11.18.2021 ENS Vocal and Latin Jazz Ensembles

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PROGRAM GROOVIN’ HARD ............................................................................. Menza, arr. Dave Barduhn TAKE ME AWAY .......................................................................................................... Ginny Carr CON MAN .............................................. Urmston, Heinbold, and Corrigan, arr. Kerry Marsh WHEN SUNNY GETS BLUE ............................................. Segal and Fisher, arr. Paul Langford SOLID POTATO SALAD ......................................... Raye, de Paul, and Prince, arr. Kirby Shaw AIN’T NOBODY HERE BUT US CHICKENS ....... Whitney and Cramer, arr. Darmon Meader

Vocal Jazz Ensemble Joe Galdi Shanyn Kaiser Kate Lopez Mateo Lopez Em Salatti Christina Samar Lliam Shaw Sarah Renz, bass Anton Saliaris, drums Ian Saddock, piano Ryan Kelly, director

TERIAKI ................................................................................................................ Mitch Frohman LA CUNA .......................................................................................................... Howard Schneider CÓMO FUE ................................................................................................. Ernesto Duarte Brito BÉSAME MUCHO ...................................................................................................... Pedro Flores BOMBA MUNDO ....................................................................................................... Arturo Ortiz RITMO REMO .................................................................. David Torres and Ildefonso Sanchez

Latin Jazz Ensemble Susan Altemose, flute Casey DeCarlo, alto saxophone Evan Gartner, bari saxophone Andre Harding, tenor saxophone Sarah Irvin, tenor saxophone Ethan Tweedie, alto saxophone

Trent Detweiler, trumpet Noah Mellott-Lillie, trumpet Marcus Remillard, trumpet Julia Galdi, trombone Nathan Hansen, trombone

Lewis Arscott, piano Joe Bucci, guitar Casey Warfield, bass Michael Dettra, percussion Omar Mendoza, percussion Luke Thurston, percussion Mina Santiago, vocals

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UPCOMING WELLS SCHOOL OF MUSIC EVENTS For full event details visit wcupa.edu/music or call (610) 436-2739 Saturday, November 20, 2021, 7:30 PM Symphony Orchestra Concert Joseph Caminiti, conductor Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Sunday, November 21, 2021, 3:00 PM Liberty Youth Wind Symphony Concert Andrew Yozviak, conductor Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Sunday, November 21, 2021, 7:00 PM Wind Symphony & Concert Band Concert M. Gregory Martin & Adam Gumble, conductors Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Monday, November 22, 2021, 8:15 PM Chamber Winds & Chamber Orchestra Concert Andrew Yozviak & Joseph Caminiti, conductors Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 8:15 PM Percussion Ensemble Concert Ralph Sorrentino, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Monday, November 29, 2021, 8:00 PM Faculty Recital: Nicholas Provenzale, baritone & Terry Klinefelter, piano Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 8:15 PM Trumpet Ensemble Concert Rob Skoniczin, director Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

Thursday, December 2, 2021, 12:00 PM Madeleine Wing Adler Concert Series: Jazz Division Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre Performing Arts Center

*Tickets required for this event.

Events at the Wells School of Music are often supported by individual donors and organizations. Contributions to the Wells School of Music may be made out to: WCU Foundation, 202 Carter Drive, West Chester, PA 19382 Please include “Wells School of Music Excellence Fund” in the memo line. For further information, please call (610) 436-2868 or visit wcufoundation.org A majority of performances are available to watch via live stream at Facebook.com/WellsSchoolofMusic and Vimeo.com/WSOM Mr. Robert Rust, Audio & Visual Technician Steinway & Sons Piano Technical, Tuning and Concert Preparations by Gerald P. Cousins, RPT If you do not intend to sav e your program, pleas e recycle it in the baskets at the exit doors.

The Wells School of Music | West Chester University of Pennsylvania Dr. Christopher Hanning, Dean

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