First Meeting Storyboard

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Wealth Matters Ltd, 727 Capability Green, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU Tel: 01582 720511 Fax: 01582 730179 Wealth Matters is directly regulated with theEmail: Financial Conduct Authority ref: 300635 | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

Welcome Points covered in this presentation: 1.  Who are Wealth Matters and what do we do? 2.  What is Financial Planning? 3.  The Wealth Matters Service and Process 4.  How Wealth Matters can help you achieve your goals and objectives to reach financial independence

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

Who are Wealth Matters? •

Independent Financial Planners since 1999

Offering impartial advice from whole of market

Highly qualified and knowledgeable team, use advanced technology

In-house Investment system – WRAPSTM

Currently £110 million under management

Majority of new clients are referred by existing clients

Operate under two brands; Wealth Matters Ltd and Savings Matters LLP

Voted Top 100 Financial Planning firm in the UK by Citywire

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

Who do Wealth Matters work with? Wealth Ma)ers

Freelancers & contractors


Small to Medium sized Business Owners

People who value independent advice

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

What is Financial Planning? 1. Iden?fy goals & objec?ves 2. Collect data

6. Review plan

5. Implement plan

Holis/c Financial Planning

3. Analyse informa?on

4. Produce plan

Financial Planning is a process. If the process is followed, the chances of achieving your financial goals and objec?ves are greatly improved.

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

What do Wealth Matters do? Our role is to: Review your circumstances

Listen carefully

Understand your goals

Iden?fy shorQalls

Analyse Risk

Minimize Taxa?on

Produce your financial plan

Develop your strategy Provide educa?on

Communicate regularly Monitor progress

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

The Wealth Matters Service What can you expect from us?

What we ask of you?

Integrity, Honesty & Openness

To be open, frank & honest at all ?mes

Confiden?ality Added Value Excellent Customer Service

To provide us with informa?on requested To make ?me for your financial plan

On-­‐going Support Deadlines met A Long Term Partnership

To provide honest feedback To consider referring us

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

The Wealth Matters 4-step process Step 1: 1st Meeting

Discovery mee/ng Step 2: 2nd Meeting

Strategy presenta/on Step 3: 3rd Meeting

Checkpoint & Implementa/on Step 4: On-going support


Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

Case studies Examples of work we have completed: •  Background •  Challenges •  What we did •  The Results

Click on this link to view a case study:h)p:///

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

What’s next? •  Discuss your goals and ambitions •  Review fact-find •  Adviser to Explain WRAPSTM •  Administration •  Next steps

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

Disclaimers Wealth Ma\ers Limited of 727 Capability Green, Luton Bedfordshire, LU1 3LU is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our FCA Registered number is 300635. You can check this on the FCA’s register by visi?ng the FCA’s website – or by contac?ng the FCA on 0800 111 6768. Please arrange a personal mee?ng with a Wealth Ma\ers adviser for individual advice.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

The value of investments and income can fluctuate (this may par?ally be the result of exchange rate fluctua?ons) and investors might not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of property investments and income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the original amount invested. Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. The value of property is generally a ma\er of opinion and the true value may not be recognised un?l the property is sold. It may be difficult to sell or realise the value of the property in adverse market condi?ons. Levels and basis of reliefs from taxa?on are subject to change and their value depends on the individual circumstance of the investor. Borrowers will s?ll be responsible for maintaining the payment of any mortgage in the event that the property is not rented out and therefore may wish to make suitable provision for this event. We suggest that you seek legal advice and advice on tax issues before purchasing a property to let. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate will wri?ng, school fees planning, taxa?on and trust advice, and some aspects of buy to let mortgages, overseas mortgages and commercial mortgages For further informa?on, please visit our website at www.wealth-­‐ma\

Email: | Website: | Tel: 01582 720511

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