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Council's Organisational Structure
In consultation with our communities, the elected Council sets the strategic direction of the organisation under the authority of the State Government via the Local Government Act 2009. Council's Corporate Plan 2017 - 2022 is our long-term vision for the Western Downs.
The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Team are responsible for carrying out the decisions of Council as well as providing professional advice on how to best achieve identified priorities within allocated resources.
In consultation with Council, the Executive Team and their staff develop annual Operational Plans and Budgets aligned to the Corporate Plan. An assessment of progress against these plans is provided to Council each quarter via the Operational Plan review, and annually to the community via this Annual Report. This Annual Report accounts for the strategic priorities which were addressed in Council's 2019/20 Operational Plan.
To ensure our organisation is effectively undertaking its responsibilities, internal audits are carried out to evaluate systems and processes, and audit activities, the Audit Committee provides an independent and external review of the corporate governance framework. Western Downs Regional Council is structured into the following four divisions:
• Executive Services lead by the Chief Executive Officer • Corporate Services lead by the General Manager (Corporate Services) • Community and Liveability lead by the General Manager (Community and Liveability) • Infrastructure Services lead by the General Manager (Infrastructure Services)
The Executive and Senior Management teams are responsible for the functions shown in the organisational chart below. Their role is to assist Council in making timely and informed decisions, backed by trusted advice and supported by effective and inclusive governance. As leaders of the organisation, the Executive and Senior Management to encourage a culture of continuous improvement. Overseeing internal
teams are responsible for ensuring their departments service the local communities effectively and efficiently.
Each division is further segmented into functional departments, as shown below.
Western Downs Regional Council Organisational Structure as at 30 June 2020
General Manager (Community and Liveability)
Planning and Environment Manager
Economic Development Manager
Communities Manager
Health Services Manager Chief Executive Officer
General Manager (Corporate Services)
General Manager (Infrastructure Services)