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President's Message
I hope you all had a wonderful summer. It has certainly been a busy time for Worcester District Medical Society!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended our 225th Anniversary Gala on Friday, September 27, 2019. It was a great success and my heart felt gratitude to Martha, Melissa, Katrin, Francine and everyone else who volunteered and worked behind the scenes to make this Gala so memorable for all of us. If you missed the event, please take some time to view the “History of WDMS” video produced by Dr. Dale Magee, it is posted on our website (www.wdms.org). He has done a magnificent job in summarizing the past 225 years of our Society in 17 minutes! It was the highlight of the evening. I consider myself very fortunate to have served as your president during this exciting time.
I am pleased to report that the Gala was a great success and we raised more than $50,000. Once the expenses have been paid, the remainder of the money will go directly to the WDMS Scholarship Committee. This scholarship benefits our medical students, who are the future of our country’s health care system. On November 21, 2019, during our Fall District Meeting, we will get to meet those deserving students who will be awarded the scholarships.
Wishing you all peace, health and prosperity during the upcoming holiday season and thank you very much for your ongoing help and support for our great organization.
Sahdev Passey, MD