Welcome to

Jandowae is the best place to be! There is a lot of support within the community, from home daycare, the kindergarten at the school, to our hospital and health services. There is a strong community spirit, and there is always someone willing to help out when needed. In Jandowae, everyone comes together for the benefit of our great community.
I would like to extend a personal invitation to explore all that our region has to offer using our welcome guides.
These guides are for those who have recently moved to the Western Downs or are looking to relocate here.
There is a lot of helpful information including available schools, local community groups, recreational and sporting groups and essential services offered in our towns.
Our region is known for its vibrant communities which have a great variety of activities for all ages and interests. From our regional events,
local festivities, arts and culture programs and strong sporting communities, there is something for everyone
I’m excited to be able to these guides comers and hope offer support to our new-
will help Downs. Western into the you settle
Located in the eastern pocket of the Western Downs region, 45km northwest of Dalby is Jandowae, named from the Indigenous language meaning camp or waterhole due to its location on the Jandowae Creek. The district extends to Burra Burri, Cooranga North, Jimbour, Jinghi Valley and Warra.
In the early days, Jandowae was known as a timber town, with the timber and milling industries making an important contribution to the growth of the town. A trip to Jandowae is like a walk down memory lane, with some of the original shop facades still on display today.
Jandowae has a vibrant and active community who will tell you the town punches above its weight for community spirit and social activities. The town benefits of being just far enough west to get away from the rat race, but close enough for a day trip to any major centre. The small town has all the essential services, including a hospital, medical centre, school and modern Community and Cultural Centre.
The Western Downs is home to more than 34,000 residents and 8,188 families. The median age of our population is 37 years, and 7.1% of our residents were born overseas. We are proud to be a multicultural community and support diversity and inclusivity.
Combining a country lifestyle with modern living and conveniences, the Western Downs has an assortment of urban centres, quiet small towns, rural lifestyle blocks and an abundance of recreation spaces — something to suit everyone!
Living in the Western Downs is affordable compared to many parts of Queensland. Our average rent is $250 per week, compared to the Queensland average of $395 per week.
Across the region there are 15,000 homes with an average sale price of $200,209 — $258,151 lower than the Queensland average.
The Western Downs (no ‘) boasts one of Australia’s strongest, well-rounded and diverse economies. Agriculture is a founding pillar of the region, closely followed by intensive agriculture, manufacturing, and more recently large scale investments in the resources industry and renewable energy.
Life in the Western Downs is rich with experiences and events that attract Queensland and interstate travellers. See what’s on the calendar for the Jandowae district...
Lillian couldn’t imagine living anywhere else after moving here with her husband 52 years ago. They built a life for themselves in Jandowae with two young children and a transport business. These days her lifestyle revolves around the local showgrounds and ensuring that her local knowledge can be passed on. She tells all the travellers she greets of the fantastic facilities in town and attractions nearby, enticing anyone to stay and join her community.
Below are Lillian’s insider tips for living in Jandowae.
Relaxed, but it’s also busy. Its a busy as you want to make it. The relaxation comes from being able to pace yourself, work your own hours and enjoying what is around you. It’s removed from the hustle bustle of the city.
Immensely over the years. Travel trends have become a lot more constant and we are fortunate to have been able to accommodate the growth of the caravanning industry. We rely on their tourism now. I am humbled to be part of the infrastructure improvements here at the showgrounds that mean we can provide comfortable camping but also facilities for our events like the large horse events and the Timbertown Festival we are now able to host.
At the showgrounds. I started as show secretary 45 years ago and have grown with it ever since. I love talking to the visitors and sharing my local knowledge. It provides an important opportunity for me to continue to work for my community.
Our local characters. There are a couple of people around town with great stories to tell. The caravanners love them too so I always make sure to point them in the right direction.
My favourite time of year is...
When it rains. Spring and Autumn are beautiful of course but I love the ‘green’ that the rain brings.
I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else now... the Jandowae community is my whole life.Welcome to
The Western Downs is one of Australia’s largest primary producers and our abundant local produce offers a chance for residents to explore our local produce. Here’s a taste of what the Jandowae district has to offer...
Award-winning Western Downs artist, Graeme McCullough painted 29 power poles with designs depicting local community groups, services, businesses and landscapes of the local area. Take a stroll and get to know the history of the community, pole by pole.
Throw down a picnic blanket at Lions Park and stroll across the road to Athlone Cottage to learn about the heritage of the cottage from the 1890s.
Jandowae Dam is the watersports playground for locals for boating, swimming and water skiing. It’s also a great spot for birdwatching.
Head to the start of the 5,000+ kilometre Dingo Barrier Fence — the longest fence in the world, just 16 kilometres drive from Jandowae.
Go on a living history walk and learn about Jimbour’s colourful past from pioneer days to now.
Experience Jandowae, our small town has a big heart. With plenty to do, including cultural activities, active sporting clubs and groups, and the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors, there’s fun activities for the whole family.
Education for all ages is a priority in the Western Downs. There are 33 schools and 24 regulated childhood education and childcare services in the region. Our libraries also offer online education programs.
C&K Jandowae Kindergarten
Children 3 to 5 years
Operates 8:40am to 2:50pm, Monday, Tuesday and alternative Wednesday
Deb’s Daycare
Children 6 months to 12 years Before and after kindergarten and school care Operates 7:30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
Storytime at Jandowae
Children 5 years and under 10am, 2nd and 5th Tuesday of the month
C&K Jandowae Kindergarten Showgrounds Warra St, Jandowae QLD 4410 07 4668 5665 candk.asn.au/jandowae
14 Jimbour St, Jandowae QLD 4410
Jandowae State School Prep to Year 10
Jandowae Library 22 George St, Jandowae QLD 4410 07 4668 4480 westerndownslibraries.com
44 George St, Jandowae QLD 4410 07 4668 4333 jandowaess.eq.edu.au
Jimbour State School Prep to Year 6
2421 Dalby-Jandowae Rd, Jimbour East QLD 4406
07 4663 6120 jimbourss.eq.edu.au
District 9 NBHA Barrel Racing
Jandowae Bowls Club
Jandowae Boxing Club
Jandowae Cottage Craft Inc
Jandowae Garden Club
Jandowae Golf Club
Jandowae Junior Rugby League
Jandowae Light Horse Brigade
Jandowae Netball Club
Jandowae Pony Club
Jandowae Ski Club
Jandowae Squash Club
Jandowae Tennis Club
Jandowae Trail Bike Ride
Jandowae Yarners
Jandowae Mens Shed
Jandowae Fish Hooks Senior Rugby League
Jandowae Race Club Jandowae Show Committee
Visit www.wdrc.qld.gov.au/living-here/volunteering/ for more.
Experience warm connection and immerse yourself in Jandowae, with a wide variety of community and cultural groups ranging from the arts to social groups and volunteering.
We were looking for a tree change... when we visited we really liked what we found.
Six months ago, three generations of Christine’s family made the tree change to Jandowae. Together they have explored and come to enjoy their new lifestyles outside of the city. The six of them feel blessed to be able to call this block of land their own and are enthusiastically making themselves at home in the Western Downs.
Below are Christine, Nadia and Sofia’s insider tips for living in Jandowae.
Between all generations to move to the Western Downs. The kids were growing up too fast in the city and we wanted to slow things down. – Nadia
When we lived in Brisbane we used to visit places out here like Chinchilla and Miles. So it’s nice to live closer to them now, they’re just next door. – Sofia
In Jandowae has really surprised me. Not to mention all of the tourist attractions nearby... there are people everywhere, both locals and visitors. – Sofia
Was Karel at the library. She was so welcoming, we didn’t really get that when we moved to Brisbane. So it was a nice introduction to the community. – Sofia
Julie at the caravan park. My husband and I were staying in the caravan park before we moved and when she found out we were moving to town she was thrilled. It was a lovely welcome to the community. – Christine
Certainly a lot less stressful and a lot more relaxing. It has given us more time for opportunities we wouldn’t have found in the city. – Nadia
Becoming involved with some of the local clubs. I have been told there is a great gardening club and the committee for the Timbertown Festival held in June.
– Christine
So far has got to be summer. The sunsets are incredible, and we take little moonlit walks down the road to look at the stars. – Nadia
I’m looking forward to...
It was a joint decision...
With a third of our staff and contractors calling the Western Downs home, we know the region is a fantastic place to live, work and raise a family.
We want more of our employees living locally and we know the Western Downs has so much to offer. We are proud to support the production of these welcome guides for people moving to the area.
Relocating anywhere new is often daunting, with many factors unknown. With information on key resources such as schools, services, businesses and community groups easily accessible in these packs, we’re confident the transition for individuals and families will be made easier.
And by showcasing the unique character of what brings the towns ‘alive’ we are confident your new life in the Western Downs will be exciting.
This guide was funded by Shell’s QGC Business and produced by Western Downs Regional Council. Information is current as at 30 April 2022.