashbrook, Head of Upper School







he Upper School celebrated its 50th Honors Convocation on May 8 at First Evangelical Free Church to recognize outstanding academics and to present several coveted annual awards. Congratulations to all of the students, including the following, who were recognized on this special day.

The Headmaster’s Award is given annually to the seniors who most closely embody the Collegiate ideal of excellence. Criteria for selection include a deep love for learning and for our school, a high level of participation in school activities, and a commitment to an ethical lifestyle that has been consistently displayed in relationships with both peers and faculty. Headmaster Tom Davis congratulates this year’s winners Sage Farha and Jack Stewart.

National Merit Scholars Commended Students scoring in the top 5% of more than one million students nationwide who take the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) included Micah White. Semifinalists and Finalists scoring in the top 1% in the country were Sage Farha, Jonathan Go, and Elly Vosburgh.

highest scholastic standing awards

Awards are presented to the students in each class who had earned a grade point average of 96 or above… Class of 2016 Leen Bakdash Allie Brown Lillian Clark Shreeya Dalla Jenna Farhat Noor Farhood Allie Lindwall Will Locke Ally Lowden Kevin Mattar Hasan Raffi Emily Ramsey Megan Robertson Addie Root Emma Schmaltz Grace Taylor Hanna Watson Class of 2015 Sanjidah Ahmed Ahmed Alshamary Takah Bakdash Samuel Beren Sophie Blackburn Corbett DeGiacomo Maija Gierhart Caroline Go Sarah Heady Mikey Hoeckel Parth Khare Christy Peterson Alisa Weatherman

Class of 2014 Jake Barrett Seth Carder Carolyn Lewelling Jennifer Mattar Ann McGuire Travis Osland Meagan Richardson Duy Van Caleb Wren Class of 2013 Vafa Behzadpour Sophie Beren Amani Braxton Caroline Breit Julia Brooks Shelby Clothier Sage Farha Hassan Farhoud Jonathan Go Sam Horner Faith Kim Hannah Melhorn Ellen Oehmke Alexis Sherwood Forrest Short Jack Stewart Rachel Wolansky April Yu




HONORS DAY The Mandy Shoaf Memorial Award is given in memory of Mandy Shoaf, who died in a tragic automobile accident shortly after her graduation in 1997. The recipient is an Upper School student with an interest and talent in the Fine Arts, and who is involved in all aspects of the school and is a friend to all. This year’s winner was Joe Asbridge. pictured here with Chris Ashbrook.



The Jack C. Chesky Leadership Award – Hard work, dedication, and a deep love for WCS were the characteristics that Jack Chesky brought to Collegiate. A member of the Class of 1972, Jack commuted every day from Halstead, and made the school the focus of his attention, contributing to every facet of school life. Following Jack’s tragic death shortly after graduation, the Chesky family established this award to honor the senior(s) who best embodied Jack’s spirit. This year’s honorees were Molly Haines and Vafa Behzahpour.

The WCS Math and Science Award is given to the outstanding senior in math and science who is selected by the faculty in those disciplines. This year’s winner was Ellen Oehmke, pictured above with Rae Thiel.

“I Dare You” Awards are presented on behalf of the American Youth Foundation for Mr. William H. Danforth, a successful businessman who dared young people to achieve their highest potential and to influence others through lives of leadership and service. Typically, this award is given to a junior boy and girl with personal integrity, balanced living, and potential for leadership. Meagan Richardson and Seth Carder were this year’s honorees, pictured above with Dean of Students Trent Nesmith..

The Forrest C. Lattner Endowment Award is given to an Upper School boy or girl who excels in academics and/or the arts. The selected student may receive the award for more than one year. The Lattner Award was presented this year to Faith Kim and Caleb Wren, pictured with Joan Siefkes Moore '84.

The Cum Laude Society is a very selective national honor society seeking to promote excellence, justice, and honor. Each year, the society inducts a small number of juniors and seniors who exemplify these attributes. WCS is proud to be the only chapter of the Cum Laude Society in the State of Kansas. Joining current members Sage Farha, Hassan Farhoud, Jonathan Go, Whitney Goldberg, Hannah Melhorn, Ellen Oehmke, Elly Vosburgh, and April Yu were this year’s inductees: Sophie Beren, Jake Barrett, Caroline Breit, Julia Brooks, Seth Carder, Nicole Farha, Sam Horner, Faith Kim, Carolyn Lewelling, Ann McGuire, Jennifer Mattar, Meagan Richardson, and Jack Stewart.



The Fay Family French Awards are given in honor of Laura Fay, Class of 1986, and Lisel Fay, Class of 1990, to the students with the highest average in each level of French. The following students received French books especially chosen for each of them. This year’s winners were: Megan Robertson Level I; Ahmed Alshamary Level II; Sage Farha and Micah Watson Level III; Whitney Goldberg Level IV.

The Humanities Award is presented to a senior who is an exemplary student of the human condition in its broadest sense. Recipients of his award are distinguished by their outstanding scholarship and abiding interest in literature, history, and the arts. This year’s winner was Julia Brooks, pictured with her mother Cathy.

The WCS Foreign Language Award is given to a senior who has displayed a passion for the study of language, who has demonstrated consistent excellence in the classroom, and who plans to continue the study of language in college. This year’s winner was Sage Farha.

The Headmaster’s Scholarship Cup is presented each year to the class with the highest combined grade point average. Class President Maddie Reid-Tedesco accepted this year’s trophy on behalf of the Sophomore Class (2015), which had a combined average of 89.7.


HIGH HONOR ROLL • 9 th GRADE • • 10 th GRADE • • 11 th GRADE • • 12 th GRADE •



Umama Ali Leen Bakdash Allie Brown Lillian Clark Vaughn Craddock Shreeya Dalla Madi DeVore Katherine Do Caroline Engel Jenna Farhat Noor Farhood Dalia Hammouri Michael Holden Jee Kim Elizabeth Lammers Allie Lindwall Will Locke Ally Lowden Kevin Mattar Hannah Osland Alex Payne Hasan Raffi Emily Ramsey Megan Robertson Addison Root Emma Schmaltz Sophie Shawver Bryanna Stocker Grace Taylor Hanna Watson

Sanjidah Ahmed Ahmed Alshamary Talah Bakdash Samuel Beren Sophie Blackburn Jemma Davies Corbett De Giacomo Trent Edwards Amena Elamin Trevor Flamini Maija Gierhart Caroline Go Karam Hamada Sarah Heady Mikey Hoeckel Parth Khare Grace Kohn Tran Le Kara Maloney James O’Neill Christy Peterson Richard Sun Alisa Weatherman

Sara Ayesh Jake Barrett Abby Boyd Seth Carder Agnes Corrigan Shiv Dalla Rachel Fernandes Diana Kim Kaylea Knappenberger Carolyn Lewelling Ayesha Mahomed Jennifer Mattar Ann McGuire Travis Osland Meagan Richardson Landon Root Zack Schmaltz Duy Van Micah Watson Caleb Wren

Vafa Behzadpour Sophie Beren Grace Bradfield Amani Braxton Caroline Breit Dylan Bridwell Julia Brooks Shelby Clothier Nicole Farha Sage Farha Hassan Farhoud Jonathan Go Whitney Goldberg Sam Horner Faith Kim Brianna Lowden Hannah Melhorn Ellen Oehmke Connor Robertson Alexis Sherwood Forrest Short Jack Stewart Elly Vosburgh Katherine Walker Rachel Wolansky April Yu

Upper School Student Honored in Latin Translation Contest

WCS Students Honored for High Scores on National Chemistry Exams

The Classical Association of the Middle West and South offers a Latin translation contest each year for students in high school who are studying advanced Latin. This year Sage Farha was chosen as one of twenty book winners for her excellent sight translation of a selection of prose from Latin literature.

Congratulations to Sanjidah Ahmed and Sarah Heady for being recognized by the American Chemical Society for scoring high on the National Chemistry Exams. Only one other area high school student was honored along with students from WSU, Emporia State, Kansas State, Fort Hays, McPherson College, and Newman University.



• 9 th GRADE • • 10 th GRADE • • 11 th GRADE • • 12 th GRADE • Levi Aldag Heba Alshamary Trey Bridwell Cameron Christian Connor Devlin Austin Freed Emilee Janicke Livia Le Jacob Newlin Kendall Reed DaMare Simms Jalen Skar Kate Sorensen Sean Sullivan Katie Wetta


Camron Chugg Jack Copher Caroline Crosby Kyler Ehm Lily Farha Ellie Frank Azim Kamalulrahim Bon Ku Ian Mallard Jaya Montovani Mark Meyer Mike Park Riley Parks Kara Patton Maddie Reid-Tedesco Andrew Steele Jaques Williams

Rob Braithwaite Aaron Brake Brian Camp Devin Clark Austin Daniels Brodey Dick Davis Gibson Abbey Gluck Julia Gurney Kate Holden Lauren Hutchinson Eugene Isaac Maddie Janzen Michelle Moon Max Moxley Rowan Pendergraft Izzy Reagan David Scheffer Brooke Withrow

Joe Asbridge Cora Burgoyne Macrina Castrisos Mike Choi Kayla Cooks Alex Corby Houston Cusick Keli Dunn Rob Egan Connor Fleming Lindsay Funke Molly Haines Alli Hatchett Wynn Hukle Patrick Maloney Mary Meeker Elena Murati Nigel Murphy Kate Nelson Markus Phox Amanda Pochelska Bell Schwartz Israel Taylor Alex Waldeck Micah White



• ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS • national latin exam

Congratulations to Collegiate’s Latin students for their excellent performance on the 2013 National Latin Exam. Among the many awards were 2 perfect papers, 29 Gold Medals, and 17 Silver Medals. Over 150,000 students participated in the exam and less than 1% earned perfect scores. Omnibus gratulationes to the following students and to their teacher, Mrs. Virginia Kehoe! Latin II Cum Laude: Michael Holden Magna Cum Laude: Kathrine Do, Austin Freed, Livia Le, Allie Lindwall, Kevin Mattar, Sean Sullivan Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude: Emily Ramsey Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude: Leen Bakdash, Lillian Clark, Will Locke, Hasan Raffi, Emma Schmaltz, Grace Taylor



Latin III Cum Laude: Evan Halsey Magna Cum Laude: Caroline Crosby, Ian Mallard, James O’Neill Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude: Talah Bakdash, Samuel Beren, Karam Hamada, Kara Maloney, Kara Patton, Richard Sun Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude: Maija Gierhart, Sarah Heady, Alisa Weatherman Perfect Score, Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude: Sanjidah Ahmed Latin IV, Prose Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude: Carolyn Lewelling Latin V Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude: Micah White Gold Medal, Summa Cum Laude: Sage Farha

National Etymology Exam

In December, students in Latin III and AP Latin took the National Classical Etymology Exam. This exam is sponsored by the National Junior Classical League and tests the students' ability to understand both Latin and Greek derivatives and their usage in the English language. This year, 4200 students participated, and nine Collegiate students received medals for their outstanding performance. Kudos to Mrs. Virginia Kehoe and the following students! Advanced Level (Grades 11 and 12) Gold Medal: Sage Farha, Carolyn Lewelling Silver Medal: Micah White Intermediate Level (Grade 10) Gold Medal: Talah Bakdash, Karam Hamada, Sarah Heady, Richard Sun Silver Medal: Sanjidah Ahmed Bronze Medal: Ian Mallard

national french exam

Over 95,000 students took “Le Grand Concours." Congratulations to the following students and to their teacher, Dr. Peggy Church! French I Honorable Mention: Sophie Shawver (12th in state), Caroline Engel (12th in state), Austin Cole (11th in state), Izzy Regan (11th in state), Maddie Janzen (10th in state), Heba Alshamary (9th in state), Noor Farhoud (6th in state), Luke Winter (5th in state), Hanna Watson (4th in state), Jemma Davies (4th in state) Bronze Medallion: Megan Robertson (1st in state, 6th in the nation) French II Honorable Mention: Madeleine Lett (12th in state), Ahmed Alshamary (9th in state) Bronze Medallion: Amena Elamin (4th in state, 10th in the nation) French III Honorable Mention: Micah Watson (15th in state) Silver Medallion: Sage Farha (1st in state, 3rd in the nation) French IV Honorable Mention: Whitney Goldberg (7th in state), Katherine Walker (10th in state)

national SPANISH exam

Congratulations to the following students and to their teachers, Mrs. Gabby White and Mr. Jorge Trinchet! SPANISH LEVEL 1 Honorable Mention: Levi Aldag, Umama Ali, Allison Brown, Madeline DeVore, Hannah Osland, Alex Payne, DaMare Simms, Bryanna Stocker Bronze Medal: Vaugh Craddock, Shreeya Dalla, Emilee Janicke Silver Medal: Jenna Farhat, Dalia Hammouri, Ally Lowden, Addison Root SPANISH LEVEL 2 Honorable Mention: Jemma Davies, Corbett DeGiacomo, Essence Dickinson, Trent Edwards, Trevor Flamini, Ellie Frank, Mikey Hoeckel, Azim Kamalulrahim, Parth Khare, Bon Ku, Jaques Williams Bronze Certificate: Caroline Go Silver Certificate: Jake Barrett, Jaya Mantovani SPANISH LEVEL 3 Honorable Mention: Seth Carder, Kaylea Knappenberger, Meagan Richardson, Landon Root, Sara Ayesh, Brian Camp, Austin Daniels, Rachel Fernandes, Caleb Wren Bronze Certificate: Robert Braithwaite Silver Certificate: Travis Osland Gold Certificate: Ann McGuire SPANISH LEVEL 4 Honorable Mention: Sophie Beren, Brianna Lowden, Elly Vosburgh Silver Certificate: Sophie Blackburn, Caroline Breit Gold Certificate: Sage Farha

• the class of 2013 •



• GR ADUATES AND THEIR HONORS • Joseph Drake Asbridge Karsten Francis Barragree Andrew Craig Bayless Vafa Behzadpour Magna Cum Laude

Sophie Yacova Beren Summa Cum Laude

Houston Robert Cusick Hunter Nicholas Cusick Keli Lynn Dunn Robert Michael Egan Nicole Gabrielle Farha Summa Cum Laude

Sage Lee Farha

Grace Anne Bradfield Summa Cum Laude

Summa Cum Laude National Merit Finalist

Amani Janay Braxton

Hassan Farhoud

Caroline Hawley Breit

Connor David Fleming Johnie Curtis Frank Isaiah Jamal Franklin Lindsay Lattner Funke Jonathan Austin Go

Magna Cum Laude

Summa Cum Laude

Dylan Edward Bridwell Magna Cum Laude

Julia May Brooks Summa Cum Laude

Samuel Robert Brown Ashleigh Taylor Bundy Cora Elizabeth Burgoyne Cum Laude

Macrina Renee Castrisos Jun Soo Choi Cum Laude

Shelby Jordan Clothier

Summa Cum Laude

Summa Cum Laude National Merit Finalist

Whitney Sianna Goldberg Summa Cum Laude

Molly Jean Haines Magna Cum Laude

Alexandra Taylor Hatchett Cum Laude

Taj Malik Holt Samuel James Horner

Walker Douglas Randel Jones Riley Engleman Kemmer Faith Mi Ge Kim

Tollie Rebecca Rupe Spenser Quincy Schooler Ashlyn Bell Schwartz

Kiana Paige Knolland Brandon Garland Lee Madeleine Elizabeth Lett Brianna Jade Lowden

Alexis Taylor Sherwood

Summa Cum Laude

Magna Cum Laude

Patrick Dennis Maloney Richard Elliott Mann Mary Isabelle Meeker Cum Laude

Hannah Katherine Melhorn Summa Cum Laude

Elena Matilde Murati Cum Laude

Nigel Wolfe Murphy Cum Laude

Katherine Rose Nelson Cum Laude

Ellen Margaret Oehmke Summa Cum Laude

Markus Hunter Phox Cum Laude

Cum Laude

Summa Cum Laude

Robert Forrest Short Magna Cum Laude

Jerica Renee Skar John Clinton Stewart Summa Cum Laude

Israel Jordan Taylor Cum Laude

Elly Jean Vosburgh

Summa Cum Laude National Merit Finalist

Alexandria Megan Anne Waldeck Katherine Leigh Walker Magna Cum Laude

Micah John White

Cum Laude National Merit Commended

T'Keyah Iman Williams Rachel Louise Wolansky Magna Cum Laude

Dustin Jay Francis Youngman April Mi Joung Yu

Cum Laude Amanda Roksana Pochelska Kayla Erin Cooks Summa Cum Laude Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Lauren Elizabeth Copher Wynn Shannon Hukle Rhys Mitchell Powell Hongbo Zhang Cum Laude Alexander Michael Corby Connor Benjamin Robertson Daniel Liston Hullings Nicole Elizabeth Corby Magna Cum Laude Honors Designations: Summa Cum Laude - cumulative grade average of at least 94.5; Magna Cum Laude - cumulative grade average of at least 92.5 but less than 94.5; and Cum Laude - cumulative grade average of at least 89.5 but less than 92.5


On behalf of the Class of 2013, Class President Vafa Behzadpour presented the class gift to the school: two new camcorders for use by the Video Magazine students, a painted mural of the WCS crest, and a tree planted in memory of the life and spirit of their classmate Stephen Huber.



Salutatorian Jonathan Go expressed appreciation to his family, his teachers, and fellow students. He urged his classmates to pay attention to the little things that happen in life, saying, “It’s the casual, spontaneous, quirky moments that we will treasure, remember, and tell stories about.”

he last time SASNAK, Inc. President Jon Rolph spoke at a WCS graduation ceremony was at his own in 1997. Jon was President of his class, and in that capacity, he had the honor of presenting the senior gift to the school. Those in attendance enjoyed Jon's playful remarks to the man who delivered the Commencement Address: Senator Bob Dole. In his speech, Senator Dole commented that the duty of a commencement speaker was to show up and keep it short. Rolph commented that he intended to speak as long as he wanted, because, "After all, Senator, I am the President!" No one laughed harder than Dole, whose unsuccessful bid for the U.S.Presidency had occurred a year earlier. After graduating from WCS, Jon continued to serve as President—of the student body at Baylor University for four years. His first year election marked the first time in Baylor's history that a freshman had been elected president. For the Class of 2013, Jon delivered a heartfelt talk, interweaving his experiences at Collegiate with his life since that time. He challenged the graduates to ask themselves three questions as they opened the next chapters of their lives: Who am I? Why? And who else? Jon encouraged the graduates, in light of their recently completed Good Life papers, to use the answers to these questions to define the significance of their lives. He also left them with four words to think about: curiosity, grace, courage, and present. Jon challenged the graduates to stay curious as they pursued their dreams; to give grace to themselves and others; to have courage, for it is in the valleys where we learn the most; and to be in the present where we discover love and hope. Jon enhanced these ideas by telling the graduates to look for truth, for healing, and for making things better. He commented that Collegiate was a great place for academics and learning how to solve problems and how they need to learn to live with their hearts. They need to think about whom they want to become, not what do they want to do.

A Valedictorian Sage Farha took the opportunity to modify the valedictory speech given by a character in the movie, “Say Anything.” Unlike that character, who is simply scared about the future, Sage acknowledged her own nervousness but described herself as “intoxicated by the realization that our hopes and dreams have become tangible goals,” and that her “exhilaration outweighs any trepidation.”

.. .. .. .. ..

s has become his tradition, Headmaster Tom Davis delivered his Charge to the Class of 2013 in a form that would be easily be remembered by the graduates. He closed his remarks with this summary of his message: "I charge you not only to follow your heart, but let your heart lead you. Seek truth. Seek goodness. Pursue those dreams that you have. Choose wisely and carefully those things you will treasure in life, for ‘where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’ "Let what comes in your ear, E-A-R, become what you hear H-E-A-R, and let it define your heart, H-E-A-R-T. With no pun intended, take this message to your heart as you go from here to prove yourselves worthy."

NG THE CLASS OF 2013 • Each year at graduation, the WCS Alumni Association announces its choice for the Distinguished Alumni Service Award and presents the award to the recipient. This year, the Alumni Board invited Randy Love ’67 to present the award and announce a very special change to the award – the dedication and renaming of the award to honor Randy Storms ’74. As Mr. Love noted in the announcement, perhaps the most impressive thing about Randy’s life was his faith. Randy was guided throughout his life by his strong faith, and the result was a rich life focused around serving and mentoring others. Perhaps no better example of a life of service exists anywhere in the Collegiate community than the life of Randy Storms. The WCS family will do well to remember him each year by dedicating this service award in Randy’s name. This year’s recipient was Allan Dunne, Class of 1991 and a Collegiate “lifer.” As Mr. Love mentioned in his introduction, Allan’s proudest and best accomplishment is that he is father to two children who attend Collegiate – Charlie (4th grade) and Darcy (3rd grade). Allan is a current Trustee at Collegiate as well as serving on the Alumni Board, where he was fortunate to share several years of service with Randy Storms. While accepting the award Allan stated that although he does not feel worthy of an award with Randy’s name on it, receiving it will inspire him to try a little bit harder to be of service.

President of the WCS Alumni Association Patrick Ritchie (WCS Class of 2002) presented to Headmaster Davis a check for $75,068.31, a record amount raised by the Alumni Association, to benefit the Alumni Endowment, which helps to provide tuition assistance for academically qualified students who might not otherwise be able to attend WCS.



Congratulations, • Class of 2013! • Members of the Class of 2013 were admitted to the following colleges and universities, and garnered over $5.9 million in offers of merit-based scholarships. page


Abilene Christian University Indiana University Auburn University (Honors College) Iowa State University Austin College Kansas City, Kansas Community College Baylor University Kansas State University Belmont College Kansas Wesleyan University Beloit College Lafayette College Benedictine College Lawrence University Bethel College Lehigh University Binghamton University Loyola University Chicago Boston College McPherson College Boston University Middle Tennessee State University Bryn Mawr College North Carolina State University Bucknell University Northeastern University Butler County Community College Oklahoma State University Colgate University Pepperdine University Colorado State University Pomona College Cornell University Princeton University Cowley County Community College Rhodes College Creighton University Rice University Davidson College Saint Louis University DePaul University Schnectady Drake University Seattle Pacific University Drury University Southern Methodist University Elon University Southwestern College Emporia State University Spelman College Florida State University Stephan F. Austin State University Friends University Texas A & M University Grinnell College Texas Christian University Gustavus Adolphus College The University of Alabama The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Hendrix College The University of Texas at Austin Howard University The University of Texas at Dallas Hutchinson Community College Trinity College Independence Community College

Tufts University Union College University of Arkansas University of California at San Diego University of California at Santa Barbara University of Connecticut University of Florida University of Kansas University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Miami University of Minnesota University of Mississippi University of Missouri at Columbia University of Missouri at Kansas City University of Nebraska at Lincoln University of New Hampshire University of North Texas University of Oklahoma University of Pennsylvania University of San Diego University of Tulsa University of Vermont University of Wisconsin Vassar College Villanova University Wake Forest University Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College Wesleyan University Wichita State University William Jewell College Worcester Polytechnic Institute



4 th grade musical


Collegiate 4th graders put on a purrfectly wonderful version of The Aristocats this spring. The musical, based upon the 1970 Disney animated film of the same name, follows Edgar the Butler and his efforts to get rid of the cats who stand to inherit the estate of his employer, retired opera singer Madame Adelaide Bonfamille. Edgar's dastardly deeds are for naught, and it is he, rather than the cats, who is stuffed in a trunk and shipped to Timbuktu. The cat-napping tale was pure catnip for the delighted audiences. Congratulations to Lower School Music Teacher Loni Griffin and cast and crew for a great production!

5 th & 6 th grade play

larceny & old Lace The Middle School drama program closed out the 2012-2013 year with performances of the 5th and 6th grade play Larceny and Old Lace. Based on the immortal Broadway play Arsenic and Old Lace, our piece told the hilarious story of two old ladies who prefer to take their casino winnings at gunpoint rather than go through the uncertain and time-consuming process of wagering! Their latest caper gets them into trouble, especially when their criminal nephew shows up, but their honest nephew saves the day. Liberty Sementelli and Mia Estivo wowed the audience as the two spinsters, and Gabe Fisher and Malachi Watson handled the good and bad nephews. page


7 th & 8 th grade musical

little shop of horrors




On the first day of the month of March in an early year of a decade not too long before our own, the human race suddenly encountered a deadly threat to its very existence. This terrifying enemy surfaced, as such enemies often do, in the seemingly most innocent and unlikely of places… Little Shop of Horrors. The month was March, the year 2013, and the place was Galichia Auditorium as the 7th and 8th grade performed the Little Shop of Horrors to packed houses. Under the leadership of Barb Schoenhofer, Audra Lee, and Ruth Powell, the students rehearsed and danced for six weeks, overcoming unforeseen meteorological problems. Connor Caughlin wowed audiences in his debut role as the naïve and rather awkward Seymour. Taylor Cusick-Wetta brilliantly played the bleached blonde love interest of Seymour’s life. The all-singing and dancing energetic trio of Ellen Mines, Lauren Cusick-Wetta, and Tiffany Ruan kept us abreast of the story. In his first year at Collegiate, Will Lammers entertained us with his hilarious interpretation of Mr. Mushnik, and the sadistic dentist Orin Scrivello was masterfully played by Logan Mitchell. No self-respecting insurance company would have Dr. Scrivetto as a preferred provider. John Powell surprised everyone with his resonating plant voice, a part he enjoyed playing unseen in the wings. Finally, every accolade possible must go to the other unseen part of the cast, Savannah Keezer, who took the art of puppeteer to new heights. Congratulations to every member of the cast and crew, and a special thank you to Vaughn Craddock, who is quietly (or do we mean noisily) becoming the school resident drummer.

• COLLEGIATE wcs students perform at inge festival



Collegiate’s Upper School drama class scored multiple triumphs at the recent William Inge Theatre Festival in Independence. The festival normally honors an outstanding contemporary American playwright, but this year, as the 100th anniversary of William Inge's birth in Independence, Kansas, he was the honored playwright. Inge, a native Kansan, was one of two most outstanding American playwrights of the 50s and 60s, along with Tennessee Williams. His plays won Pulitzer Prizes, and he was awarded an Oscar for his screenplay for his film Splendor in the Grass with Warren Beatty and Natalie Wood. Inge died in 1972. The Festival administration requested that the drama class from WCS present a scene from Inge's great play The Dark at the Top of the Stairs in the actual Inge home. We did two performances; the second was so packed that it was difficult for the actors to move around! Students performing in the Inge scene were Shea Murphy, Elizabeth Lammers, Mathew Munoz-Morales, James Spradlin, Nicole Corby, Joe Asbridge, Hanna Watson, and Maddie DeVore. On Saturday, Joe Asbridge and Micah Watson competed against other high school actors from around the state in the first Inge Acting Competition. Competitors were asked to choose among several scenes from William Inge plays. Joe and Micah performed a scene from Come Back, Little Sheba, as directed by Upper School drama class Assistant Bailey Burcham. The two Collegiate students won second place in the competition and were awarded scholarships of $250 apiece at the gala event. All in all, this was the most successful festival ever for Collegiate students! Kudos to all of our performers, and to their teacher, Dr. Jim Lewis!

PERFORMING ARTS • WCS Students & Crew Earn 9 Jester Award Nominations

Congratulations to the following students and crew members of the Upper School Musical Cinderella, who were nominated for Jester Awards from Music Theatre of Wichita! Supporting Actor: Rob Egan (Lionel) Cameo Performer: Molly Haines (Dove) Small Ensemble: Micah Watson and Caroline Lewelling (The Stepsisters) Stage Crew Technical Achievement: Joe Asbridge Scenic Design: Mark Scheltgen Costumes: Joni Simonsen Sound: Mark Scheltgen and Joe Asbridge Lobby Display The red carpet awards ceremony was held on Friday, May 17, at the Orpheum Theatre. Congratulations to Best Supporting Actor Rob Egan and to Joe Asbridge for winning Jester Awards. Bravo!

Upper Scho ol Instrumental Music Students Recognized at Banquet

At the annual WCS Instrumental Music Program, students were recognized for their many group achievements and individual accolades, including three All-State musicians, nine All-District musicians, and three soloists and two small ensembles who earned Superior I ratings at the 4A State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Special congratulations to the senior saxophone quartet of Vafa Behzadpour, Brandon Lee, Rhys Powell, and Dusty Youngman, who earned a Superior 1 rating all four years at the State Solo and Ensemble Festival—an amazing accomplishment. The evening culminated with the announcement of the Senior Award Recipients: The John Philip Sousa Band Award – Faith Kim National Band Award recognizing superior musicianship and outstanding dedication by a top senior student in the band. The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award – Micah White National Jazz Band Award recognizing outstanding musical achievement and incredible dedication to the jazz program. The Chris Drazek Band Award – Jack Stewart Collegiate Band Award given to a talented, energetic contributor to the Collegiate Bands. The recipient receives a $525 scholarship to the college of their choice. Congratulations to all of the Upper School Instrumental Music Students on a fantastic year!



• showstopperS •



This year's Showstoppers! revue featured Upper School students performing a variety of award-winning songs from Oscar-winning shows. Just like the Oscars Award Ceremony, Showstoppers! features costume changes and a great deal of choreography. The show features seniors and juniors in solos, duets, or small ensembles. The freshmen and sophomores also perform as a choir and in the full company songs. Students are in charge of organizing and managing the show. Meagan Richardson did most of the choreography and Micah Watson headed up the costuming. Performers were allowed to select from any of the 85 songs that have won Oscar awards. The selections varied from Somewhere Over the Rainbow, performed by Sophie Beren, to Skyfall, performed by Nicole Farha. The senior girls sang The Way You Look Tonight, and the junior girls sang What a Feeling from Flashdance. The guys got together and performed Eminem's rap tune Lose Yourself. The evening was hosted by our own two-time Jester Award winner, Rob Egan.


middle school

7 Grade Boys' Basketball 8 Grade Boys' Basketball th

Congratulations to both 7th grade boys’ basketball teams on the completion of outstanding seasons! The 7th grade boys' Gold Squad finished its season with an overall record of 12-7. They finished 6-4, good for 5th place out of 10 teams in the Cathedral division of the Catholic Schools Activities League. They finished in 3rd place in the mid-season holiday tournament, and finished in second place in the post-season tournament, losing only to a team that had dropped down from the upper division. This team improved dramatically from the beginning of the season and they are to be congratulated for their success. The team was coached by Ed Egan and Gideon Massey. Team members were: Jack Bendell, Paymon Behzadpour, Jackson Drake, Nick DuPont, Ender Graham, Zane Issa, Joey Le, Charles Lee, Zaza Lorato, Christian Nassif, Miles Ruffin, Will Sahatjian, and Adam Winter. The 7th grade boys' Blue Squad finished its season with a perfect 15-0 record. This team ended the season with a record of 10-0, finishing in first place in the Notre Dame division of the Catholic Schools Activities League. The team won the midseason holiday tournament, and wrapped up their season by winning the league post-season tournament. The team was coached by Ed Egan and Kevin Reed. Team members were: Dalton Cole, Lakelin Conrad, Mac Copeland, Grant Deiter, Riley Dick, Colin Egan, Grant Henry, Will Lammers, Cody McNerney, Myles Parkhurst, and Deion Simms. Congratulations on completing an undefeated season!


Congratulations to both 8th grade boys’ basketball teams on the completion of outstanding seasons! The 8th grade boys' Gold Squad finished its season with an overall record of 12-5. They finished 8-2, good for 3rd place out of 16 teams in the Cathedral division of the Catholic Schools Activities League. They finished in 3rd place in the mid-season holiday tournament, and finished in 5th place in the post-season tournament. The team was coached by Dennis Webb. Team members were: Kevin Edwards, Kevin Eyster, Austin Gartner, Conner Gartner, Jad Hourani, Max Murati, Ben Murphy, Connor Oehmke, Anthony Oyama, John Powell, Grant Smith, and Cody St Germain. The 8th grade boys' Blue Squad finished its season with a 14-3 record. This team finished 9-1 in the regular season, finishing in first place in the Notre Dame division of the Catholic Schools Activities League. The team won the mid-season holiday tournament, and wrapped up their season by winning the league post-season tournament. The team was coached by Brent Atwater. Team members were: Keandre Ashley, Sutton Carder, John Egan, Kevin Eyster, Justin Flowers, Jake Haertl, Jad Hourani, Peter Larsen, Gabe Louis, Logan Mitchell, Matt Regehr, Cooper Root, and Colton Sorlie. Good luck to all these young men as they continue their careers in the Upper School.



Girls' Basketball

The Middle School Girls' Basketball teams had another successful season. Both teams ended the regular season 3rd in their divisions, for a combined record of 16-12. For both the mid-season and post-season tournaments, the two teams joined forces. They finished 2nd in the mid-season tournament and 3rd in the post-season tournament. Team members included 7th graders Kennedy Brandenburg, Sarah Chugg, Anna Caughin, Natalie Freed, and Emma Parkhurst and 8th graders Alex Bayless, Jewell Bolden, Taylor Cusick, Lauren Johnson, Winona McGregor, Carson Meares, and Elizabeth Schlatter. The teams were coached by Jimmy Bolden and Kathy Rukes.

boys' Tennis



The Middle School Spartan tennis team had a banner spring, as all 18 of the young Spartan netsters not only improved a great deal, but won a bevy of matches. Highlights of the season included victories at the Ponca City Invite, the WCS Invitational, the Salina South Invite, and a second place finish at the Ark City Invite. Leading the way were eleven 8th graders who not only played great tennis but set good standards for outstanding practices. Great things await for next season!

MIDDLE school


Track & Field

The Collegiate Middle School track team continued their streak of winning CSAL league championships finishing in first place in the 6th grade boys, 7th grade girls, and 7th grade boys' divisions. Both the 6th and 7th grades finished 1st in combined totals, and the 8th grade finished 2nd out of the 18 Catholic school teams. School records that were set included Jewell Bolden in the 100 hurdles and Long Jump, Bailey Horsch in the Pole Vault, William DeVore in the 110 hurdles, and David Horsch in the Pole Vault. League Champions are as follows: 6th Girls Maddie Reed: 100; 200; Long Jump Elizabeth Crosby: 800 7th Girls Alex Davis: 800; 1600 Sarah Chugg: Long Jump Nicole Withrow, Holly Herdon, Sarah Chugg, Surika Dennill: 4x200 Relay Nicole Withrow, Esther Beren, Lauren Truxal, Alex Davis: Distance Medley Relay 8th Girls Jewell Bolden: 100; 100 hurdles; Long Jump Katie O’Hara, Bailey Horsch, Kayley Pitman, Carson Meares: 4x200 Relay 6th Boys Paxton Meares: 75 dash; Long Jump Crey Clark: 100;200 Sterling Anderson, Michael Feng, Brayden Phipps, Houston Weimar: 4x200 Relay Zach Reddy. Brayden Phipps, Houston Weimar, Crey Clark: Distance Medley Relay 7th Boys Will Sahatjian: 200 Lakelin Conrad: 1600 Paymon Behzadpour: Discus


The “Jack Stewart era” is over after four great and successful years on the varsity bowling team. So many coaches this winter commented when his name was in the lineup, “Jack hasn’t graduated yet?” Jack's career included a first place finish as a freshman, and 5th place and 12th place finishes at the 5A-1A State Championship. Jack was selected by the Kansas Bowling Coaches to the 4A All-State Team four consecutive years. He averaged over 215 during his four years and a 218 his senior year. A remarkable career! The varsity team loses five seniors: team captain Jack Stewart, Dusty Youngman, Alex Waldeck, and co-captains Sage Farha and Whitney Goldberg. The 2013 season in the AVCTL IV division was an exciting one. The boys’ squad finished second in the league championship even though they won the total pins at league. The team improved considerably all season and looks forward to five members of the varsity returning in 2014. The JV boys, led by Aaron Brake and Jack Naron, had a strong season with only one loss. The girls were competitive with three newcomers: Maddie Janzen, Brooke Weber, and Jee Yeon Kim. Alex Waldeck led the team with a strong senior season.

Boys' Basketball

As has been the case for some time, we began the season with some very lofty goals and expectations. Sometimes though, things don't always go the way you have it mapped out. Such was the case this season. We started out hot, suffered a key season-ending injury to Markus Phox, spent six weeks readjusting, and were back to being a very dangerous team by the end. Winfield beat us in the sub-state championship game by two points to keep us out of the 4A state tournament; we were so close. I will always remember this group as the team that had to totally reinvent itself in the middle of the season, and did so successfully. I have never coached a team that played two polar opposite styles of basketball in the same season and was successful at both. This group of young men were great representatives of Wichita Collegiate School and our basketball program. Thanks men... Coach Mitch Fiegel

Girls' Basketball

The Wichita Collegiate Lady Spartans took a step towards returning to their winning ways. A squad led by 3 upperclassmen, and 14 newcomers, 13 of which were freshmen, made great strides during the season. The team was led by two seniors who had played key rolls in a state championship as sophomores, and received post-season honors as seniors. Jerica Skar was named to the all-tournament team at the El Dorado Tournament, First Team AV-CTL Division IV, and Class 4A All-State honorable mention. Keli Dunn was named to the All-Hustle team at El Dorado, Second Team AV-CTL, and Class 4A All-State honorable mention, before having her season cut short due to injury. Junior Jordan Hull was named All-League honorable mention. Several freshmen played key minutes in varsity games, and showed promise of what's to come. The success of the team was not necessarily measured in wins and losses, but in the leadership of the upperclassmen and the steady improvement of the freshmen. As the young players were getting acclimated to varsity basketball, they showed what they are capable of. The future of Lady Spartan basketball looks bright because of this group.

UPper school




Girls' Swimming

The 200 free relay for Collegiate qualified for the state meet in Topeka. Maddie Daley, Nicole Corby, Julia Gurney, and Allie Lindwall swam in the meet, and Sophie Blackburn was the alternate swimmer. This was a momentous occasion as no WCS girls' swim relay has ever made it to the state meet.

Girls' Soccer

This year marked the inaugural season for Wichita Collegiate Girls' Soccer. The team was led by Head Coach Craig Brendan Ryan and Assistant Coach Jillian King. Eighteen dedicated and talented young ladies helped to get the program off the ground during its first season. While the team was not a part of the AVCTL league, they participated in a few friendly matches with other area schools and competed in the Wichita Northwest High School Women’s Soccer Tournament. The team finished fourth out of eight teams and scored three goals, two by junior Captain Meagan Richardson and one by senior Captain Alex Waldeck. Next year, as the team embarks on their first year of league play, they hope to build a program that will represent Collegiate with pride and sportsmanship for years to come.



Boys' Tennis

The Spartan Varsity Tennis Team had another banner spring in 2013! In spite of having to replace three seniors from the top six of the 2012 team, the boys were up to the challenge. All 39 boys on the team won matches and displayed great sportsmanship! The Spartans captured the Tournament of Champions, always a crown jewel in the season, and finished second in the very tough AVCTL 3/4 Division. In Regionals, the Spartans finished first, capturing the top two spots in singles (Travis Osland and Samuel Beren) and finishing second and third in doubles (Max Moxley/Forrest Short and Sonny Frank/Daniel Hullings). At state, the team was amazing, saving their best efforts for the biggest meet, capturing the 4A State title for the second year in a row. Osland and Beren finished 4th and 5th in singles, and Moxley/Short and Frank/Hullings finished 5th and 8th, respectively. A superb season for WCS TENNIS!


UPper school


Spartan Baseball finished the year 6-13. We had another challenging year in the AVCTL finishing 1-8. Highlights of the season included Max Moxley opening the season with the school's first perfect game against Rose Hill. Other highlights include the first win at the regional tournament since 2009 and having a full Junior Varsity schedule (first since 2004). Coach Shane Phillips coached the Junior Varsity squad this year. They played all but 4 games on the road and finished the season 6-7. All League Selections:

2nd Team 1st Base - Israel Taylor 2nd Team Pitcher - Max Moxley 2nd Team Outfielder - Landon Root Honorable Mention Catcher - Max Moxley



Boys' Golf

Congratulations to the boys’ golf team for winning the 4A State Golf Tournament at Cherry Oaks Golf Club in Cheney. This is the 17th state title overall for the Spartans and the first ever as a 4A school. Camron Chugg shot 72, placing him in a three-way playoff for medalist honors. He ended up second in the playoff. Ian Trebilcock shot 75 to finish 11th, and Riley Kemmer and Jack Larsen each shot 76 to tie for 13th place. Matt Sorlie and Kendall Reed were the other team members who played in the state tournament. Other members of the 2013 squad were Patrick Maloney, Connor Robertson, Kane Greenleaf, Evan Halsey, Sam Hatchett, and Jack Fanning.

Track & Field

The Wichita Collegiate Upper School Track team began its season with a snow-covered track. This would be an indicator of how poor the weather was to be during the season. Despite the bad weather, the team was the largest in recent history with 30 participants. Rhys Powell set a school record in the 100 meter, Hanah Melhorn tied her own school record in the high jump, and the relay team consisting of Mitch Copeland, Trey Bridwell, Kyler Ehm, and Seth Carder set a new weight man's relay school record. The boys team finished 2nd in the league meet. State qualifiers included Hannah Melhorn who placed second at Regionals in the high Jump, Rhys Powell placed fourth in the 200, Connor Fleming placed 4th in both long jump and 110 hurdles, and the boys 4x400 team including Devin Clark, Jacob Newlin , Karsten Barragree, and Jake Barrett placed 4th.

Summary Endowment: $ 6.0 million • Endowment for Faculty Excellence • Endowment for Tuition Assistance • Endowment for Innovation in Technology • Endowment for Unlimited Opportunities


Facilities: • Rounds Activity Center Renovation • Stadium Complex Renovation • New Wellness and Fitness Center • Upper School HVAC

$ 1.2 million $ 3.3 million $ 1.8 million $ 2.6 million

Campaign Goal

$ 14.9 million

50th ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN PROJECT Renovated Stadium Remodel Rounds Upper School HVAC Wellness Center




















































Wichita Collegiate School MASTER PLAN

April 2013

Bunny Hill 50 th Anniversary Endowment Fund

As the standard for unparalleled excellence in education, Bunny Hill represents all WCS faculty and their singular commitment to Collegiate’s unique way of teaching the whole child. She symbolizes the bridge between Collegiate’s original faculty whose vision propelled WCS to greatness and its current faculty who are leading the way to the future. For this reason, the Board of Trustees has designated this effort the Bunny Hill 50th Anniversary Endowment, to honor both Bunny Hill and the standard of Collegiate excellence that she embodies. With endowment, the possibilities are endless. Without endowment, the ability to move forward is limited.

Commitment to Faculty Excellence Creates an inspired and committed faculty Offers world class training opportunities Attracts and retains the best Cultivates student curiosity and passion to learn

Tuition Assistance Invests in need-based opportunities for academically talented students Honors the Collegiate tradition of reaching out to the community Generates a student population that reflects the broader Wichita community and world

Technological Innovation Embraces ever-changing advancements Provides students with a cutting edge education Positions today’s students for tomorrow’s opportunities Enriches the entire Collegiate experience

Unlimited Opportunities Increases the flexibility to embrace new ideas and change Protects the school’s resiliency during unforeseen challenges Continues Collegiate’s commitment to educate the whole child Endows resources for Collegiate’s long-term sustainability

PROBA TE DIGNUM Prove ourselves worthy today for the school of tomorrow



Board of Trustees news Thanks to Our Retiring Trustees As the school year cycles over from one year to the next, there are some changes in those who participate on the Board of Trustees of the school. We are thankful for the commitment and support from all the Trustees who give freely of their time and talents. Two Trustees are retiring from the Board: George Laham and CJ Lett. George Laham has completed nine years of service. George has been instrumental in assisting the school with various facility projects, most notably helping to get the electronic sign installed on Webb Road. George and the Laham Foundation have been significant supporters of the school over the years. We appreciate George and will look forward to the day when he and his wife, Jocelyn, become Collegiate parents by bringing their newborn son to school in a few years. George Latham

The other retiring Trustee is CJ Lett. CJ has served on a variety of Board committees over the past seven years and has always shared a vision of excellence for the school. Along with his wife, Kim, he is the proud parent of two alumni: Clint, Class of 2010, and now Madeleine, Class of 2013. Thank you, CJ, for all you have done to make Collegiate a better place for our students.

Welcome to Our Newest Board MemberS We have four Trustees who were elected to the Board in May: Raul Brito, Don Henry, Sharol Rasberry, and Jared Sprole.



CJ Lett

Raul Brito is president of Brito Oil Company, Inc., an oil and gas exploration company based in Wichita. He is on the Board of Directors of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, the Kansas Independent Oil & Gas Association, the University of Kansas Geology Associates Advisory Board, and the Advisory Board of the Kansas Policy Institute. Raul is a 1976 Collegiate alumnus. He is married to Suzanne, and they have two grown children, Mallory and Christopher. Christopher graduated from WCS in 2008 and both he and Mallory have graduated from KU and are living in Dallas, Texas. Raul has served as an active member of the Collegiate Alumni Association, including a term as President.

Meet our Newest Malone Scholars!

Elijah Bradley

Riley Sanders

Competition was fierce for this year's openings for two Malone scholars. We had 10 outstanding candidates, any of whom would have been great additions to WCS. After interviewing the 10 finalists and reading their essays, the Malone Scholar Committee at WCS selected our two new Malone Scholars: Elijah Bradley and Riley Sanders, who are enrolled as freshmen this year. We are proud to introduce them to the WCS committee in this article. Elijah lives with his mother, Undrea Bradley. He learned about WCS from a family friend who had graduated from Collegiate. Elijah loves math and English, and wants to be

Don Henry and his wife Karla have been successful business partners for the past thirty-five years, owning and operating a variety of businesses over that time. Prior to following his entrepreneurial pursuits, Don held management positions at Cessna, Jack P. DeBoer, and the Hesston Corporation. In the fall of 1999, Don and Karla purchased an aircraft service company named Appearance Group, which has operations in fifteen states throughout the nation. Don and Karla have been members of the WCS community for the past twenty years. Their daughter Meredith is a member of the graduating class of 1998. Presently, they have two grandsons, Grant Henry and Logan Mitchell, attending Collegiate. They will be joined this year by granddaughter Paige Henry. Sharol Rasberry is rejoining the Collegiate Board having previously served from 1993 to 2004. Sharol is currently the President of WK Capital Enterprises. She has been very active in the Wichita community serving on boards such as Heartspring, Kansas Humane Society, the Wichita Community Foundation, the YMCA, Fundamental Learning Center, and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Sharol and her husband, Bob, are also alumni parents of Bobby Rasberry, Class of ’94. They also have four grandchildren at Collegiate: Reide and Robby Rasberry and Tara and Hunter Glass. Jared Sprole is the founding Partner of Arcady Capital Company and a Managing Director. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board for Mountain Molding, LLC, an Arcady Capital portfolio company. Prior to founding Arcady in late 2010, Jared held a variety of roles in private equity, commercial and investment banking, and industry. In addition, Jared’s industrial experience includes merger and acquisition work for INVISTA S.a.r.L., a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc. Jared earned an A.B. from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. in

an engineer. He also enjoys playing basketball. In his candidate questionnaire, Elijah wrote that he applied to WCS because he felt that it was the best school around and would better prepare him for college. Elijah established a wonderful academic record at Derby Middle School, and earned kudos from his teachers, who describe him as a very polite, respectful young man who catches on quickly, is willing to work and always does it with a smile. When told that he had been selected as a Malone Scholar at WCS, Elijah said, "I feel truly blessed to have received the Malone Scholarship. I will make the most out of this opportunity!" We have no doubt that Elijah will do just that! Riley Sanders is the daughter of Jarrett Sanders (WCS Class of 1988) and Alison Sanders. Like Elijah, Riley's favorite classes are math and language arts. While at Coleman Middle School, she compiled an impressive academic record. Her teachers described her as a very organized student who is excellent at working independently as well as collaborating with peers. She is also described as a very compassionate and respectful student who is always willing to help others. Riley was on Student Council, SMD Aid, NAL, and Circle Friends. She also played volleyball and

Finance from Columbia Business School. He is registered as an Investment Adviser and has an active Series 65 registration with FINRA. Jared and his wife, Amy, are current parents with three children at Collegiate: Blake, Tristan, and Aiden, and one baby still at home. As always we appreciate the leadership that the Board and its members provide.

Raul Brito

Don Henry



Sharol Rasberry

Jared Sprole

performed some volunteer work for various organizations. In her Malone Scholar's application, Riley wrote that she believed Collegiate will give her challenging courses and fellow students who are nice and respectful towards faculty and staff. Her father, 1988 WCS graduate Jarrett Sanders, indicated that while he was very pleased that Riley wanted to attend his alma mater, the decision to apply was solely Riley's. After learning that Riley had been selected as a Malone Scholar at WCS, Jarrett wrote, “As parents, we are so proud of Riley being awarded the Malone Scholarship to attend WCS. As an alum, I know ‘the door has been opened’ for Riley into an environment designed towards challenging each student to reach for excellence and achieve great things. It truly is a great opportunity that I hope she embraces and enjoys as much as I did to build memories and friendships of a lifetime.” We hope that you will take time to get acquainted with these two outstanding new students! We anticipate being able to add one Malone Scholar next year. The Malone Scholars Program is open to applicants in grades 7-12 who have not been enrolled at WCS. Applicants need to have outstanding academic records, score in the 95th percentile on academic tests, and be of exemplary character.



ear after year, WCS parents report on surveys that the excellence of our faculty and staff is one of the things they love most about the school. Anyone who has been at WCS for very long soon realizes that our faculty and staff are never content to rest on their laurels. They are constantly tweaking lessons to make them better, and taking advantage of professional development opportunities to improve their knowledge or their methods. This quest for continuous improvement is evident in the classrooms, but it is also evident each year when the faculty gathers after the close of the school year to recognize the accomplishments and efforts of their colleagues. We hope that you will enjoy reading about their accomplishments, the new ideas they tried this year, the milestones they have achieved, and some special awards they have earned.


Gary Buettgenbach 25 Years

Jamie Kennedy 25 Years

Kevin Mykel 25 Years

Kevin Reed 25 Years

Peggy Drew 20 Years

Allison Fiegel 15 Years

Tim Lyons 15 Years

Suzanne Mattix 15 Years

Tammy Mykel 15 Years

Tina Ward 15 Years

Tonya Broberg 10 Years

Steve Elmore 10 Years

Cindy Honton 10 Years

Audra Lee 10 Years

Terrence Phox 10 Years

Phyllis Placzek 10 Years

Kristin Soupene 10 Years

Kristin Anneler 5 Years

Chris Ashbrook 5 Years

Kelli Copeland 5 Years

Amy Cunningham 5 Years

Troy Fischer 5 Years

Sam Hake 5 Years

Susan Klingenberg 5 Years

Janie Leeth 5 Years

Cheryl Snyder 5 Years

Lou Anne Sorensen 5 Years

Mamba Tibbals 5 Years

David Trombold 5 Years

Rodney Wren 5 Years



probe te dignum T

• e vermore •

he highest award given at Wichita Collegiate School is the Proba Te Dignum Award. It specifies the school motto as the standard of excellence - Prove Yourself Worthy. It is not given every year, but is a special tribute when someone has gone above and beyond to overcome an obstacle or to do something truly extraordinary on behalf of the school. This year, Susan Pangrac and Bunny Hill were honored with the Proba Te Dignum Award. Susan’s award was for 27 years of love and service to the students of Wichita Collegiate School. Bunny’s was for preserving the essence of Collegiate in the 50th Anniversary Book.

celebrating susan pangrac

Assistant Headmaster Bunny Hill presented Susan Pangrac with her Proba Te Dignum Award. "Susan, I am supposed to strike a note of celebration as I present you with our highest award, the Proba Te Dignum Award. We are celebrating a grand career, a bright spirit, a creative tornadic energetic woman – we are celebrating Susan Pangrac and her life among children. It is a little hard to do this, though, with a smile and gleeful heart – because it represents an ending for all of us in this room. We won’t have you across the hall waiting to share an idea, some wisdom, or helpful comedic relief. We won’t see you walking your children across campus, stopping to see the tree that looks strangely like the letter Y. We won’t drive by campus at midnight and see your light on, and we won’t hear your Dr. Seuss laments. "Your influence on this school and on us goes even deeper than smiles and laughs and advice, in fact, educational policy and a deeper understanding of how children learn and how teachers teach is part of your legacy. Your colleagues will remember so much. Kaye Myers noted your innate understanding of young children. She says, ‘Susan has dedicated her life to educating her students, sometimes sacrificing her own health and welfare for their benefit.’ SuzeAnne Norton reminds us that it was you who brought Alphabetic Phonics to Wichita and to Collegiate, and it was you who helped create a bridge between Early Childhood and Lower School when you moved to first grade. "Pat Swearingen remarked on your amazing creativity, which is high praise coming from her. But perhaps it is Lori Primm who fully captures the scope of your influence. She notes Susan’s generosity as she tells this story: ‘One day Susan and I were entering the Wichita Country Club to attend a Young Author’s Luncheon. I spotted a beautiful baby grand piano in the lobby and made the comment that some day I wanted to own a baby grand and learn to play. Susan casually remarked, “I have a baby grand I would give you.” I chuckled and said, “Oh that would be lovely!” She said, “No, I’m serious – I inherited two pianos and you can have one of them.” And so it came to be that Lori experienced Susan’s generosity and gained a piano. Lori also mentioned that legendary humor. ‘Once a first grade father of twins stated that one of his daughters looked just like her mother. The other twin, he said, looked just like him. Susan wittily remarked, “Oh, is she bald?”’ "Susan – you were a gift to this school every day you were here. You changed the lives of your students. You have left a legacy of excellence. And, you are already missed. It is with tears that I end this presentation and with smiles that we send you on your way to a new beginning. Proba Te Dignum, evermore."

brava, bunny hill

Headmaster Tom Davis presented the Proba Te Dignum Award to Bunny Hill for authoring the 50th Anniversary history book of WCS. "Here I am breaking my own rule about not ever following Bunny in a program, but there is no other order to do this so I am doomed to be last. We would like to recognize Bunny with a Proba Te Dignum Award for her tireless and artistic effort in writing the 50th Year Anniversary book, which we will be receiving copies of at the end of the summer. It was two years ago that Bunny excitedly accepted the invitation to write the history of the first 50 years of Wichita Collegiate School. Overcoming some personal diversions along the way, she went about it in typical Bunny style: looking through yearbooks; calling alumni; interviewing former teachers, parents, trustees, friends; sifting through thousands of pictures for just the right photo to include. Writing, editing, and re-writing until the final product, a 160-page coffee-table book, was shipped off this past January to be printed and delivered in August. More than a labor of love, it was a labor of the heart as only Bunny Hill could write it. It is magnificent. We are all going to enjoy it, and it preserves the history, traditions, and philosophy of our school for future generations. Among all the other ways Bunny has impacted Wichita Collegiate School over the years, this one will have its lasting impact. "Bunny, thanks for the memories that you have helped create for us and that you have now recorded for us. You have proved yourself worthy, and for that, we thank and recognize you with this Proba Te Dignum Award."



• faculty & staff recognition • Pathfinder Awards

Pathfinder Awards are presented to faculty and staff members who have implemented innovative ideas or programs.

Don Funke

Troy Black

Christine Dunleavy

Kathy Wagner

Steve Elmore

Lindsey Flaten

Leigh Godwin

Sumita Ghosh

Peggy Drew

Pat Swearingen

Loni Griffin

Belinda Mould

Cross Divisional

Don Funke, Troy Black, and Christine Dunleavy for Running for the White House Fitness Program Kathy Wagner and Steve Elmore for creating Brain Breaks

Early Chldhood

Lindsey Flaten, Peggy Drew, Leigh Godwin, and Sumita Ghosh for diving into SmartBoard and iPad technology Steve Elmore for Original Music Program “Kansas: Land of Ahs!”

Lower School page


Pat Swearingen for innovative ideas and strategies in Lower School Art Loni Griffin for bringing balance between theory and performance in Lower School Music Belinda Mould for scouring Pinterest and finding ideas and materials that make life easier Jena Simms for stepping in mid-year and creating a challenging and motivating learning environment for 1st grade Susan Ockerman, Meghan Smith, Mamba Tibbals, and Pam Armor for the 4th grade Heritage Fair

Middle School

Jena Simms

Dave Hawley for his Election Unit 2012 Lynn DeVries for her collaborative writing projects Alejandra Pizarro-Rommann for raising Spanish instruction to a new level Joy Ann Brake for involving students in the community Terrence Phox for Riddle Friday Jim Wetta for swimming instruction for 5th and 6th graders Laura Cusick for Create a Country project in Global Studies Scott Hawley, Cindy Koepsel, Joe Gehrer, Jessica Mallard, and Judy Zuercher for Showcasing our Students Jan Nicodemus for bringing the Collegiate Bookshelf to life

Susan Ockerman, Mamba Tibbals, Pam Armour

Meghan Smith

Dave Hawley

Lynn DeVries

Alejandra PizarroRommann

JoyAnn Brake

Terrence Phox

Jim Wetta

Laura Cusick

Scott Hawley

Shane Phillips

Bill Messamore

Upper School

Shane Phillips for an outstanding first year at WCS teaching Advanced Placement United States History Bill Messamore for writing code that enabled the school to utilize OneNote most effectively

Cindy Koepsel

Joe Gehrer

Jessica Mallard

Judy Zuercher

Jan Nicodemus

Outstanding Achievement awards

These special awards are given annually to honor outstanding achievement and service to the school. Swarna Manamperi

Martha Leaf

Alison Meeth

Early Childhood

Swarna Manamperi for “Never Give Up” dedication to her students

Middle School

Martha Leaf for being an amazing advisor Jane Odenheimer

Bill Messamore


Cross Divisional

Alison Meeth, Jane Odenheimer, Corene Ramser, Bill Messamore, DougYanney, Laura Cusick, and Kristy Hoffman for outstanding preparation, implementation, and support of the Middle and Upper School laptop program

outside recognition

Laura Cusick, Kristy Hoffman, and Corene Ramser

Culture of Kindness

These individuals were honored for their kind, caring attitude and demeanor.

Chris Ashbrook

Terri Blasi

Laura Cusick

Steve Elmore

Junilda Farner

Maria Garroutte

Jennifer Hearne

Shirley Meissner

Gary Buettgenbach – KAIRS Distinguished Teacher Award Cindy Johnson – National LEGO Advisory Board Diana Nixon – Calliope Award from The American Classical League Rodney Wren – Accreditation through the National Forensics League Jillian King – Completed her masters degree from WSU Dave Hawley – 4A State Tennis Boys & Girls Championships Kevin Reed – 4A State Boys Golf Championship Kathy Rukes – 7th & 8th Grade CSAL Volleyball Champion Kevin Reed – 7th Grade CSAL League Champion Boys Basketball Kevin Reed and Brent Atwater – 8th Grade CSAL League Champion Boys Basketball Don Funke, Ashley Barnett, Marcia Schultz, Troy Black, Cori Meares – 6th & 7th Grade CSAL Track Champions Mark Scheltgen – Jester Award for Technical Support Jessica Mallard – MS Robotics “Smartans”: 1st Place at Shocker Mindstorms Expert Division MS and US faculty for their Laptop implementation

Amanda Meyers

Joan Moore

Becky O'Hearn

Carol Pavetto

Polo Ayala

Corene Ramser

Victoria Ruffin

Lisa Schriefer

Judy Zuercher

Alma Gutierrez

Culture of execellence

The Culture of Excellence Award was added this year to honor faculty and staff who consistently perform their jobs with excellence in everything they do. The inaugural Culture of Excellence Awards were presented to Polo Ayala and Alma Gutierrez.



44 27

welcoming new faculty & Staff


Early Childhood

Kay Forsyth joins WCS as the new lead teacher in Great Beginnings. Kay has been a member of our school community for four years as the proud grandparent of Karley Forsyth (2nd grade). Kay has been an educator for over 30 years. She loves children and desires to give them the best start in life. She will be a perfect match for our littlest learners. Cathy Gray joins the Early Childhood faculty as a new half-day pre-kindergarten teacher. She comes with a background in a variety of teaching and child advocacy experiences. She has taught in a preschool/daycare setting and has operated a daycare from her home. Cathy currently teaches early childhood classes at Butler Community College and most recently has been the coordinator of the Healthy Kansas Kids Program with Child Care Aware of Kansas. Cathy is excited to be returning to the classroom and joining our team.

Kay Forsyth

Lower School

Jena Simms joins the Lower School staff this fall as a full-time member. Jena came to us in January as a long-term substitute in 1st grade and remained in that position until the end of the school year. She did an amazing job during the spring semester, and we are thrilled to have her as an official part of our staff. Jena finished her first degree in business at Friends University here in Wichita. Although Jena studied business in college, she knew that working with children was her calling. She began working as a substitute in Topeka and as a substitute and paraeducator in Hutchinson Schools. This convinced her that she wanted to pursue a second degree in elementary education, which she obtained from Fort Hays State University. During her free time, Jena enjoys spending time with her family. She and her husband Derrick have three sons who also attend Collegiate. DaMare is a sophomore, Deion is in 8th grade, and Davin is in 5th grade.

Cathy Gray

Jena Simms

Middle School

Destiny Clark will be our new girls PE teacher in Middle School. The PE department has grown in its emphasis on fitness, and Destiny will definitely be an asset in this area, she has a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology and a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science from the University of Arkansas, is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, has been a personal trainer at Genesis and played Division I volleyball at the University of Arkansas. Destiny will also be the Upper School Volleyball Coach and will be teaching strength and conditioning to our female athletes during the summer and before or after school. She will also likely have other coaching roles in the Middle School. Our vision for Destiny is that she would become the catalyst for increased involvement of our girls in fitness and sports programs. Jackie Hall was hired as our new 8th grade mathematics teacher. Jackie comes to us from Northeast Magnet High School in Wichita where she taught Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry. She is no stranger to Collegiate, however; she has been the Collegiate Girls Assistant Tennis Coach for the past few years, where she is well-loved by the players. Jackie has a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Southwestern College and a Bachelor’s in Education from Wichita State where she played tennis. She has received numerous awards for her teaching and tennis. We are delighted that our students will get to experience her in the classroom every day.

Destiny Clark

Jackie Hall

Middle School Joel Walker

Joel Walker has joined us as a 5th grade science teacher, e-cybermission, and Middle School Football Assistant Coach. Joel comes to us from Wichita Heights High School where he taught forensics, biology, and anatomy and physiology and was a girls softball coach. He also worked as a Vice President and Director of Education at the Cosmosphere for many years and was Teacher of the Year at a high school in Alabama. We are excited about the positive energy and experience he will bring to the fifth grade team. Judy Zuercher will continue as Administrative Assistant for the Middle School. Judy is the parent of Collegiate Alumni, Jill Hattan Thomas, and grandparent of Elliott Thomas in 4th grade. Judy brought with her a wealth of experience as an office assistant to senior executives and a positive, upbeat spirit.

Upper School Judy Zuercher

Julie Warkentin will be our new accompanist! She comes to us from the Maize district, where she had been an accompanist for nearly 20 years. She is the church organist at University United Methodist Church and Asbury United Methodist. She also accompanies the Wichita Chamber Chorale. She is married to John, and we know her son Jesse, who previously was the accompanist for WCS. Julie has two daughters, Jodie and Jamie, and a new granddaughter.

Office of Admission and Communication Julie Warkentin

Kelli Copeland started this summer as Administrative Assistant for Admission and Communication. Since 2008, Kelli has been helping to put our best foot forward as a parttime receptionist as well as helping out in the Middle School office. Kelli's great smile, helpful attitude, and her experience and testimony as the parent of a WCS graduate and two current students will be put to great use as she visits with and conducts tours for prospective families. Rolesta Forrest, who has been helping to create a great first impression of WCS as a parttime receptionist for a number of years, will hold that position on a full-time basis this year. She has a great service attitude and does whatever it takes to meet the needs of those who call the school.

Kelli Copeland

Rolesta Forrest

Office of Development and Alumni Relations

Ashley Barnett, 2006 WCS graduate, returns to Collegiate as the Assistant Director of Development! Ashley was a member of the first Wichita Collegiate Women’s Basketball State Championship team in 2006. She went on to play college basketball at Drury University and graduated from Wichita State with a BA in Strategic Communication. Through her time as a student-athlete at Drury University, Ashley gained fundraising experience raising money for the athletic programs through the Annual Drury Athletic Auction. She also is familiar with volunteer programs at her time as a pre-kindergarten basketball coach at the YMCA, and has gained valuable sales experience at KWCH before joining Wichita Collegiate School. In her free time, Ashley enjoys running, coaching, and spending time with her husband Marcus. Welcome back, Ashley! We extend a warm welcome to our new additions, and congratulations to those assuming new positions!

Ashley Barnett



special recognition of

marcia schultz


arcia Schultz, Middle School Athletic Director and PE teacher, retired this spring after 30 years at Wichita Collegiate. Marcia's father, husband Bryan, and several of their children were in the audience as two of her colleagues paid tribute to this special woman.



First up was Middle School Athletic Director and Coach Troy Black, who has worked with Marcia for the past 14 years. Describing Marcia as "the fittest individual I have ever met," Troy recalled how Marcia would jog for miles every day, regardless of the weather, with the sole exception of Middle School Sports Awards Day. "You could set your clock by Marcia's workouts," Troy claimed, adding that Marcia kept up her routine until two weeks before her son Jace was born. Troy also paid tribute to Marcia's organizational skills as AD, and to being a great role model for her students and her own children. "Those who know Marcia will say that she and Bryan have raised great kids. There were many times when we would have parenting talks, and she would give me great and useful advice. I'm sure she thought it was just small talk, but I took it to heart and used it with my own kids...I thank you, Marcia, for being my colleague, my mentor, and my friend." Assistant Headmaster Bunny Hill took the microphone as a slideshow of photos of Marcia over the years played on the screen. "These pictures," said Mrs. Hill, "remind us how long thirty years is...For so many decades all the girls who went through our school could count you as their teacher, their coach, their advisor, and their role model. This room is filled with people whose children you taught; my own daughter chose you as her one and only athletic coach – and her years playing volleyball and having you as an advisor were wonderful ones. You have been a tireless supporter of all things Collegiate. In those years I have been witness to your efficient preparation and execution of all athletic events, to your in-

defatigable energy and patience with young adolescents, to your ready smile and cheerful outlook, and to your own personal commitment to fitness and health. I have never heard you complain nor have I even heard you speak ill of your students." Mrs. Hill also paid tribute to Marcia's record "as the amazing mother of an incredible tribe of Collegiate Spartans. Your seven children contributed in every possible way to the life of the school. Their history with WCS spans the decades, and their roots are deeply entwined in the history of this school, as are yours. You and Bryan were wise and calm parents, always standing close by offering support and gratitude. In so many ways you as parents exemplify what we hope all Collegiate parents will be. In turn, we were all enriched by our relationship with each and every Schultz who wandered through the years at our school. I know you treasure sharing their childhoods on this campus where you worked so hard providing a Collegiate education to them. You have proven yourself worthy and served the school and your students well. You will be missed! We hope your future activities include some time to rest, to relax, and to find new passions or reacquaint yourself with old ones. Your 30 years and your Collegiate career are noted with gratitude and love."



2012 - 2013

ANNUAL REPORT Gift Report & Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 From the Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 From the Headmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Collegiate Annual Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Professional Development . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Alumni Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Honor Roll of Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Donors by Constituency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Gifts-in-Kind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Booster Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Collegiate Association of Parents . . . . . . 64 Parents Supporting Science . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Patrons of the Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65



Tom Davis

Susie Steed

Becky O'Hearn

Bunny Hill

Joan Siefkes Moore '84

Heather Eubank

Kevin Reed

Ashley Bell Barnett, '06

Ann Rai

Doug Yanney

Lisa Schooler

Chris Ashbrook

Nick Cusick

Susan Klingenberg


Assistant Headmaster Director of Operations Director of Electronic Learning Facilities Manager

Director of Admission and Communication Director of Development and Alumni Relations Assistant Director of Development Assistant Director of Alumni Relations

Head of Early Childhood Head of Lower School Head of Middle School Head of Upper School

Development & Alumni Relations Administrative Assistant

Wichita Collegiate School is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools. Wichita Collegiate School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, or ethnic origin in administration of its eductional policies, admission policies, financial assistance, athletic, and other school-administered programs.




just completed my third year as Board Chair of the Wichita Collegiate School Board of Trustees. I am now beginning my fourth year as Board Chair and my final and 9th year on the Board of Trustees. It has been an honor to serve in this leadership role at WCS these past three years. I am extremely thankful for Wichita Collegiate and so proud of the school, its faculty, its students, its parents, its alumni and alumni parents. Each of us plays an important role in our school community and family, and together we support, celebrate, and endeavor to make Wichita Collegiate the premiere private independent school in Wichita and the region. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank you for your caring support of and commitment to the school.

The Board of Trustees focused this past year on three main areas: the upcoming 50th anniversary, ambassadorship, and financial planning. Much thought and planning has gone into preparing to celebrate and mark Wichita Collegiate’s 50th anniversary that will be celebrated this upcoming school year. An active 50th steering committee worked all year to plan events, gather volunteers, and outreach. The Board of Trustees has continued working on long-term sustainability for the 50th and has advanced its efforts with the 50th capital and endowment campaign that will kick off publicly at the start of the new school year. Due to the hard work of the Core Campaign Steering committee and the Advanced and Major Gift Committees under the guidance of Jeff and Corey Johnson as the 50th Campaign Chairs, Louise and Mark Holden as Advanced Gifts Chairs, Dara and Ray Geoffroy as Major Gifts Chairs, and Joan Moore and the Development Office, much progress has been made. It is very exciting to see how many of our identified projects will be funded, especially with the additional support of the community at-large this upcoming fall. We will have much to celebrate. page


As part of the Board’s role to provide sustainability into the future, we have worked on being ambassadors within the school and in the community at-large. We have analyzed and discussed at length financial planning for the future to ensure Collegiate will continue to offer such an excellent product and experience for years to come. Building an endowment and funding the campus master plan will also put the school in good stead moving beyond the 50th. The Board of Trustees is a dedicated group who use their talents and passions to make WCS even stronger. I want to thank the Trustees for their time and commitment this past year. The Collegiate Annual Fund had another successful year led by parent chairs Cindy and Ed Egan and Jennifer Murati. For the third year in a row, we had 100% faculty participation, which is such a testimony to both our fabulous faculty but also to how much they believe in and support the efforts brought forth by the CAF. Thank you, faculty, for such stellar participation. The CAF raised over $318,000 this past year, which has funded the security card access across campus, the parking lot Phase I improvements, bleachers in the south gym, professional development for faculty, and campus landscaping. Thank you to parents, alumni, alumni parents, and special friends for supporting the CAF, which has enabled the school to offer the extras that make the school and its campus so much better. Thank you for your continued support of and generosity to Wichita Collegiate. Your contributions are very much appreciated and needed. Please start marking your calendars for the upcoming anniversary celebrations and join us all next year celebrating Wichita Collegiate on such a major milestone. Please also consider making a gift to the 50th campaign when you are contacted next year.

On behalf of the Wichita Collegiate Board of Trustees,

Ellen G. Beren Board Chair

“Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” ~ Jean Baptiste Massieu


here are so many things about Collegiate that fill our hearts with gratitude. We are thankful for the wonderful families who not only make the commitment to provide their children with a Collegiate education, but then also participate above and beyond with their time and gifts. All around our campus we enjoy the benefits of what every parent and friend of Collegiate has done for future students. We truly reap the harvest of those who sowed the fields ahead of us. We are thankful for our students who every day come to our campus with excitement and determination: excitement to learn new things and determination to do everything to the best of their ability. When you look through all the achievements and accomplishments displayed in this issue, you can see that evidence. Collegiate students are studious and curious and industrious in all that they undertake. We are thankful for the ways that parents get involved in the life of our school. The parent organizations are strong with dedicated volunteers and leadership. Each group pursues their mission of support to the students either through fund-raising, friend-raising or hundreds of hours of volunteer hours. The members of these groups not only make our community stronger, but they make friendships among each other that last a lifetime. So, as the 2012-13 school year has drawn to a close, we say “thank you” to all who have made it another great year. We couldn’t have done it without you, and we mean that, with gratitude, from the bottom of our hearts.

Thomas W. Davis, Headmaster

'12 - '13 income


Tuition and Fees

$ 10,100,285

Other Income



$ 11,037,536



Salaries and Benefits



Instructional Expenses



Administrative and General



Buildings and Grounds



Interest Expense




$ 11,037,536

'12 - '13




Annual Giving

$ 395,300.83

Alumni Endowment



Alumni Golf Classic



50th Anniversary Capital & Endowment Campaign*

$ 3,445,683.49




Booster Club



Collegiate Association of Parents $

82, 385.77

Parents Supporting Science



Patrons of the Arts




$ 4,103,627.74

* This year will be a very big year for Collegiate as we celebrate our 50th year beginning in the fall. Please look for details in the centerfold of this issue of the Collegiate Connection and a campaign roll-out as soon as school begins in the fall.



a word about

THE ANNUAL FUND Collegiate Annual Fund We would like to thank the Collegiate community for another successful year of fundraising for the Collegiate Annual Fund (CAF)! With your help, we raised just over $318,000 during the 2012-13 school year. Every year, all of the WCS community constituents – current families, faculty, staff, alumni, grandparents, former families, and trustees – come together in support of this vital effort. CAF provides the resources for the elements of WCS life that distinguish the Collegiate educational experience.



This year, the WCS community had some impressive participation rates: • 40 volunteers ensured the campaign’s success • 100% Board of Trustees participation • 100% faculty and staff participation • 55% parent participation • 63 first time donors The 2012-2013 Collegiate Annual Fund embraced six initiatives: a state of the art security system for every building on our campus, more parking for the Lower School and Early Childhood divisions, professional development for the faculty, new bleachers for the South Gym, Middle School playground enhancement, and campus beautification in light of the school’s 50th Anniversary in 201314. These projects were nearly funded, thanks to the dedication of many. The Middle School playground funding was not completed and may be recommended for completion in 2013-14. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made calls, wrote notes, and supported the CAF efforts in many ways. It takes a community to execute this effort, and it takes a community to make it successful. Your continued support through yearly tax-deductible contributions to the Collegiate Annual Fund is not only welcome, but is essential to the vitality and promise of our school and its mission! Have a wonderful and happy summer, Cindy and Ed Egan Jennifer Blair Murati 2012-2013 CAF Co-Chairs


• profes

ver the past fifty years, Collegiate has been blessed with donors that had a vision for the future. They not only supported the current operations of the school but chose to establish endowment funds that would have long-term benefits. Five of those endowment funds are specifically designed to enhance professional development for the faculty. Every class, every conference, every educational opportunity that is attended brings enrichment opportunities for the students of Collegiate. Faculty discover techniques and new approaches to engage students’ imaginations by providing exciting and fun learning experiences. This past year, the following five endowments offered funds for faculty to apply to use within each endowment's specific guideline. Those faculty members that applied and were awarded funds are listed with the endowment that funded their professional development. • The Bridges Endowment was established by R. Douglas and Helen Fay Bridges to provide training in the area of special needs students. Faculty receiving funds included: Peggy Drew and the Learning Lab instructors. • The Clark Endowment, established by Steve Clark in memory of his wife Judy Clark, is specific to educational opportunities for Lower School faculty. Don Funke and Shirley Meissner were awarded funds. • The Nick Madison Endowment, established in memory of Dr. Nick Madison by his wife June and two daughters, is to be used for professional development in the area of science. Scott Hawley and Janice Crowley were awarded funds to attend national science conferences. • The Taylor Family Endowment, established by Dan and Kate Taylor, is for extraordinary educational opportunities for Upper School faculty including sabbaticals and internationally renowned conferences or workshops. Jillian King, Chris Ashbrook, Janice Crowley, and Peter DeVries attended national and international conferences within their areas of expertise. • The Ford Foundation Endowment, given to Collegiate through a matching grant request, offers funds for any division as long as the award each year is rotated to a different curriculum area. The Ford Foundation endowment provided individual funds for Kathy Wagner to attend a national conference this past year and for JoyAnn Brake, Steve Elmore, and Kristin Anneler to attend conferences in the summer and early this year. THANK YOU to the families that established these endowments! Your vision and generosity are providing invaluable continued educational opportunities for our faculty.

sional development • .. .. .. .. ..

Keith Deltano is a nationally known inspirational speaker for kids. He is passionate and direct. His style and presentation were beyond fun for the students and his message clear. Take care of each other and be kind. He shared his personal story of learning differently and his struggles with fitting in. Mr. Deltano has been a military police officer, public school teacher, youth leader, private counselor, and educational comedian. Mr. Deltano draws from these experiences to share and work with students on ways to deal with bullying and unkind words. He does emphasize sticking up for each other and how to speak up for yourself. Keith Deltano came to WCS in November to present to all divisions. He presented to our Lower School, Middle School, and allowed us to videotape his presentation to show to the Upper School at a later date. Mr. Deltano also met with all our teachers and parents after school for a workshop on working with students to recognize and address any concerns with bullying. The students responded very warmly to his presentation, and we had follow- up with questions and discussion after he left. The teachers also felt he was effective in presenting to the students. It is a blessing we had a special speaker to discuss issues that affect all schools and in a way that the students could relate to. Our culture is to provide a positive and safe environment for our students. We talk about this in the classroom, hallways, and all over campus. Mr. Deltano provided support to our efforts today and moving forward. We want to thank the Taylor Family Endowment, the Clark Endowment, and the Ford Foundation Endowment for making this important presentation possible on our campus. Lisa Schrieffer, Carol Pavetto, and Jennifer Hearne, The Collegiate Counselors

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The bridges Endowment

It was an honor to be a recipient of the R. Douglas Bridges and Helen Fay Bridges Endowment. This endowment allowed me the opportunity to attend the Learning and the Brain Conference in February 2013 in San Francisco. The conference title was Teaching Creativity in the Twenty-First Century: Using Brain Science to Ignite Innovation and Imagination. Over 1500 professionals attended the conference from twelve different countries. Attendees included teachers, college professors, psychologists, medical doctors and PhD’s. One of the topics of the conference was whether or not creativity can be taught. It is a common belief that children are either born with artistic talent or they’re not. But research indicates that creativity is more of a skill than an inborn talent, and it’s a skill parents and teachers can help their children develop. Young students need a lot of time for self-directed, unstructured, imaginative play – free of the burden of adult direction. Children need to learn to take risks and to be allowed to make mistakes and fail. Students need freedom to explore their ideas and to gain confidence by placing an emphasis on the creative process rather than the specific outcome. It is an almost universally held belief that creativity occurs primarily in the arts and humanities – literature, performing arts, or fine arts. However creativity is a fundamental component of many other fields, such as biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, earth science, and engineering. Today’s schools are charged with preparing students for jobs that have not yet been imagined or created. Technologies are changing rapidly and problems we can’t foresee will arise. Our students will live in a global world and will need to develop the skills and knowledge that will allow them to compete and interact with diverse people. Schools need to help develop individuals who are both creative and entrepreneurial. A child who grows up to be innovative and creative will be well prepared to compete. Peggy Drew, Kindergarten Teacher We want to thank you for sending us to the Fundamental Learning Center’s conference, “Face It. Dyslexia and Literacy.” The conference focused on what can be done to make sure that children with dyslexia grow up in healthy academic environments. While there, we were able to watch a screening of the movie, The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia, which was directed by James Redford, son of Robert Redford. The documentary film showcased both successful students and adults with dyslexia. After the movie, Karen Pritzker, executive producer, opened up the floor for questions and answers. Attending the conference, re-emphasized how important it is for both educators and parents to not just know about the symptoms and causes of dyslexia, but also the best ways to help children meet the challenges they will face. We appreciate your support in providing us with this opportunity! Shannon Flack & Mary Beth Regan, Learning Lab Instructors




professional development


The clark Endowment

The second and third grades were awarded SMART Response Clickers as part of the 2012 CAP Fund. I had the privilege of attending SMART Response Training thanks to the Judy Broshears Clark Lower School Endowment Award. The second and third grade teachers had already spent several in-service hours this summer setting up the clickers and preparing assessments for our students. One goal is to have the clickers provide instant feedback to our students as they are assessed on a variety of curricular areas. Additional goals are to accommodate our students’ special needs and provide feedback to the teachers to help us develop meaningful lessons. I left warm Wichita on Tuesday, when we were experiencing 90 degree weather and arrived in San Diego to a chilly 70 degrees. Nevertheless, I came prepared to learn how to include our SMART Response Clickers seamlessly into the Lower School Curriculum. The class was small with just 5 students but all were eager to learn the newest features of the SMART Response Clickers from SMART Technologies. I spent 7 hours in class that day, working through my lunch break, so that I could bring all of the new features back to our Lower School Teachers. While I had used the clickers for assessments I had prepared, I now was learning a simple way to include any assessment in the SMART Response format. On Thursday, I arrived back home to cloudy Wichita and 40 degree temperatures. The cool weather did not deter me from sharing my new knowledge with the teachers at Wichita Collegiate Lower School! As a result of this training, I am now offering a once-a-month class where teachers in the Lower School and Early Childhood can come to learn new techniques about the SMARTBoard and SMART Response Clickers and get help with questions and problems we can solve together. An additional plus to the training was that the SMART Technologies class instructor mentioned a new update to the firmware of our Series 800 SMARTBoards that allowed us to have four students at one time writing on the board. I had not heard this update news and was eager to come home to try this out. The second graders can now participate at the SMARTBoard four at a time and are enjoying this new feature. Thank you so much to CAP for providing the SMART Response Clickers and to Judy Broshears Clark Lower School Endowment for providing the training to help us use this technology more effectively to help the students at Wichita Collegiate School. Shirley Harrison Meissner, 2nd Grade Teacher

The nick madison Endowment

Last summer I had the opportunity to attend the American Chemical Society Gas Chromatography workshop in Chicago. The instructor, Dr. Lee Polite, trains mostly chemists from industry to learn how to trouble-shoot any issues they may have with their gas chromatograph (GC). I was fortunate to get not only great training from Dr. Polite, but also learned a great deal from chemists who use the GC in agriculture, government, medicine, and a variety of consumer industries. This workshop allowed me to bring more relevant information back to my research students and help them to better understand how the GC works and proper protocol to use when trouble-shooting. Students were able to gain a better understanding of appropriate selection of temperature versus pressure for separating gas chromatogram peaks. There were many good labs and exercises the students were able to do as a result of this learning experience. I really appreciate the Nick Madison Memorial Endowment for Science for granting this unique experience. Wichita Collegiate has always had a great lab-based science program, which meets the criteria of training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). All the grade levels of science incorporate STEM appropriately into their subject whether it is natural science or physical science. However, this GC opportunity was an over-the-top experience in that the Chem Station software that the students use is high tech. The Chem Station has the ability to automatically integrate peak areas using calculus. In addition, the students use engineering to manually install the column, replace parts, cut new parts of the column, replace septa, flush columns, check for leaks, and the list is quite extensive. The students put their data into excel to analyze their results and compare them to published standards. And finally students pull all their research and article review together and present at the KU-Medical Annual Poster Presentation. Many of the comments we received from judges and medical doctors indicated that they were very supportive of this type of scientific research. This opportunity has definitely been a great benefit to students at WCS. Janice Crowley, Science Department Chair

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The nick madison Endowment

First of all I would like to thank the Nick Madison Memorial Endowment for Science for the opportunity to attend the National Science Teachers Association Convention that was held in Phoenix in December, 2012. I felt it was very beneficial to me as a teacher and for Collegiate as a whole. The major emphasis in science education has recently shifted to STEM, which translates to a need to focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This whole conference was geared in this direction, being mentioned in almost every one of the 13 sessions that I attended. To summarize some of the great things that I learned: • There is a new TI calculator that might be a good replacement for the current TI-84s that the students use. I also learned of new ways that we can use our current calculators to collect data on scientific probes that Collegiate already has. • I found several new demonstrations to teach about radiation in Physical Science. • There is a great science and engineering contest called Ecybermission that our 7th and 8th graders might really enjoy. I met the national director and believe it would fill a need in our Middle School. • Several of the sessions concerned how to get our students building things and doing more hands-on engineering. I got several new ideas that I would like to incorporate into a new energy unit when I teach physics during the second semester. • I went to two sessions presented by nationally known educators who presented on the teaching of polymer chemistry. As a result of this, I would like to add a short polymer unit to the chemistry section of my course. • I got a score of great new demonstrations from nationally known presenters that included past NSTA presidents. I can’t wait to show these to my students! On top of this, I had the opportunity to meet the head of education for the Chandra Telescope. She is a great resource for teaching about space and stellar evolution. She is also the director of the Astronomy Event for Science Olympiad and this will be a great help in the preparation of our Science Olympiad teams. I also went on a field trip to the state of the art Phoenix Crime Lab. It was interesting to see how they used science to solve crimes. Again, I would like to say thank you for allowing me this great opportunity. It was well worth it! Scott Hawley, 8th Grade Physical Science

.. .. .. .. .. The taylor family Endowment

Thanks to the generosity of the Taylor Family Endowment, I had the extreme pleasure of attending the Independent Schools Institute at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in mid-October 2012. Joined by 50 independent school administrators from around the country and the world, we were able to share information and ideas as well as listen to and communicate with eight different Professors of Education from Harvard University. The conference began with a presentation from Howard Gardner, who in his most recent book, Truth Beauty, and Goodness Reframed, discusses steps educators can take to introduce and nurture viable notions of truth, beauty, and goodness. The thought-provoking Gardner then spent time with small groups of us discussing how this information could help transform our own schools. While there is no definitive answer to what constitutes truth, beauty, and goodness, it was clear that discussing these ideas with faculty and students is very important. These conversations have begun with the faculty in the Upper School and will continue with both faculty and students in the 2013-2014 school year. The other speakers at the conference were as thought-provoking as Gardner and focused on topics such as creating learning organizations, utilizing case studies as a teaching and learning tool, designing curriculum that fosters global competency, and how to articulate and measure a school’s value proposition. I came back to Wichita with a great deal of material and even more ideas on how to add to the value of our school. I have exchanged several emails with Richard Light and continued our conversation on creating a “learning organization” that broadens and deepens the experience of our students. Richard has shared a survey he designed for Harvard freshman that has been used at other leading colleges, and we are making modifications that will be useful for our Collegiate community. The entire experience at the Independent Schools Institute was professionally rewarding. Along with great ideas and resources, I came away with multiple contacts of educators around the country, some of whom I continue to communicate with, and I also left the conference with a sense of validation. We are a tremendous school at Wichita Collegiate and much of what we do is right on track with what the great minds at Harvard are thinking. Of course there is always room to improve, and that is exactly why I am so thankful to the Taylor Family Endwoment for providing me with this opportunity to help make Wichita Collegiate a stronger school moving forward. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I was also able to meet with two alumni while at the conference. Tyler Dobbs, a rising sophomore at Harvard, and Eben Bitonte, a rising junior at MIT, took time out of their busy schedules to meet me. Both are doing well and are as impressive as they were while they were at Collegiate. Chris Ashbook, Head of Upper School

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• professional development •



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The taylor family Endowment

The Ford Foundation Endowment

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This past spring break, Tufts University hosted the annual conference for the Northeast Modern Language Association in Boston. I want to thank the Taylor Family Endowment for providing me the opportunity to attend. Essentially, the conference consisted of university professors, authors, and PhD candidates presenting and defending pieces of literary criticism. Perhaps this doesn’t describe a typical spring break experience, but the time was a solid investment as a number of the panels related directly to authors studied in our AP Senior Literature Class. Though there were a number of influential panels, the following three offered the most benefit: “The Artemis Archetype” underscored the significance of mythic understanding to fully interpret and comprehend modern surroundings; “Trauma in Fiction” highlighted both the necessity (and limitations) of figurative language; and finally “Cormac McCarthy and Modernism” examined the motif of the parallax, of making an object seem to move by viewing them from different angles—the significance of manipulating narrative point-ofview to create specific affects in the reader. The effect of the experience was both enlightening and encouraging. After having attended, I feel I have a better grasp on how to more precisely and efficiently teach specific literary techniques. The conference experience also encouraged me about our AP focus the past two years—our emphasis on writing persuasive, argument-driven literary critiques is preparing students for success on the AP Exam and also preparing them for the types of writing and thinking they will need in their ongoing academic and professional pursuits. And finally, the conference provided a happy surprise: the Artemis panel—already under contract for a book on the topic—needed one more chapter. After exchanging ideas and writing samples, they agreed to have me write it. Publication is expected in 2014 or 2015. Peter DeVries, Upper School English

Attending the 2013 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, was a great privilege. I went to many activity sessions that allowed me to return with new games, skills, dances, and equipment that will be most useful in my teaching. Many of these activities will correspond nicely with my theme for next year, “Fit to Learn.” In addition, I targeted those sessions that dealt with physical activity breaks or “brain breaks” that are meant to revitalize children in the classroom setting and help them refocus on academic work and prepare for learning. This is an area that I have had an interest in for the last year, so acquiring more information on the subject was very beneficial. With our school’s recent focus on technology, I also made an effort to attend presentations that highlighted the use of technology in the physical education setting. I was interested in finding ways to use various types of technology for assessment purposes, as well as creative teaching ideas. I have to admit that I was extremely intimidated by the overwhelming amount of information that is available, but I discovered that there are some wonderful resources that can greatly aid the physical educator. I was introduced to various computer programs, web sites, and new or updated equipment like i-Pads, cell phones, heart rate monitors, pedometers, gaming stations, and flip cameras. All of these technologies allow for immediate feedback to students, parents, or the teacher via internal or external computer programs that store physical activity information from the piece of equipment that is being used. This information can then be accessed at any time. The ability for a student, teacher, or parent to see progress is greatly enhanced through the use of technology. I have returned from the convention with a greater interest in working with the school’s technology department to find the best overall assessment program available to me for use with young students. I thank you for your generosity in sending me to the AAHPERD convention and appreciate the chance to bring back new and exciting ideas to share with students and colleagues. I always feel I learn so much from my interactions with physical education professionals from around the world. In the end, my students are the greatest beneficiaries of this professional development opportunity. Kathy Wagner, Early Childhood Physical Education

• ALUMNI GIVING • Class of 1967

Class Agent Randy Love James Garvey Hale D. Ritchie, Jr.

Class Of 1970 Class Agent Joe Rothwell Sally Cook Debra Mailey Joe Rothwell

Class Of 1971

Class Agent Devon Rothwell Ridgley Denning Devon Rothwell David Trombold

Class Of 1974 Tara Seeley

Class Of 1975

Class Agent Doug Rogers Jennifer Blood David Humphreys

Class Of 1976 Class Agent Raul Brito Walter Berry Raul Brito Martha Carey Jeff Mills Bill Woolley

Class Of 1977

Class Agent Kevin Reed 1 alumnus who wishes to remain anonymous Polly Berry Mark Matthews Allison Peterson Francis Podrebarac

Class Of 1979

Class Agent Greg Atkins John Lewis Paul Attwater III Bob Gambrill III Shannon Taggart

Class Of 1980 Class Agent Greg Moore Greg Moore Todd Prater John Shawver

Class Of 1982 Class Agent Jennifer Mull Edison Wong

Class Of 1983

Class Agent Scott Talbott Leslie Brett Laura Madison Jennifer Saltzman

Class Of 1984 Class Agent Joan Moore James Chung Mark Farha Joan Moore

Class Of 1985

Class Agent Alice Osburn Jane DeGiacomo Tanya Deiter Liz Fowler Shari Powers

Class Of 1986 Class Agent Linda Newman Gita Noble Cliff Farha Todd Farha Linda Newman

Class Of 1988 Class Agent Mark Keene Nick Cusick Kristen Tinker

Class Of 1989 Class Agent Trey Cusick Blaine Schultz Jen Amato Blaine Schultz

Class Of 1990 Karl Becker

Class Of 1991

Class Agent Diane Tinker Hurst Allan Dunne Matt Ritchie

Class Of 1992 Class Agent Brooke Finan Matt Thiel Brooke Finan John C. Pair II Mike Triplett

Class Of 1993 Class Agent Aeramy Porter Aeramy Porter

Class Of 1994

Class Agent Hamilton Hill Carrie Jablonski Nes Weigand Jeff Boone Cindy Egan Davin Hart Hamilton Hill Elizabeth Kakoyiannis Art Mould Bobby Rasberry, Jr. Marielle Schultz Dustin Slater Nes Weigand

Class Of 1995 Class Agent Karen Almonte Sid Shah Phoebe Hart Brian Henning Erin Kobler Kyle Thiel

Class Of 1996

Class Agent Nick Brown Morgan Overman Laura Patterson Deanna Ternes 1 alumnus who wishes to remain anonymous Josh Anderson Jed Bond Nick Brown Courtney Huang Jason Kice Chase Koch Camie Michaud-Drumright Logan Overman Morgan Overman Laura Patterson Brandon Paulseen Mike Rothwell Ryan Stuckey Deanna Ternes Alastair Walling

Class Of 1997

Class Agent Rachelle Colombo Laurel Knapp Lindsay Lurton Jon Rolph Stephanie Brown Jessica Collins Chris Irby

Class Of 1998

Class Agent Chris Dakhil Ashley Reed Meredith DiPasquale Michael DiPasquale

Class Of 1999 Class Agent Meagan Hawley Christina Shuart Ruthie VanDever Shannon Flack Wilson Miner Kathy Rukes

Class Of 2000 Class Agent Sanju Kumar Dawn Lindshield Laura Monahan Adam Kennedy Sanju Kumar Nicola Lodes Laura Monahan Alex Sappok

Class Of 2001 Class Agent Teresa Affeldt Justin Elkouri Trent Overman Justin Elkouri Mallory Farha

Class Of 2002

Class Agent Stephanie Beamer Margaret Chang Jim Diego Dan Dakhil Joe Gehrer Bryan Holmgren Patrick Ritchie

Class Of 2003 Class Agent Andrew Corum Jessica Harroz Ali Wu Jessica Harroz

Class Of 2005

Class Agent Missy Haines Lindsay Thurlow Van Winter Christian Corrigan

Class Of 2006 Class Agent Preston Hershorn Anna Toole Ashley Barnett

Class Of 2007

Class Agent Thomas Greaves Katie Hatfield Gerald Isaac 1 alumnus who wishes to remain anonymous Chelsea Cortez Dustin Ford Katie Hatfield

Class Of 2008

Class Agent Carrie Johnson Kendal Lovett Lauren Messamore Chris Brito Becky Cannon Liz Cannon

Class Of 2009

Class Agent Lauren Davis Hanna Robertson Bailey Taylor Hanna Robertson Bailey Taylor

Class Of 2010 Class Agent Mariah Green Blake Jablonski Kamri Phox Brandon Searle Clint Lett

Class Of 2011

Class Agent Kathleen Haines Regan Sherwood Allison Zeitlow Anna Horner Rachel Klingenberg



• HONOR ROLL OF GIVING • Visionaries


Visionaries are donors who made extraordinary gifts of at least $25,000 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Ellen and Adam Beren Debra and David '75 Humphreys



Presidents are donors who made gifts between $10,000 and $24,999 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Beth and Bob Copher Valerie and Wes Edwards Ann and TJ Foley Louise and Mark Holden Jackie and Bryan Johnson Corey and Jeff Johnson Kay and Monte Johnson Rita and Bassam Mattar Pedro Murati Michael Young




($5,000.00 +)

Benefactors are donors who made gifts between $5,000 and $9,999 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Melodie and Chris Christian Jody and Blair Horner Patricia and Basil Hourani Elizabeth '94 and Jason Kakoyiannis Annie and Chase '96 Koch Julie and Todd Lair Barb and Ron Mann Nancy and Chuck McGuire Jenny and Ron Paulseen Anne and Scott Root Chris and Tony Sementelli Jay R. Vosburgh, Jr. Liz Weyman and Danny White


($2,500.00 +)

Founders are donors who made gifts between $2,500 and $4,999 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Amy and Rob Babst Jeanne and Vince Dailey Kathie and Shaker Dakhil Erin and Bradley Dart Sylvia and Pat Do Kendall and Daniel Drake Diane and Ed Dunn Layla Anbargi and Hussam Farhoud Janice and Tim Go Cindy and Larry Halsey Jenny and Scott Hatchett Cindy and Jeff Highbarger Kelli and Theo Mellion New York Life Insurance Lisa and Randy Oehmke Aeramy '93 and Tyler Porter

founders (cont.)

Lisa and Scott Ritchie Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program Patricia and Howard Sherwood Emie and Jay Stehley Martie and Keith Walker


($1,000.00 +)

Partners are donors who made gifts between $1,000 and $2,499 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. 3 donors who wish to remain anonymous Stefania and Mark Ayesh Patti and Jeff Ayesh Jill and Ravi Bajaj The Joan S. Beren Foundation Jamie and Remy Blanchaert Alice and Barry Bloom Tom W. Boyd Leslie '83 and George Brett Suzanne and Raul '76 Brito Dee and Mike Cannon Sheryl and Josh Corrigan Amy and Steve Cox Lori and Joe Davis Debi and Tom Davis Nicole and Allan Dunne '91 Diana and A.J. Farha Karla and Raffaele Fazio Troy R. Fischer Matthew Flamini Monnette and John Gagnon Paula and Jim Gluck Chris and Scott Grabon Traci and Hamilton '94 Hill Bunny and Patrick Hill Carrie and Jon Hullings Manorama and Gyan Khicha Koch Siedhoff Hand & Dunn, LLP The Laham Family Foundation Jocelyne and George Laham Kim and C.J. Lett Ann and Ray Logan June B. Madison Michele and Wade Marquardt Lisa and Jeff May Laurie and Jeff McCausland Carole McNew Teresa and Lewis Mull Mull Drilling Company, Inc. Kelsey and Kevin Nichols Jackie and John Osland Andi and Jon Parks Lindsay and Brandon '96 Paulseen Allison '77 and Stacy Peterson Angela and Aaron Pirner Shari '85 and Todd Powers Jill and Jeff Ramsey Randy S. Regehr Janie and Hale '67 Ritchie, Jr. Vicki and Rob Salemi Jamie and Bob Schmaltz Scholfield Buick GMC Hyundai Pat and John Siedhoff

partners (cont.) Teresa and Jim Sorlie Betty L. Stearns Sarah and Thom Steele Kelly and James Steinhauser Lisa and Steve Sutherland Target Deanna '96 and Tyler Ternes Textron Victoria and Mike '92 Triplett UBS Matching Gift Program Bonnie and Randy Voegeli Stephanie and Jeff Walker Tricia and Jay Weimar Joni and Alex Young Trish and Darrell Youngman


($500.00 +)

Council are donors who made gifts between $500 and $999 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Jackie P. Abromeit AdvantEdge Quality Cars, LLC Johanna and Conrad Agustin Valerie and Gerald Albert Gaylene and Joel Alderson ARSI Kelly and Michael Ball Joanna and Ryan Bendell Candice and Tarun Bhargava Chris W. Brito '08 Brito Oil Company Shara and Don Brown Liz A. Cannon '08 Becky L. Cannon '08 Pat Bybee-Carlson and Robert Carlson Cindy and John Carnahan The Carnahan Group Marla and Charlie Chandler Cindy and Rezaul Chowdhury RaNee and Philip Chronister Clinton Enterprises Brenda and Jeff Cody Gina-Ann and Lee Cole Nicole Streff-Collignon and Brian Collignon Jenae and Marty Cornejo Cornejo & Sons Staci and Cary Cozby Pat Daniels Meredith '98 and Michael '98 DiPasquale Dunne Investments, Inc. Kerrie and Brenton DuPont Heather and Jason Eubank Todd S. Farha '86 Nancy and Rob Fleming Keli and Bob '79 Gambrill III Jane and James '67 Garvey Lauris and Jay Gibson Randi Kay and Larry Graham Phoebe '95 and Davin '94 Hart Cindy and Bob Hull Intrust Bank Brenda and Mike Issa Kris and Brian Johnson

Thank you to the following donors who gave so generously to the Collegiate Annual Fund, Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the school year. All restricted and unrestricted gifts of treasure received between June 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013 are reflected in the Honor Roll of Giving.

council (cont.)

Shonna and Drew Jones Kecia Kesler and Justin Ladner Shawna and David Kingrey Maria and Helmut Linden Stacia and Michael McKnight Allison and Jim McNerney Kathy and Mark Melhorn Merck Partnership for Giving Metal Finishing Company, Inc. Olivia and Jeff '76 Mills Mojack Joan '84 and Tom Moore Marieke Wolfe and David Murphy Linda and Steve Murphy Nelly and Nassim Nabbout Michelle and Caesar Naftzger New York Life Foundation Linda '86 and Jon Newman Gretchen Klug-Oborny and Gary L. Oborny Margaret and Tom O'Hara Meredith and Adam Olson Paulseen Financial Group Pulse Ann and Atul Rai Brynn and Tim Richardson Becky and Mike Ritchey Casey and Matt '91 Ritchie Ritchie Exploration Devon '71 and Joe '70 Rothwell Russell Scheffer Amelia and Marty Schlatter Molly and John '80 Shawver Sherwood Construction Angie and Mike Siemens Lea and Jack Squires Stelbar Oil Company Diana T. Stovall Camille and Ryan '96 Stuckey Adam Sweetman Sweetman Investments Laura and Abraham Tatpati Susan and Dan Taylor Suzanne and Ron Vaupel Michelle and Casey Voegeli Susan and Rick Walker Ken A. Wells Wilco Paint, Inc. Katherine and Scott Wilson Diane and Ken Winter Deb Barnett and Bill '76 Woolley


($250.00 +)

Fellows are donors who made gifts between $250 and $499 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Abigail and Jordan Bartel Patsy Barton Lori and Dave Bowlin Raedina and Darin Campbell Diane and Terry Chapas Jenny and Brett Chugg Christine and James '84 Chung Kristin and Matthew Conrad

Fellows (cont.)

Terry and David L. Craddock Cathy and Shawn Devlin Lisa and John Dimmitt Cindy '94 and Ed Egan Amie Emerson Linda Weir-Enegren and Phillip Enegren Sabrina and Nicholas Esterline Joan and David Farha Carmelita Alvares and Andy Fernandes Deann and Aly Gadalla Lisa and Dave Gartner Cindy and John Gensch Dara and Ray Geoffroy David T. Gwyn Craig K. Haines Jill Hattan-Thomas and Ben Thomas Melissa and Robert Hendrickson Matthew Henry Genny Kilgen-Henry and Matthew Henry Kris and Ernie Hoeckel Courtney '96 and Lung Huang Mayssa Zayat and Elie Khalife Jason M. Kice '96 Sue and Harold Kruger Clint J. Lett '10 Jenny and John Lewelling Luci and Rodger Lindwall Carmen and Victor Lyczak Diana and Dennis Maloney Scott J. Manspeaker Jamie and Andrew Mies Laura and Wilson '99 Miner Robin and Harry Morris Pascale and Imad Nassif Malissa and Trent Nesmith Kimberly and Paul Nguyen Sheryl and Andy Nolan Darlene and Louis Odenwald Morgan '96 and Logan '96 Overman Kim and Terrence Phox Phoebe and Tom Richardson Carolyn and Patrick '02 Ritchie Tammy and Tom Ritchie Carol and Larry Sherry Jan G. Siefkes Lee Smith Danette and Matthew Smith Edwina Saph and Nick Smith Dana and Dan Solomon Susie S. Steed Charity and Randy Sullivan Kristi and Steve Taylor Carolyn and Talal Timsah Marcia and Greg Trebilcock Elisa H. Vu Elmer Werner Sarah and Ryan Zink


($249 and below)

Friends are donors who made gifts up to $249 to the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments, or to a special project during the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. 19 donors who wish to remain anonymous

friends (cont.)

Evelyn Adams Mahfuza and Selim Ahmed Amera and Rahim Alshamary Jen '89 and Jason Amato Jessica and Sam Amirani Gretchen and Stan Andeel Stephanie and Josh '96 Anderson Jodie and Larry Anderson Kristin and Nick Anneler Jennifer and Matt Arneson Suzie B. Asbridge Elaine and Chris Ashbrook Sally and Paul Attwater Kim and Paul '79 Attwater Charisse and Marc Bachrodt Danah Salem and Husam Bakdash Betsy and Paul Baltzer Bank of America Matching Gifts Ashley '06 and Marcus Barnett Joan and Jeff Barrett Kate Pepper and Charles A. Baughman Jen and Todd Bayless Kitty and Karl '90 Becker Jennifer and Brett Begnoche Fariba Behzadpour and Fariborz Behzadpour Teresa and Shannon Bell page Patrice and Wardell Bell Polly '77 and Walter '76 Berry Gretchen and Steve Bixler Michelle and Troy Black Teri and Dan Blasi Patty and Scott Bledsoe Jennifer L. Blood '75 Olive and Thiel Bloom Betty J. Bolden Duane E. Bond Robin and Jed '96 Bond Sara K. Bond Shannon and Jeff '94 Boone Shawne and Bradford Boyd Andrea and Jerry Bradfield Sabina Braithwaite Joyann and Daniel Brake Kisten Brandenburg Kathy and Tim Breeden Jelena M. Brezjanovic-Shogren Stephene and Ed Bridwell Cathy and Stephen Brooks Stephanie '97 and Nick '96 Brown Sueanna and Chip Budde Sherry and Gary Buettgenbach Cathy Skaer and John Bullinger Angie Hardage-Bundy and Philip A. Bundy Barbara and Bobby Burcham Jennifer K. Burgoyne-Dechant and Dennis Dechant Ellen and Russell Camp Sundie and Chris Campbell Sharyn and Stuart Carder Martha D. Carey '76 Chuck R. Caro Lisa and Mike Caughlin Jenny and Ryan Chrisler Bess Christian Rochelle and Bert Chronister Peggy and Tom Church


friends (cont.)



Annette L. Clark Joanne and Richard Clarkson Laurie and Jim Cole Julia and Randy Collier Jessie '97 and Scott Collins Sally '70 and Dan Cook Kelli and David Copeland Debi and Brian Corrigan Christian B. Corrigan '05 Chelsea '07 and Allan Cortez Caroline T. Craig Janice P. Crowley Amy and Brian Cunningham Kim and Nick '88 Cusick Tina Ruan and David Dai Dan S. Dakhil '02 Simmi and Kumar Dalla Chris and Ron Darmon Cindy and Jason Davis Jane '85 and Rich DeGiacomo Mark Deiter Tanya '85 and Greg Deiter Debra and Alan Dennill Ridgley L. Denning '71 Carmen and Bart Dick Vivian and Shawn Do Sue and Al Dobbs Amy and Dan Dokken Selena and John Doman Peggy and David Drew Patty and Ken Duarte Christine and Aidan Dunleavy Suzanne and Michael Edmonson Daneen and Brent Ehm Mica and Justin '01 Elkouri Ashly Elliott Cathy and Steve Elmore Mardi and Dan Engel Barbara S. Estivo Lisa and John Estivo Nancy and John Fanning Cliff N. Farha '86 Mallory '01 and WG Farha Mark S. Farha '84 Junilda and Jim Farner Nancy and Daqing Feng Allison and Mitch Fiegel Brooke '92 and Brian Finan Doyle D. Finan Mary and Eric Fisher Melissa and Tom Fitzwater Patricia Fitzwilliam Shannon '99 and Joe Flack Lindsey and Dean Flaten Melissa and Jamey Flowers Dustin R. Ford '07 Rolesta M. Forrest Liz J. Fowler '85 and Jon Rolfe Heathers and Troy Franklin Debbie and Don Funke Diane and Raymond Gans Sara and Phillip Garrison Rebecca and Joe '02 Gehrer Jeannie and Mike Gehrer General Mills Box Tops for Education Program Sumita and Debasish Ghosh Meridith and Erich Gierhart Valerie and Tim Gierhart Caridad and Ting Sin Go Leigh and Les Godwin Deepa and Amit Goel Greg G. Goree Jannett and Garry Gregg Loni N. Griffin Abi and Rick Griffin

friends (cont.)

Barbara and Monte Grimes Sarah and Kevin Gruetter Kim and Brandon Haag Thara and Tom Haberman Tonya and Bruce Haertl Beth and Sam Hake Jennifer and Tony Halas Maysa T. Alhabashi and Abdel M. Hamada Carol and Donald Hapward Rae and Mike Harrell Jessica '03 and Edward Harroz Katie E. Hatfield '07 Sally and Dave Hawley Karen and Scott Hawley Cynthia and Kent Heady Jennifer and Chris Hearne Dondi and Jonathan Henak Jessica and Brian '95 Henning Kelly and Travis Herndon Susan and Walker Hess Kristy and Rick Hoffman Megan and Bryan '02 Holmgren Gretchen and James Homan Anna L. Horner '11 Shawna and Kevin Horsch James Hukle Allen Hutcherson Eric Hutcherson Nicole and Chris '97 Irby Michelle and Steve Jahn Vicki and Kenneth Janicke Laurie and Brian Katan Virginia and Patrick Kehoe Danielle and Sean Kelly Mary Engleman and Andy Kemmer Brent L. Kemnitz Dana and Jeff Kemp Tiana and Adam '00 Kennedy Jamie and Kris Kennedy Sun and Andy Kim Jillian and Andrew King Susan and David Klingenberg Rachel D. Klingenberg '11 Ginna and Denis Knight Mary Thompson and Bob Knuth Erin '95 and Craig Kobler Hilary and Joshua Koehn Cindy and Ron Koepsel Gina and Gary Kohn Robin and John Kraft Sanju V. Kumar '00 Kathryn and Jon Lammers Kate J. Larson Martha and Tim Leaf Tanya and John Leddy Lotus Leddy Janie and Richard Leeth Angela and Mark Leiker Donell and Gary Leopold Catherine and Jim Lewis Kim and Ken Lieb Mandy and James Locke Nicola '00 and Brian Lodes Eleanor and George Lucas Vayia Filios and Adam Lynch Joyce and Norval Madden Laura L. Madison '83 Debra '70 and Bruce Mailey Allen B. Mairs Sandra and Sinisa Malinovic Jessica L. Mallard Cindy and Fred Mann Jill P. Marhaver Suzanna Mathews Mark R. Matthews

friends (cont.)

Carolyn and Bill Matthews Suzanne Mattix Suzanne and Chris Meeker Alison Meeth Shirley and Paul Meissner Lori and Greg Meister Mary and Jack Melhorn Debbie and Bill Messamore Ruth and Bruce Meyer Amanda and Mark Meyers Camie Michaud-Drumright '96 and Greg Drumright Julie and Ken Mindt Laura '00 and Bradley Monahan Greg S. Moore '80 Morgan Stanley Annual Belinda and Arthur Mould Erin and Art '94 Mould Barbara and Ray Multhaup Marilen Morales and Guillermo E. Munoz Jennifer Murati Dana and Thomas Murray Erin and Andrew Myers Tammy and Kevin Mykel Sherri and Tod Newlin Linda N. Nguyen Ly and Jimmy Nguyen Jan and Ray Nicodemus Diana and Jerry Nixon Susan and James Ockerman Jane and Burt Odenheimer Becky D. O'Hearn Gretchen and John O'Neill Marna and Darren Orme Kelly Lin and Kuni Oyama Christy and John '92 Pair Susan and Duane Pangrac Kyung H. Lee and Ryulpyung Park Lou and Kory Parkhurst Amy and Brian Patrick Laura S. Patterson '96 Misty M. Pauly Carol and John Pavetto Rhonda and Steve Pendergraft Molly and Mark Philips Cristy and Marshall Philips Hilary Rainbolt and Scott Pigg Alejandra and Trent Pizarro-Rommann Phyllis and Roger Placzek Francis A. Podrebarac '77 Blake Post Ruth and Ian Powell Kerry and Todd '80 Prater Lori and Jerry Primm Shazia and Tamim Qaum Zahida and Syed Raffi Corene and Scott Ramser Ann and Rob Ramseyer Lindsay and Bobby '94 Rasberry, Jr. Mary Beth and Patrick Regan Amy and Rick Reisner Sara Resnick Hanna E. Robertson '09 Andrea M. Rogers Sarah and Mike '96 Rothwell Courtney and Phil Ruffin Victoria J. Ruffin Kathy '99 and Brad Rukes Ana and Matt Ryan Rick A. Sahatjian Jennifer L. Saltzman Vanessa and BJ Salyers Heidi and Alex '80 Sappok Laurie M. Scheffer Lisa and Brian Schooler Jane and Matt Schulte

friends (cont.)


Two who wish to remain anonymous Jackie P. Abromeit Tracee and Eric Adams Lori and Tom Aldag The Alley Amera and Rahim Alshamary Pam and Clark Armor Balls-n-Strikes Arej Dawod and Emad Barakeh Barn'rds Restaurant Kate Pepper and Charles A. Baughman Beau Monde Spa and Boutique Patrice and Wardell Bell Mona and David Bergen Kisten Brandenburg Kathy and Tim Breeden Stephene and Ed Bridwell Tonya and David Broberg Sherry and Gary Buettgenbach Ellen P. Burd Jennifer K. Burgoyne-Dechant and Dennis Dechant Ellen and Russell Camp Julianna and Satish Chary Cindy and Rezaul Chowdhury Melodie and Chris Christian Christopher Clark Photography Sharon Marie and Mike Clark Brenda and Jeff Cody Julia and Randy Collier Computer Training Systems Beth and Bob Copher Kimberly and Jamie Coulter Teresa and David L. Craddock Elisa and Chris D'Acosta Tracy and Robert Damm Cathy and Shawn Devlin Lisa DeVore Taylor and Ross DeVore Stacy and John Dickerson Diane and Ed Dunn

friends (cont.)

Shannon '79 and Phil Taggart Bailey D. Taylor '09 Leah and Deb Taylor Heather and Kyle '95 Thiel Rae and Russ Thiel Mamba and Douglas Tibbals Kristen '88 and Mark Tinker Mouna and Ned Todorov Kimberly and Jorge Trinchet Louise and David '71 Trombold Bernadette and Richard Truxal Heather and Luiz Varchavtchik Panya and Michael Vesali Emily VinZant Kari Sue Vosburgh Lam Dao and Tuan Vu Jamie and Jason Wagle Stephanie and Greg Waldeck Kenda and Justin Walden Jennifer L. Walker Alastair J. H. Walling '96 Heather and Tristan Walling Tina Ward Whitney and Mike Ward Brooke and Benjamin Weaver Kerri L. Weeks Nes R. Weigand '94 Cassi Luthi and Allester Wells Tonya and Justin Wells

Cindy and Ed Egan Ashly Elliott Mardi and Dan Engel Nancy and John Fanning Ranya and Saad Farha Layla Anbargi and Hussam Farhoud Mary and Eric Fisher Flint Hills National Golf Club Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Kristin and Patrick Freed Frou Frou Genesis Health Club GreenThumb Samia Alzoubi and Marwan Hammouri Nicole Harvey Jenny and Scott Hatchett Brandon Hay Cynthia and Kent Heady Healing Waters Cindy and Jeff Highbarger Louise and Mark Holden Il Vincino Wood Oven Pizza J. Rae's Cupcakes Vicki and Kenneth Janicke Shonna and Drew Jones Marilyn and JW Kirby Julie and Todd Lair Kathryn and Jon Lammers Kris Lewonowski Luci and Rodger Lindwall Mandy and James Locke Dawne and Dave Lowden Scott J. Manspeaker Sangeeta Khicha and Massimo Mantovani Rita and Bassam Mattar Suzanne Mattix Greg Drumright and Camie Michaud-Drumright Alyssa and Jason Moeller Joan and Tom Moore Nancy and Mark Moxley Marieke Wolfe and Scott Murphy Linda and Steve Murphy Michelle and Caesar Naftzger

friends (cont.)

Terri Cusick-Wetta and Jim Wetta Heather and Camden Whitaker Sally and Brian White Gaby and Sean White Sarah and Brady Wilborn Angie and Brad Wilhelm Marge and John Winter Christa and Brad Wolansky Edison H. Wong '82 Rodney C. Wren, Jr. Doug Yanney Janane and Estephan Zayat Dr. Fred Zhang and Mrs. Diane Zhu

honor roll of giving

Micki and Blaine '89 Schultz Marielle A. Schultz '94 Suzanne and Charlie Schwarz Janel and Jeffrey Scott Tara M. Seeley '74 Tawanda and Steve Serryn Krista and Cory Shackelford Lisa Le and Wassim H. Shaheen Shefali and Nick Sharma Tara and Matt Shepherd Renee and Merle Shofner Susan and Joe Shook Noreen and Zack Sigler Jena and Derrick Simms Jennifer and Dustin '94 Slater Anne Donley and Tom Smith Julie J. Smitherman Lou Anne and William Sorensen Kristin and Jason Soupene Amy and Jared Sprole Nancy E. Squire Susan and John Stearns Emily and Aleks Sternfeld-Dunn Debbie Willsie and Dude Stewart Rachel Sims and Gregory Stiger Barbara K. Stokley Karen and Kevin Strecker Phil Strong, Jr. Pat and Skip Swearingen

Sherri and Tod Newlin Kim and Steve Nussbaum Gretchen Klug-Oborny and Gary L. Oborny Jackie and John Osland Susan and Duane Pangrac The Plaid Giraffe Marvina Plank Jill and Jeff Ramsey Brynn and Tim Richardson Debbie and Todd Richardson Anne and Scott Root Jamie and Bob Schmaltz Lisa and Brian Schooler Molly and John Shawver Jena and Derrick Simms Cathy and Richard Skar Melissa J. Smith Melinda and Stephen Smith Dana and Dan Solomon Lou Anne and William Sorensen Ann Spradlin Charles B. Spradlin, Jr. Lea and Jack Squires Emie and Jay Stehley Charity and Randy Sullivan Pat and Skip Swearingen Karen and Brian Taylor Terradyne Country Club Tips & Toes LLC Marcia and Greg Trebilcock Michelle and Casey Voegeli Jamie and Jason Wagle Teresa and Damion Walker Sarah and Andy Walston Gidget and Ed Watson Tonya and Justin Wells Terri Cusick-Wetta and Jim Wetta Wichita Country Club The Wichita Eagle Diane and Ken Winter Barbara and David Withrow



• DONORS BY CONSTITUENCY • Board of Trustees (100% participation) Anonymous Amy and Rob Babst Ellen and Adam Beren Kathie and Shaker Dakhil Lori and Joe Davis Sylvia and Pat Do Diane and Ed Dunn Nicole and Allan '91 Dunne Joan and David Farha Louise and Mark Holden Patricia and Basil Hourani Corey and Jeff Johnson Jocelyne and George Laham Julie and Todd Lair Kim and C.J. Lett Linda '86 and Jon Newman Lisa and Randy Oehmke Shari '85 and Todd Powers Amelia and Marty Schlatter Patricia and Howard Sherwood



Faculty & Staff

(100% participation) 11 who wish to remain Anonymous Kristin and Nick Anneler Elaine and Chris Ashbrook Ashley '06 and Marcus Barnett Gretchen and Steve Bixler Michelle and Troy Black Teri and Dan Blasi Joyann and Daniel Brake Kathy and Tim Breeden Sherry and Gary Buettgenbach Cathy Skaer and John Bullinger Barbara and Bobby Burcham Jenny and Ryan Chrisler Peggy and Tom Church Julia and Randy Collier Kelli and David Copeland Janice P. Crowley Amy and Brian Cunningham Kim and Nick '88 Cusick Chris and Ron Darmon Cindy and Jason Davis Debi and Tom Davis Debra and Alan Dennill Amy and Dan Dokken Peggy and David Drew Patty and Ken Duarte Christine and Aidan Dunleavy Cathy and Steve Elmore Barbara S. Estivo Heather and Jason Eubank Junilda and Jim Farner Allison and Mitch Fiegel Brooke '92 and Brian Finan Troy R. Fischer Shannon '99 and Joe Flack

Faculty & Staff (cont.) Lindsey and Dean Flaten Rolesta M. Forrest Debbie and Don Funke Lisa and Dave Gartner Rebecca and Joe '02 Gehrer Jeannie and Mike Gehrer Sumita and Debasish Ghosh Leigh and Les Godwin Loni N. Griffin Sarah and Kevin Gruetter Beth and Sam Hake Carol and Donald Hapward Sally and Dave Hawley Karen and Scott Hawley Jennifer and Chris Hearne Bunny and Patrick Hill Kristy and Rick Hoffman Shawna and Kevin Horsch Laurie and Brian Katan Virginia and Patrick Kehoe Jamie and Kris Kennedy Jillian and Andrew King Susan and David Klingenberg Rachel D. Klingenberg '11 Cindy and Ron Koepsel Robin and John Kraft Martha and Tim Leaf Tanya and John Leddy Janie and Richard Leeth Catherine and Jim Lewis Laura L. Madison '83 Jessica L. Mallard Suzanne Mattix Alison Meeth Shirley and Paul Meissner Debbie and Bill Messamore Amanda and Mark Meyers Joan '84 and Tom Moore Belinda and Arthur Mould Marilen Morales and Guillermo E. Munoz Erin and Andrew Myers Tammy and Kevin Mykel Malissa and Trent Nesmith Sherri and Tod Newlin Jan and Ray Nicodemus Diana and Jerry Nixon Susan and James Ockerman Jane and Burt Odenheimer Becky D. O'Hearn Susan and Duane Pangrac Amy and Brian Patrick Misty M. Pauly Carol and John Pavetto Kim and Terrence Phox Alejandra M. and Trent Pizarro-Rommann Phyllis and Roger Placzek Ruth and Ian Powell Kerry and Todd '80 Prater Lori and Jerry Primm Ann and Atul Rai

Faculty & Staff (cont.) Corene and Scott Ramser Mary Beth and Patrick Regan Amy and Rick Reisner Devon '71 and Joe '70 Rothwell Victoria J. Ruffin Lisa and Brian Schooler Suzanne and Charlie Schwarz Renee and Merle Shofner Noreen and Zack Sigler Jena and Derrick Simms Julie J. Smitherman Lou Anne and William Sorensen Kristin and Jason Soupene Susie S. Steed Barbara K. Stokley Pat and Skip Swearingen Rae and Russ Thiel Mamba and Douglas Tibbals Kimberly and Jorge Trinchet Louise and David '71 Trombold Tina Ward Teri Cusick-Wetta and Jim Wetta Gaby and Sean White Rodney C. Wren, Jr. Doug Yanney Janane and Estephan Zayat


(61.91% participation) 8 donors who wish to remain anonymous Jackie P. Abromeit Evelyn Adams Johanna and Conrad Agustin Mahfuza and Selim Ahmed Valerie and Gerald Albert Gaylene and Joel Alderson Amera and Rahim Alshamary Jessica and Sam Amirani Jodie and Larry Anderson Jennifer and Matt Arneson Suzie B. Asbridge Elaine and Chris Ashbrook Stefania and Mark Ayesh Patti and Jeff Ayesh Amy and Rob Babst Charisse and Marc Bachrodt Jill and Ravi Bajaj Danah Salem and Husam Bakdash Kelly and Michael Ball Betsy and Paul Baltzer Joan and Jeff Barrett Abigail and Jordan Bartel Kate Pepper and Charles A. Baughman Jen and Todd Bayless Jennifer and Brett Begnoche Fariba Behzadpour and Fariborz Behzadpour Teresa and Shannon Bell Patrice and Wardell Bell Joanna and Ryan Bendell

The following is a comprehensive list, reflecting gifts received from individual donors for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2013. Donors are sorted by their various constituency type and will appear in all the catagories that reflect their connection to Wichita Collegiate School. Included are gifts of treasure given in support of the Collegiate Annual Fund, the Collegiate Endowments or a special project during the fiscal year. Thank you to everyone for your continued support and generosity!

parents (cont.)

Ellen and Adam Beren Candice and Tarun Bhargava Michelle and Troy Black Jamie and Remy Blanchaert Patty and Scott Bledsoe Alice and Barry Bloom Sara K. Bond Lori and Dave Bowlin Shawne and Bradford Boyd Tom W. Boyd Andrea and Jerry Bradfield Sabina Braithwaite Joyann and Daniel Brake Kisten Brandenburg Jelena M. Brezjanovic-Shogren Stephene and Ed Bridwell Cathy and Stephen Brooks Shara and Don Brown Angie Hardage-Bundy and Philip A. Bundy Jennifer K. Burgoyne-Dechant and Dennis Dechant Ellen and Russell Camp Sundie and Chris Campbell Raedina and Darin Campbell Sharyn and Stuart Carder Lisa and Mike Caughlin Diane and Terry Chapas Cindy and Rezaul Chowdhury Melodie and Chris Christian RaNee and Philip Chronister Jenny and Brett Chugg Brenda and Jeff Cody Laurie and Jim Cole Gina-Ann and Lee Cole Nicole Streff-Collignon and Brian Collignon Jessie A. Collins Kristin and Matthew Conrad Kelli and David Copeland Beth and Bob Copher Debi and Brian Corrigan Sheryl and Josh Corrigan Amy and Steve Cox Staci and Cary Cozby Terry and David L. Craddock Amy and Brian Cunningham Tina Ruan and David Dai Jeanne and Vince Dailey Simmi and Kumar Dalla Pat Daniels Erin and Bradley Dart Lori and Joe Davis Jane '85 and Rich DeGiacomo Mark Deiter Debra and Alan Dennill Cathy and Shawn Devlin Carmen and Bart Dick Lisa and John Dimmitt Sylvia and Pat Do Vivian and Shawn Do Amy and Dan Dokken Selena and John Doman

parents (cont.)

Kendall and Daniel Drake Patty and Ken Duarte Diane and Ed Dunn Nicole and Allan '91 Dunne Kerrie and Brenton DuPont Suzanne and Michael Edmonson Valerie and Wes Edwards Cindy '94 and Ed Egan Daneen and Brent Ehm Ashly Elliott Amie Emerson Mardi and Dan Engel Sabrina and Nicholas Esterline Barbara S. Estivo Lisa and John Estivo Heather and Jason Eubank Nancy and John Fanning Diana and A.J. Farha Cliff N. Farha '86 Joan and David Farha Mallory '01 and WG Farha Layla Anbargi and Hussam Farhoud Karla and Raffaele Fazio Nancy and Daqing Feng Carmelita Alvares and Andy Fernandes Brooke '94 and Brian Finan Mary and Eric Fisher Melissa and Tom Fitzwater Matthew Flamini Nancy and Rob Fleming Melissa and Jamey Flowers Ann and TJ Foley Rolesta M. Forrest Heathers and Troy Franklin Debbie and Don Funke Deann and Aly Gadalla Monnette and John Gagnon Sara and Phillip Garrison Lisa and Dave Gartner Rebecca and Joe '02 Gehrer Dara and Ray Geoffroy Lauris and Jay Gibson Meridith and Erich Gierhart Paula and Jim Gluck Janice and Tim Go Deepa and Amit Goel Greg G. Goree Chris and Scott Grabon Randi Kay and Larry Graham Jannett and Garry Gregg Abi and Rick Griffin David T. Gwyn Kim and Brandon Haag Thara and Tom Haberman Craig K. Haines Jennifer and Tony Halas Cindy and Larry Halsey Maysa T. Alhabashi and Abdel M. Hamada Phoebe '95 and Davin '94 Hart Jenny and Scott Hatchett

parents (cont.)

Jill Hattan-Thomas and Ben Thomas Cynthia and Kent Heady Dondi and Jonathan Henak Melissa and Robert Hendrickson Matthew Henry Genny Kilgen-Henry and Matthew Henry Kelly and Travis Herndon Susan and Walker Hess Cindy and Jeff Highbarger Kris and Ernie Hoeckel Louise and Mark Holden Gretchen and James Homan Jody and Blair Horner Shawna and Kevin Horsch Patricia and Basil Hourani James Hukle Cindy and Bob Hull Carrie and Jon Hullings Brenda and Mike Issa Michelle and Steve Jahn Vicki and Kenneth Janicke Kris and Brian Johnson Corey and Jeff Johnson Shonna and Drew Jones Danielle and Sean Kelly Mary Engleman and Andy Kemmer Brent L. Kemnitz Dana and Jeff Kemp Tiana and Adam '06 Kennedy Kecia Kesler and Justin Ladner Mayssa Zayat and Elie Khalife Sun and Andy Kim Shawna and David Kingrey Ginna and Denis Knight Mary Thompson and Bob Knuth Hilary and Joshua Koehn Gina and Gary Kohn Julie and Todd Lair Kathryn and Jon Lammers Kate J. Larson Tanya and John Leddy Angela and Mark Leiker Donell and Gary Leopold Kim and C.J. Lett Jenny and John Lewelling Kim and Ken Lieb Luci and Rodger Lindwall Mandy and James Locke Ann and Ray Logan Carmen and Victor Lyczak Vayia Filios and Adam Lynch Laura L. Madison '83 Allen B. Mairs Sandra and Sinisa Malinovic Jessica L. Mallard Diana and Dennis Maloney Cindy and Fred Mann Scott J. Manspeaker Michele and Wade Marquardt Suzanna Mathews



parents (cont.)



Rita and Bassam Mattar Carolyn and Bill Matthews Lisa and Jeff May Laurie and Jeff McCausland Nancy and Chuck McGuire Stacia and Michael McKnight Allison and Jim McNerney Suzanne and Chris Meeker Lori and Greg Meister Kathy and Mark Melhorn Kelli and Theo Mellion Ruth and Bruce Meyer Amanda and Mark Meyers Greg Drumright and Camie Michaud-Drumright Jamie and Andrew Mies Julie and Ken Mindt Laura '00 and Brad Monahan Joan '84 and Tom Moore Marilen Morales and Guillermo E. Munoz Jennifer Murati Pedro Murati Marieke Wolfe and Scott Murphy Linda and Steve Murphy Dana and Thomas Murray Nelly and Nassim Nabbout Michelle and Caesar Naftzger Pascale and Imad Nassif Malissa and Trent Nesmith Sherri and Tod Newlin Linda '86 and Jon Newman Kimberly and Paul Nguyen Linda N. Nguyen Ly and Jimmy Nguyen Kelsey and Kevin Nichols Sheryl and Andy Nolan Gretchen Klug-Oborny and Gary L. Oborny Darlene and Louis Odenwald Lisa and Randy Oehmke Margaret and Tom O'Hara Becky D. O'Hearn Meredith and Adam Olson Gretchen and John O'Neill Marna and Darren Orme Jackie and John Osland Morgan '96 and Logan '96 Overman Kelly Lin and Kuni Oyama Christy and John '92 Pair Kyung H. Lee and Ryulpyung Park Lou and Kory Parkhurst Andi and Jon Parks Carol and John Pavetto Rhonda and Steve Pendergraft Allison '77 and Stacy Peterson Molly and Mark Philips Cristy and Marshall Philips Kim and Terrence Phox Hilary Rainbolt and Scott Pigg Angela and Aaron Pirner Aeramy '93 and Tyler Porter Blake Post Ruth and Ian Powell Shari '85 and Todd Powers Kerry and Todd '80 Prater Shazia and Tamim Qaum Zahida and Syed Raffi Ann and Atul Rai Corene and Scott Ramser Jill and Jeff Ramsey

parents (cont.)

Lindsay and Bobby '94 Rasberry Mary Beth and Patrick Regan Randy S. Regehr Sara Resnick Phoebe and Tom Richardson Brynn and Tim Richardson Carolyn and Patrick '02 Ritchie Tammy and Tom Ritchie Andrea M. Rogers Anne and Scott Root Courtney and Phil Ruffin Victoria J. Ruffin Kathy '99 and Brad Rukes Ana and Matt Ryan Rick A. Sahatjian Vicki and Rob Salemi Vanessa and BJ Salyers Laurie M. Scheffer Russell Scheffer Amelia and Marty Schlatter Jamie and Bob Schmaltz Lisa and Brian Schooler Jane and Matt Schulte Janel and Jeffrey Scott Chris and Tony Sementelli Tawanda and Steve Serryn Krista and Cory Shackelford Lisa Le and Wassim H. Shaheen Shefali and Nick Sharma Molly and John '80 Shawver Tara and Matt Shepherd Patricia and Howard Sherwood Susan and Joe Shook Angie and Mike Siemens Jena and Derrick Simms Lee Smith Danette and Matthew Smith Edwina Saph and Nick Smith Anne Donley and Tom Smith Dana and Dan Solomon Lou Anne and William Sorensen Teresa and Jim Sorlie Kristin and Jason Soupene Amy and Jared Sprole Lea and Jack Squires Susan and John Stearns Sarah and Thom Steele Emie and Jay Stehley Kelly and James Steinhauser Emily and Aleks Sternfeld-Dunn Debbie Willsie and Dude Stewart Rachel Sims and Gregory Stiger Karen and Kevin Strecker Charity and Randy Sullivan Lisa and Steve Sutherland Adam Sweetman Laura and Abraham Tatpati Susan and Dan Taylor Leah and Deb Taylor Kristi and Steve Taylor Deanna '96 and Tyler Ternes Carolyn and Talal Timsah Mouna and Ned Todorov Marcia and Greg Trebilcock Bernadette and Richard Truxal Heather and Luiz Varchavtchik Suzanne and Ron Vaupel Panya and Michael Vesali

parents (cont.)

Emily VinZant Michelle and Casey Voegeli Jay R. Vosburgh, Jr. Kari Sue Vosburgh Elisa H. Vu Lam Dao and Tuan Vu Jamie and Jason Wagle Stephanie and Greg Waldeck Kenda and Justin Walden Stephanie and Jeff Walker Jennifer L. Walker Susan and Rick Walker Heather and Tristan Walling Whitney and Mike Ward Brooke and Benjamin Weaver Kerri L. Weeks Tricia and Jay Weimar Cassi Luthi and Allester Wells Tonya and Justin Wells Ken A. Wells Teri Cusick-Wetta and Jim Wetta Heather and Camden Whitaker Sally and Brian White Liz Weyman and Danny White Gaby and Sean White Sarah and Brady Wilborn Angie and Brad Wilhelm Katherine and Scott Wilson Diane and Ken Winter Christa and Brad Wolansky Joni and Alex Young Trish and Darrell Youngman Janane and Estephan Zayat Dr. Fred Zhang and Mrs. Diane Zhu Sarah and Ryan Zink


Sally and Paul Attwater Patsy Barton Olive and Thiel Bloom Betty J. Bolden Duane E. Bond Sara K. Bond Pat Bybee-Carlson and Robert Carlson Bess Christian Rochelle and Bert Chronister Annette L. Clark Joanne and Richard Clarkson Caroline T. Craig Kathie and Shaker Dakhil Sue and Al Dobbs Peggy and David Drew Linda Weir-Enegren and Phillip Enegren Doyle D. Finan Patricia Fitzwilliam Jeannie and Mike Gehrer Valerie and Tim Gierhart Caridad and Ting Sin Go Barbara and Monte Grimes Tonya and Bruce Haertl Rae and Mike Harrell Kay and Monte Johnson Jamie and Kris Kennedy Manorama and Gyan Khicha Lotus Leddy Maria and Helmut Linden June B. Madison

grandparents (cont.) Carole McNew Mary and Jack Melhorn Susan and James Ockerman Susan and Duane Pangrac Jenny and Ron Paulseen Becky and Mike Ritchey Janie and Hale '67 Ritchie, Jr. Carol and Larry Sherry Pat and John Siedhoff Jan G. Siefkes Betty L. Stearns Barbara K. Stokley Diana T. Stovall Phil Strong, Jr. Bonnie and Randy Voegeli Martie and Keith Walker Elmer Werner Marge and John Winter Michael Young

alumni parents

Lisa and John Estivo Diana and A.J. Farha Joan and David Farha Layla Anbargi and Hussam Farhoud Allison and Mitch Fiegel Mary and Eric Fisher Nancy and Rob Fleming Heathers and Troy Franklin Debbie and Don Funke Diane and Raymond Gans Jane and James '67 Garvey Jeannie and Mike Gehrer Cindy and John Gensch Lauris and Jay Gibson Paula and Jim Gluck Janice and Tim Go Craig K. Haines Cindy and Larry Halsey Sally and Dave Hawley Karen and Scott Hawley Bunny and Patrick Hill Louise and Mark Holden Jody and Blair Horner James Hukle Cindy and Bob Hull Carrie and Jon Hullings Laurie and Brian Katan Virginia and Patrick Kehoe Mary Engleman and Andy Kemmer Jamie and Kris Kennedy Kecia Kesler and Justin Ladner Manorama and Gyan Khicha Sun and Andy Kim Susan and David Klingenberg Ginna and Denis Knight Cindy and Ron Koepsel Robin and John Kraft Sue and Harold Kruger Kim and C.J. Lett Jenny and John Lewelling Ann and Ray Logan Eleanor and George Lucas Joyce and Norval Madden June B. Madison Diana and Dennis Maloney Barb and Ron Mann Jill P. Marhaver Nancy and Chuck McGuire Suzanne and Chris Meeker Lori and Greg Meister Kathy and Mark Melhorn Debbie and Bill Messamore Ruth and Bruce Meyer Robin and Harry Morris Belinda and Arthur Mould Teresa and Lewis Mull Barbara and Ray Multhaup Jennifer Murati Pedro Murati Marieke Wolfe and Scott Murphy Tammy and Kevin Mykel Sherri and Tod Newlin Jan and Ray Nicodemus Diana and Jerry Nixon Susan and James Ockerman Jane and Burt Odenheimer Lisa and Randy Oehmke Margaret and Tom O'Hara

alumni parents (cont.) Jenny and Ron Paulseen Carol and John Pavetto Allison '77 and Stacy Peterson Kim and Terrence Phox Ruth and Ian Powell Lori and Jerry Primm Ann and Rob Ramseyer Mary Beth and Patrick Regan Amy and Rick Reisner Phoebe and Tom Richardson Lisa and Scott Ritchie Janie and Hale '67 Ritchie, Jr. Devon '71 and Joe '70 Rothwell Lisa and Brian Schooler Molly and John '80 Shawver Patricia and Howard Sherwood Pat and John Siedhoff Jan G. Siefkes Julie J. Smitherman Debbie Willsie and Dude Stewart Barbara K. Stokley Charity and Randy Sullivan Leah and Deb Taylor Rae and Russ Thiel Mamba and Douglas Tibbals Jay R. Vosburgh, Jr. Kari Sue Vosburgh Stephanie and Greg Waldeck Stephanie and Jeff Walker Jennifer L. Walker Martie and Keith Walker Susan and Rick Walker Ken A. Wells Christa and Brad Wolansky Deb Barnett and Bill Woolley '76 Doug Yanney Trish and Darrell Youngman


6 who wish to remain anonymous Jackie P. Abromeit Amera and Rahim Alshamary Gretchen and Stan Andeel Suzie B. Asbridge Sally and Paul Attwater Stefania and Mark Ayesh Joan and Jeff Barrett Jen and Todd Bayless Fariba Behzadpour and Fariborz Behzadpour Ellen and Adam Beren Alice and Barry Bloom Duane E. Bond Sara K. Bond Andrea and Jerry Bradfield Stephene and Ed Bridwell Suzanne and Raul '76 Brito Cathy and Stephen Brooks Cathy Skaer and John Bullinger Angie Hardage-Bundy and Philip A. Bundy Barbara and Bobby Burcham Jennifer K. Burgoyne-Dechant and Dennis Dechant Sundie and Chris Campbell Dee and Mike Cannon Cindy and John Carnahan Chuck R. Caro Marla and Charlie Chandler Melodie and Chris Christian Laurie and Jim Cole Kelli and David Copeland Beth and Bob Copher Jenae and Marty Cornejo Debi and Brian Corrigan Sheryl and Josh Corrigan Terry and David L. Craddock Caroline T. Craig Janice P. Crowley Kathie and Shaker Dakhil Debi and Tom Davis Debra and Alan Dennill Cathy and Shawn Devlin Peggy and David Drew Diane and Ed Dunn Cindy '94 and Ed Egan Mardi and Dan Engel Barbara S. Estivo

alumni parents (cont.)



parent organization

Annual Reports

Booster Club has experienced another successful year in large part due to the support of our WCS family! Financially, we were able to fund over $36,000 to support extracurricular activities on campus. We are dedicated to providing funds to not only improve our facilities, but to keep WCS competitive regarding our fine arts department, academics, and athletics. Every year we regularly fund over 30 groups at WCS. In addition to that we accept fund requests from staff members each September and January and discuss the benefits of their needs and how it will enhance WCS. Some of the improvements we have supported for the 2012-2013 school are as follows:



• • • • • • •

US Volleyball: iPad and Volleyball Software Expand Trophy Case in US Support to Hemisphere and Poetic Justice Athletic Training: training and exam table Track and Field Hurdles LS playground items New Surround System in US Gym (1/2 of the cost)

If you would like to see a complete list, contact a Booster Club Board Member...we love to share what we are able to give back to the school! Unfortunately, the money we are able to fund these projects with doesn't grow on trees. We use the revenue from concessions, shirt shack, member dues, Booster Night silent auction, and activity program ads. A hundred percent of the profit goes directly back to the school! We will be offering our 2nd ANNUAL BOOSTER CLUB PEP RALLY CATERED BY LYONS BBQ FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2013 5:30 WCS FOOTBALL STADIUM This will be a perfect opportunity to reconnect after summer and meet new families, see the introductions of fall sports participants, and watch a football scrimmage. Even better, there will be many Booster Board Members who will be more than happy to get you signed up to be a member of Booster Club and/or a Board Member. It is our school and everyone deserves an opportunity to get involved and have input where the funds are distributed! Thank you for providing your constant financial support, hard work, and forward thinking that enables WCS to remain at the top. We look forward to expanding our Booster Club/Shirt Shack family and all of the success that lies ahead for 2013-2014! Respectively Submitted, Beth Copher, Booster Club President



CAP is excited to be funding $82,385.77 in WCS campus-wide wish-list items for the upcoming 2013-14 school year! By division, the funds are allocated as follows: Early Childhood $ 11,086.17 Lower School $ 44,290.56 Middle School $ 19,701.04 Upper School $ 7,308.00 TOTAL $ 82,385.77 Included in these totals are some very exciting items for the school including: lavalier microphones for the entire Lower School; iPads for the Lower and Middle Schools; new “short-throw” projectors in the Middle School; new band instruments for the Upper School students; Lego education materials for Early Childhood; new plants and equipment for the Upper School Science Garden; and reading materials for the Lower School. We are thrilled! If you have any questions about the items funded, please contact Jamie Wagle at 688-5508 or jwagle1@me.com. Also, a complete copy of all wish list items funded can be found in each division office. Thank you for supporting CAP throughout the year. Look for these new items to be ready for this coming school year!

parents supporting science

Parents supporting Science would like to thank everyone in the WCS community that have supported us with memberships and trash bag purchases this year. Because of your support, PSS gave more than $4500 to provide the following for our school: • Purchased rockets for the 4th grade science students • Supported MS robotics program with materials/ supplies for robotics courses • Purchased new legos storage bin for MS robotics • Supported 8th grade spring science project with liquid nitrogen • Supported MS and US Science Olympiad • Bought US Math students treats following math competition testing at WCS • Supported US Biology labs with four new hot plates • Supported US Wizards with purchasing chemicals for use with community programs performed by students • Supported US Environmental Science students with purchase of rototiller • Supported US Chemistry department with funds toward a gas chromatograph for research • Collected and forwarded 2013 summer science, technology, and robotics opportunities to PSS members We hope you will continue to help us support and encourage strong science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities here at WCS. If you need trash bags this summer, please email Cindy Heady at caheady@att.net or call 612-0280. We will be glad to meet you at WCS and get those bags to you! All colors/sizes (white, yellow, blue) are $11 per roll with checks made out to: Parents Supporting Science. Thanks again for a great year! Cindy Heady, President Lea Squires, Treasurer

PATRONS OF THE ARTS Patrons of the Arts is a volunteer parent organization focused on providing, in the form of time and funds, the extra things that are not covered in our school budget to our creative Fine Arts faculty. Generous volunteers gave their time this year by introducing themselves at the Backto-School Fair and by handing out programs and greeting parents and faculty at concerts. They raised money to support the arts by selling memberships and front row reserved seats at the Thanksgiving Program, magazines and other gifts online at Great American Opportunities, and finally, by hosting our every other year fundraiser, Party with a Purpose. This party would not have been possible without the dedicated work of Angela Fox and Michelle Majors. Because of the generous support of the Wichita Collegiate School community, Patrons of the Arts was able to raise over $20,000 during the 2012-2013 year. The following are several examples of how this money was used for our Fine Arts: • Lighting Board for Theatrical Services • Updated Music Technology Software for the Middle School • Cameras for different departments Special thanks go out to my board and Ruth Powell for her leadership. Your support was greatly appreciated and made my job easy. Thank you. Jennifer Reid Patrons of the Arts President 2012-2013



2012 - 2013




appy 50th birthday, WCS! What a great journey it has been and what an even brighter future lays ahead for this great school and community. As president of the Collegiate Alumni Board, I encourage and welcome all alumni to the wonderful events we have planned throughout this milestone year honoring our 50th anniversary.

President Jed Bond ’96



- Friday, October 18, 2013 – Homecoming Day & Alumni BBQ

President Elect Adam Kennedy ’00

- Saturday, October 19, 2013 – WCS All-Time Sports Banquet & Hall of Fame

Immediate Past President Patrick Ritchie ‘02

- Monday, October 21, 2013 – Collegiate Golf Classic

Out-of-Town Representatives Carrie Jablonski ‘94 Jewell Sparks ’88 Blaine Schultz ’89 Board Members Morgan Wilson Overman ’96 Phoebe Stokely Hart ’95 Mallory Jones Farha ’01 Shannon Mould Flack ’99 Aeramy Paulseen Porter ’93 Matt Maloney ’94 Brooke Stokely Finan ’92 Peter Onderick ’01 Jess Cornejo ’05 Jeff Boone ’94 Missy Tidwell Stevens ’96 Hannah Davis ’06 JK Dillehay ’02 Jason Kice ’96 Briana McAtee Peterson '01 Honorary Board Member Randy Love ’67 Faculty Representative Jamie Kennedy Former Faculty Representative Sarah Jervis Ex-Officio Members Tom Davis Bunny Hill Joan Siefkes Moore ’84 Lisa Schooler

- Saturday, April 26, 2014 – 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner & Dance - Friday-Saturday, May 2-3, 2014 – Fine Arts Celebration Weekend We will have a few changes this year. Homecoming will be bigger and better than ever. We will have a large tent on the practice field to the south of the stadium instead of its normal location in the Rounds. The food will be kabobs, there will be giveaways, games, and bouncy houses for the kids. All alumni and their families are invited. Our golf tournament fundraiser will be held at Crestview Country Club this year. It will start at noon instead of the morning start, and conclude with dinner and a silent auction. Please look for your invitation in the mail. We would like to have 100 golfers participate and have our biggest tournament in history to coincide with the 50th celebration. It’s going to be a big year, and it needs to be in order to follow the tremendous year the Alumni Board had this past year under the leadership of Patrick Ritchie. We had our biggest giving year ever by raising over $75,000 for the Alumni Endowment Fund. We want to keep that momentum going by setting a goal for this year of $90,000. I am confident we can do it with the great support we have from all alums around the country. As always, if you have any questions, would like to update your information, or make a contribution, please contact the development office at 316771-2222 or go online to www.wcsks. com and don’t forget to “like” Proba Te Dignum on facebook. Looking forward to a great 50th year! Sincerely, Jed Bond, Class of 1996 President, WCS Alumni Association

Vafa Behzadpour Southern Methodist University

Sophie Beren University of Pennsylvania


We would like to invite every WCS graduate to come back on campus for the 50th Anniversary Alumni BBQ! For those classes celebrating milestone years, please check below for contact information regarding class-specific gatherings. If you have any questions, please email Lisa Schooler at lschooler@wcsks.com.

Class of 1983 Robbie Egan University of Tulsa

Molly Haines Texas Christian University

class of 2013 agents Every year each class votes for fellow classmates who they feel would be the glue to hold their class together in years to come. The class agents are very important because they serve as a formal link between Collegiate and their class. We ask the class agents to help with the following:

• Keep in touch with classmates, providing new information about them to the school whenever possible.

• Be a contact and source of information for their classmates

about the school, especially during reunions and other big events.

• Participate in fundraising for the Alumni Endowment through phone-a-thons and annual mailings.

Laura Madison and Clare Vanderpool have contacted everyone in their class and are hoping for some takers.

Class of 1993

Save the date for our 20th reunion Homecoming Weekend, October 18-21. Please email lschooler@wcsks.com as soon as possible to notify us if you plan on attending so that we can plan accordingly based on the number of classmates returning.

Class of 1998

Save the date for our 15-year reunion Homecoming Weekend, October 18-21. Plans are in the works, but anyone interested in attending can email Chris Dakhil at cdakhil@gmail.com. Please check the Class of 1998 Facebook page as well.

Class of 2003

Jessica Elkouri Harroz and Ginger Fast are planning to have a class get together at Fox and Hound for drinks and food after the Homecoming football game on Friday evening. We'd love to see everyone from the Class of 2003 there!



the randy storms memorial • and reflection area • Please join the Collegiate community on Saturday, October 19 at 11:00 a.m. in the Quad as we dedicate the Randy Storms Memorial & Reflection Area. After the dedication, please join us for breakfast in the Alumni tent at the south end of the football field where we can enjoy Chris Cakes' pancakes and share memories of Randy and the early days of Collegiate.



On Sunday, February 3, a tragic automobile accident took the life of Randy Storms, his wife Suzy, and his faithful service dog Henley. Investigators suspect that a medical condition caused Randy to lose control of his vehicle. Word of the horrible accident spread, causing ripple effects of disbelief and sadness throughout Wichita and beyond, to all those who had the privilege of knowing this exceptional couple. On Randy's Facebook page, dozens of friends and colleagues shared memories of Randy and Suzy, and sadness at their loss. A memory wall was created at Great Harvest Bread Company, a frequent meeting place for Young Life. As Bunny Hill recently wrote, "Our hearts are broken over this untimely loss. Randy’s greatest gift was noticed early in his life, he loved everyone. The grace he exhibited throughout his life was evidence of an inner peace and love of God that he shone on anyone who crossed his path. His legacy of passion, love, and devotion remain with us as does the memory of his warm heart, ready smile, and love of WCS."


Complete the information below and detach and mail with your gift to: Wichita Collegiate School Attn: Lisa Schooler, Alumni Relations 9115 East 13th Street Wichita, Kansas 67206 Name Phone (h)

Address Phone(c)

City/ST Zip Email

Make checks payable to WCS or please charge to: MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover (circle one) exp. Card# Signature For more information contact Lisa Schooler at (316) 771-2222 or e-mail lschooler@wcsks.com

14th Annual WCS Golf Classic Monday, October 21, 2013 Crestview Country Club 1000 North 127th Street Wichita, Kansas

ENTRY FORM Enter as an individual, two or four-person team. Complete the information below, detach your entry, and mail with your payment to: Wichita Collegiate School Wichita Collegiate Golf Classic 9115 E. 13th Street Wichita, KS 67206 We want to play in this year’s tournament. Enclosed is the entry fee for player(s) @ $175= For tax purposes, donors may deduct $50.

I cannot play this year, but enclosed is a donation to help support the WCS Tuition Assistance Program. Name Address


Phone (h)



Make checks payable for full amount to Wichita Collegiate Golf Classic or please charge to: MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover (circle one) exp. Card#



Signature Entry Deadline is October 7, 2013



You are invited to join supporters of Wichita Collegiate School for a day of golf and fun with friends at Crestview Country Club. Entry fee includes green fees, cart, range balls, on-course refreshments, entry gift, an on-the-go lunch, a buffet dinner, and prizes for the top teams.

My team members are: Player # 2 Name Address Phone (h)




Format: Scramble

Player # 3

(rules of play will be handed out at registration)


Prizes: Special prizes for top teams.

Address Phone (h)

10:30………… Driving Range Opens 11:00………… Registration 12:00………… Tee Time 5:00 ………… Buffet Luncheon and Awards

The real winners will be the students of WCS. All proceeds help support the financial assistance program.




Player # 4 Name Address Phone (h)




Thank you for your participation!

For more information contact Lisa Schooler at (316) 771-2222 or e-mail lschooler@wcsks.com

Have you reserved a place in Collegiate’s history by purchasing an engraved brick with your name and graduating year? Please check the list of individuals who already have bricks below to see if your name is included. If not, this is the perfect opportunity as alumni who have built Collegiate’s history, especially as we embark on the 50th Anniversary of WCS.



1967 Pamela Brunson :: Kenneth Fast :: Randy Love :: Hale D. Ritchie, Jr. :: 1968 James Fair :: Karen Hohman :: Robert Love :: John Prechtel :: Thomas Pruit :: 1969 Anne Garvey :: Kerry Hocutt :: Jan Santoscoy :: Dirk Wormhoudt :: 1970 John Brewer :: Sally Cook :: Rebecca Elder :: Debra Mailey :: Michael Meacham :: Joe Rothwell :: 1971 Paul Brunson :: Victor Chesky :: Ridgley Denning :: Deborah Elwick :: Rod Isern :: Devon Rothwell :: Julie Wormhoudt :: 1972 Willy Chesky :: Jack Chesky :: Rebecca Gaudino :: Kathleen Munley :: Kay Womack :: 1973 Melody Fletcher :: Vicki Levi :: Pamela Mason :: Julie Sheppard :: Ellen Vanderburg :: 1974 Stephanie Cole :: Matthew Flynn :: Gregory Hampton :: Tara Seeley :: Tracy Seeley :: Steve Slawson :: 1975 Jennifer Blood :: Kristy Cosden :: Wayne Drevets :: Trish Ferree :: Mick Haugen :: Rennie Hopping :: Ronald Innes :: Jesse Marymont III :: Doug Rogers :: 1976 Grace Adam :: Raul Brito :: Thomas Brooks 1976 :: Martha Carey :: Eric Chesky :: Doug Drevets :: Jeff Mills :: Craig Slawson :: Bill Woolley :: 1977 Catherine Crittenden :: Steve Dunne :: Mark Hall :: Susan Hampton :: Sarah Humphreys Atkins :: Susan Leiter :: Michael Mullen :: Francis Podrebarac :: Kevin Reed :: 1978 Earl Anderson :: Stefanie Dolese :: Margaret Flynn :: Doran Gentry :: Lizanne Guthrie :: Lance Kirk :: John Marymont :: James Wells :: 1979 Amy Anderson :: Paul Attwater III :: Gil Blood :: Bob Gambrill III :: Karl Kraus :: John Lewis :: Steven Moore :: Louis Podrebarac :: Todd Slawson :: 1980 Trina Blood :: Barbara Bowers :: Todd Connell :: Heather Dugan :: Mary Lou Dunn-Rankin :: Theron Gandy :: James Hocutt :: Kevin McCoy :: Patrick Mullen :: Arnold Podrebarac :: David Rogers :: Kent Tracy :: Debbie Viscosi :: 1981 Brian Drevets :: Jelena Radovanov :: Sarah Tracy :: 1982 Barbara Anderson :: Elliott Glass :: Walter Lewis :: Nancy McCollum :: Jennifer Mull :: Piper Scholfield :: John Secrest :: Tiffany Whisler :: Edison Wong :: 1983 Carl Anderson :: Leslie Brett :: Ted Craig :: Laura Madison :: Jennifer Saltzman :: Scott Talbott :: 1984 Al Farha :: Mark Farha :: Sam Foster :: Linda Howerton :: Kent Kraus :: Joan Siefkes Moore :: Darrin Saffell :: Laura Steere :: 1985 Craig Halpern :: Allyson Hatfield :: Leslie Kornsgold :: Steven Laham :: Audra Lee :: Shari L. Male Powers :: Bill Nicholson :: Stephanie Price :: Whitney Rosenberg :: Terry Syler :: 1986 Lisa Campbell :: Dina D'Agostino :: Cliff Farha :: Todd Farha :: Elizabeth Gerhart :: Debby Kivett :: Sheila Krehbiel :: Laura Lott :: Brett Lyons :: Lisa Mashnouk :: Tom Morrison :: Jon E. Newman :: Tom Van Fleet :: 1987 Kerstin Anderson :: Daniel Day :: Stephen Lai :: Jay Mar :: Mike Murphy :: Carla Countryman Nichols :: Greg Seibel :: Steve Seibel :: Scott Stokdyk :: 1988 Brian Chi :: Bill Eastwood :: Andy Fields :: Ashley Lucas :: Marcus Maloney :: Tina Mondragon :: Angela O'Brien :: Becky Reed Farha :: Pam Sabolovic :: Andy Skubitz :: Jewell Strong-Sparks :: Kristen Tinker :: Dawn Yang :: 1989 Betsy Ackerman :: Chad Dyer :: Travis Jabara :: Christina Lai :: Kenn Ruby :: Lori Steiner :: Richard Stephenson :: Stephen Winfrey :: Catherine Wu :: Ann Zitterkopf :: 1990 Eric Ahlstrand :: Willard Chi :: Ray Cochener :: Cindy Cook :: Ric Crowder :: Lisel Fay :: Leah Fitzgerald :: Nicole Huffhines :: Tonya Paredes :: Jeff Pitt :: Peter Siwek :: Tim Yang :: 1991 Josh Cohen :: Allan Dunne :: Paula Fogelman :: Albert Pereira :: Matt Ritchie :: Ben Stevens :: 1992 John Andeel :: Linda Bean :: Robbie Becker :: Donna Cochener-Metcalfe :: Lon Davis :: David Day :: Chris Farmer :: Aaron Fields :: Brooke Finan :: Paul Galichia :: Sito Galvan :: Marc Havener :: Bob Henning :: Lisa Kim :: Andrew Kupersmith :: Brian O'Neal :: Ryan Patterson :: Sarah Sailor :: Jac Schulton :: Shane Shirley :: Cara Thome :: Ryan Tidemann :: Mike Triplett :: 1993 Aaron Arthur :: Carrie Bateman :: Benjamin Brown :: Lacey Bryan :: Rob Buettner :: Chris Clevenger :: Raj Goyle :: Lindsay Hambright :: Kallie Hapgood :: Sun-Young Hendrick :: Monay Lyles :: Adam McQueen :: Alissa Newton :: Matt Norton :: T.R. Overman :: Tina Patrick :: Greg Pimentel :: Aeramy Porter :: Jill Preston :: Joe Rotunda :: Brian Simmons :: Amy Stiglic :: Stephanie Turner :: Ben Zitterkopf :: 1994 Nick Bourke :: Jordan Bucher :: Brandon Chauncey :: Shayna Cook :: Rob Gehrer :: Phoebe Hart :: Hamilton Hill :: Carrie Jablonski :: Elizabeth Kakoyiannis :: Lori Kluzak :: Mike Lies :: Matt Maloney :: John Murphy :: Chris Pimentel :: Bobby Rasberry :: Becky Rolph :: Cash Shelton :: Darius Siwek :: Caci Thompson :: Josh Will :: Alicia Woo :: 1995 Sarah Austin :: Todd Carr :: Lacy Francisco :: Brian Henning :: Andy Hitz :: Jay Keyes :: Sarah Meyer :: Andy Miller :: Kim Pool :: Katie Ritchie White :: Melanie Simon :: Stephanie Spomer :: Brian Stembridge :: Meghan Sullivan :: Taryn Walsh :: 1996 Michael Abla :: Karen Adams :: Askia Ahmad :: Josh Anderson :: Jimmy Barker :: David Bateman :: Vignette Berkeley :: Kristen Bloom :: Jed Bond :: Nick Brown :: Mack Campbell :: Carrie Crawford :: James Crill :: Annie Etheredge :: DeAngelo Evans :: Sarah Finlayson :: Kristy Finnegan :: Ryan Francisco :: Gaylee Garroutte :: Mindy Gillis :: Steven Hipp :: Karen Ibay :: Natalie Kempton :: Roy Keyes :: Jason Kice :: Liz Knorr Counts :: Chase Koch :: Ann Linck :: Sarah Livesay :: Camie MichaudDrumright :: Michael O'Shaughnessy :: Logan Overman :: Morgan Overman :: Laura Patterson :: Brandon Paulseen :: Katie Pence :: Leia Pitcher :: Creath Pollak :: Mike Rothwell :: TJ Roush :: Oliver Sowards :: Mike Stevens :: Missy Stevens :: Ryan Stuckey :: Joe Talbot :: Deanna Ternes :: Alastair Walling :: Becky White :: Matt Wright :: 1997 Matt Alexander :: Candice Bassell :: Janelle Bible :: John Cochener :: Kelly Coleman :: Jessica Collins :: Rachelle Colombo :: Brooke Darrah :: Brian Docking :: Melissa Doeblin :: Maurice Evans :: Harrison Hill :: Chris Irby :: Chris Jablonski :: Preston Jones :: Jenny Kash :: Molly Kilby :: Laurel Knapp :: Jossie Krumsick :: Nicole Lander :: Lindsay Lurton :: Blaire Malkin :: Whitney Mamminga :: Courtney Marsh :: Lexi Michael :: Jenni Morse :: Jay Pilgreen :: Amy Rheem :: Jon D. Rolph :: Tyler Rowe :: Jay Rumisek :: Bric Schultz :: Mandy Shoaf :: Caroline Walling :: Lindsey Will :: Michael Yoon :: 1998 Allison Alter :: Staci Beamer :: Lindsey Brittain :: Stephen Christian :: Stephen Clark :: Tommy Curtin :: Chris Dakhil :: Michael DiPasquale :: Meredith DiPasquale :: Grant Fankhauser :: Chris Gehrer :: Aryne Henderson :: Scott Hilton :: Lauren Hitz :: Matt Irby :: Sarah Langrehr :: Megan Macken :: Tyler Milfeld :: Larry Miller :: Stephanie O'Gilvie :: Stephanie Pafume :: Katie Pierson :: Aramesh Raisdana :: Ashley Reed :: Alison Reynolds :: John Stewart :: Parker Stuckey :: Jessica Suhr :: Lori Trimailo :: Jeff Walenta :: Jake Wayne :: Melissa Wood :: Travis Wymer :: Tim Zepick :: John Ziegelmeyer III :: Azadeh Ziglari :: 1999 Lindsay Antikainen :: Kim Bahre :: Lindsay Beamer :: Josh Brown :: Bart Burcham :: Deanna Cochener :: Brett Davis :: Andre Freeman :: Heather Glidden :: Stefanie Grossmann :: Marlena Guettaf :: Elizabeth Henderson :: Schalie Johnson :: Megan Kastning :: Justin Kieffer :: Jessica Macari :: Andy Martin :: Kevin O'Gilvie :: Richard Olson :: Conor O'Shaughnessy :: Matt Overstake :: Scott Paxton :: Lindsey Penney :: Jane Pryor :: Tiffanie Rau :: Kathy Rukes :: Anirban Sensarma :: Brian Sercus ::

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Return this form and your check to: Wichita Collegiate School Attn: Lisa Schooler, Alumni Relations 9115 East 13th Street Wichita, Kansas 67206 For more information contact Lisa Schooler at (316) 771-2222 or e-mail lschooler@wcsks.com

Christina Shuart :: Kelly Stone :: Justin Turner :: Ruthie VanDever :: Stephen Weigand :: Jordan Womble :: 2000 Remy Ayesh :: Clare Blasi :: Andy Boyd :: Melanie DeMarce :: Anne Farrar :: Robin Fenn :: Tracy Gardner :: Brett Gehrer :: Erin Graver :: Ryan Halsey :: Melissa Hancock :: David Hilton :: Anthony Isaac :: James Jost :: Adam Kennedy :: James Knight :: Dave Koepsel :: Jason Kraus :: Ryan Kuhlman :: Taylor Ladner :: Alisha Levy :: Dawn Lindshield :: Nicola Lodes :: Lexi Malkin :: Melissa Mangan :: Kristen Marhaver :: Chris Mathewson :: Anna Medina :: Laura Monahan :: Alyssa Olivier :: Susannah Poole :: Alex Sappok :: Kelli Stembridge :: Sean Sullivan :: Pat Walsh :: Cody Wamsley :: Arielle Wichman :: Blane Williams :: Melinda Young :: 2001 Mrs. Hannah Adamson :: Teresa Affeldt :: Skylar Bellinger :: Blake Burcham :: Kristen Burge :: Jennifer Caro :: Chuck Chandler :: David Coe :: Matt Curtin :: Sarah Dicker :: Justin Elkouri :: Mallory Farha :: Banks Floodman :: Nick Handy :: Hannah Houlik :: Jon Jost :: Aaron Kraus :: Jill Lamoureux :: Chris Maugans :: David Morse :: Peter Onderick :: Trent Overman :: Austin Peterson :: Beau Phillips :: Alexis Phillips :: Casey Pickering :: Chris Porter :: Missy Rahmeier :: Cara Redding :: Evan Rosell :: Annie Shank :: Elliott Sowards :: Emily Stevens :: Brad Taylor :: Orlando Tregear :: Juli Vierthaler :: Kristin Weaver :: Kathryn Yost :: 2002 Adam Alter :: Stephanie Beamer :: Anthony Briani :: Aaron Brown :: Margaret Chang :: James Collins :: Dan Dakhil :: Audrey Davidson :: Jim Diego :: J. K. Dillehay :: Katie Elley :: Barbara Ann Estivo :: Kelsey Fowler :: Ilana Fromer :: Brian Gardner :: Joe Gehrer :: Anthony Giarratano :: Ashlee Green :: Katherine Healy :: Bryan Holmgren :: Lauren Jones :: Ashley Kalocinski :: Jake Kraft :: Joe Littler :: Peter Loo :: Becca Marsh :: Will Messamore :: Parker Mitchell :: Jeff Morgan :: Tim O'Shaughnessy :: Veronica Pastore :: Ryan Patton :: Chris Preboth :: Robby Ramseyer :: Andy Ritchie :: Patrick Ritchie :: Johnny Rothwell :: Julia Rumisek Riola :: Jessica Saidian :: Mary Strom :: Kevin Sullivan :: Priscilla Tan :: Allyson VinZant :: Lindsay Waples :: Jim Whitchurch :: Arezou Ziglari :: 2003 Vanessa Andrews :: Jackie Bailey :: Ruse Brown :: Laura Caldecott :: Clarke Carnahan :: Andrew Corum :: Carrie Cox :: Margery Docking :: Megan Frieze :: Caroline Gillespie :: Megan Greaves :: Jessica Harroz :: Natalie Houlik :: Sean Kennedy :: Jacquie Koepsel :: Katy McGinness :: Jessica Meister :: John Melhorn :: Julie Melhorn :: Ashley Rescot :: Robert Rice :: Jackie Risnear :: Scott Schriefer :: Zack Troilo :: Melissa Veldman :: Ben Watson :: Rachael Wenger :: Lauren Whalen :: Ali Wu :: 2004 Lauren Amos :: Astrid Basnier :: Ben Bloxham :: Doug Coe :: Taylor Dillehay :: Megan Dingwall :: Kevin Dishman :: Lael Falls :: Michael Fowler :: Regis Fox :: Tyler Gross :: Blakely Harman :: Chad Hensley :: Katie Hill :: Joe Isaac :: Julie Jenkins :: Parker Johnson :: Aimee Kilissanly :: Sam Littler :: Colleen Loo-Gross :: Zach Margolis :: Kate McCarren :: Kris Mehta :: Grant Mitchell :: Austin Moore :: Abby Pastore :: Katie Patton :: Mallory Ray :: Rachel Reinhardt :: Joey Ritchie :: Lauren Starbird :: Julianna Strickland :: John Thurlow :: 2005 Kevin Amos :: Stephanie Anderson :: Cole Anderson :: Trey Anderson :: Logan Anderson :: Adam Bakri :: Sarah Burch :: Ryan Carbrey :: Gerry Chang :: Jess Cornejo :: Christian Corrigan :: Seth Fromer :: Katie Futo :: Nicole Gilbride :: Missy Haines :: Bilal Hassan :: Tony Hays :: Omar Hosny :: Allie Howell :: Jordan Jones :: Case Keefer :: Joseph Kim :: Jacque Lumsden :: Sheree Lutz :: Sam Martin :: Holly Messamore :: Charlotte Myer :: Andy Mykel :: Will Patterson :: Scott Rosell :: Clark Scott :: Scottie Shapiro :: Spencer Sherman :: Emily Smith :: Maggie Spilman :: Lindsay Thurlow :: Chris Varenhorst :: Sarah Watson :: Chris Whitchurch :: Van Winter :: 2006 Alex Abel :: Lacy Adams :: Kristin Beehler :: Andrea Bogart :: Katie Bundy :: Ryan Christians :: Drew Cox :: Eileen Crowley :: Ryan Dingwall :: Ashley Elkouri :: Morgen Fisher :: Hanna Grene :: Justin Healy :: Sarah Healy :: Katelin Healy :: Preston Hershorn :: John Houlik :: Dane Jansson :: Evan Kilgore :: Chad Kozicki :: Ellie Kraft :: Alex Liow :: Alex Littler :: Lindsay Luinstra :: Michelle Monger :: Spencer Moore :: Josh Neff :: Steven Santana :: Malory Tangeman-Shaath :: Liz Thompson :: Jim Watson :: Nick Winter :: Alex Young :: 2007 Jordan Carney :: Ryley Clem :: Chelsea Cortez :: Todd Crippen :: Cooper Daves :: Juliana Elkouri :: Ben Farrell :: Dustin Ford :: Thomas Greaves :: Allison Harned :: Katie Hatfield :: Rose Healy :: Joseph Houlik :: Hayley Jansson :: Amy Johnson :: Vaughn Lower :: Robert McIntyre :: Tyler Moore :: Andrew Neel :: Kate O'Shaughnessy :: Catherine Patterson :: Brittany Peterson :: Grant Primm :: Alan Ramseyer :: Brad Ray :: David Reed :: Tommy Richardson, III :: Alex Rosell :: Jen Solis :: 2008 Devon Alford :: Katie Anderson :: Austin Bakri :: Jessica Ball :: Kendall Bitonte :: Chris Brito :: Scott Brooks :: Becky Cannon :: Liz Cannon :: Niki Caro :: Zach Cobble :: Clint Cornejo :: Ronnie Elkouri :: Mandy Felt :: Andrew Foulston :: Garrett Frankamp :: Dylan Holmes :: Steven Hutchinson II :: Carrie Johnson :: Chelsea Katan :: Kendal Lovett :: Maddie Lower :: Andrea McQueen :: Lauren Messamore :: Stephanie Pignatiello :: Ava Saidian :: Whitney Tangeman :: 2009 George Bachman II :: Corey Barragree :: Sara Christians :: Abby Clem :: Lauren Davis :: Kristen Dunn :: Clare Healy :: Emily Hoffman :: Craig Howell :: Matthew Hutchinson :: Devin Keith :: Morgan Lovett :: Michael McGuire :: Logan Moore :: Kerri Peterson :: Maddie Ritchie :: Hanna Robertson :: Alex Schooler :: Colin Stephens :: Bailey Taylor :: Rebecca Waisner :: 2010 Lauren Adams :: Meg Copher :: Bryce Cornejo :: George Elkouri :: Jon Ellis :: Morgan Feist :: Lucca Grene :: Blake Jablonski :: Arianna Johnson :: Mike Katan :: Wyatt Kesler :: Brett LeMaster :: Clint Lett :: Ashley Mann :: Mariah Moxley :: Gus Myer :: Carley Nelson :: Kamri Phox :: Christi Pignatiello :: Brandon Searle :: Peter Smith :: Brandon Somerhalder :: Tyler Vincent :: Andrew Woolley :: Elaheh Ziglari :: 2011 Paul Abromeit :: Weston Arnel :: Chase Atnip :: Conner Barragree :: Eben Bitonte :: Max Craddock :: Natalie Farha :: Holden Gibson :: Kathleen Haines :: Ellen Healy :: Anna Horner :: Amanda Johnson :: Abby Kelemen :: Rachel Klingenberg :: Bon Ick Ku :: Brendan Lowden :: Adam Lower :: Ryan Oehmke :: Cooper Rowe :: Stefanie Saathoff :: Regan Sherwood :: Parker Smitherman :: Allan Spencer :: Parker Tatro :: Hannah Wolansky :: Ashia Woods :: 2012 Zach Alvarez :: Collin Devlin :: Andrew Elkouri :: Clay Holden :: Grace LeMaster :: Sydney Lower :: Hunter Morris :: Harrison Morris :: Drew Naron :: Giovanni Pavetto :: Torrie Rupe :: Sophia Rush :: Huy Tran :: Hayley Worth :: 2013 Sophie Beren :: Dylan Bridwell :: Macrina Castrisos :: Keli Dunn :: Nicole Farha :: Hassan Farhoud :: Ms. Lindsay Funke :: Molly Haines :: Sam Horner :: Daniel Hullings :: Faith Kim :: Maddie Lett :: Mary Meeker :: Nigel Murphy :: Kate Nelson :: Ellen Oehmke :: Markus Phox :: Connor Robertson :: Spenser Schooler :: Jack Stewart :: Israel Taylor :: Alex Waldeck :: Katherine Walker :: Dusty Youngman ::



Class of 1981

Michael Sharma-Crawford and his wife have been practicing immigration removal defense for 10 years. In January of 2012, we began a non-profit organization to provide removal defense to indigent non-citizens (a resource that was unavailable until the clinic was opened).

Class of 1988

Ashley Lucas received tenure at Towson University. In the past year she has seen Ashley Smith '88 after his performance at the Shakespeare Theatre Company, Liz Fowler '85 and Galen Fowler '87 at an alumni event in DC, and Ann Zitterkopf '89 in London last summer.



On April 12, 2013 five members of the class of 1988 met in Savannah, Georgia for a girls' weekend. Kim Kice Adams, Becky Reed Farha, Kelly McCormick Kohen, Marietta Lonneke Wetzel, and Kristen Male Tinker enjoyed a weekend of touring, spa services, and yummy food. They're anxiously planning their next rendezvous!

Class of 1991

Paula Garroutte married Dr. David Fogelman on Sunday, May 26.

Class of 1994

Dustin Slater and wife Jennifer welcomed Luke Alexander Slater on March 20, 2013. He joins brothers Owen and Preston and sister Juliet.

Class of 1995

Matt Kuzma is still Director of Operations for GrubHub, a restaurant takeout website that serves 20,000 restaurants nationwide--and now ten in Wichita! His golf game is getting better, but his soccer skills aren't. Cindy is a science writer with a feature story about the Boston Marathon in the July issue of Runners World magazine. Cindy finished the marathon before the bomb went off. She and Matt were near the scene, but were not harmed.

Erin Hansen Kobler and her husband, Craig, welcomed their second son, Declan George Edward Kobler on January 18, 2013. Their eldest son, Jakob Miller Kobler, was born on August 10,2010. Declan was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 inches long. The Koblers live in Kansas City, Missouri, where Erin works as a Senior Attorney at Hallmark Cards.

Class of 1999

Lindsay Antikainen and husband Michael welcomed their third child, Carter Thomas Antikainen, on March 28, 2013.

Justin Kieffer married Randi Greenberg in Washington, D.C. on April 27, 2013, and now reside in Arlington, Virginia. Justin is currently the Senior Communications Specialist for the Architect of the Capitol, and Randi is the Chief of Staff for the Law Enforcement Systems and Analysis Division with the Department of Homeland Security. Justin and Randi met playing softball and continue to play on two teams together. Melissa Kasten McKillop and her husband of 5 years, Bradley, just celebrated the birth of their first child on April 25, 2013. Paige Evette was born weighing 6 pounds, 15 ounces and measured 20 inches long. Baby and parents are all doing fine. The happy family currently lives in a suburb of Houston, Texas, where Melissa works as an accountant and will shortly be receiving her CPA certification.

Class of 2000

Nicola Lodes and husband Brian welcomed Alexander Brian Lodes on May 6, 2013. He joins big sister Leah, who is now 2. Melissa Anderson married J. Brandon Hancock on March 23, 2013 in Palm Desert, California. The couple reside in Dallas, where Melissa is a marketing communications manager at Texas Instruments and Brandon is a real estate developer. Kristen Marhaver was chosen as a TED Fellow in 2012 and traveled to Scotland to give a TED Talk. In June 2013, she was chosen as a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow to continue her work on coral larvae and reef ecology. Kristen and her boyfriend live on Curacao, where they mentor students, advise visiting scientists, and donate blood to mosquitoes at the Carmabi Research Station.

The WCS Alumni has its own Facebook page. Please join by opening www.facebook.com and searching for Proba Te Dignum! Watch for events posted on this site!

Class of 2002

Johnny Rothwell, wife Casey, and son Pierce welcomed Jude William Rothwell on March 20, 2013. Jude is Devon '71 and Joe '70 Rothwell's sixth grandson! Peter Isaac was engaged to Georgia Walter on Memorial Day Weekend. The couple resides in Chicago and is planning a wedding next spring in Chicago. Pete is in his seventh year with Bailsford and Dunlavey, a real estate consulting firm specializing in campus development for colleges and universities.

Class of 2004

Peter Orsi was promoted to the rank of Captain in the Air Force. Mary Elizabeth Ward recently got engaged to Jason Frels, her boyfriend of five years, and is planning a November wedding in their new home of Denver, Colorado. page

Class of 2005


Scott Rosell is engaged to Katie Grelinger. They are planning an October 2013 wedding.

Class of 2006

Dane Jansson received a medal after his tour of duty in Kabul was over. He is now in Germany at Ramstein Air Base.

Michelle Monger became engaged to her partner, Alicia Edgar, and will marry in July 2014 in New York City. Currently, she is teaching science in the NYC Department of Education, and Alicia is an art teacher in Great Neck, Long Island.

Class of 2009

Kerri Peterson is engaged to Forrest Parr of Houston, Texas. They enjoyed a July 2013 wedding in Wichita. In a beautiful backyard setting of twinkling lights, Forrest surprised Kerri with an engagement proposal.

SAVE THE DATES! October 18-21 50th Anniversary Homecoming Weekend october 18 5:30 pm Alumni Dinner 6:15 pm Floats 7:00 pm Game Time October 19 11:00 am Dedication of the Randy Storms Memorial and Reflection Area followed by a Chris Cakes Breakfast WCS All-Time Sports Banquet october 20 Dave Hawley's Alumni Tennis Tournament October 21 14th Annual WCS Collegiate Golf Classic 12:00 pm Tee Time 5:00 pm Dinner February 19 Mentor Breakfast April 25 Alumni Achievement Award and Circle of Gold Assembly April 26 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner & Dance May 2-3 Fine Arts Celebration Weekend

9115 E. 13th Street | Wichita, KS 67206 (316) 634-0433 | wichitacollegiate.com Return Service Requested

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