6 minute read
Trade justice
Things are moving fast with the US trade deal negotiations at the moment. The fourth round of trade talks with the US has just concluded. As ever, the secrecy around them is extreme but Liz Truss, the trade minister, has said that negotiations are in “advanced stages” and that negotiators were “in the process of consolidating texts in the majority of chapter areas”.
Nick has been speaking at various events about his book (see opposite page), including at The World Transformed, which was an online festival this year. Groups have variously held webinars and street stalls about the US deal, and banner drops are already planned in a couple of places. As always, we can help with speakers for webinars, materials for stalls and banners – contact guy.taylor@globaljustice.org.uk
The UK has also agreed a trade deal with Japan. This now goes to the Japanese parliament, the Diet, which needs to vote on it in a ratification process that will take up to the end of the year. The UK parliament by contrast is not guaranteed a vote and the deal can be ratified in 21 working days.
US deal day of action
Plans for the day of action against the US trade deal on 24 October 2020 are shaping up. As we wrote last time, with negotiations having speeded up in the past few months, we think we need to take the next step of coming together in a day of action.
Many of our allies are on board – the day is being supported by Keep Our NHS Public, War on Want, Traidcraft, We Own It, Open Rights Group, SumOfUs, Compassion in World Farming, Another Europe is Possible and the Stop Trump Coalition.
We’re campaigning in pandemic times and things are changing fast, so this day of action will be a mix of things you can do from home, virtual online events and ideas for socially distant action outside on the streets when possible. We’ll keep the plans under review as we get closer to the time. At the moment, this is the plan – there’s a bit of a Halloween theme!
From home
Carve a pumpkin lantern to say ‘Stop US deal’ (or the full ‘Stop the US trade deal’ if
Trade Secrets In August we launched Nick Dearden’s short book Trade Secrets: The truth about the US trade deal and how we can stop it. Even though we were making it available for free, we weren’t expecting to send out over 2,000 printed copies, with hundreds more distributed in the ebook format (right). We’re still got some printed copies left. You can order them, or get hold of the pdf, ebook or simple webpages version of the book on our special microsite at tradesecrets.globaljustice.org.uk

you can get it on the pumpkin!) and display it in your window or at your door on the day. If you aren’t able to carve a lantern, you could put up a simple window poster.
Take a photo of yourself holding a message saying ‘Stop the US trade deal’. The message could just be on a piece of paper, could be a pumpkin lantern or some other creative way. You could even wear a Halloween costime! Send your photo to activism@ globaljustice.org.uk and if you are on social media, share it there too.
If you are a member of a local political party, union branch, residents’ association, student union or other similar organisation, see if you can propose a motion to get the organisation to speak out against the US trade deal. Many such organisations are meeting virtually at present, so this is something that can be done from home. We have a template motion you can use and adapt (see link below).
You can also join the online evening rally we’re planning (more details soon).
Socially distanced on the street
Holding a stall is a good way to raise awareness of the dangers of the US trade deal in your community. You could:
Put a pumpkin lantern on the stall. Ideally carve the lantern with ‘Stop US deal’ (or the full ‘Stop the US trade deal’ if you can get it on the pumpkin!). However if that is too complicated, then an ordinary lantern face will still help draw attention to the stall.
Take photos of people with the pumpkin then send them to activism@globaljustice. org.uk and share on social media. For this, you either need to be able to display the pumpkin in such a way that people can stand next to it for the photo and don’t have to touch it, or you need to be able to wipe it down with sanitiser between each person. If you haven’t been able to carve a pumpkin with a trade message, then you could use a poster or placard for people to have their photos taken with.
Run a guessing game (enclosed for groups and linked below) about the differences between the US and the UK on food standards, pesticides, chemicals in cosmetics and medicine prices.
Holding a stall at the moment does need to be done carefully, to be socially distant. More advice on this is at the link below.

Global Justice Reading gave out 200 leaflets on the US trade deal at the local farmers’ market October 2020 5
If your group wants to borrow this 1m x 3.5m banner, get in touch with Guy Taylor: guy.taylor@globaljustice.org.uk

In London
If you’re in London, we’re hoping to hold a socially distanced protest in central London with colourful Halloween stunts.
More information, with links to action ideas and advice on meeting Covid regulations is at: globaljustice.org.uk/24oct
Our court case against the government has concluded, with the Information Tribunal ruling that the government failed to disclose important information about its post-Brexit trade talks, and ordering the Department for International Trade (DIT) to provide more details about its trade negotiations.
While not giving us everything we asked for, the ruling paints a critical picture of the DIT’s lack of transparency, noting a government representative had shown a “clear inability to provide answers on many points of detail” and that the department had failed to deal with aspects of the case in a “detailed and rigorous way”. Significant weight was placed on the testimony of a former trade official, who described the government’s approach as “at the far end of the secrecy spectrum.”
Trade Bill
The Trade Bill continues through the Lords. We’ve worked with Lib Dem and Labour peers who have put down amendments that would give parliament a vote on trade deals. Supporters have been writing to peers urging them to back the amendments, and there is a good chance they will be passed when the bill reaches report stage (which we anticipate may be in mid October). If we can again succeed in amending the bill in the Lords, the government will then try and overturn the amendment in the Commons and our job will be to defend it.
Key resources
Trade Secrets Nick’s short book on the US trade deal (August 2020). Order it or read at tradesecrets.globaljustice.org.uk
Stop the US trade deal Window poster Stop the US trade deal A5 leaflet Download or order copies by emailing activism@globaljustice.org.uk
Organising locally against the US
trade deal Online guide, find it via globaljustice.org.uk/trade
US-UK trade deal: Threats to the NHS and drug pricing Three-page briefing (2020)
What’s at risk in Scotland from a US-UK trade deal? Short booklet (July 2020)
Five reasons modern trade deals are
terrible for the climate Four-page briefing (August 2019)
Trading with Trump 2017 briefing