4 minute read
The annual report is available at the Company’s registered office and can be consulted on the website www.wdp.eu in three language versions (Dutch, French and English). Only the printed Dutch version of the annual report is legally valid. The electronic versions of the annual reports may not be copied or made available anywhere. It is also prohibited to print the text for further distribution.
Contacts and additional information: Joost Uwents, CEO joost.uwents@wdp.eu Mickaël Van den Hauwe, CFO mickael.vandenhauwe@wdp.eu Joke Cordeels, Investor relations investorrelations@wdp.eu
Universal Registration Document
WDP declares that: ♦ the 2020 Annual Report was filed with the FSMA as a Universal Registration
Document on the date of 29 March 2021, as the competent authority under
Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 without prior approval under Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129; ♦ the Universal Registration Document may be used with a view to offering securities to the public or the admission of securities to trading on a regulated market, provided that it is approved by the FSMA, where applicable, along with any amendments and a securities note and summary approved in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1129. The information made available via the website does not form part of this Universal Registration Document unless such information is included as a reference.
Persons responsible for the content of the annual report
The members of the Board of Directors of WDP NV/SA the composition of which is described in chapter 8. Corporate Governance Statement, are responsible for the information provided in this annual financial report.
♦ Tony De Pauw and Joost Uwents, both managing directors and co-CEOs, hereby declare, on behalf of the Board of Directors, the composition of which is described in chapter 8. Corporate Governance Statement, after having taken all measures to guarantee and to their knowledge, that the data in this annual report reflect the reality and no data has been omitted, the disclosure of which would alter the purport of this annual report and that, to their knowledge: ♦ the financial statements, which have been drawn up in accordance with the applicable standards for financial statements, give a true and fair view of the group’s equity, financial position and of the results of the issuer and of the companies included in the consolidation; ♦ the annual report gives a true overview of the development and the results of the company and of the position of the issuer and the companies included in the consolidation, as well as a description of the main risks and uncertainties they are faced with (including the crisis related to Covid-19); ♦ no significant changes have occurred in the financial position or financial performance of the Group since 31 December 2020, besides for the information in 7. Financial results and property report – Management of financial resources and 11.
Financial statements – XXVIII. Significant events after the balance sheet date; and ♦ subject to what has been published with regard to the Dutch REIT status, no government interventions, lawsuits or cases of arbitration exist – or have recently occurred – that could influence WDP’s financial position or profitability. They also declare that, to their knowledge, no circumstances or facts exist that could lead to such government interventions, lawsuits or cases of arbitration.
Available documents
WDP hereby declares that, at least during the period of validity of the Universal Registration Document, the following documents are available for consultation on its website at www.wdp.eu: ♦ the latest deed of incorporation and articles of association of WDP; ♦ the annual reports; ♦ the reports, and respectively, the conclusions of the statutory auditor and the property experts; ♦ press releases and mandatory financial information. The company’s financial reporting is published in the financial press where required by law; ♦ the Corporate Governance Charter; ♦ the obligations of the Company and the rights of the shareholders with regard to the
General Meeting are published on the Investor Relations section of WDP’s website from the meeting notice until participation and voting in full. This information remains available on the Company website for a period of at least five years starting from the date of the General Meeting to which it pertains.
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, the separate and consolidated financial statements of the Company are deposited with the National Bank of Belgium.
Decisions related to the appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of Directors are published in the Annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette.
Information from third parties
WDP declares that the information provided by the property experts and the statutory auditor has been faithfully reproduced. To WDP’s knowledge, and based on what it has been able to deduce from the information published by the property experts and the statutory auditor, no facts were omitted that would render the information provided by the property experts or the statutory auditor incorrect or misleading. WDP also confirms that the statutory auditor and property experts have given their approval for the content of their report and conclusions respectively to be included in the annual report.
For confidentiality reasons, the full report of the property experts has not been included and cannot be consulted.
Required components of the annual report
In accordance with Articles 3:6 and 3:32 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, the required components of the WDP annual report appear in the following chapters: ♦ 7. Financial results and property report; ♦ 8. Corporate Governance Statement; ♦ 9. Risk factors; and ♦ 11. Financial statements.
This annual report provides an overview of the activities and financial statements for the financial year ending on 31 December 2020.