02.20.2022 ENS Mastersingers

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Coronations MASTERSINGERS Ryan Kelly, Director



Today’s concert features music performed in honor of the coronations of King George II and Queen Elizabeth II. King George II reigned Great Britain and Ireland from 1727-1760. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned ruler of the United Kingdom in 1952. She celebrated her platinum jubilee on February 6, 2022 and is the longest reigning British monarch in history.

PROGRAM CORONATION ANTHEM, HWV 259 ......................................................................G. F. Handel (1685-1759) I. Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened II. Let Justice and Judgment III. Alleluia CORONATION ANTHEM, HWV 261 I. II. III. IV.

My Heart Is Inditing King’s Daughters Upon Thy Right Hand Kings Shall Be Thy Nursing Fathers

DANCES FROM GLORIANA, OP. 53 ................................................................. Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) I. Time II. Concord III. Concord and Time IV. Country Girls V. Rustics and Fishermen VI. Final Dance of Homage CORONATION ANTHEM, HWV 258 ......................................................................G. F. Handel I.

Zadok the Priest


The King Shall Rejoice Exceeding Glad Shall He Be Glory and Worship Alleluia Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices.

Mastersingers Ryan Kelly, director Sándor Kádár, accompanist Soprano




Jillian Barton Audrey Drennen Makenna Farra Jacqueline Kelly Kayla Marucci Grace Montgomery Hayoung Nam Christina Samar Madison Smith Bridget Warner SL

Kiley Aikey Kirsten Banter SL Maura George Jessica McNeely Lauren Mitchell Crissy Morton Rebecca Rock Claudia Terry

Peyton Cole Christopher Fitzpatrick Nile Gay Joseph Galdi Andrew Gifford ^ SL Andrew Kalkiewicz Dylan Klevan Naomi McDonald Benjamin Pessognelli Mateo Rodriguez Michael Rosati Steven Shelmerdine # Jackson Stahl Zachary Whelan

David Arlen Seth Bergey Thomas Cavallo Brett Haney Connor McPartland Joseph O'Brien Daniel Paolello Joseph Plavin Owen Prieman Kevin Ramsey * SL Noah Schaefer Joseph Seifrit Joshua Taylor Graydon Wascura




vice president




section leader

Orchestra Emilie Park, violin I Hope Linton, violin I Bill Binkley, violin I Molly Germer, violin II David Brown, violin II Jemma Malkasian, violin II Linnea Marchie, viola

Ken Laskey, viola Katrina Kelly, viola Richard Amoroso, cello Genevieve Brogdon, cello Patrick Nugent, bass Nick Masterson, oboe John DeBiase, oboe

Aaron Datsko, bassoon Josh Hunnex, bassoon Zachary Walter, trumpet Brendan Hartner, trumpet Bonnie Callahan, trumpet Neel Patel, timpani Sándor Kádár, organ

UPCOMING WELLS SCHOOL OF MUSIC EVENTS For full event details visit wcupa.edu/music or call (610) 436-2739 Monday, February 21, 2022, 8:15 PM Global Music Residency Program Guest Lecture by Gamin Ware Family Recital Hall Swope Music Building

Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 8:15 PM Chamber Winds & Concert Band Concert Andrew Yozviak & Concert Band, directors Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Thursday, February 24, 2022, 8:15 PM Global Music Residency Program Concert by Guest Artist Gamin, WCU Faculty, and Students Ware Family Recital Hall Swope Music Building

Saturday, February 26, 2022, 7:30 PM 3rd Annual Orchestra Festival Concert Joseph Caminiti, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Sunday, February 27, 2022, 3:00 PM Wind Ensemble & Wind Symphony Concert Andrew Yozviak & M. Gregory Martin, directors Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Sunday, February 27, 2022, 7:00 PM Faculty & Quartet in Residence: Dalí Quartet Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Monday, February 28, 2022, 8:00 PM Faculty Recital: Henry Grabb, oboe & Jonathan Gaarder, bassoon Philips Autograph Library Philips Memorial Building

Thursday, March 3, 2022, 12:00 PM Madeleine Wing Adler Concert Series: Sophomore Instrumental Scholarship Competition Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Grand Foyer Performing Arts Center

*Tickets required for this event.

Events at the Wells School of Music are often supported by individual donors and organizations. Contributions to the Wells School of Music may be made out to: WCU Foundation, 202 Carter Drive, West Chester, PA 19382 Please include “Wells School of Music Excellence Fund” in the memo line. For further information, please call (610) 436-2868 or visit wcufoundation.org A majority of performances are available to watch via live stream at Facebook.com/WellsSchoolofMusic and Vimeo.com/WSOM Mr. Robert Rust, Audio & Visual Technician Steinway & Sons Piano Technical, Tuning and Concert Preparations by Gerald P. Cousins, RPT If you do not intend to save your program, please recycle it in the baskets at the exit doors.

The Wells School of Music | West Chester University of Pennsylvania Dr. Christopher Hanning, Dean

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