11.01.2021 FAC Lee

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Voyage à Paris In Young Lee, soprano Carl Cranmer, piano



Nell ........................................................................................................................... Gabriel Fauré Dans les ruines d'une abbaye (1845-1924) La lune blanche luit dans les bois Notre amour

Green.................................................................................................................... Claude Debussy C’est l’extase langoureuse (1862-1918) Clair de lune

Chanson triste ......................................................................................................... Henri Duparc L’invitation au voyage (1848-1933) Phidylé


Fiançailles pour rire .................................................................................................Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) La dame d'André Dans l'herbe Il vole Mon cadavre est doux comme un gant Violon Fleurs

Poèmes de la Pléïade Vol.5 ................................................................................. Jacques Leguerney (1906-1997) A la fontaine bellerie Chanson triste Villanelle

L’été ................................................................................................................... Cécile Chaminade (1857-1944)

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Nell Under your bright sun, oh summer, Your red and red rose shine fascinatingly Lean on me with your golden cup My heart resembles your rose Under the shadows, the leaves become shelter A sigh of joy arises. Pigeons whisper in the small forest, Twitter their love songs Oh my love! How beautiful are your pearls in the fiery red sky, Stars of the sad night! However, the sweeter bright light Shines on my enchanted heart! The sea that sings along the entire shore I will stop that eternal hum In front of your image, O Nell, my love, Stop blossoming in my heart. Dans les ruines d'une abbaye (In the ruins of an Abbey) We sing together, we are ecstatic, How much we love each other! We are sown reaping crops of youth! What cheerful laughter It fills the shady ruins here. With a once pale forehead Where the dark heart stayed. We are now newly married, We share Charm and various elasticity Bouncing out of joy. These fresh echoes Mixed with the trembling breeze, In the dark temple of cheerfulness Add vitality On a piece of marble Cut the jasmine petals While the abbot prays Where you were putting your hands together. Tombs, marked with a cross, As part of this play, One or two sting in the wedged grass We play tag; We feel in the morning That love grows brighter at night In the old monastery. We hug each other tightly, Worship each other, Every moment we kiss, Kissing again. Under the pillars, under the roof, In the statue Of birds and bees; It's a story.

La lune blanche luit dans les bois (White moon Shines in the forest) White moon shines in the forest At each point Voices sharing below the row... Dear friends. The pond reflects, Deep mirror, silhouetted Black willow Where the wind blows ... Let's dream, it's time. Vast and soft oil paint I think it will go down In the expanse where The stars are iridescent... It's an exquisite time. Notre amour (Our love) Our love is light Like perfume in the wind Taken from the top of the fern. So I can breathe while dreaming Our love is light! Our love is charming Like a morning song A place not to regret A place that vibrates uncertain hope Our love is charming! Our love is divine Like the mystery of the forest Where the neglected soul trembles Where there is a voice in silence Our love is divine! Our love is infinite Like a road in the sunset Where the sea unites with the sky Falling asleep under the sloping sun Our love is eternal Like the god of all victory His wings touched the fire Like everything that comes out of the heart Our love is eternal! Green Here are fruits, flowers, leaves and branches. And here is my heart beating just for you. Don't tear it with both white hands And I wish you a humble gift sweet in your beautiful eyes. Arriving covered in dew May the morning breeze freeze my forehead. Your feet are relieved of fatigue I dream of precious moments that will make her comfortable. Roll my head on your young heart

It still makes a sound in your last kiss. Calm her in a good storm. And after you rest, you are sleeping a little. C’est l’extase langoureuse (It is languorous ecstasy) It is languorous rapture It is languorous ecstasy Amorous fatigue All the thrills of the forest In the arms of the wind Towards the gray branches A choir of tiny voices. Oh soft and fresh murmur! Chirp and whisper. Sounds sweet Let the rough grass exhale ... Under changing water Breathtaking gravel roll. This mourning soul dormant complaints Is it ours? My words, yours, Modest antiphony spouts in This warm evening, all quietly? Clair de lune (Moonlight) Your soul is the chosen landscape What are charming masks and Bergamasques? Playing lute and dancing and almost Sad with a clever disguise. While singing in minor mode Victorious love and proper life, They don’t seem to believe in their happiness Their songs blend in with the moonlight In the calm, sad and beautiful moonlight It makes birds dream in the tree. And in a jet of water, I feel ecstatic A large and thin stream of water between the beads Chanson triste (Sad Song) The clear moonlight sleeps in your heart The soft summer moonlight And to avoid the troublesome life I will fall into your light My love! In your quiet, lovely arms When to calm my sad heart and thoughts Forget about the painful past. You are my troubled head Oh! Sometimes you put your knees down Like talking about us I will sing a ballad And in your sad eyes I have so many kisses I will drink sweet love

Then maybe my illness will heal too. L’Invitation au voyage (Invitation to the Voyage) Child, sister, Dream The sweetness of going there and living together! Love leisurely, Love to die, In that town that resembles you! In the cloudy sky there The wet sun So mysterious in my heart Attractive, Sparkling through tears It's like your moody eyes. Everything there is order and beauty, Only luxury, tranquility, and pleasure. Look, on that canal Sleeping ships, Drifting is their temperament; No matter how small your desire To fill They come from the end of the world. The setting sun Dress up, with the field All over the canal and the city In purple and gold; The world sleeps. In the hot light. Phidylé Taking a nap under a green poplar tree While the grass is damp The spring water on the hillside covered with moss Came out through thousands of waterways In a meadow full of flowers Disappearing under the black tree forest Rest, oh, Phidylé On the sparkling leaves of midday And take a nap From clover and musky weed in the sun Whimsical bees sing The warm scent circulates around the trail The red barley flower bows its head Birds fly like a hill Looking for the shade of a brier Rest, oh, Phidylé! But when he loses his radiant light at sunset Passion will subside Only your most beautiful smile and lovely kiss Will be in return for my waiting!

Fiançaille pour rire (Betrothal for laughs) La Dame d’André (Andre’s woman)

I cry because I want to be loved And because I couldn't please my thief But where is love then? It flies.

Andre doesn't know the woman He held hands today Tomorrow her heart, Will you take her soul in the evening? On the way back from the village ball Will she go in a flowing dress, To find the ring in the straw, A ring for a random engagement? Was she afraid, when the night came, Captured by the ghosts of the past, In her garden, winter When you entered through a wide road? He loved her, her vitality, Her wit. Will she disappear, over the white leaves, In his album of better days? Dans l’herbe (In the grass) I could no longer tell him, Can't do anything He died for his beautiful existence He faced a beautiful death. Outside under the tree of law In deep silence in the open countryside In the lawn he died without notice. Crying for his death, calling, calling me, But I was far from him, And because his voice was no longer delivered He died alone in the woods. Under the tree of his childhood And I could no longer tell him, You can't do anything. Il vole (He flies) When the sun goes down, It reflects on the polished surface of my table. It's the round cheese in the fable Inside my silver scissors But where is the crow? It flies. I have to sew, but the magnet Pull all my needles. On the playground, skittle players I spend time playing games many times

Find a rhyme for my lack of reason And through the country road Bring me my whimsical lover A lover who takes hearts and drives me crazy. I wish my thief stole me. Mon cadavre est doux comme un gant (My corpse is as soft as a glove) My body is stretched like a glove. It stretches like a glove made of goatskin. And my two hidden eyes It became two white pebbles in my eyes. Two white pebbles on my face Quiet in silence Still wrapped in secret Heavy by the weight of the things you saw. My fingers that often lost their way Be gathered in a sacred posture Resting on my empty moans In the middle of my stopping heart And my feet are on the mountain I saw the last two peaks In the race that time won At the moment I was defeated I still resemble myself Children take their memories quickly, Go, go, my life is over. My body is stretched like a glove. Violon (Violin) A lover in love with a contemptuous tone The violin and its player pleases me Ah! I plucked long from the string of insecurity I love these cries The chords on the strings At times when the law is silent A heart made like strawberries Like an unknown fruit, you give yourself to love. Fleurs (Flowers)

But where is my love? He flies. I have a thief as my lover The crow flies and my love is stealing The thief in my heart breaks his words The cheese thief is not here. But where is happiness? It flies. I cry under the weeping willow I mix my tears and the leaves of the tree

Flowers of promise, flowers in your arms, Flowers from the parentheses of the footsteps Who brought it to you in winter, These flowers sprinkled with sea sands? The sand called your kiss, the fallen flowers of love Beautiful snow is ashes and in the fireplace Heart decorated with ribbons with a sigh It is burned with precious photos.

A la fontaine bellerie (To the bay fountain)

Who will repent first.

Listen a little live fountains, Who I often rebuke Lay flat on your shore Idle in the cool breeze When the summer of the family reaps Ceres's chest undressed, And the area by the compass resonates Moaning under threshing wheat. So you can always be. In a devout religion Beef and rural cows In the neighborhood! So the moon is always sunny Down the valley in the middle of the night Nymphs near the hideout A thousand leaps lead the way!

Where there are so many holy promises, Did too many tears shed when you left? This sad complaint Coming out of a fickle heart? God, how lie you are. Get cursed who will trust you more! Whimsical shepherds, Who will repent first.

Chanson triste (Sad song) Grim sky. Too strict for me The most miserable Compare yourself to me and you will be happy. My bed is my tears Soak it all night long And his charms can't. Even when I sleep, put my troubles to sleep. The happiness of the past, A person who cannot return The pain of my thoughts, Why did I not lose your memory! Villanelle Rosette, wait a minute Your mind has changed. And I know this disagreement I abandoned it elsewhere in me. Beauty is so light anymore I won't have too much power. Whimsical shepherds,

L’été (Summer) Ah! Sing, sing, Mad warbler, Cheerful lark, Happy finch, sing love! Rose scent, Fresh hatching, Make our forest more fragrant! Ah! Sing, I love you! Golden sun Sycamore filled with noisy essences, Pour out joy - Drown everything with Your dazzling rays. Ah! Sing, love... Breath passing In space We plant hope for a summer day. Your breath Give it to the plains More shine and more beauty. Ah! Sing, sing! In the meadow Calm and bright Can you hear these sweet words? Enchanted soul, Loving wife Bless the sky near the groom! Ah! Sing, love, ...

UPCOMING WELLS SCHOOL OF MUSIC EVENTS For full event details visit wcupa.edu/music or call (610) 436-2739 Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 8:15 PM Vocal Honors Recital Emily Bullock, director Ware Family Recital Hall Swope Music Building

Thursday, November 4, 2021, 12:00 PM Madeleine Wing Adler Concert Series: Vocal Division Emily Bullock Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Grand Foyer Performing Arts Center

Thursday, November 4, 2021, 8:15 PM Woodwind Chamber Recital Henry Grabb, director Ware Family Recital Hall Swope Music Building

Friday, November 5, 2021, 7:30 PM Criterions Jazz Ensemble Concert Jonathan Ragonese, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Monday, November 8, 2021, 8:00 PM Faculty Recital: Jonathan Fowler, tuba Philips Autograph Library Philips Memorial Building

Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 8:15 PM Keyboard Honors Recital Emily Bullock, director Ware Family Recital Hall swope Music Building

Friday, November 12, 2021, 7:30 PM *WCU Opera Theatre: Robin Hood Nicholas Provenzale, director Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall Philips Memorial Building

Saturday, November 13, 2021, 7:30 PM *WCU Opera Theatre: Robin Hood Nicholas Provenzale, director Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall Philips Memorial Building

*Tickets required for this event.

Events at the Wells School of Music are often supported by individual donors and organizations. Contributions to the Wells School of Music may be made out to: WCU Foundation, 202 Carter Drive, West Chester, PA 19382 Please include “Wells School of Music Excellence Fund” in the memo line. For further information, please call (610) 436-2868 or visit wcufoundation.org A majority of performances are available to watch via live stream at Facebook.com/WellsSchoolofMusic and Vimeo.com/WSOM Mr. Robert Rust, Audio & Visual Technician Steinway & Sons Piano Technical, Tuning and Concert Preparations by Gerald P. Cousins, RPT If you do not intend to save your program, please recycle it in the ba skets at the exit doors.

The Wells School of Music | West Chester University of Pennsylvania Dr. Christopher Hanning, Dean

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