02.07.2022 FAC Reighley

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FACULTY RECITAL Kimberly Reighley, flute, baroque flute, piccolo


PROGRAM CINQUIÈME SUITE IN B MINOR, OP. 35 .................................... Joseph Bodin de Boismortier Prélude (1689-1755) Bourrée en Rondeau Rondeau: Gracieusement Fantaisie: Vivement Gigue

Kimberly Reighley, baroque flute FANMI IMÈN, POEM FOR FLUTE AND PIANO ................................................Valerie Coleman (b. 1970)

Kimberly Reighley, flute Lotus Cheng, piano

STEAM!, DUET FOR FLUTE AND BB CLARINET .......................................Chelsea Komschlies The Inventor’s Workshop (b. 1991) Rusty Cogs and Filigree Clockwork Flying Machine

Kimberly Reighley, flute Karen Dannessa, clarinet

PARADISE FOR PICCOLO AND PIANO .............................................................. Stephen Hough (b. 1961)

Kimberly Reighley, piccolo Lotus Cheng, piano

MOMENTS FOR FLUTE AND PIANO, OP. 47 ................................................Robert Muczynski Allegro (1929-2010) Andante sostenuto Allegro con spirito

Kimberly Reighley, flute Lotus Cheng, piano

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PROGRAM NOTES Cinquième Suite in b minor, Op. 35 - Joseph Bodin de Boismortier Boismortier’s Six Opus 35 Suites were first published in 1731 in Paris. In a short note on the title page, the composer states that these suites are provided with all the necessary ornaments, however, this performer chose to include a bit more “decoration” for additional brilliance as would be the prerogative of the 18th century performer. Fanmi Imèn – Valerie Coleman From the composer….. The title, Fanmi Imèn is Haitian Creole for Maya Angelou’s famous work, Human Family. Both the musical and literary poems acknowledge the differences within mankind, either due to ethnicity, background, or geography, but Angelou’s refrain: “we are more alike, my friends, than we are unlike,” reaffirms our humanity as a reminder of unity. Coleman’s work draws inspiration from French flute music blending with an underlying pentatonicism found in Asian traditions, a caravan through Middle Eastern parts of the world merging with Flamenco, and an upbeat journey southward into Africa with the sounds of Kalimba (thumb piano). Fanmi Imèn was commissioned by the National Flute Association for its 2019 High School Soloist Competition. I note the obvious differences In the human family. Some of us are serious, Some thrive on comedy. Some declare their lives are lived As true profundity, And others claim they really live The real reality. The variety of our skin tones Can confuse, bemuse, delight, Brown and pink and beige and purple, Tan and blue and white. I've sailed upon the seven seas And stopped in every land, I've seen the wonders of the world Not yet one common man. I know ten thousand women Called Jane and Mary Jane, But I've not seen any two Who really were the same.

Mirror twins are different Although their features jibe, And lovers think quite different thoughts While lying side by side. We love and lose in China, We weep on England's moors, And laugh and moan in Guinea, And thrive on Spanish shores. We seek success in Finland, Are born and die in Maine. In minor ways we differ, In major we're the same. I note the obvious differences Between each sort and type, But we are more alike, my friends, Than we are unalike. We are more alike, my friends, Than we are unalike. We are more alike, my friends, Than we are unalike. Maya Angelou

Steam! – Chelsea Komschlies From the composer….. Steam takes the listener into a whimsical fantasy world in which an eccentric inventor is creating a flying machine. The melodies and rhythms found throughout the piece are designed to feel awkward and uncanny, yet at the same time fun and endearing. The first movement takes listeners inside the inventor’s workshop where they can find all of the unusual tools and contraptions that live there. The second movement paints a picture of the inventor as a well-to-do gentleman who is also a bit eccentric by taking a tonal melody and distorting it to fit inside an octatonic framework. The third movement portrays a complex yet slightyly slunky contraption through rhythmic intricacies and the use of such gestures as clarinet squeaks, extreme jumps in register, and breathy flute harmonics. The fourth movement evokes the inventor’s feelings as he takes his new flying machine out for a spin. Paradise – Stephen Hough From the composer….. I was delighted to be asked to write the test piece for the 2016 National Flute Association Piccolo Artist Competition. But within minutes of accepting the commission I had decided to try to find a different path for this most stereotyped instrument. I wanted to allow this joker, the clown, this pixie, the one who always takes a supporting role, to become the romantic lead. No longer tied to shrieking virtuosic roulades or piercing, stiletto shadows above its larger sibling, I wanted to give the piccolo the chance to play the passionate hero. ‘Paradise’ in this piece suggests a place where the ecstatic, the erotic, and the spiritual meet. The first two of these qualities alternate in the first two sections but after the main climax all gradually becomes calm and the final, third section is all written on white notes: a spiritual paradise beyond the clouds in the clearest sky. Moments – Robert Muczynski From the composer….. The first movement opens with the flute presenting a jaunty subject of wide intervals punctuated by piano chords. Following this interplay, the music arrives at an Adagio section of expressive character, both wistful and introspective. A sudden shift in tempo brings back the pulsating Allegro in modified form and after a brief development the meter changes to 6/8 (coda), carrying the movement to a forceful conclusion. A brief statement assigned to solo piano introduces the central movement. Flute and piano then share in music both elegiac and reflective until arriving at a sunny theme in 5/8 meter. From this point forward the music gains in intensity leading to an accelerating flute solo which establishes (attacca) the tempo for the final movement. The Allegro con spirito takes off in rondo form. While there are a few dark moments along the way, they are quickly dispelled as the work concludes in a jubilant flourish.

UPCOMING WELLS SCHOOL OF MUSIC EVENTS For full event details visit wcupa.edu/music or call (610) 436-2739 Tuesday, February 8, 2022, 8:15 PM New Music Series Concert ft. NOW Society Jacob Cooper & Van Stiefel, directors Ware Family Recital Hall Swope Music Building

Sunday, February 13, 2022, 3:00 PM Concert Choir Concert David P. DeVenney, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Sunday, February 20, 2022, 3:00 PM Mastersingers Concert Ryan Kelly, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Sunday, February 20, 2022, 7:00 PM Symphony Orchestra: Irving H. Cohen Memorial & Concerto Winners' Concert Joseph Caminiti, director Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall Philips Memorial Building

Monday, February 21, 2022, 8:15 PM Global Music Residency Program Guest Lecture by Gamin Heidi Lee, faculty liaison Ware Family Recital Hall Swope Music Building

Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 8:15 PM Chamber Winds & Concert Band Concert Andrew Yozviak & Adam Gumble, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Thursday, February 24, 2022, 8:15 PM Global Music Residency Program Concert by Guest Artist Gamin, WCU Faculty, and Students Heidi Lee, director Ware Family Recital Hall Swope Music Building

Saturday, February 26, 2022, 7:30 PM 3rd Annual Orchestra Festival Concert Joseph Caminiti, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

*Tickets required for this event.

Events at the Wells School of Music are often supported by individual donors and organizations. Contributions to the Wells School of Music may be made out to: WCU Foundation, 202 Carter Drive, West Chester, PA 19382 Please include “Wells School of Music Excellence Fund” in the memo line. For further information, please call (610) 436-2868 or visit wcufoundation.org A majority of performances are available to watch via live stream at Facebook.com/WellsSchoolofMusic and Vimeo.com/WSOM Mr. Robert Rust, Audio & Visual Technician Steinway & Sons Piano Technical, Tuning and Concert Preparations by Gerald P. Cousins, RPT If you do not intend to save your program, please recycle it in the baskets at the exit doors.

The Wells School of Music | West Chester University of Pennsylvania Dr. Christopher Hanning, Dean

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