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Education for all ages is a priority in the Western Downs. There are 33 schools and 24 regulated childhood education and childcare services in the region. Our libraries also offer online education programs.
C&K Childcare
Children 6 weeks to 5 years (daytime care) Children 5 years to 12 years (after school care) Operates 7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday 41 Porter St, Tara QLD 4421 07 4665 3376 candk.asn.au/tara
Glenmorgan State School
Prep to Year 6 Clive St, Glenmorgan QLD 4423 07 4665 6757 glenmorganss.eq.edu.au
Hannaford State School
Prep to Year 6 Hannaford Rd, Hannaford QLD 4406 07 4665 9239 hannafordss.eq.edu.au
Meandarra State School
Prep to Year 6 Sara St, Meandarra QLD 4422 07 4678 533 meandarrass.eq.edu.au
Moonie State School
Kindergarten to Year 6 11305 Moonie Hwy, Moonie QLD 4406 07 4665 0133 mooniess.eq.edu.au
St Joseph’s
Prep to Year 6 3 Fry St, Tara QLD 4421 07 4665 3259 tara.catholic.edu.au
Tara Shire State College
Primary: Prep to Year 6 Junior: Year 7 to Year 9 Senior: Year 9 to Year 12 22 Binnie St, Tara QLD 4421 07 4678 7333 tarashiresc.eq.edu.au
The Gums State School
Prep to Year 7 12051 Coomrith Road, The Gums QLD 4406 07 4665 9170 thegumsss.eq.edu.au
Westmar State School
Kindergarten to Year 6 18425 Moonie Hwy, Westmar QLD 4422 07 4663 0777 westmarss.eq.edu.au