Performance Outcome Highlights 2020/21 Strategic Priority: STRONG ECONOMIC GROWTH • C ouncil hosted a Western Downs Jobs Fair, offering opportunities to job seekers and employers to connect in the one place. Business and industry in our region live local and buy local
• C ouncil awarded funding to the Chinchilla Community, Commerce & Industry (CCCI) to deliver a regional Buy Local Platform including Facebook page and website to support buy local initiatives. The Buy Western Downs platform has 238 businesses listed on the website and 798 Facebook page users. • P anel arrangements were revamped to support local business, making it easier and clearer for suppliers to work with Council. • $ 8.08 million local spend within facilities capital projects across the region. • 7 2.3% of the works capital procurement was spent locally.
Our region is a recognised leader in energy, including clean, green renewable energies
•U nder partnership with TSBE, a Hydrogen Summit was held bringing together academics, businesses and multiple tiers of government; with 170 attendees, 67% visiting from out of Western Downs region.
We are a region without boundaries, united in community pride
•W ords Out West Readers and Writers Festival was held for the second year and included sold out events, the Warra 'Schooners & Stories' night and the Writers Retreat at Jimbour House. • P artnering with the local community, the Wandoan Soldier Settlers Avenue of Honour was officially opened, celebrating and honouring the contribution of the 103 soldier settler families to the development of the Wandoan community. e welcomed 58 new Australian citizens to our region. •W
Our community members are the loudest advocates for what's great about our region
• S eniors Month was celebrated across the region. In spite of the challenges of COVID-19, several activities were organised across the region, including those held at Council's aged care facilities. • C ouncil approved $1 million for the Community Infrastructure Grants Program and $300,000 for the Community Hardship and Assistance Grants Program. • S tudent leader events were held in Dalby, Chinchilla, Miles and Tara where over 180 student leaders from across the region were given the opportunity to meet and interact with key community leaders and listen to the inspiring story of Krishna Stanton, Dean of Students, Cromwell College, Brisbane and former Olympian.
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