The Gryphon: Fall/Winter 2021

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26 • THE GRYPHON Fall/Winter 2021

CLASS NOTES 1940s Maggie Domini ’44: I am still alive! I have various aches and pains, but still have my own home and activities. My Domini family and my own Colt family bring me enormous pleasure. I am staying with my daughter to ride out the pandemic, but hope to return to Florida after being vaccinated. With deep gratitude for the end of Trump and his henchmen. Paul Sapir ’46: Have been retired from the practice of psychiatry and psychoanalysis for nearly ten years. I had mixed feelings about winding up this central part of my life, but it was appropriate and timely to do so. Our twin sons are well, and two grandchildren are thriving, the older of which is now at Shady Hill School, which many CSW classmates attended. If there is a reunion (75th) in 2021 it will be something to look forward to. Penny Witte Allderdice ’49: We have been living life during the pandemic with our hens in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

1960s Esther Miskolczy Pasztory ’61: When the coronavirus began, I had been working on a book of essays entitled, Our Lady of the Amazon, about present and future trends. I had to rewrite and and rethink a lot!

Steve Webber ’62: Steve made a recent trip to campus to meet with Head of School Lise Charlier and visit the costume shop in the Mugar Center for Performing Arts. Steve and his siblings (Ronald Webber ’58, Karen Webber Mulhauser ’60, Susan Webber Risho ’65, and Peter Webber ’66) named the costume shop in memory of their mother Leta Henderson Webber. Heather Reed ’66: Greetings to all my classmates. This certainly has been an unforgettable year. I hope you and your families are all well and able to find glimpses of light each day. During this year, I was able to see a number of you and other CSW-ers, including Sarah Ladd Meiklejohn ’66 and her husband, Jon, Judy City Bernstein and her husband, Al, and my roommate Marsha Thomas Cymerman ’68 and her husband, Allen. I joined in zoom sessions with Richard Shapiro ’66, Tony Barnston ’66, and Ed Hamilton ’66, and almost got to see Glenn Wright ’66 in Maine. I’ve also had a lot of email and text chats with some of you, and I am grateful for our continued contact. I encourage you all to reach out to one another any way you can. There may be some who could use an extra hug that we aren’t aware of. We need to keep our family well and keep the love we have for one another bright. 2021 marks our 55th anniversary of graduation, and

Penny Witte Allderdice ’49 with some feathered friends!

Heather Reed ’66 enjoying a walk along the beach and finding nature along the way.

soon we’ll begin planning our reunion (April 30 – May 2, 2021). It will be virtual this time. Jill Harkaway ’66 has kindly offered to help me as a co-organizer, and she and I have already attended a zoom preplanning meeting. Reunion can be anything we choose it to be, and CSW is behind us 100%. We can have a virtual talent show, brunch, cocktail hour, dinner, discussion group, memorial service, break into small groups, etc. If anyone would like to volunteer to help or has special ideas and requests for our reunion, please let me know. Granted, it won’t be nearly the same as being on campus, and topping our 50th will be hard to do,

Steve Webber ’62 visting the CSW Costume Shop.

but the one great benefit of going virtual is that we can hopefully bring in our classmates who live remotely or overseas. It might even be the first time we’ve “seen” them since graduation. If anyone’s contact information has changed, please let me know so I can update my records and notify the school. Blessings to each of you. I hope to see you in April if not before. — Heather Heath Reed ’66, Class Agent/Den Mother Anki Wolf ’67: Although 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, I had three grandchildren this year. My older son, Matt, and his wife had a baby boy in late August,

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