2012 Annual Report of the Women's Consortium of Ukraine

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Annual Report of the Organization

Contacts: Tel: +38 044 592 68 54 Fax: +38 044 234 64 05 E-mail: info@wcu-network.org.ua Web-sites: www.wcu-network.org.ua www.vybory2012.wcu-network.org.ua www.gendermap.org.ua

Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012

CONTENT Mission and Vision Letter of address Background information Who we are Our Achievements Equal Rights and Opportunities Programs Prevention of Violence Against Children. Children Rights Activities of the Network “Women’s consortium of Ukraine” Publications and Videos International Participation & Cooperation Our Grantors and Donors Statement of Grants Received and Expenses Branches and member organizations. Board. Management. Advisors


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012

Our Mission: Women’s Consortium of Ukraine is the union established by women’s nongovernmental organizations to ensure equal rights and opportunities of women and men & well-being of children in Ukraine

Our Purpose: Is gender and children rights problems solution by means of advocacy and effective cooperation between governmental and non-governmental organizations and broad involvement of local communities and organizations

Our Values: Equal rights – the world consists of women and men and only together can they create positive change. We pay equal attention to the issues of both sexes. Respect for differences - we respect different opinions, views, special needs, and build cooperation with tolerance and respect of the national, religious & sexual orientation of our clients. These values are shared by our partners. Cooperation and responsible partnership - we ensure that the members of our Network have equal access to all of our initiatives and resources. Openness and transparency - we inform as widely as possible about our activities, initiatives, partners, funding sources and cost-effectiveness. Qualification and complexity - we constantly strive to improve our own skills through further education and collaborate with experts in different fields to provide solutions to the complex problems we encounter.

Our Tools: Consolidating efforts of non-governmental organizations and facilitating exchange of good practices between them; Analyses of priority problems at local and national level; Public discussions of urgent issues; Development of public participation in on-going social and human rights processes; Training for capacity building of governmental and non-governmental organizations and improving cooperation between them; Development and piloting of hand-on models aimed to address important social and human rights issues; Support for implementation of national and local action plans aimed to protect women and children; Monitoring the national and local policies on equal rights and opportunities of women, men & improve the situation of children in Ukraine


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012

Dear Partners and Friends! Reporting to you has become an annual tradition of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine. In our fifth report we tell about our work and achievements in 2012, provide comprehensive information about our publications and report about our grants and expenses. This year, in line with our strategic goals, we have joined the work in supporting women in the parliamentary elections, which were organized in the Fall. Together with many other partners we have fulfilled a powerful analytical and awareness raising campaign. Thanks to this work the issue of women’s representation was more actively followed and highlighted by the mass media. In the framework of our program on prevention of violence against children we have passed our methodological recommendations to the Institutes of postgraduate training of teachers and expect that the work launched by ourselves will be continued even with budget costs. These and many other questions encourage us to look for the more effective approaches in our work. What are the ways to better inform people about the problems we are trying to address? How to increase the participation of the communities in such work? These questions guide us in planning our programs and in development of our organization. I look forward to the coming years and together with your help, in achieving our goals !

Maria Alekseyenko Chairwoman of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine


Background Active development of women’s non-governmental organizations in Ukraine commenced in the late 1990’s in response to the time of economic recession and outbursts of social problems in society. The necessity of creating National policies to improve the situation of women and their implementation at the local level, had become a major issue. Thanks to international recognition of the issue and their generous support, opportunities for capacity building of women’s organizations were created for delivery of better services, advocacy and awareness. Many National and local organizations were established to address these urgent issues for women and their conditions. A further requirement of information exchange and establishing best practices, as well as of coordinated efforts towards common goals, stimulated establishment of NGO networks. As a result, Women’s Consortium of Ukraine was founded in summer 2001. Negative consequences of transformation of the Ukrainian economy from a centralized state-controlled economy to a market economy resulted in setbacks in manufacturing production, salary decreases and delays, rising unemployment, reduction of social programs, loss of social services, pre-school and other education programs, cultural and sports facilities. These adversely effected the social and working conditions for women. These factors resulted in deepening of such problems as domestic violence and human trafficking.

Domestic violence - despite being a widespread problem in Ukraine, professionals in the criminal justice system did not treat it as a serious crime. The stereotype that violence at home is an exclusively home affair, prevented women from coming forward with complaints. The Ukrainian government had not met its obligations to protect women from violence and to ensure that victims of violence were provided with health and social services together with facilities, programs and other support structures to promote their safety and rehabilitation. Those women who seek assistance failed to receive it often because of the lack of rehabilitation centers and shelters.

Trafficking of women into the commercial sex industry in the 1990s became a serious and increasing problem in Ukraine. It is a complicated phenomenon with many forces impacting a woman’s decisions to work abroad. Perhaps the strongest factor was the desperate economic situation impacting availability of satisfactory local employment. The laws did not provide adequate mechanisms to prosecute traffickers nor did they provide adequate protections or remedies for victims. The Ukrainian government has now created a Program for Prevention of Trafficking in Humans, but has not yet dedicated sufficient resources to effectively implement it. Nongovernmental organizations are being created to meet the needs of victims, but the demand is much too high for their limited resources. The combined efforts of the State and nongovernmental organizations are required to address the problem effectively.

Participation of women in decision making Despite increases in the establishment of women’s non-governmental organizations, and participation of women in business, the management structure is still male dominated and does not reflect equality in the work place.

Who we are Women’s Consortium of Ukraine is a Non-Governmental Organization acting as a coordinator for advocacy, training and awareness focusing on: prevention of domestic violence towards women and children, the elimination of human trafficking in women and children and equal rights and opportunities for women. Today, Women’s Consortium coordinates a member network of 15 branches and 32 non-governmental organizations in all regions of Ukraine. These are local and regional organizations that support the following priority issues:  Domestic violence toward women and children  Trafficking in humans, especially women and children  Equal rights and opportunities for women in decision making  Gender stereotyping

Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012

Our achievements in 2012 The use of international instruments for lobbying positive changes in gender policy and children rights Women’s Consortium of Ukraine together with the organizations partners provided its vision and recommendations on gender policies and children rights in the framework of the Second Universal Periodic Report at the UN Council on Human Rights (2012). Our thoughts presented in those two alternative reports were considered and represented in final recommendations of the UN member states to Ukraine (2013). Until 2017 those recommendations will be the guiding force for systematic changes at local and national levels.

The influence on the decisions of executive power As a result of the work implemented together with the Ministry of education and science, youth and sports there is a recommendation to use the manual of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine on Organization of work in prevention of violence against children at school in all (19 700) schools throughout Ukraine.

Joining efforts of non-governmental organizations At the beginning of 2012 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine together with its partners has initiated establishment of the Network of Public Control over Gender Equality at the Elections 2012. The Network has joined over 40 organizations from different regions of Ukraine that support the need to increase women’s representation in the elected bodies. Based on the lessons learned on cooperation in the process of reporting on implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child the Coalition of NGOs on Children Rights in Ukraine was established. The WCU is one of the initiating members of the Coalition, and considers it one of the strongest Coalition in the areas of children rights and interests in Ukraine.

Training for caregivers on better services for children The specialists from all regional institutes of post-graduate training of teachers have passed the training offered by the WCU in organization of work to prevent violence between children at school. They were provided with the manual on Organization of work in prevention of violence against children at school which is to be used in their every-day work. In this way the information prepared by the organization will be spread among teachers from all regions of Ukraine.


Equal Rights and Opportunities Program What is meant by equal rights and opportunities, or gender equality? That is a question that often has different meanings and interpretations! Our team believes that gender equality is equal opportunity for men and women to realize their human rights and, if they wish, to contribute to the political, economic, social and cultural development of their country, which in turn allows equal rights and opportunities to continue to grow! In Ukraine, gender equality is still not perceived as an important and necessary component of progressive, democratic development or of the creation of comfortable, friendly lives for its citizens. There is a very low number of women represented in government offices (even though over half of Ukraine’s population is comprised of women), the division of family roles is imbalanced and as such women in Ukraine are twice or even three times as occupied, men are often left out of their children’s upbringing, gender asymmetry and imbalance exists in the labour market, where a clear stereotypical divide between “men’s” and “women’s” work deprives individuals of the right to freely choose their jobs and professions. The problem of domestic violence continues to have a hidden character, where the victim is left alone with their grief. These and other problems have their “gender roots”, which is why our organization’s activities aim to address gender equality and gender stereotypes -- so that important steps are made toward better lives for us all. In order to achieve gender equality in Ukraine the Women’s Consortium maintain cooperation with women’s and gender-focused NGOs; follow-up with international and national obligations of Ukraine; fulfill awareness raising among public by producing documentaries, publications, messages in mass media; leading training work, etc.

In 2008 through 2012 the WCU has focused its efforts on following initiatives: Cooperation with businesses to implement non-discriminatory practices in the corporate environment The Guide on Responsible Marketing was presented in Kyiv on December 11, 2012. The publication was designed by business and non-governmental organizations, who believe that social responsibility should be presented in marketing communications. The work over the Guide was implemented over a 6 month period in the form of the working group together with the CSR Center and representatives of the European Business Association, Prykarpattiaoblenergo, BDO, life:), MMR, Platinum Bank, and others. The initiative was supported by the US Democracy Fund in Ukraine. The Guide targets the PR and marketing specialists, teachers of PR, corporal communications and marketing, students of these faculties etc. It provides information on how the companies in Ukraine understand and apply responsible marketing and specific recommendations on how to make policies of responsible marketing. On May 13, 2011 representatives from the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine have participated in the first meeting of the Women’s Mentors’ Club at PricewaterHouseCooper and told about urgent problems of women in Ukraine and possibilities for their solution. The issue of balancing work and family life was the core subject of discussion. In 2011 representatives of the Women's consortium of Ukraine have participated in the work of expert group on development and practical implementation of standards for advertising free of gender discrimination. Representatives of professional associations and advertising marketers, leaders and activists of gender organizations, scientists, researchers in the sphere of unethical advertising were involved in the work of expert group. The Women’s Consortium has become a member of the Industrial Committee aimed to consider complains, issuing expert conclusions and recommendations in cases of possible discrimination. In 2008 throughout 2010 representatives of advertising agencies, associations, PR companies, journalists, magazine editors, academics, representatives of the National Expert Commission on protection of public morality

Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 and NGOs in Kyiv, Cherkassy, Poltava, Lutsk, Kherson, Kirovograd and Vinnitsa discussed criteria of sexism in advertising. This resulted in specific practical steps to be taken to overcome sexism and gender stereotypes in advertisements. More then 400 persons have participated in the work of the discussion banks. Established partnership and cooperation with the representative of advertisement sphere on combating sexist and gender stereotyped advertisement. The Forum "Self-regulation in the advertising industry of Ukraine and approaches to solve the problem of gender discrimination" was organized, on which the experience of self-advertising industry was presented, involving national and international experts from the European Advertising Standards Alliance and World Federation of Advertisers. The publication Sexism in advertising: to overcome it through the self-regulation of the advertising industry». was prepared within the project.

Monitoring of the fulfillment of Ukrainian obligations concerning gender equality In 2012 the Women’s’ Consortium of Ukraine has participated in preparation of the Alternative report on gender equality in the framework of the UN Universal Periodic Report. The Report was prepared by the Coalition of NGOs working in the area of human rights, gender equality, protection of women and children rights, prevention of domestic violence and combating trafficking, as well as in fulfilling the monitoring of the state policies in the mentioned topics. The Report has highlighted the issues of institutional mechanisms of gender equality; legislative initiatives for or against gender equality; appealing cases of discrimination; sexism in informational and media environment; discrimination of women in the labour market; access to and implementation of the gender-based education; access to the health care; situation of rural women; combating violence and human trafficking. Relevant recommendations are provided. The Report was presented in Geneva at the pre-session hearing. As a result, relevant recommendations were issued to Ukraine by the UN member states. In 2012 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine has supported establishment of the Network of Public Control over Gender Equality at the Parliamentary Elections and took an active part in its work aimed to ensure equal rights of women at the forthcoming elections and control over the gender equality in the election process in Ukraine. The Network has implemented qualitative and quantitative monitoring of the parliamentary elections 2012, which included: - women’s representatives in the political parties and at the single mandated districts; - the course of the election campaign at national and local levels; - observation of the human rights, gender equality, social justice in the election programs. The systematic informational support to the monitoring by the Network has stimulated the interest of mass media towards the issue of women’s participation in the elections. As a result, the issue of gender in the elections was highlighted in many articles and video-news on the eve of Election Day. In 2011 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine has fulfilled the public monitoring of the State program for implementation gender equality in Ukrainian society, which had been implemented during 2006-2010 The document highlights achievements and challenges that accompanied the implementation of the Programme at national and local levels, summarizes conclusions and recommendations. The participants of the monitoring are 21 state institution (mainly, central-level executive bodies) and 23 oblast state administration and the administration of the city of Kyiv and Pervomaisk (Mykolaiv oblast). The results of the monitoring were presented and disseminated among governmental and non-governmental organizations responsible for implementation of the gender equality and/or facilitating this process.


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 Support to women’s representation in the governance Throughout 2012 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine parliamentary elections. To do so, the web-site on «Women in Election» was launched to highlight news on women candidates and present information on observation of the balanced representation of women and men by the political parties. The WCU initiated public discussions and press-events on the need to increase women’s representation in the decisionmaking. We also participated in pre-training for the international observers, specifically, from Canada and OSCE. As a result the women’s representation in the Parliament has increased from 8% to 9,7%

has implemented programs aimed to support women in

More then 400 observers from Canada and OSCE have received the information on gender equality in Ukraine, specifically, in the elected bodies. They used this information in their mission in all regions of Ukraine.

In 2009 the WCU has conducted a series of training seminars for youth party affiliated organizations "Fundamentals of gender mainstreaming and equal democracy”. Young boys and girls, representatives of youth party affiliated organizations, participated in the training seminars. The main purpose of the training was identification and recognition of gender equality as a necessary condition for democratic change in the country and in the structure of political parties. During the seminar the following issues were discussed: fundamentals of gender equality, gender alphabet and regulatory framework of gender change, gender and electoral systems, gender quotas, male gender issues, political parties and gender politics. In 2006 throughout 2008 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine coordinated the Network of non-governmental organizations of Ukraine that were working on following directions:  Training for women-candidates and women-deputies on planning and conducting pre-election campaigns, effective communication, public presentations, lobbing skills and problem solving at local levels.  Training for elected female-state officials and female-leaders in the public sector to provide them with the skills and knowledge required for successful work in politics, state structures, public sector and local communities.  Strengthening regional partnerships (between the NGOs and also between NGO’s and state structures).  Analyzing and conducting monitoring of gender legislation at local levels.

Support of Women’s Entrepreneurship In 2010-2011 the Women's consortium of Ukraine 14 trainers for unemployed women were has implemented a project aimed at raising prepared; 31 unemployed women passed awareness and through the training course in Kyiv and education for women who want to open their own business and assist in rapid adaptation to new Khmelnitskiy conditions in the labor market. Trainers of Women's consortium organized a training course for women who have difficulties in employment and who lost their jobs due to economic crisis and gender and age

discrimination in the Ukrainian labor market. Training materials for short-term training for women who have decided to start their own business were developed and published in the end of the project.

Public discussions and campaigns on sex-based equality On December 1, 2012 the representatives of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine have participated in the First Ukrainian Women`s Summit, presented its work there and interviewed women participants to identify how successful women could help other women in difficult life situations. On October 21, 2012 the non-governmental organizations and artists have organized public social & art campaign «The Way to the Parliament». The campaign was aimed to draw attention to the issue of low representation of


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 women in the parliament, as women were forecasted to constitute no more then 10 per cent after elections 2012. In the course of the campaign, ordinary people with the help of professional artists, could create 10 pictures to express their attitude towards the low representation of women in governance. On June 22, 2012, at the time of the European Football Championship, the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine together with «Discovery football» (Berlin) and the Agency of international development of Germany (GIZ) organized the panel discussion on «Support of women’s football in Ukraine». The panel was aimed to discuss the problem of women’s football development in Ukraine, learn about experiences in Germany in promotion of this type of sport, establish potential cooperation between women’s football organizations. Among the participants there were representatives from the Committee on women’s football of the Football federation of Ukraine, from national and German football teams, women’s sport organizations, associations, mass media. In spring 2012 representatives of the Women’s’ Consortium of Ukraine have participated in the informal training for girls of 15-17 on the issue of roles of women’s and men in the modern society, women’s rights and ways to combat violence. The events were organized in the framework of the program of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation “Gifted Children - Future of Ukraine”. In 2010 the Women's Consortium has created a Gender Map of Ukraine as a free Internet access tool. This will enable organizations, institutions, and funds to work more efficiently and effectively, towards establishment of gender equality directing efforts and resources where needed. The Gender map presents the gender-differentiated statistics for all regions of Ukraine according to established indicators. In 2010 the Women's Consortium of Ukraine became one of the organizers of the contest and exhibition "Happy daddy", which aimed to promote a positive perception of the man who is responsible and loving dad, to draw attention to the importance of fatherhood for men and to consolidate on a national level and promote the formation of opinions in society on the equal responsibility of both parents (father and mother) for the upbringing of their children. Photo exhibition lasted two weeks and hundreds of people were visiting it. This idea already replicated in the other regions of Ukraine.

Plans for the Future Cooperation with businesses in implementing non-discriminatory practices in the corporate environment of Ukraine Cooperation with corporate partners is a priority for the development of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine. Therefore the strategy of the organization for the coming years will be to overcome discriminatory practices in the business environment. WCU will broaden partnership with other organizations specialized in developing corporate social responsibilities in Ukraine, professional associations, businesses that support social responsibility and human rights, as well as with educational institutions.

Support for increasing of women’s representation in the governance Next elections after the 2012 Parliamentary one will be for local government in 2015. The strategy of the WCU is targeted to motivate women for running, support their professional development and networking with NGOs.


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012

Prevention of Violence Against Children Children Rights Since we believe that violence against children is impermissible, the priorities of the Women's Consortium of Ukraine include preventative work, promoting non-violent values and distributing information. At the same time, it is also our task is to interrupt this cycle by improving the quality of services to children who have experienced violence. Based on the fact that a child may suffer violence anywhere – at home, at school or on the street – the Women's Consortium of Ukraine enlists professionals from different industries. A special focus is on educators and professionals working in children's institutions and social services.

By the information of the WCU, training on how to organize work in prevention of violence against children at school organized by the oblast institutes of post-graduate training have already passed more then 870 persons.

In order to determine the extent of the problem and the needs of the people involved, research is conducted by professionals. With the results of this research, we develop new or adapt existing prevention programs. The Women's Consortium of Ukraine has developed courses on the social and psychological rehabilitation of children who have experienced abuse and sexual abuse. Courses are designed for children's psychologists and social workers who work with children. We also fulfill training for multidisciplinary groups of specialists from specific institutions to enhance their skills of responding and solving the situation of violence. The special attention is focused at effective help to children victims of violence based on individual plans of assistance. Practical work of the WCU helps to identify the problems of implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. By analyzing and discussing these drawbacks we try to formulate recommendation and advocate for changes in the state policy for children. In order to push for changes in the state policy the WCU also initiate the discussion of children rights in the parliamentary committees, fulfill legislative analyses, facilitate broad discussions of changes that may effect children.

Influence to the state policy on children rights protection against violence As a result of the work implemented together with the Ministry of education and science, youth and sport, the Ministry issued the letter with recommendations to all schools to use the materials of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine, specifically the Manual on Organization of work in prevention of violence against children at school. The letter was referred to 19700 schools across the country. Based on our methodological materials, the institutes of post-graduate training designed special curriculums on Organization of work in prevention of violence against children at school to be further presented to the teachers, psychologists, and other staff working with children at schools.

Promotion of the specialists’ qualification in prevention of violence at school In 2009 the WCU conducted the analyses of how teachers and students take and identify the problem of violence. The conclusions of the study have shown that the majority of children face violence at school environment while teachers not always have skills of solving this problem and therefore require for the support in these skills development. The WCU therefore implements systematic work in training specialists working with children (teachers, psychologists, social workers etc.) to be more effective in solving violence in children’s environment.


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 The study conducted as a result of this work has shown that level of physical violence could be reduced if they show other models of behavior and communication for children.

Systematic training has helped to publish the manual on Organization of work in prevention of violence against children at school, which served a basis for the work to prevent violence at school in 2012: - Workshop on Organization of work in prevention of violence against children at school for 25 representatives of the oblast departments of education, - Five-day training for the specialists of the oblast institutes of post-graduate training for teachers that brought together 63 specialists from all regional institutions. These specialists continue spreading experience of work on prevention of violence among teachers and psychologists who pass training in their institutes. - Support of the specialists and Institutes with the materials of the WCU. During the year 2012 all the institutes and organizations that cooperated with the WCU have received more then 900 issues of the manual on Organization of work in prevention of violence against children at school. Additionally to the training above, the trainers of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine have started implementation of the training for teachers in the new direction of work – life skills as a way to prevent violence between children. This work became possible after training for trainers implemented by our colleague from Moldova, Iosif Moldovanu, in March 2012. The training has brought together 13 specialists from 8 regions of Ukraine: Vinnitsa, Volyn, Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Cherkassy, Sumy, Luhansk and Mykolajiv.

Working with children to prevent violence In 2012 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine has started implementing training for children within the program of life skills as a tool to prevent violence among children. The trainings were aimed to teach schoolchildren to manage life skills and decrease violence among school children by training then non-violent pattern of behavior. The work has involved partners from Moldavian organization dealing with protecting children from violence – Child’s Rights Information Centre (CRIC). Topics of training for school children: - Self-esteem and self-understanding; - Emotions and feelings; - Creative solutions of problems and decision making; - Communication and conflict solution; - Interpersonal relations, including gender-based; - Rights and obligations of children.

In 2012 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine: - cooperated with 10 schools - conducted 109 training for children on life skills - 2392 children participated in the training

To create a greater impact of this work towards other children, training for teachers in the pilot schools were also conducted. In 2011 throughout 2012 we have disseminated over 9000 brochures for children on types of violence, possibilities to prevent them and patterns to handle conflicts. Representatives of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine took part in the Kyiv city street event for children «The Youth of Kyiv Invites!». About 150 children and their parents had access to our materials on prevention of violence and on children rights and interests.

Improving the quality of social and psychological services for children subjected to violence and human trafficking During 2008 – 2009, 56 specialists of four children’s care institutions participated in training and consultation on the following topics: - Child adaptation to the new care institution; - Building of trusting relationships with the child; - Forming child relationships in the collective;


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 - Forming child’s motivation in its various forms; - Forming positive relationships among school staff; - Creating rehabilitation space for the child in a particular institution.

Influence towards the state policies for children Women’s Consortium of Ukraine is convinced that civil society representatives have the right and obligation to talk about children’s problem with the government. Therefore we annually initiate the discussions of a variety of issues of children rights in the parliament and its committees with participation of non-governmental organizations, scholars, representatives of the government, and MPs. In 2012 the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine as a part of the Coalition “Children Rights in Ukraine” and together with the Parliamentary Committee on Family, Youth, Sports and Tourism initiated the roundtable on implementation of the National Plan on the UN CRC. This document would influence the provision of medicine for sick children, prevention of different illnesses, access to education and medical services for all children in urban and rural areas, In addition, the possibility to create meaningful leisure time, family support and creation of family-like environment for children deprived of parental care and the introduction of the juvenile justice (the system of work with children in contact with the law, which considers age and development peculiarities of a child). The roundtable was organized in a form of public hearings where the government reported to the MPs and civil society organizations on implementation of the National Plan, reasons for annual delays in approving the Plan, of actions and budgeting, on lack of fulfilling the objectives of the National Plan. As a result the civil society organizations agreed with MPs to follow-up with systematic control over the Plan’s implementation.

Participation of the NGOs in legislative activities for children For the last three years the WCU has lobbied for changes in the procedure of child victims and witness’ interrogation. In 2010 the Women's Consortium of Ukraine initiated the roundtable on ratification of the CoE Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. The Convention changes approaches towards the participation of a child in the criminal process as it targets the specialists involved (judges, prosecutors, investigators and advocates) for the child needs, their age and development specifics. The roundtable brought together representatives of the police, prosecutor’s office, social services, NGOs, judges and scholars. As a result of the groups activity the draft law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine” № 7340 (concerning interrogation procedures juvenile victims and witnesses) was registered in the Parliament. The bill was introduced by MPs - representatives from all five political groups. At the moment the document is under consideration of the parliament. In 2011 through 2012 the WCU continued to support the draft law and different discussion about the topic. The WCU also followed up the other relevant initiatives. Specifically, we accomplished two public forums on how the draft Criminal Procedure Code corresponds with UN CRC and other international treaties. The draft law of the WCU was not approved, however some of our suggestions were considered in the new Criminal Procedure Code. In 2012 Ukraine ratified the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (№ 201). . Since 2010, the WCU has constantly monitored legislative initiatives trying to draw attention to the drafts that corresponds to children rights and their interests. More the 50 civil and international organizations receive this dayto-day information about the law being considered by the parliamentary committees and at the plenary sessions.

Joining the resources of NGOs working for children The Women’s Consortium considers joining resources with other NGOs as a key factor of success. Therefore we try to implement broad awareness raising on our events, to involve more members from NGOs into its events conducted in the parliament, to share its lessons learnt and to learn the experiences of others in the area of children rights and interests of children.


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 In 2011 the WCU become one of the founding member of the Coalition on Children Rights in Ukraine. The key goal of the Coalition is to facilitate implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The WCU sees the prospects in supporting this Coalition and broadening its membership by involving other NGOs. Among the successful initiatives is the Alternative report on children rights to the UN Human Rights in the framework of the Universal Periodic Report (2012). This report was presented at the pre-session in Geneva, where the Coalition among others drew attention of the member states to the issue of child victims’ interrogation. As a result, the majority of recommendations were reflected in the recommendations of the UN member states (2012) and accepted by the government of Ukraine. Since then the Coalition in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs has started the monitoring of children rights in the detention centers for children. The results of the monitoring will be summarized and presented in July 2013.

Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child The Women’s Consortium of Ukraine systematically draws public attention towards the obstacles in implementation of the UN CRC. For instance, in cooperation with other NGOs the WCU has prepared the Alternative report on implementation of the UN CRC (2009). We also supported the follow-up work in advocating for the NGO recommendations to be considered by the CRC Committee. As a result, the recommendations were considered in Concluding observations and recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child to Ukraine (2011) At the moment the WCU and other partner NGOs follow-up the implementation of the Concluding observations. For this, the recommendations were translated into Ukrainian and broadly disseminated, specifically in mass media. In April 2011 the discussion on how the government would implement those recommendations have been organized together with the Committee on family, youth, sports and tourism. We also prepared a child-friendly version of the Concluding observations to empower children with the possibility of discussion on their implementation. Since 2011 the WCU has started to inform about children rights violations by writing open letters and publicizing its position statements. In 2012 we drew attention towards the right of children with disabilities brought up in the family environment or the alternative to the family forms of bringing up, towards the problem of the secrecy of the adoption.

Child participation The Women’s Consortium of Ukraine has prepared the child friendly version of the Concluding observations of the CRC Committee (2011). The WCU uses this brochure to organize the discussions and quizzes for children on children rights. In 2012 we started cooperation with the National library for children, where we organized two discussions of the UN Concluding Observations on CRC. In cooperation with Social Services of Kyiv we organized a street event to discuss the issue of children rights and concluding observations. The event brought together teams of children and children with their o 54 kids of 10 to 14 have participated in the families. The recommendations were also presented to the child councils of the Kyiv state administration.

Plans for Future Solving the problem of violence at school The coming year, the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine plans to continue its work on prevention of violence against and between children, by creating a platform for exchange of ideas and lessons learnt in between the specialists protecting children from violence. In addition implementation of training

events in the National Library for Children o 150 children and parents participated in the street event o 89 boys and 134 girls participated in the discussion in the City Council o More then 600 copies of the concluding observations were disseminated among children and schools.


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 work with teachers in the pilot schools on the issue of life skills, planning a comprehensive work on counteracting violence at schools,and creation of videos for specialists who work with children.

Informing children on their rights We will continue discussions with children on UN CRC and their vision on its implementation. This work is aimed to raise children’s awareness on their rights and identify the most urgent problems for children.

Active participation of the NGOs in the state policy for children The WCU continues its work in strengthening cooperation of NGOs with the Parliament. We will follow up with the legislative initiatives for children and broadly inform the non-governmental organizations in order to encourage them to participate and bring their thoughts to MPs at the hearing and discussions. The Women’s Consortium of Ukraine will continue to support the Coalition of the Children Rights in Ukraine as we believe that this Coalition has a potential to become one of the strongest advocate for children rights.


Activity of the Network "Women's Consortium of Ukraine WCU Network is an association of 32 NGOs that implement the idea of gender equality. Each organization is independent and implements activities at its field according to the priorities and needs. Together, we are joining to affect public policy, drawing attention to human rights violations, monitoring of national gender policy, holding a large-scale information campaigns and lobbying for legislative changes. Participation in the Network allows us not only to be effective in implementing gender equality, but also to develop our professional level. We systematically exchange of information and lessons learnt; organize training for representative of the members of the Network. The Network of the WCU is striving for openness and dialogue. We publicize strategy of our work, and report on the results. We are ready to the discussion on the web-pages of the WCU and social networks at Facebook, Twitter and LiveJournal.

2012 • • • • •

Members of the WCU have joined the Network of public control over gender equality in the elections in 2012 Appealing against the municipal hearing on danger of gender equality for Ukrainian society in Volyn Oblast Administration. Appealing against sexist statement of V.Lytvy, the chairperson of the parliament. Appealing against violence towards Y.Tymoshenko. Participation in the work of the General Assembly of Ukraine.

2011 • • • •

Public monitoring of the State Program on Gender Equality is implemented and presented. The standards of non-discriminatory advertising are finalized and signed (the WCU is co-authors). Network protests against the governmental initiative aimed to evaluate the financial background of women receiving governmental support in a discriminatory way. We also drawn attention towards the delays in payment of this support for families with children. Developed and presented the strategy of the Network for 2012-2015, with the key objectives – to support women’s participation in the decision-making.

2010 • • • • • •

Awareness raising campaign to draw attention towards the Concluding Observations and Recommendations on CEDAW – press-events, local discussions, etc. Strengthened cooperation with businesses on combating gender stereotypes in advertising. Network protest against violence in election campaigns. Inquiry on women’s attitude towards the increased pension age. The results are passed to the MPs. The Network called on the Parliament to consider the interests of women and not to increase the age of retirement without necessary adjustments at the labor market. Inquiry of the candidates for the President of Ukraine on how they would see gender equality in the country, thus we draw their attention to the issue of discrimination based on sex. The web-site of the WCU became on of the biggest resource on gender politics and children rights.

2009 • •

Attention to the issue of sexism in advertising; discussions with producers and owners of advertising. With the help of gender advisors for governors (the majority of them were our members) we kept on discussion the issues of women’s rights raised in the Alternative Report.

Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 • •

The first annual report of the WCU presented. We launch our web-site: www.wcu-network.org.ua

2008 • • •

The first three-year strategy of the Network is developed and publicized. Alternative Report on CEDAW implementation is submitted to the UN. Press-event where the Network draw attention to the women’s rights violations, specifically, at the problem of violence, trafficking in low representation of women in political life, etc.

Development of the Network • • • • •

Training on new media for member organizations was organized to promote gender equality. Planning of strategies and their publicizing are applied into practice. The training of the members on using IT resources, e.g. we developed a manual on how to write news GoogleGroup was established to discuss internal issues and make decisions. The social network pages on the WCU at Facebook, LiveJournal and Twitter were created to make our work public.


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012

Publications and Videos: 2008-2012 Alternative report on gender equality in the framework of the UN Universal Periodic Report

The Report was prepared by the ad-hoc Coalition of NGOs to be considered within the 14th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on the Universal Periodic Review (second round), 2012. The Women’s Consortium of Ukraine has supplemented this document with information about the situation of women in the labour market. The Report provides information about the institutional mechanisms of gender equality; legislative initiatives for or against gender equality; appealing cases of discrimination; sexism in information and the media environment; discrimination of women in the labour market; access to and implementation of gender-based education; access to health care; situation of rural women; combating violence and human trafficking.

Alternative report on children rights in the framework of the UN Universal Periodic Report

The Report was prepared by the Coalition of NGOs to be considered within the 14th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on the Universal Periodic Review (second round), 2012. It provides information about the drawbacks of legislation for children, limited financing of this area, lack of information on children rights for public at large, support of the vulnerable groups of children, situation of children in the contact with law.

Responsible Marketing: Guide of the Companies The publication was aimed to increase public awareness about responsible marketing, provide concrete advice and present practices of the companies who already realize the importance of responsible marketing. The Guide targets the PR and marketing specialists, teachers of PR, corporate communications and marketing and students of these faculties. It provides information on how the companies in Ukraine understand and apply responsible marketing and specific recommendations on how to create policies for responsible marketing. The Guide was compiled by the CSR Center for the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine with support of the US Democracy Fund in Ukraine and with participation of representatives of the European Business Association, Prykarpattiaoblenergo, BDO, life:), MMR, Platinum Bank, Metro Cash and Carry and others.

Gender monitoring of the parliamentary elections 2012 The Analytical report of «Gender monitoring of the parliamentary elections 2012» reveals the issue of the gender component of the elections to Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine held in 2012. Specifically it touches the issue of gender equality in the party election programs and of their lists, media content, gender monitoring of the single mandated districts, meeting with the candidates. The collected materials include the conclusions and recommendations on how to strengthen the role and participation of women in political life. It targets experts, politicians, scholars, state servants and local authorities, as well as a broad circle of the public.

Summarized results of the Work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (9th Session of VI Convocation) for Children Rights The Analyses of the Draft Laws relevant to children right for the period of September 1, 2011 through January 15, 2012, will be of use for all who is interested in the work of the parliament of Ukraine and the issue of children rights. Among others, the information includes the analyses of the work of political fractions and individual members of the parliament in this area. Prepared by the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine in the framework of the Children Rights Program supported by the Save the Children Sweden.

The results of the Project “Prevention of Violence at School” and analyses of changes The Brochure will be interesting for educators and specialists trying to prevent violence at school. It presents the three year experience of the team of five NGOs – Women’s Consortium of Ukraine in Kyiv, Child Ecological NGO Flora in Kirovograd, Pani Vsesvit in Vinnitsa, the Coalition of Youth of Cherkaschyna in Cherkasy under the support of the Save the Children Sweden. The analysis was aimed to evaluate changes in the understanding of the problem of violence between children and students following Project “Prevention of Violence at School”.


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 Public monitoring of the State program on gender equality in Ukrainian society (till 2010). The material highlight the level of implementation of the state program in the period of 2006 through 2010.

Establish your own business. The material was prepared for the professionals from the state and nongovernmental organizations dealing with job skills training. It is aimed to be used in working with women planning to change their professional life by establishing their own small business and require informational support and practical hits for this.

Concluding observations and recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (Ukraine, 2011). Child-friendly version – in the publication prepared in winter 2011, the Committee identifies the key violations of the rights of child in Ukraine and issues recommendations on their eliminations. This material is aimed at adolescent children over 14.

Organization of the work in solving violence at school (2011) – the manual was written to spread information on possibilities of systematic training work with children, parents and teachers to prevent violence against children at school. The manual will help teachers, social workers, psychologists and other professionals working with children. The system of training presented in the manual was tested in 20 regional schools when working with the schools’ staff.

Sexism in advertising: its overcoming through self-regulation of the advertising industry organizations (2010) - publication presents analysis of the problem of sexism and gender stereotypes in Ukrainian advertising, and also raises questions about the introducing of self-regulation mechanism by the advertising industry itself, that, according to the authors, one of main ways of dealing with sexism in the Ukrainian advertising.

Refugees from Planet Earth (2010) - publication of children's comics, which make adolescents think about the situation of refugee children and the difficulties they face. Will be helpful in organizing extracurricular discussions on tolerance and intercultural dialogue.

Alternative report on implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child 2002-2008 in Ukraine (2009). The document is prepared by the Initiative group of NGOs, including the Women's Consortium of Ukraine.

Violence in schools: analysis of problems and assistance needed by children and teachers in solving it (2009) - research covered schools in four regions of Ukraine: Vinnitska, Kirovogradska, Kievska and Cherkasska. The objective was to promote a safe environment in schools by introducing new methods of interpersonal communication between children, teachers and parents.

Assessment of material needs of three regional shelters (2009) - study of resources available to support a child in social and psychological rehabilitation centres. This study was undertaken in order to attract additional resources that will improve rehabilitation centres for children.

Improving rehabilitation environment in institutions of social protection for children (2009) – This publication was designed as training materials for specialists who work with children in difficult circumstances. Topics included: How to work in child care centres; How to establish positive relations between the employees of the institution and children; How to help child - victims of violence using available resources.

Experience of Regional Discussion Clubs on “Stereotypical images of men and women in advertising" (2009) - this brochure, provides information about the phenomena of sexism and gender stereotypes in advertising. It includes a brief analysis of the importance and urgency of the issue for Ukraine and reflects the experience of regional discussion clubs. These became a platform for subsequent discussions at central and regional levels.

The Alternative Report on Implementation of CEDAW Convention in Ukraine is a document prepared by non-governmental organizations from 22 regions of Ukraine in respond to the regular report of the State on the level of implementation of the Convention of elimination of all Forms of Violence Against Women in Ukraine. The information is based on the in-depth situational gender analysis of Ukraine with the focus on covering the gaps, not reflected in the State Report, as well as on providing the community with the facts of discrimination and recommendations of the civil society of Ukraine on the elimination of all forms of discrimination.


International Participation & Cooperation Workshop on the child participation in the monitoring of the UN CRC, 31 January - 02 February 2012, Bucharest, Romania In the framework of the workshop the participants from Europe, MEDA region, Africa and Latin America exchanged their lessons learnt in preparation of children for the monitoring work and its implementation, as well as the results.

Advocacy work in the framework of the UPR session, August 2012, Geneva, Switzerland On August 31, 2012 the representative of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine have participated in the prehearing on the UPR, informed representatives of 20 members states on the problems of children rights, which were considered as a priority by the Coalition of the Children Rights in Ukraine. These were the issues of the right of children for the family and alternative care, protection of children in conflict with the law, protection of refugee children, adequate funding for implementation of the National Plan on CRC in Ukraine.

The Third Ukraine-Sweden Workshop "Swedish Public Education in Gender Context", Gothenburg, Sweden, October 13 – 20, 2012 The workshop was hold in the framework of the second visit of the representatives of the Women’s Consortium of Ukraine to Sweden, which was aimed to deepen the knowledge of Swedish public education and possibilities to use this experience in the Ukrainian context. The participants of the workshop have held a number of meetings with pedagogues of the public school of Kvinnofolkhögskolan and other non-governmental and governmental organizations working in the context of gender studies in Sweden.

Second Swedish-Ukrainian seminar "Swedish public education in the gender context", Gothenburg (Sweden), 6-10 June 2011. In the framework of this seminar 12 representatives of NGOs, also from the WCU, learned the experience of the public education for women in Sweden, methodologies and approaches applied in public education; discussed possible ways of cooperation.

Participation in thesession of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Switzerland, Geneva, 2011. Representative of the WCU participated in the 46 session for observation of the process of reporting by the Government of Ukraine.

Swedish-Ukrainian seminar "Swedish gender approach and education", Ukraine, 2010 The seminar was attended by teachers from the Swedish Women's Popular School and representatives of NGOs, educators and representatives of scientific circles of Ukraine. During the workshop, participants learned about methods of gender mainstreaming in education in Sweden as well as on the activities and methods of Women's popular school.

Participation in the Regional Consultations on the implementation of the Recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women in Europe, Poland, Warsaw, 2010 The event was organized by IWRAW Asia-Pacific with KARAT Coalition. During the meeting the sides discussed the identification of barriers of implementation of the UN Committee recommendations and identify areas of advocacy activities of NGOs.

Participation in the meeting of the UN Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Switzerland, Geneva, 2010 Representatives of Women's Consortium of Ukraine presented to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women Alternative report on the implementation in Ukraine the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Ukraine received 53 recommendations, including recommendations proposed by the Network Women's Consortium of Ukraine.

Visit of the Swedish Ombudsman for students Lars Arenius to Kyiv in the framework of the program "Prevention of violence at school", September 2010 The Ombudsman met with the representative of Ombudsman of Ukraine on children's rights, school directors and representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and shared his experience of implementing the

Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 laws of Sweden concerning the prevention of violence among children, develop action plans for combating violence in schools, taking into account the views of children in improving the environment and security in schools. The result of the roundtable was the preparation of an action plan in school on prevention violence among children.

International seminar "Regional network for children and youth on prevention of trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Africa" in Bansko, Bulgaria 20 - 26 November 2010. Sixth meeting of European networks that operate in the interests of children, in Florence, Italy, 20 22 October 2010, which brought together representatives from most European countries to discuss current issues in child protection.

NGOs informed UN on the Rights of Children . June 14, 2010 the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child heard the position of Ukrainian NGOs working for children on the status of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Site Visit of Ukrainian Parliamentarians, Sweden, 2009. The visit was aimed to give an idea on approaches in children rights protection used in Sweden by members of parliament, government, ombudspersons, local authorities and NGOs. It visit was a component of broader initiative aimed to establish Cross Political group on Children Rights in Ukrainian Parliament.

International Conference “Youth and Information Communication Technologies” - Challenges and Opportunities ", Sweden, 2009 The conference was attended by international organizations from Sweden, the UK, USA, Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. The conference objective – the protection of children from the flow of information coming through the Internet (particularly child sexual abuse). Also identified were organizations that can provide appropriate assistance or help with advice.

Black Sea NGO Forum, 2009 This forum brought together representatives of NGOs from 10 Black Sea region countries to discuss their experience in relaying information to the regional and transnational levels.

IWRAW Asia Pacific, 2009 Drafting Alternative reports on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination (CEDAW) and effective participation in Sessions of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.

AGAPEDIA Foundation 2008 Study seminar within the tri-lateral project "Enhancing the partnership between NGOs and local authorities from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine to implement the European standards of quality in child protection".

Open World since 2005 WCU acts as a nominee organization for women and community leaders to be able to exchange expertise with their colleagues in the USA. By 2008 more then 30 representatives of WCU and the network have visited the United States. Most of them continues to collaborate with the Network of Global Leadership «Vital Voices».

Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO) is a not-for-profit organization that helps to build self sustaining capacity in developing communities. Cooperation of CESO with WCU started in 2007, when an external evaluation of the organization was performed. As a result the Gender Equality Strategy document was drafted. In 2008 the cooperation continued with discussion of broader technical skills training initiatives which were implemented in 2009.


Our Grantors and Donors Many thanks to these organizations and foundations who have supported and financed our projects and programs during 2008 —2012

BICE Canada Fund for Local Initiatives Danish Refugee Council International Organization of Migration International Renaissance Foundation International Women's Club of Kiev Save the Children Sweden U.S. Democracy Fund United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) World Childhood Foundation, Sweden

Many thanks to these organizations who provided us with services in kind during 2008 –2012 Canadian Executive Service Organization Family House Friedrich Ebert Foundation Institute of Journalism Kyiv Center of Social Services for Family, Children and Youth Kyiv Municipal Center for Women Parliamentary Development Program

And the many others who provided us with their support and consideration

Funding in 2008-2012 3 000 000

2 500 000


2 000 000

1 500 000

1 000 000

500 000

0 2008




World Childhood Foundation

Роки Danish Refugee Council

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

International Organization for Migration


International Women's Club of Kiev

International Renaissance Foundation

U.S. Democracy Fund

Save the Children Sweden




Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012

Statement of Grants Received and Expenses * 2008** UAH

2009** UAH



2010** UAH

2011** UAH

2012** UAH

Grants Received United Nations & Agencies European Union & Agencies U.S.A. Agencies International Foundations & Charities Ukrainian Organizations

22 897


48150 237654

322 368 5 075





444 590





123 797 117 970

776980 217500

670870 229200

794043 264683

929190 301200

241 767





Transfer to Fund Balance

202 823





Opening Fund balance Closing Fund balance

18 845 221 668

221668 306898

306898 119870

119870 333430

333430 20358


Expenses Program & Project costs*** Administration Total



* The above financial information has been compiled from the Annual Income Tax Report to the Ukraine Government ** Years ending December 31 (unaudited) *** Program & project costs include payments to network members on joint projects Services-in-kind are not valued in the above information


Annual Report of the Organization 2008Women’s Consortium of Ukraine 2012 Member Organizations “Blagovist”, Sumy Regional Charitable Foundation “Business Initiatives”, Civil Society Center, Ivano-Frankovsk Center for Civil Society Development, Slavutych “Chaika”, Center for support of civil society initiatives, Rivne Suchasnyk Chetnivtsy NGO Chernigivska Oblast Women’s Union of Ukraine Donetsk League of Business and Professional Women “Gender Center”, Volyn Regional NGO

Board of Directors, elected in 2012

Alekseyenko Maria, Chairwoman Baeva Tetyana Hunko Larysa Ivanina Tetyana Miknovets Tetyana Samolevska Natalka Yarosh Oksana

Management Staff

Faith, Hope, Love, Odessa

Oksana Moskalenko

Kharkiv Women’s NGO "Krona"

Coordinator — Children Rights and Advocacy

Kharkiv Women’s NGO "Nadia"

Maria Dendebera

Khmelnytskiy Raion Association "Svitanok"

Coordinator — Violence Against Children

“Kolo”, Kirovograd Regional Youth Gender Center

Vira Karaicheva

Maibuttia, Charity Fund, Lviv

Editor, journalist

Men’s Adaptation Center in Ternopil NGO Nadia NGO, Kyiv region Pani Vsesvit, Vinnitsa NGO Poltavian Business Incubator “Podol Center “Gender Council”, Khmelnitsk NGO Poltava Regional Division of the League of Social Workers of Ukraine Poltava Branch of Social Services of Ukraine Spivdruzhnist, Simpheropol Women’s Center Successful Woman NGO, Kherson Volynian Prospects NGO “Young Cherkashshyna”, Coalition of Youth NGOs in Cherkassy region “Zhinky Batkivshchyny”, Kyiv Regional NGO and Regional Resource Center Union of non-government organizations „Open society” Women of Donbass NGO, Luhansk Women’s Informational-Consultation Center "Olvia", Mykolajiv Region Women’s Informational-Consultation Center, Zhytomyr

Violeta Tochilenkova Accountant

External Advisors Denis Stepura, media, children's participation Frank Copping volunteer advisor of CESO Kostiantyn Shenderovskiy, social policy issues Larysa Magdyuk, gender issues Lyudmyla Humenyuk, media consultant Maria Yasenovska, children’s rights Maxym Kutsevych, lawyer Mykhaylyna Skoryk, media consultant Olena Soloviova, psychologist Sergiy Plotyan, gender issues and local government Valeriy Danylin, strategic planning Vira Karaicheva, editor, journalist Vira Porovska, professional skills Yevgenia Dubrovska, children's psychiatrist, psychotherapist

Zaporizhian Women’s NGO "Center of Public and Social Initiatives" Zaporizhian Foundation “Yednist za maibutne”

Branches of the WCU exist in the following regions: Vinnitsa, Volyn, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Zakarpatia, Zaporizhia, Kyiv, Mykolayiv, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Kherson, Khmelnytskiy, Cherkasy, Chernihiv


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