We continued to oppose the hostile environment for migrants, which remains in force despite efforts to re-brand it
Supporting migrants’ rights We continue to stand up for migrants’ rights and to work towards a world where the right to stay and the right to move is no longer a passport lottery.
Over 30,000 people have supported our call to end the UK’s hostile environment since we launched our petition. And along with our allies, we developed a toolkit for Global Justice Now activists to help campaign against detention centres.
In May we hosted an evening with award winning author, broadcaster and columnist Gary Younge. He explained how the issues we see today, with the Windrush generation and the hostile environment, aren’t an accident but are part of a system rigged against people in the global south and people of colour.
We ran training sessions on how to have ‘difficult conversations about migration’, supporting activists to confidently engage their communities. As part of the steering committee of the Permanent People’s Tribunal on Migration we co-organised a picket in front of the Home Office to mark International Migrants Day.
What next? ffContinue to roll out our ‘Having difficult conversations about migration’ workshops. ffPublish policy proposals based on our research on global free movement.
To defeat the world of borders, hierarchy and nationalism envisioned by the far right, we need to start imagining the world we want, one that puts global justice at its heart and where violent borders are a distant memory. Together with our activists and supporters we’re working towards this new vision. Our new report showcases a world where everyone enjoys equal rights to move freely around the globe. 13