WCS Capital Campaign

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When schools flourish, all flourishes.” -Martin Luther Wisdom. Discernment. Truth. Prayer. And an abiding faith and trust in our Lord. These tenets are taught daily to our students. They also are sought by our administration regarding how best to lead our beloved school each and every day. As we seek to flourish, grow and realize our full potential, now and for generations to come, a plan is required – one that is reasonable in scope, compelling in nature, and beckons our collective, steadfast commitment to its success. This is our roadmap. WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

Today presents an exciting opportunity – one that, when realized, will usher in a new era for Worthington Christian Schools. Prayerfully join us as we humbly and faithfully move Forward. Together.

Since its inception, Worthington Christian Schools has stayed true to a single, enduring promise – to provide a rigorous education that is distinctively Christian. Now, 42 years later and with much success, there is reason to renew that promise. Our foundation is solid and our commitment to success is unwavering. Yet there are certain realities of a 21st century education that demand our attention. To move forward – and to ensure future generations enjoy similar achievements – we must address the

issues that will help us define future success, namely our commitment to students and faculty, emphasis on academic rigor, and focus on right-fit facilities and technology. We are at capacity. We have reached our tipping point.

Now we’re ready to move. Forward. WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

How we achieve what’s next for WCS matters.

It’s not an us or them proposition. Collaboration is crucial.


This is about what “we” can do as a community of believers from dozens of church backgrounds.

Believing in and acting upon what’s necessary and possible. Together.

PASSION to teach, engage, and transform

PURPOSE to prepare and equip


PROMISE to fulfill within each student

The passion our teachers have for their craft and for our kids is contagious. As a school, it is our job to foster that passion and stoke the fire within every teacher. Our teachers have made many sacrifices in committing to our school. Through Forward. Together. we address real issues that matter most to those who teach. Specifically we will: • Create fully equipped, subject-specific classroom environments to enhance teaching • Foster collaboration through a campus design that brings teachers together versus scattered across multiple locations/buildings


We are building upon a legacy of extraordinary teaching as we also work to retain and attract best-fit faculty and staff for generations to come. There is no doubt that WCS is defined by its people. Our aim is straightforward: to solidify WCS as an exemplary place for teachers to mold young lives.


Rigor & real-world relevance WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

Forward. Together. provides our teachers with greater instructional capability and depth, as well as the confidence of knowing that what they teach and how they teach it can make a profound difference.

A 21st century education cannot solely rely on the tools and approaches deemed acceptable in the 20th century. Rapid technology advancements impact how students learn and influence how teachers can best present course material. The combination of proper environments, up-to-date tools, and the accelerated depths in which teachers can take their students, are all critical in preparing them for the next chapters of life. Forward. Together. will allow us to strengthen and enhance the academic experience by: • Improving our libraries and media resources for all students • Providing relevant technology that expands and accelerates student experiences with emphasis on the sciences, media and the arts • Creating science-specific laboratories and technology labs that significantly expand teaching capabilities and learning opportunities • Addressing school security and safety that's expected with a 21st century education


Fearfully & wonderfully made WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 Certainly there are no promises or guarantees as to who our children ultimately will become or the heights to which they might soar. The Lord is constantly at work in everyone who embraces His teaching. Proverbs 22 tells us there is a way they should go, and as a Christian school this is where we must excel. Our job is to ensure that our students are fully equipped to intellectually engage and vocationally compete in a rapidly changing world. But we are also charged with preparing them to stand strong spiritually in a secular world. Our focus is on the whole student – mind, body and spirit – and to help each student fully appreciate not only what God has created, but who He has created them to be. It is why Forward. Together. emphasizes the critical importance of a robust student experience.


“We’re big enough to matter yet small enough to love abundantly by name.” This comes straight from the mouths of our faculty and begins to tell the story of “opportunities per student.” With 948 students, we are the largest Christian school in the region and among the biggest in Ohio. However, the relationships we foster and trust we build with students make our school immensely intimate. Students are encouraged to pursue their intellectual, creative and athletic interests through more than 50 opportunities spanning from math club to mixed choir, basketball to bookmaking, and strings to Lego League. Through hands-on curiosity and exploration, as well as competition and collaboration, our students can find their passion and unlock their potential.


Forward. Together. puts thoughtful emphasis on our student opportunities by providing right-fit environments and tools for specialized arts and sciences, all of which amplify the learning experience and grow the extraordinary number of opportunities available to students for a school our size.

Robust student experiences WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

Honors: English, Biology, Anatomy, Chemistry, Pre-Calculus

Opportunities breed confidence At WCS, opportunity is for the taking. Meet some of our recent alumni who say that the opportunities they were afforded at Worthington Christian gave them the confidence to dream big and tackle new challenges.



Advanced Placement: English, Calculus, Spanish 5

National Honor Society

Spring Musical A Cappella Choir

Internship Academy

Elected Homecoming Queen

Making a difference one life at a time Madison Mikhail, 2010 With a degree in biology from Capital University, Madison’s career trajectory had medicine written all over it. But an idea she scribbled in a 7th grade notebook for a charity hub kept calling her to entrepreneurship. Now the founder and CEO of ONELIFE and its mobile app POINT, Madison is working to build and enhance a digital charity portal that makes it easier to give and make an impact in the lives of others. She acknowledges her WCS teachers for influencing her career path, affording her leadership opportunities, and encouraging her to take a startup idea from concept to reality.

National Honor Society


Honors: Biology, English, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology


National Honor Society

Honors: Biology, English, Chemistry, Physics, Pre-Calculus, Creative Writing

Math Club Choir Drawing

Student Council

Tennis Yearbook

Advanced Placement: English, U.S. History


Advanced Placement: English, U.S. History, Calculus, Spanish 5


Aligning passion and purpose Andrew Rickly, 2013

Finding her platform Joy Cho, 2013

A gymnast since the age of three, Andrew’s lifelong passion has him on the cusp of incredible heights as a collegiate gymnast and, potentially, a member of the U.S. Men’s Gymnastics Team. Outside the gym, his passion met purpose when he began to pursue exercise science at Ohio State – an educational track that fits with the countless hours he puts into training. He points back to WCS and Dawn McMahon’s anatomy and physiology class, which indirectly helped him make this poignant connection. In doing so, Andrew is perfectly poised to inspire others as a follower of Christ, an accomplished gymnast, and a future professional by helping them find purpose in their passion.

Voted most likely to become the President of the United States her senior year, it is not out of the question that Joy could be on her way to affirming that vote. Her political interests were piqued in her WCS government class and confirmed later as a participant at Girls State. Those experiences have led her toward a political science major at the University of Chicago where she also pens a weekend column for the school paper. Joy credits her involvement with WCS clubs, activities, and the academic rigor of honors and AP classes that, in her words, “has me far better prepared for the rigors of college studies than my classmates.”


Facilities should not limit the potential of teaching and student learning. That said, what we are able to teach, and the real impact on student potential, is limited by our current facilities.� Troy McIntosh, Head of School Worthington Christian Schools


Intelligently designed Central to raising the bar for a Worthington Christian education and experience is making sure the environment is ideal for teaching and learning. Right-fit environments shouldn’t be extravagant or indulgent – just well thought out. Forward. Together. presents how a smart consolidation, configuration, and expansion of our facilities can enhance and sustain the WCS experience for the next 40 years. Proposed Upper School

Proposed Lower School Facilities


Proposed Upper School Media Center

Approaching the design of our Upper School and Lower School buildings represents an exercise in reimagining and repurposing, not simply rebuilding. They have solid footprints from which to build upon and expand from as we prepare to breathe new life into our schools. Focused attention to necessity and function, as well as prudent cost containment, ensures that we have created a thoughtful plan to transform our buildings into exceptional learning environments.

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Current WCES campus




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High Street

Our commitment to good stewardship

61% of WCS students commute from the north The primary reason families leave the elementary school or choose a different school is the length of the commute. PROBLEM SOLVED.

Current Current Campus Campus Structure Structure Elementary School Built in 1923 as Homedale Elementary Elementary Elementary and closed in 1977, the current facilities SchoolSchool were acquired in 1980. Lack of physical education and library space, an aging infrastructure, and a location that is not aligned with our demographics are all challenges of the current facility. Modular Modular Classrooms Classrooms Middle School Facilities currently consist of “temporary” modular buildings and trailers that have been in use for 23 years. The outdated design does not take into account school HogueHogue CenterCenter security needs and requires students to move between three buildings. Having exceeded their suitability, these modulars also lack adequate space for science Intervention Intervention labs and libraries, and can no longer Trailer Trailer accommodate additional enrollment. High School The high school was designed and built by WCS in 1973 as a K–12 school and became the high school in 1982. As such, facilities are inadequate in meeting high school High School High School curriculum needs – from lab space, gymnasiums and even restrooms. Students must also attend classes housed in the Administrative Center across the street, Admin.Admin. creating safety issues. Student athletes CenterCenter must travel to our middle school campus for after-school sports.


New Campus New Campus Structure Structure



























LowerLower SchoolSchool Grades Grades K–6K–6

UpperUpper SchoolSchool Grades Grades 7 – 12 7 – 12

Lower School Our kindergarten classrooms will relocate to the Administration Center while our 1st through 6th graders return to the site of our current high school, a facility that is ideally suited for these young learners. We will make renovations and create new spaces that complement the building’s original footprint. These enhancements, coupled with a centralized location that better accommodates our families, will help us grow our Lower School enrollment.

Upper School Our Upper School brings 7th through 12th graders to the same location. New and permanent classroom space that builds off the original footprint will be designed to meet the scientific and technological needs of a 21st century education. Proximity to athletic facilities means our student athletes can remain on campus just as all other students partaking in cocurricular activities can be assured of being in one centralized location.

Lower School Students in grades 1-6 will return to our original school building currently housing high school students on Worthington-Galena Road. The new Lower School will benefit from additions that create approximately one-third more instructional space to the school.

Nearly 30% more Modifications place the safety of our instructional space

students at the forefront, and additions to the school fully address a key safety concern as children will no longer need to cross the street to attend classes at the Administration Center.

Dedicated art room

Dedicated music room

Expanded commons area

Repurposing this building to meet the needs of our Lower School is a smart use of space while also proving more convenient for our school’s families.

Existing Classrooms New Classrooms Administrative Food Service Restrooms Physical Education Existing Facilities WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

Stairs K LOWER SCHOOL FOOTPRINT 14,482 square feet: Existing instructional space 7,400* square feet: New instructional space 11,000* square feet: Total amount of new construction




Dedicated art room

Nearly 30% more instructional space



Commons area




Dedicated music room KINDERGARTEN Expanded Our youngest will receive their own dedicated learning commonslearners area

space on our Lower Campus. All kindergarten classrooms will be relocated to a remodeled lower level of the Administrative Center where they feed into a carpeted common area that is ideal for group collaboration and recreation. Already a highly secure building, the relocation of kindergarten to the Administrative Center also enhances student safety as it eliminates any need for students to cross Worthington-Galena Road. *figures are approximate and may be subject to change


cker oms

Upper School

Media Center

Media Center For the first time ever, our Upper School will house all of our

Second Floor

students in 7th through 12th grade in one, interconnected facility specifically designed with their academic needs in mind. Our Upper School expands the footprint that currently exists at our middle school facility and retires the modular buildings forever. While our standard classrooms are designed to be interchangeable and allow any subject to be taught in the space, the Upper School also delivers upon a clear and pressing need – arts-focused and science-specific classrooms that afford in-depth exploration and hands-on learning of these disciplines.

First Floor

Further, the proximity of our Upper School to our full slate of athleticExpanded facilities means students no longer need to travel between FoodtoService campuses participate in their after-school activities. Through these intelligent design considerations, our Upper School expands academic opportunities, builds a tighter school Science Science community, and helps to foster a growing sense of school pride.


Science UPPER SCHOOL FOOTPRINT 6,130 square feet: Existing instructional space (middle school, excluding modular buildings) 24,600* square feet: Newly acquired instructional space through reconfiguration & construction 50,000* square feet: Total amount of new construction



*figures are approximate and may be subject to change


Warrior Walk

Expanded Food Service Locker Rooms





Weight Room

Locker Rooms

Existing Classrooms New Classrooms Administrative Food Service Restrooms Physical Education Existing Facilities


Community happens here. Expanded 1,200-seat stands

Expanded seating for visitors

New press box

Warrior Walk

The field is one place our students get to perform and represent our school after countless hours of practice and preparation with coaches. It is also where devoted parents, fellow students and fans of the game gather and bond as a strong body of support – one that ultimately becomes an intimate and undeniable community.

New artificial turf

New ticket booth New concessions and restrooms WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

Due to increasing usage for athletics and student activities, we have taken a closer look at our outdoor athletic facilities to ensure that where our athletes come to play – and where our community gathers to cheer them on – is fully accessible and highly durable.

Through Forward. Together. we will make necessary improvements to the athletic complex on our Upper School campus including: • Upgrading and adding stadium bleachers to accommodate more members of our community and to ensure access is ADA compliant • Building permanent facilities to replace temporary toilets and trailer concessions


• Installing field turf that is able to withstand excessive seasonal use with proper drainage; this will ensure consistent playing conditions and help minimize the risk of player injury

Media Center Expansion Retire middle school temporary modular buildings Arts suite

Science-specific laboratories and prep rooms


Kiln room


square feet of new Upper School space

Upper School Instrumental and vocal practice rooms

Instrument storage facilities WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS


square feet of new Lower School space

Upgrading classroom technology


Lower School

More course offerings: increasing academic rigor

More “opportunities per student” than any other Christian school in central Ohio

Stronger and more competitive compensation package to benefit our faculty & staff

Safe + Secure

Eliminating the need for students to move from buildingto-building or cross Worthington-Galena Road


Modernizing building security

Grow to 1,200. This is our optimal school size, which affords us to say “yes” to 250 more students seeking our distinctively Christian education As enrollment increases, so too will our revenue. With increased school revenue we will be able to: Expand our course offerings to Upper School students Make greater investments in teacher compensation, training and development Attract and retain the best faculty and staff

In Christ, we’re not alone. In community, we also are not alone. As we come together, we can more clearly see how our tight-knit community is working to glorify God and lift up our children. The opportunity before us, and the inspiration that will propel us, is evident.






Three become two

Consolidation of campuses to an Upper School and Lower School

Forward. Together. represents our first-ever, school-only campaign. WCS was founded by Grace Polaris Church in 1973 and continues to be a ministry partner. However, in 2010 restructuring took place enabling WCS to be recognized as its own 501(c)3 for both legal and financial reasons. Today our student body represents children whose families attend 150-plus area churches. More than ever before, WCS enjoys a broader community reach and reflects the greater diversity of the kingdom.


• Upper School and Lower School cultivate stronger identity among students and staff • Self-sufficient campuses with no need to move students or teachers between buildings • Upper School students have sports and after-school activities on site • Advantages for parents transporting children between two close campuses versus three • Economic benefit of one less campus to maintain

150+ churches:

one body of Christ Our student body represents greater kingdom diversity than ever before

Athletic complex for competition & community

• Improves field of play where teams compete and individual life lessons play out • Provides optimal field conditions for eight different middle school, junior varsity and varsity boys and girls teams • Enhances facilities that host and foster community togetherness • A tangible asset rooted in school pride

Stronger collaboration • New configuration provides opportunities to meet, plan and share together • Ability for WCS administrative staff to more easily connect and partner with faculty on two nearby campuses • Dedicated spaces for teachers beyond the classroom WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

We have an opportunity to do something great for all the right reasons. WORTHINGTON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS

Let’s make a difference. Together. Our plan is established. Our path is clear. And now we are prepared to embark on a journey that will transform Worthington Christian. But we can’t go it alone. What comes next requires the power of many. It needs all of us moving forward, arm-in-arm and in lock-step together.

“We love these kids. This is for them.” David O’Roark WCS Drama Teacher

“There are very few schools, other than WCS, where you will find a better balance of commitment to excellence in education, compassion for the student and an open, bold love for the Lord that permeates the academics as well as student life in general.” Sonya Valentine WCS Parent


“WCS helped fulfill in me one of my most loved promises: start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. I am incredibly grateful for the role WCS played in my life as I share this same promise with my children today.” Kelly O’Connor Davis WCS Class of ’87

“There are many worthwhile organizations we can give to and many things that are clamoring for our attention and dollar. But we can’t think of anything more worthwhile, with a stronger return on investment, than investing in the lives of children and molding them in Christ’s likeness.” Michael and Achea Redd WCS Parents

Opportunity awaits. Let’s get started. Connect

Schedule a time to meet or discuss Forward. Together. and your interest in playing a vital role in its success. Call or email the Office of Advancement at 614-410-4231 or together@worthingtonchristian.com.



For the benefit of our children and the impact they will have on the world as a result of our distinctively Christian education, we are asking that you prayerfully consider making a three- to five-year pledge to help move our school forward.


Help us tell the Forward. Together. story by sharing your own passion for and commitment to this important initiative. Connect with the Office of Advancement to discuss ways you can become involved.


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