Part-time courses for all adults 2013 / 2014 Workers’ Educational Association London Region
The WEA is the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult education courses
How to use this brochure Courses for particular groups? The first short section – Across London – explains some of the courses we offer to particular groups – groups like trade union activists, people who wish to become Community Interpreters in public services or people who want to improve their English or Maths skills. Many of these courses can lead to a qualification.
What subjects does WEA London offer? Explore the subject index on pages 6 to 9. This provides an alphabetical list of all the subjects we offer and the pages where you can find more information.
Across London courses This section lists courses that are available for everyone in (Greater) London. We offer a variety of subjects in different areas and some of these courses are for trade union activists, people who wish to become community interpretors in public services, health and fitness, active citizenship, family learning or people who want to improve their English, Maths or ICT skills. A key feature of much of our provision is that we work with many partner organisations like museums, galleries and other partners who work with groups such as homeless people; women’s organisations; cultural organisations; people with disabilities and community based
projects. Please contact us on 020 7426 1950 if your organisation does not currently work in partnership with WEA London and would like to explore this opportunity further.
What courses are in my locality? There are courses in most London boroughs and information is set out geographically by borough arranged in alphabetical order. Many are open access courses planned and supported by WEA Branches – groups of volunteers supporting our work in the community. Some boroughs have several branches and these are listed in alphabetical order under the borough in which they are located. The WEA branch is the main source of information about the courses and contact details are listed. Please do remember that these are often busy people who support the WEA branch on a voluntary basis. A key feature of much of our provision is that we work with many partner organisations like museums, galleries and other partners who work with groups such as homeless people; women’s organisations; cultural organisations; people with disabilities and community-based garden projects. Please contact us on 020 7426 1950 if your organisation does not currently work in partnership with WEA London and would like to explore this opportunity further.
Welcome to the WEA London Region WEA London region covers Greater London and through our branches of voluntary members and partnerships with other community and issue-based organisations is able to bring classes to students in your own geographical or social community. We run courses from basic or introductory levels right through to higher levels where people can progress onto university level if they wish, and some of our courses offer accreditation. The range of subjects you will find in this brochure is very wide – from courses in arts and crafts; humanities such as history and politics; foreign languages and literature, to courses for Trade Union activists; courses for those hoping to become Community Interpreters; courses to help people improve IT skills and develop new ways of electronic networking and communication and courses that can help improve health and fitness, particularly with disadvantaged groups. In WEA London Region we are committed to providing the widest range of opportunities for the diversity of population and community groups across London. If you would like to know more about our work please contact us on 020 7426 1950.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
How to enrol There are several routes to enrolment: 1. Enrol on line through our Course Search website – or 2. E nrol by free telephone on 0800 328 1060 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 4pm). 3. I n person at the first session – but please bear in mind this is subject to there being a place available. You can make a prior reservation with a branch using the form contained at the back of the brochure, but this is notification of intention to attend and does not constitute an enrolment, and is therefore subject to availability of places. We do require minimum enrolment numbers for every course and reluctantly we have to cancel courses that do not attract sufficient enrolments. Full refunds are given in these circumstances.
Fee information and supporting students Fee information
Supporting students
(Students must be over 19 years of age) The fee for most courses is £3.95 per hour and we believe this is competitive with other providers and offers value for money. A few courses may charge additional fees for accreditation and resources. Some of our courses are free to students, and many other students may be able to claim a full fee waiver if they are able to provide evidence of being on any of the following benefits: • Job Seekers Allowance • Income Support • Working Tax Credit • Housing / Council Tax Credit • Pension Guarantee Credit • Income-related Employment Support Allowance
The WEA is committed to equality of opportunity and inclusive learning. We provide a ‘Services for Students’ leaflet that sets out the range of support we can offer. Telephone 0800 328 1060 or speak to your tutor to find out more. We do our best to ensure classes are open and accessible. Many venues are shown with symbols where facilities are available, but if you have childcare, mobility, hearing or transport needs we will do our best to accommodate these. Please let us know in advance so arrangements can, where possible, be made.
Or if you are an • Asylum seeker / Refugee For students below 19 years of age on 31 August 2013 a full fee of £7.90 per hour would need to be paid.
Accreditation The WEA is approved by the Matrix Accreditation Body through standards of Service for Information, Advice and Guidance. We commit to: • Giving impartial information and advice • Equal opportunities and diversity • Confidentiality – your personal information will not be shared with other organisations unless you give your permission first.
To enrol visit:
How to use the brochure
How to enrol
Fee information and supporting students
Subject index
Across London courses
Index of partner organisations
Index of boroughs and branches
Prior reservation form
Feedback and venue hire
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Subject index Enfield
Barking and Dagenham
Across London
Active Citizenship Anthropology Archaeology & Classical Studies Archaeology
Classical Civilisation Egyptology
The Arts Architecture
Art and Architecture
Art History
Art & Music Studies
49/56 45-46
Film Studies
Music Music Studies
Photography Community Interpreting
Computing and ICT
Cookery Creative Writing ESOL, Literacy and Numeracy
Health and Fitness Histories and Cultures 17th Century History
British History European History
History Irish History Local History
41 55
London History Mediaeval History
Political History Social History
To enrol visit:
Waltham Forest
Tower Hamlets
89 80-81
70 89 88
89 31
23 90
81/84 79
30-31 92/95 71
86 84
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Barking and Dagenham
Across London
Histories and Cultures (continued) Walks
World History
Languages French
Italian Lipreading
Portuguese Spanish
Literature General and Comparative
English Literature
48/50/ 54-55
28 58
Literature from the Orient Ornithology Philosophy
Politics Current Affairs
International Relations
Psychology Religious Studies
Theatre Studies Trade Union Learning
To enrol visit:
Waltham Forest
Tower Hamlets
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
82/84 73
101 90/92-93 70-71
97 88-89 85 83 73
94 80-82 70-71
29/32/ 34/67-68
86 73
Across London courses Subject areas and courses we can deliver to community groups and workplaces
Community Interpreting & Related Courses 96-100 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4TP Phyllis Acosta 07984 664694 / WEA London Region has been delivering certificated community interpreting and related courses for more than 15 years and during this time we have worked with a wide range of organisations to provide training opportunities for members of linguistic minority communities. Partners include local authorities, further education colleges, interpreting and translation services, community organisations, housing associations, health authorities, primary schools and voluntary organisations working with refugees and asylum seekers. WEA London Region Community Interpreting courses are currently certificated by Open College Network London Region (OCNLR) at Level 1 and by Ascentis at Level 3. Interpreting and translation services and agencies in and around London recognise the Level 3 certificate when recruiting community interpreters. Related courses such as Bilingual Advocacy, Community Translation and Interpreting in Child Protection are certificated at Levels 2 and 3 by OCNLR.
To enrol visit:
Understanding Community Interpreting For people who speak English and a community language and are interested in learning about the field of community interpreting and developing their knowledge of UK public services. The course will cover the role of the community interpreter and the contexts in which they work. Learners will be encouraged to find relevant voluntary work in the community in order to gain experience in community interpreting. Certificated by OCNLR with 3 credits at Level 1 Duration: 21 hours
Level 2 Pathway For people who have some experience of community interpreting in the UK but need to further develop their skills in order to meet the criteria for the Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting. The course will cover a placement in a voluntary organisation, public service knowledge and terminology, study and research skills and development of advanced English language skills specific to community interpreting situations. Accredited by NCFE with 4 credits at Level 2 Duration: 36 hours
Level 3 Certificate in Community Interpreting For people who have substantial experience of interpreting for friends, family and other members of their community in public service settings in the UK and are interested in developing their skills and knowledge in order to find paid employment with interpreting agencies and services. The course will cover principles and practice in community interpreting and will include input from visiting trainers from the public services. Accredited by Ascentis with 16 credits at Level 3 Duration: 87 hours
Bilingual Advocacy For people who have successfully completed a Community Interpreting course at Level 3 and are interested in further developing their skills in order to find work as Bilingual Advocates in health and social welfare settings. The course will cover principles and practice of advocacy and will include input from visiting trainers from a range of health and social welfare services such as mental health, HIV/AIDS and social care. Certificated by OCNLR with 9 credits at Level 2 or 3 Duration: 69 hours
Interpreting in Child Protection For experienced community interpreters who are currently working or are interested in working in the field of child protection. The course will cover interpreting in specific settings, for example case or family group conferences, specialist terminology and cultural awareness and will include input from visiting trainers from social services, the police, the NSPCC and the NHS. Certificated by OCNLR with 9 credits at Level 2 or 3 Duration: 69 hours
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Interpreting in Mental Health For experienced community interpreters who are currently working or are interested in working in the field of mental health. The course will cover interpreting in specific settings, for example assessment or counselling, specialist terminology and cultural awareness and will include input from visiting trainers from NHS, MIND, social services and other mental health support services. An in-house certificate will be awarded to successful participants Duration: 36 hours
Community Translation – Principles and Practice For people who have some experience of translating written texts for friends, family and other members of their community in public service contexts in the UK and are interested in developing their skills and knowledge in order to find paid employment with translation services and agencies. The course will cover principles and practice in community translation and will include input from language tutors. Learning is through taught sessions and online tutorials. Certificated by OCNLR with 9 credits at Level 2 or 3 Duration: 69 hours
Community Outreach Assistant For people who are currently working as volunteers in the community and are interested in developing their skills and knowledge of outreach work. The course will cover the role of outreach assistants, health and safety, working with vulnerable adults and record keeping. Certificated by OCNLR with 6 credits at Level 2 Duration: 40 hours
An Introduction to Immigration Issues A non-accredited course for people who would like to develop their knowledge of the UK immigration system. The course will focus on the history and development of the immigration system, basic immigration rules and regulations, and in-depth sessions on applying for asylum, appeal procedures, family reunion, and the visa system. Learners will be given short assignments to complete each week. An in-house attendance certificate will be awarded to successful participants. Information on OISC procedures and registration will be given but please note that this course alone does not qualify participants to give immigration advice Duration: 18 hours
An Introduction to Welfare Benefits A non-accredited course for people who would like to develop their knowledge of the UK welfare benefits system. The course will focus on the background of the welfare benefits system including the new welfare reforms, in-depth sessions focussing on specific benefits and appeal procedures. Learners will be given short assignments to complete each week. An in-house attendance certificate will be awarded to successful participants. Duration: 21 hours Level 3 courses are no longer funded through the Skills Funding Agency. You may need to apply for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan to cover the tuition and accreditation fees. Please visit for more information.
To enrol visit:
ESOL, Literacy and Numeracy Benedikte Morley:, Margaret Joojo-Richards: Sue Nicholas: The WEA offers contextualised, accredited courses across London for adults returning to study or studying for the first time in the UK. Our quality courses are designed to improve reading, writing, speaking and listening, maths and study skills and lead to a nationally recognised qualification in English for Speakers of Other Languages ((ESOL), Literacy or Numeracy from Entry 1 to Entry 3 and Functional Skills English and Maths at level 1 and level 2 (equivalent to high level GCSE). All our courses are delivered in partnership with other organisations in the community and workplace. Delivery is flexible and can be arranged to suit the learners’ schedules. An assessment and information session before courses begin helps to give an initial sense of level and learners’ requirements. Course content is negotiated with learners and aims to meet their interests and needs. Progression opportunities are available at the end of every course. Courses are often tailored for specific situations, for example, learners may wish to help support children in school, gain the skills in order to study further or to gain a job, or to progress in present work, or just to build on everyday communication and budgetary skills. Courses are not usually open access. Further information and requests for courses can be made via the receptionist at the Regional Office at Clifton Street or contact the Foundation team direct.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Trade Union Learning
Trade Union Learning 96-100 Clifton Street London EC2A 4TP Monica Gort 020 7426 1976 / Trade Union Learning is delivered at the WEA London Region in partnership with the TUC. A range of accredited courses are on offer, enabling trade union representatives to work towards a qualification using a particular pathway that suits their own learning requirements. Qualifications come in the form of Awards, Certificates and Diplomas. The core course programme is run on a termly basis with each course delivered one day a week over 12 weeks. For all 12-day courses listed below there are separate General and London Underground specific courses. The Diploma courses are 36 weeks in duration and spread over 3 consecutive 12-week terms. All courses listed below are run in the WEA London Regional Centre which is located in Central London, and run 9.30am – 4.30pm unless otherwise stated.
Getting started in your Union role? Union Representatives Stage 1 Certificate This course helps develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be an effective trade union representative. The course covers the role and responsibilities of a union rep, building and maintaining a strong union organisation, handling members’ problems, dealing with grievances and disciplinaries, participating in meetings, understanding the union structure, negotiating and collective agreements. Dates: 12 Mondays: 23rd September – 9th December 2013 or 13th January – 31st March 2014 or 12 Fridays: 2nd May – 18th July 2014
Health and Safety Stage 1 Certificate This course helps develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be an effective Health & Safety representative. The course covers the role and responsibilities of a H&S representative, identifying hazards and problems at the workplace, improving union organisation on health and safety, taking up problems with management and what the law says about Health and Safety. Dates: 12 Wednesdays: 25th September – 11th December 2013 or 15th January – 2nd April 2014 or 30th April – 16th July 2014
To enrol visit:
For more experienced Reps Stepping Up (Stage 2 Union Reps) – Advanced Course Certificate This course is for trade union representatives who have completed the Union Representatives Stage 1 course. The course covers the trade union context, planning, organising and campaigning, collective bargaining, and employment law. Dates: 12 Tuesdays: 24th September – 10th December 2013 or 14th January – 1st April 2014 or 29th April – 15th July 2014
Next Steps for Safety Representatives (Stage 2 Health and Safety) Certificate This course is for H&S representatives who have completed the Health and Safety Representatives Stage 1 course. The course covers the changing role of the health and safety representative, keeping up to date with new legislation, effecting change in health and safety and management of health and safety systems. Dates: 12 Thursdays: 26th September – 12th December 2013 or 16th January – 3rd April 2014 or 8th May – 24th July 2014
Diploma courses Diploma in Employment Law This course is for experienced union representatives who have completed the Stepping Up Advanced Course (Stage 2), or union equivalent. The course provides a grounding in the law relating to employment and work and covers collective and individual law, the changing nature of law, as well as the existing pressures and influences and how they affect the workplace and the union. Study skills are an integral part of the course. Dates: 36 Wednesdays over 3 terms starting 25 September 2013 and running until 16 July 2014
Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety This course is for experienced H&S representatives who have completed Next Steps for Safety Representatives (Stage 2), or union equivalent. The course covers health, safety, welfare and environmental issues, health and safety organisation, and health and safety law. Study skills are an integral part of the course. Dates: 36 Fridays over 3 terms starting 27 September 2013 and running until 18 July 2014
Diploma in Equalities (Blended) This course is intended to help experienced reps develop an understanding of equality in the workplace and union as well as gain an understanding of current equality legislation and how it can be applied. Dates: 36 Wednesdays over 3 terms starting 18 September 2013 and running until 16 July 2014 NB this course is being run using blended learning (first two days and last day of each term in classroom, and in between alternate days distance and classroom).
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
UNION LEARNING REPS COURSES Union Learning Representatives Stage 1 Award This course is for newly elected union learning representatives who want to understand what the role involves. The course covers the importance of learning and skills at work and provides the tools and knowledge that will enable ULRs to carry out their role successfully. Dates: 5 Tuesdays: 24 September – 22 October 2013 or 21st January – 18th February 2014 or 6th May – 3rd June 2014
Union Learning Reps Stage 2 Award To progress to Stage 2, learners must have completed Stage 1. This second stage course will provide ULRs with the opportunity to build on knowledge and skills developed on Stage 1 and will provide ULRs with the opportunity to undertake an area of study relevant to their members’ learning needs. Dates: 5 Tuesdays: 5th November – 3rd December 2013 or 4th March – 1st April 2014 or 17th June – 15th July 2014
PLEASE NOTE We are able to work with you to plan and deliver briefings and short courses specifically for your branch and/or wider union. Please contact Monica to discuss further.
To enrol visit:
WEA also offer courses in the following areas: Active Citizenship & Volunteering We work in partnership with organisations to help train their volunteers. Active Citizenship courses show people how to get involved in having their say and influencing decisions in their local neighbourhood. The Community Outreach course helps organisations upskill their volunteers in how to work effectively in their local communities or communities of interest.
Family Learning We offer a variety of courses which encourage parents to support their children’s learning and increase their understanding of roles and relationships within families, and also gain clear understanding of what happens in school. Grandparents as well as parents attend our courses, and some courses are for parents and children learning together. The courses are delivered in partnership with schools, libraries and other community organisations. Progression for parents can include volunteering in school community activity, further or higher education, or work.
Health and Fitness Our health and fitness courses include yoga, stretch and tone, Zumba, cycling, and we tailor courses to suit any age and fitness ability.
ICT (Information and Communication Technology) & Computing The IT Suite at WEA London Region Learning Centre is available to hold IT courses in various subjects, for example: Beginners ICT skills, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Database, PowerPoint, Internet and Email, Website design, Social Media, and many more. We can also come to your venue if you have the facilities. The WEA also delivers courses in a range of venues from schools, children’s centres, churches, museums, workplaces, halls and many more. We work in partnership with organisations to deliver courses on your doorstep. If you would like to discuss the options further please do not hesitate to get in touch. For all these contact Renee Rowe on 020 7426 1981
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Other courses available from WEA London
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WEA Regional Office 020 7426 1981 /
London Region WEA London Regional Office and Training Centre, 96-100 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4TP Buses: 243, 505 and 55 stop on Old St eastbound and Great Eastern St westbound, 21, 34, 76, 141, 205, 214, 271 and X43 stop on City Road. 5, 22A, 22B, 26, 35, 43, 47, 48, 67, 78, 149, 243, 243A, 505 and B1 stop on Shoreditch High Street. Tube/Train: Moorgate, Old Street or Liverpool Street. Parking: No
Art History: An Introduction to 150 years of Russian Art How does Repin’s Volga Boatmen lead us to Malevich’s Black Square? How can we look at Socialist Realism in a positive light? Russian artists have used icons, tractors and sex to make art that surprises, shocks and inspires – it’s a very different European Art History.
Start date: Monday 30 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 1 / WEA London Regional Office Tutor: Mark Banting Fee: £79 Course ID: C2417053
Art History: British Art of WWI This course will focus on the work of the artists commissioned by the British Government to create a record of the First World War. Many of the major artists of the time were commissioned under the scheme producing some of the most iconic images of the conflict. The course will investigate issues.
Start date: Monday 13 January 14 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 1 / WEA London Regional Office Tutor: Robin Hamilton-Farey Fee: £79 Course ID: C2417054
To enrol visit:
International Women’s Day: Poor Shadow, Painted Queen To celebrate International Women’s day on March 8th the WEA London region is offering an afternoon and an evening lecture. All welcome.
Start date: Thursday 06 March 14 Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 1 / WEA London Regional Office Tutor: To Be Confirmed Fee: Pay What You Can Course ID: C2417065
International Women’s Day: ‘The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks’ Women as makers of history - for rights, equality and equal treatment. International Women’s Day was born out of the struggle of women - in the New York garment industry at the turn of the 20th century, and in Russia, March 1917, when women staged a strike against the advice of the Bolshevik party, calling on others to join them. All welcome.
Start date: Thursday 06 March 14 Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 1 / WEA London Regional Office Tutor: Liz Leicester Fee: Pay What You Can Course ID: C2417064
The Molly Morgan Memorial Lecture: The Matchwomen’s Strike In July 1888, 1,400 girls and women walked out of Bryant & May’s match factory in Bow. The matchwomen paraded the streets of the East End spreading the word about their starvation wages and appalling working conditions, including the dreaded ‘phossy jaw’, caused by toxic white phosphorus. All welcome.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 06 May 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 1 / WEA London Regional Office Tutor: Louise Raw Fee: No fee Course ID: C2417066
Partner organisations across London Partner Page Age UK Barnet
The British Museum
Café Gallery Project London
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
Historic Royal Palaces
Holly Lodge Community Centre
Light Project International
Morley College
Museum of London
South Acton Residents Action Group
West Green Learning Centre
The Wiener Library
Wimbledon – Prince of Wales Public House
To enrol visit:
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Age UK Barnet These courses are run in partnership with Age UK Barnet Meritage Centre Church End, Hendon, London, NW4 4JT Tube/Train: Hendon Central Parking: Yes
Craft: Introduction to Glass Painting ‘Glorious Glass’ – a beginners introduction to the materials and techniques used in this fascinating craft. Learn how to recreate the vibrant colours and sinuous patterns of stained glass on everyday objects such as vases, mirrors, candleholders and even greetings cards. Create and take home a beautifully decorated suncatcher, tealight holder and mirrored tile.
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Start date: Thursday 03 October 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 2 / Meritage Centre Tutor: Denise Hallam Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2417050 Notes: This course is for those over the age of 55. Students are expected to pay for all materials on the course.
The British Museum These courses are run in partnership with The British Museum The British Museum Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3DG Buses: 1, 7, 8, 19, 25, 38, 55, 98, 242, stop on New Oxford Street 10, 14, 24, 29, 73, 134, 390 stop on Tottenham Court Road, Northbound stop on Gower Street, southbound 59, 68, X68, 91, 168, 188. Tube/Train: Tottenham Court Road, Holborn, Russell Square, Goodge Street Parking: No
Art: Introduction to Drawing in the Galleries of the British Museum Students will use the exciting artefacts at the museum as source material as we explore a wide range of approaches to drawing, aimed at improving technical skills and confidence in using drawing media.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 3 / The British Museum Tutor: James Dunkley Fee: £59.25 Course ID: C2416996
Art: Drawing in the Galleries of the Museum Learn how to accurately draw objects in the museum. Explore and experiment with techniques and different media to make expressive drawings.
Start date: Saturday 19 October 13 Time: 10:30am – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 3 / The British Museum Tutor: Sally Ward Fee: £31.60 Course ID: C2416998 Notes: No fee remission is available on the course fee of £31.60
Art: Drawing Egypt and Greece Students will use the exciting range of Greek and Egyptian artefacts in the museum collection as source material for exploring a wide range of approaches to drawing, aimed at improving technical skills and confidence in drawing from observation.
Start date: Monday 04 November 13 Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 3 / The British Museum Tutor: James Dunkley Fee: £59.25 Course ID: C2416997
Art: Exploring Drawing - Using the African Galleries of the British Museum Through observational drawing in the African gallery of the British Museum, students will produce work derived from the forms, pattern, designor structure therein - using the gallery as a source of inspiration and information to develop and stimulate ideas.
Start date: Monday 13 January 14 Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 3 / The British Museum Tutor: Trevor Wood Fee: £59.25 Course ID: C2417000
Art: Drawing in the Galleries of the Museum Learn how to accurately draw objects in the museum. Explore and experiment with techniques and different media to make expressive drawings.
Start date: Monday 08 February 14 Time: 10:30am – 2.30pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 3 / The British Museum Tutor: Sally Ward Fee: £31.60 Course ID: C2416999 Notes: No fee remission on the course fee of £31.60
To enrol visit:
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Café Gallery Project London These courses are run in partnership with The Café Gallery Project London Café Gallery Project London Dilston Grove, South West Corner of Southwark Park, London, SE16 2UA DLR: Surrey Quays (6 minutes walk) Tube/Train: Canada Water (9 minutes walk) Parking: Some
Art: Experiments with Colour Learn how to draw accurately from nature. Explore and experiment with techniques and different media using colour. Learn about colour theory. Work from sketches to create compositions.
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Start date: Tuesday 06 August 13, Wednesday 07 August 13, and Thursday 08 August 13 Time: 10:30am – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 3 Venue: 4 / Dilston Grove Tutor: Sally Ward Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2417063 Notes: Learners will be expected to pay for all materials used on the course.
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation These courses are run in partnership with the Daiwa Foundation Daiwa Foundation Japan House, 13-14 Cornwall Terrace, London, NW1 4QP Buses: 2, 13, 18, 27, 30, 74, 82, 113, 139, 189, 274 (all stop at Baker Street station) Tube: Baker Street Train: Marylebone Parking: Yes
Art History: Great Masters of Japanese Art It is always thrilling and stimulating to understand how and why masterpieces were created. This course will examine life and work of some of the great masters of Japan with reference to the creative activities of the country’s contemporary artists.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 5 / Daiwa Foundation Tutor: Kiyoko Mitsuyama-Wdowiak Fee: £94.00 Course ID: C2416992 Notes: The course will have 3 visiting lecturers.
Art History: An Introduction to Japanese Art and Culture Japanese culture has developed through the assimilation of foreign influences and has often proved to be a curious mix of the old and new. This course will examine the historical development of Japanese art and its key issues with reference to essential cultural topics.
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Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 5 / Daiwa Foundation Tutor: Kiyoko Mitsuyama-Wdowiak Fee: £188.00 Course ID: C2416991 Notes: The course will have 6 visiting lecturers.
Historic Royal Palaces These courses are run in partnership with Historic Royal Palaces Historic Royal Palaces Hampton Court Palace, East Molesey, Surrey, KT8 9AU Buses: 111, 216, 411, 461, R68, 267, 513 Train: Hampton Court (from Waterloo) Parking: Limited
History: Who Were The Georgians and Why Should We Care? Chocolate, gin, coffee shops, the Stock Market and the Union Jack... it’s surprising just how much of our prized ‘Britishness’ we owe to the Georgians! Discover how the legacy of four Hanoverian King Georges still impacts on our lives today.
Start date: Saturday 05 October 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 6 / Hampton Court Palace Tutor: To be confirmed Fee: £11.85 Course ID: C2417056 Notes: Please note that we are unable to offer concessions for this short course and the full fee of £11.85 is applicable.
History: Who Were The Georgians and Why Should We Care? Chocolate, gin, coffee shops, the Stock Market and the Union Jack... it’s surprising just how much of our prized ‘Britishness’ we owe to the Georgians! Discover how the legacy of four Hanoverian King Georges still impacts on our lives today.
Start date: Tuesday 29 October 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 6 / Hampton Court Palace Tutor: To be confirmed Fee: £11.85 Course ID: C2417055 Notes: Please note that we are unable to offer concessions for this short course and the full fee of £11.85 is applicable.
To enrol visit:
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Holly Lodge Community Centre These courses are run in partnership with Holly Lodge Community Centre Holly Lodge Community Centre 30 Makepeace Avenue, Highgate, London, N6 6HL Buses: C11, C2, 214 Tube: Archway or Kentish Town then bus Parking: Yes
Art: Life Drawing A mixed ability course using a variety of media -including colour - and building from basic elements of drawing via a range of creative and analytical approaches to the figure.
Start date: Friday 04 October 13 Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 15 Venue: 7 / Holly Lodge Community Centre Tutor: Peter Mountford Fee: £148.12 Course ID: C2416994 Notes: Students are expected to contribute to the cost of the life model. The tutor will discuss this further at the first session of the course.
Art: Life Drawing A mixed ability course using a variety of media -including colour - and building from basic elements of drawing via a range of creative and analytical approaches to the figure.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Friday 28 February 14 Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 15 Venue: 7 / Holly Lodge Community Centre Tutor: Peter Mountford Fee: £148.12 Course ID: C2416995 Notes: Students will be expected to contribute to the cost of the Life Model. Tutor will discuss further at the first session of the course.
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Light Project International These courses are run in partnership with Light Project international Light Project International 1st Floor, Orkney House, 195-199, Caledonian Road, London, N1 0AF Tube: Kings Cross Parking: Limited
Languages: Portuguese for Beginners Learn basic knowledge of Portuguese in various situations. By the end of the course you will be able to greet people and introduce yourself and others, invite people to go out, say the time and order food and drinks with confidence.
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Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 8 / Light Project International Tutor: Claudia Padoan Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417008
Morley College These courses are run in partnership with Morley College Morley College Pelham Hall, Lambeth Walk, London, SE11 6DU Buses: 1, 3, C10, 45, 53, 59, 63, 68, 159, 168, 171, 172, 176, 188, 344, 360, 453 Train: Waterloo, Waterloo East, Elephant & Castle Tube: Lambeth North, Waterloo, Elephant & Castle Parking: Limited
Art: Metal Work and Sculpture Learn the important skills for working with metals whilst exploring artistic or applied ideas. Learn the basic skills of working with new and scrap metal, and their application to sculptural and functional projects. Welding, gas cutting, grinding and basic workshop practice are covered. Work on personal or tutor led projects. It is essential to wear old clothes and strong footwear. These courses are technician supported.
Start date: Monday 07 July 14, Tuesday 08 July 14, Wednesday 09 July 14, and Thursday 10 July 14 Time: 10:30am – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 4 Venue: 9 / Morley College Tutor: Steven Hodgson Fee: £146.40 Course ID: C2417001 Notes: This course will be delivered over 4 consecutive days. The course fee includes the cost of basic materials - £20. Everyone enrolled on the course will need to pay the materials fee of £20.
To enrol visit:
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Museum of London These courses are run in partnership with the Museum of London The Museum of London 150 London Wall, London, EC2Y 5HN Buses: 4, 8, 25, 56, 100, 25, 172, 242, 521 Train: Liverpool Street, Farringdon Tube: Barbican, St Pauls, Moorgate Parking: No
Creative Writing: Writing London This course is for you if you want to find your writing voice in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere and to have some fun along the way. Whether you are interested in writing fiction, non-fiction (biography, memoir, essays) or poetry (or in having a go at all of them) you will be very welcome.
Start date: Wednesday 02 October 13 Time: 10:30am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 10 / Museum of London Tutor: Elizabeth Sarkany Fee: £98.70 Course ID: C2417014 Notes: Half term is 30th October.
Art: Art of Drawing in the Museum Learn how to accurately draw objects in the museum. Explore and experiment with techniques and different media to make expressive drawings.
Start date: Saturday 12 October 13 Time: 10:30am – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 3 Venue: 10 / Museum of London Tutor: Sally Ward Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416993 Notes: This course takes place on 12 October; 9th & 30th November. The course will run from 10:30am to 12:30pm and then again from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.
Creative Writing: Writing London This course is for you if you want to find your writing voice in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere and to have some fun along the way. Whether you are interested in writing fiction, non-fiction (biography, memoir, essays) or poetry (or in having a go at all of them) you will be very welcome.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 15 January 14 Time: 10:30am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 10 / Museum of London Tutor: Elizabeth Sarkany Fee: £98.70 Course ID: C2417015 Notes: Half term is 19th February.
World History: London and the Slave Trade The course will look at the role London played in establishing the Triangular Trade between the sixteenth century and the early nineteenth century, and how the proceeds of the trade affected life in London. We will be using exhibits in the galleries of both museums and objects from the Understanding Slavery collection based at the Museum of Docklands.
Start date: Tuesday 22 April 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 10 / Museum of London Tutor: Heather Pascall Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2417013 Notes: This course will take place at both Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN and Museum of London Docklands, West India Quay, E14 4AL. Sessions at London Wall on 22/4/14, 13/5/14 & Docklands on 29/4/14, 6/5/14, 20/5/14.
Creative Writing: Writing London This course is for you if you want to find your writing voice in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere and to have some fun along the way. Whether you are interested in writing fiction, non-fiction (biography, memoir, essays) or poetry (or in having a go at all of them) you will be very welcome.
Start date: Wednesday 23 April 14 Time: 10:30am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 10 / Museum of London Tutor: Elizabeth Sarkany Fee: £49.37 Course ID: C2417016
Literature: London in Literature: Different Cultures, Different Voices This exciting new course covers novels about the multicultural life of London and paints a portrait of the capital through the eyes of immigrants from different communities. It also touches on the social and political issues associated with multiculturalism in the UK and with its London brand in particular. We will look at works by Hanif Kureishi, Zadie Smith, Monica Ali, and Stephen Kelman.
Start date: Monday 12 May 14 Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 10 / Museum of London Tutor: Helena Bassil-Morozow Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417006 Notes: One session on Saturday 21 June will be held at the Docklands Museum.
To enrol visit:
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South Acton Residents Action Group These courses are run in partnership with the South Acton Residents Action Group. Contact at SARAG - and 020 8993 2740 Change Base (SARAG) 100 Bollo Bridge Road, London, W3 8DD Tube: South Acton Parking: Yes
Philosophy: Power, Empowerment and the City By looking at the work of six painters over four sessions, we will explore answers to: how can political power change the city, time, space and daily lives. What do we mean by the power, place, of art? Can we change the current distribution of power?
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Start date: Tuesday 04 February 14 Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm Number of sessions: 4 Venue: 11 / Change Base (SARAG) Tutor: Timothy Stacey Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2417062 Notes: 4 staggered sessions - 04.2.14; 08.4.14; 03.6.14; 08.7.14
West Green Learning Centre These courses are run in partnership with the West Green Learning Centre West Green Learning Centre Parkview Academy, West Green Road, London, N15 3RB Buses: 41, 67, 230, 341 Train/Tube: Tottenham Hale, Seven Sisters, South Tottenham, Turnpike Lane Parking: Limited
Languages: Italian Beginners In this course you will learn to speak and understand Italian with activities based on authentic materials and everyday interactions, and you will also gain an insight into Italian culture and society.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Ugo Marsili Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417034
Yoga Yoga works on the whole person, mind and body. In this course we will do warm ups for the joints and basic beginners poses (asanas), plus breath awareness and relaxation. We will do moves that open hips, mobilise shoulders, build core strength and lengthen the spine. Who is it for? ‘Anyone wanting to improve health and wellbeing, lower stress levels and give a greater awareness of bodies and breathing’.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 7:00pm – 8:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Joanne Harris Fee: £49.90 Course ID: C2417057
Languages: Spanish Intermediate Quieres hablar mi idioma? WEA Spanish lessons for intermediate learners are tailored to consolidate their current Spanish level whilst building on all of the key areas to help them master the Spanish language as quickly as possible.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417033
ICT: Introduction to Computers Skills and with Internet A great course for the beginner who wants to use a computer. Find out about the different parts of a computer. Practise using the mouse and keyboard. Learn about Windows, icons, files and folders. Learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Rosemary Charles Fee: £86.90 Course ID: C2417044
Creative Writing: Making Your Mark Ever thought you could write a novel, a short-story or even a play or a poem but never got round to it, then this is the course for you. Lively discussions, class exercises to stimulate the creative juices and study of texts. Supportive and friendly environment.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Stewart Permutt Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417028
Music: Guitar for beginners This course is designed for individuals who wish to learn basic chords on an acoustic guitar.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Aaron Russell Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2417002
To enrol visit:
Music: Guitar Intermediate This mixed ability course is suitable for learners who have a basic knowledge of guitar, including understanding a small number of chords and one or two scales. The course will develop strumming and finger-picking techniques, scales and melodies, plus same group playing.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 7:15pm – 8:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Aaron Russell Fee: £59.25 Course ID: C2417003
Introduction to Tai Chi The slow, precise movements in the Chinese art of Tai Chi help promote relaxation and self-awareness. In a world where we often treat our body and mind as unconnected Tai Chi moves them back into harmony. The course will introduce the basics of Tai Chi so students can practice on their own.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 6:30pm – 7:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Ken Olende Fee: £49.40 Course ID: C2417060
Art: Painting and Drawing Techniques On this course you will learn how to prepare materials and practice techniques of your choice. The course combines lectures and practical skills. It is suitable for students with some experience in drawing, and beginners in painting.
Start date: Saturday 28 September 13 Time: 11:00am – 1:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Joel Minot Fee: £98.75 Course ID: C2417004
ICT: Introduction to Word Processing This course is designed to give a basic understanding of creating and editing documents, formatting text and saving files. In addition, you will be able to check documents for spelling mistakes, finding and replacing text and managing files and folders.
Start date: Saturday 28 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Rosemary Charles Fee: £86.90 Course ID: C2417045
Craft: Creative Sewing - Bags/Cushions and Wall hangings On this course, you will be introduced to a range of creative skills including:-hand and machine sewing, embroidery and applique. Learn how to make bags, cushions and a wall hanging using these creative craft techniques.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Saturday 28 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Carole Hart Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417005
Languages: Spanish Improvers Quieres hablar mi idioma? This course will help you to face practical situations in Spain and Latin America. We’ll cover several topics to help you to develop your Spanish skills. At the end of the course you will be more familiar with how the language works and will be able to use it more confidently.
Start date: Saturday 28 September 13 Time: 12:20pm – 2:20pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417032
Languages: Spanish beginners Quieres hablar mi idioma? This course will help you to face practical situations in Spain and Latin America. We’ll cover topics like asking for directions, useful words and sentences in a restaurant, buying tickets or booking a hotel room. At the end of the course you will be more familiar with how the language works and will be able to use it more confidently.
Start date: Saturday 28 September 13 Time: 10:05am – 12:05pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417031
Languages: Italian Beginners In this course you will learn to speak and understand Italian with activities based on authentic materials and everyday interactions, and you will also gain an insight into Italian culture and society.
Start date: Monday 20 January 14 Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Ugo Marsili Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417038
Languages: Spanish Intermediate Quieres hablar mi idioma? WEA Spanish lessons for Intermediate learners are tailored to consolidate their current Spanish level whilst building on all of the key areas to help them master the Spanish language as quickly as possible.
Start date: Tuesday 21 January 14 Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417037
ICT: Internet and Email Skills with Word Processing Don’t feel left out! Learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web, whether it’s for work, a hobby, or to help a child with their homework. Gain confidence in creating, sending and reading emails with attachments.
Start date: Wednesday 22 January 14 Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Rosemary Charles Fee: £86.90 Course ID: C2417046
To enrol visit:
Languages: Spanish Improvers Quieres hablar mi idioma? This course will help you to face practical situations in Spain and Latin America. We’ll cover several topics to help you to develop your Spanish skills. At the end of the course you will be more familiar with how the language works and will be able to use it more confidently.
Start date: Saturday 25 January 14 Time: 12:20pm – 2:20pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417036
Languages: Spanish Beginners Quieres hablar mi idioma? This course will help you to face practical situations in Spain and Latin America. We’ll cover topics like asking for directions, useful words and sentences in a restaurant, buying tickets or booking a hotel room. At the end of the course you will be more familiar with how the language works and will be able to use it more confidently.
Start date: Saturday 25 January 14 Time: 10:05am – 12:05pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417035
ICT: Introduction to Spreadsheet (Excel) Learn how to manage your household budget. Take the stress out of doing sums by making the computer do the work for you. This course will give you a good understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel to manipulate numbers.
Start date: Saturday 25 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Rosemary Charles Fee: £86.90 Course ID: C2417047
Languages: Spanish Intermediate Quieres hablar mi idioma? WEA Spanish lessons for Intermediate learners are tailored to consolidate their current Spanish level whilst building on all of the key areas to help them master the Spanish language as quickly as possible.
Start date: Tuesday 06 May 14 Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417041
ICT: Introduction to Powerpoint Learn how to create a slick ‘PowerPoint’ presentation in order to give your talk a professional look and feel. You will be instructed in how to insert images, text and to format the presentation in order to enhance its appearance.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 07 May 14 Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Rosemary Charles Fee: £86.90 Course ID: C2417048
Languages: Spanish Improvers Quieres hablar mi idioma? This course will help you to face practical situations in Spain and Latin America. We’ll cover several topics to help you to develop your Spanish skills. At the end of the course you will be more familiar with how the language works and will be able to use it more confidently.
Start date: Saturday 10 May 14 Time: 12:20pm – 2:20pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417040
Languages: Spanish Beginners Quieres hablar mi idioma? This course will help you to face practical situations in Spain and Latin America. We’ll cover topics like asking for directions, useful words and sentences in a restaurant, buying tickets or booking a hotel room. At the end of the course you will be more familiar with how the language works and will be able to use it more confidently.
Start date: Saturday 10 May 14 Time: 10:05am – 12:05pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Luis Andres Mielgo Fidalgo Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417039
ICT: Introduction to Computers Skills and with Internet A great course for the beginner who wants to use a computer. Find out about the different parts of a computer. Practise using the mouse and keyboard. Learn about Windows, icons, files and folders. Learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web.
Start date: Saturday 10 May 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Rosemary Charles Fee: £86.90 Course ID: C2417049
Languages: Italian Beginners Plus This course is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous terms. You will also further develop your skills with activities based on authentic materials and everyday interactions.
Start date: Monday 12 May 14 Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm Number of sessions: 9 Venue: 12 / West Green Learning Centre Tutor: Ugo Marsili Fee: £71.00 Course ID: C2417042
To enrol visit:
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The Wiener Library These courses are run in partnership with the Wiener Library The Wiener Library 29 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5DP Buses: 188, 168, X68, 7, 59, 68, 91 Tube: Russell Square Parking: Limited pay and display
Literature: The Human and the Inhuman - Writing in the Wake of the Holocaust The Second World War and its atrocities prompted many authors to explore the uncertain territories of the ‘human’ and the ‘inhuman’, and to reflect in new ways on conceptions of ethics and evil. We will examine these themes through a critical reading of the following key texts, all available in English translation: The Human Race by Robert Antelme; The War, by Marguerite Duras; and The Drowned and The Saved, by Primo Levi.
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Start date: Wednesday 22 January 14 Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 13 / Wiener Library Tutor: Viola Brisolin Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2417007
Wimbledon – The Prince of Wales These courses are run in partnership with the Prince of Wales Public House, Wimbledon Prince of Wales 2 Hartfield Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 3TA Tube: Wimbledon Parking: Yes
International Relations: Peace, War and then Again 1913-1956 Part 1 We will chart a series of events from 1913: sleepwalking into world war, treaties, spectres of Moscow’s Bolshevism – League of Nations’ success, fascism rises in Rome, Ethiopia, Spain - Czechoslovakia conquered by the Axis. Second world war, nuclear ending - to Hungary, and Suez 1956.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 10:15am – 12:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 14 / Prince of Wales Tutor: Nicholas Hyman Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417019
International Relations: Peace, War and then Again 1913-1956 Part 2 We will chart a series of events from 1913: sleepwalking into world war, treaties, spectres of Moscow’s Bolshevism – League of Nations’ success, fascism rises in Rome, Ethiopia, Spain - Czechoslovakia conquered by the Axis. Second world war, nuclear ending - to Hungary, and Suez 1956.
Start date: Friday 10 January 14 Time: 10:15am – 12:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 14 / Prince of Wales Tutor: Nicholas Hyman Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417020
International Relations: War, Peace and then Again - 1913-1956 Part 3 We will chart a series of events from 1913: sleepwalking into world war, treaties, spectres of Moscow’s Bolshevism – League of Nations’ success, fascism rises in Rome, Ethiopia, Spain - Czechoslovakia conquered by the Axis. Second world war, nuclear ending - to Hungary, and Suez 1956.
Start date: Friday 25 April 14 Time: 10:15am – 12:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 14 / Prince of Wales Tutor: Nicholas Hyman Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417021 Notes: No half term break scheduled in yet.
To enrol visit:
London Boroughs and Branches Borough Branch Barking and Dagenham
Barking and Dagenham
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Barnet Barnet Finchley and Golders Green Mill Hill and Edgware
40 42 43
Bexley Bexley
Brent Wembley
Beckenham and West Wickham Bromley Petts Wood and Orpington
48 51 53
Sanderstead & Selsdon
Ealing Ealing Northolt
59 62
Enfield and Southgate
Muswell Hill
Harrow, Kenton and Stanmore Pinner and Hatch End
69 72
Hornchurch and Upminster
Hillingdon Northwood Ruislip and Uxbridge
80 82
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Surbiton, Kingston and Malden
Borough Branch Redbridge
Ilford and Gants Hill at Redbridge Wanstead and Woodford
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Richmond Barnes Richmond
90 91
Sutton and Wallington
Tower Hamlets
Bethnal Green
Waltham Forest
To enrol visit:
Barking & Dagenham
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Barking & Dagenham Branch Brenda Ashworth 020 8592 1617
Eastbury Manor House Eastbury Square, Barking, Essex, IG11 9SN Buses: 287 – 368 Tube: Upney (District Line) Train: Barking Station Parking: Free on Eastbury Square
Archaeology of the Holy Land in the ‘Roman’ Period The course will examine sites of archaeological importance in the Holy Land including Caesarea Maritima, Caesarea Phillipi, Gerash, Jerusalem, Masada, Petra, Qumran and Sepphoris and what these sites tell us of their occupation and importance in the Roman period.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 15 / Eastbury Manor House Tutor: Allan Wilson Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416904 Notes: Dates include half term
Archaeology Subject to be Decided
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 15 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 15 / Eastbury Manor House Tutor: To Be Advised Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416905 Notes: Dates include half term
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Barnets Branch Margaret Ritman 020 8368 0159 / Vivienne Howse 020 8445 1709 Wesley Hall High Barnet Methodist Church, 9 Stapylton Road, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 4JJ Buses: 234, 326, 614, 84, 307, 107, 184 Tube: High Barnet + bus 384 Train: New Barnet Station + bus 384 Parking: Yes, paying Chipping Barnet Library 3 Stapylton Road, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 4QT Buses: 234, 326, 614, 84. Also 307, 107, 184 from Wood St. Tube: High Barnet + bus 384 Train: New Barnet Station + bus 384 Parking: Yes, paying St John’s United Reformed Church Corner of Somerset Road & Mowbray Road, New Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 1RH Buses: Station Road: 84, 107, 307, 326 Tube: High Barnet + bus 107, 307, 84 (limited service) Train: New Barnet Station + short walk
Languages: French Conversation Advanced Keep up your French skills and take part in discussions. Join a group led by a native speaker and discuss various topics, from literature and the arts to current affairs. A bientôt.
Start date: Friday 20 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 16 / Wesley Hall Tutor: Cory Jousseaume Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416758 Notes: Half Term break each term tbc.
To enrol visit:
Music Studies: Keeping it in the family - Musical Relationships and Dynasties We might know about all those Strausses or even the Bachs; but what about the Gabrielis, Scarlattis, Mendelssohns and Haydns? We shall explore these and some less well known names too.
Start date: Monday 30 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 17 / Chipping Barnet Library Tutor: Brian Collins Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416809
English Literature: Ripe For Rediscovery - Some Neglected Writers of the 20th Century We will explore a selection of poetry, novels and short stories by writers of real merit, who still have much to say to readers today, but have been unfairly neglected, or are currently in the process of being rediscovered and re-evaluated.
Start date: Wednesday 02 October 13 Time: 7:45pm – 9:45pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 16 / Wesley Hall Tutor: Michael King Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416761 Notes: Half term break each term TBC.
Art History: Turner in His Time See Turner not only as an artist, but also as a representative of his age: painter; traveller; Royal Academician, patriot and visual historian.
Start date: Thursday 03 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 16 / Wesley Hall Tutor: Peter Harrison Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416808
Irish History: 1800 - 1969 Ever wondered where the term ‘boycott’ came from, or who Parnell was, or what was the Easter Rising? This course answers those questions and more by looking at Irish history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Start date: Friday 04 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 18 / St John’s United Reformed Church Tutor: Sean Worgan Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416906 Notes: Half term break each term TBC.
Languages: French Conversation Advanced Keep up your French skills and take part in discussions. Join a group led by a native speaker and discuss various topics, from literature and the arts to current affairs. A bientôt.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Friday 10 January 14 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 16 / Wesley Hall Tutor: Cory Jousseaume Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416759
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Finchley and Golders Green Branch Ruth Kissin 020 8202 9500 Anita Bernstein 020 8346 8576 / Blue Beetle Room Building near St Mary’s Church Hall, 30 Hendon Lane, London, N3 1TR Buses: 82, 125, 143, 460, 326 Tube: Finchley Central Committee Room, St Mary’s Church Hall (Finchley) 30 Hendon Lane, London, N3 1TR Buses: 82, 125, 143, 460, 326 Tube: Finchley Central
International Relations: Peace, War and then Again 1913-1956 Part 1 We will chart a series of events from 1913: sleepwalking into world war, treaties, spectres of Moscow’s Bolshevism – League of Nations’ success, fascism rises in Rome, Ethiopia, Spain and Czechoslovakia conquered by the Axis. A second world war, nuclear ending - to Hungary, and Suez 1956.
Start date: Tuesday 01 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 19 / Blue Beetle Room Tutor: Nicholas Hyman Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416921
Art History: Turner in His Time See Turner not only as an artist, but also as a representative of his age: painter; traveller; Royal Academician; patriot and visual historian.
Start date: Wednesday 02 October 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 19 / Blue Beetle Room Tutor: Peter Harrison Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416827
Lipreading Is your hearing not what it used to be? Let us help you to teach yourself. Join a lipreading class. Lipreading can also help memory, mental sharpness and communication. Improve a skill you are already using. Find out about the latest aids for the hard of hearing.
Start date: Wednesday 02 October 13 Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 30 Venue: 20 / St Mary’s Church Tutor: Janet Zysblat Fee: £237.00 Course ID: C2416769
To enrol visit:
Architecture: The Origins of Modern Design The legacy of Modernism in design is all around us. We observe and experience it all our lives: in the design of buildings, their interiors, and furniture, bicycles, even cups and saucers. Modernism informs everything. It is now the dominant style. Where did Modernism originate, when was it established? Who were the men and women involved, what part did Adolf Loos, Auguste Perret, Theo van Doesberg, play in its rise to acceptance? What is Art Nouveau, De Stijl, Constructivism and how was the style affected by progressive advancements in Science and Technology? Who were the clients of the early projects? These are the questions the course will explore and elucidate over the period of twenty weeks.
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Start date: Monday 07 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 19 / Blue Beetle Room Tutor: Brian Adams Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416828
Mill Hill & Edgware Branch Margaret Martin 020 8954 1450 Moira Eagle 020 8959 1230 / The Eversfield Centre Eversfield Gardens, London, NW7 2AE Buses: 114 & 251, 302 & 303., – 368 towards Rainham Tube: Burnt Oak (Northern Line) Train: First Capital Connect to Mill Hill Broadway Parking: Available at Centre
Theatre Studies: Four Great European Playwrights In the first term we will concentrate on the two Scandinavian masters, Ibsen and Strindberg, and in the second term we will look at how Ionesco and Beckett redefined post-war European theatre. By the end of the course, learners will have critically discussed and analysed the contribution of four of the leading figures in European drama. The course will be lively, interactive and inclusive. No prior knowledge of the playwrights is required.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 03 October 13 Time: 8:00pm – 10:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 21 / The Eversfield Centre Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416783
Literature: Creative Connections A discussion-based critical interpretation course which will focus on a selection of major novels written in English, linked creatively by writer or theme: two classics including Jane Austen’s Persuasion, combined with two modern and/or nonBritish authors.
Start date: Thursday 03 October 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 21 / The Eversfield Centre Tutor: Rose O’Sullivan Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416782
Day School: Benjamin Britten and the Visual Arts To celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth, this course will examine key works by Benjamin Britten in conjunction with contemporary visual artists.
Start date: Saturday 09 November 13 Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 21 / The Eversfield Centre Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £15.00 Course ID: C2416964 Notes: Course will run from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm. No course fee remission.
Horticulture/Botany: Quaker Botanists Find out more about the plants Quakers introduced from America to our gardens in the 18th century. Would you like to know more about the contribution Quakers made to 18th century botany? This practical course will delve into the lives of prominent Quakers here and in America and assess their contribution to the history of gardens. Visits to West Ham Park and Quaker archives included.
Start date: Tuesday 14 January 14 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 21 / The Eversfield Centre Tutor: Letta Jones Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416878 Notes: 8 evenings and 2 visits - Visits are on Saturday 22 Feb morning and one weekday daytime visit TBA.
To enrol visit:
> 22
Bexley Branch Eileen Ramberan 020 8300 1845 /
Sidcup Arts & Adult Education Centre Alma Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 4ED Buses: 51, 229, 269, 233, 286, 160 492 Train: Sidcup Parking: Available at Centre
Local History: London Walks We all see, pass through and hear of such interesting places in the capital. Wouldn’t you like to learn more about them? Keep active in mind, body and spirit. Join this engaging and instructive local history course where people and places meet.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 22 / Sidcup Arts & AEC Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416912 Notes: Please note first and last sessions ONLY will be at 10.30am and will take place at Sidcup Arts & Adult Education Centre. Other 8 sessions will be field trips
Art and Music Studies: Key Works 2013 Each session we will explore a topical subject concerning the history of the arts. It may be related to an anniversary, or to a current exhibition in the major London galleries.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 22 / Sidcup Arts & AEC Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416811
Art & Music Studies: Key Works 2014 Each session we will explore a topical subject concerning the history of the arts. It may be related to an anniversary, or to a current exhibition in the major London galleries.
Start date: Tuesday 07 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 22 / Sidcup Arts & AEC Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416812
Local History: London Walks We all see, pass through and hear of such interesting places in the capital. Wouldn’t you like to learn more about them? Keep active in mind, body and spirit. Join this engaging and instructive local history course where people and places meet.
Start date: Tuesday 11 March 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 22 / Sidcup Arts & AEC Tutor: Rosalind Janssen Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416913 Notes: Tutors for this course will be Rosalind Janssen and another tutor TBC. Please note first session on 11/3/14 & last session on 27/5/14 will be at Sidcup Arts & Education Centre. Other 8 sessions will be field trips.
To enrol visit:
> 23
Wembley-Brent Branch David Lanch 020 8907 9388 /
St Johns Church Community Centre Crawford Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 2HX Buses: 18, 182, 92, 83, 79, 297 Tube: Wembley Central (Bakerloo Line) Train: Wembley Central Parking: Limited
Literature: London and Londoners in Literature 1 We will look at how a wide variety of authors, across the centuries, have depicted and imagined London – and Londoners – or used the metropolis as a backdrop in fiction, poetry, and reportage.
Start date: Thursday 19 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 23 / St Johns Church Community Centre Tutor: Jim Kenworth Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416802
Literature: London and Londoners in Literature 2 We will look at how a wide variety of authors, across the centuries, have depicted and imagined London – and Londoners – or used the metropolis as a backdrop in fiction, poetry, and reportage.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 16 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 23 / St Johns Church Community Centre Tutor: Michael King Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416976
> 24
Beckenham & West Wickham Branch David Partridge 020 8467 2891 /
Kentwood AEC Kingsdale Road, London, SE20 7PR Buses: 194, 227, 358, 75, 176, 312 Train: Kent House & Clock House Tram: Beckenham Road Parking: Yes Emmanuel Church Hall The Grove, West Wickham, Kent, BR4 9JS Buses: 119 and others including trams Train: West Wickham Station Parking: Yes
Philosophy: Aristotle Teacher of Alexander the Great and pupil of Plato, Aristotle of Stagira is one of the most remarkable men and philosophers who has ever lived. We begin by looking at his account of human excellence, and end with his general account of being.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 24 / Kentwood AEC Tutor: Mark Fielding Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416908
Literature: ‘Down The Nights and Down the Days’:Time Lines in Modern Literature How do individuals cope with the changes that time evokes? This course will explore how three authors have structured their narratives around time itself – from a week, to nearly a century – and how the events of the external world affect human consciousness.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 25 / Emmanuel Church Hall Tutor: Christine Banks Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416762 Notes: Very good level of English required.
To enrol visit:
Theology: Dead Sea Scrolls - An Introduction The Dead Sea Scrolls changed our understanding of Judaism and Christianity. Discovered in the mid-20th century and dating back to the 4th century BCE, the scrolls reveal variation within biblical texts, influential texts never canonised, and the rules observed by early readers of these texts. Students will explore these themes with reference to their contemporary relevance.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 7:15pm – 9:15pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 24 / Kentwood AEC Tutor: Tim Stacey Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416911
Art History: Gallery Visits Visit a selection of galleries in London. Learn about how and why artists make their art works. Discuss and question the ideas behind the art.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 1:45pm – 3:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: Field Visits Tutor: Sally Ward Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416810 Notes: After the initial meeting in the Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, the class will meet at various galleries as advised by the tutor. The course will comprise of 5 sessions ending 23/10/13 and 5 sessions starting 26/2/2014.
Local History: Walks and Visits in London Programme provisionally includes St James’s Park and The Mall, Fitzrovia, Greenwich Peninsula, ‘Little Italy’, Holland Park, Origins of the Medieval City, Notting Hill, Bayswater, The British Museum, ‘A Christmas Carol in the City’.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 24 / Kentwood AEC Tutor: Susan Jenkinson Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416907 Notes: Led by WEA tutors who are Blue Badge/City Guides. First Venue will be Methodist Central Hall, Westminster. After the intitial meeting the class will meet at various venues as advised by the tutors.
Literature: Literature in a Cultural Climate: Explorations in Gender, Class and Race Over the last century, we have witnessed seismic shifts in our attitudes towards the notions of gender, race and class. Using novels written by E.M.Forster, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Janice Galloway, we shall trace how writers responded to - and reflected upon - the cultural impact of those changes on society.
Start date: Tuesday 14 January 14 Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 25 / Emmanuel Church Hall Tutor: Christine Banks Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416763 Notes: Very good level of English required.
Philosophy of Meaning How do words communicate meaning? What is the significance of Van Gogh’s painting of a peasant’s boots? Philosophy has thought through this concept in many different ways over two thousand years. We consider the most important answers.
Start date: Friday 17 January 14 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 24 / Kentwood AEC Tutor: Mark Fielding Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416909 Notes: Learners will need level three (roughly A level) reading and comprehension.
Philosophy of Politics This short course introduces the central debates in Political Philosophy in the last thirty years. The key subjects are Liberalism and its Critics, and authors include Robert Nozick and John Rawls.
Start date: Friday 25 January 14 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 24 / Kentwood AEC Tutor: Mark Fielding Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416910 Notes: Learners will need above average reading and comprehension skills.
To enrol visit:
> 26
Bromley Branch Daphne Ward 020 8650 9066 /
Ripley Arts Centre 24 Sundridge Avenue, Bromley, Kent, BR1 2PX Bus: 314 (Stop N) Parking: Limited Community House South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH Buses: several buses serve the area Train: Bromley North Rail Station Parking: No
Current Affairs: The World This Week Rising powers are challenging the west’s political and economic stewardship, while in the Middle East key western powers struggle to reassert their influence undermined by the violent Arab Spring. Indepth discussion offers fuller understanding of these and other world events.
Start date: Monday 16 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: Ibrahim Noori Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416916
Theatre Studies: Theatre Appreciation If you are a theatre, drama and/or literary enthusiast you will be most welcome to meet, socialise, and enjoy reading, seeing and discussing current live productions at local theatres or in London. No previous experience is necessary.
Start date: Monday 16 September 13 Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: Ann Garrett Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416764
Art and Music Studies: Modernism in Art and Music This course traces the development of modernism in art and music during the twentieth century. Using Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring” as a starting point we will examine Expressionism, Cubism, Abstraction and Surrealism inter alia.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Monday 16 September 13 Time: 1:45pm – 3:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416814
European History: Europe of the Dictators - Hitler and Stalin By the end of the First World War the Bolsheviks had seized power in Russia. In 1933 the Nazis came to power in Germany. The two totalitarian regimes had much in common, but also significant differences.
Start date: Thursday 19 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: Anne Stott Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416915
Geology: Britain’s Coastline - Older Rocks Britain’s coast displays a wonderful range of geology. We will explore our oldest geology from three billion years ago to the end of the Paleozoic. This was a time when Britain was assembled from fragments of Africa and America.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: Peter Golding Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416875
Egptology: An Introduction to Ancient Egypt This course will trace the emergence of dynastic Egypt to include the iconic Giza pyramids, journey through the cultural peak of the Middle Kingdom and then the Egypt of Tutankhamun and Ramesses the Great in the New Kingdom.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: John Billman Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416914
Day School: Art and Music Studies - Saturday Lecture: Picasso and Stravinsky This course follows the parallel developments in the respective careers of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) and Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), each in his own field a pioneer of Modernism.
Start date: Saturday 16 November 13 Time: 2:00pm – 5:30pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 27 / Community House Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £8.50 Course ID: C2416963 Notes: Please note that there is no fee remission for this course.
Art and Music Studies: You Never Had It So Good! The History of Art and Music in Britain This course explores the art, music and architecture produced in Britain during the 20th century. Each week we will concentrate on a different decade and assess its cultural legacy.
Start date: Monday 06 January 14 Time: 1:45pm – 3:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416813
To enrol visit:
Theatre Studies: Theatre Appreciation - Two Day Workshop If you are a theatre, drama and/or literary enthusiast you will be most welcome to meet, socialise, and enjoy reading, seeing and discussing one or two current live productions at a local or London theatre for a Two Day Workshop study. No previous experience is necessary.
> 28
Start date: Friday 18 July 14 and Saturday 19 July 14 Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm Number of sessions: 2 Venue: 26 / Ripley Arts Centre Tutor: Ann Garrett Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416765 Notes: Two day workshop Friday and Saturday 18/19 July 2014.
Petts Wood & Orpington Branch Martine Haynes Penny Stewart 01689 827420 Petts Wood Memorial Hall (Towncourt Room), 200 Petts Wood Road, Petts Wood, Kent, BR5 1LA Train: Petts Wood Parking: Pay and Display St John’s United Reform Church (Jameson Room) (Towncourt Room), 200 Petts Wood Road, Lynwood Grove, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0BD Bus: R7 Train: Orpington Rail Parking: Limited, meter parking on street Poverest Centre (Poverest Road, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2DQ Buses: R2, R3, 273, 61, R1, 51, B14 Train: Petts Wood & St Mary Cray Parking: Limited and street parking
History: Crisis and Decision from Thermopylae to Suez 20 case studies of various conflicts from the Ancient World through to the mid 20th century, the various factors impacting on the Crisis moment and its subsequent resolution will be examined.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 16 September 13 Time: 10:15am – 12:15pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 28 / Petts Wood Memorial Hall Tutor: Robert Vidler Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416934
Art and Architecture of Byzantium - Part 1 For more than a millennium the Byzantine Empire produced extraordinary achievements in art and architecture. We’ll explore its great palaces and churches, mosaics, metalwork, ivories and paintings and chart its unique and lasting contribution to art history, both sacred and secular.
Start date: Tuesday 17 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 29 / St John’s United Reform Church Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416838
European History: Europe of the Dictators - Hitler and Stalin By the end of the First World War the Bolsheviks had seized power in Russia. In 1933 the Nazis came to power in Germany. The two totalitarian regimes had much in common, but also significant differences.
Start date: Thursday 19 September 13 Time: 1:45pm – 3:45pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 30 / Poverest Centre Tutor: Anne Stott Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416936
Medieval History: Life in Medieval London 500-1500 AD We will explore the lives of ordinary Londoners; how they coped with invaders and rioters, plague and taxes while trying to carry on their trades, business and domestic routines.
Start date: Friday 20 September 13 Time: 10:00am –12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 30 / Poverest Centre Tutor: Toni Mount Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416935
Literature: Mapping Time How do individuals cope with the changes that time evokes? This course will explore how three authors have structured their narratives around time itself – from a week to a century – and how the events of the external world affect human consciousness.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 1:45pm – 3:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 28 / Petts Wood Memorial Hall Tutor: Christine Banks Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416785
Medieval History: Medieval Women From the cradle to the grave, rich and poor, from queens to washerwomen, nuns to prostitutes, we will explore the roles played by medieval women and what happened if they failed to conform!
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 29/ St John’s United Reform Church Tutor: Vanessa King Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416939
To enrol visit:
Creative Writing: Part One Students will be invited to select their individual themes in the first week that they would like to write about. They will then be asked to produce some finished work by the final week - of poetry, prose or drama to illustrate their theme.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 11:15am – 1:15pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 28 / Petts Wood Memorial Hall Tutor: Christine Banks Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2417011 Notes: This course will take place fortnightly.
Saturday Lecture: History of the Crystal Palace This lecture covers the history of the Crystal Palace from its origins as the building that housed the Great Exhibition of 1851, its transfer to Sydenham and its ultimate demise in the fire of 1936.
Start date: Saturday 30 November 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 29 / St John’s United Reform Church Tutor: Ian Bevan Fee: £8.00 Course ID: C2416965 Notes: No fee remission.
Art and Architecture of Byzantium - Part 2 This course continues from Part I concentrating on the art of the Byzantium in its hey-day until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. As well as art in the Empire, we will look at the influences from and on art and architecture in the west.
Start date: Tuesday 07 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 29 / St John’s United Reform Church Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416839
Medieval History: Minority Groups in the Middle Ages How were those on the ‘fringe’ of society treated during the Middle Ages? Groups and themes studied include: heretics, lepers, Muslims, Jews, prostitution, homosexuality and the insane as well as the representation of ‘the other’ in art and literature.
Start date: Wednesday 08 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 29 / St John’s United Reform Church Tutor: Vanessa King Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416938
Literature: Literature in a Cultural Climate - Explorations in Gender, Class and Race Over the last century, we have witnessed seismic shifts in our attitudes towards the notions of gender, race and class. Using novels written by E.M.Forster, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Janice Galloway, we shall trace how writers responded to – and reflected upon – the cultural impact of those changes on society.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Monday 13 January 14 Time: 1:45pm – 3:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 28 / Petts Wood Memorial Hall Tutor: Christine Banks Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416786
Creative Writing: Part Two Through creative writing, we shall try to consider – in this centenary year of the start of World War 1 – the notions of war and peace – but with the themes reflected in terms of everyday life. What is ‘war’ or ‘peace’ in terms of our homes, our streets, ourselves – and how can we write about it?
Start date: Thursday 16 January 14 Time: 11:15am – 1:15pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 28 / Petts Wood Memorial Hall Tutor: Christine Banks Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2417012 Notes: This course will take place fortnightly.
Saturday Lecture: Art History - ‘A Very Capacious Handbag’ An exploration of the Victoria & Albert Museum. Roy Strong’s description of the V&A suggests a magical labyrinth bursting with treasures. We will examine the origins of the museum and how its collections have developed. We will also discuss the future of one of the world’s greatest museums of art and design.
Start date: Saturday 08 February 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 29 / St John’s United Reform Church Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £8.00 Course ID: C2416966 Notes: No concessions.
To enrol visit:
> 31
Sanderstead & Selsdon Branch Josie Green 020 8651 4684 /
Methodist Church Hall Limpsfield Road, Sanderstead, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 9DA Bus: 403 Train: Sanderstead Main Line – then bus 403 Parking: On site and street parking The 18th Purley Scout Group, HQ Farm Fields (opposite Sanderstead Library), Sanderstead, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 0HQ Bus: 403 Train: Sanderstead Main Line – then bus 403 Parking: No on-site parking, free on road United Reformed Church 3 Sanderstead Hill, Surrey, CR2 0HB Bus: 403 Train: Sanderstead / Purley Oaks Parking: Limited
17th Century History: The Life and Tymes of Samuel Pepys - Revolution, War and Other Excesses Through a most turbulent time in English history, Samuel Pepys’s life included triumph, ambition, intrigue, lust, love and danger. He wrote of all this and more in his fabulous diaries, as he made his way in a volatile society.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 31 / Methodist Church Hall Tutor: Simon Hargrave Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416949
Art History: Women Artists in Britain 1900-1940 So many women artists of the early 20th century art world in Britain have been obscured and forgotten by mainstream art history. From Gwen John to Laura Knight via suffrage artists to anti-fascists, through post-Impressionism and new realism we will re-search and re-centre a different story of art.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 32 / The 18th Purley Scout Group HQ Tutor: Mark Banting Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416853
Music Studies: The Enjoyment of Opera We will study several operas – both well known and rarer works – being performed by English National Opera or at the Royal Opera House, or being shown in cinemas. After looking at the background, we will study them closely. The course will begin with Mozart’s sardonic battle-of-the-sexes comedy ‘Cosi fan Tutte’.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 31 / Methodist Church Hall Tutor: John Riley Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416854
English Literature: Dickens: The People’s Author This course will explore the complex and contradictory world of Charles Dickens. It is both for those who already love his work and for the curious. We will look in depth at some less well-known works, and also gain an overall perspective of his extraordinary life. He may be two hundred years old, but this course will highlight the intense vitality of his work and show why Dickens is still highly relevant.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 33 / United Reformed Church Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416792
European History: The Making of Europe - Aspects of European History over 1000 years. This course looks at ten significant events in European political history over the last 1,000 years. It explores themes such as the influence of Islam, the relationship between Church and State right up to the modern era of war and revolution. Plenty of time for discussion.
Start date: Monday 06 January 14 Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 31 / Methodist Church Hall Tutor: Jim Chrystie Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416948
To enrol visit:
> 34
Ealing Branch Bettina Thwaite 020 8998 3259 /
St Andrews Church Centre Mount Park Road, Ealing, London, W5 2RS Buses: Several Train/Tube: Ealing Broadway Station Parking: Limited Friends Meeting House 17 Woodville Road, Ealing, London, W5 2SE Buses: 65, 83, 112, 226, 207, 297, 427, E1, E2, E7, E8, E9, E10, E11, N11, N7, N207 Tube: North Ealing Station – ¾ mile (Piccadilly Line) Train: Ealing Broadway Station – ¼ mile (mainline, District and Central lines) Parking: Yes
Egyptology: Deir-el-Medina – Village Life in Ancient Egypt The still extant houses, tombs and chapels, together with the surviving writings of the high percentage of literate inhabitants, allow vivid access into the minutiae of daily life at Deir-el-Medina, the New Kingdom community of Pharaoh’s tomb-builders on the West Bank of Luxor.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 18 September 13 Time: 7:15pm – 9:15pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 34 / St Andrews Church Centre Tutor: Rosalind Janssen Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416919
Creative Writing: Writing for Fun Writing for Fun is a practical guide to the ‘DNA’ or building-blocks of successful storytelling. Explore and learn about the essential elements that make up a great story, including characterization, dialogue/ speech and narrative/point of view. Students are encouraged to bring in their own writing and engage in feedback from peers.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 35 / Friends Meeting House Tutor: Jim Kenworth Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416917
Architecture: Architecture of the Ancient World From Babylonian ziggurats, ancient Egyptian pyramids, to Roman temples – this course will explore the rich and fascinating architecture of antiquity. Beginning with the earliest Mesopotamian cities, we shall trace the development of ancient architectural forms – and will focus upon the evolution of sacred, secular and military architecture across the ancient world.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 35 / Friends Meeting House Tutor: David Morgan Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416815
Art History: Hidden Meanings in Paintings This course will uncover the mysterious language of Western painting by exploring various artists, themes, events, symbols and subject matter spanning from medieval times to the 20th century. Including allegorical, mythological, religious, literary and semiotic references.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 35 / Friends Meeting House Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416819
Local History: Walks - Discovering London A fascinating mix of six walks around different areas of central London studying their history, geography, architecture and social evolution. Followed in the new year by six visits to indoor places of interest. Admission charges may apply. Weatherappropriate clothing. Pre-enrolment only for this course, online and by phone.
Start date: Tuesday 05 November 13 Time: 1:30pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 12 Venue: Field Visits Tutor: Lynda Sixx Fee: £118.50 Course ID: C2416918
To enrol visit:
Architecture: Cities of Europe This course will explore the complex and sumptuous architecture of the great cities of Europe. Spanning a period from medieval times to the present day, we will investigate the most significant buildings and architectural styles of a series of European cities – including Paris, Rome, Florence and Venice.
Start date: Wednesday 08 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 35 / Friends Meeting House Tutor: David Morgan Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416816
Art History: Art in Europe 1600 - 1800 From the stillness of Dutch art to the exuberance of France, the grandeur of Germany and Britain and the fervour of Spain and Italy, we examine the brilliance and lasting legacy of art in the Baroque and Rococo periods.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Friday 10 January 14 Time: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 35 / Friends Meeting House Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416820
> 36
Northolt Branch Sanat Gurung
Northolt Village Community Centre The Manor House, Ealing Road, Northolt, UB5 6AD Buses: E10, 90, 120, 282, 398 (Wednesday mobility bus), 979 (Thursday mobility bus) Tube: North Ealing Station Train: Ealing Broadway Station Parking: Yes, Parking available
Languages: Spanish for Beginners The focus of the course is on communication. You will be able to practice the language from the beginning and there will be plenty of opportunities to revise and expand the course content. You will learn to give and request basic personal information, talk about hobbies and professions and interact in a Spanish speaking country (asking your way, ordering food and drinks).
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 9:30am – 11:30am Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 36 / Northolt Village Community Centre Tutor: Angeles Rodenas Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416784
ICT: IT for Beginners A great course for the beginner who wants to use a computer. Find out about the different parts of a computer. Practise using the mouse and keyboard. Learn about Windows, icons, files and folders. Begin word processing.
Start date: Sunday 29 September 13 Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 36 / Northolt Village Community Centre Tutor: To Be Confirmed Fee: £98.75 Course ID: C2416955 Notes: Learners working at Entry level 2 or below
To enrol visit:
> 37
Enfield & Southgate Branch Norma Chapman 020 8882 0615 / Shirley Sandford 020 8882 0207 / Enfield Baptist Church Cecil Road, Enfield, EN2 6TG Buses: W8, W9, W10, N29, 121, 191, 192, 231, 307, 313, 317, 329, 377, 610, 629 Tube: Oakwood and 307 bus Train: Enfield Town, Enfield Chase Parking: Enfield Town car parks (parking not allowed at the Baptist church) United Reformed Church Fox Lane, Palmers Green, London, N13 4AL Buses: W6, W9, 329 Tube: Southgate and W9 bus Train: Palmers Green Parking: In adjacent streets
English Literature Day School: The Life and Writings of George Orwell We will explore the life and works of George Orwell, in the context of his life and times. We will examine his major novels as well as some of his reportage and essays, and consider his continuing influence and relevance.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 03 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 3:30pm (one 4 hour session split in two segments) Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: Michael King Fee: £16.00 Course ID: C2416768 Notes: 10:30-12:30 and 13:30-15:30 - one day only with one hour break for lunch. Coffee from 10:00. Bring a packed lunch or eat in local cafes. Photocopied extracts will be available on the day.
Film Studies: Aspects of Cinema The return of our popular short course on aspects of the cinema. This term’s varied menu includes three general topics, each with a generous selection of clips from familiar and less well known films, and two detailed studies of individual films about tragic love.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: John Riley Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416824
English Literature: The 1930s: a Literary Portrait The course provides an understanding and appreciation of a variety of poetry and prose from some major writers of the 1930s. Texts chosen will illustrate some of the main literary, social and historical themes and trends of that turbulent decade.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 38 / United Reformed Church Tutor: Michael King Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416766
Art History: Women Artists in Britain - From WWII to Pop Art From World War II to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, the social status of British women changed dramatically. Alongside, British Art developed through more traditional Realism to Abstraction and Pop Art. As we will see, women artists were at the centre of these social and cultural changes.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 9:45am – 11:45pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: Mark Banting Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416822 Notes: Visits to art galleries may be included in the course.
Geology: Learn More About Fossils - An Introduction to Palaeontology An introduction to the last 600 million years of life on earth, looking at major groups of animals preserved in the fossil record, with practical sessions using the tutor’s collection. We will look in particular at corals, ammonites and trilobites.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 38 / United Reformed Church Tutor: Michael Howgate Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416876 Notes: At least two field trips will be included in the course.
Music Studies: Operas, Ballets and Their Composers 1870 - 1920 This course aims to examine the development of music 1870 -1920 through the medium of opera and ballet. Works by various composers from this period will be explored - not just theatrical music, but other types will also feature in conjunction.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 1:45pm – 3:45pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: Alan Mills Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416826
To enrol visit:
Art History: Art and Change in Turner’s Britain, 1750 - 1850 See Turner not only as an artist, but also as a representative of his age: painter; traveller; Royal Academician, patriot and visual historian.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 38 / United Reformed Church Tutor: Peter Harrison Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416823
Social History: Keeping the Home Fires Burning - The Home Front in WWI World War I runs like a bloody water mark through the national consciousness. As jingoistic euphoria gave way to grim resignation, industry was redesigned to accommodate women and propaganda kept spirits up. Opposition was minimal and the vast majority supported the war on the Home Front, believing victory was worth the cost. However, the changes that occurred at home because of the War were irreversible.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: Martin Boyle Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416982
English Literature: The Literature of the Outsider We will explore a variety of writings in prose, drama and poetry, concerning the predicament of men and women (from the late 19th century) who found themselves alienated and outsiders in the predominantly urban societies in which they lived.
Start date: Monday 06 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 38 / United Reformed Church Tutor: Michael King Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416767
Social History: A Land Fit for Heroes? - Postwar Life in Britain in the 1920s During the 1920s, elites struggled to reassert control in the face of demands from those they had promised a ‘land fit for heroes’. Political, economic and social problems ensured that the return to peace would not be smooth, and the period witnessed explosive political and social events that had been put on hold by the War.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Friday 10 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: Martin Boyle Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416981
Film Studies: Aspects of Cinema Our popular cinema course returns, with clips from familiar and less well-known films. This term: why the shape of the screen matters; how film operas are different from operas; two classic French films and a British documentarian.
Start date: Monday 24 February 14 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: John Riley Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416825
Social History: Revolution, Rebellion and 18th Century English Society The Impact of French, Irish and American revolutions. From the revolution of the North American colonies, through the tumultuous years of the French Revolution and the Irish Rebellion, the ruling elites in England considered society to be under immediate threat. This course will examine the social and cultural impact of these events.
Start date: Tuesday 22 April 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 37 / Enfield Baptist Church Tutor: Elizabeth Leicester Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416920
To enrol visit:
> 39
Muswell Hill Branch Maureen Courtenay-Thompson 020 8374 1212 / North Bank (Muswell Hill Methodist Church) 28 Pages Lane, London, N10 1PP Buses: 134, 43, 234, 102, 299 Tube: Highgate, Bounds Green Parking: Small car park and street
Craft: Jewellery - Beadwork The 10 week course is for those wishing to make creative beaded Jewellery. You will learn specialist skills, basic design and how to combine the processes to make your own pieces. Learn how to manipulate different sizes of wire to design and make your own beaded Jewellery, how to colourcoordinate and combine different beads and waving patterns.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 39 / North Bank (Muswell Hill Methodist Church) Tutor: Yun Hee Kim Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416973 Notes: Students will be expected to provide all materials used on the course. Tutor will advise at the first session.
Languages: French Improvers 2 Do you want to improve or refresh your basic skills in time for next summer? Then join a group led by a native speaker and practise your conversational skills to make your stay in a French-speaking country more interesting.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 01 October 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 39 / North Bank (Muswell Hill Methodist Church) Tutor: Cory Jousseaume Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416803
Languages: French Intermediate Keep up your French skills and take part in discussions. Join a group led by a native speaker and discuss various topics, from literature and the arts to current affairs. A bientôt.
Start date: Tuesday 01 October 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 39 / North Bank (Muswell Hill Methodist Church) Tutor: Cory Jousseaume Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416804
Creative Writing: Writing for Pleasure Have you ever thought you had a talent for writing but lacked the discipline or confidence, or want feedback on something you are working on? Then this is the course for you. We will cover the novel, the shortstory, drama or poetry.
Start date: Thursday 03 October 13 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 39 / North Bank (Muswell Hill Methodist Church) Tutor: Stewart Permutt Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416932
Art History: Modernism The Art of the 20th Century This course will trace the origins and development of Modernism from the mid-nineteenth century to contemporary developments including Postmodernism. How innovation reflected the changing relationship between art and experience, ideas and social conditions will be discussed.
Start date: Thursday 10 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 39 / North Bank (Muswell Hill Methodist Church) Tutor: Robin Hamilton-Farey Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416836
To enrol visit:
> 40
Harrow, Kenton and Stanmore Branch Gillian Dingley 020 8864 7217 / Christopher Kershaw 020 8248 8185 / Kenton Library Kenton Lane, Kenton, Harrow, Middlesex, HA3 8UJ Buses: 114, H9, H10, H18, H19 – Stop C Tube/Train: Kenton (Bakerloo Line and Overground) Parking: Yes Ramp to entrance, powered entrance doors Scouts HQ North Harrow Methodist Church, Pinner Road, North Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 6EQ Buses: 183, H18, H19, H10 Tube: North Harrow (Metropolitan Line) Parking: Yes
Craft: Practical Lacemaking This course is designed to teach you the basic skills of Lacemaking, leading to more complex designs and styles of Lace. This is your chance to make a family heirloom that will be treasured for years. Entry anytime during the course.
Start date: Wednesday 11 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 30 Venue: 40 / Kenton Library Tutor: Suzanne Jarvis Fee: £237.00 Course ID: C2416830
Craft: Jewellery Making This 6 week introductory course is for beginners wishing to learn basic beaded jewellery techniques. Learn how to design, plan and make bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Learn how to manipulate different sizes of wire, to design and make beaded Jewellery. Finish the work, making clasps and hoops with wire work.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Monday 30 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Yun Hee Kim Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416831 Notes: No half-term.
Archaeology Recent archaeological developments in the towns and villas of Roman Britain. Examine the most recent developments in our knowledge of the towns and villas of Roman Britain and how this affects our knowledge and understanding of life in Roman Britain.
Start date: Monday 07 October 13 Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Allan Wilson Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416922
World History: Force and Unity Italy ceased to be a “geographical expression”; Germany became an Empire and the Northern States re-imposed union on the South. In the era of Bismarck, Garibaldi and Lincoln, national aspirations often failed and the Paris Commune was crushed.
Start date: Monday 07 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Roger O’Brien Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416923
Art History: Turner in His Time See Turner not only as an artist, but also as a representative of his age: painter; traveller; Royal Academician, patriot and visual historian.
Start date: Tuesday 08 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Peter Harrison Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416829
Medieval History: The Later Plantagenets from Richard II We will look at political and social history from the ascension of the ‘Boy King’ Richard II to the triumph and reign of Henry VII.
Start date: Wednesday 09 October 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: H Glyn Jones Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416925
English Literature: The Comic Tragedies of E.M. Forster This course will look at the work and influence of E.M. Forster. The course is designed for those who are familiar with his work and those who are new to it. During the course we will analyse in detail two or three of his novels as well as selected short stories, and cinematic and literary adaptations. The course will be lively, interactive and inclusive.
Start date: Thursday 10 October 13 Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416770
To enrol visit:
Photography: How To Use a Digital Camera and Take Better Pictures This short course provides beginners with the basic skills on how to use the main functions of a digital camera and what the various buttons and functions do. The course also teaches you how to take better photos in almost any circumstance.
Start date: Thursday 14 November 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Ronen Cooke Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416832 Notes: Please see course outline for detail of equipment needed.
World History: Korean War Out of the Second World War from Cold War rivalry came war in Korea. The U.S.A. intervened and so did China, but the USSR did not. After a grim struggle and protracted peace negotiations, the outcome still troubles us today.
Start date: Monday 06 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Roger O’Brien Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416924
English Literature: A Fresh Look at the Brontës Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre are rightly imprinted on the mind of every reader. However, the Brontës produced an extraordinary body of work, and this course will focus on two comparatively neglected works, The Professor and Agnes Grey. This course will be lively, interactive and inclusive.
Start date: Thursday 09 January 14 Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416771
Psychology: Becoming a Character - The Psychology of Personality Extrovert, introvert, narcissist, intuitive, ‘hardy’ or ‘type A’ personality are just some of the types of personality researched by psychologists. What do they mean? Can we measure them reliably? Are they inherited or acquired? And what’s the difference between ‘personality’ and ‘character’?
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 21 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Jonathan Smith Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416877
> 41
Pinner & Hatch End Branch Cheryl Finch 020 8954 2321 / Ann Shuker 020 8953 2864 Scouts HQ North Harrow Methodist Church, Pinner Road, North Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 6EQ Buses: 183, H18, H19, H10 Tube: North Harrow (Metropolitan Line) Parking: Yes Pinner Centre Chapel Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 1AA Buses: H11, H12, H13, 183 Tube: Pinner (Metropolitan Line) Parking: Pay and Display, free for blue badge holders Harrow Arts Centre Uxbridge Road, Hatch End, Middlesex, HA5 4EA Buses: H12, H14 Train: Hatch End (London Overground) Parking: Limited parking on site, additional parking in supermarket car park next door West House – Pinner 50 West End Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 1AE Buses: 183, H11, H12, H13 Tube: Pinner Parking: Limited
Art History: Art and Architecture in 18th Century France - Rococo and Revolution The art of France in the eighteenth century is one of the most attractive in the history of European art. This course will introduce learners to some of its masterpieces but also delve below the obvious prettiness and see how it responded to the dramatic changes that occurred in eighteenth century France. We will include painting, architecture and sculpture.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 41 / Scouts HQ Tutor: Madeline Edmead Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416840
To enrol visit:
Literature: Body Horror in 19th Century Literature and in Contemporary Culture Come along to this exciting taster session to rediscover 19th century horror classics, including Shelley’s Frankenstein, Stoker’s Dracula and Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau, and explore their status as contemporary myths.
Start date: Monday 28 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Helena Bassil-Morozow Fee: This is a free taster Course ID: C2417058
Craft: Introduction to Textile Crafts Whether you are fairly new to sewing or not, this course will show you how to create beautiful fabric flower corsages and jewellery from pretty scraps of material, trimmings and beads. Learn the basic skills involved, then indulge your creative side in making unique pieces with designer looks, costing next to nothing. By the end of the course, students will take home a fabric necklace, corsage or brooch made by hand, totally unique to themselves.
Start date: Wednesday 08 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 43 / Harrow Arts Centre Tutor: Denise Hallam Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416841
Philosophy: First Thinkers - Dialogues with the Present An introduction to some of the ‘First Thinkers’ in Western philosophy: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. We will pay special attention to the dialogical approach, and will use that approach in class to question the relevance of these thinkers today.
Start date: Tuesday 14 January 14 Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Timothy Stacey Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416940 Notes: Weekly companion course to Psychology.
Ornithology - Birds: Sex, Song & Survival in Birds Have you wondered why the pair of robins you see in your garden is reduced to a singleton in winter, or why there is a “dawn chorus” rather than one at midday? The aim is to look at such bird behaviours from a Darwinian perspective. You do not need to be a bird-watcher to participate – simply an enquiring mind about the world around you!
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Monday 20 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Richard Pettifor Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416880 Notes: This course may renew in May if successful.
Local History: History All Around Us History is all around us in the buildings, streets and communities we inhabit. This course aims to introduce different ways in which we can study the locality we live in. Examples will relate to Pinner and the surrounding area.
Start date: Monday 27 January 14 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 8 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Anne Milton-Worssell Fee: £63.20 Course ID: C2416942
Creative Writing: Write About It! Getting Started ‘Getting Started’ will focus on techniques to help you generate ideas and material for your story, and introduce you to some of the practical building-blocks of successful storytelling. Maximum 12 students.
Start date: Saturday 08 February 14 Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 44 / West House Tutor: Jim Kenworth Fee: This is a free taster Course ID: C2417061
ICT: Taster - T2 Introduction to the Internet A short preview of the Internet & e-mail course shows you how to access a wealth of information on-line. Visit your favourite web sites and organise them for easy availability. Become skilled at creating & sending emails with attachments.
Start date: Tuesday 17 September 13 Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: This is a free taster. Course ID: C2416958
ICT: Taster - T1 Are you Frightened of Your Computer (Basic IT Skills) A short taster session for the complete beginner, showing how easy it is to gain confidence in using a computer. Join likeminded people. Learn commonly used jargon. Be taught by a qualified tutor who will go at your speed.
Start date: Tuesday 17 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: This is a free taster. Course ID: C2416957
ICT: Taster - Need help with your photos? - Use free Internet software A short taster session on how to download free software, manipulate your images and create special effects. Import photos into Picasa from many sources, including cameras, CDs & memory cards. Organise your photos into albums.
Start date: Wednesday 18 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: This is a free taster. Course ID: C2416959
To enrol visit:
ICT: T4 Taster - How to Make the Most of Your iPad A short taster using your iPad! Bring it to the course and learn how to download, install and delete ‘Apps’. Explore some features: digital camera, voice recorder, listening to audio books and customising the settings.
Start date: Saturday 21 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 1 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: This is a free taster Course ID: C2416960
ICT: Introduction to Internet & e-mail Don’t feel left out! Learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web, whether it’s for work, a hobby, or to help a child with their homework. Gain confidence in creating, sending and reading e-mails with attachments.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 7 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £55.30 Course ID: C2416888
ICT: Are You Frightened of Your Computer (Basic IT Skills) A great course for the beginner who wants to use a computer. Find out about the different parts of a computer. Practise using the mouse and keyboard. Learn about Windows, icons, files and folders. Begin word processing.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 7 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £55.30 Course ID: C2416883
ICT: How to Use Your Laptop Join this course to learn how to use your laptop effectively. Understand the use of the keys and how to connect a camera, mouse and printer. Find your way around the ‘desktop’ and use the Control Panel.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 7 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £55.30 Course ID: C2416893
ICT: Introduction to Internet & e-mail Don’t feel left out! Learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web, whether it’s for work, a hobby, or to help a child with their homework. Gain confidence in creating, sending and reading e-mails with attachments.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 12 November 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416884
ICT: Need help with your photos? - Use free Internet software (Picasa) Use free downloadable software to manipulate your images & create special effects. Import photos into Picasa from many sources, including cameras, CDs & memory cards. Share your photos. Create slide shows. Organise your photos into albums.
Start date: Tuesday 12 November 13 Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416889
ICT: Beginners’ Word Processing This course is designed to give a basic understanding of creating and editing documents, formatting text and saving files. In addition, you will be able to check documents for spelling mistakes, finding and replacing text and managing files and folders.
Start date: Wednesday 13 November 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416894
ICT: Beginners’ Word Processing This course is designed to give a basic understanding of creating and editing documents, formatting text and saving files. In addition, you will be able to check documents for spelling mistakes, finding and replacing text and managing files and folders.
Start date: Tuesday 07 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416885
ICT: How to Design Cards, Posters & Newsletters Using Microsoft Word Do you need to publicize locally? Yes? Join this course and learn how to insert WordArt, ClipArt, photos from your camera or the Internet, borders, text boxes and watermarks. You need to have some basic knowledge of word processing.
Start date: Tuesday 07 January 14 Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416890
ICT: How To Use Your Laptop Join this course to learn how to use your laptop effectively. Understand the use of the keys and how to connect a camera, mouse and printer. Find your way around the ‘desktop’ and use the Control Panel.
Start date: Wednesday 08 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416895
To enrol visit:
ICT: Create Your Own Blog Using WordPress Learn how to use popular and freely available software from the Internet to create a blog or web site in minutes. Choose from over 200 customizable themes to give your design a professional look.
Start date: Tuesday 18 February 14 Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416891
ICT: How to Manage Your Budget Using Spreadsheets (Excel) Learn how to manage your household budget. Take the stress out of doing sums by making the computer do the work for you. This course will give you a good understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel to manipulate numbers.
Start date: Tuesday 18 February 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416886
ICT: How to make the most of your iPad Are you using your iPad fully? Bring it to the course and learn how to download, install and delete ‘Apps’. How to use the following features: digital camera, voice recorder, FaceTime, listening to audio books and customising the settings.
Start date: Wednesday 19 February 14 Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2417029 Notes: venue to be decided - may be different to Pinner Centre
ICT: Introduction to Internet & e-mail Don’t feel left out! Learn how to search for information on the World Wide Web, whether it’s for work, a hobby, or to help a child with their homework. Gain confidence in creating, sending and reading e-mails with attachments.
Start date: Wednesday 19 February 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416896
ICT: Create a Presentation Using Prezi Learn how to create a slick ‘Prezi’ presentation in order to give your talk a professional look and feel. You will be instructed in how to insert images, text and to format the presentation in order to enhance its appearance.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 22 April 14 Time: 12:30pm – 2:30pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416892
ICT: Create a Presentation Using PowerPoint Learn how to create a slick ‘PowerPoint’ presentation in order to give your talk a professional look and feel. You will be instructed in how to insert images, text and to format the presentation in order to enhance its appearance.
Start date: Tuesday 22 April 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416887
ICT: How To Manage Your Budget Using Spreadsheets (Excel) Learn how to manage your household budget. Take the stress out of doing sums by making the computer do the work for you. This course will give you a good understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel to manipulate numbers.
Start date: Wednesday 23 April 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 42 / Pinner Centre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416897
To enrol visit:
> 45
Hornchurch & Upminster Branch Gill Blake 01708 227512 / Brenda Bland 01689 858701 / Fairkytes Art Centre 51 Billet Lane, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 1AX Buses: 248, 370, 193, 365 Tube: Hornchurch Parking: Not on site
Art and Music Studies: Key Works Each session we will explore a topical subject concerning the history of the arts. It may be related to an anniversary, or to a current exhibition in the major London galleries.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 45 / Fairkytes Art Centre Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416833
Social History: Peopling London - From Fort to Square Mile Before being the name for a financial centre, this was the area of the Roman city of Londinium, the City of London today. We look at it then, and in the Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman period.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 45 / Fairkytes Art Centre Tutor: James Gordon Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416983
Social History: Londoners Moved - Plantagenet to Tudor Starting after the last Norman king, we look at how Londoners travelled, how they were entertained, and how these modes of transport and entertainment developed and changed over the period up to the end of the sixteenth century.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 08 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 45 / Fairkytes Art Centre Tutor: James Gordon Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416984
> 46
Northwood Branch Meg Savage 01895 635379
Fairfield Evangelical Church Windsor Close, Northwood Hills, Middlesex, HA6 1PD Buses: 282, H11, H13 Tube: Northwood Hills (Metropolitan Line) Parking: Limited
World History: A History of India - The Mughal Empire Part 1 In this course we will follow the lives of the Mughal Emperors. The power, prestige and the immense wealth enjoyed by them, and what made these men successful rulers despite being of foreign origin, culture and religion.
Start date: Thursday 19 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 46 / Fairfield Tutor: Ushma Williams Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416989
Social Anthropology: An Introduction to Social Anthropology - Part 1 Amazed by the rich tapestry of different cultures and what makes us human? This introductory Social Anthropology course will look at classical anthropology and ethnographic fieldwork, colonial photography, and the meanings of ritual, gender, beauty and art. By understanding the similarities and differences between societies we will gain a greater understanding of ourselves.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 46 / Fairfield Tutor: Yasmin Hales-Henao Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416987
To enrol visit:
Theatre Studies: Plays in Performance 1 Have you an interest in the theatre and would like to share your experience with a group of like-minded people? Then this is the course for you. Six visits to the theatre will be planned. Learners will be advised on concessions and special offers on tickets.
Start date: Tuesday 01 October 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 46 / Fairfield Tutor: Stewart Permutt Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416805
Theatre Studies: Plays In Performance 2 Have you an interest in the theatre? Would you like to share your experience with a group of like-minded people? Then this is the course for you. Six visits to the theatre will be planned. Learners will be advised on concessions and special offers on tickets.
Start date: Tuesday 01 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 46 / Fairfield Tutor: Stewart Permutt Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416806
Art History: Art and Architecture in 18th Century France The art of France in the eighteenth century is one of the most attractive in the history of European art. This course will introduce learners to some of its masterpieces but also delve below the obvious prettiness and see how it responded to the dramatic changes that occurred in eighteenth century France. We will include painting, architecture and sculpture.
Start date: Friday 11 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 18 Venue: 46 / Fairfield Tutor: Madeline Edmead Fee: £142.20 Course ID: C2416837
Social Anthropology: An Introduction to Social Anthropology - Part 2 In this course you will expand your understanding of what makes us human from a cross cultural perspective. You will learn more about the social customs of different societies through contemporary theories relating to cultural meaning and indigenous beliefs.
Start date: Friday 17 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 46 / Fairfield Tutor: Yasmin Hales-Henao Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416988
World History: A History of India - The Mughal Empire Part 2 This course will focus on the key features of Mughal art, architecture, government, politics, economics and religion. The increase in trade with the west and the setting up of trading posts in India by European nations and the long term impact for the Mughal empire and for India herself will be analysed.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 30 January 14 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 46 / Fairfield Tutor: Ushma Williams Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416990
> 47
Ruislip & Uxbridge Branch Christopher Hammond 020 8995 2081 /
Compass Theatre Glebe Avenue, Ickenham, Middlesex, UB10 8PD Buses: U1, U10 Tube/Train: Ickenham (just across the road) - (Metropolitan and Piccadilly lines), West Ruislip (15 minutes walk) – (Central Line and British Rail Parking: Yes, and street parking for £2
Philosophy: Know your Philosophy - An Introductory History An exploration of the history of Western philosophy, from it’s emergence to it’s current uses. We will look at how and why philosophy came about and seek to understand how philosophy can help us live examined lives today
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Timothy Stacey Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416947
ICT: How to Make the most of your iPad Are you using your iPad fully? Bring it to the course and learn how to download, install and delete ‘Apps’. How to use the following features: digital camera, voice recorder, FaceTime, listening to audio books and customising the settings.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 5 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Darryl Vaz Fee: £39.50 Course ID: C2416898
World History: China from 1840 This course puts China’s spectacular rise in the context of historical events since the 1840s: the Opium Wars, the ‘Century of Humiliation’, Nationalist and Communist revolutions, ‘opening up’, the Tiananmen Incident, and nationalism and unity.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Martin Boyle Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416985
To enrol visit:
Current Affairs: What Is Going On? Contemporary issues in the news This is a course for those who want to look behind the headlines. It is a unique chance to learn about the complexities of the political world around us. The course is aimed at the curious as well as the knowledgeable. The first term will concentrate on Britain while the second term will focus on the rest of the world, but the exact content and level will be shaped by the learners. The course will be led by a tutor with first-hand experience of the Westminster world and will be discussion based.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416945
Literature: The Child in Nineteenth Century Literature The nineteenth century formed modern attitudes towards children. Some critics even say childhood was invented in the nineteenth century. This inclusive and interactive course will study texts written from the point of view of the child as well as literature for children. Texts will range from Charles Dickens to Lewis Carroll. In contrast, we will look at repressive attitudes and cautionary tales designed to frighten children into silent obedience.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416791
Literature: Introduction to Poetry The course is open to anyone interested in developing a richer understanding and enjoyment of poetry. It provides an overview of poetry in the English language from the 16th century onwards, concentrating on specific poems chosen to illustrate key craft issues such as form, style, voice, tone, argument, address, and audience. The students will expand their knowledge and appreciation of poetry by reading and discussing poems in small and large groups.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Helena Bassil-Morozow Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416790
Photography: Photoshop and Photography Learn how to use your camera more effectively to take better photos. Edit, restore, improve and retouch photos; remove unwanted details. Create graphic effects, greetings cards, collage in Photoshop. Suitable for all abilities but basic I.T. skills required.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Ronen Cooke Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416850
Political History: The Road to War - The late Victorian and Edwardian World We will examine some of the major social, political and economic changes before 1914, including the Liberal government’s attitude to social reform, Ireland and the Suffragettes. International politics leading to the outbreak of war will also be explored in detail.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Louise Henshaw Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416946
Art History: The Influence of the Slade School on British Art As one of the foremost Colleges of Art in London at the start of the Twentieth Century students of the Slade School played a pivotal role in the establishment of modern ideas in the visual arts in Britain. This course will investigate the work of the artists associated with Modernism in Britain.
Start date: Tuesday 08 October 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Robin Hamilton-Farey Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416852
Philosophy: An Introduction to Indian Philosophy and Ethics This course introduces students to the world’s oldest religious and philosophical systems. What is it about Hinduism that has allowed it to survive in spite of the continuous challenges over the centuries, and to shape human thought on the Indian subcontinent and other parts of the world?
Start date: Monday 27 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 47 / Compass Theatre Tutor: Ushma Williams Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417043
To enrol visit:
Surbiton, Kingston & Malden Branch Roger Weatherhead 020 8393 4370
North Kingston Centre Richmond Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 5PE Bus: 65 Train: Kingston Parking: Yes
Meeting Room 2 St Mark’s Church, Church Hill Road, Surbiton, KT6 4LS Bus: 65 Train: Surbiton Parking: Yes
Literature: Reading History Forward It is fascinating to consider that all past events were once in the future. Readers of historical fiction have the special opportunity to enjoy a re-creation of the past with the benefits of hindsight, as well as the author’s literary control and powers of imagination.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 48 / North Kingston Centre Tutor: Helen Setright Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416793
Art History: Art in Europe 1600 - 1800 From the stillness of Dutch art to the exuberance of France, the grandeur of Germany and Britain and the fervour of Spain and Italy, we examine the brilliance and lasting legacy of art in the Baroque and Rococo periods.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 7:15pm – 9:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 49 / St Mark’s Church Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416856
Art History: Art and the Grand Tour The Grand Tour was essential to the education of wealthy young men in the 18th C. Over the course we will follow the Grand Tourists across Europe and beyond, and learn how their artistic experiences changed the face of Britain. Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 16 January 14 Time: 7:15pm – 9:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 49 / St Mark’s Church Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416855 85
Ilford at Gants Hill & Redbridge Branch Christine Pountney 020 8599 8846 or 020 8590 3406 /
The Drive Methodist Church Eastern Avenue, Redbridge, Essex, IG4 5AB Buses: 66, 145, 366 Tube: Redbridge (Central Line) Parking: Limited
Redbridge Institute of Adult Education Gaysham Avenue, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6TD Buses: 150, 167, 128 Tube: Gants Hill (Central Line) Parking: Pay and Display
Valentines Mansion Emerson Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4XA Buses: 179, 123, 462, 128, 167, 150, 296, 396 Tube: Gants Hill (Central Line) – 5 mins walk to venue Parking: Pay and Display
Medieval History: From Pen to Print We will explore how production of the written word changed from writing with quill pens on animal hide to the use of movable type on paper with the invention of the printing press.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 2:15pm – 4:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 50 / The Drive Methodist Church Tutor: Vanessa King Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416929
Literature from the Orient Concentrating on key twentieth-century Japanese novels by Soseki and Tanizaki prior to 1945, and postwar works by Mishima and Endo, we also review the early court culture of Kyoto, the later drama of the Noh and Kabuki, and haiku poetry.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 51 / Redbridge Institute of Adult Education Tutor: Ken Ireland Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416781 To enrol visit:
Social and Political History (1): London Under the Hanoverians The course will describe social, political and artistic themes and the changing role of Britain during the Hanoverian period and assess the impact of famous Hanoverians on changing social and political attitudes.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 50 / The Drive Methodist Church Tutor: Paul Levy Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416928
Local History: Walks - So You Think You Know London? Learning on your feet as you walk the streets of London. WEA tutors will take you to enlightening and enjoyable places – the familiar and the less well known. All welcome, especially the curious.
Start date: Saturday 28 September 13 Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: Field Visits Tutor: Rosalind Janssen and Calix Eden Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416930 Notes: Monthly (not December or January) First meeting: WEA London Region office, 96-100 Clifton Street, EC2A 4TP.
Art History: What’s On Now? Looking at London Exhibitions This course will focus upon a range of selected exhibitions from the current London season - and will attempt to provide students with the historical information, and the critical awareness, required to fully appreciate and enjoy the rich variety of exhibitions which London hosts each year.
Start date: Wednesday 02 October 13 Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 52 / Valentines Mansion Tutor: David Morgan Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416834 Notes: One meeting per month (not December or January) flexible.
Social History: Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe Belief in witchcraft and magic, the power of human beings to do good or evil by supernatural means has a long history. We will focus on 16th and 17th century Europe when thousands of women (but not exclusively) were executed as witches.
Start date: Monday 06 January 14 Time: 2:15pm – 4:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 50 / The Drive Methodist Church Tutor: Vanessa King Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416926
Social and Political History (2): Famous Victorian Londoners The course will show how pre-eminent London Victorians helped make London the centre of the industrial, scientific and artistic world. It will also explore the themes of morality, philanthropy and the growth of the Labour movement and trade unionism.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 09 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 50 / The Drive Methodist Church Tutor: Paul Levy Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416927
> 53
Wanstead & Woodford Branch Shirley Edmonds 020 8555 9127
Wanstead House 21 The Green, Wanstead, London, E11 2NT Buses: 66, 101, 145, 308, W12, W13, W14 Tube: Wanstead (Central Line) Parking: Limited
Egyptology: The Nile from the Pyramids to Abu Simbel From the Step Pyramid at Saqqara to the famous pyramids of Giza, and from the monuments of Thebes to Abu Simbel this course will examine a range of different ancient Egyptian sites in detail considering their archaeology and historical context.
Start date: Monday 23 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: John Billman Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416952
Literature: Books that Shape our Minds - Ideas and the Literary Imagination 1 Every day we encounter a wide variety of ideas. Starting with a recent best-seller, this course will explore how a number of writers have turned some of these ideas into stimulating texts that engage both our hearts and our minds.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 7:45pm – 9:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: Michael Peters Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416800
British History: Features and Faces of the Victorian -Edwardian Period The course will show how Britain’s role in the world changed as a result of political developments, wars and the new King which heralded an Edwardian optimism reflected in new social, political and artistic attitudes.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: Paul Levy Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416972
Art and Music Studies: Key Works Each session we will explore a topical subject concerning the history of the arts. It may be related to an anniversary, or to a current exhibition in the major London galleries.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: Andrew Rothwell Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416862
To enrol visit:
Classical Civilisations: Greek Mythology and its Influence Today Looks at Greek origins and connections with surrounding cultures, at how western literature, music and art have been influenced/inspired by Greek stories of gods/goddesses, heroes/heroines, and at how they continue to furnish us with archetypal models for our lives today.
Start date: Friday 27 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: James Gordon Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416951
Making The Most of Your Retirement Retirement can be fun, frightening, reflective, active, a mix of all of these as we slow down in some areas of life and develop energy for other areas. Learn how to make the most of your well-earned free time, manage your money and time, nurture your interests and commitments.
Start date: Wednesday 02 October 13 Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: Hugh Dennis Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417030
Literature: Creative Reading - Around the Great War A century on, we still call it ‘The Great War’ and see it as a time of cataclysmic change. We will explore literature’s part in a great reshaping of thought and feeling, from which new perspectives continue to emerge today.
Start date: Wednesday 02 October 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: Adrian Eckersley Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416799
Architecture: The Architecture of London The power and wealth which resides in the City of London, not only in Modern times, but throughout it’s history has been responsible for a whole series of magnificent buildings. Happily, there have always been great architects able to create exceptional and innovative buildings in harmony with this unique city. The course will concentrate on a number of buildings which are considered to be of great significance and important to the development of architecture not only in London but also Britain.
Start date: Tuesday 08 October 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: Brian Adams Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416861
Literature: Books that Shape Our Minds - Ideas and the Literary Imagination 2 Using a new set of stimulating texts, we will continue to study the impact of literature on our hearts and minds.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 08 January 14 Time: 7:45pm – 9:45pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 53 / Wanstead House Tutor: Michael Peters Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416801 89
> 15
Barnes Branch Celia Duncan 020 8392 8702 / Caroline Campbell 020 8563 1027 Barnes Community Association Rose House, Barnes High Street, London, SW13 9LD Buses: 209, 283 (from Hammersmith). Stop 2 mins walk Train: Barnes or Barnes Bridge (Waterloo 25 mins) Parking: Evening unrestricted, Daytime restricted to meters
English Literature: Charles Dickens and E. M. Forster - The Condition of England In their very different ways both these seminal authors produced highly ambitious works that challenged England and its values. In the first term we will look in depth at some less well-known but brilliant works by Dickens, along with selected letters, filmic interpretations by David Lean and Christmas stories. In the second term we will look at the contrasting work of E.M. Forster and we will analyse his unique comic tragedies, as well as cinematic and literary adaptations of his work. The course will be lively, interactive and inclusive.
Start date: Wednesday 18 September 13 Time: 2:15pm – 4:15pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 54 / Barnes Community Association Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416756
Art and Architecture: Byzantium - The Power and the Glory For more than a millennium the Byzantine Empire produced extraordinary achievements in art and architecture. We’ll explore its great palaces and churches, mosaics, metalwork, ivories and paintings and chart its unique and lasting contribution to art history, both sacred and secular.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 54 / Barnes Community Association Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416807
To enrol visit:
> 55
Richmond Branch Carol Veitch 020 8979 5929
Baptist Church Centre Church Road, Teddington, Middx, TW11 8PF Buses: X26, 33, R68, 281, 285, 481 (buses stop in Broad Street) Tube: Teddington (about 6 minutes walk) Parking: Yes
Parish Rooms Richmond Church Walk, Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1SN Tube: Richmond Parking: Multi-Storey nearby
Etna Community Centre 13 Rosslyn Road, Twickenham, TW1 2AR Buses: Several Train: St Margarets
Vestry House 21 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1SA Train: Richmond Parking: Multi-Storey nearby
Holy Trinity Church Centre Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1UP Buses: 33, 337, 493 Train: Richmond (District Line) Parking: Yes Greenwood Centre School Road, Hampton Hill, Middx, TW12 1QL Buses: 285, R68, R70 Train: Fulwell (just under 1 mile from centre) St Andrews Church Hall Church Road, Ham Common, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 5HG Buses: B5 from Richmond Station or Kingston Tube: Richmond (District Line) Train: Richmond or Kingston (SW Trains from Waterloo) Parking: Yes
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
English Literature: The Sea This course will look at the ways in which writing about the sea is shaped in different periods by those who sail on it, and those who live beside it. Within a broad chronological sweep, we will break this work into different topics i.e. the lonely sea; the sea as a source of moral testing; mermaids and other fantasies; and shipwrecks and survivals.
Start date: Monday 16 September 13 Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 55 / Baptist Church Centre Tutor: Rosemary Wiseman Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416789
Art History: Hidden Meanings in Paintings This course will uncover the mysterious language of Western painting by exploring various artists, themes, events, symbols and subject matter spanning from medieval times to the 20th C including allegorical, mythological, religious, literary and semiotic references.
Start date: Monday 16 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 56 / Parish Rooms Richmond Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416843
Music Studies: Verdi, Britten and Wagner 2013 marks Wagner and Verdi’s bicentenaries and britten’s centenary. We will study three of their greatest operas: Wagner’s eerie ‘The Flying Dutchman’, Verdi’s Shakespearean comedy ‘Falstaff’ and Britten’s version of Henry James’ ghost story, ‘The Turn of the Screw’.
Start date: Tuesday 17 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 57 / Etna Community Centre Tutor: John Riley Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416848
English Literature: Parodies and Other Literary Parasites Parody, traditionally defined as mocking imitation, has become, in modernist art, infinitely more complex and nuanced, as is exemplified by Picasso’s radical recreation of paintings by Velasquez, an artist he greatly admired. The course will focus on literary works that reference and refigure earlier texts and will explore how contemporary writers have drawn on and responded to acknowledged predecessors.
Start date: Wednesday 18 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 58 / Vestry House Tutor: Natalie Stephenson Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416788 Notes: These particular courses are extremely popular, so to avoid disappointment please enrol online or on the WEA Freephone. You may also book your place by posting a cheque made out to Richmond WEA with your advance booking to the branch contact. State clearly am or pm. Advance booking, however, will not guarantee your place, as you will still need to enrol at the first lesson. To enrol visit:
British History: The 17th Century - A Century of Contrasts The seventeenth century struggle between king and parliament powered striking contrasts: merry/austere; spiritual/ scientific; God-fearing/licentious; absolute/ constitutional; Protestant/ Catholic. The course considers how developments in politics, science, philosophy and religion triggered and reflected trends in art, music and painting.
Start date: Wednesday 18 September 13 Time: 7:15pm – 9:15pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 59 / Holy Trinity Church Centre Tutor: James Gordon Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416953
English Literature: Parodies and Other Literary Parasites Parody, traditionally defined as mocking imitation, has become, in modernist art, infinitely more complex and nuanced, as is exemplified by Picasso’s radical recreation of paintings by Velasquez, an artist he greatly admired. The course will focus on literary works that reference and refigure earlier texts and will explore how contemporary writers have drawn on and responded to acknowledged predecessors.
Start date: Wednesday 18 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 58 / Vestry House Tutor: Natalie Stephenson Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416787 Notes: These particular courses are extremely popular, so to avoid disappointment please enrol online or on the WEA Freephone. You may also book your place by posting a cheque made out to Richmond WEA with your advance booking to the branch contact. State clearly am or pm. Advance booking, however, will not guarantee your place, as you will still need to enrol at the first lesson.
Photography: Introduction to Digital Photography Use your camera more effectively to take better photos. Know what the main camera controls do, as well as when and how to use them. Edit, restore, retouch photos; remove unwanted details. Suitable for all abilities but basic I.T. skills required.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 19 September 13 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 60 / Greenwood Centre Tutor: Ronen Cooke Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416821
World History: A History of India - the Mughal Empire This course provides an insight into the last major Indian Empire which was established after a gap of almost 1000 years – The Mughals. The Mongol dynasty from Central Asia, not only left behind a lasting legacy which brought about major shifts in the culture and society of the Indian subcontinent, but also went on to adopt India as their home, and her ancient culture as part of their heritage.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 61 / St Andrews Church Hall Tutor: Ushma Williams Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416943
Art History: Focus on the Galleries of the V & A Museum Explore in detail a range of galleries and themes, including glass, ceramics, costume, sculpture and Renaissance living, discuss the history of the museum and its collections and consider how the V&A meets the needs of existing and future visitors.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: Field Visits Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416846 Notes: Gallery visits.
Art History: An Introduction to the Galleries of London This course takes you on a journey that begins in Ancient Greece and ends with the near abstract works of Turner. All teaching will take place in the rich collections of the galleries and museums of London.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: Field Visits Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416845 Notes: Gallery visits.
Art History: The Decorative Arts of the Middle Ages - Making and Meaning During the middle ages a wealth of beautiful objects was made for both sacred and secular purposes. We examine manuscripts, reliquaries, sculpture, furniture, textiles, glass and ceramics, discussing where they were made and who used them.
Start date: Monday 13 January 14 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 56 / Parish Rooms Richmond Tutor: Nicole Stanbridge Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416844 Notes: Please contact local Richmond branch if you are interested in this course.
To enrol visit:
Music Studies: How to Listen to Classical Music Even a little study brings a deeper appreciation of classical music, inspiring us to find new pieces to enjoy. This course will introduce the basics, including setting pieces in their time, identifying common musical forms, and recognising instrument’s sounds. No musical knowledge necessary.
Start date: Tuesday 14 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 57 / Etna Community Centre Tutor: John Riley Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416849
Photography: Photoshop and Photography Use your camera more effectively to take better photos. Know when and how to use specific camera controls. Edit, restore and retouch photos; remove unwanted details. Create effects, greetings cards in Photoshop. Suitable for all abilities. Basic I.T. skills required.
Start date: Thursday 16 January 14 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 60 / Greenwood Centre Tutor: Ronen Cooke Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2417024
Art History: Great Masters of Japanese Art It is always thrilling and stimulating to understand how and why masterpieces were created. This course will examine the life and work of some of the great masters of Japan.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Thursday 23 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 58 / Vestry House Tutor: Kiyoko Mitsuyama-Wdowiak Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416847
> 62
Sutton & Wallington Branch Liba Keville 020 8647 8018 /
Trinity Church Hall Hill Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1DZ Buses: 53, 470 and others Train: Sutton Parking: Pay car park nearby St Paul’s Church Centre 15 Northey Avenue, Cheam, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 7HS Bus: 470 Train: Cheam or Sutton Parking: Yes Friends Meeting House 10 Cedar Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 3DA Buses: 53 and others Train: Sutton Parking: Yes
Music Studies: Music from the Americas: Fusion & Revolution Since the 16th century the two halves of the continent have been continually subject to the influences of other countries. Alongside their peculiar indigenous music, each has responded to these incursions, producing popular and art music of great variety and quality.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 62 / Trinity Church Hall Tutor: Brian Collins Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416857
To enrol visit:
Literature: The Divine Comedy - Dante’s Dramatic Journey A literary exploration of his extraordinary vision. By studying a new highly acclaimed translation of The Divine Comedy, we will examine in depth the power of Dante’s poetic and dramatic vision, its relevance to the modern world and its enduring influence on European culture.
Start date: Wednesday 25 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 12 Venue: 63 / St Paul’s Church Centre Tutor: Janet Fredrickson Fee: £94.80 Course ID: C2416794 Notes: Please note that this course is run fortnightly.
Literature: These Foolish Things This course will explore British and Irish fiction and poetry since the mid 1980s. We will investigate historical and social change, seeking to discover how British writers have addressed issues of identity, cultural memory, and the relationship that exists between the individual and society.
Start date: Thursday 26 September 13 Time: 2:15pm – 4:15pm Number of sessions: 20 Venue: 64 / Friends Meeting House Tutor: Stephen Smith Fee: £158.00 Course ID: C2416795
Music Studies: Music from the Russias - Glinka to Shostakovich and Beyond Music in Russia and, later, the Soviet Union has always been distinctive. This course will consider how national, social and political pressures - alongside internal and external musical issues - have made it so
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Wednesday 08 January 14 Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 62 / Trinity Church Hall Tutor: Brian Collins Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416858
Tower Hamlets
> 65
Bethnal Green Branch Lubna Fariduddin 020 8981 7976 /
Globe Primary School Gawber Street, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0JH Tube: Bethnal Green Parking: Limited St John’s Primary School Peel Grove, London, E2 9LR Buses: D3, 309 Tube: Bethnal Green Parking: Limited
Craft: Beaded Jewellery This 6 week introductory course is for beginners wishing to learn basic beaded jewellery techniques. Learn how to design, plan and make bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Learn how to manipulate different sizes of wire, to design and make beaded Jewellery. Finish the work, making clasps and hoops with wire work.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 9:15am – 11:15pm Number of sessions: 6 Venue: 65 / Globe Primary School Tutor: Yun Hee Kim Fee: £47.40 Course ID: C2416859
Cookery: Healthy Meals for the Family The sessions will typically focus on healthy eating on a budget using recipes around the world, and adapting cooking techniques using less fat, sugar and salt and more whole grains, fruit and vegetables to help to ensure that healthy eating guidelines are met with minimal affect on taste.
Start date: Friday 04 October 13 Time: 9:15am – 11:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 66 / St John’s Primary School Tutor: Manahara Epton Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416968
To enrol visit:
Cookery: Healthy Meals for the Family The sessions will typically focus on healthy eating on a budget using recipes around the world, and adapting cooking techniques using less fat, sugar and salt and more whole grains, fruit and vegetables to help to ensure that healthy eating guidelines are met with minimal affect on taste.
Start date: Thursday 16 January 14 Time: 9:15am – 11:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 65 / Globe Primary School Tutor: Manahara Epton Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416969
Patchwork: Make a Patchwork Quilt Top You will make a patchwork block a week, while making these blocks, you will learn: how to use the cutting equipment, make templates, cut fabric, hand and machine sewing skills, When blocks are complete you will be shown the different methods of constructing the quilt top.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Friday 17 January 14 Time: 9:15am – 11:15pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 66 / St John’s Primary School Tutor: Carole Hart Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416860
Waltham Forest
> 67
Walthamstow Branch Caryle Webb-Ingall 020 7426 1950 /
The Greenleaf Centre 67-69 Greenleaf Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 6QP Buses: 20, 34, 48, 55, 58, 66, 69, 97, 123, 145, 158, 179, 212, 215, 230 Train/Tube: Walthamstow Central (Rail and Victoria Line) Parking: Limited Shern Hall Methodist Church Shernhall Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 9HX Bus: W15 Tube: Walthamstow (20 mins walk) Train: Wood Street (10 mins walk) Parking: Yes
Theatre Studies: Plays of August Strindberg August Strindberg wrote many compelling and psychologically perceptive plays, such as Miss Julie, Dances of Death and The Father. We shall discuss a selection of his plays in terms of dialogue, character and structure, while also workshopping short extracts.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 67 / The Greenleaf Centre Tutor: Thomas Crowe Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416797
To enrol visit:
English Literature: Dickens: The People’s Author This course will explore the complex and contradictory world of Charles Dickens. It is both for those who already love his work and for the curious. We will look in depth at some less well-known works, and also gain an overall perspective of his extraordinary life. He may be two hundred years old, but this course will highlight the intense vitality of his work and show why Dickens is still highly relevant.
Start date: Tuesday 24 September 13 Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 68 / Shern Hall Methodist Church Tutor: Calix Eden Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416798
Local History: London Moved - A History of London Entertainment We will take the various opportunities for entertainment that were available to the London population, and show how they evolved and multiplied into the many modes of entertainment that exist today.
Start date: Tuesday 14 January 14 Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 68 / Shern Hall Methodist Church Tutor: James Gordon Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416986
Theatre Studies: Plays of Spanish Golden Age The plays of the Spanish Golden Age cover an extraordinary range of theatrical and poetic styles. We shall discuss a selection of plays from this era in terms of dialogue, character and structure, while also workshopping short extracts.
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
Start date: Tuesday 14 January 14 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm Number of sessions: 10 Venue: 67 / The Greenleaf Centre Tutor: Thomas Crowe Fee: £79.00 Course ID: C2416796
To enrol visit:
Prior reservation form Some learners like to reserve a place on a course directly through the branch and then enrol at the first session. This can be done by completing the form below. However, if a class is over-subscribed, learners who have completed enrolment will be given priority. Enrolment can be done via telephone or on online. 0800 328 1060 or
I would like to reserve a place on the course(s) below and enrol at the first session: First name .................................................... Last Name ����������������������������������������������������������� Address ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� .............................................................................................. Post code ������������������������������������� Telephone ................................... Email ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Course title ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Course ID ................................... Branch �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Course title ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Course ID ................................... Branch �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Course title ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Course ID ................................... Branch �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Please return this form to the relevant Branch or WEA London Region Office at: 96-100 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4TP
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
To enrol visit:
Freephone: 0800 328 1060
To enrol visit:
Giving us feedback
Venue hire
We are always happy to receive suggestions, compliments and complaints as this helps us to improve our service. There are a number of ways to do this:
London Region has a suite of teaching/ meeting rooms available for hire at our Training Centre at 96-100 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4TP.
Take part in one of our surveys: • On-line satisfaction survey on our website • FREEPOST survey form (if asked) • Short telephone interview (if asked)
Easy transport links via Liverpool Street or Old Street tube/mainline stations.
(if you do not wish to be contacted by anyone for surveys, tick the ‘opt out’ box at the bottom of your Enrolment Form. If you do take part, we guarantee to keep your identity confidential, unless you formally agree otherwise). Contact our Suggestions Line on 0800 013 1903 or email us at Make a formal complaint if you think there is a problem. You can register a formal complaint by telephone, letter, fax or email. A copy of our Complaints Procedure is available on request from the Regional Office or download from our website.
Please contact the Centre Manager for further information including availability and hire rates on 020 7426 1962 or Room Hire
Charity Rate
Non-Charity Rate
Room layouts can be varied
Half Day Rate 9am – 1pm 1 – 5pm
Full Day Rate 9am – 5pm
Half Day Rate 9am – 1pm 1 – 5pm
Full Day Rate 9am – 5pm
Clerkenwell (holds 10-40)
Hoxton/ Shoreditch (holds 10-40)
Hoxton Only (holds 10)
Shoreditch Only (holds 10)
Barbican/ Whitechapel (holds 30-75)
Barbican Only (holds 10 – 30)
Broadgate (IT Suite – holds17)
The WEA is committed to equality of opportunity and inclusive learning WEA London Region 96-100 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4TP T: 020 7426 1950 / 1981 E:
The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) is a charity registered in England and Wales (1112775) and in Scotland (SC039239) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (2806910) Registered address: 4 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4XW
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