DREAM Newspaper Summer 2012

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The Newspaper of Harlem RBI | DREAM Charter School

Written by Harlem RBI and DREAM Youth

Building the Future

Volume 20 Issue 1 Summer 2012

By NAYA SOLOMON, 6th Grade

DREAM Charter School will be located on 224 East 104th Street near Second Avenue. Alongside the new school building will be low-income housing. “Yes,” Liza said, “Here is how it works. This is all one building split into three units: The school, the Harlem RBI space and the housing complex for rent. To obtain an apartment, you must fill out a lottery application. Out of the 89 units available, 25 percent is set aside for residents of Washington Houses and another 50 percent is set aside for Community Board 11 residents. Our goal is to get East Harlem residents into our building.” That got me thinking. WHY would you want East Harlem residents in this building? What makes this building any better than all the others? Then I thought, “This school may be better too.” I had to ask. The school will be open in time for DREAM’s 2014 school year.


apital Project Manager, Liza Gray and I had a spectacular interview, and it was loaded with amazing information on the newest addition to Harlem RBI | DREAM Charter School. Liza told me about the overwhelming process she went through as a Capital Project Manager for the new building that will house DREAM Charter School. Liza emphasized how much dedication and hard work goes into something like this. We went deeper into the details of building DREAM Charter School and all the steps it will take to make it a success. This project will cost between $80 and $90 million in total. You wonder what’s in this school that it costs so much, correct? How long the building period will be or the cost of supplies and speaking of supplies, how much do we need? This was the kind of “overwhelming process” Liza was talking about. Now, let’s see what’s so special about DREAM Charter School. This school will have a large gym, fitness room, art studio, media and resource library, music room, green roof, school garden, science lab and much more. This school sounds like four floors of excitement! Do you wish for YOUR child to attend? Today may be your lucky day! Currently, DREAM Charter School has grades K-4. When completed, the school will have K-8. All DREAM students have the opportunity to participate in Harlem RBI programs and play baseball and softball.

“Why is this school different from all the others? Why is it better?” This is the answer I received from Liza.

“This school is brand new! The teachers have a commitment to the students, not just on an academic level, but also to their well-being. They want them to grow up to be the best they can possibly be.” Hearing this made me feel confident that everyone was getting the best care and education they could possibly need, and seeing how your needs change as you age, I believe DREAM Charter staff can handle all the new emotions and drama. Your child will be in good hands! Liza isn’t the only one with high expectations. DREAM Principal Eve Colavito said, “My expectation and the expectation of every single person who works in this building, is that every one of our kids is going to go college.” Wouldn’t you feel confident in your child’s education with a principal like this? DREAM Charter School will be finished in the fall of 2014. The housing complex will be finished by December 2013. So far, Liza tells me there are no plans for other buildings or schools to be built for Harlem RBI, but, as they say, one project can lead to another. Now, having read this article, what are you thinking? It should be along the lines of: “Wow! I want to go to DREAM Charter School!” And for parents, “This sounds like the best place for my child to have an excellent education and have a good time! Where are the registration forms?” I am proud to say I support DREAM all the way and I can’t wait to drop by. See you there!

East Harlem goes to bat for Harlem RBI


on’t you love it when money goes to a good cause? In Harlem that’s exactly what happened. More than 1,000 people voted on projects that would split $1.54 million in the city’s first participatory budgeting process. This money comes from the discretionary budget of East Harlem Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito. In the end, six projects won and Harlem RBI | DREAM Charter School was one of them. Harlem RBI | DREAM won $250,000 to support the construction of a new office space and school on 224 East 104th Street! “We feel both humbled and honored to have won,” said Harlem RBI Executive Director Rich Berlin. “Humbled because the community chose us from many worthy and important projects in the running. Honored because it’s a privilege to do the work you’re passionate about.” Johnny Rivera, Director of Community and Government Affairs said, “We were successful in the participatory budgeting process because of our community engagement policy, which entails viewing community as a partnership in tackling social issues. We engaged in the process early on through the involvement of DREAM parents. During the election period, we pull out our natural base of supporters. It consists of graduates and their families. We also collaborated with

By Diamond Chinnnery, 7th Grade

other community organizations to get our message out to voters.” The other awesome projects that won were security cameras for public housing throughout Mark-Viverito’s district; playground improvements at Millbrook in the The participatory budgeting process delivers a big win for Bronx and DougDREAM Charter School students. Keyvon Jordan, Destini lass Houses in Man- Colon and Mawena Tafa are ready to build! hattan Valley; a van to provide senior transportation and Meals on Wheels delivery; purchase of laptops and other equipment for the Aquilar Branch of the public library on 110th Street; and a 3D ultrasound system for Metropolitan Hospital. This is true democracy in action. Who else agrees?



D.A. Vance Takes The Stand At Harlem RBI By Danielle Gboloo, 9th Grade


really enjoyed the process of preparing for the District Attorney Town Hall Meeting. The process began with finding out who the District Attorney of Manhattan was and getting background information on him such as who his parents were, what he has done for Manhattan as well as his education. Gathering this information with my fellow Angels and Pride teammates was a challenging task because there was so much we wanted to know and very little information we could get. The information we could not find were the questions we asked at the Town Hall Meeting. When deciding what questions to ask, we had to make sure they were well-researched and appropriate. Our questions were categorized from education to life path and lastly career. Having the categories and the questions, we then had to limit them due to the amount of time we had. One of our goals was to have everyone’s personal question answered by the District Attorney, and not allow the questions to be pushed aside. As the host of this outstanding Town Hall, it was my responsibility to introduce myself and explain Harlem RBI’s mission and how we help our community. Besides the introduction, I had to make sure that the District Attorney, my peers and I were in a comfortable place to discuss his success and learn anything he was willing to teach.

first-time offenses or minor infractions. This is their chance to tell the DA how they feel about it. It’s also important for the kids to hear the DA’s position and get a better understanding of the complex intricacies of the law.”

TeamWorks Program Coordinator Maiesha Josephs said “This is an important opportunity for our young people. Some of our students or their acquaintances are getting stopped and frisked and kids are getting locked up for

Although the process was long and challenging, it was worthwhile sitting down and listening to someone who serves an important role for the borough of Manhattan.

Cy Vance at the TeamWorks/DreamWorks Town hall Meeting on May 10.

2012 Seniors Star at Bids For Kids On Monday, June 4, Harlem RBI | DREAM Charter School held its annual gala, Bids For Kids. It was a remarkable show of generosity and building, and raised a record total of $2.7 million. Here’s what a few seniors had to say about the evening.

The 2012 Graduating Seniors celebrate their Harlem RBI journey at Bids For Kids.

“This event is really nice. It looks expensive! I will always cherish my experience at Harlem RBI, and this night is a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget.” –Oldanny Morillo “It’s beautiful. I wouldn’t mind being a part of something like this in the future. Maybe I’ll even host one day!” –Brian Paulino

Oldanny Morillo listens to Executive Director Rich Berlin’s speech at Bids For Kids.

“I’m amazed at the amount of money raised tonight. And I’m grateful for the wonderful opportunity to be here. Meeting Mark Teixeira was one of the greatest moments of my life. –Patricia Vazquez

Tex In Search Of All-Stars M

By Keila Calix, 10th Grade

ark Teixeira, first baseman for the New York Yankees, is a proud supporter of Harlem RBI | DREAM Charter School. Mark’s grassroots campaign, Dream Team 25, calls on his fans to buy a brick in support of Harlem RBI and DREAM’s capital project. When donors give to the campaign, they get a chance to be selected for Mark’s All-Star Team. All-Stars will enjoy a trip to New York City, a game at Yankee Stadium and dinner with Mark. Donors can give by visiting dreamteam25.org I believe Dream Team 25 is a worthwhile cause. Throughout my journey as an adolescent I have came across many obstacles. These obstacles forced me to get out of my neighborhood of the Bronx and seek help. I opened my eyes and started seeing the real world. I came out of my comfort zone and made the steps of doing something productive with myself, as long as it kept me occupied and off of the streets. I always told my mother that I didn’t want to be like the individuals on the corner or my neighbors that didn’t attempt to get an education. When I entered high school I was introduced to a program with a mission that aligned with mine. I loved the sport of softball, enjoyed watching baseball, but wanted a program that provided me with academic programs that allowed me to be a successful individual in college and life. Editor in Chief Keila Calix Publisher Harlem RBI | DREAM Charter School

Harlem RBI Report

Staff Reporters Jeremy Callender Diamond Chinnery Brianna Madden Anthony Martinez Naya Solomon

New York Yankee Mark Teixeira asks you to step up to the plate at dreamteam25.org. Pictured here at Bids for Kids with Alex Wagner of MSNBC and Goldman Sachs COO and President, Gary Cohn.

Harlem RBI was that program. Harlem RBI and DREAM Charter School need your help to support even more students just like me. Please make that happen by supporting Mark’s Dream Team 25 and buy a brick today!

Contributing Staff Mawena Tafa Joseline Cadiz The 4th Grade Danielle Gboloo Tigers, DREAM Jessica Jimenez Charter School Jacob Persaud-Toro Patricia Vazquez Jenia Reyes Naté Robinson

Photos Hannah Baek Amanda Berns Cesar Carrasco Jen Chau Stephanie Cowling Robyn German

Elz Cuya Jones Gene Taylor Ferris Vanderveer Ellen White Designer Mike Newton

Editorial Offices 333 East 100th Street New York, NY 10029 212.722.1608 www.harlemrbi.org

Submissions: We encourage students and alumni of all ages to contribute to the Harlem RBI Report. Prospective authors should contact the Communications department prior to submitting manuscripts. Please write to Elz Cuya Jones, Director of Communications, via email at ecuyajones@harlemrbi.org or call 212.722.7105 ext. 247.


Harlem RBI Report | Summer 2012




id you know that the graduation rate in East Harlem is 54%? Or that one in four African-American males and one in six Hispanic males spend time in prison? Or that 95% of youth held in detention centers are African-American or Hispanic? Harlem RBI is an after-school baseball, softball and academic enrichment program located on East 100th between 1st and 2nd Avenues. It’s their mission to provide youth with opportunities to play, learn and grow by using the power of teams to coach, teach and inspire. 98% of Harlem RBI participants graduate high school and 94% of Harlem RBI participants are accepted to college. How does playing baseball and softball at Harlem RBI act as a deterrent in keeping youth off the streets and on a road to success? The staff at Harlem RBI encourages students to do well in school and also expects them to go to college. Harlem RBI gives kids many opportunities and surrounds them with influential people who inspire them to do well, and has a year-round program for students who might otherwise be out on the streets. At Harlem RBI you are expected to do well. Harlem RBI participants from grades 9-12 are expected to complete two hours of study hall a week. If you are failing any classes you are also expected to complete tutoring hours in addition to the study hall. Harlem RBI is also very active in helping youth with college. Harlem RBI teaches and assists students in researching, applying and getting into college. Participants for grades 9-12 have the opportunity to leave the country and go to France. This is an opportunity that most young people do not have. At Harlem RBI you also have the opportunity to play the sport you love in many different states with the Harlem RBI Travel Teams. At Harlem RBI participants are surrounded by many positive influences. One example is members from Harlem RBI Legends (the program for college students)

Shaquan Love, DreamWorks, at Harlem RBI’s Youth Networking For Success Senior Dinner.

often come back to talk to and even in some cases work with the youth. People on the Harlem RBI staff are also great mentors, from the classroom to the baseball or softball field. Coaches are a big influence on our lives because they not only support us in baseball or softball but also help us build confidence and determination. Harlem RBI also offers a summer program. During the summer, Harlem RBI participants either take part in the REAL Kids summer programs or work summer jobs. Without a summer program kids would most likely be outside on the streets. REAL Kids teaches youth the fundamentals of baseball and softball but also helps youth develop social, emotional, literacy and academic skills. Summer jobs through Harlem RBI give youth the opportunity to develop work skills and gain experience for the future. There are practices and games during the week and on weekends, which helps Harlem RBI participants stay active over the summer. Harlem RBI creates a safe and healthy environment that all youth should have. Harlem RBI keeps kids on a road to success. Harlem RBI gives kids the opportunity to surround themselves with good people to help them become successful now and in the future.

Go to College: You Got This! A

s a sophomore in high school, a question that has come up in conversations with my friends is “Do we want to go to college?” Many of them are honest enough to say that it is for partying, leaving home and other things not related to actually getting a degree. My other friends take into consideration that high school is not the end of their education, it continues through college so they can pursue their careers. I believe I fall with those students that really see their future and know what they want in life. As we begin to reach the age where independence comes into place, we are able to realize that college is not free. It is another huge step into education and adulthood. Living in a home with a single parent in the Bronx is a daily challenge that has not only allowed me to grow, but has allowed me to identify my identity. I have come across the struggles of seeing my mother cry over bills, raising my younger brother and focusing in school while dealing with so much pain. I haven’t let these challenges be the reasons why I don’t do well, but I have used my challenges as my tool to work harder and take advantage of all the opportunities offered to me. Many of my friends haven’t received preparation for completing high school, and others simply don’t believe school is for them. As an individual trying to be the first in my household to attend college, I work to the best of my abilities. All of my friends that are seniors look at college differently; some say it is too much money, others say they don’t have good grades so they have to attend a community college and regret not trying harder in high school and many

By Keila Calix, 10th Grade

others believe they only need a high school diploma. Even though making the decision of attending college or not is a dilemma, always remember that you can receive help in your community or school. It will not look for you though, you must look for it. One of the hardest things anyone can experience is to want something and not be able to receive it. The average annual tuition (plus expenses) at a private four-year college is about $35,000. Take into consideration that this is the cost on a yearly basis; attending the college for four years means you will be paying $140,000. It is hard, but I’m going to provide you with the same advice I give my friends. If you play with your education as if it were a toy, you better start now and focus on your education. You must work to the best of your ability because there are people out there that can’t get an education and really want it. If you are in high school and are doing your best, continue to do well, because there is more education available. Many people don’t know that once you are enrolled in a high school, competition begins because everyone is working hard to be recognized, people want to go to good colleges, and lastly they want scholarships. In our country now, you can receive a scholarship for so many things, but you have to give it your all. Therefore don’t be the one to use college tuition as an excuse, and instead do what you have to do to get what you want. So while in high school, realize that it’s not only you trying to accomplish a goal, but many others so be on top of your game and do your best. The word “can’t”should not be included in your dictionary because you can! If I Can Do It So Can You!





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harlemrbi.org dreamschoolnyc.org dreamteam25.org

Harlem RBI Board of Directors Kenneth Rosh Chairman

Sarah Haga Mark Teixeira Michele Joerg Don Truesdale Chris Leonard Gregg Walker Meghan Bracken Gilbert Liu Claudia Zeldin Todd Builione Kirk McKeown David Cohen Colbert Narcisse Peter Daneker Jeff Samberg Katherine DeFoyd Vik Sawhney Ramon Dominguez Robert Sheehan Stuart A. Fraser David Sobotka Maria Guadalupe- Jamie B.W. Stecher Sharp

DREAM Charter School Board of Trustees

Harlem RBI Home Run Leadership Council

Richard Berlin Chair

Mark Teixeira Chair

Keith Hernandez Jeff Idelson

Josh Goldstein Michele Joerg Brad Mak Elizabeth Pawlson Melissa Perez Andres Satizabal Natashia Veras Eric Weingartner Claudia Zeldin

Bill Bartholomay Michael Buckley Ken Burns Charlie Butler Robert Costas Francis X. Farrell Jim Flanigan Daniel M. Healy

Marc Jaffe Chair Emeritus Bob Kerrey Omar Minaya Sharon Robinson John Scotti Arleen West

Harlem RBI All-Star Committee Stephen Bellwood Adam Bloom Christopher Capece Daniel Cohen Rosanna Delia Elyse Dreyer Adam Fisher Nicole Foster Tom Fraser Joyce Fu Rob Georges

David Kelley Erin Kelly Rebecca Kerr and Timothy Forrester Michael Klein Scott Lefever Brett MacMinn Chad Martin Michael Moutenot Guy Potvin Perry Rahbar

Alberto Reyes Adam Rossol Allison Sacks Andres Satizabal Patrick Sissman Emily Stecher Nicholas Thorne





can say my first year of college at SUNY Albany was an amazing roller coaster with many high and low points, yet all together a great learning experience. If I could highlight a few key moments in my college career thus far, it would have to be my move-in day, the end of first and second semester, and move-out day. Move-in day was one pivotal moment in my college career because it showed me the reality of this next step. When I received my key, it made it real that I would be living on “Indian Quad, Adirondack Hall, Room 301” with my roommates, Kathleen and Trishorn, for ten months trying to figure out this thing called college. I felt both excited to embark on this journey and nervous of the outcome, but most of all, I felt ready to take this next step and knew once I unpacked my room and my parents drove off, there was no turning back. The second and third key moments in my first year of college were the end of first and second semester. By the end of first semester, I really needed to reevaluate what major and career I wanted to pursue. I came out of my first semester disappointed and really confused because my whole life I was told I would be a doctor and pursued it because I was good at math and science in high school, so I thought: “why not?” What I didn’t realize was I really didn’t have a true burning passion for these subjects therefore I really wouldn’t love my job the way I should. I did not know what I wanted or what path to take for the first time in my life and this scared me. There was no game plan to follow and I had to start from scratch. So all I could do was pick myself up, press the restart button and jump in headfirst. At the end of my second


PMG is one of the largest professional services firms in the world. It is also considered one of the big four auditors along with PricewaterhouseCoopers.

I had the opportunity to participate in the KPMG mentoring program at Harlem RBI. The program pairs KMPG’s personnel with Harlem RBI’s participants. We have the privilege to get to learn about corporate America, gain tips on professionalism, and simply have fun while learning. All the mentors and mentees are female. This allowed us to have great communication and help one another. I personally joined this program as an excuse to stay out

Jessica Jimenez in her dorm room at SUNY Albany.

semester I proved to myself that I could pick up the pieces of first semester, do a complete 180 degrees in my academics and find my real passion. I went from terminal probation on a biology track that I hated, to a 3.0 GPA on a psychology track in a matter of four months. This showed me that I was capable of being successful in college. I realized my passion and joined many school activities like crew and Amnesty International. The final key moment for me was move-out day. The reason why this was a pivotal moment in my life was because it was the closing of my freshman year chapter and told me it was time to get ready to embark on this next step called sophomore year. This also made me extremely proud because of the amount of growth and progress I had made throughout this year and how not many people I knew could say they were able to go through their first year of college and then go on to a second. As I look back, although there were many highs and lows, I wouldn’t change one day of my freshman year because I feel stronger and wiser from that crazy process of finding myself and knowing this is just the beginning. of the house. However, along the way I grew to love this phenomenal program. The mentors were awesome, friendly and intelligent. Terryl Cote of KPMG said, “When I volunteered for this program I wasn’t sure what to expect but I have to say I truly had a wonderful time. The girls were so full of enthusiasm and eager to share that it became the highlight of my week. I would say that I probably got more out of the experience than the girls. I believe we get wrapped up just getting through our day and the drama in our own lives we forget about the struggles of others, especially the children that are caught up in it all. This program helped me to bring that back into focus and I hope that my participation has had some positive impact on at least some of the girls. They sure have had an impact on me.” Brandi McGrier of Harlem RBI said, “To me, the mentoring program was a comfortable place where you could express yourself. I could always be me. My mentor encouraged me to be more efficient in school and to always be a leader.” All in all, I think I became more confident and open-minded. I owe it all to my involvement in the KPMG mentoring program.

A Tour de Force I

Patricia Vazquez and the Eiffel Tower.

t was the first time I was traveling away from America, let alone my first time on a plane period. The trip to France was a big deal for me and I will always be thankful to Harlem RBI for allowing me to have this opportunity. France is beautiful and the Eiffel Tower is definitely all that people say it is. I believe that while being in France a part of me changed and a large part of me grew up. I won’t ever forget our third day on the mountains of Villard de Lans. Ethan and I were skiing down the black trails because we had progressed faster than the others. Don’t get me wrong, black was still very difficult for us, but Ethan and I loved a challenge. So we were up there on the tip top of the mountains and all you could hear was silence, Mother Nature and the skis cutting the ice and snow. It was something so surreal and heartwarming.

WHAT WOULD YOU BUILD? Watch the new Harlem RBI | DREAM Charter School 2012 Film that premiered at Bids for Kids. WHAT WOULD YOU BUILD? captures the past, present and future of Harlem RBI and DREAM. View it here: youtube.com/harlemrbi2

If you like the video, share it with your friends!

By Patricia Vazquez, 12th Grade

Here I was in another country where no one knew me besides the people I was traveling with but I felt welcomed skiing down the slopes in complete silence. I felt welcomed into a completely different world that I would have never in a million years imagined that I would be there. Being up there in those mountains I felt free to just be me. It gave me a lot of time to think, and I spent the rest of the trip thinking “I’m a senior!” and I had just found out I got accepted to Wheaton College and that’s a lot to take in. I realized up there in those mountains that this was something I wanted to do, travel to every part of the earth and learn about each place and in turn learn something new about me. On our last day in France we went up to the Eiffel Tower and the looks on my peers’ faces, it was something so different, we couldn’t believe it.


Harlem RBI Report | Summer 2012


15 Years in the Making: An Interview with Rich Berlin By Jeremy Callender, 6th Grade


hen I first walked into his office, I have to admit I was nervous. I was meeting the man who is the leader of Harlem RBI. But he turned out to be a great guy. It all started in 1994 when Rich was a volunteer coach for the Harlem RBI Monarchs. Back in the day the Monarchs were not such a good team. They were 1-18. A year later, Rich came to work at RBI as the baseball and softball director (like Vince Coleman). In 1997, Rich became the Executive Director of RBI–15 years and counting. I asked Rich if he loves his job and of course he said “Yes, its RBI.” Rich says it’s the best job he has ever had. He has had a couple of jobs. One in a restaurant and as a worker in a newspaper program. Those jobs were just seasonal– six months tops. Rich says he might not work at RBI for the rest of his life but he will never have a job as good as this one. Rich has been a baseball fan since he was a kid. He has blue in his blood; being a diehard New York Yankees fan. Rich is excited to have a partnership with Mark Teixeira who is the first baseman of the Yankees, and now a board member at Harlem RBI. It is funny, one of Rich’s favorite moments was in 1994 when the Monarchs made the championship game at the Yankee’s stadium. They lost 1-17 but Rich never gave up on them. Rich is really excited about the new building that will be a permanent home for DREAM Charter School, and headquarters for Harlem RBI. He said, “It has taken a long time to get us to the point where we’re ready to build and it’s going to take a couple of years to build. But when it gets done I think it’s going to be one of the nicest schools and community centers that anybody’s ever seen and most importantly I think it’s going to be a great symbol of what a special place Harlem RBI and DREAM Charter School is for the kids. I want the school building to represent our work in the same way that the field does. Our Field of Dreams is really beautiful. I want our new building to be that beautiful.”

TeamBuilder Learning Coach Emilyn Sosa, Harlem RBI Executive Director Rich Berlin and budding journalist Jeremy Callender, Eagles.

In the future, Rich hopes to have a bigger and better program. He hopes that RBI gets stronger and stronger every year. Rich wishes to have DREAM Charter School not only be the best school in East Harlem, but the best in the state. Rich spent a lot of time with the program and tries to talk to the youth everyday. He believes that talking to kids is much more interesting than talking to adults. Rich also hopes that one day Harlem RBI will go international. Once Rich went to Cape Town, South Africa and met the coach of a team that had no field to play on. Rich promised to build them a field next year and so he’s working on that now with Harlem RBI staff. But before that, Rich is hoping to bring RBI to the South Bronx. When Rich reflected on how RBI used to be, he mentioned having fewer kids and only one full-time staff member–that was him. The office was small, the uniforms were dirty and worn, and the equipment was not as new. But the things that were important has never changed–and that’s a good thing. Thank God to have a leader like Mr. Rich Berlin.

Thank You to Our Team Sponsors! 18U BASEBALL


BGC Partners Grays Sponsored by BGC Partners

Highbridge Capital Stars Sponsored by Highbridge Capital

Samlyn Capital Kings Sponsored by Samlyn Capital, LLC

EmblemHealth Tigers Sponsored by EmblemHealth

18U SOFTBALL McCord Lady Yanks Sponsored by Kathy Moskal McCord Cantor Fitzgerald Lady Royals Sponsored by Cantor Fitzgerald 16U BASEBALL Delta Air Lines Monarchs Sponsored by Delta Air Lines Kensington Pride Sponsored by Kensington Publishing 16U SOFTBALL Baker Hostetler Saints Sponsored by Baker Hostetler KPMG Angels Sponsored by KPMG

14U SOFTBALL Tiger Global Comets Sponsored by Tiger Global and Scott Schleifer Harlem Shambles Jaguars Sponsored by Rebecca Kerr & Timothy Forrester 12U BASEBALL

BilSum Blue Sox Sponsored by Scott Eichel

Rector Park Pilots Sponsored by Josh Brodie

Goldman Sachs Gives Peaches Sponsored by Jeff Verschleiser

BAML Keystones Sponsored by Bank Of America

Emanuel’s Red Wings Sponsored by Ilan Stern Durk’s Daisies Sponsored by TJ Durkin PBAR Sallies Sponsored by Perry Rahbar REAL KIDS JACKIE ROBINSON LEAGUE Hector’s ABC’s Sponsored by Glenn Hadden

BCF Eagles Sponsored by Bulldogs Care Foundation

Bewtra Barons Sponsored by Neeraj Bewtra


EC Crawfords Sponsored by Eric Childs

Sawhney Ravens Sponsored by Vik Sawhney REAL KIDS SHARON ROBINSON LEAGUE Holly’s Angels Belles Sponsored by Keith Lind & Jesse Litvak

All-Star Hornets Sponsored by Shiv Chakraborty Schwenkel Knights Sponsored by Robert Schwenkel Thunder & Lightning Sponsored by Chris Leonard

REAL KIDS CLEMENTE LEAGUE NFP Arenas Sponsored by National Financial Partners MKZS Aztecas Sponsored by Ken Rosh Brunswick Group Coquis Sponsored by Brunswick Group Hahn Foundation Gigantes Sponsored by Philip J. Hahn Foundation Starkey Leones Sponsored by Renee Reso The Social Operation Lobos Sponsored by The Social Operation Bank of America Piratas Sponsored by Bank of America Sheehan Senadores Sponsored by Robert & Elizabeth Sheehan

All-Star Committee Tainos Sponsored by David Kelley Adam Bloom Chris Capece Robert Georges Michael Klein Patrick Sissman Emily Stecher DC Kids Tiburones Sponsored by Don & Christina Truesdale OpSec Tigres Sponsored by OpSec Securities Locos Vaqueros Sponsored by Tom Fraser & Giselle Quesada HANK AARON ROOKIE LEAGUE E/A & Friends Athletics Sponsored by Elyse & Anthony Dreyer Karen Freeman Jeffrey Mishkin & Patricia Clarke Kenneth & Bettina Plevan Cooper Cardinals Sponsored by Robert & Edith DuPuy Cassidy Turley Dodgers Sponsored by Nicky Heryet and Stephen Bellwood

Will & Trey Giants Sponsored by Thomas H. Patrick Thorne Bros. Marlins Sponsored by Nicholas and Nathan Thorne STPG Mets Sponsored by Renny Paige Danal Abrams Rob Bigelow Andrew DiMiero Bill Jenkinson David Klinges Jim Marley Brandon Martindale Jim Smith Dan Stoddard Steve Wendt Anonymous Arndt Diamondbacks Sponsored by Christopher & Patricia Arndt The Walsh Family Yankees Sponsored by the Walsh Family 18U TRAVELING BASEBALL TEAM Sponsored by Random House ALUM TEAM Sponsored by Pete Daneker With Special Thanks to Toskan Casale Foundation



DREAMERS Explore Americana At the core of DREAM’s language arts curriculum is the belief that children learn to read and write best by reading and writing. In celebration of Independence Day, below we have writing samples from two DREAM Charter School fourth graders on two very important figures in American history.

Abigail Adams

By Mawena Tafa, 4th Grade

Abigail Adams is best known for writing letters to her husband, the second president of America, about women rights. Abigail Adams was a Patriot. That means she was a colonist and didn’t like the fact that Britain, which is known as England, taxed them in America. The colonists didn’t get to vote but still had to pay extra money for things they bought. Other than that she was a Christian. Abigail Adams was very interesting. Abigail’s early life was almost like any other colonist’s. She lived in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Nobody knows the exact date she was born but it was around 1744. As a child, her mother thought she was a tomboy. Abigail loved to explore however, her mother said it’s not ladylike to go to public places. Abigail didn’t go to school but became very smart by reading many books. Abigail grew up to be a very nice lady. Abigail had a mammoth family. Her parents, William Smith and Elizabeth Quincy had four children. Their first born was Mary, Abigail’s older sister. Next, was Abigail. She was born two years after Mary. Two years later Will was born, and after Will came Elizabeth. She was named after her mother. Abigail got married in October 25, 1764 to her husband, John Adams. They had five children. She had three sons and two daughters. Abigail had a very big family. Abigail was a woman however, she still helped in the American Revolution. Abigail played a very important role in the revolution. Did you know women fought in the Revolutionary War too? However, Abigail didn’t go to war. She inspired women to go to war. She wrote to John Adams and he did something about it. Women got to fight, plus, they helped heal hurt men. A woman named Mary Ludwig Hays, also known as Molly Pitcher, delivered pitchers of water to soldiers in battle. If Abigail didn’t write to her husband, the colonists would not have gotten help from the women. That could change history. It’s a good thing Abigail Adams wrote to her husband. There are lots of interesting things about Abigail Adams. When she was a kid, people called her Nabby. Did you know as a baby she got baptized? Her father also owned a church. Don’t you think her family had enough presidents? One of her sons, John Quincy Adams became sixth president of America. John Adams died in 1826 when his son was becoming president.

I Am Not Going To Sway In The Breeze

Abigail died before John in early October, 1818. She had a sickness called Typhus. John got buried next to Abigail. Abigail Adams is a very important person. Her life was very interesting. You learned about her early life, her family and contributions to the revolution. Things wouldn’t be the same without our formal first lady, Abigail Adams. She is truly a stupendous person. America wouldn’t be the same without Abigail Adams. History is very outstanding! Change one thing and it could have a major affect on the future. Three cheers for our once first lady, Abigail Adams!

DREAM students do-sa-do in “A Journey Through American Music.”

SAMUEl Adams

By Jacob Persaud-Toro, 4th Grade

Many people were in the Revolutionary War, Samuel Adams was one. He led a boycott against Britain. Did you know he didn’t ride a horse? If you don’t read this you’re going to be bored. If you do read this you won’t be bored. Now I think you would want to read this. Samuel had a good early life. On September 27, 1722 in Boston, Massachusetts Samuel Adams was born. When he went to school he studied Greek and Latin in a small schoolhouse. He entered Harvard College. Samuel graduated in 1740. Samuel had a family. Samuel married a woman named Elizabeth Checkley in 1749. In 1757 Elizabeth Checkley died. He married another woman named Elizabeth Wells in 1764. He also had a cousin named John Adams. Sadly, he didn’t have any children. Samuel also had a dog named Queue. Samuel was a part of the American Revolution. Samuel was a Loyalist, and then a Patriot. He also led a boycott against England to stop the colonists from buying things were heavily taxed. Samuel liked to spread the idea that England was bad. He was also a member of the government. Samuel was interesting. Samuel didn’t ride a horse. He used to wear old clothes. Sam liked to walk and talk. All of the other men in those days wore a wig and Samuel Adams didn’t wear a wig. He was governor of Massachusetts from 1759 to 1793. He was the first person to lead a boycott. Samuel Adams died October 2, 1803 Boston, Massachusetts. Samuel Adams is an important person because he was the first one to lead a boycott.

Diversity Rules By The 4th Grade Tigers, DREAM Charter School Diversity rules, it goes around the schools We’re all different colors but we’re sisters and brothers

By Brianna Madden, 6th Grade I am not going to sway in the breeze

We’re black and white and we shouldn’t fight Rosa, Martin, Malcolm X too fought for equal rights

I am too distracted by my own I will not be carried by the tornado,

They helped our dreams come true Integrity Rules Honesty, modesty, that’s a good policy

My mind goes the other way I am not going to watch the flowers “dance” I am too busy staying silent in my own beat

We wear different clothes, ties and bows We stand on top against our foes

I cannot feel the wind holding me My body has an armor of ink and lead that only talk into trees

Crazy in some ways but it’s still okay We’re here to stay

The mystery meant to be unfolded, is steadily wrapping around my finger

That’s why they call us the Tigers….. Grrr….HOORAY!

It is a lifeless life that walks with we so-called humans It is something that damaged one years ago, years ago, providing too much to be able to breathe without choking on himself It brings to life She fights He fights When we all fight against the hero, We are not villains.

Always in ready position at Harlem RBI.

Jada Knox is a 4th Grade Tiger at DREAM Charter School.


Harlem RBI Report | Summer 2012


Big Question:

Terence White, 11

Adrienne Berrios, 12



When was your favorite moment on the field?

When I caught a line drive on right field. My team was happy. We were behind and then we won.

When we’re all communicating. When we tell each other where to go. It feels good because we’re all connected.

Essence Torres, 15

Miranda Rodriguez, 16

Ricky Joyce, 15



When we’re in the dugout cheering our teammates. It feels good to support them.

Batting, playing third, playing outfield. All of my favorite moments are being on the team.

My first catch on left field. I had never done that before. Not even in practice? Not even in practice.

Location: Central Park, during AIDS WALK NYC

Devin Rudolph, 12 Eagles

When we did a triple play at practice. We did that because we communicated.

Quiteria Matthew, 12 Ravens

When I hit a triple. I felt like I had power. I was on top of the world.


Wearing Our Pride By Keila Calix, 10th Grade


oday’s youth are known for many of the wrong things and not necessarily what they should be known as: Children making a change in their lives for the better. Many children do not have the privilege to be a participant of a phenomenal program such as Harlem RBI. Yes, the term RBI is used when playing softball or baseball but we are not only about sports. We use the power of teams to Coach, Teach and Inspire youth to recognize their potential and realize their dreams. Many individuals in East Harlem are very dubious and do not believe in juxtaposing their imagination with the real world. Harlem RBI is the place that provides kids with the help needed to accomplish goals and pursue careers. Recently, the participants of Harlem RBI celebrated an event known as Uniform Night. This year, the event was coined “The Greatest Uniform Night Ever.” Being on our field with our brother/sister teams and all the other teams brought joy to our faces. We had the privilege of having an RBI alumnus and two seniors as guest speakers. By our parents uniting on the bleachers, it showed the children that they have support from all around and they are not alone. Music was blasting, teams tore through banners, cameras were flashing and people were cheering. It made us all feel like we were graduating.

As graduating seniors, the Lady Yanks tear through their banner for the last time.

It isn’t about receiving the uniform and playing on the field, but knowing you are at a celebration with your family. It’s not about the free jersey, pants, socks, visor and fitted; but the feeling that all your hard work from September to March has been recognized. Big smiles, laughter and hearts collaborating to allow us all to be grateful for the opportunities we have. This is the only event where all teams are united on the field together. That night was indeed the Greatest Uniform Night Ever.

Lessons Learned On The Road

By Brianna Madden, 6th Grade


he shots, the fall, the unexpected player, the perfectly pitched inning, the fun and the good teamwork. These are the highlights of Harlem RBI’s Eagles first baseball game in 2012. The Harlem RBI Eagles are the sixth grade boys’ baseball team in Teambuilders. Their coach is Angel Perez and their Learning Coach is Marcellus Foster. Their game took place in Connecticut–a big deal because it was the first scrimmage of the season. “We had good teamwork,” said Kevin Jerez. “The most challenging part was getting used to the distance from the pitching mound to home plate. It was a longer than the field we practice on.” “Even though we lost, we still kept our heads up,” said Devin Rudolph. The final score was 10-8, but it didn’t matter to the Eagles because they counted the innings they won. This means they focused only on the score of each inning. After asking about their feelings toward the loss, Jeremiah Caraballo said, “I was happy because we accomplished something we never did.” The Eagles get ready for a big year ahead.

Since the opposing team was about a year older than the Eagles, most of them were nervous because of how tall they were. But in the end, “It was awesome. It was fun too,” said Ivan Guzman.

Opening Day for the 2012 Saints

By Joseline Cadiz, 10th Grade


his is my 5th opening day with Harlem RBI and while there are many things that remain the same each year, this one felt much different. As a team we are a year older, a year stronger and simply better. Despite our differences we all have come together through all of our Saturday Winter Practices because we knew this day would come–Opening Day and all the promises of a new season. The excitement was definitely everywhere from the stands to the dugout. We were looking fresh with our new mostly all black uniform and we were ready to compete. The field was crisp, the grass seemed perfect, and the sun was shining. “Play Ball!” yelled the umpire. The game was on. I played center field that day and though I didn’t get a hit I felt good because I hit the ball to the outfield. But ultimately I felt really happy and excited because we won our game! The game ended in a mercy against our younger sister team the Angels.

The Saints rock their colors on the Field of Dreams.

join Mark

ABOUT HARLEM RBI AND DREAM CHARTER SCHOOL Harlem RBI, a 501(c)3 non profit organization, began in 1991 when a group of volunteers transformed an abandoned, garbage-strewn lot into two baseball diamonds for the youth of East Harlem. Since then, Harlem RBI has grown to serve more than 1,200 boys and girls, ages 5-22, with year-round academic, sports and enrichment programs.


in Leveling the Field and Building the Future

Harlem RBI and DREAM Charter School are changing more lives and growing faster than ever. Last year, Harlem RBI launched a capital campaign to build an innovative mixed-use facility in its community of East Harlem. The building will include program and office space for Harlem RBI, a permanent home for DREAM Charter School, low-income housing for East Harlem families and a newly renovated public park where the community can play, learn and grow. Join Mark Teixeira and become a Dream Team 25 member by making a donation today.

Be an All-Star and Meet Mark Teixeira! There are two ways to join Mark’s All-Star Team: 1. Donate a minimum of $25 and SHARE YOUR STORY. Mark will select a new All-Star each month! 2. Tell your friends to donate. At the end of the campaign, the top two donors who bring in the most friends get to join the All-Star Team. All-Stars spend a day with Mark at Yankee Stadium for a game, dinner and more!

Harlem RBI’s comprehensive approach to youth development replaces the barriers inner-city youth typically face with concrete opportunities to build the skills and confidence needed to graduate high school, matriculate to college and break the cycle of poverty. Since 2005, 98% of Harlem RBI seniors have graduated high school, 94% of seniors have been accepted into college and 99% of participants have avoided teen parenthood. In 2008, after 17 years of working in East Harlem and producing exceptional results, Harlem RBI opened DREAM Charter School. DREAM’s mission is to prepare students for high-performing high schools, colleges and beyond through a rigorous academic program that develops critical thinkers who demonstrate a love of learning, strong character, and a commitment to wellness and active citizenship. DREAM Charter School inspires all students to recognize their potential and realize their dreams. Today the school serves 250 students and will grow one grade each year until it reaches capacity at 450 students, grades K-8. www.harlemrbi.org

• www.dreamschoolNYC.org


LOOK INSIDE TOP STORIES | Building the Future. Front East Harlem Goes to Bat for Harlem RBI. Front

333 East 100th Street

N e w Yo r k , N Y 1 0 0 2 9

SPORTS | Wearing Our Pride. Page 7 Opening Day for the 2012 Saints. Page 7 Lessons Learned on the Road. Page 7 LOCAL | D.A. Vance Takes the Stand at Harlem RBI. Page 2 2012 Seniors Star at Bids For Kids. Page 2 Tex in Search of All-Stars. Page 2 LIVES | Sunshine After the Rain: My First Year College Experience by Jessica Jimenez. Page 4 Senior Patricia Vazquez travels to France. Page 4 TeamBuilder Jeremy Callender interviews Harlem RBI Director Rich Berlin. Page 5 OPINION | Contributing Writer Naté Robinson shares the joys of Harlem RBI. Page 3 Editor Keila Calix breaks down why you need to go to college. Page 3 STYLE | Diversity Rules: Poetry from the 4th Grade Tigers of DREAM Charter School. Page 6 I Am Not Going to Sway in the Breeze: Poetry by Brianna Madden. Page 6 DREAMers Explore Americana. Page 6

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