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The Parabola Foundation
Parabola is committed to a number of charities through the Foundation. This includes Aurora Orchestra, Bowel & Cancer Research, Hawthorn Primary School, Hexham Book Festival, Kings Place Music Foundation, Poverty Relief Foundation, Ruwenzori Sculpture Foundation and Music in Detention.
Poverty Relief Foundation
Poverty Relief Foundation is a small charity operating in north-western Tanzania concentrating on providing clean water and classrooms for rural communities. The first project — a water tank — was completed in 2000 and the first well in 2005. Generous donations, including from Parabola Foundation, have enabled the foundation to fund many more wells and classrooms.
Ruwenzori Sculpture Foundation
The foundation hosts artist residencies that are designed to cross-fertilise expertise and inspiration. After purchasing land in 2004 in the Ruwenzori Mountains of Uganda, they established a gallery, visitor house and workshops, with three Ugandans recruited for intensive training in bronze casting. The result has been a body of high-quality artworks since its inception.
Dixon Jones
Dixon Jones are the architects and masterplanners of Edinburgh Park. They have a reputation for tackling highprofile projects in the arts and commercial sectors as well as large-scale masterplans, bespoke projects and mixed-use buildings, and have worked successfully with Parabola for over a decade, perhaps most notably on Kings Place in central London.