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Education for all ages is a priority in the Western Downs. There are 33 schools and 24 regulated childhood education and childcare services in the region. Our libraries also offer online education programs.
Murilla Long Day Care & Kindergarten Centre
Children 0 to 12 years Operates 6am to 6pm, Monday to Friday 131 - 133 Murilla St, Miles QLD 4415 07 4627 2108 mccm.org.au/long-day-care
Murilla Kindergarten Ass Inc
Children 3.5 years to 4.5 years Operates 8.30am to 2.30pm, Tuesday, Thursdays and alternating Fridays Marian St, Miles QLD 4415 07 4627 1340 candk.asn.au/centre/murillakindergarten-assn-inc
Murilla OSHC
Operates 3pm to 6pm (after school care) Operates 8am to 6pm (Queensland School Holidays Vacation Care) 14 Eleanor St, Miles QLD 4415 07 4627 2999 mccm.org.au/oshc
Condamine State School
Prep to Year 6 Kennedy St, Condamine QLD 4416 07 4627 7147 condaminess.eq.edu.au
Drillham State School
Prep to Year 6 13 Jardine St, Drillham QLD 4424 07 4627 6289 drillhamss.eq.edu.au
Dulacca State School
Prep to Year 6 North Rd, Dulacca QLD 4425 07 3627 6155 dulaccass.eq.edu.au
Miles State School
Prep to Year 6 17 Pine St, Miles QLD 4415 07 4628 0333 milesss.eq.edu.au
Miles State High School
Junior School: Year 7 to Year 10 Senior School: Year 10 to Year 12 Pine St, Miles QLD 4415 07 4628 5111 milesshs.eq.edu.au